HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-08-14, Page 2THE GODERICIT SIGNAIrStAR
_Zwick *tali:W.4"
Thites----Canada and Great P.00 a Year" ;
tillvoztioass Itatea newest. Authoeland as Second-class mail, Post Mee
DenartMent, Ottawa. Telephone 71 ,
Sworn, Circulation Over 2,750
What's VI rOlag with. the world'?
Nature is doing her shake., Rivera are
running ; the sun- is 441.11113g birds are
Singing; the earth is yiefcliag its fruits
for the supply of food: there is 'na-
tural provision for ciotliting, and shel-
ter; and in addition science has pro-
duoed wonderful inventions that have
raade life for humans eaater and more
(Ottawa Journal)
retirement of civil ervatats at sixty-
five come -a word of a proposed similar
step for the civil service of (Ontario.
%here is this thing going to stop?
For if we go on with this business of
hontising babies at one end and pen-
sioning off people at the other, we must
soo er on later arrive at- the position
where one-half of ,the population will
be liaimg off the other half, the while
depriviog ourselves of the brain.§ and
usefulness of a lot of people who might
avntribute usefully to us.
And why all thi§ hurry to siaelve
people away? Economists, that ter-
rifYing tribe. tell ul that it is to make
work for others. W,e11, if that is the
reason, why dl-aw a line at sixtY-five?
Why not fifty-five, and if that doesn't
do rthe trick, go right down to fifty or
forty" That, if the. economists be
right, must solve the pro
--result in nobody doing a tap a work.
except a few striplings, and- all' the
others free to play golf, or go fishing.
THE FARM pop .
Sleep. Somehew or other, all of us at blem for keeps
Lazy Meadows are hoping that this
.olog will turn out to be a good old-
fashioned farm dog. Often in .the past
lyears we've hed had luck with war A Olt
pleasant: Yet in spite`of all this the'
pups, but this one comes from a farpily (Sault Ste. .11arie Star)
world is ill a terribly upeet. iitter7 The 'went loss of the Canadian
i of doge: that have had a couuty-wide
freighter Emperor, with a dozen of
state, and almost every day the news reputatioa for being good with the
is of . trouble here, there and every- 1 steek on the farm.
where, ' l a farm. Vou may w-a.nt him to. fetch Royale mystery—the unsolved disap-
ail- t he Lsows while yOu're doing the chores, pearance of the Canadian package
freighter Kamloops. -The Kamloops
tinct m rany were Looe fen Fezt
Willliatn, and. intending t ' r3nakO0,5-
5a0 ]lend gait by ,ciptuteXt.
Eamtaa +s wapi ouuly a quarter of a mile
as?6 .Of the QuedOn. and visnbUttY
oor. At
was low on- account of
Man is off oentre. tor round up a stray. animal for you on.
was last seen on the Iiight of Decern-
her tl,. 1927, in the vichaitY of Canoe
.'„ best clothes. .A dog t3hOtlId he able to
Rocks, where the Emperor went down.
THE SEAWAY ARGUMENT chase the chickens out 'of the garden
In a northerly gale, the Kamloops
• or -put a tough old sow out of the
:and the steamer Quedoc. were pushing
The Finaueial Pest publiehes the
replies received from a number of
Cana.dians to the que.stiou of the ad-
visability of .preceeding with the de -
Yelopment of the St. La WrellCe and
Great Lakes seaway. Ina own tam. -
ming up of the "replies is as follow's:
They stressed that the project
serould provide additional water-
power for future industrial ex-
pansiOn, andewould also serve 'RS
a bulwark against unemployment,
by providing wort for thousands.
There was less unanimity of °Pin-
ion on the navigational advantages
• of the seaway. Some sUggested
that it might prove a target. for
attack in the event of- another
war; but others held that this I
danger would be offset by the de-
fense advantages which such -a
tratts.phrtation route would offer.
. We" have not space to give all the
• replies, but we republish one 'from the
editor of The Port Arthur News -
Chronicle :
.Developthent of the St. LaWrellee
as a powan project probably would
bee advanta.geous to Eastern Can- .
-project Under present conditions
large lake 'carriers are not suitable -
for sea -going conditions, and there
might still. remain the necessity
.„,„fonn_tervasslaipmetat at seaboard.
Furtherimore, =rig' ZES.igiS" Were --
made' for use of channels by other
than Canadian and U.S. ships,
they World open the way to highly
unfair coriapetition of foreign ships.
with their lovaer st,andards of pay.
equipment . and operating condi-
tions. Generally there is no rea`son
why Canada and the United States
sheuld spend their money,to' give
others an advantage.
In a way this summarizes the whole
argument. Why spend millions of the
orchard. If he's a good dog he
up Lake Superior close together, the
as well as °a sense of duty. There's captain of the latter ship told inves- here on Tuesday of lastanantrein. a
all these things with a seuse of humor
• The democratic leaders of the United
Nations would probably.,dake speedier
,progiess in.solving some of the prob-
lems that beset- this old world if the
politicians could keep their, eyes off
the next election. Joe Stalin, hasn't
that to worry about and he gets things
The Wiarton Echo says of the young
man who died in Ale6ndra Hospital
TUUB II Y, AlgiausT t4t2k, 2Nr.
nothing as bad as a dog that goes
after every animal around the place
with a °savage desire to bite or maul.
A dog is also a good guardian for
the youngsters. Mother feels a lot
better when the aog ie on the front
lawn and watches over the child play-
ing in the crib. How many times she
also says when. the youngsters are
hea.dinga back to, the,. river for fishing
or swimming, "De sure yoa take the
dog with you."
I was interested the other day in
reading. an article to discover how ,
dogs happen to wear those fancy col -1
Jars of leather with the brass studs I
article. about 2,000 years, ago the
shepherd's. dog was a big, Iferecious
a.nimal used' to guard sheep from
wolves; The 'deag was equipped with
size and fighting ability to take on
the Wolves. The shepherd used to
fasten a heavy collar with studs on, it,
around the neck .of each dog. Wheh
the dog and the wolf tangled in a
battle the., wolf would invariably go
after the clog's neck. He got a mouth-
ful of Charp brass studs instead. So,
today, when we put fancy collars like
that around a dog's neck it stems
from that ancient custom. °
'Can you imagine, a sadder day I
around a farm than when theedog
dies? As a boy I' can remember hav-1
span of life. My father kept telling
me it was a shame to let the dog -live,
bet I wouldn't part 'with him. One
night he just up and died. I grieved
for a week: until one day in y 'father ,
came home with a puppy. He vvas I
Goderich French Dry Cleaners
Canadian taapayers' money on a pro-
ject of such doubtfill benefit?'
Guaranteed Mothproofing Service. ,traterproofing.
Phene 122
THAT USES ilew MeAsiot
1)64."- 4041P I
Gus caret win! You'll find your "c:ar a lot speedier when
you switch to Shell Premium tr-asetbie supercho.rged with
2,2,4 Tri-inethYl-pentane (224 T.M.P. for short). New Shen
Precnicun Gasoline is 4 ways better (I) More power,
without knock (2),Quicker stositing (3) Foster pick-up (4)
' More miles per gallon! Get new Shen Prentium today!
being taken off the collier Frank H.
Brown :
Murdock McLay was the oldest of a
family of eight children. He had
served his country with the army
overseas during World "War II., and
had been home more than a year. He
attended Wiarton public school, end
had worked around Wiarton prior to
enlietment Upon returning from over-
seas he procured a motorcycle, on
vvhich he suffered an aceident last fall,
and death may have. resulted from
some injury received at that time. The
funeral is being held. today (August
7th) from the Henderson funeral home
and interment will be made in.Bayview
Wipter i..t.only three or four months
away—if that"s`;any comfort to petuile
termented by the August heat. •
If all the towns that are celebrating
soon a favorite pet.
longer than the (-expert", predicts.
• Torent-o's Mayor Saunders seems to .
have some of the practical„qaalities
that made New York's LaGuardia so '
efficient in the mayoral capacity. When
Saunders hears of' sonaerhing that
needs investigation. he investigates..
He closed a fishpond game et Sunny-
side'' when he found that none' of the
tin fish in,,the pond held' the ,numbers
corresponding to the numbers :for big
prizes. Then he discovered that. in a r
Eliminition 01 Wasfe
Fir"st Rule For Ilea
Itegalar elimination of linuitca
'from the body is one of thii'parse
mount rules for good- health. Mil -
burn's Lenre-Liver ere of help
to faulty Tha easbips-
-don of 'laxative' and tonie drugs
contained in these pills maks theca;
ono of: the =net useful sad bast'
remedies. for disordered.easiditlaa of I.
the eliminatory. organs.
sad eliminate 'wants train dos Ow
tam.' Ics- an "aftsi-ditiasi"
they relieve that blissied isertig and ',
Wu it. Beam OIL. Tipmelik Ogil
•or Money Back
Foe quick Lynette= itching of ectems„pimPica, ath.
ides foot, wales. scabies. rashes and otriee decimally
caused ckia trouble*, use fast.actini. cooling. dui -
septic, -liquid D. D. D. Preedip.tion. Giddied,
stainless. Sootheeirritatiou and quickinkope _intend
itching. 3Se trial bottle prodele, or di -day beck. Ad
M. Rawlinson ,Lleralted regularly matte
up and ship Household urniture. Con-
solidated Pool Care to Manitoba, Saskatch-
ewan,- Xlberta, British Columbia sued to
California. Write. wire orphone for reduced
Ircightrates tstubl Whet/ 1885.
611 Yonge St., Toronto. Kingsdala.5125
Lakeview Casino
Gordon Delamont anil his Orchestta
. One of the Most popular danceS!
ivimNrrE DANCE, AUG. 18, 12.05 a.m.
SUNDAY, AUG. 17, 9 p.m.
Plan on THIS one—only three more!
Because you .spend' only 'What piu can afford. -There .
.rnuch to do at little cost. Pack your own lunch and use the -
free picnic hall on the water's edge. We -have motor boat
riding—bicycles for rent--rowboats--movies—free Sunday
Concerts --;-and dancing every night.'
imidway game thrown hoops would fit
this year were founded one hunared
i neatly over the sthall prikes but Were
years ago'. 1847 must have beea a big
. not large enonah for 'the bigger prizes.
year' lin -old tpper .Canada.
!campaign among the restaurants (41
University graduates are warned
i the city and has had several of them.
. that they must brush up on. their
re_ i closed as unfit for public patronage;
He does not believe that collecting'
port on the anbject sugeraasts that it
money for -a license abeolves the city
might be well to look over the present
o! al' responsibility for the operations
school currichhuna. as there may be a
of ahe licensee. On the contrary. the
tendeney "to look on English as a sub -
of a license. he believes. in-
ject that must be earaed rather than. issuing
one which, is of dratunt
icipality, .More- power
of the largest emplo,yers of university
graduates in Canada, it is sta ted. de -
Please send further information and an applic:ation form
for the Ontario Farm Service Force.
to Mayor .
.e.lared that "many cannot properly ex- ,
So many coal ears hayebeen :shipped
prese themselves. in Englieb.. either
from Intited Statee points to Canada.
and have not been returned. that the
Verne's "Around the World in Eighty
sitnation is righted. In Canadian rail -
Days" 'was reiirartit,d as a fanciful tale, '
way yard§ frequently .may be seen ,
hardly to ,be realized in actuality..
freight cars belonging A() a dozen •dif- '
ferent -1.".S. railways. and no doubt
completed a trip around the *World
there are many Canadian ears in use
in seventy-thrW•hours and five min -
on' tallway - lines across the border.
tithe. More wondefful still, when he -
There. is usually a shortage Of freight
tween Alaska and Edmonton Odom. the .
and the railway people naake use
on safely .for an hour and forty min- ; of any cars at hand. no. matter to
avoid running .into some mountAins. 'In "al lo eSnOa is in effi'zt-'-at 1
on an around -the -world air trip.. take
ohe _with you to ..,,pen off.” taliation shipments of Canadian news-
al,mays someN,d5, print across the border be held up.
that there may
awate. Whuldn't that make the big news -
An expert declare -a that the life'. Ili(nve/er• it is' that these mat-
expeaancy of 'a hou.se ranges fr4= ters br cleared up before war Is
ittIrity to Ilfty years, but a lot of (.'hes- deibma,
ley people will continue to live in'their
homes. sc=cure b the thought that they' ..•••••my
ment,, Me...M if th2y have passed the
"ntperta'; elevc_Nr at Gilding out
Ann /T.o towng that am
otst ntty F?ara of age and are
sit far aa C.N.R. shitiments .pre
So. dear reader, when you start out
ONTA:00'S food crops are ripening .
faSt and young ptople, are urgently
needed so help harvest;frukt and vege.
tables for a hungry v4orld.
The Season of need extends from
August 5th to Oaober and pay
is good for every willing worker.
-For foul- weelFs spent -in the- out -oft.
doors, one way tranvortation will
be given Fon free. Return transpor-
tation is also yours if you remain until
harve,sting is completed.
*Share pleasure and profit with he
hundreds of young people who
Fill in the attached cOupon and join
the Pntario Farm Service Force without
No noi.a-ed camps or acme:oda:ion
Heai. shtmmering over green fields . the good smell of
rain on warm earth . . . and of -drying timothy and clover . . .
the barn a shadowy refuge from the sun.. .
Time now to be making arrangements for extra help, for har-
vestiog a d threshing crews . . . and money to finance operatio s
till the crop ks $Olci. Money to meet this need is always available
at the Royal Bank. Cali on your nearest branch manager and
discuss your loan requirements with- him.. Ask him, too, about
Farm Improveitent Loans and how they cap be used for the
benefit of the fa , the fat:mer and his family.