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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-08-07, Page 8
4 LIT t a Ca i. TH GOI ERIa I SIGNAL -STAR • TIIRURSD Y, AUOu,TS?L•7tb,1947 ST. G■ RGE'S CHURCH $.30 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 7.00 p.m. SUNDAY, AIL I'ST 10th «s OILS COIi SI UNION. SUNDAY SC11IOOI.. NIORNIN(p PII.AA EI1t .iii) SERMON. 1EV•I:NIN(i ii :AYE11I 11ND SERMON. „REV. BEVERLY H. FAI3;It, IBA.. L.Th., RECTOR. A.. ANDER,TON—Organist and Choirmaster. 9.15 a.m. Knox Presbyterian Church ,UND.AY SCIdall)OL. lla.m, .D1C':i1IOIlb CON(nRE6.%TION 11 a.m.—I'll'13:I.Il(' WORSHIP -11 a.rn. • THJ1. SERVICE comm. BY TH.E MINISTER REV. JOSEPH 311UCHAN, 11LA. Missionna9 from India will pieaeh. NIORN1N(i SERVICE ONLY DURING AUGUST MINISTER—REVEREND RICHARD STEWART nrector of Praise --Mr. `Cly affiant~ Wickett, A.T.C.M. Conte and Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness. Victoria St. United Church Minister—Rev. Lawrence H. Turner,, B.A. Organist and Choir Director—Miss Mary Joyce Strachan. Union Services with' North St. United Church in Victoria,, St. Church , 10.00 a.na. Sunday School 11.00 a.m. "A Distorted Sense of Values?' 7.00 p.m. "Jesus and the Common -place. 9.45 p.m. Union Church. SUMMER VISITORS CORDIALLY WELCOMED Goderich -Baptist Church Guest PREACHER for the Clay is the MODERATOR of our MIDDLE- SEX and LAMBTQ,N ASSOCIATION. PASTOR JAMES GIBSON, of KENSAL PARK, L NDON Speaking at 11.00 a.m. and '7.00 p.m. "Debate Him—They'll hate HIM. Live Him—They'll LOVE HLM." Organist and Choir Leader—MRS. ELLA L DONALDSON. - PASTOR—REV. G. W. H. MEDLEY, The Free Methodist Church Corner Victoria and Park Streets All Services sire cancelled for Sunday, August 10th, and Sunday, August 17th. owing to the Annual Conference of the Free Methodist Church -ernrhelal::ai"'`It'lFnestnrtd-Attgu•Shitlli•an ,REV.. R. C. McCALLUM, Pastor. s BETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal .Assemblies of C=anada REV. J. A. PEARSON, Pastor 10 a.m. SUNDAY' SCHOOL. 11 a.m.—MORNING SERVICE. 7.30 'p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Tuesday 8 p.m. Young People's. Friday 8 p.m. GOD IS BLESSING—CONI: AND ENJOY THE ,'t-BETHEL.' - Briefs Magazine renewals are haudled speedily- and efficiently by Miss Mary B. Howell, phonie 213`4V, or 2tlrs. Ismay McLean. Why deal with Istsitugers •when the aforementioned local agents eau handle all your requirements? :9tf NOTICE I buy' rags, feather ticks, and, used furniture. Sewing machine repairs and supplies. C. WOODS, 12 East street. Phone 242J. 21tf NOTICE. • "DOMINION CIIINI'HILLAS" The latest fur -bearing animal to be successfully raised in, . captivity, the genuine South American Chfuchilla, �'l' ' w'a� beljl`" pro lle•er o e world's most uxur U For Resuits --A Classified Ad 11a P -. WANTED. — LISTINGS Or 1'RO- PEATX for sale. Phone 11IAL- COLM MATHERS, Insurance and $teal Estate Broker, •115W. • 7tf Estate1'�,T ` \'l'l,1) SAI.LES CLERK FOR local grocery store, female pre- ferred ; duties to commence 'last week A clt.lm.ttic evening )v hl h 1 f th t l i tis in'August. Write P.O. BOX 884,preparedby the Goderich Dramatic fur. relay be seen at the Huron and (;udet'ieIt. 31tf flub itl aid of the „sena, fund turd Bruce Chinchilla Ranch, Wing -ham, which tsas to be given ueM week sus (tilt, These animals are -under the`VAtiTEI) TO BUY. ---OLD HORSES been pu,tponed to a latter date, rare of Mr. H. E. Welly, Learn how - and dead animals, suitable fel- Church or('Murch services oil Sunday, August these animals may provide a living mink feed. If dead, phone at once. ruiner at the usual hours, Ree . t•. E. come. Visits to the 'ranchlath, Neill be head at•I.eenuru anti Bun- and a hubby for you in the years to Phone collect JACK GILBERT, 936 r'21 are best "or, FRED GILBERT, phone 936 r 32, ('rutihiellu will speak. -;32' made on week -day evenings or any. time Goderich.`.'-titf "forget your feet -caulk uu air, give during the week -ends, and - are -free o SALESMAN • WANTED. --- THREE thein Lloyd's. Guru S,llvc� torr." �,Uc of obligation. ..6tf minutes to denu,nstrate.• AIitlimum at l'atnpbeli's and Emerson's drug t • NOTYC1E- TO G'RE'i$11TOI� - 9.u(t, a sale paid on the spot. bull stores. -3:l " particulars B()X NO. 62, SIGN -AL - will erltal office of liul II. K. hall NorriUl: TO c1t DITORS, STAR. 30-1-2 vv-iil be clusr�l fur holidays 'from .Notice August 11 to September 1st; opening ..rl..e ;s hereby given to all pet -Sons � AN'I`I�.`D.-13Y OCTOBER FIRST, furnished recalls or apartment. on September 2ud. 32x Air Force couple. Telephone 497J. • 31x A meeting of the Ladies' auxiliary 'of any c[ailn against the estate to tI;rurlclt 109. Canadian Legion, will of Sarah A. Bean, late of the Town- to .held in the Legion jinn, Tuesday ship of Colborne...in then County of ev'c>ui4lg, August 12th, x 8.15. A good Huron, widow, who died' on or about Satteudunee is requested, as Plans for the fourteenth day of July, A.D. 1947, tete zone rally will be d1•scussed.--3.2..to send same to the undersigned on or McKinnon's millinery store will be before the thirtieth I1 ty of August, closed farultl Monday, August 11, to 1947, as on and after that date the Thursday, august 14, inclusive. Misses executors of the said estate shall pro- Thursday, will attend the fall`"Millin- ceed to make distribution of the assets ery displays in Toronto. -32 thereof, , having regard only - to the chins of which they have notice. Dated, at -Goderich ..tliis 31st day of July, A.D. 1947. R. C. IIAYS, K.C., Goderich, Ontario, 31-2-3- - Soticitor for the Estate. BORN �I ARTIN.—At Alexandra Hospital, I�ude2ic•Ii; .oil --s ugust- tlth, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Nace Martin (nee • Patricia Reynolds), R.R. 3, Goderich, a surf. Gerald Edmund. ROBINSON.--At Alexandra Hospital, Guderielt., on August 4th, 1947, eto,, Mr. and Mrs. David Robinson, Dun- gaitilo11. it soIn, James David. TELFORD.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on August 1st, 1947, • to Mr. and Mrs'. Fred Telford, Baytield, a Sutl. IN MEMORIAM - ('i'LP,ERT.—In loving.- memory of Melville Culbert, who passed away at Dungannon, August 8th, 1938. The midnight stars n are shining Upon your 'silent grave; Beneath it sleeps the one I love Arid the one I'could not save. —Ever remembered by his wife,. Olive. 32x TIGERT.—IIi loving memory of our dear mother, Ella Elizabeth Tigert, who passed away August 6, 1944. We• cannot, Lord, Thy purpose see, - But all is well that's planned. by Thee. She was a flower too sweet for earth, Sent here but for a while; -God marked her for his Borne above And to her with a smile. —Ever -remembered by her family: 32x CARDS OF THANKS MR., AND MRS. A. D. IIAY • WISH to extend their grateful thanks for the sympathy anti kindnesses •ext -ended to theist in their recent bereavement. -34 MRS. JAS. MUTCII AND ELMA, of Auburn, wish to• thank their main friends, and neighbors for kind- ness and • syr))pathy extended to them in their bereavement.. - They are deep- ly grateful to Dr. B. O. Weir, and the doctors and nurses at tile' Goderich hospital. ° ,32x ON BEHALF OF' MR. S. HELESIC, •and myself I 'wish to thank every- one who was so kind to our son Michael during his Slay in the hospital. Thanks to Dr. N. -C. Jackson and the nurses and staff of Goderich hospital. We are glad to say Michael is. able to walk again. MRS. S. HELESIC. 32x Visitors with Mr. mud. Mrs. James Monier were Mr:. and Mrs. Mathew (1elnmell, Ripley ; \fr. and Mrs. Gordon Gen1Ine11 and Son and :Messrs. Janie and Percy Morier, Hamilton; Miss Nessie \Iorier.. London, and Mr. and Mrs. :Task Reavie, AVinghiun: \:\ `,'ANTED TO •BUY. — TAYLOR safe with combination, any size; will pay cash. Also vault door. Safes opened. J. W. LOCKING, 369 24th street W., Owen Sound. Telephone 2096W., - -31-3 \\TANTED. — GIRL'S 'USED BI - in good condition. Ap- ply P.O. OX" 699, Goderich. 32x WANTED. — TWO OR THREE room apartment, unfurnished, by young married couple, immediately. Phone 574, Goderich. -32 ON AUGUST 18th WE WILL RE- QUIRE the services of a compet- ent stenographer. Applicants must apply by mail; stating experience and salary expected. PURITY FLOUR MILLS LTD., Goderich. =32 WANTED. — MIDDLE-AGED couple to rent part of home. Write BOX 66, SIGNAL -STAR. -32 FOR SALE' FOR ::.AL1:. -ONE ,PRINCESS )PAT range, • real good baker, in good condition, ,aid • 1 Quebec Beater, good as new. `May be seen at MR. THOS. TAYLOR'S, Bayfield road. 31-2x C.I.L. DUST FOR' CONTROI. SOF tomato blight and biting and suck- ing insects. Do not let your garden be eaten by bugs or destroyed by blight. I'se C.I.L. Ga'r°den Dust that comes in a handy dust gun ready to use. lfor sale by JACKSONS FLOR- IST, 49 Bruce street, phone 105. WA'N'TED. — MAN FOR PROFIT- ABLE Rawleigh route nearby. Must be satisfied with good living at. start. Write RAWLEI I,H'S, Dept. ML -H-216-101, Montreal. -32-3-4-5 • WANTED TO- BUY. — A FARM with lake frontitnge, between Gode- rich •and Grand Bend. . Write giving full details re acreage and price to B()X 67, SIGNAL -ST AR. . . 32-3-4x FOR SALE. --• FRAME HOUSE, seve41. reemso conveniences and basement, on Wilson street ; sewer rates paid. Also new five -room stucco house with basement, pttte,ticaily completed en William and Cayley streets; sewer paid. Immediate possession, 24 Wil- liam street, sunroom entrance...'7tf FOR, SALE. --NUMBER OF HOUSE- HOLD articles, including 3 -piece Krohler chesterfield suite; refriger- ator; Limoge dishes ;„ chiffonier; baby go -care and numerous other articles, at 44. Victoria street. -30-1-2 FOR SALE—SAVE FUEL! ENJOY summer comforts! With rock wool insulation in your home. Free estim- ates given. Phone '555J Goderich,. or 75J Clinton, -29-36 GRADUATE ATE NZ'ItS,ES WANTED for the Ontario 'Hospital, St. Thc;ntis. Eight-hour duty. Six-day' week. Three weeks' annual vacation with pay and all puhlic holidays. Op- portunities for . advancement - and superannuation benefits. Living ac- -conllnudatiorl available in .. modern nurses' residence., Starting salary for graduate nurses $1440.00 per year, for __ - registered Nurses .. 41549,00 per year, FOR_ 1 35 P NTIAC TREASURER'S KALI: O1` LAND ;f,.r :_. ` -. �, •,. .� ,., t AR F R _ SAL.E, 9 O I° AL--� r(liinslt'es `" " :�i��Slj . �II:l3 C. 1 F Icss 4 _3,, 4 Frisch: " Tl(;std sh offer. • -Phone T IZ TA ' "111ItINTENI)F,NT. < 1O .,_ Blyth 10 r 2fi. . 32x iii;`n 11—( iarat'v iiis;Hliii ,-" -__—_ ,1 To Wit: Fon'SALE.—NUMBER OF CHOICE . By virtue of a ,warrant issued by collie pups, two months old, parents, the Mayor of the Town of -0ederich good- heelers. Phone 1119, Carlow. bearing date the 28th day of May, 1947, � UCTION tiALF, U1' HOUSEHOLD 32-3x sale of lands • in arrears of tax. -in � EFFECTS - the Town of Goderich will be held FOR SALE.—$10,500--5-suite apart-�slt the Council Chanll)er•.'(,udi�rich, at. At the home of Mrs. 'thus. Walters, mcnY hnilding; excellent location 12 Waterloo street, Goderich, on ( the hour of 3 o'clock in- the afternoon le, '- SATURDAY, AY, AUGUST 16th •in Stratford : "epch apartment equipped ion the second clay of ()c;tober, -.1947, With electric stove and refrigerator; unless the taxes and (0 N are sooner, at 1.30 p.111 sharp, consisting of : stoker furnace : coal in. •One apart- j paid. Notice is hereby given that the CHUTNEY SAUCE '1 Three-piece chesterfield suite; war meet vacant September 1st ; owner for arrears of 'Twelve large, ripe tunlutues' 4 nut spooled sed, springs and mattress ; p I list of lands, for sale. lure, vufol ,s 1 green l,t�pper, 1 l' enamel tubular bed, springs and nee lug to Toronto. • Apply W. I+'. taxes Was -published in The Ontario sweet reel pepper, 4 large apples, 1 e INGItAM. 79 Hibernia street,. Strat- Gazette on the -5th d(ty of July.1947, mattress; bed, springs and mattress; ford, Telephone 1825. -32-4 and that copies of the 'said list may be 1 cup chopped celery,, 1 cup brown two dressers; mahogany flesh lamp l - sugar, 1 cup vinegar, 2 tspS. chum- •bridge lump; oak china cabinet; • oars, had at. my office. mon, 1' tsp. cloves, `2 tsps. salt, ;l OR SALE. — CUT FLOWERS, , ltbrtit table'; Mahogany whatnot Treasurers _Office, this 15(11 day of tsp. pepper, 2 tsps. mustard. g snapdragons, zinnias, sweet peas ,Tilly., •1947. (antique) ; 31 volume Encyclopedia and other seasonal. garden. -flowers. Blanch, peel and cut' up tomatoes. (Britanni(., (complete) ; bbok shelf ; rS. H. BLAKE. Treasurer. Peel and chop onions dice apples, i I h.onE 7: 2, MRS. L. R, HOLMAN, 29-40- 1 10 -volume Progressive Reference Lib- Cameron street. -32 peppers -and celery. (:ombine all in- racy (coMplete) ; 9 -volume History of FOR SALE.—ELEVEN' SIX -WEEKS - OLD pigs. ALLAN S(_'HRAM. R.R. '1, Port Albert.- -32 RIFLES FOR SALE.—ONE 25-20 Savage 6 shot repeater; good rifle for "all-round use, including deer - shooting ; also one .221 automatic Marlin. Both guns in excellent con- dition. PETER J. WALTER, Salt - ford Ileights. Phone 227. 31x FOR SALE. — SWIVEL DESK chair. Phone • 594W, MRS. C. N ICIIOL:SQN, Nelson street. 32x FOR SALld. — MODERN .CABIN trailer in good condition, immedi- ate possession. Apply - after 6 o'clock to J. LILLOW, Harbor Park. 321 FOR SALE.—VERY NICE 5 -ROOM ,Isungalow in Iluron road district. Prompt possession, s MAL C-O`L-M MATHERS, Insurance and Real Estate' Broker; West street. Phone 115W. ' 32x FOR SALE.—ICE BOX,' MODERN, good • size, practically new. MRS. PAUL .ROBARTS, Cherry Gate Cot- tage, phone 545. -32 Culbert's Bakery d. The Hoanae of Tasty Pastry' WEEK -END S 11 SIAL S\ AANA - MARS MAL, LOW CAKES 40c each = API Orders of $1.00 or more delivered. PHONE 465 MEL. CULBEliT, Prop. FOR SALE. — RUBI3F.I% - TIRED wagon $55; tractor plow (2 -fur- row) $50: 3 -section springtooth culti- vator $40; -livestock or all -steel wagon taken .in trade. W. B. THOMPSON, half -mile east of Tiolroesville, on Na. 8 highway. 32x ygienic supplies ( rubber,, goods), mailed postpaid • lin plain, sealed en- velope with price list: Six samples 25e; 24, samples $1.00. Mail - Order Dept. 7-53, NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. -1-9 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED. TOWNSHIP OF GODERICII Tenders will be received by . the undersigned until 12 o'clock ' noon, August 21st, for -building a bridge on concession (1, approximately 200 yards; a bridge on the Bayfield concession, 16' x 24'; Contracts to state price to supply cement and steel: ,a1So price for the Township to supply' the' cement and. steel. Contractors :AO supply gravel. •A deposit of 10% of tender is required. Work to- be completed by November 1st. Plans and specifica- tions may be seen at office of Super-. intendent, Roy Tyndall, R.R. 3, Clinton. R.- G. THOMPSON, Clerk, - 3'2-3- R.R. 2, Clinton. TENDERS. tr The Huron County Horne Commit- tee request tenders for the supplying of 100 tons of stoker caul for the County Home. Prices -to be quoted for coal delivered on' the tracks at Clinton, Ont. Analysis of the coal tq be -submitted with the tender. - Tenllers to be in the hands of the County Clerk,. Gsderieh,., Ontario, not 4 later than Tuesday, August 12th. N. W. MILLER,. :32- Clerk, County of Hurort. BOWL • Prayer Meeting. SERVICES AT SHORE & GINN ELECTRIC Electric Wiring -. and Repairs B7 West St., Phone 674—or shove Agnew -Surpass Store, Phone 119. -32tf LOST LOST. —-.W'AI,:LET ON WEST street 'or Square, containing sum of motley and papers. • Reward. MORRIS •VANDERMEI.R, R.R. 2, Goderich. Phone 932 r 15. 323 PAINTER INTERIOR DECORATOR INTERIOR JTUCCO WORK • L. MURRAY PHONE 1182 GODERICH 30-1-2-3 CASH AND CARRY ICE I c 10 S AVE cevr ins . PER CWT. Y CALLING AT OUR PLANT AND TAKING AWAY YOUR OWN ICE. DIVE IN ANY TIME OP ° , THE DAY OR EVENINo. OM/. MVXoDERN-EQUIPPED ICN IlLANT CAN SUPPLY YOU • WITH ARTIFICIAL 10E AND ALSO NATURAL ICE ` PHONE 1165W for deliver/ C E • J IlO-RON' Huron Nodi 1IIiC1, WSAIlI31i ' : • 21r_.... sondem, AO*. • G©cIo lth . Hello, Homemakers!'"This column is devoted to your- requested pickle recipes. You should' have heard the folks rave about the,aroma. from our test' batches. of -reales.. The ' listed 'recipes are those we have tested and are happy -to have • on file. Pickles Provide zest to winter meals and those which can accompany many foods are most useful. We believe - these are ease to make and score on color, con- sistency and. flavor. - SPICED GOOSEBERRIES ' then cook slowly until thiel-, taking 21/, qts. of berries,. - 1 cup of care not to let ,it stick to'the bottom of the pot and burn. Seal in sterilized jars. -TAKE A TIPS_. 1. Powdered spices stake a (Lars -colored chutney, whereas the whole spices legVe a lighter relish. If you sub- stitute 'whole spices for powdered mixtures use a little extra quantity. 2. Soaking cucumbers and onions • in `strong brine causes them to wrinkle. 3. Cider vinegar' has a stronger aroma than the -bleached vinegar?, but may cause onions and celery to darken slightly. 4. Do not cook spicy' sauces too long: Vinegar and spices• help to retard chemical action. THE QUESTION BOX Mrs. C. B. asks; Recipe for pickled peaches.' Answer: PICKLED PEACHES Eight lbs. ripe .peaches, whole Cloves, 1/2 cup water, 2 cups cider vinegar, 21/, cups sugar, 3 tbsps. stick cinnamon, 1 tbsp. root ginger, 2 tbsps. of mixed' pickling spice, - 1/2 lemon, -thinly sliced. ' - Use large, firm peaches. Scald, skin and cut them in halves; stit•k two or three whole cloves .in each- half. C bine the vinegar, water. sugar, spices (tied in a cheesecloth bag) and the lemon slices; boil for 5 minutes. a Sim- mer tht' peaches in the'syrup. one layer at •a time until tender; lift into sterile jars; till to overflowing with the boil- ing syrup and seal . at orr('e. Yield: approximately -4 putts: . Miss -M. T. asks: Rec'ipe for mint Pears. • Answer: ' MINT PEARS . • I'rilre, core "incl pelt in slightly salted wa ter, to prevent discoloration. Pack into prepared ,iars•nnd•1111 with medium syrup to within 11/2 inches of top of jar. P•or each quart add 1/i tsp. mint extract and enough pure. green fruit coloring to give desired • shade. Add flavoring and fruit coloring to- syrup before filling jars. Partihlly seal and Four process in electric oven for ,,1 hour at • Cost 275 degrees F.. .11:15 , Mrs. J. G. asks: What !las made my 11.75 crabapple jelly very dark? 12.20 Answer: It is the the result of too 14.10 slow 'cooking. ' 15.50 Mrs. 1'. C. asks: Oar currant jelly 17.25 has sugar •cryttirl$s in 'the bottom . of jars. Should it be boiled again ? Answer`: No, it will keep as it is. ..('rystals a'r'e-(fsins(ld either because sugar waa.upot stirred until dissolved, or jelly was boiled too long. � 4 4, Anne Allain invites you to 'write to her in C'ar'e of The Signal -Star. Send In your suggeiations , on homemaking problems arta watch thio <'oittmn for replica., - ' 4 •. • AUCTION SALES -gredients. Let come to 11 boil. and the World (comp1ute ),: Pictures; hand Paintings; quantity of dishes ; quantity of kite11envi•are ; quart ands'!. pint sealers. and numerous other articles. TERM S—CASH. MRS. THOS. WALTERS, Proprietress. 'EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. vinegar, 2 lbs. sugar, 1 tbsp. cinna- mon, 1/4 tsp. allspice, 1/4 tsp. cloves. - Cut off the tails and stems of berries. Bring the_ vinegar and sugar to boiling point and add the spices, then add the gooseberries and simraner , slowly - for about twenty minutes. Bottle in smalls airtight jars. - PEAR CHOW ('IIOW Eight pears, 3 onions, . 3 sweet red peppers, 1/2 cup sugar, -2' cups vinegar,: 1/ cup water, 2 tsps. salt, 2 tsps. w�ole spice. Peel on•ionit, remove ,seeds from peppers, put both through food - chopper using course knife. Peel and core pears. Cut in small cubes. Mix sugar, spices, salt and vinegar. Heat to boiling points .Add onions, peppers, pears and Spices tied in. a cheesecloth bag. •Simmer 30 minutes on electric element turned lows, stirring occasional- ly. Remove spices. • Pour into hot sterilized jars. Seal. Yield: four pints. • • HOT DO(,RELISI1 - Three "pounds (12 to 15) sweet red peppers. 3 pounds (12 to • 15) • green peppers, 3 pounds (12 to .15 medium) onions, 4 cups vinegar, 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp. mustard seed, 1 tbsp. dry inestard, 1 tbsp. celery seed, 2 tbsps. salt. Peel onions, t'ennve see(lsfrom Tepper$, put both through' food 'chop- per. using coarse knife. Plaee in lflrge preserving kettle, cover with boiling wetter and let, stand 5 minutes. Drain thoroughly. Add vinegar. sugar, -spices and snit: cook until vegetables fire tender ---about - ten minutes, : stirring o'ccasionally,. Pour hot jars. Seal. I soli] : six pints. NEW TIRES! - 1st QUALITY 4-PI.y TRANS -CANADA List Price 13.90 14,70 15.21 17.00 19.35 21.55 Size 440-450/21 475-500/19 475-500/20• 525-550/18 525•330417 ;000/1(1, — FIRST LINE' - 600/10 •8Q.95 (Mit seconds) • w1 TIDO ;VIULCANIZINO . MANE ANE A (11-A ,OW PHONE 1;99 114,10114 ST. 32 -3 - AU CTIOS7 SALE. OF THE POWER TOURIST -HOME corner of Wellington street and Elgin avenue, Goderich, Ontario, on— ' SATURDAY. AUGUST 9th, 1947 'at 1.30 p.m., - D.S.T. FURNISHINGS — 2 -piece chester- field suite; gateleg table, '4 chairs ; tri -light lamp; radio; spring -filled tpattresses ; studio couch; - bed and springs.; -tilt chair and ottoman ; oc- casional chair; Me'Clary. electric'stov.e and annex; oil 'circulating heater; Blue Bird- electric washer; console radio; large arett.iciue whatnot; solid walnut buffet! antique desk and numerous other articles. • •REAL • ESTATE .. , This is a large, well - located _ 'home with complete hath and • extra lavatory. Tho.'oughly redecorated,• both inside a ont'side. Also large garage, and approximately 2/3 acre of beautiful property, 'including .various fruit and shade trees. Lots 303, 304,' 352, in the Town of Goderich, with the.,resi= dentinl property° above described, 'sub- ject to fi reserve bid. • TERMS — On chattels, cash; on real estate, 20% down and balance in thirty (lays or on earlier closing if art�Fi t r1. The 'prorrietear is willing to take 50% of the balance back on mortgage. GERARD L. POWER, Owner. MATT. GAYNOR, 31-2- ' >t ..Auctioneer. FOR SALE.—HOUSE FOR -'RALE: possession August 1st ; on Britans nia road. Apply 75 East street. 30tf CHURCH NOTES • Rev. .Inseph- Machan, B.A., mission- ary on furlough frpxn India, will ad- dtess the congregation of Knox Pres- byterian church next Sunday morn= ing. As Ifrdia ) 15 much in people's minds in these days of .transition, Mr. Muehan's message 811o11111 1)e of especial interest. POLIO PRECAUTIONS Warning to treat every suspicions synlptonr at this, season as th(►ngh it is "police" comes from health authorities. "Stomach 'tin;" "summer complaint,': dysentery or any infection of *the bowels may •predisp<3se to infantile' paralysis. If.- any' -suspicious symptoms' are en- colinteced, and whenever in doubt, the official advice is "C"all your family doctor at once." It is, better to be safe than sorry, FOR SALE. — FOLDING ' BABY ply .-f:3 Ra rri,9g . blue, just like new'. Ap- D ABBOTT, Postoffcee Care taker. 32x Refrigeration a,ld Electrical, Appliance Service ALL MAKES Elliott McVittie 4.8 Pfcton St. Phone 417W 22tf Reliable Efficient Radio Repairs 'LOUR RADIO SERVICE DEPT. FULL STOCK OF TUBES AND . PARTS CARRIED All Work Guaranteed Phone 114 West St, 23tf Get it at GARDNER'S . • AND YOU'LL HAVE NO REGRETS. Gardner Motor' Sales Phone 231 Goderich 6