HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-08-07, Page 1ft - ONE-HUNDREDTH YEAR. D. R. M. CO. HAS A NEW PROPOSITION FOR THE FOUNDRY PROPERTY ..*••••••••• Sites eing Purchased for the "25 Additional HOuses to BIS Bulit Meeting On Friday eight Past, with all members except Deputy Reeve Mathieson present, Town Council had a Successlue of deptitatione liefore It, with a variety of matters to briug forwards First, and briefest, was Chairman* Mcklardy of th.e local Trades and Labor Council, who asked for a grant towards the expenses of this year's Labor Day celeheation aid stated that the Trades and Labor Council wee transferring to the Town all the" in- strumente and equipment. that it had purchased for the Blue Water Band. Mayae Mooney expressed. the •Coun- clrs appreciation of this actiou and the matter of a grant was left with the finance committee. President J. Thorpe, G. \VI Schaefer and D. J. Allan_ were a deputat from the Board of Trade in supperrt of a request front General Manager Phil- lips of the Detroit & Cleveland Naviga- tteneCo. that suitable do -eking facilities be ,provided for S.S. Western eStates on its visit to Goderich on Septelabei- • 5th. The.D. & C. boat is a sidewb,eeler and it was . stated that! the -landing wharf would have to be at a higher level for the accommodation of its passeugers. Ways of meetiag this request were ,discussed, aad it was decided to get in touch with Col. Anderson, -district engineer of the .Federal'Public Works Department, to see what cuuld be done. It was stated that the Western • States would carry 400, passengers on its visit to this ,port. • Foundry Property under Discussion President Sully of . the .Doininion .Road Machinery Co. was next heard, with a suggestion for the purchase of the lot at the rear of the foundry ,property an Victoria street. His offer for the ,lot was $100. It was stated that the D.R.A1.4-Co., which took . an eptiun on the foundry -seine time ego, has found that its operation is .not prutitable, and it is .preposed to • use it for ether 111111111- facturing.purposes, in. connection with the Compaity's main plant at Alititlawl road. The Company, said me. sully, - is .planning to spend $4,000 in alter- ations and improvetueuts to the pro- perty and expects to. employ more men than while- -rising _the , property ..as . APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS Thirteeii liew applications for build- ing permits vere presented at the meeting of the Town Council on Fri- day night last. one .was from the Separate School Board for reshingling the school buildieg 4vith asphalt shingles at an esthuated cost ofe$800. Another was from John Jeffery for a cement block woodworking shop oe Elgin a venuas estinutted met Other applications, for reshiugling and other improvements, were from ,Arnold G. Porter,. Britannia road; George W. Iladden, Hineke Street ; Oliver MeBrien, Nelson street Calvin Cutt, Park street; P. F. Carey, :Church street; Mrs. Milton Fisher, Buren road; Wm. A. Currey, Huron .road; Mrs. Fred Bowra, William street; E. , R. Peachey, Wellington' street; Frank Donnelly, St. Vincent -street.; 'Chester NicholSon, Nelson street. REV. L. H. TURNER • BACK FROM FLORIDA • There was a long discussien regard- ing this proposal aud a father Pro- posal by Mr. S.ully with regard to the • right-of-way' front Newgate street to • Brock street. Council passed a motion that a new . agreement be made with the Dominion_ Road Machinery Go. whereby the Com- pany will agree to replace the cupola :and hoist at the foundry in the event NAlly:LEA'GUE TAG DAY .that it does not exercise it option IN :GODERICli AUGUST 113th efor the purchase of the preperty. • .Others .IntereSted at Neese Leegue tag day is being held Mr. Sully was only aafew „minutes alielerieh on Saturday, August 16. ..gone wben Keith Istopkifison, of ,the G. N. ,Doveker is' chairman Of the keel .Huron Engineering & Reseaxem Co., Nasay League committee. appeared in the Council chamber. His company, too, he said, would like to acquire the lot in .qaestion, a.0.11 he had different views al.:0 -from -those of Mr. Sully in the Matter a the right - sallev. L. II. Turner, Mrs. Turner and. daughter returned on Thursday .last from their month in Florida,. and on Sunday Mr. Turner was in hie pulpit at Victoria street United church, where both United Church ,coegrega- tions of the tome, are w•orshippiug during August. While Mr. and •Mrs. Turner were Stuart, Florida, they met Aireand Airs. Charles Lees, former residents'of Gode- rich. Mrs. Lees isthe former .Martha Hay and her husband was .an,eftloyee of the Western Canada Flour Mills while in (Wench. K. PENNINGTON BUYS GOLDEN GAME 1:1/1..E my„ Ken Pennington, who has .been with Domieion Stores Lad. for about eleven years, latterly 'ass manager Of the Goderich store, has pima:Wised the Golden Gate Cafe. The restaurant will be closed during the first week .in September, when it will be rembdelled and opened- underthe name of The Esquire Grill. "". -,. • - -Mr. Peneington'e resignatiem frOre Dominion Stores Ltd. takes effect on Monday. August llth. Mr. Penniegton expressed appreciation to Doniinion Stores Ltd. for hissaleassant, sas!claisee.py • 'Serving with the 2nd Armored Brigade during The Joist war, Ken 'pen- nington went into France on D -Day." 'Ms...Frank .Lang, who has °operated the Gelden Gate Cafe for several year.' taupe. to remain in Go'elerieh for a time, after which he will go to tiettlaya. • of -we y, .The ',Absent .Deput,^ Reeve Mathison ..is interested in these matters, and .it Was proposed Ott, the tleree partieg get together and come to senile • .agreement to Ise placed before .the Council. TheeCouncil thee settlee down .to routine ,business. ' The .'eslies' AnZi14.10" 9f the Legoto 1. •,asked permission to .hold en tag da - on Auguat. 4th, and ethe lecel Ieranch of the Nays ,League proposed" a tag day on Augue 16th. Rah ,requ'efits were ,granted. A request': from the -Shell O1 COM- ;Pany for peetnissian tatereet rikeinging sign at the premises ,ef. the Goierich Radiator Sisop, Montreal and ight- bouse was left with tile itinblie vurks -conunietee, as we'ea, also i ,sim- ilar request from Aberhart's Gavage :for .a stgneon *t.,AnclretVE -street. A letter of thenks was receivedltsem (Continavad on page 4) 110T WEATHER INCREAMS , USE .07 WATEB0 ELEcnupna With tediperaturee soaring to the 90's 4011 Tnesday, Wedeeesday elf rhurs- . day, aluderich expeatenced- ret real haat wave of ate 'season ...Such •beat weee has an innasedi. ressetion at the weaerworks pumping statism. On. Wedneselny, for extunple, 810400 gallons werp pumped, which amount IA a third MOW than is 11$11:3lly• pumped ill a day at thie time of th,O, year. The average pumped In a day during Mey,. by comparis'ora, wae 495,060 gallons. ,The presence of many• tourists and the increase in the number of hot plates in use during hot weather shoots rip the consumption of electricitS, which.has been quite high this week. JACK PAGE CONTRIBUTES TO GODERICH ARENA FUND Mr. J. J. Page, well-known Goderieh old Boy, now_ the manager of the 'McCarthy' 'Milling Company at Streets - vine, Ont., sends a contribution of $25 to the arena fund and writes: "I think the effort to pro%-ide modilrn arena is commendable and I am very glad to support the committee In- this small way," Thanks, Jack! nit • GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1947 Ceiebratep 83rd Birth ay on Horseback Ek. Woman Chews AT see Friday last, August lst's was the ekghty-third birthday of Mr. F. A. Elliott, $t. David's street, and as Ernie. Little, who operate k a riding 501001 at the south end of town, knocvs that Frank loves no -thing ,better than it horse be cenceived the idea of giving him a mount for an afternoon ride about town with a number of his riding 'turd's.. *Mr. Elliott may be seen at the extreme, left of the pieture, and Mr. Little -near the middle of tlae grottp.,. ^August Weddings ABEL—CAMPBELL Knox United church, Auburn, was the •seene of an atteactive event on Sattuala3^ afterneepe August 2nd, when •Jean Alberta, younger daeghter of Mr. and - Mrs. W. Albert flaniabell of Attburn, was °united, ill marriage ,to Stanley .James, son of Mr. and _Mrs, Sainted W. .Abel of St. 'Thomas, 'On - Varier. Rev. A. G. -Hewitt performed the ceremonyethe churdh being beauti- • fully decaate'd with white 'hydrangea, .litter from Navy League head- queeters tethiug of the need for a tag day 'says, ,parte "Canadians .every- -where :realize that Canada's •expert trade. le, of .vital• importance to every 1 s to Ease Hubby's Feet' Dr. Toll Tells of Experience in • Abbreviated Trip to the Far North fC00111--GARRETT A pretty wedding Welt place at the °home of Mr. and Mrs, ealvauley Gar- rett, Colbonie township, on k'riday, August 1st, when their eldest daughter, Marron 'Christena, was unitell inquar- tinge to Clarence Russell- Cook, young- est sen a Mr. feud Mrs. Leonard Cook, East Wawa.noshe" The wedding was performed under au- aechwaa of cedar, teeth taken out as a -result of sickness with Wilk and ,yellow hollynOcks. The some time, ago. • He had been flown given niarria-ge,b3* her father, to The Pas, Manitoba,"ande had had a looked lovely hi a „gown of white' silk white mans -artificial set o1t! teeth put jersey, with sweetheart neckline and But he broke his denture later tioor-length pleated skirt. Her fingee- .and. set abbut to make his :own false tip veil of net fell from white teeth. Thi8 he did surprisingly well, coronet, and she s-arried a e•ascade (serving them front the ivory lusk of a Whether or not an Eskimo woman good and faithful wife eetu be de- ' tenanted by examining her teeth. Su states Dr. Ce Et' uuw in Goderieh after a Wag trip Irvin Cape Dureet; Banes lewd, where the litlaSun'6 Bay Company supply 61Lip :Saseopie Was wrecaed.un a re -ea Dr. Tull examined the teeth- of hensireds of Eekintoe at poiute of elitist's the fur North -before the udelutp abruptly tennieated the thirty-fourth' annual Arctic tri P of the ship. Whule examinihg„ the teeth of, Eskimo women he found that those of the vat inajority• were worn down. Those whose teeth were worn down were good and faithful wives who sta3•ed home and attended to their household duties arid did not galivant around. • It is the duty of Etiiii1.410 Winne!' to put in their mouths the Sealskin from which they make the family shoes. By conseantly chewing this sealskip it is made soft ,and ta make good Eskimo shoes. --If -this- is -nut dune, the sealskin is, euarse and 'stiff. Hence, a daily tusk of an Eekime tsonlati is to keep chewing—net at a, the intersecaion of the County road husband- who does nut wipe ins feet one mile south of Dungannon. A, car owned and driven, by . Joseph Sproul, R.R. 3, Auburn, Was proceeding south, when the engine stalled. 'The ,car was parked on the side of the road. alleged- ly without lights, and Godfrey was cranking it, when another car The biggest crowd of the eetteent Wat3 6vell at the Waterfront on Sunday. During the afternoon the Blue Water Band gave a program on the south Incr.-Arlin:1i w4e enjoyed by hundreds of sisiture ,and towespeople. The water was hived for bathing aeaL the scene on the beach wee a lively unt. Two, young swimmers performed a noteworthy feat on Monday morning. They were Beulah Shackleton, sixteen years of age, and twelve -year-old Don- ald Bert McAdam., Setting out from the bathing beach they swam to. the north end of the south breakwater rand beck to the beach Without stopping. The distance covered is about a mile and a -half. They appeared quite fresh un finishing. , The temperature of the water off the beach is 74 today ; between the piers, the • same; air temperature, 82. „The oil -tanker ismperial Cobourg- came in Monday' evening with gasoline for the Imperial 011 depot. SEVERAL INJURED IN CAR CRASILNEAR DUNGANNON Harold Godfrey, 16, R.Re3, Auburn°, is in's^ Alexandra Hospital suffering with a compound fracture- of -the right - leg below 'the knee, received in an accident at 3.30 aan: Saturday, at or sweetish% before. entering the igloo - but on the sealskin to make Shoes for her hubb,y and family. - Dr. Toll, who practises dentistry at Trail, B.C., •went on the-Nese:00e to do dental week for Hudsoe's Bay Com- pany personnel in _the far North end travelling north, owned by Lakeside also to do dental research work for the Motors., Goderich•,- crashed head ou into University of Toronto.' the parked vehicle, pinning Godfrey He found the teeth of the Eskimos in between the two vehicle,. renearkalOys-good shape. (inc- forty- Miss Lois Nivins, R.R. 3, Auburn, 've"r-'111 Eskim" had had all his lower suffered bruised knees and ,chin lacer- ations and Sproul, facial injuries. Harold Dickson, R.R. '3, Auburn, and Miss. Lois MeWhinne-y, R.R. 1, Port Albert, escaped with a shaking up. • • No one .was injuyedsin the Lakeside Motors vehicle, which 'Was damaged to the extent of Voo. Provincial Con- stable James Culp.investigated. of Peerless roses. She was attended walrus. Dr. Tull perauaded the by her sister, Mae, wearing it floor- Eskimo to give hen the- set he made • length gown of • urc'hid, flowered mar- frau the wallets tuSk, premising to (anisettes with shoulder veil, and carry- send- hint. anteater artificial plate. The ing a colonial bouquet of Julianne- Eskimo agreed to du this:. Tide Wind - Hill roses. Mr. Ray Vincent, cousin made denture will arrive in Godeeich of the groom, was best man. Mr. II, ehoi•tly, together -wit,4 other souvenirs 1 A. Welch of Londee officiated in the • cullected by Dr. \Toll. The parcel was 1 '1,Talible'fifig-reeeetrrarryeastsfiatertebsseales.I.shippectettatiu.ChataohilleeMenitobli..lir,i_ 4,01in M. Altirtin, of I Liwkeseille. Miss ! Toll -will take it on 'to Trail, B.C., MR. AND MRS. STANLEV4AMES ABEL in a traditional cerenemy of the hridal scuttles; the wedding-, cake. :blue delphiniwee pink roses and other .flowers, with background Of fceats and' evergreete The traditiOnal wedding: • -man., ',woman eand child. Titirty-five wtts pitkkctd by seise eleiail' 1 A LITTLE CHILD DIES David Alexander Hay, three -months - old son a Mr. and Mrs. A. D. llay, McMahon street, was found dead in • hie crib by his mother about 8 o'clock on Sunday morning... The coroner, Dr. W. P. Gallow, said the.little one had `beerl in poor health sinee. birth. The funeral took place from the Cranston funeral home on Monday morning, Rev. (1. W. 11. Medley, of the taptist ehureb, oflielating. Interment took place in Maitlhnd "cemetery. 'cente -Mut of ierery dollar • we receivte •Straughan, while the guest .eoloist, cones% &role :trade ,abroad. The mer- s•Mrs,-EmerShn saug "I'll Walk chant ',senates' who man the ships that' „Beside 'You,- (luring the signieg of the carry alanadian farm and factory pro - duets to ,the :aaa,rkets of the world compris.e .a very important cog in onr export nata1bitfeey and it is essential that tke _Nays' aseagne continue its welfare work • on their, behalf. The. "Navy Iaassgue operates 12 hostels and clubs,sineludieg •re(areation ceintree for merchant -geameti. ahrough :tag day ,!ollectiong and •public suppotrJ,gener- oily the NRNIV....Leilgile is able te.render e. service-thattouche.sethe lives ef every, tenadien." •. aegester. The bride" entered the church ent-lie 'arm of her father, and was. preceded down the _aisle by her sister, Mrs. Arthur Spiegelberg or Waterloo, .ffie, asatron of 11011or, and AliS,s ,Kuox Linieriek, ae .hrldes- mold. The groom. was supported by Mr...Leonard Theutpsoe of .Kitaheney as heel man, while ushering. the' guests into the pews were • baothers of the bride .aed-groom, nomad Cetupbell of PeoleDatilunteie .and Me. Lawrence Abel Sof :St. ThoialasS. • .ENGAGEMENWS.ANNOUNCED nap ihride was „gowned in white nylon 1.1r. and ,Mrseter Yiesher announce marquisette, embossed with lily 'of the the eegagement of • their daughter .!e• lley meta lovex's-knots 0ever taffeta Doane Irene to ',Mr. "Horace M. Craw- smeared with poets:nit neekkae, -short ford, son .of Charla T. tffed eleeveS, tight bodice- with full Crefeford, Port Albert, Ont.: the- wed skirt, cativelat .eit Use hip -line. 'The sling So. take place jta Bennfiller United eaddrees Wass composed of a bandeau churen on SatOrtinee, .Augtuet- 23rd, et silk test petale,' with "wriesst h of " or lege bistssaurse. -.The long' etellstnid- 2.30 'pen. _ The engagement Aes' annoalleed Of (qv circulate ,veil' ended in a short Miss J!alleti Marge:Pee 110bertsella R.N.. train. Site essesieil .a bower leasnuet daughtee of Mr. an41 Aire. *Howard Of Briarcliff's.? roses, • eet in ere:atu ,Robertasista Wellinsesee atreet, Gode- loadioli, and fthreaniers ,of white came - :rich, to .1dr. Donald .Steeseart Iiaetram, tions. The matron of honor and ,see of ivr. and Mrs, CO)±1.1 Bav-tram bridesmaid wome .pastel green nylon of Toronto; the .wedding.fo take Vhlre organza and peatel pink eaten organza itt mid-.A)agost. , respectively; emhoesed. with colored flowers, offset with pletare hats end l'es$TAR,14-1N FOR "FLYLINGNUCER" ellam-rongth mittg of self material. Altt:bough, 5reporls of eeehase, "031,11.g They earned hotteperts of pink cai•119- eatteees'. pretty well eliieuppeared t ions tend yellow - gle.d lot 1. from tive news colimms, Aloderich A reeeptiou followed at Riverdale resieleat this week thoutlitt for a nio-• Film, the home of the bride's brother. meat he, would be the first here to re- Mr. K.. B.. Campbell, and Mrs. Camp-, port eeeing one. %Ming at, a wisallow of bell.' The bride's moillor rei.eived big home. 1). 1I.,/Downte gam be saw wearing a Week and white jersey dress. far up in the sky a brilliant martieer- with black end White aecessoriee. and like objsa.t. twirling along with on ft -aa if •itewere jet-propelled, Going outaide to get a eloaer look at it be found that it was merely it • spider's web with the glin shining through it and the wind making it waver and .gparkle. • k`HE WEATHER Those who were complathing of a eold summer are haYing their innings this week—whether they like it or not. The high official reading for Goderich is 93 ---in the shade, of course. Some- body who had fhe courage to look at a thertnometer in the sett reported it read' 122°. The official readings for the past week, with those of the corresponding week laSt year, are as follows: 1947 1946 Max. Min. Thurs., July 31 ..76 50• 83 94 rd., Aug. 1 09 46 SO 59 Sat., Aug. 2 84 " 78 • 58 Sun., Aiig. 85 55 81 57 Mon., Ang. 4 88 00 SO Of • TuegrAtig. 5 93 " 07 SO 37 Wed., Aug. 0 Race Meeting Is a Crowd Pleaser About 4,000 Attend. Ci3/10 iciatiay 3Zvent----Best Tin,le, • 2.13 A pleasing "come -hack- in the stand- ard of racing as ,Preselited by the Goderieh l`rotting and Agricultural Aa- sOciation was witnessed at AgricUltural. MANY ATTEND AT-HOME AT IVIENESETUNG PARK • • , An event- of interest over .the bon, day was a reception on Saturday after - mem et Aleneeetung Parli he hotair of "erseersemereeetteereenteeekendresteands Mr.. and M re. Ralph Scott .MeCreath, Dorothy Alartens of London played after spending another week in (lode- fwenta-five guests were present, repre- ' sewing visitore from Detroit, Windsor, t!he wedding marcb.. During the sign- rich and Blyth with relatives. London. Stirnia, Stratferd and Tor- •ingeof the• register, Nisses Amiesand .Als the tittle- the .Nescopie • hit' the onto. and -man's^ frieeds . from .Gode- Alma • Turnbull,- G rend Bend, sang the reef, Dr. Toll. had . a pat•iteit in the . ' Chair :Woe est ship. lie - thought . t hat rich. Mrs, I'. W: Price of Toronto aveddiag hi 11111 . At the .reeeptiort .which followed,- the the ship had -Simply bumped into aa; Sand Airs. Jean Mitchell attended at the brides mother received in a drese other, hig• piece, of ice, so eontinued• tee tahles. of idue crepe and cOrsage, of 'white with , his eleetal works -only! to learn ! A tek,gram of regret was received 1 frem Barbara Ann Scott from Schu- Killarney- roses'. Myst,. Cook wore red later that the Naseopie was esu the reef • ' nurcher, where she is training for the figured crepe with a corsage if 'NVaite to stey for some (Late. . i 11 y Mille J, 1111) next- year in SW it-zer- Killarney roses. The guests, number- 1)r. Toll was brought with other ' ice • land. As ii surprise fee. tlie:guests it lag ebout forty, were served la; Misses passengers to Churchill (Ai . the hael been arranged that Barba ra Ann Joap Cusses. and tereice Al(•Laren of breaker N. B. AincLeau. From , at, Reseey. and- her neither would fly from:Perm- London, Miss itutli,Bailey af Stratferd Churchill he was taken by _It; witinips,g, he pine 0) Sky „Harbor and retern the and Miss Lucy Munninge. plane to 'Winnipeg-. same night:hut owing to the Porcupine For travelling the bride donned a wets .fortunate; elong witheeix other Figure*. Skatiug Club , holding its suit of powder blue with s \Ada, ac- persons. . to get a ride alcoard t he , sumrper ice carnival on Saturday the• (Ts -series. On their return from st Goeernor-Generars• plane right 'to Ote° tawa. I() n . , ' • ' to - Toronto, then a bus, . eissive,g. 111 Aim has promised to come to Goderich ' • lie open the new arena. Goderich en Friday. 1 1- OR'1111 . AMERICAN AND - • Ilewkesville, Mitchell, Blathasserred t. 44.LEVATOR EMPLOYEE 1 Park on civic holiday. Some 4,000) people enjoyed a race- meet consider- ably superior to the one presOnted . year ago, when there , was double the attendatice. Some fifty hereee were competing and it was found netessary break the)! 2.27 pace into two divieione be- cause of the number of entries. Best time of the' day was made bY Kitty Bars, owned by C. Thrower, a Strathroy, who hit it off at 2.13' for the mile -in the 2.18- pace. Jack entitle, of Tillsonburg, let the horsemen get away with. nothing and did' a -Sine job as starter. 'He made . every effort to get each heat started 21S soon as possible after one heat was finished. The waits between heats seem_ long to the crewd tad par- - •ticularly. when the weather is warm. - Althongh it was advertised that the Climie and Whitsell starting gate was . to be. used °at Goderich for the first time, this .was not done, since Jack. Climie felt the gate had not been at, that tittle perfected sufficiently- to be used. Other' races in Wester's Ontario on civic holiday were held at Stratford and Oswegan, near Brantford. ' • The large number of entries., for - Goderich's beater race meet \en Mon- day and the 'return this year tO a pod standard of racing, followin4 last . year's disappointment, points to Gede- rich's civic holiday horse race. meet - being an annual affair of widespread interest to racing fans and • raceharse -owners alike. . s Following. aae•the resells: 2:27 Pate, $600 -Purse, Mile Ruth B. Grattan 1 1 - 1 Breweie Grattan 2 5 3 Ga14o1ee 5' -2 4 Luella Grattan 3 3 0 • 5 82 •4 - Nelda Bela. Pat eick' McKillop 7 7 Peter Chide • •-• 8 4' 2- 27 -2s-1\elts:lae--1.P.!•iti4Ce4;11(816 0.4-1 1-13,._:::.1.1.,-1;sse.g.7: 6 6- 2C Pony Boy - Teddy Chilcoot Frisky Rose Theora t'orpuraI Hill Threa-year-eld and Under Pace, 000 Tinte,P:u2rse.151,,ii, 2.14%, 2.14a• Alice Gee Barbara' Ann 2 2 4 Cep Lee • 3 4 3 6 5 2 Peter Mac Easter Lilly - 4 3 6 Time: 2.181a, 2.17ies, 2-.15. 5 6 '5 Antlers' Boy , , , 2:27 Trot. and 3 -year-old, $ Fla7xie Lee Grattan ' G ra atilt - Vole . Peter Volo Iroquois I /ire( Scott Talbot Just Beldwin 2,:"Litnic Purse 2.20 Kiay Bars Jack .'"Gra tta 11 Jr.. Her Roye Highness Billy 1 tireet Air - Dillon Flicka - Addle Grattan Exesis- "Cavalier Grattan Time: 2.1 2.14, 2.13. . . • • - 1. short honeeneeni. MY. arid Mrs. Cook • will reside on thefgrootas farni, East Wa_wanosh, 'Guests were present front Grand liend, Loudon, • -Stratford, trip had to be poetpenede :Barbara tfulderielf. INJURED IN 30 -FT: FALL N JIAIMEN • DICKSO— A quiet and pretty wedding took plac nt the Dungannon United church parsonage on .Saturday at high noon, when 'Rey, S. T. Dunk atielated, zit the marriage of Elizabeth • Ellett (Beti), eldest daughter of Airee'Ruth Hayden; Goderich, and the late Mr. ' Stanley Hayden, to Mr. Allan ThoMas Dickson, eldest soe of Mr. and Mre. Thonia.s .Dick s on , „D ungann on. The bride wa.s asoweed .a floor -length • • itt h i styled with fitted bodice dad full fiewieg gored skirt, staff sleeves and sweetheart, beck - line, • Her shoulder -length. veil Of net fell Iran 11 halo of, white. careations and buds. .. She wore' white elbow - length lace gloves and ..earried the brideAremn's gift.. a white Bible, with - Talisman roses and ribbon forming a decoration. 'Her only ornament was a 'walla on a chain„ given ao 'her Inte father by the citizeas of Ashfield for ear service during -the firets Great War, Her slater. Mise, Grace ilnth yea ts bridesmaid, Wore.' a • floor -length gown of. blue, ns-lon sheer, made on the' same lines as the bride's. Her bluee, slim-11(1er veil of net fell frem a' halo of pink carnation's and buds. She canIed a white Bible ,with flower end ribbon decoration. and wore elbow - length lace gloves. Her only (tenement tvos a strend of pearls. Mr. • Harold Dickson. Wo odstetek, brother of the bridegroom, • Was beet' -man.„ - A dinher yeeeption Was given at, thil home of 111 uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. James AlcIntyra.Nile. The. dining treble was corsage of 015kk and white carnations. centred • with • the bride's three-tier The -groora's mother wore aedresse-of navy blue sheer. with metalling mp as- sories, nnd corsage a pink and white ea rn a tions. The buffet luncheon WillP served by girl friends of the bride. the table being centredw with the edding cake and pink tapers. Other decor- ations were in pink and white. The. toast to the bride and groom, was given by Rev. A. G. Hewitt, and was reeponded Os by the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Abel left for Muskoka and offer points in Northern Ontario, the bride travelling in a powder bine suit, eherry red shortie coat, with black and blrte accessories. Her cor- sage, was ;cream Delight -roses. Upon their return they will reside in St. Thomas. (I:cuests were present from Kiteheder, Waterloo, St. Thinnas, Lon- don, Milverton, Brussels Cloderich. • Previous to her marriage the bride, on the staff, .of Dominion glectrohome, Kitchener, reZeiVed .ft presentation from the staff and miseellaneons showers 'at Kitehenqb. Goderidi and her home community of Westfield and 93 • 70, 81 55 Auburn. (bees of ete iis on se ,. wedding' cake and decorated•with pink. candies) and Dorothy Perkies -roses. Mrs.• Hayden received .wearieg a dress of dusty rose sheer with black acces- sories. Mrs. Dickson nssisted itt ree celvieg, wearing it deep rose ,figured rayondress with black aceessories. Each wore 11 corsage of !tilled sweet peas and - baby's breath, For travelling the bride donned a white jersey dre'Ss with navy bine accessories and powder blue shortie coat, ned, wore it corsage of Talisman roses. After n Short honeymoon in Stratford, Guelplasand points east. Mie _And Mrs. Diekson will reSIde in Croderiele !GriestS' were present from Goderich, Kitch- ener, London, and 'Woodstock. A miscellaneous shower was hald Thursday evenineat the• -home of Mr's. Dick MeIntYre in honor of Miss Hay- den, with about fifty„, guests present. Games were enjoyed,- after which a humorous addresS in vase was read by Mrs. Gratam MeNee and the presently - tion of giftS MIS made by Reta Me- Intyre and loyee Veagan. Lunch was served by• the bostetet and assistants. * _ Fred ,Witite, .an emploaee_ • of the Goderieh Eleyator and Transitco.,. is bit Alextiedra Hospital suffering with seriens injuiries •received on Tuesday when lie fell ti..1111,y feet fleets 0 loading, spout which. he wits repairing to the' railWay tracks belotie Ile" is in Alex- andra Hospital suffering with a free, ture 01',.the left kite' and a double frac- titre of the .le'ft foot, Airs. 1 tan N\ illts fell from the step at fered fractared right wriet.• SAILOR TAKEN OFF SHIP DIES IN HOSPITAL The (-oilier eisink 11. Bsownen route to Georgiali Bay ports," fully loaded, not in 1tt Gederich harlea. on Sunday afteenooe to allow one of the sailors, Altirrny AfcClay, 24, of -Wiarton, to- le. removed. _ to Alexandra Hospital . here.' The vessel had gone 'past Gode- rich 0101 turned about when AleClay waS takenill. A ship -to -shore call' from the bant to Point Edward asked 'that arrangenients be made td have th0! sick man reniov'ed front the ship. and hy telephone the ineseag(' wits relayed ! a) De. John Wallace here. . An enilmlence met the boat 11 11(1 he wes taken 14) -1 he lthsPital lir an itti- conscious condition, ettend(id by, Dr. Wallace. • MeClay passed away in the :hospital' mr Tueeday. morning. and the' remains were taken to his' home at Wiarton for buriel. ACcording to the alteeding , physician, the cause of his fitness' was undetermined, awaiting the result of ' allalysis,,trom. Toronto- SOUTH AMERICAN TO CALL The passeng-er steamers North Am- eri(•au and South. America n of the Chicago, In-11Mb: Georgian Bay • Transit Company, which made several , cells ili this teirt last year, will both , visit Goderich on the same day next month, Septeniber e13t h. The North Ainerican is scheduled to arrive tit 10 a.m., leaving at 3 nine E.S.T. The South Arnerivan is to ar- riV0 at 3.30 p.n and leave at 5.30 -p.m. ' ST ... her home on Picton street and suf- E . TRIP 'PO VANCOUVER ' Mr and Mrs, If Eckmh•r and . . daughter, Gwemla, • have retunned to Goderich after a six weeks' motor trip to Vancouver "and return. Mr. and M rs: Eckmier „attended the Canadian Library Association convention at the I'uivereity of British .a'olumbite. Mr. Eckinier states he drove the 2,46 miles: front Goderich to Vancouver at a total cost of $3.7' for car expenses. They had only one tire puncture and this wit s in Northern Ontario on their .retertr journey, They drove a 1937 Chevrolet'. • -TUG-0E-.WAR • Onc of the 04-on4.s on the Labor Day, program in Goderich is 'as tug-of-war het weee a team frem Goderich and one representing\ Huron ( 'ounty. Any- one 'will) desires 0) le,'on the Huron Counte team Is asked teecommunicate• with aD, .1. Patterson, of Goderieh, chairman of the sports end grounds conniiitfee of the Labor Day celebre- 'Cron. • - 3 1 1 2 4 3 ' 4-- 1 .5 7 5 6 6 7 3 4 6 7 2^ .• • ,s1.7, 500 Purse 1 ,2 3 1 3 4 4 2 2 6 4. 5' 5 5 6 3- 6 1 1,- 4 1 4 2 2 2 3 2 5- 1 4 3 5 7 6 6 6 8 • 7 5 7" 8 8 CELE RATES 90th BIRTHDAY • WITH -FAMILY ON. SUNDAY rout -hied to her bed, for several years' because of a•hroken hip, Mrs. - Kempton, of Goderieh, an ardent ad- inirerasf Andy Clark(•'s Sunday Moyne ing bretielce st of- -Neighborly !stews," • observed her ninetieth birthday on Sunday ly • listening, as usual, to Andy's broadcast. A. former resident • of Rip'ley,- _Kempton now lives with her daughter bitha Harold Bogie); Cam- bria road, Goderiele Her husband predeceased her tout -leer -1 yenrs. With her on Suudey to celebrate her ninetieth birihdaY were her three deughters and two *sons. ,They are: Mrs. Bogie'. Of Goderich, Christing of Detroit. Seplifit of New York, Thos. N0'111110,11 of. Ripley and William of Lucknow. Present alas°, were Mrs. Kempton and faindy. Mrs. Wfl- 115111 niece and her husband, :11r. and. Mrs. Tht,s. Jeynes, and Miss .Marion St. Bente idle Detroit ; also slier only • brother: James Mese, of Ripley, who is -near] eighty-two. MaeMILLAN—ILANAWAV A wedding of local interest was solemnized on Saturday, J uly 19, when Marion Ruth, daughter of Mr. N. C, Larraway and the late Mrs. Ietnaway, of Goderich, was united in marriage to rieymart. Alexander, son Of Mr. and Mrs. " Duncan' MacMillan, Kingston, Ont. The eeremony was performed by Rev. 11. M. Servage at Queen street United church, ,Kiegston. The bride wore a lemon yellow silk jersey dress - with white. - accessories nnd 0," corkage' of Talisman roses. She,was attended by Mrs. Virginia Partis. The, best man was Mr. Kenneth Tanis. After a wedding trip! to Ottawa and Messena, N.Y., the (ample will reside in' Kingston.. • • ROAR14.18—STEIVAlly The !tnarriage of Arthur William Boekes, of Windsor, and' Delta Eliza- beth Stewart, of,, Detroit, took pinee splietly at the parsonage 'of Victoriaitreet 11-alted chureh on Saturday evening: Rev. L. 'Turner officiating. I 111 To Call- at Goderich 8. 8. Weatern States. of tlie 'Detroit and CileVeletal Ntiviatient (loil. itany, whichis expeeted V) eall' tilk. Goderielt about npon 011 1Pridr, Septembr 5th. a • s