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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-06-26, Page 10
• dirdiploww+iz si.11F41.1411111A11110. * 4130 1111111wn, ,,,. 0/10. 4050,' ., NM , jar w ':1R p C°+R. Ash w a.r.ligipawk.sinoirioAiberov .SIR' .I --,r• ,*. °# .alomft. *WK .... +s. 1* -'.r • T r7 THE GODERiCH SIGNAL.STAB ,T. STO E* :GE'S CHURCH S11..NII)Ah., JUNIb; 29th, LIM .6,8 tu.uitn, AWLY C'()M'MAQ'NION., • - 19.09 SUMMIT: SQA ow,. 3.30 p.m. CON>i''Illig 11 l TION SERVICE. -• AIi ('11113nsA$Oi1 C'. A. Slr..Ufll.Ilt, 91,1)., 1)14), '111I411.:R)lhg7�WpULIl. �[ff}IE Nq(D'EVIENING V�(bt/l(h�:nRVIltt E. R Y. EVE Y E 1, LY 11 1• Yt ARU �'.:?.a 11 .' i., RECTOR. ( R. A. ANDERTON-11)rgalnisiand Choirmaster. North St United Church z 111 am. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT, NU "';SE1 Y CLASS ANS MISSION BAND. 11 a.m. ALL 11),141f' RTMIENTS 01? SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. ANNUAL FLOWER r SERVICE. 7p ,tar. REV. R. AA.1'U1i'NBULA, WILL PRE▪ ACH HIS (FAREWELL SERMON. A social hour will follow. Organist and Vhoir Leader—:\ars.' Murray • Hetherington. MINISTER—REV. R. TURNBULL, B.A., O.D.. S.T.M. Knox Presbyterian Church 9.45 a.m., Sunday School. 10 ani. Young People's Bible Class. 11 a.m. Junior Congregation. 11 A.31. — PUBLIC WORSHIIP' — 7 P.M. THE MINISTER AT BOTH SERVICES 4 MINISTER—REVEREND RICHARD, STEWART Director of Praise—Mr. William Wickett, A,T,C Vii. Come and Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness. - Victoria St. United !Church MINISTER --REV. LAWRENCE H. TURNER, B.A. Organist' and Choir Director—Miss Mary Joyce Strachan 10 a.m. SWATH SCHOOL. 11.00 a.m. PREACHER—MR. BENSON SUTTER—Immediate Pa.st -,. President of Huron Presbytery Young People's. Union. 7.00 p.m. THE 'MINISTER. t r 1ON 9.45 a.m. VICTORIA WELCOMES YOU. ) Goderich Baptist ' Church DOMINION- DAY SUNDAY—He Shall _reign. 11.00 a.m. "OUR LEADERS." .,..,. 7.00 p.m, PEAS•'.E.-for these _l1AIES." .._ Your SONS and DAUGHTERS fought and iTIP D for r If What are YOU doing to E4TABLISt• IT? . REA'. G. W. H. MEDLEY, Pastor. MRS. ELLA I. DONALDSON, A.L.C.M., Organist , Monday 8.00 p.m. •R.%.P.U. Fellowship. The Free Methodist Church CornerVictoriaand Park Streets 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m.. "The Calling of God?' ..7p :m. "Wounded by Love." YOU :ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. REV. R. C. McCALLUM, Pastor. BETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) a. REV. J, A. PEARSQN, Pastor ,10 a.m.. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. "A GOOD SOLDIER OF JESUS CHRIST.?' 7.30 p.m. • "WORTHY TO ESCAPE." Tuesday 8• . p.pa. Young People's. Friday 8 p.m'. Prayer Meeting. - NOTE—Daily Vacation Bible. School—July 7 to 18 inclusivie. A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS 3100 AT BETHEL. Briefs - The annual memorial service t f Balis' cen►etery, Base 1. i1e, Mullett, will be livid' at the eenletc;r) on Suutlay, June 99th, at .7 1).m. Rev. 1,,� ('.Ander- of the Baptist church, °uk►lun, will conduct Um service. Just I•t•t'te1'tell .1i11I(tit.11t t,t Target et Brat nit. cameras and folding- cameras: Come early store. for hest choice. Campbell':; drub; ` 2ti Summer is here and Campbell's drug store tuts a good_ supply of summer nerds including snout itatllitlg caps, skit( lotions, sunburn rctlledies, ett Miss \V. O'Neil, fuller Brush repre- sentative. Phone 'Clinton 7' l - 23-6s Alen, use 'VIGURINE' if weak, run- down, li`„ o11... Get renewed pt'f,t. vitality. 15 -day treatment $1.00. At Emerson's drug store. 23-6 Carnival attld fourth auiiwl1 pit par- ade sponsored' by Maple Leaf Chapter, 1.0.1).E Wednesday, July pith: -26 l T4A'L11t1 SIMTp TIME.' E.' t Gt1 10-47 emits - A Classifieti Ad FOr SALE Vir (INTIM OR �+'U L NENEW. ky111BOARD 'ISTSNTE1D. Ltti`1C 4ub Or PRO- ”' P4- motors, Immediate (ittlitet' . Phone PERTY for tale. lPli tlo MAL - 500W, 111A'1`II11t,sON' \' .I.LD1\i C'OL ,I MATHI .S, Insurance and Real SERVICE, Newgitte street. 24 27 Estate Broker, 115W. • atf. • members and friends of \lapse Leaf Chapter. I.tr.1).E. please leave magazines suil•abbe fur lake .seamen at Bedford Hotel when they have fin- ished reading .them each' week? -26 '1'lle monthly meeting of the Goderieh, Women's .institute vi11 be held dm Mat:--. Katy hall on July 3rd, at 2.30 •ill the afternoon. Miss Clara McGowan .will be guest, speaker. A large attendance is requested. - Yuu'11 walk along on happy feet, when corn or,calluus with Lloyd's yvu treat. Lloyd's ('urn Salve, 5(k. at Campbell's or Emerson's drug store. -26 gives Time for the news. Time gives the must up-to-date synopsis of . the news and is the Most authentic author- ity 00 the significance of `world events. •Time also carries reviews on all •sub- jects of current interest, from Art to Zoology. Place your subscription with Miss Mary B. Howell or Mrs. Ismay McLean. -22 \(('SII'—FIREWORKS-.-BANDS — all duo -auld evening at 'Waterloo, ()n- 1 -aria, in beautiful Waterloo Park. SA'I't'RI)AY.. JUNE '2) til. Be sure that you' don't miss this greatest of all outdoor shows.. Music from 8 in the 11t111ing titltil midnight. Great parades of hands: dancing : fireworks. Came 1111(1 mai;.e a clay of it. Ample facilities for picnics, or meals available, on the grounds,.. Rain or shine. Hygienic supplies': (rubber goods) , 1,i‘()11: ='\\' K()1)AK BAN- 1'.A\l Siteci:tl- 145 eoltlplete with field case. Speeds to 1,=2(10 sec. .Apply e'tenillgs32 Regent street. 26x 1 ()lt SALE. ---- FRAME BUILDING, WANTED. AN'1'E13. -T- RESPONSIBLE \\'O- 33 x 15 feet, one story, well built, MAN wanted to' look after a store good condition; used as dwelling; to on the Square. A1ply JACKSON & be moved. Thune 163 or write` POST- Son,, Goderieh. L)FJ:'ICE BOX 5, Goderieh. 2.15-6 WANTED. ANTED. -- Ou:�'.1'RY GENEldAL . (' store and gas station wanted to buy. Write BOX r ii, SIGNAL -STAR. 20x FOR SALE. -- MAROON BAB buggy,.. ,in excellent condition. n... I'huue -490.2 6x FOR SALE. -18-1".r. ANVAS-COV- EltEI) canoe. Priced for quick sale. Write • P.O. BOX 64 or phone 335, Goderich. 24-6x SALE. OiSE, STABLE AND- goud-sized lot, located at 43' Eliza( - beth street. Apply 15 Waterloo street. 26x FOR SALE. EXCELLENT SITES - for cottages on Lake Huron. Good roadways, sand beach, near Goderieh. \\'rite P.O. BOX 64 or phone 535, Goderieh. 24-6x Fon SALE. ---GIRL'S BICYCLE IN good condition. E. S. VINCENT, corner B'r'itannic) road and William street. „ -26 FOR SALE. — TWO SMALL COT- TAGES, furnished or unfurnished., excellent location, very exclusive; good roadway, wide sandy beach. Write P.O. BOX 64 or phone 535, Goderich, Ontario. . 24-6x FOR SALE.—FRAME HOUSE AND acre of good garden land hi town; fruit trees and berry bushes. Good 1peatiun fur ehicken farm. ' Apply GORDON IfISCOMBE, Elizabeth street. 't` -26 FOR SALE.—RED BRICK • COT- TAGE, new roof, two tots, 17 Cam- bridge street, Goderich, Ont. For pal' Oculars write MRS. NEA. SCHRA\I, 77 William street, Hamilton„„Ont. -25-26 FOR SALE. — ,66 -ACRE FARM, under grass; Moderil red brick house ; good• barn, deep well and wind - )031 ind- )031 Blue Water Highway, half - mailed' postpaid in plain, sealed en-1mile north of Goderich: •IIydro avail velope with price list. Six samples able. TASs, ('IIISIJOL\I, \Iontcalln 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order street, Goderieh. 25-6 Dept. 7-53, NOV-RUBBER CO., Box, 91, Hamilton, Ont. • -1-9 F1 R SALE.-85-A('RF. FARM WITII first-class buildings, E. half lot 9, rrtni•essiitn -Miles-West of Nile. un winter -plowed read. water JOHNSTON.,---.At Alexk dra Hospital,. in house atnd hatrit : good orrltard. (;ude.'.ich,_ t(i Jtulc� '19th. 1:)47, to 4J(►IIN R. McWHINNI:Y. R.R. 1, Port 1 a n w•- L ► 1 llt. e t am .11r.lr. and \Ir S. :Xrrl>Iic-�'iiliits iiIi,'(,on- n i rich. a cdatughter, Jams -,Mooney.., MILLER. — At Alexandra Hospital; _F1)It SALT.—LT ,AN1) I' O1'N1)A Goderich. uu .irte 23rd, 1947 to 1 TION for cottage at Bogie's Beach. Mr. and Airs. Carl F. Miller, Gude- yhune 1U(il\V'.• 2(i -7x rich. a sun. Pant 1'rederiek. RANK IN.—At St. Michael's Hospital, Taranto, on .Inge 24th. 1947. to Mr. and Mrs. A. -Gs Rankin ( nee Nerah Costello), Tt)r(,tutu, a sort, Robert Mackay. BORN ALLRRIEI') -`h'5 AAPARTMENT W AN'rED 1N GODE- RICH by y=ouiig couple, No child- ren: Write BOX 57, SIGNAL -STAR. 26x NEEDED. ---MAN OR WOMAN AT „once to 011ie care of established customers in • Godericl'[ for famous Watkins Products. Average $45.09 weekly income. No investment. Write to,rTHE° J. R. WATKIIS COMPANY, A OC -G-1, Montreal, 34, Que. -25-6 WANTED.—RESIDENTIAL BUIL - IN(, lot, cOntratlly located. Write BOX 56, SIGNAL - STAR. -26 Ft)R SALE.—'46 GI•;NERAL ELI C- TRI(' radio, small mantel size. 3 Regent street. t () FOR SALE.—G l'RN F.Y COAL ANI) - wood ravage with water front ,, table and t'otur chairs in natural finish; \VI'R'ILE: —'1'H( ►JII'SON, — On Mon- single 1)111'11(.1 -hot plate, medicine chest, daly, June '2a. 1947. alt Toronto:11y the lied and --amity' table. All -in excellent Rev. E. T. I)ituglaas. Beatrice Merrill shape. Phu" 1()°31V26x• Savery, (laughter of Charles .l'ote Of F(.)R SALE:. -19:30 1'ON'1'IAC SEDAN, 'Toronto and the late Airs. Pole. to four new tires.' newt ring jolt. stew Richard Kellogg, soil of Mr. and Mrs. l,, ;s- points and battery. Priced Charles \\'urtele- of l'ic•tt)ria• and ).t atsn)t:lhly. Apply to HAROLD R: Goderieh• . 1•'ER(=-;SON, Bruce street. Phone 981J. 'IN MEMORIA:\I `26-7x MA.'V' WANTED FOR GENERAL garage work; with mechanical ex- perience preferred. Apply ROBERT E. IRVIN, Dungannon. 25-6x APPLICATIONS WANTED.—Marked applications will be received by the undersigned up to and including .July 7th for- the position of Tax Col- lector in the township of '\Vest Wawa - nosh. The salary has been set at $140. M(►IIRING. A43023.-114 proud :1111FOR SALE.—JI.AS FSI' HARRIS . loving ntemtoi;( -of our dear son and binder. 7 -ft. cut. Also 1927 Whip - ,I brother, . ,Paratrooper Harold S. Pet..good tires and motor. phone 4218; Mohring (1ioolt'y"), killed in action Dungannon.20x in Normandy, France. June 27, 1944. 1 FOR SALE.—COOK STOVE, GUR- NEY, practically new, with or with- out vitter front ; 1n excellent ('oIldition. W. F. RILEY, 62 Bruce street. • 26x .r MAP ' ' LEAF C'IIAPTI+:R, I.O.D.E. national • l'ett,ce (garden, thus helping At a speciai1 meeting of the Maple' to complete the, obligation of the Order Leaf Chapter, LO.D.E., on Monday-, for. this year, this project having been the ;Chapter decided to purchatst' a slide suspended during the war. for •the children's playgrui1iid in Vic- The Chapter sent a letter to the Mayor explaining that the Chapter eon- triitutecl to British and European relief through its- own chantlels, as the ma- chinery a(1111dy' „esttablished has been • fund of the (trder and 1 to the Inter- operating for some time. •toriii Park. Mr. Peters. the recreation- al leader, explained the equipment used in playgrounds. • The ('1i tpter had previously voted, x+25 to the endowment • FOR SALE BY TENDER 1 Building and Equipment contained therein at PORT AL - ERT AIRDROME, PORT ALBERT, ONT. To be sold for Rennaval from the site (Tenders,will close at 12 o'clock Noon, July 9th, 1947.) Bldg. No. 27 ---Gas Storage and' Equipment contained therein NOT_E.= -The Corporation. rgeserves the unqualified ' right to reject any or all tenders. FOR FULL PARTICULARS INCLUDING TERMS A ]'D. CONDITION'S, APPLY TO: L• ANDS t& BUIL%INC•S DP.YT. ti WAR ASSETS 'CORPORATION snv wOuniona amr. We think of hint ill silence, . No eyes (all see tis weep, But still within unr aching hearts His memory we keep. —Sadly missed attd 01way s rem('m- rt)R SAI,I?. — BUNGALOW, EAST tiered—Ion, Brothers and Sisters.. cads in gaud condition. JIALC(_)LiI 2bx M.A'1'IlI:lis, insurance and Real Estate Broker, '"iVest street. Phone 115W. • 26x • C'ARI) OF THANKS DHTRNIN PHILLIPS, Clerk, 26-. Ltickitow, Ont., R.R. No: 2. v?':ANTED.—VACUU\ I PAN OPER- ATOR'S helper. Shift work. wages 71c an hour on day' shift,.7.5c an hour (01 night shifts.. Apply CHIEF ENGINEER'S OI+h'ICI,.-Purity Flour \fills. d 26 \\TANTEI) TO B111,--OLIZ HORSES and dead amimah, suitable for mink feed. If dead, phone at. once. Thune collect JACK GILIBERT, 93(1 r 21 or FRED GILBERT, phone 936 r 32, Goderieh, '26tf N0 ICL FOR SALE. —.CHILD'S' CRIB, large size, two drop sides. In MRS' J:A\11 1:. STEELS AND good. condition. Phone 582W. 26x family desire to express sincere • thanks to those who so kindly sent FUR SALE. -- MASSEY - HARRIS flowers and loaned cars in their recent teats mower purcha d in 1945. hereaventent. -2i1 Apply in writing to the TOWN CLERK, -26 NOTICE TO CREDITOI NOTICE. 'I• buy rags, feather ticks, and used furniture. Sewing machine repairs and supplies. C. WOODS, 12 East street. Phone • 242J. 21tf NOTICE. NCD'lt°ICE "TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given to all persons ilat)ring any eta bu 4tgainst the estate of Elizabeeth Islay Wigle, late of the Town of Goderieh, ill 'the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the thirQeth day of May, A.D. 1947„ to send same to the-iAnde)signed on or before the fourth day of July, AM. 1917, as on and after that date the executors of the said estate shall pro- ceed to make'distributioIi of the assets thereof„} having regard only to the claims of which they have notice. Dated at the Town of (Merida, this fifth day of June, A.D. 1947. R. C. IIAX S, K.C., . Goderieh, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 24-6- '1UTI('E T() ('RE1)ITORS ANI) OTHERS In the Estate of Rev. Charles Francis Nagle, deceased. All claims against the above-named deceased must be filed vyitll the tinder;, Signed by July 25, after which date the executor will. proceed to, distribute the assets.. FRANK DONNE• LLY, K.('., Goderieh, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. -26-8 TENDERS WANTED -TE\DFRS WANTED. Fleece -line your home with blo'wn Rgtkwool Insulation. Saves fuel with more comfort._Permanent, fireproof. ':tln�lrsrh `'ettnrfini'e i't .,...4 d: ''exlser'Ivm'Cedd crews. For free estimate and terms phone Goderich 261 or Write ROW - LAND C. DAY, 5 Thornton ave.,, Lon- don. 2t? Goderieh, Ont. • Those who wait for, a better society to produce better men will never be- come the better men Who can produce 0 better society. F()R . SALE. — SIIEET METAL building, I approxiuiately 12' x 20', Incited- at the north side of the harbor. Building roust be removed. Offers to 11e sutlnmitted in writing to S. II. BLAKE, Town Clerk, Goderieh. -26 WANTED . Swimming Instructor for Goderieh Bathing Beach for months of July and August. State qualifications. Apply GOIDE.RICH LIONS CLUB Write P. 0. Box 3(19'tor plionl. 51: 26 • NEW TIRES! 1st Quality 4 Ply TRANS -CANADA List Your Size Price Coat 440-450/21 1390 11.1 475-500/19 14.70 12.25 475-500/20 15.25 12.20 4.1'25-550/18 17.60 14.10 - 525 -►50/17 • 19.35 15,50 600/16 21.55 17.25 WO Do Vulcanizing MOTOR OILS! ONEIDA ... , -gal„. sealed $5.55 4PITFIRE .... 5 -gal sealed $4.55 VISOIL 5•gal. sealed $3.55 MANIC IC GA,T.T,QW PHONE 590 14 NORTH ST. • NTOTI(.'E TO HOUSEHOLDERS RE "l GARBAGE COLLECTION householders are reminded that all. garbage must be wrapped and tied before being put in containers. Gar- bage will not be collected, unless this requirement • is observed. • • S. Ils•ELAKE, 24-25- r . Town Clerk. OTI('E TO PROPERTY .OWNERS - RE 1947 TAX BILLS, • .TOWN OF GODERICII 1947 tax bills were mailed June 9th: Owing- to numerous changes in real estate. in Some cases tax bills may have been forwarded to the previous owners. Any property -owner who has not re- ceived hip .1947 tax hill should call at the Collector's office. S. If. BLAKE, 24-`25- - Acting Tax 'Collector. Tenders will be received by the undersigned- op to July '7, ' 1947, for the following work to be comtile'ted during the' summer holidays : Removal of did porch, installaltioll • of windows and building, new 'porch on -the school- house, Port Albert, S.S. No. 1, Ashfield. For further particulars enquire •of any school trustee or the secrettl,ry. Lowest or any tender not necesfinrily accepted. • RICHARD KILPATRICK, Secretary -Treasurer, • Ashfield School Bitard,• 26- R.R. 7, h.neknow. rrI';NDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received by the under- signed until July 4th fur the redecor- ating of the at,tldltoI•ium in MacKay Hall. Pull particulars may be obtained from the TOWN CLERK.' -;:ti NOTICE. "DOMINION CHINCIIIILLAS" The latest fur -bearing animal to be msuccessfully raised in captivity,, the genuine • South -American • Chinchilla, producer of the world's most luxurious fats, may be seen at the ,Huron and Bruce Chinchilla Ranch, Wingham, Ont.. These, `animals are under the care of Mr: H. E. Wells. Learn how .these animals may provide a living and a hobby for yon in the years' to come. Visits to the. "ranch are bes1 glade on weekday evenings or any time during the week -ends, and are free of obligation. 25tf FOIL SALE.-LAFRAN('E TRAILER gasoline pinnping fire engine, eon- plow with suction hose ; and nozzle. ('apacity'40)) gallons per minute. Ford \'s motor. For ',information apply in -w•t•iting to the TOWN CLERK, Gode- rich. (nt. -20 F OR SA1.1•;. - S,iX-R0(1VI I3RI('K house with 4 all modern-,.eonve11- 1(11(1s : cent ra113 located. Possession in metal( or six weeks. Phone ;127M. • ' -26 IF YOU NEED - CARPENTRY WORK DONE See . E. S. VINCENT Corner Britannia Rd. and William St. Goderich 26x AAL ACCIDENT ON HIGHWAY NEAR SEAFORTH S'1';AFORTII, June 25.--J. J. Ryron, 32, was killed instantly when his ear failed to stake the turn 'on highway No. 8. a mile and a -half west. of Sea - forth, last slight. Apparently not realiz- ing in time that a sharp tarn was ahead of him, he drove his ear off the road ``:tt the curve,© ripped through a fence, and was throvvn- clear of his alar. • Ile was dead when the first person reached the se('ne of tate ac- cident. Mr. Byron comes froth,'Ottawa-. The fatality oiecurred about 7.30 p.m., while Byron, representative of a brew- ing •firm, was driving east on No. 11 highway, from Clinton toward Seaforth. About 150 feet of fencing Willi wound around the car when it e/7tne to rest. Mr. Myron, a veteran of^the II,C.A.F., served in the air force five years during the Seeond Great War and had beell retired about eighteen months. Ire •' was married fast Easter. NOTICE,. Clydesdale stallion standing in the Karn of Wilbert Stewart, R.R. 6, Gode- rieh. For service phone Carlow 217 in evenings. Come and see this goc;d, horse 25 6x Spend fonainlon Day in Godelleh. Illi -day . program. NOTICE. The opening date fol` black.bass tisl'P ing is :NIS- 1st, 1947. K. JU'CK, Game Overseer; for tIt-•I.nr, Count y. OBITUARY COLLECTIONS Western • Ontario ,° Credit Bureau -Take a vacation on:the money we collect for you. Mail that list today and watch for results. 72 Ontario Street Stratford 26 Culbert's Bakery ,"5.110/1010.o of Tasty ty .Is i :stryy 0 y WEEK -END. SPECIAB CHOCOLATE IVI.ALTE ILK CAKE 35c each 1�1 An Orders of $1.00 or more (Delivered. PHONE 465 MEL. CULBERT,' Prop. A JCT1ON SAL1p t'C't.'it)N SALE OF VALUABLIEE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY ANI- IIO1'SEIIOLI) GOODS ANI) FURNITURE will be: at the home of the late George 'Gordon Mcllardy, on Anglesea street, Goderich, on SATURDAY, Jc . til+' 28 at 1.30 p.m. • Consisting of 1 chesterfield and chair, velour ; 1 walnut coffee tullle ; 2 large -upholstered rosewood chairs; 2 rugs 9 x 12; 1 walnut butterfly 'table; 1 blue upholstered cane chair; 1 General Electric radio (console) ; 4 small rugs; 1 tri -lite lamp; 1 inlaid small table; 1 9 -piece -modern oak dining suite; 1 large 4 -burner electric range nearly new ; 1 Westinghouse refrigerator, nearly new ; 1 Electrolux vacuum cleaner; 1 General Electric, washer, nearly, --new; 1 set twin bed.-', mattress and springs ; 1 inlaid dressing table (large) ; 1 walnut dressing table and • stool'; 35 ft. 42 -4 -in. runner carpet ; 1 -three-piece antique bedroom. suite; 1 coal -burning stove; quantity of cur- tains,' drapes, tools and' other articles too numerous to mention. ' REAL ESTATE.—At the Sant: time hnd place will 1-e; offered, subject to a reserve '`hid,' thitt -Wert of Lot 716 in. the Town of • Goderieh described in Deed 15467, on which is located an eight -roomed moderii'brick house, con- taining four bedrooms, • tKo living- rooms, dining -room, kitchen. bathroom with built-in tub 'on (;round floor, two- Piece wo piece bathroom, up)stairs, laundry tubs, and toilet in basement. This home was recently built to pre • - war standards and is finished with oak floor and trim„ downstairs. hot -water heating, copper piping and oil - burner. This property is located on the south sic% of Anglesea street 11 'short- distance_ east of North street and will be open for- inspection frons 7-9 pan. on June 26 and `27.11110 from 9-12 a.m. on June also be inspected.- Inspection may also •. be .11rraulged by appointment. • , TERMS — Chattels, cash. Real estate, 20 percent. on day of sale and balance within thirty days. - For. further inforthation apply to FRANK DdNNELI.Y. Goderieh, Solicitor for the Estate. MATT GAIT NOR, Goderieh, 25 6- Auctioneer., REV. W. T. I3%X;,TT • The death, occurred nt. Toronto on Sunday last of Itev. William T. Bunt, a former pastor of the Goderieh Bap- tist c•hurc•h. at the ago of eighty-two years. Mr. Bunt had lived in Toronto since his retirement- in 1940 from the active ministry, Ile is -survived. by his wife, three daughters, Florence, of (Hamilton, Esther and Ruth, of'Toronto, and a son, Gordon, of Aurora,, The .funeral took place at Toronto on Tues- day, .with • interment in Park Lawn cemetery. High -School Graduates CHOOSE YOUR,, CAREER IN A GROWING PROFESSION! -'open to girls under 34, high-school graduates and college girls. —more opportunities every year for the graduate nurse. —best preparation for both career and marriage. For your cohvenience the Stratford. General Hospital will have an in- -formation booth at Boyes Book Store, 38: Wellington St., Stratford,'Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 26, 27 *& 28. STRATFORD GENERAL HOSPITAL SC3HOOL OF NURSING. FRIGIDAIRE (1OMMERCI A I. SALES AND SERVICE. Phone 1098 or Write MANNING nefrigercatio i Service REPAIRS TO ALL MARES The foreign chum in our midst must have some ° trouble getting the hang of our languages How can he know, for instance. that a • (OWhay isn't a hull Calf ?---( )ttawa Citizen. Refrigeration and Electrical Appliance Service ALL MAKES Elliott McVittie 48 Picton St. Phone 417W "''t f . TOPAX'S TIP DON'T LEARN THE NEED OF INSURANCE THROUGH THE LACK OF SEE. S. M. FORD Get Insured -- Stay Insured.— Rest Assured. North St. .'fel. 268w NE -ED FINANCING Repairs and acces- sories now can be bought on the etit4C PLAN Don't put off neededl repairs longer. Don't do without those ac- cessories you always have wanted ... CAR REPAIRS. ACCESSORIES? FURTHER DETAILS OBLIGINGLY GIVEN A"r Gardner Motor Sales Pnom 234 GODERICH