HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-08-07, Page 7a IU 0P T, -MI UST 7th, 2017 Essential A service such as ours can be complete' and efficient only if there are enough assistants • to take care of every detail, and if every assistant " is well. trained. We believe that our organ- ization is particularly, efficient. BROPHEY'S �ZcaegaLS7JiCe FLOYD M. LODGE , DIRECTOR 13 MONTREAL $T. PHONE I a .fl a>, :E G.f-tIE G- INA childreu's Allowances Being Paid to 1,609,086 Families in Canada FIRST AID RENDERED . TO ' SICK RADIOS ALSO , . PORTABLE FOOL -PROOF SOUND SERVICE .1. R. MUNDAY . Certified Radio Technician - PHONE OR CALL 7 Wilder St., Goderich; Phone 598 WHEELER'S FUNERAL SERVICE, No extra charge.. for the use of our Funeral Dome, Toron- to Street,, Pramp1 Ambulance - Service Phone i35 Res. 355 or 7 In May of this year there were ! anees are payable• to all 'families, no 1,6Q0,o86• families in, Canada receiving nnaatter how great the income of that EQaraaily allowance. family. There were 3,6(07,6 children in re-, 'xhere is argument that greater old ceipt of the allowances. gage, pensions should be paid and. less The average allowance per child in h11owr noes to children. That is across the Dominion was $595. •one of those debates that go on and on, far into the night, with Tits average allowance per fancily earl) Side limn- The .$13.57. ly timed in opinion and neither (dale shaken the least by the arguments The total amount paid'out in family of allowances during May of this year the other. was $21,844,450. (In addition to this Steely Increase amount there was an added adjust- The figures show a fairly steady in- crease of -$'1.1,342 paid torchildren iu the crease in the amounts being paid each North-West Territories and the month' Yukon.) In April of 1946, the total paid The family allowances at present are across Canada was 19,ii98,9( 7. costing the Dominion (government ap- ABY rJttly, 191, thls had risen to proximately half .of the total Budget of:.O,OOa,812. 1939, the year war broke out. By. January, 1947., the total per IIer is how the families and the mortth Kaci gone to $21,215,305. In March, 1047, this total had risen children are divided by I rovinces : 1 Province Families*ies* Children again t(, `2,6:30,948. Indians of the Yukon:, • And.• in 'May, 1947. another increase Miss `'erclu Best. daughter of the had brought t•he ta(ttthi ly total to late Mr. and 'Mrs. J. M. Best of Sea- 211,450 •forth, has been appointed director of the reception ('entre for British im- migrahts and hostel for single girls County and Distrito The '5VinRhaua Town C'ouneil, has aei•epeed' the tender of W. H. Rlntoul, at 10,4:37, for the building of a uew tire hall. George ktador, . sixteert - year - old Exeter youth, had his left hand badly mangled wheu it was caught in a power saw. Ile was taken tO Victoria. Hospital, London, for attention. As. Brooks of Belfast fell from a barn roof and received injuries which sent Ian to the tie ingham hospital. He , was assisting James_ Culbert shingle the barn wheIn he fell off the edge of the roof, dropping soiue thirty feet. Internal injury was feared. 'Miss Helen Larkin, daughter of the late Rev.• Dr. F. II. Larkin of Seaforth, has left for the North to fill a position in the Indian Department of the Federal Government. She will be located at White Horse and will assist in social service work among the P. E. I. Nova Scotia N. B. Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta Iritish Columbia .... 128.995 245,725 N.W.T. and Yukon .. 2,805 6,235 Average Allowances And here are the average allowances per child, average allowances per fam- ily, and the total amount paid in each Province: Alv'erage Average for for Province Child. Family Total P. E. I. $5.94 $15M5 $ 186,361 N. S, , 5.96 13.90 1,178,618 • N. B. 5.87 _ 151,3 996,174 •Quebec 5.90 16.20 7,324,663 Ontario (1.00 11.96 6,385,542 Manitoba (1.01 12.52 1,230,638 Mrs. L. Crozier "and Colin, of Lou- John Farrish. Ashtield. received Sask. 6.02 13.61 1,547,468 'don, were week -enc' visitors with Mr. severe burns last week from blazing Alberta 6.01 12.95 1,504,142 andMrs. *Clifford Crozier gird •attended 'gasoline. 1lk .sun I.orne's car had riot B C, 5.92 11.27 . 1,454,142 'the wedding of Miss .1 eau Campbell at • out of gasoline -and to get it started N.W.T. & Yuk5.88 13.08 30,(196 :auburn' on Saturday. Mrs. ('. Crozier, Quebec's Large Families Joanne and Billy, returned to London It is obvious that Quebec gets the with them on Monday. most benefit with Ontario coming next. Donald and. Grant ('urrae. visited Although there are more families in with Murray and Robbie hunter at' Ontario than iu Quebec, there are Lucknow on Saturday. many more Children in Quebec than in 11r. and Mrs. Raymond Finnigan andOntario. That circumstance gives fatnily attended the P.luukett reunion Quebec the greater sum when the total held in harbor Park, Gudcrich, on allowances are computed. Sunday. When 'the family allowances were :1Ir. Norman Rivett wtis thane from first paid, they, were sent only to these I3luevate for the week -end. making elaim, and only to those who Norma Sherwood, spent last week would have some benefit after income visiting with her cousin, Nita Sher - taxes had been paid. 'Now,. the allow- wood of Carlow, and returned home on Sunday. 12,386 ' 31,390 - 84,782 197,705 65,858 169,5 52 452,178. 1,241,185 533,9.43 1,063,655 98;272 204,065 113,085 2576145 116,182 250,302 CREWE CREW'4'E, Aug. 4. --Mrs. (I)r. ) ,J. A. •Munkmatn, and son., Itcv.• Missal Monk - matt, and wiftt of Terentu., visited with Mt'. G. O. Durnin on Tuesday, Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Finnigan on Thursday were Mr. :and Mrs. G. A. McLaughlin and 'Joanne, of Detroit; Miss Anne Chatu- ham, sintered painful injury when site uey and Mrs. Sacra. 1'hamney, of Bel- fell from her bicycle. Her foot" rave. - , be- g aisle tangled in the *heel and 1.,, Mrs. Marie (;spelt of IIamilton Wab tumbled. Every- bone 'in. her right 1. a week -end visitor with her brother, ankle was broken, and when she was Mr. G. O. Durnin. picked up her foot was. -badly _twisted. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kilpatrick visited- Her leg vv.u5 placed In a east and for on Saturday with. Mrs. Susan Andrew a -few (10ys she suffered great pain. of Zion and Mrs. fully 'Treleaven of John Farrish I.uck11 w. Receives Severe Burns hgain it was nese 3 nary to put sows gas -inn the c'arbure'tor. While this waas, being ,done t ortre splarsl;<ed ora l itr. Far- risli s left: hand and en the Motor, and suddenly' it -burst. into flame. Medical aid was obtained and Mr. Farrisia'a• hand was in banrtagea • t'or several days. With .sow,e di i' culty. . the blaze that enveloped the• t'nginwwas smothered.. Improvement Work on Highway No.. 83 Says -The' l xeter Times -Advocate:, highway No. 83 between Exeter and the Blue Water Highway that leads to Grand Bend will be a real highway when the present plans now in Pro- gress are completed. Contracts have been let POI- then bridges and culverts between Exeter and Grand Bend .and the work of widening the road is now itt progress of construction. The road is being .widened seventeen feet on either side and will require 150,000, Yards of till. • for which, 11. Lawrence & • Sons, of Zurich, have the contract. ,The trees have all been eut down along the .narrow. strip• of road three miles west of Exeter. Bulldozers are being used for widening the road and earth for the till is beim; taken from the being organized in Toronto by the field west of the Aux Sable River on Ontario •Government. Miss Best serve(] theoutskirts of Exeter. during the .war years as Inatron of the AIt{pI(G, Leaf Club, No. 1 in London. Wingh un Girl • Painfully Injured Jlis Jdary liu'hl'i'("ltl. (h.ttighter of \Ir. and J1rs. (-:has. 11 ti htield. .p Ate tA NITED STATES CURRENCY MUST BE TURNED INTO THE BANKS Why ? Because U.S. dollars spent by tourists are ,needed to pays for the many imported goods .and services essential to keep Canadian industry at a high 'level of production and employment. To ensure that U.S. dollars are made available for this purpose, the Foreign Exchange Control regulations requi fe that merchants, hotel -keepers, service stations, and all others turn in whatever P .. United '`States currency they receive to their banks. In his own interests as well as in Those of Canada, it is the obliga- tion of every Canadian to comply -with the regulci`tions which" are necessary'for the orderly and proper use of oor foreign exchange • p . resources. IF YOU REQUIRE Uo5. FUNDS, APPLICATION CAN BE MADE AT YOUR BANK �.q FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL REGULATIONS IN BRIEF , t- 1. In no case is it legal for a Canadian resident to pay out U.S. currency to anyone in exchange for Canadian currency; ' - 2. In no case•is it legal for a• Canadian resident to pay out U.S. currency in 'change to another Canadian resident even though the latter has tendered U.S., currency in payment for a purchase. 3. No Canadian resident is permitted to retain in his possession U.S. currency in excess of $10.00, but is required to turn in such funds to his bank For conversion into Canadian Funds. . 4. Merchants or others catering to the tourist trade may pay U.S: currency kition-resicterif tourists in change if U.S. currency is tender&.for a purchase, and may retain in their possession a necessary amount of U.S. currency for this purpose. BREACH OF TfiE REGULATIONS RENDERS TUE OFFENDER - LIABiIE TO FINE AND IMPRISONMENT • 9 ISSUED BY .THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD UNDEROQ�l' OF CANADA, AUTHORITY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF T DOMINION A,, • ASHFIELD ' ASIIh'1F.Ll). Aug. 5. --Mr. enol Mrs. - George Bu11eI1 and sun, of Toronto, are this weelt visiting v''vith Mr. and Mr's. Robert Millen. Mrs. Donalda Duncan of Toronto visited over tire 'week -end with Miss Annie May MacDonald and Mrs. Simp- son. Mrs. David McGill, who spent the' tre4t° nrrrntle-with~ Iiet.4r)Wi�rs; tiT .s e& MaeGregur. in Duluth. is this .'week with Mr, and -Mrs. John Malc•Kay. Dr. Frank and Mrs. 'MaacLennan of «"indsor, who are occupying their cot- tage act Druce Beach. visited his old .friend at Kintail, Mr. Dan MacDonald. Dr. MacLennan practised medicine in I- Intuit over forty years ago, and later at Ripley before going • to Windsor. sIr. and Mrs. I). A. MacLennan spent civic 'holiday at R'ic'hmond Hill with tht' fornler's sister, Mrs. Bates. and "I Ir. Hattes. r -Backache May Warn (Of Kidney-DisordeAr - Dull, aching pains in the back may be a warning of kidney dis- orders. Don't neglect These pa airs. • Doan ?f3 Kidney Pills stimulate the action of the kidneys, help to elimi- nate the wastes which are often the cause of backache, rheumatic pains, and minor urinary and 'bladder ail- ments., Thus Doan's Kidney Pills c}telp the kidneys to clear thebody of impurities. Do as thousands of othelt' Cana- dians have done. When troubled with backache, take Doan's Kidney Pills. ,On sale at all drug counters, The T. Milburn Co.. Ltd., Toronto, Ont. "Old at 46, 50,60 ?" - Man, You're Crazy Forget, your age! Thousands aro peppy at 70. Try "pepping up" with Ostrex. Contains tonic for weak, rundown feeling due solely to body's lack of iron which mar.: men and women call "old," Be delighted; tt t. your money back. Try (battrer Tonic Ta for new pep, vigor, vim and yearsoung , . ,eling, this very day. For sale at all ,Orug stores everywhere. 1e c t'I ROY N. BENTLEY INCOME TAX-(•Pusiiitass, Pri- vate or Farm Reports) Bookkeeping • Services- (W'eehjy or Monthly) Typing -(Private or Commercial work) . 36 REGENT ST B0X 58 PHONE 231J Goderich, Ont. 20tf Bertou Mothspray is Guaranteed, in writlpg, to protect your furniture rugs, blankets, clothing and furs from moth damage for five years, or Berlou pays for the dantoge. 44c will protect a man's suit for Ave years - only 9c a year/ othor articles equally low. Buy this guaranteed mothspray today from your department, drug or hardware store. Loading laundries and dry cleaners can Berlou your clothing, furs, blankets, rugs and furniture. B E R LO UGuaranteed M4'rHPRCOF .• When Children Suffer From Bowel Complaint During hot summer months all of us, but especially children, are more susceptible to diarrhoea, intestinal pains and summer complaint., At the first symptoms mothers use DOCTOR FO'Q61Z,EE'S EX- TRACT OF WILD STItAWBER.EY, This time -tested remedy is fast - acting and dependable for adults or children. Be sure to specify the mune- DOCTOR FOWL'.' EXTItAin OF WILD 0. AW-- BRSBY, • 4 --,r INVITED TO I'OKT STANIIXi 1 e5. A. J. 3felztlye ct :Straftordv , rrnir i' ' er on =MC) tate tt orilw lids -F ieitue.; Il'srt t1itcd Vhur, hr, Ci CI�Yt. for the lett. Tsar, Bahr-, hepta �l$ed tt7 L tale the °o �at Stanley z rat Dexter ('barge, to replaee tlw late Eev. 1Geoyge Ilia lr tQ3d, Zir. Naiay6 in 41, fOrttii,6{t Pastor off' Victoria ratrcut Tpz tl,t cltur( b, •(.ialleriela. SAF TY sow Soap is effective against rt t diusei Se geriais. So, says the health. depart,. <. inept at Ottawa, even though. other$' have handled it, there to •no • reafol" tt shun the soap in a public washroom. I]towevaer, the health authorities -advise against using co i' mon towels, in Nvara4. rooms or elsewhere, since they cam transmit disease, voraimmumossawomimmoniinimemiesimainor tj IF You . woray about your present or future security, a Phone Carlow .1706 or write B. R. ROBINSON Monarch . We Assurance repre- sentative; R.R. -4, Goderieh. 3Gtf DICT THE UPHOLSTERER Phone NO, 567W Estimates Free No Obligations! .,. FOR SERVICE AND GUARANTEED WORK. Look in the MacLAREN'S Photographs for all -occasions IN• FORMAL WEDDING PICTURES - ANNIVERSARIES CHILDREN St. David St., Goderich TROUSSEAU TEAS INNER GROUPS FAMILY GROUPS Tele• phone 401-J.. 0 t'new odwing' kt f MA a o Mir Goodwhhfs shiny new aluminum wheelbarrow is the envy of the neighbours. Junior is as proud as a peacock of his miniature version. Mrs. Goodwin dotes on her new aluminum trowel ... and her"sniart new garden chairs, sitting so invitingly lin the shade. Yes, aluminum is a natural/rale ga'rden-so light to handle, so perennially rustproof, shnduring. Little wonder it is finding a lot of interesting new uses -in rakes and brooms, lawnmowers and ladders ... Little wonder the Goodwins' neighbours are determined that from now,. 00,tbsir garden tools are grip to be aluminum, too. • .. „_, . ,...,-- _ Where (foes Aluminutia came from 9 its bask rp4r materials are lmpbrtede Bauxite from British Guianaa 'Ct;ya- Iito fram,Grecnland, F:uorpar,fres'rs Newfoundland. Canada makes use of her waterpower and manpower Ro turn them into Aluminum --uses up no natural resources of tsar. own. All these "ingredients" are thought together at Arvida, Quebec, hasp* of the largest utipninwn-ttreduciad plclnt in the world. BY �P:CANAO: Q Prodeters toted of Morolnime for Canadian tralustry and ifirortd Mot ots (. 111 It,., . S t^b' d ,, ti ro 50 e. •