The Exeter Times, 1885-11-5, Page 5Some Frank Conies ions "Our remod*es are unreluble,"— Dr. Valentine Mott. stantly increasing, and Holloway's successin the glorious work of mitigating human in - fin, and saving and prolonging human life, is spoken of among all classes with wonder and gratitude. We believe that Over $270,000 has been expended in pub. lie and private improvements in Windsor. Why will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief 7 Price SAL, 60o, and $1. Sold by j. W. Browning. "WO have multiplied diseases,"— there la scarcely a family in Europe that iltr. Rash, Philadelphia. a (00 sd,r notikmeep these medicines by the ; the Scott's. Entaiston ot P are. "Thousands are annually slaught- t,carnes them in hia lompeack, and 11 aellie Cod Liver Oil, with xtypoonosonits, ered its ;he eiok room."—Dr. Frank. ,Ir'uselett LI ar set: le erm 0 aalswa acTf a er:edigentoey Has the Advantage of being Palatable. "The science of medicine is founded from internal or external complaints, knows and easily digested. and these two well - on aolijeallrO, improved by murder." big that by the aid of these wonderful meta. known remedies being combined, are more —Sir ,A.stley Cooper, M. D. °ince he may brava the disease of any cam- potent in their remedial effects than if taken ate with impunity.--Greetzwiels Journal. separately, and snerease flesh and strength "The medical practice of the pres. with remarkable rapidity. eni day is neither philosophical nor oornmon seuee."-- Dr. Evans, Win- interesting Items, burgh, Bootless& Shiloh's (Jure will immediately relieve Dr, Di° ljewis, who obhers lig ugio Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. The Bond street Congregational Church as a rule and practices hygiene, Sold by J. W. Browning Mitehell paper seysi-Rovedyiere is becoming rampant in that plasm and many of aur young men think it mauls to get drunk and raise rackets on the front street night after night. It may appear so to them, bus respectable people vie w the conduct ni frank enough, however, to say over Toronto, has increased Rev. Dr. Wild's aal- auathorjl and expect the constable to hie signature, "If 1 found myself the my by $1,00; it is now 04,000 per alumna- either do his duty or resign his office. Vietim of a serious kidney trouble, 1 The people. evidently tly aPPrealate awl* Pas- such rowdyism is permitted to go on, there c.(scs. UNDER Furniture GIDLEY,: 1 FARMERS, THRESHERS & MILL MEN TAKERS!00/.41-.4 S WINTER LARDINE Manufaourere -A, FULL STOCE OF - Furniture, Coffins, Caskets, ahOUill use Warner's safe cure, be- ' Is not a dvubt but t at sowe ofie e And everything in the above line, to meet Mr. Robert Iroeir, of Kintose county of ens parties, and we know them all, will find immediate wants. cause I an satisfied it is not initirl• Bruce. in a letter, vays:"I have been troubled themselvei one, Tho medical profession stands with Dyspepsia. and Liver Complaiuta for a In the county jail before long. helpless in the presence of more than We have one of the very best s number of ,years, and am glad to say to the • one each malady." Speed,v Cnre brought mo around and I am 4 CATARRH -A NEW TREATMENT Hearses in the County, public as well as my friends that McGregor's An old proverb twys : If a, person now all riget, thanks to meureg"er., speedy Perhaps the redst e:,rtritor+linary sueeess that 1, f has been twine% ed. sts modern inetiscsne has a lee without the services of a doctor, Cure. Hundreds of like testimonia Is aro tc.. 4„Qu attainedov tho Dixon treatment Cox es. And Funerals fitrnielled I extremely low priers. UL's is truly a wonderful rem 1 ' SI lest six months fully ninety per emit have et 3 ,curm,„ up.; • ' - a jury empanelled to inquire and do- ' am eon ivied fit then It CorOner must be called in and cluelltlY received, and are daily Preying that tarrh. oat oi2,60e patients treated during the gieh Liver sitioo, ii032,,,ow , been cured of this stubborn nialady. Thu, is Enroxus tyt terrain° upop the °Ems° of (lea but rtherenil (,,ise hole, se',44rorso-w"ni-gst:,: tunoaute,itlitotenlevee starttnig when it ie remembered I ES, per cent. of patients preeoutsua If A dootor attended tho ease, then n' Dm- St , oft, Tries bottle, giveu tree, .1 thogisolveh to the roomier prsmlitioner are bo- 1 HARKNES improved. TheY say the orleia !IRS been Is tavrli,it,r .4,121;75t, eln,",,r,,,ere'll:.'raltroe'll'estlif body km) why the person (lied t- xpassed and the result is favorable. by tile most scientific won that iliseq.so ii due ;Iledical gld. t+) the presence of living n arasites in the tissue, tlilatt-Tceiltar. (..) A, E -t D. -. .....,Mr. Oix•en atence adapted hie cure to their coroner and jury are neetled, AS every- Doctors repart MeCollouglea conditron 1,IN h S extermination -this itecompliiheil, Ito claims To all who aro suffering from the errors and the Cetarrh is onseticatis cured and tho per - indiscretions of youtn, nervous weakness, manclwy nrioestioned, 55 eqleti ettooted by earl/ tleesty, loss of Manhood, 6:0.1 will send a Isins four scare as° aro curve ital. tie one E d ward Haulms tlit4 talren up ilia receipt) that wideure you, PREP OF Cif Ur .0 else hes attempted to cure Catarrh in this tba is indignant at TOOMer'S 0 tate. sitonary in South America. Send a selfliti.1, 91111,14, 'aril ea.n.411;o lelnen mat hoilier,"aliPtlle8 dressed Otty0101/0 to UFA% tosErii T. rs„,,,, ' 1,11TEielltS0l4S01) Of tile Yeqr iS 010 snost favor- Slatiols.71, 2tici 'York City ". ' . • •.^-^` able for 't Nicely cost! permanent cure the majority of eases being cured at ono treat - Uric Acid.- ,t'hee ties Liver and Elates's I went Sneterere should eorresemet with fail in Goer action, this acid in excess is I NiiiSSTR, A. li.441XON A; 80:1,305 King atreet thrown into Ow 1)100,1, causing west, Torente,Cassetti, and enclose stump for and other painful conditions of blood pois.v. i 17, ;sq. Rheaulatkia their rreeriee on ortarths-Sfentreel star, Nor. _ quarters at Toronto for the winter. 1.1Aoi greet remedy 'WM diseuvered by a mho, Th evar enred inmate, and emphatically deities bay- ing made overtures to sell the rim; on the contrary claiming that he bas letters in hie possession which clearly prove that Teemer Wail guilty of the HAM BALM Restores grey hair to its na- ttwal calor, re, moves Dandruff, stops the hair from falling out, increases (ts. growth, and will notsoil the skin. As a hair dres sing, it has no superior. Guar. anteediaarmle Prepared by Harkness &Co. he ghareas /Liman plurgora. pit oisius Cure, thus condition by vary thing that resort Yto the purifying, rogislatinga Mixe 1. Ilail• , tieS°dillib.lte°1ol&owt.in Teenier offers Haulms auother TILUTaday. November 26, will iso osissry test tioneo Nolen. tenelon.deeert ... .. .... e is .s. rt. i so eon match for from $2,500 to $6,000 a " milui"givitiq 1)"Y in tl") $010- ...ss.ero. side, itud gives him choice of positson. UNKNOWN', . Renee:II- „-- . ... - . .. n es e le et:3 He says plainly that Ilaula a's upset The virtue of Carbolic Acil for „herding, ' ilrili:lelet)ttatei,T,'.'...-; .........,7:, .1.: Vs ii Liu was intentional., tt 3; 1 Oleaniiing and purifying •is well 'mown ; but , Clinton ., - ..,.. ..... '4 ''.) Loudon, Oat vith, remedy Burdock Mood Bitters', rioNnoN. nunos AND BRUCE R'Y. 7 1G of applying it, the pub. 10111‘140r4---- - • - 14 les 7 sin Pittebtlrg, Pe , Nov. 2.—In regard re the man). `tusk's 7 Iso is uneertain how hest to use it. To rue,t ins"ria,S, " to despatches from 'I'OrOuto stating that want, Mcflreger Se Parke's Carle>. lie Ce&r. 1111 1.r1 II 01 that Hanlon bad published Teewer'e ate is plepared, anal may bo used with conii- Ars, correspondence, its which the latter 1`1'3". net los misled. Tolie only .1c- xw• ss • Ureeor Parke'a Carbolic Cerrito. Soldat D 1:4144"°'1'7".1; 7 2'4A 11 r, eigrave 1,1 12 03 P.M. G ere to eel out us tho recou race. Browning's drug store. Teeruer, who was rouu at MoKees- Dr. Estnelty has been Seutenced. at Paris post tnnight, (I wto,to the ! to eight years'.seryitude for sending poisoned Blyth ,...... 121.. SamweH flow till (15 Londrshoro . . On 12 Chines; sla Iirneetleld . rd. letters for the reasort that Iranian poultry to a mid doctor. Moven • . o tit ILL STOtJ NOW COMPLETE would not row mo unless gave a infillarl1/0,11tiniForAtrIeDLr:IUNG Fi'fftWERI• ugs, or teeter ..... ... guarantee that ho should boat me- coveting them is tite It f When 1 h 11 PI " 12 p ema melon arris ..... Is -15 5 10 resit 0 sudden colds. had teen making slegoti- 'IIaevarLPs Pectoral Balsam relieves the sore Made reqntrenseuts et) itnperative that 1.1 T Baia:Wi I difficult breathing, rind allays all irritation t 1 ablest gave tho proposed match up The Rev.tw, fi ev. eo. II. Thayer, o Bourbon, for bopeless, end when 1 came home Ind., says ',Both myself and wife owe our I was still impressed with the fact lives to Shiloh,s Consumption Cure, Sold that nankin was stubboru in his de- by 3, W. Browmng. Fluid Lightning does not take a day cr an termination and would not row me hour to remove Neuralgia, Headache, Tooth - unless sor o! soh guarantee WilE1 giv- male, Lumbago or Rheumatism, but wilt do it he match' was made instantly, and without carrying your head in r said that 1,16111611 went a poultice tor day or using greasy lini meats. Try a '25 cent bottle from the Dominion Lab- oratory. Count Von Munster, now German Ambae- sador to France, has arrived in Paris, Four Cardinal Points of regulating the system are tho stomach, the liver, the bowels and the blood. With a healthy action ot these organs sickuess cannot occur. Burdock Blood Bitters acts promptly upon these organs, teetering them to a healthy action. The Premix Chamber of Deputies has been summoned to meet November 10. w Ill' allo, with lianlau, that oarsman ;cheat, loosens Mut antes the c0110 and arising from eolile. en." sit Teenier fur to Wallaoe as, who was training Teemer, several times, to have him persuade Teemer to lose the race and let Hanlon win it. Volk, Teemer's backer, said he knew nothing of the correspondence. Teerner had written to Harilankyrithout Isis knowledge. He was of Use opinion that a certain clique wanted to run Teemer, and that it was a scheme to fleece him. Haulms, he said, never approached him to bey the race. Maggie MnAlpine, of Colvol, North Dulwich, a tailoross in the employ of Mr. Wilton, of Dutton, was killed in- stantly at noon on Friday. She boarded at John Kerr's, bouth of the track, and was on her way to dinner. when No, 5 expross came along. In attempting to cross the track before the express she was struck by the pilot and hurled a distance of ten rods. Her body presented a horrible sight. She was struck fairly on the head, ber skull being split open and her brains strewn along bile track. Her clothes were stripped from her body, which was horribly mangled. No blame appears to be attached to anyone but the unfortunate 'victim herself. Keep your Stomach clean, your Bowels regular, and you will have little to fear from any contagious disease. Dr. Carson's Bitters will do it. Your druggist sells it. 50 cents. Are you made mise- rable by indigestion, constipation, dizziness, loils of appetite, yel- low skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. Sold at Dr. Browning's drug store.. Health in the wilderness. Tios GREAT ANTIDOTE T1 MIARMA. The axe and the p- lough are annually making vast inroads into the wilderneruses of the western world. Forests. as if by magic. are changed into cornfields, and pr. airiest swamps and canebrakes into arable land. But these conquests of industry are not achieved without loss. Hundreds, aye thousands of the energetic pioneers whose labours have caused the wilderness to "bloom as the rose," fall a sacrifice to the terrible diseases engendered by the miasma of the soil. Violent intermittent and remittent • fevers, rheumatism, neuralgia and affections of the stomach and bowels, are the almost inevitable penalties incurred by families who settle on new lands. Hence it is that the demand for Holloway's Pills and Ointment in the far West is so large in proportion to the population. The cultivators of the soil on the out -skirts of civilization loolc npon them, and with reason, as among the prime necessaries of life. In the snore densely populated regions of the West, they are universally considered specifiics for the dis- eases we have named ; and every provident farmer takes care to fore -arm hia family against the prostrating influence of au in- salubrious atmosphere and cantata, by keep- ing a supply of the remedies constantly on hand. This will be no news; to snob of our AT 11)711. YOUR MACHINES CORING WINTER 1YRATIIER REMAINS 1.41VIPID IN COLD WEATREB Try McCOIV4 .SUN4I /SIP t10 U. and PAMILY SA.F1-1TY iAtnericaa w. AL FOB SALE BY ALL DEERS. urdock-- Cures 1),zzineos, Loss if Appetite, Indigestzon, Biliousne.ss, B Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Kidneys, bLOOD pimpim Blotehes,, Boil, Humors, Salt Rheum, Sc-rofula , an Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, ITTERS„ Derange el S'omach, or irregular action of the 13ozeels. RENOWNED REMEDIES. THE PILLS Purity the Bleed, correct all Dieenders of the LIVER, STO3TACII, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS, *14' flsey inVigOrah! and restore to health Debilitated C0n4titntions, and are invaluable. Za complaints incidental to Females of all ages. Per eliddrtn aria the aged tilos ara prieeiess THE OINTMENT an infallible moittly b,r Baa Lege. Bed lin asts. (lid 'Newels, Sores nud Mess. It fareoua for Goat and Itheinnatistn, FOR DISORDERS OF VIE CREST IT 11,04 SO Etjl'Al., F Sore Threats. Bronchitis, Coughs., Colds, Glandular Swellbsgs. end ad et;in diesnie it has no rival; and for eontra.eted and stiff joints it acts like a The Pills and Ointment are sold at Tnosfes 'emu's Eetablisliniect, 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET bite ,r.33, oxvoitn.sTREnr.i.1.0:siniN ; also by warily every respeetable Vi tiler of Medielue.ln, Boxes and Potcat lai., in. Dd. eel, lis., 22s.. and 3$:. each. The 2s. Oil. size coutaine three times the quantity of the, I Is lid, size ; the 4e. Gd. size Six; the lis, size sixteen ; the 22s size 0as:1y-three ; and the 33ssizo fifty -nye tiniest tiliscitity of the sinalle.et Revealed. l'ote, a 0 Full printed rlireetiona .are affixed to each Box ,and Pot, and ean be 'wain any language L•""' Purchasers should botz to the Label con the Pots mid Wires. If the address is nn i -i$3 oxford Street, Loudon, they are spurious. - • WILLIAlli DREW (ONDAY & TUESDAY We willi open our Walnut & Rosewood Caskets Aass cori,:$ XVI= 144,Cturrtox. A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings Always on lined.: Those among us who aro suffering with ,,,_, Bronchitis, or weakneas of the throat or I VDNERAIIS lt? CII.NIS r.:.ED ISNI) 00N- Son's Pliosphorized Emulsion SILKS regularly, according to the advice of their s':''`- Physician or the directions on the bottle. it," ..; f r, . -t.,,.. .. at which titne we will show all the latest designs for the T coining season. Also Full Lines in New Undertaker and DRESS GOul)S lungs. soos s v, but ttilro PLUSHES, D GUDE D _AT LOW RATES. Always ask for nobinsou,s Phosphor- I y .took 0 1 1,•k; ized _Emulsion, aud be sure you get it. For Dyspepsia and LiveriGomplaint, you 'GIVE ME' A ('Ar L' a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Lydia Thompson sailed in the steamer City of Berlin for New York Monday. Pain in the Side, from whatever cause, may be quickly relieved by Hagyard's Yel- ' FOR THE USE OF low Oil, which cures all manner of aches and pains, and all soreness and lameness of the flesh -applied and taken inwardly. Great snow storms have occurred in Ga- licia, blocking up the railways My horse was lame fur eighteou months, the cords from the knee down wore swollen and hard, a bony deposit around the hoof similar to a ringbone. I used eleven $1 bottles of Spavin Cure and one 50 cent bot- tle of Giles' Liniment Iodide Ammonia. Obtained more oenefit trona the one bottle than from all the others. Continued the use of the Giles' Liniment -horse is now well. JAMES J. GITTY, Rondout, Ulster Co., N. Y. Sold by C. Lutz, Central Drug Store. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Sold by J. W. Browning. Viee-A.duairal Topete (Spanish navy) is dead. The Pains of Lumbago, aching back and hi?d, with all weakness and soreness, will speedily vanish ander the treatment of Hagyard's Yellow Oil, a remedy which may be taken internally. It is a positive cure for pain. The King or Siam is dead. Holloway's ainttnent and rills, -In all outward complaints' a desperate effort shoud be made to at once remove these annoying infirmities, and of establishing a cure. The remarkable remedies discovered by Professor Holloway will satisfactorily accomplish this desirable result, without any of those dan- gers or drawbaces which atlend the old method of treating ulcerative inflamnsations, scrofulous affections, and serobutic annoy. ancee. The most timid invalids may WIC both the Ointment and Pills with the utmost safety with certain success, provided a mod- erate attention be bestowed on their accom- panying "Directions." Both the prepar- a lions soothe, heal and purify. The one assists the other most materially in effecting cures and renewing strength by helping c a- bausted nature just when she needs such A FEW HINTS succour. The Qfficiat Gasette contains a list of the revising barristers under the Dominion Franchise Act for Quebec, Manitoba, British' Columbia and the Maritime Provinces, LIVER COMPLAINT. A faint, weary, sick and listless feeling, with aching back and shoulders, and irregu- lar bowels, proclaim a dibeasect liver. Try Burdock Biwa Bitters; which cures all forms I of liver Complairit. ! reader s as have travelled in the West. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A positive clue There, as in the North, the East, and the for Catarrh, Diphtheria, and °milker Mouth. South, the prestige of the medicines !s oon- Sold at Dr. Browning's Drug Store. itSDOSE.- To Mlle the bole. els gently, 2 to 4 Pills; $thoroughly, 4 to 6 Pill. Experience will decide Ms proper dose in each me. For Constipation, or CostivenesS, remedy is so effective as ATER'S PILLIr; They insure regular daily action, and re. etore the bowels to a healthy condition. For Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Armee PILLS aro invaluable, and a sure cure. Heart -burn, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach, Flatulency, Dizziness, Head. ache, Numbness, Nausea, are all relieved and cured by AYEIt's PILLS. /.• In Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorder*, and Jaundice, AYER'S PILLS should be given in doses large enough to excite the liver and bowels, and remove constipatiOn. As a cleansing medicine in the Spring, theme PILLS are unequalled. Worms, caused by a morbid condition ot the bowels, are expelled by these PILLS. Eruptions, Skin Diseases, and Pile*. the result of Indigestion or Constipation, are cited by the use of AYER'S P/LLS. For Colds, take AYER'S PILLS to -open the pores, remove inflammatory secretione, end allay the fever. For Diarrimea and Dysentery, caused by madden colds, indigestible food, etc., AYER'. PILLS are the true remedy. Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, and Sciatica, often result from digestive derange.. ment, or colds, and disappear on removing the cause by the uso of AtEn's Tumors, Dropsy, Kidney Complaints, and other disorders caused by debility or obstruction, are cured by AYER'S Pude. Suppression, and Painful Menstrua- tion, have a safe and ready remedy in AYE R'S PI LLS. Full directions, in various langUagen. !KS company each package. ' PREPARED BY •, Or.J.C.Ayer&Co.,LowelliMagg ,4e \.,1 Gold by all Druggists, -EXETER, ONTARIO. vErivks, & VELVETEENS, Hosiery:fkALes, &c All of which will be offe,,t ROCK, BOTTOM PRICES. THE LIGHT RUNNING SEWING MACHINE SIMPLE ,THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE T HAT GIVES ,:effifirTtc,4110,01/11, SEWING MACHINE CO. ORANGE MASS. 30 UNION SQ.NY. CHICAGO ILL. ST. LOUIS MO. ATL ANTA GA. 11SLEt:„S eiry N TON BROS. '111 Cabinet-maker. 7 ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S f0110111110t PRICE*. CONSIDERABLY REDUEED to make room for FaiNi.;11.4 Winter Purchases, which will arrive shortly. ustantly on hand. An FULL LINES OF GOODS Shades, Finest Goods, Best Artistic Cu Superior Finish. It will pay you to order now and derive a benefit from pi chasinc,bgood and oheap Goods. A. call is respectfully solicited. and ex-Lahs. s °UM-MOTT. Fashionable Tailor, Exeter. •••=ggimmaromamam..0 E=eter Post Office Time Table. ARRIVE Woodham Windlielsea an dElimville ••• ••• ... 2.80p. m Southeast and was:, including Loudon, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal itfanitoba, United States, F. u,glish and foreign snails .................0.108.111. South, east west g. North and east, including Goderioh, winehatu, Kincardine and all points north, Stratford, Toronto, montruto, and Pastern States... ...11C.,00 North east, Ste Hay 13.90 7.15 p. Sarepts, Tuesdays, Thursdays and snturdays CLOSE. 9 30 a.rn 0.00 a. m, 2.30 p. 8.00 a. m 5,30 p.m' 030 p. m.„ 815a 111. 1000am. ONEY ORDERS ed and paid on and from tiny Money Order Officein the Dominion of Co.nada,Great.laritair and trelancl , British India, Newfonndlami, 1(4014 Australia , Now South Wales, Tasrattilia, New Zeland. Prance an Algeria, the Germ an Einghe, Swedmi,Norway, Denmarlc, Icelandr,Beiglnni the Nethriands, Switzerland. Austria-Hungary, rionsnania, United States, Jamaica, and Bat bados. POST 09'F sCE SAVIN OSSA NK. Deposits will be received at this °Mee from $1 to 6300. Depositors obtaining the Post maser -General's s p eclat permission can deposit $1000. Doves:sp. on, SaVing8 Bank ace eunt re eeivo d from 9 a.m. to 4p. m. Int • rest at 4 par cent per annum will ba allowed on all &posits Office hours rz.13311 7.30a. m ,to 7 81. Letter s intended for registrati innst be pee wa 15 minutes b afore the el N.13.—It is partieularyrecitlestea ' e,of-Matter wil the Counties to the addresses.