HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-08-07, Page 3044441,) M QNlu-IIUNURE.DTH YEAR. NO. dd P HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST WEEKLY. GODERICH, ONTARIO, rrRUR.sDAy, AUGUST 7th, 1917 (knk r till l; h su 'Water Band. The ,lrot- () i1E, What Visit. light, of the roof is aalras(, t COntinuoa- O D.A011.1 rr 11 Business .Directory LBCAL . r. K. 1.LUNTIl ib Barrister, .t_ te. Id:oyal Bank Bldg. Hamilton Street,, oderich Phoate 968: CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS - W�g�„ CECIL ATTIIDG +'. •��' sit +'D ACCOUNTANT C13AItT Phone N o.--Uilice 343W house 343J iaoderlcll. V . OVRRF'°NOY TO ' • TURNED INT? l MNI S ACCOUNTING AND SO41KR'!:r(:F1 N6 CCOUN'1'1N(A & 11t,UOKKEEP1N•U' SERVICE For Small Businesses, -Stores, JLtc. Bookkeeping Systems Installed. Books Balanced Monthly Financial Statements `' Wage . Summaries ,Business and Personal Income Tax R.eturaas -- ALBERT SHORE O11ice:C orner North .St. and Square Phone 975. ' Residentrce Phone 444. INSURANCE OTTAWA, August 6.-.---At7 the request of the FfireigI1 Exchange Control Board, thealt.(,'.DI.I'. have commenced a cou.t try -wide Aleck ()t the way in which storekeepers, service stations, hotels and others are handling V.S. currency received from tourists The U.S. dollar expenditures of tour- ists in Canada are. one of the main sources of the fureigli,exeharige needed to pay for Canadian .imports and other normal expenditures in the United States. So that. the U.S. dollars spent by tourists will be available for these purpoSes, the Foreign EXchange Con- trol Regulations require that Canadian merchants and others turn the U.S. currency they receive into their banks. Officials of the Board said that re- ports -they have received indicate. that many merchants are not turning •in their -U.S. dollar receipts brit ire ay- ing them out freely in change and in -some cases are selling them to members of the ptiblic in exchange for Canadian -currency. This has led to the check- up now • being made, and where breaches of the regulations are found prosecutions under the Foreign Ex- change Control Act•will be commenced. Under the regulations a merchant. hotelkeeper 'or other . person engaged in a business serving tourists may ac- cept U.S. currency at par and may make change hi F..S. currency for a non-resident -tourist who tenders U.S. currency in payment for purchases. I+or this purpose a merchant may keep on hand a- rens(iapable amount of U.S. currency,: but, -with this one exception, -is required to turn in to lit bank all U.S. currency he receives. In no circnrnstances is a merchant, hotelkeeper, etc., entitled under the regulations'to pay out U.S. currency in exehauge for Canadian currency or in change 'to a .Canadian resident, even thouh the1 tt may • have tendered AScIi1LLUP MUTUAL FIRE IN- SUi ANCE CO.—Farrel and iso Jated town property insured. • Ufiicers — President, Frank Mc- Gregor, Clinton, It.R. 5 ; Vice -President, •Chrbs. Leonhardt, .Bornholm, 1t.lt. 1; Manager and Secretary -Treasurer, M. A. Keld, Seaforth. Directors—frank McGregor, Clinton; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; a.. Whitmore, R.R. 3, Seaforth; W. R. ".Archibald, It.i. 04, Seaforth.; Harvey ,Fuller, 1t.1t, 2, Uoderich ; E. J. Tre- wartha, IL I.1. 3,' Clinton; John ,H, Mc- -Ewing, ItJii;. 1, Blyth ; laugh Alexander, Walton ; • J. L. Malone, R.R. 5, ••,SeaforU1. �r Brucetield, Agents—John E..1'epp' , P.R. 1;. George A. Watt, Myth, R.R. 1; R. Finlaly nAlcKercher, .11ublin, R. 1; .J. F. Prueter, Brodhaa,gen. _Policy -holders can• make all PLY- ments and get their carats receipted •at ,the ltoyal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cut's ,Grocery, Kingston Street, U0derich, .ox • head's General Store, Balylield. MEDICAL MacDonald. in Annual Reunion tan !ship that always existed. .. 'l'lley sang and they dative O 111^�l►1t((t and r.1 t 1 14)', e(1 music o t Iwtgpipes. The pilfers were Mr. Snow; don of Kincardine, D. A. MacLennan Descendants of Early Ashfield Settlers Recall Glories of Their Race . . g as er C'.5. currency in paymexlt for a pur- cha• t By Our 1' intail Correspondent) Despite lead „n skies land a slight drizzle, the preseht-day descendants of Murdoch and Donald Jlii&Donald met again to celebrate the eightevitil re- union of the clan, with 106 present. The celebration took, place on the farm of Alex. MacDonald, in a lovely grove t ' saw. Ile riixi t1M1e to foini as' a clown, and Da \IsisDuu.(t(1 The old I 00 t 71i1 �°0 lfl�r�ti___ 1t04Dk .i7' but li �, 11: frau as regards � ,) Say o ly centred U1)()rr Uevrgc+ Jufl1t'F , se%erity- fGoderichtw"c, yt'aar tild ba ss t11'Idnixnel'; dvhu is the ' most unpredictable 'drummer you over .. nunen sU square dances, the •reel ar(tl the Bing else( ng o 0 were once more revived. A1eX. Mac_ at Information ooth good bandsman, which he really is L nald as usual fiddled lively tunes Are Il terestin when he is in right form. '� d .The clown baixid are tops in dress Buck Dl r. Snowdon euiltrit,ulect several find the costumes run. the Scale in all numbers, with Mrs. Munn and Mrs. The Goderich Board of Trade's tour- 110(1 and types of un-clowfunny ones Donald MacDonald accompanying on ist information booth on the Square and sober ones, all making up a com- the- organ. Naturally a lonely -note was sounded in 111e silence observed by the clan, as tribute to those former numbers who have joined the -vast vast procession, recalling the iinulortal lines in the Lament of 1� 1pdden, "The Flowers of the Forest are a' ..-we'de aw•a'. Those especially • rc (allt'd were John MacLeod, Finlay I). MacLennan, and Al rs. Dona Id MacKenzie of (1ranurn, Alta. . Members of the elan were present from Detroit, Windsor, IIainiltun, London, Toronto, and Mr. Donald Mac- Kenzie, and dauy,hter Margaret Prom Granum, Alberta. Donald's last visit was thirty years ago. There were the, Tun) Mari)onalds, the Alex's, the Dans, -the Bobs, the Blues, the Agnews, the Hatrrises, Munns, MacKenzies. David .Stewart, Mtirdo MacLeod and Dan MaeI)onald, Kintail, though not of so tender age, were there with a light and sprightly step, and many others. Very welcome visitors were Mrs: -I•)onalda I)uuean and .11iss Mudge .11ac- Donstld .of Toronto. New additions -to •. MacDonald 'i D the clan were JIT.. Lloyd Ji. c 1,. enclosed by stately cedar trees, typical of the. rugged spleaidor of Rosshire and the "Isles." The MacDonald clan, children of a noble race, early in the nineteenth century faced• "the hazard- ous ordeal of au. Atlantic a ,. 'a,l e, "What sought they t?,ius afar T' De- finitely nut the wealth of seas nor the spoils of war, but a place where wen could carry on 'a noble fight. Led by the bud of all minims, they planned their destiny, the wilderness, and it did blossom as the rose, and Kintaii and Lochatlsh became the laud of homes where toil can make men free, the true aristocracy of earth,,. _-. the Vision Jack and the Royal Standard, fluttered iii the breeze. The Scottish tartans and beret worn by the men intensified the glamor of the 'I't'ene, and the golden glow of the setting sun fell on the gathering like al benediction. Harry MacDonald was chairman for the day. Miss Marian Munn sang in pleasing voice two lovely -solos. Com- munity singing follow' d. A letter from Mrs. Jennie MacDonald Lennie of Hamilton was read, as she was un- able to=be present, but always has had the welfare of he clan at heart and wishes for'thein continued good fellow - provided information and directions for Many tourists over the week -end, must of whom were heading for farther north. A lug -book in which tourists write their names and` addresses- together with continents provides interesting hi - formation. Soine of these recordings and JIr.,Lloyd Taylor: • officers Were appointed for next year, with Donald MacKenzie of tlranusu, Alberta, as president ; David Stewart, treasurer, mild Harry_ MacDonald, secretary. ;A sumptuous - suppers was served, with abundance of ice cream,. after which dancing and .more dancing Was enjoyed. • All joined hands and sang "Auld Lang Syne" and "God Save the King" and as the skirl of the pipes was silent all departed to their homes or those of their friends iia the deepen - F. T. Armstrong OPTICIAN and OPTOMETRIST Square --- ''Goderich "See- Armstrong and See Better" At Lucknow first , Friday of each ,.month. nit.. F. J.. 13. FOi r}P i,, EYE, E,;-1t1AR. NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and, Aural hospital, assist- ant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, England. EYES TESTED, .GLASSES. .. SUPPLIED '53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephone 267. Next visit Bedford' Hotel, Goderich, Wednesday, July 23rd, 1942, at 2 p.m. till 4.30 p.m. • HiR,OPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS '�• THERAPIST • . . Goderich, Phone 341 OFFICE HOURS 411os1. & Thurs.-9 to 11.30 a.m. 2 to 5 p.m. (only) Tues. .& Fri. --9 to • 2 to 5 p.m. and 7.te 8 p.m. Wed. & .Sat. --9 to 11.30 a.m. (only) Mineral fume -baths by -appointment only. . A. N. ATb.INSON -5y. South St. Registered under Drtigless Practitioners Act for the "Province of Ontario. 1 A. L. COLE INSURE. IN SUR.P INSURANCE - CON}EDE1 AT1ONLIFE WIND- CAR,' FIRE -.Preferred rates •fort' preferred risks." ACCIDENT & SICIKNESS Consult JOHN FARRISH Phone 82-13 Dungannon SEP ED. HARTMAN Elgin Ave. 'Wellington St. Phone .967W fc PA• INTING . PAPER-HAN.3ING ,,. CARPENTRY WORK 30-1-2x vimaw ENJOY PE'ACN OF 1VuND and freedom from financial losses, by insuring today. TALK IP OVER TODAY WITH GORDON . JEWELL '' R.R: 6, Goderich Phone Carlow 2E -It -4. are as follows: Mr. and Mrs. 'Norman >lieimbecker, Detroit : "Visiting Goderich after an absence of twenty years." Mr. and Mrs. Arthur -J. Miller, De- troit.: "Had wonderful steak dinner at local. hotel. Very tine treatment." - Mrs. E. D. Hartley, Grand' Rapids, Mich.: "Came to Goderich partic•uIarly to see the sunset over Lake Huron. It's raining today but 1 hope for a better day tomorrow." ('Phis was written on.Saturday, August 2nd. The next day, Sunday, she got her wish with a nice, sunny day.) Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Htallick slid daughter, Dorothy, Orange,' California: "Born • in Goderich. Love the town. Going tjac•k to California but will come again. Jessie Metcalf, Bayfield: "Could seine plan be worked out for •saving the ol(1 ('curt House—one-of the his- torically important structures in the county?" Accompanying her'. were Janet Manson and -E. A. Kuuc'key, also of Bayfield.. There have been many. enquiring• as to the whereabouts of Camp Kitchi- ga.nti, mostly people from London. girls from London are at pre binatioif in 'elown,,bands quite unique. That the band is good and draws a big hand on their numerous ern `gements, is backed up- by the fact the band is in demand all over Western Ontario. While only organized this year, they have stolen the show wherever they have gone and return engagements have piled up to a considerable number. "So for a good laugh and plenty of fun be sure and see thistlband giving you the time of your life at the Elmira tattoo, August 15th." WESTERN.' ONTARIO MOTOi�iVAVif —. Bu Schedule Now 'In I'�li ccs 'Jd'o LONDON To S'I RAT`EOg D 7,4';0 a.m. 9.15 a.m. 12.15 p,,irn. 4.15 p.un. 8.15 p.m. 7.15 ... A 0;15 12.15 Puna, • 4.15 p.m. A 6.15 pg.rmt. B 7.15 p.m. 8.1.5 To Kincardine 1•.15 p.m. and '7.45 p.m. A ,)aily Except Sundays t II ►1* �a�yiY. B Sunday and holidays only. All others daily. - Connections at. Clanton for-Lottd01p0" Detroit, . Winghaan, `Walkerton, Port Elgin and Owen Sound. Connections at Stratford for Woodstock Kitchener, Guelph, Hamilton and Toronto. Connections at Mitchell for ,towel and London.,: For information phone British Ex. • change phone 691 or 717. • it'g shadows of evening, Will Ilaaa,ty .etas c8nipi.atg_,there. pleasant recollections. Totu-ists.,eatquiring at the booth `coine ' frion many -State* south of the"thurder, Mar. -and Mrs.. James M. Redditt and 1 hilt mostly from Michigan, Ohio and two children, Joanna and Lynn; of Indiana of .late. Toronto, Were - holiday, visitors with r • • . GODERICH'S CLOWN BAND HAS A REPUTATION the •former's mother, 'Mrs. F. R. Red -1 ditt. AIrs. Redditt :red little daugh- ter are reniaining its town for a visit. 'NEW ,I)RES[DENT OF • INTERNATIONAL LIONS Fred W. Suiith, Ventura. California, is the new president of the Internation- al Association of Tions Clubs. 'He Wats trdva>+need by unaninacnls vote from the 1r) v is elmes'r(elf1. y t t -- 44-4414ie 1 - annual convention of the Association, held at San Francisco last week. Smith succeeds Clifford 1). Pierce, of 'i(•lupbis. Tennessee. The -('4 11Vetltlah concluded the most kaacees-ful 1('a(t• in the history of Lion§ Get us UNDER -SEAL. YOUR CAR �ized Coating With 'tubber GUARANTEED' FOR THE LIFE OF YOUIt, CAR. Ask about this New RubberizedfSeal that stops rust, corrosion, squeaks, on the underbody of your car at GODERICH MOTORS 'The fame of Goderich'i Clown Nand has gone abroad, as testified by the following nuuounceiuent in The Elmira Signet of last week : • "At the Elmira Bugle Band- tattoo to be held. 111 Elmira on August 15fh, ,n( of the future attractions will be the 1-oderieh Clown Band. This band is.:Tomposedr.of7 tea,menther# .frE,m --the FORD --MONARCH SALES 4 SERVICE r. PHONE 83 - SOUTH ST. -32 DONALD B. BLUE EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER Licensed for Countites • of Huron and Bruce RIPLEY, PHONE 49 •For information apply to J. N.„ Hernighasl, Division Court Clem, Goderich, Ong. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence . promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 203, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. 19tf • J. W. CRAIGIE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE PHONE' 24 GLARRK'S PEAS 111 BUT IN EW, PACK—FANCY G'EEN ! A'1NN PAGE iUGHNU' !TS ANN PAGE MAYONNAIE - Ungraded OWNED AND OPERATED DT ver. o..u, ATLANTIC & PACIFIC T.. c.ea GODER:I+CH Optometrist—Optician Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Goderich, Ont. Geo. G. MacEwan Fire, Accident and Motor Car Insurance OFFICE—MASONIC TEMPLE WEST STREET - - PHONE 230 GODERICH AUCTIONEER Matt. Gaynor —Experienced Auctioneer— Sales Conducted Anywhere Write or phone collect Goderich—Phone 626M • 14-27 HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH For information, etc.. write R.R. 4, Seaforth; or phone (col - lent) Seaforth,, or 867, aoderieh. � CAPITAL 'THEATRE "47"L Now—Ronald Reagan and Alexis Smith, in, Stallion Road." • FREI) W.. SiMITII ; .. lnlerunationatl, according 14) the report Ina de by the ' Secret ry-generatl •:..atnd- fonncler, Melvni Jones. of Chicago, I1-. l inois. Ile reported the formal ion of 853 new Liolis clubs and the addition of 47,3:12 hien to the roster of the Association in the tWelv(-months period ending .lune 30, 1947, for as total of (1,11 7 (1(111s and -1326,448 members. Ile staled that 0 Lions club Was (stab-' lisped in acid July at Lrslnor(, New South \Vales, Australia, and that. there are Lions (1(11(s in' nineteen countries. Lions International, he added, is- .now t11( 'largest, strongest and most, active service club organization in the world. SCHOOL:OF COMMERCE CLINTON — ONT'A'RIO ' REGISTER NOW •t'OR;.F.tLi. TERM SEPT. 8th, 1917 COURSES—CLERICAL, STENOGRAPHIC, ('OMMER('L•AL, .. SECRETARIAL. M. A. STONE, ('om. Speeialist IL F. WARD, 13.A. . Vice -Principal. Phone 198 YORK BRAND DELICIOUS CANNED MEAT XLIK 12 °z an 3 5, FRY'S cldCOA 1/2 lb an 23.c ro � 39c DALTON'S cs' Principal. 311,tf. . ELY Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday . Joan° Crawford, John Garfield, Oscar Levant and J. tarot N.aish You will enjoy' this 'Warner Brothers'' musical drama with' its com- pelling story of an uncontrollable, stormy heart. "HUMORESQUE" • � GODERICH PAVILION DANE aNEWS Thursday; Friday and Saturday— Jon Hall, Victor MeLaglen, Rita Johnson and Andy Devine A Rex Beach story in C•anecOlOr takes ns back to stagecoach a thrilling western adventure "MICHIGAN KID". . SATURDAY, AUGUST 9th --- FANCY' BLENDED CALU ORNIA VALENCIA—No. 1 344's CHANGES - , . ; - - , Dowd 350 CALIFORNIA MARSH SEEDLESS 10D's . CALIFORNIA 'GRATES RED MALAGA No. 1 Ib. 19¢ BRITIS-I COLUMBIA --No. 1 PICKLING. • .• SCOTTY McLACHLAN • and his music for moderns Combing—Susan Ilayward, hi "Smash Up." - Matinees -Wed., Sat., and Holidays at 2.30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST' 13th JELLY CELERY STALKS CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS NO, ' 1 THE SK(YLINERS' with JilIA DUNSEITB and CLAYTON B ODHAGEN COMING—AUGUST 23ram–R 1U$Y GIMBY ' h° ar w 1t1