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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-08-07, Page 2
OV4 TWO- THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR , on tile.? arrival of tlaeo'clam'que a , great t q�4 "' q qaq 'c" '' Nairn' Lei*opie last wondered if it is �F � - �4 #t wise to believe any ,state lent from,a - ..; ' awn..•,.... 1' ' 1ID lelnt ourek's. Of cottage I L"+Q1t1w j �. Uo art a 'E.I° ",(��; COUNTY'S 1�°(�Iiitl�:➢4.0 `p �S liaE)ui11�F' ,what the answer 15,0u1d be. par... • I - Published by Signal Stat, JLlmtte ly, I was walled by one, who ought to know , ulnlc'thltng about it to tate B>ac'u;fptitl:�u�tQanaeit 'and Great ritain, •'::.11lD a year; to United plenty of ,.alt with the statement, Staten, a•1I0. N. Mr. l;:ditor, perha_ ►s you have � means alai ways of wing to the4vq ilg Rates on request. Authorl;Jed as second -clava mail, Dost b e'er bottom. of tlilii s, and if so will' yon• Degas enit, Ottawa. Telephone 71 --- (ember of Canadian Weekly Nevvpapers Association -- kindly tell us just what the Govern - Sworn Circulation Over. '2.730 ° anent did du, and the iueauiug of Mr. ROBERTSONo o- e, GEE. 'L. lE•;LIAS ' alartin's-words? Quite naturally I du 'v VY . TEL ' _ Tlait'ItSDAl;'A.L•(al'•`''`1 7th. 1947 ,1.(u Ai INCOME T bet's get one thin;; Clea r about in- coatie tax. It is a penalty for hard work, and alp punishment for intelii- . genre. The man with shill, the man with energywthe mail who really makes some eontributioil istbeing being Ow atietimizeti, fare oterial wel- f society, The greater his gifts, the more mune' that's a pretty ;loud way tat describing lueut reduced -its ,hare • u �(.i1 i s:ewires, land literally had to have It be must band over to the Government. it right 11uN'. I lull's tluite Ieluellll,o'l' i idlg the' 1otu1 +:;U. The pl'luvincill ; - p Under file present i11coI11�, tax �y'hte'Iii . l•aow the American poet Inn it, but it t' )vera melt, however, offers to 'No' all rtllrust up... him NV eta, something_ like, "!ley', c'lil mid.' :additional :tnn,uI1t of $1 0 ----making it ,•miner: lire .You here ag:lin. With all'', 1"t,a1 of •; 1t►--- in case of need. Wks dei not know what Hon. `Ir. 11161111. OSIFEfl 4F LAZY MEADOWS II nut N\alit lily uatlle published, shire this letter if published 'eight be ere d by some people 1 do not knowsign !myself A 1'ENSION1:R. ser°9i tative ; Jo ll, 'e: R. MaeNieol, aanotber Progressive sive 4 osaservutire, laid" tauley U. T nowles, the whip 4f the C.C.F. party, paid tribute -to i r. troldtilg's tiee°vioes in the Speaker's chair and urged that alai honorarium be paid to him, whether he wished it • or not. The Hon. Ian A. ; actaeuzie. speaking fur the Government, indicated that steps would be taken to comply with .the apparent desire of all parties. Itis obvious that as acting, „Speaker Mr. Golding has' given satisfaction fur coulp)ett I1tS and fair rulings. That is more, in fact, than air. Speaker Fauteux has done, his de'isions.having sometimes given rise to sharp criticiain. Not only must it be pleasing to the People Of Seaforth where Mr. Golding • TaU1E11S _(lives, and to thee nleulbers of his con- y stttuellCy, but it is reIuarkable that � I','d. Note. -When the old -age peusiou , - • $2saa) per month this anwullt was ; he,`being a machinist by trade and not w:�. 1 atito v. er, did such 111 able job of mal - 1 By Barra/ al`. /;ugh made up of 1si•75 contributed by the J $ man - Federal Government and $9.:25 by the , aging Parliamentary debates gild pro- . ccdure. MIDSUMMER DI8,E.saMING Provincial Government. 1'he > t'ticrul It is- tilso• interesting to find that �tovei'nlllelIt .yet the last session of ,a called i , . a member of. the House, and presum- ,Jitlllt',� Whitcomb er,'Rile,•1'arliamt'11l increased its `coutributtl)tt' Old -Midsummer," and resin' ,, _ , ably nut laic• of the -\v'+'lith' noes, tdg -Hey, to ; ;.._..,1), but the I rov,illcial r0 111 •11 clined to• accept payluent fur his extra >r t) 11'tk- in t'anada it doesn't pay to work bald , ' it 'doesn't pity to ire intelligent, and it doesn't I►:4. ,.10 be 1)ruductivea'Thotts of yl:lrtin said. Probably lir' thought flu bIi1t' Of l'allther11 ,1Ie evading i U -t ovt'1'hatngltllg noatt1t \\'iliil,l\�\' - , l,l.t,l.11lt'lill (i ttvei'Illllt'tlt R't,llld at least it1'at'kt't are the rti tt t t• • do when gulden gritin nolle ill the sinal, aIid ' t'ota.1h11e paying as much as It laid been 1I1 :! 11eI'fet'Liy legal and 11tiIlest 'way : rain, _1`14.(1 lll'uws�". (1a1\'tls, illd linl,lla ,. \, ' , \A'llll'h \volll(1 ha\ l' made they - are t4. 'lira, less Ili 111 they (amid '1"1111,. , •1.-• produ+i::; less than! they (',►tilt! pI'Utlltt`l', lazy 11'11114.1 4.i \'s tilitt \r1' listlessly 1 t I,t'll�1t 11 t ';11.7.,, I)1• IR, 1111\ 11:1\'e" less ti1111• they could earn, tdu\\'u the dal', Ti," 1'1111 t�1 Joy to' Rind t'.lI'n1L:; � ,eSl,t'l'tl'll till' 1'rll\ llll'I:11 Government • , ,t,t i1'iz'rt':1 IN 1,:4.' i10 itt 1t\' ver 111:1k- `1'11ey arks , iltting,erwll tllelr' t2lxes by rest, and (1rcanls to Pia inti. Wit 11 file 1'ellelit SI I'ntlletlk- the siu/p:t' -tat ''tri harinful !meal} \1\ grindfutlleh• 11>ed ti) may that s11111111er was Nature smiling,. collie �0 �,-,. 1 total increase t of of cutting, 'down then' by thi•tlylty. ' increo-c of t w;, ;lilt! 1'alsil4.., the pension 1u a t.00 �� Tale da nal;ti0�caust'(1 by this kind of j to think of it," that', not such a baa . tax evasion is' infinitely greater than description either. t=o any 1)1ut•e oni �� t, understand British l' tluiubi1 i.. providing! ; . .tibia lent to _ ul:tl:c the total the vtiilnlage c'atlsed by all the• other the farm theme dad, avltk-� kinds pint -together. And it- can't be I we've got `the vveatlrer and summer is ! st' i3. remedied be hutting people in jail. ( CERTIFIED RASPBERRY PLANTS -Write Box 75.1, i'anlp- bellford, Ont, for illustrated folder and growing "know how." Don't delay. Supply limited. j :til l -_' 1X smiling. loll may 511 t, Il tl.l gan.*\\:!y 1,a.nj.i' 1 It important provision of the new . into the barn and chew a stalk of 1t is that"peusiont'1•s may have a This tte>upt 1)t an argument • hays wait'in•r for the next load to conte np or else you iu:lV be simply hoeing larger income outside of their pension, against. the income tax, attributed to Under the old Acta single pensioner The ('angary Herald,. has been re- turnips . or slipping down along' was permitted to have pension and published by- a nui lwr " of'.ou r eon- the creel: to try . anti catch that bit; other income to ' a. total of 11''1)• This 1, chub that's been 'lurking 'about . , . t >i} t t �alltl sty the case temporaries. In our opinion it is a but look around you most 'entirely fallacious. - That old Midsummer sun has a look Taxes have to be paid somehow. about it . . . and a feel to it as well. If incomes are not to bei taxed, - what hleecollie vest's s coming., along . snitling around around- is the alternative? None is suggested. hog holes on the side of the hill. You The sales tax might be increased. can hear the neighbors at work in the and what would be the result? People I fields - . . a binder clacking through of wealth, who now'through the graded a golden -headed and shafted field of wheat. The road scraper 'is going dorm the l providing- income tax cantfibute a large propor- oncession n•o\ iding- a dull tion of the country's revenue, would l) •for I 11 be relieved of this levy and instead and a swirling cloud of dust. More than tour months. ago W. W.H. would pay the sande. sales tax as. the F'e1•ything,''• in full motion . . . the birds and the- bet's and•the cows high- Golding. Li•beral`tmember• fur .Huron -I poor man. The cost of living wuuid be tailing it through the pasture to the 'Perth in the IIouse of Commons, was heavily increased, and those persons 'wale to escape the stinging persist- ,lpliuiiltc'1 deputy chaliruhau of emu - taxpayers now in. the lowed 'gralies of income- ence of the heel fly. The cream truck (bit tees, -:in office that, carried with it taxpayers would pay .ten times as rumbles over the river bridge . I Find the (1111' of lain ; at Speaker ltf the much as they do now. across file road 1 washing ds flapping in the slight, halt zeph'.r that came I,lutr'tt 1\11&11 Mr. speaker w1, _ili1 Is.. --it true that thousands 01 Lan, I swirling up from the end of the valley. there. -Mr. _bolding officiated in that adians .in ' all income brackets are --Try wandering.-throhgh it berry path. ( larger :end very, responsible oflii>e Tor on a hot milt t1i1 er day. That's a good many lveehs. draws a salary of $6,000 a session, and wlie i Mr. Gulden was, offered' an ad- ntiti for - errir in -this p t.y envelo_pe._,,.i.n. recognition of his services he declined. the- last hours of the Church, -Progressive Con - FEET _ THIS WAY �, unvv increased st t ., Rub in Minard's Liniment generoaelyi of a married pensioner the increase I 'and feel the relief steal over the is from :1,'A:")0 to $1,Oti0. 1 muscles and joints. For all muscle 4,n Later -A' newspaper - clesl)a tch from joint pains, aches and stillness, sprained victoria. B.C.. dated august 1. stats I ankles, twisted limbs-Minard's hat that old -,age pensioners in British Col- been famous for over 60 years. Good' ,, 11nlbia in future 1\'ill receive u4.) to a ( for dandruff and skin disorders, toot nl•i-iliu ml of $40 a month. To this Geta bottle today; keep it amount the' Province will contribute handy. $17.:,0 and the Dominion $22.50. %N' UNWILLING RECIPIENT ackground of sound or t ie_ scene I St. Thomas Times -Journal) Dural evading taxes by• earning less than they could earn'' There, are eases iu h. h(5-fe d, which-a-mantiy earn•-�.."xf self in a higher category of income - taxpayer ; but outside of such eases why ,should ]1 mau refraili from ad- ditional earnings of which only a frac- tion is taken by the iucoule tax col- 1ecor. t Especially when he should., where You get the hot spice of the ,l e ms.,:-. inci.Alle ,.1irceu e. ;of tie. bel ries and, that indefinable atmosphere.'i' you have ever' toted a honey pail and 1 milk pail back to a berry patch, then you will know What I mean. I still keep going hack to James Whitcomb Riley --and his poem about this time of year when lie went on to sav that when salve old summer. with > the same old smile, Beaming upon us know that the alternative to the into"' tax is some other method of taxation that will bear much more •harIllupon. flim? -The man •of naoder to means ha.s every reason to support income tax- ation in preference to any •oflier-system that is put forward as late alternative. We do not argue that Jevies on -in - • in the sante old way we knew in child- hood! Though a weary while • since that. far time. yet mein ries reconciler. the heart with odorous. .breaths. of clover hay." • • - I frankly am going to poke down to the lower meadow, -and have a snooze in a hay coil. - come are the last word in taxation, and THE OLD -AGE PENSION the w t man hoa works hard and. whose Editor The Sigual-Star. 'income !s in .big figures .bac a 'reason- Sir. -Would you grant ale space for able grudge against r fin t the t', ..which ( a fewwords re .old -age pensions, it n. , if I very deep- gratitude of all of- us ofd girls .and b.)ys for the magnificent increase of :x2.00 per month': From now un eve are gt)imr, to 11“-e in luxury. system under We won't need to wear those_ old shoes can propose some better any more, anal we can get 0 new dress which the country's expenditures can ,,r :> new pair of _pants as the. [ase be islet, lie is well advised to stick May. be, Why, it will almost buy us to •the graded income tax system in takes from him a large part of his alight use this mean: to express the 'earnings. But hliw many of the It1 I•ge incomes are the product of the wealthy man's work? - Until the man of moderate means However. Irl session, T. L. preference to hidden or indirect tales :a pint of milk a day and if ,we are frugal Ave luight even go for a short • AR DI MENT �deric 111 .1 abor Day CELEBRATION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER lst, 1947 PAII,ADE EVENTS OPEN TO HURON COUNTY, .INDUSTRIAL FI..,OATS, DECORATED CARS, DECORATED TRICYCLES BICYCLES . BEST COMIC FLOAT, BEST DECORATED FARM DISPLAY.4 . �in the parade SPECIAL PRIZE -The Best Conic 7.30 Evening performance harts at p. Afternoon Performance starts at 1.30 p.m. 1. THE DANCING DANDIES --5 Gals with Gorgeous Costumes. Comedians. THE PAUL BROTHERS, The Boys with the fun, Cane Ventriloquists. 3 ROY AND-DORIS HEAD, Great Moments in Magic, 4 WILLIE BELL, Canada's Cheery Scot, a touch of Old Scotland',at its best. 5 THE FOUR CHORDERS, of radio fame, Barbershop Harm n y Aex1ialists and Balancing Acts. 6 THE RIPLEYS, SensationalCowboy • 7 THE BARNA'S Brother and Sister Act in Songs of the Range, and Cowgirl. ' 8 GEORGE MORTON, Clever Impersonator and -Entertainer, from the. Big 9 BILL MANNING, Baritone, One of the best baritone voices in the ConcertArmy Shows. world today. \ ° 10 GLADYS CORNELL, of St, Petersburg Florida and London, Contralto, Personality Girl and Charming Mistress of Ceremonies. 1�1 VIOLET COPELAND, Rhumba SeciltD ea ' 12 LEN BURT, Accordianisi and Accompanist,yCcordian that plays ifself into your heart. GRAND DRAW WILL BE MADE BY MISS CORNELL AFTER THE EVENING SHOW PRIZE -WINNERS DO N -OT NECESSARILY HAVE TO BE PRESENT TO' WIN HURON'S-BlG--DAY O�F THE YYEAR CIL SPONSORED BY GODERICH TRADES AND LABOR COUNCIL FOREST J. McHARDY, Secretary. Chairman. • ' SUPPORT THE NEW GODERICH ARENA ,.t "1 Know Just How You Feel" � �.,lad jest Pusa'dL ,tor.© aell and ,�` ural lconhl tablk fTait was i > . 'nights. tesllel ilk 1 :1 t to r 111 1, > Uel "Snell heroic mold the lone \ L,)ttist>licCiil l,nl('. collie In 1�'''1 'yin old bai11)1:ii(1out1 fou„ was uea a man of rbrahoesel1o111• his bro- ther a.�.m•- R• I)uulol) >� his olvu �tury� h'ras4'rs body'. from t('ateuli to rood Dula. told ,,,>:eT\'k ' of t4. Mall. 1111E .rt> the t91etk1 lit•• .1 ,rialtlt. "'I'11iC Tetllarl�: 11]:plat-,. .r at)[t t kilt' he :, l'� of tr• 1) to wars \v:as .fur. out 111',.•1 \v lar nut, t\vo only Ile; suggested tossilig• i,itl fur `the wife t11;tT1�, her. , carried a two-hea.at the three, hilt oe ilk ` his brother g such oe'clt<ion•'• benefits of al .\•ell-t,rllerecl jilt wedlock. 11 out while he enjoyed the , & Wedding turned ovut. 11+)4.d \\'lthl)111 the ti1's. (1 ` . • botb lie w 1 183:� says.> weeks to �l, Magazine iu Loudon for a few Some about \vlu, is woo r and Lion ick idped degraded' government. beast- l.or(ls. Uuderof our cern eat. uceedihei .,, S" across the and beastly ljef;,. ill height, - 111111':;4.g red hair stand; 4.i s and limbs• r nese he Shand hide of such 1ott„h liotlse emu -mons haled: and > oddly arranged, t ,.Lp11 care,! ft ,ltisk0rs suit! ever live?' Ceela t:' nhartortslfire, to all ctincerue1l titin their •ith. h.4. Dot \viiia 11•o t ion, h(' came ;1 1)r 1c , l;t,rtl in ti:lirhr:ll(. the `S1t11 \i '(peril 1 }Doctor 'for of• ell moll ' ill the :Arany battles S, }sial ;l, an inction in the lin the (':4.u11:1 in \\- gl't'it`t di•'S Lane and served and Lundy'' - eel the road Farm . surveyed iter his ..uu:lltt� . st'tt10u1 t•hryslei''s ind ufter\cald5 pen.• his labour �� Way gnishille. : was ch'\elt,htllctlt of Elie ,Ind �Itegim ill 1 d ttetInd \there hunting as hall,t,tl' .till a to India rid ,rt; and re o11 nlado> llim • h Toronto arid.. :Alas ' Ile was from IIe Auldertoc)k to :And Itt'i=ini('itl was moved to On 011e.:.t1(�Ilsiut lhys1c1tl1 the llis(1lets a astlnl&• tigers. tr�fl,.'. 1 i Ulan in ;,f 1110 combined his 1 (\ urlt( pastime. of a tent at Ilia 10:1di11.. ;1 ince. Gant. )'" • the Ogees 1irs1 n irdeti t. 1 island 111 the into the I the � 4.,f 1'&11}1. Iitlron � > ,c,1• pet his !tend • bn% of -111 , in 11it11 the at tiger killing l•n1111tie. l'ielltl,lr, i,l,w11,r4' net's hurled a then quickly Dunlop 1e- on 11I'senio'(1 (•:tn;lcl:t The beast-- of 1-ppl'1� .:,sand jndg-. > stunning the. aline "Tiger" 1';a ,a illy& and i'?ict • cord. The of his life. \I•ll• unts1:(11(1111'. with his ith ltiltt for the rest. in io11rt1a1- his sinc'E'rity • ;4.n engaged1111(1,, hitu � of the. ttlaillE.d S\ t() f .YefI 1111 heurs11aded h11E'ltl. figure: ills 1,1.1iut011 111(1 i't i1 1 and eras e se 4.i et, It that body in hitt Returningte of near enter the service of the Su erin- lean for ;lye C,alt, to c as "'Warden of the (,uvernnletlt 1'` i11i1c1t' hien (ilo 1 t'► by his friend. Jhhn an. and Justice water till they L,1c11'tne armed Canada ,Comb of the ten,lent liens 4.u' di0(1 in 'newly formed Surveyor, headquarters, he of hien ,rhe" Crng set his areas of gist rift ,holly was brought Forests," , ''Making physician.into the rhi 1S 1S. -}S. 1Ii follow- oPeace.incoming she els tocrn. I Tune 1,' Lou. directed the in the with a i1 1 1 " oxen, trans 111; Yo (::lirbr;l id ie knish sortie'& e ly f rms axe and resent day • r winter 1)y the > (,ilclosure solid sof the p in#, stone t110 which,. \°Pith Pr. • farm- Robert, • Ile rests in the s orderly his brother hilltop ovel•1,,,,l�ing formed into the Dunlop with h test across . ()11 ib" life and 1111) 1111 ' Latera „ an 800 erre tract;lust town. scene „f Itt" to C,airbrttid. E d to found another.and lived, for the 4'r tikes. he hop' Many rooms ` s rear the river lot; house of m • There was g IierE' 114' built ' Comfort• for times.. in c dining route for all confers. c it. Of the house vva't,1ts diary carpet ti ; 4 Y i hospitality wheels7;:1-:: „ , / A feature any table. tw 111 o rte' and a huge cellerc'tte roes and with circular nlahog bottles of w " a Ty�p�"�q� ' cn',ered chairs, lve one -gallon „Tw4'of _ wines les, spirits. T c known as the carried the 11135 T a Tilt, was bottle, and Peter rigid the ' cplrlt• • brandy a the sours • P1u1 was the well belie'& tont ;flow of (' may w board .thE. vvtll. . . (,ir1'i40l the , _. A}irisin&.' to "I know because I have been that, way myself. I have been so chron- ically' tired that I thought I would never feel well again. ,However, I found that Dr.'Chase's Nerve Food rsoon git've me new pep and energy and de en the bus. Truly the a &anima not Inc on my feet. d hit•h he would pay a great de, r4. I tinder v4. al J:tbored :111(1 :brought forth :l !mouse- fired feelings, indigestion and loss more: .111(1 a quite sili011 one at that. of sleep are quickly relieved by Dr. But tliobe serious, yl r. Editor. 1v�' ore I Chase's Nerve Food. I�iDITORIAL NOTES grateful for small mercies, ex en eery small ones. I recall that near the end .of, the session at Ottawa the Hon. This is 'a great day in Canadian Mr. 1lartin said that through the 11ous4'h(t1(js. Two extra sugar 1' u11 Ott' legislation put through the house, ol(1- - age pensions would be increased to $IO per month in Ontario and $:35.73 in B.(', - I ant sure that many like -my- self looked forward to a better stand- ard of living. I alts. just' as sure that are due. • • • India is to celebrate "freedom day" on August 13th. with a bloody fight between Hindus and Moslems? - tt •- • During this week's hot spell Dorothy .discovered a new 'arguinenf for the a' negation of-New'f(1undland. " V 1uIdn't it alalie C`a'nada cooler?" she asks with a that -settles -it air. • * � If they want a "typically Canadian gift" for the Princeswedding. why not . send a gallon of. maple syrup? Elizabeth .and Philip would fine} it Just the thing for the breakfast , pan- • . calt&t. M Ask for the new econ- omy size bottle of Dr; Chase's Nerve. Food 60 pills-60ets. • 180 pills -$1.60 Britain !tag had to reduce her agmed forces to skeleton proportion's and adopt other "austerity" measures lo " save herself from bankruptcy. It's a pity. site conld not have had the services of 'some of those Caniadian •financial wizard's who declared That a nation .coned go on spending as much money 11!,I Peacetime as in time of tvar. OLDER WORKERS t urveya conducted in Canada and elsewhere prove that workers in middle life are generally the best types of employees. Far frotn. being "waslied up" at forty-five, the older worker is less likely to be away from work with: out,- Oob'd canoe,. bag Greater stability and far less likely to have an ate- elaliet9t, .Tel tlllio, point out the author- 'tics, fmuat he added the value of o y peri€nce acquired b.' years on the jolt. sury 'St weve 'ltattie:'1Altl,t'ltiF import - Ant' a t Vie?, 11tinn"sat,hs tl113t pfl more thn fico„ for '(''ta aan ,wil1i". more t stn fol .yam V (!b1<'5 CasinoLakeview GRANDBEND DANCING NIGHTLY Gordon Delamont and his Orchestra MIDNIGHT DANCE, AUG. 11, 12.05 a.m. SUNDAY' CONCERT, AUG. 10th, 9 p.m. GO '' DON D1 LAMO T'I` AND HIS ORCHESTRA - VINA SMITH, Vocalist Donating this speeial Concert to aid The GRAND BEND CITIZENS' ORGGANIZATiON., Silver Collection. . Please give us your support. SPECIAL BEACH CONCERT by THE INGER OLL-PIPE BAND SUNDAY AFTERNOON, AUG. 10th - A GREAT B3AND ® , RETURNING BY POPULAR REQUEST--- MART EQUEST MART KENNY .and HIS WESTERN GENTLEMEN FRIDAY, AUG 8th -9 p.4.. to 12.30 a.m. Mart's' tants app .aranee was terrific -those wtio heard Roy. Roberts singing '(>1' Man River," certainly will want to hear him %lain. This is undoubtedly Canada's No. 1 Rand--G('mehear the. .Rest ! Ilan ,tb bring the family to "The Bend" again this season. There's lotei of free entertainment, and if you wish, !rack' your own lunch and Use the Pieliic Hall free of charge. There is so much to do and sfe!-- llave,you tg those beautiful new spe1 cruisers on the lake- . and hog a ride on one of them,to get a real thrill? Roller Skating- nowlin miniaature'• golf- inoviea merry-go-rountts--game1 galore --y S iinming-nwingg-hasehall -e,a ddles horse;'•-•-bleyeles nci ng. The tun Iv will eaSoy &rery eteond Of k! ' •� 1 1 hell It)ear Gentlemen t4. her ,• 1 tulle 1ir..Ilunlot ' oneof its • :ind became 011e ;lana this. i.'tny integrity, his the bitterest Canada !'1ne But hi.' the t „}111a)tl('tlts' n efforts -for 011tere� kis untiring sats its roads. a • No. (1'22-4-47 ' ."4"4"'..."'s.".": ' * •"' "-""' "'�" " - esdericli" hi the belief ,tor 161111s are proud to publish this series of stories "This is Cr Purity l Vt theyh will of genuine soreethin the outt the ba baackground as t TheePrett esti8it0111 to To'. n in Canada." " who will enjoy knowing something v o u MILLERS OF PUkI Y FLOUR ANIS PURITY OATS •