HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-08-14, Page 1• Stratford Picnic 41
at Harbor Parliti
• •
Kroehler Co. Employees Have a
Merry Time by the
Employees of the. Kroehler
iture Company of Stratford, with their
families, held their annual picnic in°
Harbor Park on Saturday afterimo.0
with a total attendance of nea,rly seven
hundred. A special train in the
Morning brought the greater number
of the picnickers, and others came by
On arrival of the train at the C.N.R.
station the visitors were met and- wel-
comed by a large representation of the
Goderich Board of Trade, headed by
a Vice-president Leo Walzat. Later in
the day Mayor D. D. -Mooney spoke to
the picnickersin Harbor park, exten-
ding a civitavvelcome and •the hope that
they would enjoy all the facilities for
entertainment in the park and at the
harbor. Fred Bryant, the genial mas-
ter of ceremonies, replied:
Mr. J. H. Wyatt, vice-president and
general manager of the Company, ex-
pressed high praise of the enthusiastic
welcome- accorded the picnickers; both
this year and last. That Goderieh is,
-and will be, a favorite spot was ev-
idenced, he said, when -a 'Vote was
• taken and the employees expressed
theinselves one hundred per cent. in
favor of Goderich. as the scene for the
The Senday evening concerts by the
Blue Water Baud in Court House Park
are keeuly _appreciated, but there are
two or three things '‘about them, that
invite comment.
For one thing, there are not -enough
seats- to accommodate all who would
like to sit M the .park and listen to
the music.'
• For another, the applause by Wind -
clapping from the people in. the. park
is drowned out, by the raucous tooting
of the horns of the cars parked' nil
around the Square.
This honatooting spoils the effect
of the _band.. selection just heard and,
mhst, grate especially on the ears o'r the
So what is. wanted:ads:
1. More benches for the -audience.
• 2. No horn -tooting or whistliag.
3. More- applause by the clapping of
Lions Carnival
Mr. Cyril Brown, who has been in
charge of the fruit departmeet of 'a
Doininion Store at Woodstock, Ont.,
assumed the managership -of the Dom-
inion Store, Goderich, on Monday. He
is married with no family,
. -Formerly with the- R.A.F., he was at
one time stationed at Port Albert. He
was for someelevenyeays with the
big- gathering. , • % Internatioual Tea• Company in Eng -
A -Merry Gathering • land. •. ".
The park has seldom seen a livelier, The, former manager, Ken Penning -
merrier crowd. Races and contests ton, is on holidtfys prior to taking
were enjoyed and eagerly cusnpeted in, over the Golden Gate" Cafe which he
and there was. a very generous dis- recently purchased,
,tribution of prizes. Miss Kaye Johnston .
was the whiner in the bathing 'beauty.
-contest. During 'the , day several. en- ROEBUCK—FEAGAN
.Pink rosea,-- white hydrangea, palms
sveloPes Were dropPed on -the grounds
and lighted candles famed an effeetive
and the lueky tinders received prizes'.
settiug in North street United church
, A loud speaker system was installed
.and by this. means the gatheting was ..f(ir tale marriage me August, ,2nd of
• inforthed of the. various contests amid Mary Lois Patricia, daughter of Mr.
of the winners, with other bits of in- and .Mrs. Geo. C. Fagan, Goderich, to
fornaut ion. , John Gordon, only son of Mr. and
Mrsv NV. 1'. :Roebuck. of Wallaceberg.-
Diversions of the Day . .
Highlights for, .the. "inlanders". were The marriage ceremony was performed
by Rev: C. W. Cope and traditional
the boat ,rids on the "Aunamac" and
the "Captain John," and the trips in wedding music was. played by Mrs.
scram_ Murray Hetheringtou throughout the
the air in -the seaplane. •PeanaC
bles for the children, plenty of ,soft Ceremony. The bride, given. in mar -
drinks and an abundance of ice cream riage by her father, was lovely in a
were features of the pienic. Mr. and white jersey ,gown with full - skirt,
Mrs J. A. Wilson of the Park Hoese, bung sleeves and high ,enthroldered
,with a• corpse of aSsistants, provided- --nediainess Her "fallaleugth veil of em
tea and coffee. • Dinner and supDer broide-red 'net 'fell gracefully from •a
were served at noon and in time ey- coronet Of white' carnations and white
, aaaening„.and it . WaS' a _. tired but happy fern tO fornA a long train. She carried
crowd thareaffilffedm811-irfter•s-9 Sis-seXeS.Sgat „ cascade .beuquet of .pink
o'clock for the return trip to Stratford. roses,* carnatUnT-MTV'gradiall1S-Iloretss
E. L. -Welte, superintendent ,/ Strat- Her • only ornament was the ,groom's
ford division of the C.N.R.,. accona- gift, a strand of .pearls. - Miss Eileen
Feagan, sister of the bride, as maid of
panied .the party • taa Goderich. .
• The hospitable of the Board honor -wore a gown of yellow, brocaded
of Trade and, of . Mayer Mooney in. so taffeta with net -Skirt and nylon .net
cordially welcoming the' visitors "was yoke. ' Miss June Reebuck, sister of
sincerely appreciated and The Signal- the groom, and Miss Kathleen _Rundle
Star was asked to 'elq'ress, the grati- as bridesmaids were similarly gowned'
tude of officials. and employees for in blue • and pink respectiVely. Both
these courtesies, wore matching halo ' headdresses
' .- of net withoulder-length' veils' and
THE LATE ALEX. 'MAEDEL - : carried harmonizing cascade .bouquets
of carnations.. Harry "Nagai', brother
'AN ACTIVE AND HONORED, of the bride, was grosinisman and the
.. cITIZEN OF ESSEX, ONT. ushers were Blake Hazzard antl..Ken
. Matheson. The soloist was Miss The Goderich Midgets won the first
A native Of Benmiller who became Isabelle Feagan, sister Of the bride, game of tlw.W.O.A.A. thells.last Thurs.-
a leading citizen of the town of Essex, who' sang "0 'Perfect Love" and '"I11 day . when • t hey • (h.• fettled - the Formosa
.„Ontario, was Charles Maedel,who pas- Waliss'lleside You.".• Midgets 10 to :; on the Goderich
sed away at his home in that town on After the•ceremony a .reception was grounds. Johnny Wilson lield the vis -
July 30th, at the age of sevepty- three held in the church had. Mrs. Feagan
VW° BRILLIANT:STUDENTS hors well In check. allowing OnlY four
years. . . . received the guests in a.gown ofaaavy . scattered hits and walking only one
. Mr. Maedel,' who had lived in Essex triple sheer with white accessories and -- TO ATTEND UNIVERSITY batter. The local boy.s jumped on Rick
' for thirty-eight years, was thepro- a corsage of red- roses. She was sgs- ' . for six . rimi,: in the first innings by
prietom of Maedel's Beverages. He sisted by Mrs. Roebuck in aqua Ven- Donald Scott, sop 'of Principa4 and combining four hills, two walks. and
was a member of twenty-six orgatilz- etian crepe with black accessories and Mrs. A. R. Scott, obtainten first- ;in error. MacEwan, Doak and Mer-
ation's in Essex, Windsor and district,- a corsage of *peach roses- After' Abe Class honors in the uppelr- School ex- lam led the local batters with two hits
. including Qie I.O.O.F., 'the /Masonic reception the bride and grooni left for aminations of Gielerich Collegiate In- each. ,
order, 'the •Essex • Chamber .of-' Com- a motor trip through eouthern sand stitute„ results of which are published Goderich line-up! Fulford lb; Mac-
.' merce, the Boy Scout Association, the eastern Outtirio. For ,travelling the this week. ..' . Ewan cf ;, Erskine cf ; Hollatid rf : E.
., • 'Essex Sportsthen7s Association and the bride wore •a. pink jersey dress with Donald hashad a brilliant. schol- , Holmes rf ; Doak c; Price ah; Mariam
Rotary Chub. He, was an ardent Con- ite accessories and a corsage uf a stic career ; during his attendance at if ; , Culp If ; Westbrook ss ; McPliti il
servative and one of the Party leaders pink roses - " . . the Collegiate he has passed, cc'efy ex- 2i) ; Willis 21) VI p. -
in the district. He attended the Easex revious to her marriage the bride -amination with first-class- honors.- 4-11... Score by . innings: ''''`
United church. waS-guest of honor at a kitchen shower has also, taken a very active part in Formosa - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 4
He as survived by his wife; a son,- at the home of Mrs. T. R. Rundle, athletics, and-. waSt ii-walded the Dr. Goderich 6 b 0 1 3 6 0 0 :r 10-8 3
Clarence, and a daughter, gra: ,Percy .and Mrs. Feagan entertained at a .I. A.—earahanr shield tis the student .
Lee, • both of Essex; three brothers, trousseau tea at Which Mrs, John possessing outstanding qualities of OLD RESIDBNT -PASSES '
Alex., of Victoria, B.C., Paul, of Laura, Fe.agan, -the' bride's granduaother character, leadership, Scholarship and ' Miss niza Fraser received severe'
Sask..., and Herman, of West Monkton, peured tea for over eighty guests.
. in athletics. injuries in a fall down stairs at her
Ont., and .one sister, Mr's. Thom -as Sil- . Donald will register in the engin- home, Wellington street, on Saturday
Alb (Amanda), of Goderich; also by - CHAMBERS-SPROUL . eering and- physics department in -the night iast.. She, was. taken to Alex -
ten ,grandchildren and alx great -grand- A quiet summer wedding took .place Faculty of Applied Science and '.Eng- andra Hogpitalawhere she passed away
children. Another brothe'r, Emanuel, at Vietoria Street United churchatoday ii Ii in 04' University of Toronto a this (Thursday) evening it -the- age of
Maedel, of Norwich-, Ont a predeceased .Another student of the. Collegiate, eighty-four, years. Fttneral arrange
him. . (Thursday), at 2 . p.m., when George
Miss Sheila IIill, daughter of Mr. and mente 'are not ,yet completed.
. Aleiander Chambersson of MrS and
. The funeral sex Vice was .held in the Mrs. Frank Chambers, 'was united in Mrs. .E. II. Hill, won seven .firsts and
United church, Essex, on August 1st, two seeond-class -honors. She also Will
of Mr. Jdhu 'ISL Sproul and the late' GODERICH COLLEGIATE. INSTITUTE
marriage to Evelyn -Sproul,- daughter
s • with over 500 people in' attendance.,enter the University of Toronto.
Rev. R. it..Parr, conducted the service NIrs. Sproul, all of ' Goderich. Rev: L. .. '.
and the pallbearers were six grandson's.. H. Turner elliciateda The bride wore . . JUNE UPPER SCHOOL RESULTS •
a wine -colored aareet-lengtli dress with •
Interment was in Greenhill cemetery, POSTPONES GAM ELORA
Kingsville.. The mile -and -a -half cor- a nlatching•eorsage. She W•its'attended - The .following students of Goderich ,Holnies; Kathh•en--Engscomp. C; Eng. , layler. E. J. I tannin. . . a (,
• a •
tege was_ headed by the' ESsex-sBoys' by ?sirs. Walter R. Sheardown wearing Gsderich baseball lulls •'-are hi,g111Y Collegiate Institute. have obtained - . Lit. II': hist. (..'; geom, II: -trig. I Chas-. K. Sounders. The remains Were miNii(i‘11,11i1n.ery conventien at Toronto. rtaxt
a. Band, •of• whieh. Mr. Maedel Was ‘ the a blue street -length frock With. flowers appreciative• of the line sportsmanship standing on the, Upper School exam- -III ; hot. C; zoo', 11; Ir. auth. laid at rest in M;tilland cemetery-.
- -
sponsor and chief 'supporter. to match.- Walter R. Sheardown'Its- snown by the Elora team iti Post- in in the subjects as shown: ,. .,
, 'Awrifta smirrif Hughis ...aster, Mrs. S. in kit St.-
) ...._—_ Ma D. -W. Ress of. Terouto is viS-
Mr. and Mrs...8111lb of tow attendea sisted -tlie groom'. -The couple' w111 re- polling theiv game with • the Goderich Ainslie, Domdd ---issg.•iit. C; alg. Ill; Kadolarle2,-;:r,FrN'itillit1r,Ing. .cOn')P. "III;
'The funeral. , ghle in Goderich.. , . Juniors at Elora On Wednesday night. geom. II ; , trig. III; 'bot, C; Eng. lit. Ill; alg. III; geotu. :after a short ill ii .artam• smith. Pal rii.:1'.'asliiiI::;•''. t' 1"1111-(.1 1.11 i'tg) (s)s Mire;titiit(!d Mir). iS
DEATH OF FORME n FISRD CO. 'flw postponement vas aslwd tor bs the
Goderich wain on aL'•ecnint of the death !Bisset, .Iatnes_...._Alg. t:*; geoun, C; trig.
zooi. III, . It trig. 11; pWs. I; Lat. litith. .1rthur streCt..pased away. in. Alex- w• •
...• :HEAD CANCELS. MEET HERE 1.34.11,040.ittiii•aVA.11-,‘ It 0 . WI \ •N*14,,e4._ ILA.,
on 'Wednesday' of Mrs. .I . -11, a m len,
. . . . II ; Lat. comp. -C. :mint Hospit;i1 on Sunday morning in trade at. the Ft IC bakery years ago.
tlia, ,A I.,. 1.111. l 1 1 a 1 C il, al II- 11; Fr. comp. 'IC. Leishinan. Sahristine—Eitg. comp. Ill a his -ninetieth year. lie was a memlyer roNliirr,i-n:iffifirlliti*,•.a.1h);,11,1(i:-IyPiittrtit•prs.;.(),n Niiitevh..,e
mother of the papular Wttrrea twius, Diggon, Robert—Eng. lit: III ; hot. C; . Eng-. lit. 111; hist. II , _ bet. of a pioneer family of God..rich. Where.
ilk/ lia•Vt L l,V, V.baltiellil lit, 022 4.11,11. 1!/11.,) igan. tteturning with them for a. visit.
Owing to the death of VifIlace R. kl.il tibL1, , -v./ a 1...e ..1.0 lil.ne, b.,(:). J. IWO t /10 !'both , of whom, play on the Goderich zool.. II; phys. III;, chem. III, zael. III; Fr, auth. C; Fr. (.7mill): he Was bOrn and Niti lived the- greater
here is Miss Marilyn Little. of Wind- ••
Ctimpbell, former president of -the Ford J unior team. Donaldson, Edith-2Eng. colitp. (7' ; Eng: , 11,1-, ptart,of his life.. Ilis ,W;IS1 41 'soh of the
sor. .. ..• -
.1.1.1Utilan ,./te ,, j t.:1', li/ ill. LV11, Witt& i AV, .. alooreal Frank --Eng. lit. II ; alg. (7; lale Mr. and airs. W. -T,1-.. Smith and.ist
David are spending this week witlaher
..: ... ki .1.).,1‘ j v i . , ,a oil OL .111. alllt .0110., . Mrs. 'clayteri Edward and little, sou
. lion' of more - than . thirty Ford alld. 7,
I..., lit la Int% LU - 10.1“ inckl:e ILL 01.1,. day night at _Elora. . 1; Fr. with.' C ; Fr. comp. C. • . paint, .1' ; trig. II; bot. C; zool. I. the last Member of the, family. He,
a ntdi t • i14,Iorrsi
Motor Company _of -Camida,, a conven- The game Wilt be played ae.xt Tues- lit. II; alg. 111 ;.geous II; phys.
Monarch -dealer's from this • sedion of -a- Donnelly, JameS1--Eng. cemp. III; Neweombe, William—Eng. oomp. C; spent some years. in the piatirre-frania parents. ieev., D. J. ,Latu,
,..... 1.1:t.: iti.l. llj Val 1. VI Ak 1116U 1.,. 'trig. III; phys, III; chem. HI; ing business With his Irrother \\Munn'.
Air. auu-...,u.k6. • .14W:iv Alitz,i,ei.t.‘ Mrili:,- hl DOtrOir. and later was. assoeiated lEaligilitt,1,. at:. their summerThome
air. and Mrs,. James Isard a-nd. sena,
I I.- tel: ..) Illill.litli• L itanOLLC t.A.illl'en, kJ, OUL, _--- - ----
Western Ontario, Which W'aS to be SKI HARBOR, SeBLEASED Eng. lit. 1; Mg. II; geom. I;
1 U LI 4 6, ' V. 1Z,P. (V t111111.) WA, .., LIU! I.:117
the. buildings at Sky Harbor. The Erringion, RoSs--Alg. C.; geona. II; • Pa ttersl, ( (I'llaiin't.--IIi's.t. II ; but C ; with another brother. Prank. in the
tannery lmsineas in Goderich. In lliter
Albert mad . hen, have returned to
held at Hotel Bedford on Tuesday, was The County airport. conunittee met trig. II; ,phys. 1; chem. I; Fr. -
. cancelled. The meeting was to be in tioderich on Monday and inspected auth. 111'; Fr... comp. .III. 1
Toronto district sales manager !orommittee decided. to sublease the tiiia trig. II; chent. I.; Fr. can). l's Patterson; Peter—Eng. comp. III', Eng. years he had twee the expert picture.
. presided over by Mr. R. H. Cottinghana
1401 bellIt! LI I, 01 Weir 01:1116t,!6 tla lib it i.,1, their home at Hamilton, after a -visit
tion been held it would have been the ,
Ot•LL, V114..). it,1111. Ul 7Air. Lulu Ails...L. ..,.
kinson of Goderich, lit. I; geom. C; trig. C; bot. C ; lit.. l'; alg. I; geom. I;' trig. II framer with Smith's :art Store, opera
PAliott, East. street. .
Ford and.,Monarch, Had the convena . field and buildings to Mr. Keith Hop- Finnigan, Gwen—Eng. cotap. I; Eng. With Mrs. IsariTs mother, 'Mrs. E.
, or this district in. quite .a number of to. iak.e place in oi. Anurew s enuccu,
mittee also was held on Mondaya,when III. ' • . 4 Fr. comp. II . ti'll 1 s hitial)s- I
ham and Mr. Ililltnan's mother, nrc.,..1
first aueh Ford gathering in Goderich a el V t! 1, L ca Acicisculle, 0 a .,,h.,A,11C %Netatioa;
A meeting of. the County road cow- zool. C; Fla, auth. -,.0 ; Fr. comp. a iihys.-I; chem. I ; Fr. nut ii II ; titet;salurli:vt.ilnilus INIZiese.d_eN‘fr;:t4e.d14._:::
'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. HillMan of (ngiit-
„ ,
, eia lAolertitie, CoLo s. Allitkill, JitiOl.;;.1 k_oi.-
cancelled conNttition. ' ';,,1,,,,,,,,_,.., - .. 4...f.' alio mil,. Accacce ureolku: .oi . ,c1,
HI ;• zool.' C. - lit. 'III; hist. C; geom. („ Fr. wtva a highly 'respected eitizen„.111(;
years. No date' has been set for the 1,Vg Vila , Oil bh., on pepteomer situ.
routine business Was done. Graham, John K. ----Eng. lit. C; bot. Reymilds, James ---Eng. comp. C a Eng. bles of gardening aud flowers.-
. . , staunch TAberal, 'and attended North .171(1)114ns= Nriere.elliitlyi frs. forohnias lag:
..:...................m....,,,....,............ ' ,
. ''' ' -,—"4-+ lit,croci, Aii&c., wcsn to lanouunee-. ape ED MUNRO INJURKI1AT CLINTON Itawkins, Mar-lea—Eng. tamp? C.; ,georta seem Donau—Eng. comp, I; Eng. lit. street 'rnited church. 'His wife, -the
, auth.' II ; Fr. comp. C..
'ward last eek end
VA TeraPeratures of the past week in '....note aatzauetlif LO Alpert, ..ueauekt,
game at Clinton on Monday evening, Henry, Barharaa-Eng„ comp. II; Eng., I; tilg. la; geom. I; trig. I; awl: former Ntary Allen. passed away eigh-
THE WEATHER ' • ' knii,beinent." ot Weir OW). laangoter,
a • During the progress of a baseball C; hot. C; yawl. C.. „Mr, and 'Mita. Jack Pitbiado and .tWer
Goderich, with those of the correspend- mai 0.1 .Ur. alio All;,. A.. \rut. meatier,
a section .of the bleachers collapsed, lit. II; alg..1I; geom. II; trig. , I; phys,1;,eheru. I; Fr. mkuth. I; feen ,year, itgo. Surviving is . an only
lag Week a year ago, as offielally JO- 01 lactrott, alien., tue wetionn; to ta.o,m dropping a large number of spectators •II ; phyla III; chem. 1; Fraauth, sparks, Eaari-Erig. comia. C; Eng. lit. Tt e(t)mri(litlitritog. ,s t.a ff, of Havergal 4:allege,
Fr. comp. I. . dartghter; br. Florence Stulth, of the r'Yeotiltririgne(sionts;; floegirerae In St
arines- liftman pleasant visit Vaith OW c,
1947 1946 . ....--------__ ward Zannro and Robert Vadden, Were Hill, Shelia—Eng. comp. )1; Eng. M. 1; stokes. Fred—Rag, eomp. C; Eng. ift. A priaate fnneral ser'vice was held fratrtralLs. Ila)Na.la`eillirteSt; slktIrrie.eta.nd MTS. 301111
HI; paras, Ca chem. Cy
corded, were as follows: 'mace septeinuer Situ. • ' . to the ground. Two Clinton men, Ed- . III; Fr.:comp..H. .
Thurs., Aug,.7- 9,0 , 70 '82 55 Nv o Dad hitenueu to uave tor tuia fering' f *ow 'she& and undetermined auth.,- I; Lat. comp. I; Fr.- auth. , , 'II; nig. III; geom. II; trig. II; if his late residence on Tuesday after-,
Fria Aug. 8 78 ' '84 85 00 istme „at taut report, or ounday a me- Injuri0 and Robert Vodden ' with a • ,. I; Itir. comp. I. phys. it ; ebem. I ; Fr. MAIL II I ; Ipa:iorte'arrid oneloetttodrujeate%lt)iy.wlatevaaitIL sario:,,Tistit:etunatatt'llosrvgatitt.la,sas.Vh• 172.
Max. Min. Max. Min. cananyittaaira aigaiuttaaAlt, qtioack, taken to the hoapital, Mr.' -Munro sr& hist. I; bot. II; zool, H; Lat.
sat., Aug. 9. 80 , 05 8.'3 05 lilOrtill. serNree in emioorne towuswp, fra fro of the left foot. Ed. Munro iielmec, Dorothy—Eng. conni. III; wightman, Itarvey—F1ng. iit. C; Wt.
yr. comp. n. u • church. The pallbearers were nr. 14, MOrgan Mid hiS SiStertj itIra. DettleA
Sun., Aug 10 tgl r.01 SO . 63 mitt a pteture ot the gathering, Joe . a native ef Goderich who has con- 0 Ing . nt. nil:. aig, C; bot. C; M. Mabee, R. V. Hays, K.0,Ale.k. at'd MP. Menaitall. Mr.. Atargatt antl
sr Morn, Aug. 11 88 :55 ' 70 O0 eb6ravnig nas not yet come to nano, ducted a. barbering.business in Clinton pot. C ; Lat. wadi. III; Lat. Yungblut., Donald---Igng. lit: C; alg. Cl,' liCineesllaw.
III; soot; In. .... • .. .
1,, and It Watson. Tile infement was in
II. 'Martin, Fred 'Shatillea :Mrs. 'lefties' spent a reW ilaVO ill niu.
eardine Ilsiting their, Weep and ' .
Tuot4., Aug° -12 01' 73 *(19 ria however, amt. we lima O'er the. report for half -a -century. He is a brother ef collo. III; Pr,. ann. II; rr. .geom. C; trig. I , o . .1 ; •
, Maitland °cemetery. • , nephews, Nessis.Morp,an aria -Ip,er,o.%
• . ..,, _ ,, . , , , , comp. I.
l' C.
I 11 ,. 4 , e, .
Wed.,. Aug. 13 0 • David- AlLunro, Goderieh. `' '' ..
•D 0 III !
III . 11' . i
WiU e Held 'at West Street
„ Arena Wednesday and
Friday Nights '-
West street arena will echo stud re-
echo with, the shouts oewerryinakers
next Wednesday and. Friday evenings,
Angus; -20th and 22nd, as hundreds
attend the anriaal carnival of the Gude-
rich Lions- Club.
Arrangements are being made to set
UI) large bingo games, as well as a
visriety of other games*. • a The Goderich Blue Water Band will
fit 7 -----
Sparked •by "Skip- Maelmonald's
home' run in the fourth innings. the
Goderich Lotizoil Flyers on Monda.);
took the opener of a best -of -three
series with Auburn for the grail') title.
Playing at Auburn before a large
crowd, the Flyers took the decisien
8 to 3.- ,
Falling on Bob Craig's slants in the
first innings, the Flyers scuied- four
runs on a walk and four - singles.
Auburn, got one back in their half
when. Wilson seered, on Schoeuals' er-
ror. lerona then on -"Ges" Young held
the Auburn nine Jt bay until the
seventh innings, when Arthur scored
on Young's own wild throw. In the
play on the l4qutfre -at '7.30 lama -and meantime the . Flyers had added three
thence march to the arena., runs in the second and one in the
Proceeds are in aid of the crippled I fourth haring§ to give them the win -
children's fund -and service work. The ping score of eight.
support of these wort by ca uses is -Auburn scored -their final run in the
solicited. • ' • a eighth when Loekwood walked, stole
On Wednesday night and again on second, and scored on Craig's single.
Friday night there will be a door • MacDonald's home run wail the first
prize of $49.05. 'Will you be the lucky
one? . . . , for the Flyers this. season. •
Summary: Auburn -3 runs, 4 hits,
- On each of these nights alSO there 1 -error. Goderich-8 runs, 0 hits, 3
will he seven draw. prizes. Non -win- errors. ,
ners at Wednesday night's draw, Will Auburn will be here this (Thursday)
be eligible for Rriday night's draw. evening for the second 'game of the
„ series.,q
Dunlands United church, Toronto, RIPLEY ELIMLNATED ,
was the scene of a pretty Wedding on - BY LIONS JUNIORS
Saturday, August 0th, when Ruth
Louise, elder 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. •
Goderich Juniors clinched the chain -
Harold Hickman, Toronto, was united
in marriage to Mi. William Francis PlonslliP of their League, in the final
game at Ripley on Thursday last, win;
Scott. son of Mr. and Mrs. Llloyd Scott,
pet,. Ong by a score Of 8 to 5. The Lions
Mooren91d..- The - eerensony was
formed before the altar, banked with took an early lead, holding%an,hdvan-'
ge of 7 to 1, before the Ripley slug -
gladioli, by Rev. C. B. Hickman, bro•• 1,11
Res. gers unlimbered their heavy artillery.
'tiler of the bride, assisted by
hen in the semi -darkness and urged
T. G. Perkins, pastor of the chureha '-i;
some two hundred screaming
The wedding music was played by alias an by
supporters, tiag northerners went to
-"Edna Garlick and the soloist was ,Mrs.
work on Ainslile, who up to. that time
Ethel AdamSon, who sang "The Loit's
had. sthem eating outcof his, hapti. Be -
Prayer'' before the ceremony und "0
fore the *big boy.. could get- back into
Perfect Lave" during the signing of the
register. The -bride, given in marriage his stride, Ripley,. aided and abetted
by some juicy errors. by the-LiOns; had
by her fatherA Was gowued in white
aylen marquisette .and satin with put. four runners across the plate. The
singers Lions then settled down, arid Harold
Pearl -embroidered bodice. Her
tip veil was cdught with a halo, of.net warren brought the anxious Aession to
a (lose with. a 'nice running catch in
and she'etirried a bouquet of Crimson
roses and' baby's breath.' Mks. Hazel short left field. • The- local boys Say
that they are glad- to be rid of the
McMichael, Goderich, cousin of the
bride, as • matron of -honor, wore a Ripley opponents, who- were getting
harder to dispose of each time out.,
frock of yellow-. net with matching
headdress, Her bouquet. Was of glad- However, even the most ardent RiPley
loll. and cornflowers. The bridesmaids supporters concede the Lions' super -
were Miss Eleanor Hickman, sister of iority, and the Ripley boys, always
good sports, shalt hands with their
the. bride,' and, Mrs. Orton_Geiger, sis-
conquerors and, wished. them fusther
ter of the groom; gewiled in peach and
turquoise silk-. jersey with headdress suCeeSS in. their qUest fol. the- O.B.A.
of matching net. Thef carried bou-
The teams lined u1 as' follows•-.'RiP:
-sittets .of :gladioli...sand cornflower. Mr.
\\ Scot -Chia -Ms Of •-thessgrolSins; ...le-CalkAg-, (replaced. by Pollock. in
• tin 2nd ) ,. ri.—C11111', -1-Aritir,'• 'MI alma -1d,
was best man. The ushers were Fred
Harrison. Courtney, W... Chin,..- Need -
the bride and groom: After the cer-1 ,
(loderichs—H. Warren. G.' Ginn (re -
a reception was held -'at the I
! waved by Craig in the 51h . J. Bisset,
home oK the bride's parents. where
Mrs. Hickman -received wearing tur- 1 D. Scott, I). Ainslie,' M. Wilson. D.
Worrell, j. Donnelly -and .1.: Needham.
quoise faconne svith, a corsage of pink
roses. She, was assigted by the Stunmary of 'the game.: For Ripley.
groom's mother, who wore printed silk :l hits, 5 runs and 3.errors. .For Godes
jersey with- a corsage of red roses. riek---0 hits, 8 runs and 5 errors. -
Later Mr. and Mrs. Scott left ,,on °a . ,
Motor trip to. Muskoka, the bride don-• MIDGETS WIN-- .
ning for travelling a printed blue dress- * -... PLAY-OFF OPENER
and grey coat with white accessories 1
and a corsage of pink gladioli. On
their yeturn they will reside on the
gram's& farm at Moorefield. The
bride's mot her was formerly Mabel
Bean of Colbone township....
Juniors Take First AT THE WATERFRONT
Game with Liora• „ • .
.1p. Friday the Superior -discharged
her cargo of 103,000 bus. wheat and
barley at the Goderich eleaator. Other
eargues recieved at the elevator durbag
the • week were: Fridaa— • Sturbuck;
104500 bus. uats.andWheltit. Saturday
—Barge Sagainure, 225,000 Wis. barley
and wheat. Monday—Viscount Ben-
nett,' 490,000 bus. oat.
The barge Sagamore was in low of
the atr. Altadoc, which after leaving
the - barge here went on, to Humber-
stone with her own cargo .of grain,
returning yesterday to pick up the
Sagamore on the way up the, Lakes. .
The Starbuck is ,expeeted atthe
elevator tonight, also the barge Port-
adoc in tow of the Quedoc. The
Quedoe',s, cargo is for the Purity Flour
The bathing beach has been a very
popular resort for relief from the
scorching heat. Temperatures this
(Thursday) afternoon are: Water be-
tweenthe piers .70; water at the beach
77; air 82.
Ainslie Strong !:?tb. on the
Mound and at the Bat
—Score 9-3 -
„ Goderich Lions Jeniors took the
first game of their' playoffs with Elora
when they met at Uuderich on Monday'
last. The Elora' boys, who, like Gode-
rich, are a 'junior aggregation playing
iu an intermediate league; came, over
, with good record and after the first
two inatiags played nice baseball. They
are a hard-hitting aggregation and
ha've several men in the lineup capable
of lifeaking - up a game. On Monday'
they seemed to lack ,the finish shown
by 'the Lions, who played bang-up base -
'ball and on the paths displayed daring
base -running. The score was 9-3. Ain -
she .went the route, in the pitcher's box.
At - the plate ,•41, Goderich
denamairated some real hitting lamer,
Ainslie poling out a three -bagger and
a home ran, while ,Jim Bisset hit a
three -bagger which in ,any other field
would probably have landed in the
outfield stands,, Don Warren also
-seems to hase regained. his batting
,eye.. The locals, however, stre not un-
derestimating'their opponents and are
going to Elora- on Tuesday next sup-
ported by a good number of rooters
and hopinga to finish this. playoff and
probably move on to Walkerton in the
next' series. •-
Teams lined up as follows:
, Elora—G. Berry, A. Bradley, D.
Schwindt, K. Wilson, J. Mitchell, F.
Tompkins, D. Howcroft, B. Noonan,
It. reser.
Goderich--11.• Warern, D. Warrea,
Bisset, D. Scott, J Evans, I). Ain-
slie, Ay, Craig, M. Wilson, J. Donnelly.
'Needham replaced in the sixth,
• Umpires: .Lumby :and Wilson.
. ______. - . . "HOTTEST" GOLF OF
With the end of the regular schedule' , a" SEASON BY LIONS
iti sight,,' teams -.in the Goderich In- - ._
dust rial Softball League are making 'Annual Field Day' At 'Maitland Golf
a ,last-minute drive for playoff' pos- Club Provides Amusing -Programa '
itions. Coune.S . daring. the Past .two The "!hottest" golf turned. in at -the
weeks have made several. alterntions Maitland Golf Club this year Waqs. wit
in the league .standing. • • , nessed' Wednesday afternool4 when
In section `IA!' Purity Flour con- more than thirty perspiring members
Unties to lead with six wths and no of the Goderich Llinis Club participa-
defeats. We),Sbrooks have moved from ted in the annual Lions Club golf field
third to secOnd place, replacing Gode- dily,..s . •
rich ' Manufacturing, but have played When the course had been cow -
two more games than the latter team. Pleted (seven holes was as much as
Canadian Legion ; with- one win. one the players felt' they conld struggle
tie and sia -losses him still -u • Slim through under the opposititul of 'Old
-Mathematical -chance --of *raking: 'the Sol L.,and the golfers enlerged from the
showers. Guy Emerson announced the
playoffs.., •
-fija t"hear-fiaastagame•-afatheaaeasoaaWld-at,. iv.:,a1 taittearissunpiet;ei:tri e. ig- sr assas f scoreollt ) iv s. _ ; ( • :1-130) y; .
Two seabees _visited Sky Harbor - at
. In seetion'B" Dominion Ronda drop-
Westbrooks defeated them 'last week. Hay King.. highest ai—litfr —lioV'!'''the7week-e4ad--Col-------
Dompion Roads were without the ser- George Ellis. most honest golfer (46) ; 'unli-11-:''' Ohio, and the other from Tol- -
Sky Harbor Air, -Services .
vices. of Times their star pitcher. for Fred Nelihs, best -style golfer : Ron Men- ' ed°' O,hio*
recently flew Dr.. 10? and his sun, of '
this game. Frost). Cops have surged zies. bi,st-dressed golfer: Guy•Emerson.
Atwood, Ont., to Defiance, Ohio. to look
ii ills and three lossesi, have couslol- I )(In Mason ;Ind Guy Emerson each tied •
. loser of most halls :- Elmer .-Cranston. -
• ever sona• milling machinery Dr. Roe
ahead' in this section and with. six
is .contemplating purchasing. .
idated their bold on second - Plae('.1for the litle•orloser of most balls, but .
Goderich Organ with .two wins, one Guy Emerson won the toss .
tie and . four losses are certain of ' -'rhanks Were expressed to Da've Al
In response • to a request from the
third place. Imperial Oil have been hut it and Frank Curry for the interes-
i Dominion Road altichinery - Co. for a
winless. lot seaAou.'but, to their credit. t ing program iirranged. Mrs. -Trudelles
550 -volt power service 'for the foundry a
have played opt theiil games, given sf the -Maitland Golf (.7lub. wits thanked
building- on Victoria street. the Publie -
the beat epaositien they -could, and had by nen Meezies, on behalf of the Lions
Utilities Cemmission at its meeting on
a lot ef fon' in the process. - Club. for the splendid meal -provided. '
- Tuesday evening instructed the 'Super -
The League 'standing as of Augnst•
12th. is as fellews : ' OBITNARy. •
in order to furnish this . service. The
intendent to Order three transformers
.. . Section "A" -
Won Lest Tied .Superintendent also 'i,;,-..: ' to 'purchase •
MRS. J. E. TOM ,, • aa -,00 feet of wire to rebuild. lines in •
Westbrooks - 0 . 0 ' 0
5. 4 0
Friday .last. of Mrs. J. • .E. Tom.. a the town.
Purity Flops The tleath occurred at- Toronto sm
Goderich Mannfac 4 3 - 0 -
• • .. ,,A., former promineilt resident Of (1talerich. _ PERSONAL MENTION
•..1.,. 6
Canadian Legion at the advanced age of nifietyssix .
• 5. .1 0 . years,- Mrs. Toni, was the former, Mar -
Mrs. Arthur S. First of - Toronto is '
. ' Section "B". "
Domioiffic Iteads
(; 3 0 • girret ,Carnoclein Dickson. done -liter :of
holidiQ ing .with her sister, ML,..
Fres t i Cops - James.. Diekson, Who wtis Registrar of
Elliott, Ea st st reet.
a 4 '1 - •
0 a -a 0 Doeds for the comity of Huron. She : . .
Godorich Oyg;(11
M I!. .1. A. Hume, of Ottawa: 'spent a -
Imperial oil : married the late -John Elgin Tom:: who
(1:iys last w:eek \vita his sister,
for Many years. WaS hISTOCtOr of public few
seriools for West Iturou. Mr. Toni Miss.:: Esther Hume. •
War Assets at Sky Harbor will be;
(Bea th 1030 and. 'Mrs. Tom inoved. to mu. '111(1 Mrs..Allan S. Climrlton and
closing clown in , about h month. The
Toyento shortly.' afterward. She was citildrett, of •Strtitford. were week -end
warehouse division firaish-es up on Fri-
a member of the United Church: Sur- tisitors with Ow lady's mother, Mrs.
day, All that remains is the demol-
\lying a,ie three daughters, Miss Mabel •/. E- White13'•'
, Tem. of Guilford, Conn.: Miss Miss Iseuise . C. Gorden of London,.
Rion departinent and its work will be
timisbed in a few WePliS. ,
Tom. of Toronto; and twe,sons. Dr.
Jean Two, of. Chicagp-,, Dr.- Mary I. ,t)nnut.k... is. holidaying at the home Of
Mr. and.Mrs. 'Alex. Smith. Elgiti av-
Percy H. Tom and ..'N Archie; Toni, if ,Tliree- grain ears -were derailed'Mon-
nwouto. *Airs. A. M. Kay and Miss Mr. and Mrs. l'eaiahl Ci+wie_of Har ---
day a fternoon about a quarter of a
Elbi Dickson. of Stratford. and James har Beach. alichitain. are visiting at
Illih; • hOlOW the C.N.R.• staaion. • Some
Dickson, of tOwn, are• nieces ;Md. ne- :klr. tind Mrs. Geo. lit tit Saltford,
•graill Was spilled from the cars, *Well , . for se vent l - weelis s.
were wit back. on .the tracks by Tues- Pri,';',N,V
The 1 ttliOnl ; service Was held in
ef, Mrs.., Tom:. ,
Mr. John E. 1'. Elliott. K.C.. of Mon-
day morning, after all-night work by treal, is spending 1 few Weeks with
Goderieln at the Brophey funeral. hones
Maim -
'i gang of men. .. .
on Monday lifterneen. and Was Ilit011- It Is mother. .Nirs. Joseph' , Elliott%
fled .by many friends of the deceased .Cobourg street. '
lady,- as well as by the members of ' . Me.. and Mrs. Darwin Maclam and
The son .1)01141s, of Fergua spent the
hey family oust other, relatives.
serVice W;Is conducted' Rev. Riclnird . ii ((k with Mr. Machin's, mother,
Mrs. S. Cade. • •
Stewart, and the pallbearers were It.
C. Hays, K.C., J. M.-Reberts. Dr. A.,,D, ...F, MiNsisa,:\EliBii.rMmtmt-cil\l'icia)tr allittlteNuldisinsgMathrye
• • - , ', . 1 ., .
Dangerous Fire
Checked by Brigade
Saturday Mid ight Bias° in,
!Oho a Heitman's - -
Meat pop
The Naftel homestead on the Blue
IN•atr Highway, in Goderich township,
is n.ow the home of Mr, Fred Naftel,
'sou of the late. Fred J_Naftel, who.
has Come from Mantre.al to engage in
La ruling.
'During the war Mr. Naftel was 'com-
mander of II.M.C.S. Wallaceburg, en-
gaged in convoy duty on the Atlantic.
On his '-discharge from, the tiavy in
1945, he entered the employ of a Mon-
treal firm, but he has decided to give
up office work in favor of life in "the
open spacese' Ills -wife and two chil-
dren,' at present on a visit to TEdition
ton, will rejein him shortly.
Fire Wale out in the rear room
Allison & Heitman's meat 'Shop about
12.30 a.xu.'• on Sunday.. Flames at.
tracted the attention of Airs. 3,
in the apartment above, wheal she was'
awakened by the baby's, crying.' Sha.
aroused her husband, who immedlateiy
seat hi the alarm.
The prompt responses,,Of the lire bit; 4'
gade and the spleudid work of the:
firemen Soon had the blaze under eon -
Uel, and kept the lire confined to -the
part of the shop in which it origint4ed.
A few minutes' delay would have mi..;
dangered the entire 'block.
Considerable damage- was doil -by
tire and smoke to the storeroom of the
Zinn electrical shop next door. The
apartments abthe in the block were
• tilted with dense smoke, which later
cleared up sufficiently to allow some of
the oectipahttilu sleep there. Smoke also
damaged the kitchen- of
restaurant,'and pies prepared for Sun=
day customers were ruined.
The cause of the- fire is undeter-
Mined. Mr. Heitman made a survey
of the whole store before leaving on.
Saturday night and everYthing seemed ,
to be in order.
The Goderich Collegiate, Board has
awarded bus transportation c'ont'ras,
subject to the approval of the Depart -
went of Education, to the following;
. • a
James A, McMillan, for Goderich.
township; Rex • Duckworth, for the -
Benualler district; William Clark, for
the- Auburn -Carlow_ district ; Alvig
Sherwood, for the Nile -Loyal. district, ,
-also the laungannon-Port Albert dis-
All new buses will be operated to
transport the pupils, excepting in the
case of Mr.- Sherwood, who will use a
former R.C.A.F. -station wagon.
The exterior of the Collegiate buil-
ding has been painted. Two class-
rooms and, the kitchen have been re-
decorated. The library haS -been moved
to' the rear of the class -rooms,, and the
fooni thus vacated will"be fitted up as '-
a kitchen for the serving of hot hun-
ches at, the neon hour.
-1 77 • 71 until' next issue.
„ 1