HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-06-26, Page 9TUVESD/..', J1 TNl 0 E . ODERI II SIA NA „„ -.MAR 0 TIOLIVIUSITILLE. .0 Q JROLIWEES T][LLE,'sum 2u.---41tr44. $ . J. Trewartba a + d Mrs, r<,s, J. B. MacM it1 were week-end. guests with Bev. and Mrs. Stewart Miner, Fordwich. Mr, and MrS< Gibson, ! .v"trait, were guests o Cdr.: and Mrs. *Fred i1tuL- holland laist " *cell-t:nd. . • - Mr. lana Mrs. T. MaeDonalc3 and Mr. and Sirs. Kenneth MacDonald, 'Tees - water, were guests of Mr. and -Mrs. Eimer Potter and fa Lily on tiunday. Mrs. T. llaci)onald remained for a visit of a few (lays. Mr. and Mrs. (Green, Grand Bend, and Mrtat„Kelnnedy, Sarnia, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Wui. Mc- ('linchey. Walt Maley Visits Homo of Fore- , fathers. --Walt Disney, world-famous. creator of Mickey Mouse and Snow White, and the idol of every childish heart,- was a,;, viOtor in this district on 'Wednesday of last week. His late grandparents formerly resided at /Dine - vale, and then in Goderirh township near IIolmos-vilie. They are buried in the :.segue att`'Qce netery, . Iiolmesville, which wits visited by' Mr. and Mrs. Disney and their party,. They also called tit the home of at cousin, Robert Richardson, 00 the 11th concession. Mr. I)i~:uev's 'grandfather settled near NEWS OF - A1'Iti'I{N,4 Jiute 25. --Mr. :aitd Mrs. Bert Fowler and sou, of Regina, are visiting the n 11(15 -brother, Donald Fowler. and Its. Fowler. Mrs. Chesney of .Trenton. Mich.. and, Mrs. Gourley of Scotland visited their brother, Win. I Iaggitt, and -Mrs. IIag- git t. . .Mr. nod Mrs. Pepper and fancily, of Ilensall. spent Sunday with 'Mr. and '.lie's. Wellinutult (good. MIr. and \It's. Edgar Lawson and 'Mrs. W. T. Robison_ attended the Old IIoume Week at Galt. - 31r. and 31ri. Albert Campbell have returned from a two weeks' motor trip.t) pints in Northern Ontario. ,- ll,iss Joan and Tom Sheppard of Blenheim spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. E. Phillips. Mr. I,arl -Morrison, :Thiry and Jim Morrison, of -Pontiac. Mich., visited Mrs. Fred Ross last Fridagv. • AUBURN taker's course at Toronto, has c•om- 1 li seed .the course and returned home •i last Saturday. .. • - - The 'girls' softball team- sponsored a Miss Ruth \Nilson -of Brussels spent dunce in the Foresters' hall on Friday the week -end with'Miss Zeta Munro, night. \lusic for dancing w.ts supplied Visitors with. Mrs. Geo. Yungblul, by local talent. .l,lut is -visiting in Arthur and Victor over the week -enol Mr. Arthur \ utt,. were Mr. and 311:1. Ernest Armstrong, Detroit), their son :111(1 Itis wife, of Toronto, and '4Vontett'S llnstitute:—\Lr.s. Merl). Mog- \liss Betty Auer Ytutgblut, of Witt(1sor. ridge, newly elected President, pre -- Mr. Ernest Patterson, who underwent. sided for the June meeting- of the Wo - an operation in Victoria hospital, Lon- menfs Institute. held in 1lle. Foresters' I•l -t•try Miss C�1JNTY BRIEFS J, S. Chellew ban solea, his fl rltaitamre and undertaktng buislness iat Blyth to James LoeI yvood °of Clinton. Alonzo P. W. Smith, well-known re dent of Blyth, 'and fire chief fori soi'he years, died last week at the age of seventy-nine years. After a ministry of fifteen years at, Trivitt "Memorial (A.nglican I church, Exeter, Rev, M. 4. Hunt has rewove(d to the Mitchell parish, and Rev. G. L. Langford of Mitchell sueceed.s him at Exeter, I'etett`Sl iles, fourteen-mo1~nths-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Stiles, Sea - forth, was rushed to Victoria Hospital, London, for an operation for the re- moval of particles of peanuts lodged in his bronchial tube.. The operation wet suece saful. • The As}itield Township Council has passed a bylaw offering $10 to any Person who destroys any -stray dog found molesting livestock oa fowl. The Township also is paying a l iouuty of $15 a .lead for -wolves killed and $5 a head for wolf pups. \Irs. Robert ILiggins passed away on June 3rd at the home of her son-in-law, I?ort Q:l.irie t, (tta tk o o><ival et' a baby boy last' cree 1. - 44.Mrs, Adam tibaef2er of EItehenew is visiting it&t her r tsler, rare, has, ala*��nzle, v Cir(sit'eill Worlier5.—The United church. W.M.S. and W.A. meet tt tko 110 e of Mrs. ]t8. Reed, with niztcen ladies .pre- sent: The president, Mrs. •, Jan. Mc- Kenzie, presided. The Seripttire'siva,s read by Mrs, .111'. Willis'and. readings were given by Mrs, Elmer Grahame and Mrs. Bert Crawford. A chapter in the. study book Was. talaen by Airs. Lednor. Mrs. Elmer Urahante.presidetat of the W.A., tools charge of'•tbe businerds period. Arrangements were made to hold a bazaar, the Metter part of duly. Mrs. M1eli:enzie closed the meeting with a hymn and prayer, lifter which lunch was served by the hostess, sur. Hollmesv}lle when he came front Ire -' Harvey Treleaven, Lnckn►ow•, atter a land. in 1848, and later at Bluevalle long period of 'ill -health. She was in and Goderich. While here Mr. Disney herr sevent;v-eighth year. ller, husband - t()(il: 'pictures of the scenes where his died in 1919 and she is survived by one ancestors had lived. daughter, Mrs. 1I. Treleaven. and nue son. Aubrey, of Detroit. Mrs. George. ST. 3L RYS VOTES FOR HOSPITAL Andersson of Lucknoaw and Mrs. Wilson St. Marys Property -owners 011 \Ion- Irwin of Ashfield a re sisters. lliltott—Rapson • At the Inane of 1Ir. and Mrs. (►real Rapson, Ilullett township, their laugh-- � ter. ILtzel Eileen. was united in mar- riage to Murray Edwin Milton, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. i•:: Milton, Druntho. +�TfwSF. The coma:4)uy was perfrir)uerby Rev, duo, last week, returned home on. Ines- I1t11 (4at 1111 411' 1(' `ted day'wutcd u11ruvul of a bylawv pruvid- \Iat•garet Kiang, read several `"thank kl.', I►(iU for the crecfiorr c,tw a hns- da}. 'Mrs. Harry Rinderkuechdt at.nd--sons you'letters. It was decided to hold t)it tl in the tu.wn. Maynard and Geo. 1>i nay, of Detroit, a gard n party in July to raise money 1 . spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. for the new•'mem 'memorial (tall, .cud a coin- SATINIt'li�:I) :�lDa'1H:1R']C]I`�)P:)f� (eco, Beadle, Maynard is- remaining,- consisting (4f Mrs. .11. Mog idge' The Signal -Star,. fur the summer. Mrs. A. Campbell, Mrs. Pmts ('rit-ig, la(td4rich;,Uut.- - \1r. and \Irs. Studley Me all, ' of Mrs. G. Mc('1incl)ey, Mrs. Jas. (111ig Fergus, (et., 1 Harold J. Steell of Auburn. Mr, and (.alt spout the week -end with the and Mrs. (1('«t. Million was atppuiut( (lJua: '' c3, 1917. Airs. Milton will reside in 'Toronto. Yorutcr's parents, Mr, and Mrs. 'Thus. to. arrange for it. It wvat3 decided to t', ulleuieu,—\1 ct have' had very goad Cowles—Pearson \Ic•Nall, hol(1 the .1uly meet big. wide': is the results from advertising in yarn pope! In a quietwedclittg at the parsonage Miss With Arthur,'• R.N.. of St.' ctiildreu's meeting, in the furor of, a t Weekend visitor with pirttih. at Harbor Park, Gnderich, to utnd 11(41)4 to he With you 1141t year. j of Ontario street 1 nIOd church. Clin- Thomas, wasYours truly, ton, Betty Lon Eileen, younger daugh- other. -\Its John :lrtltur, celebrate the fiftieth utn11114 1 11\ of the - TOP NOTCH HATCHERIES., RIES., ter of Mrs. Lenore Pearson, Clinton, her ten \Ir. Keith Arthur, who took an under- Women's institute. The pt(grata in- and the late William Pearson, became - eluded a solo, Mrs. Win. •iuberton; - the bride of LAC. Howard Luman, only reading, Mrs. Geo. Hamilton; solo, Mrs. Gnrdoti Me('linchey. A report of sorn"'df Mr. and Mrs. :Claire ('owles; Prince Albert, Sask. Il`O•°-W. J.,'i\'uol- the fiftieth anniversary celebration -frey officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Cowles held at Guelph- was given by 31r,s. L. will reside in •Clinfon,'the'--bridegroom Irwin. A - contest ` was conducted • by being 'stationed at the Radar School -Mrs. T. McNall. A gift donated by there. Mrs. Gordon McPhee was won 1)y Mrs. Phelan—Dikner Roy Eassom, The roll call was answered tit. Ambrose church, .Brussels, was' with "Your. favorite radio, program::" q y the scene of marriage )f Matrgafet The meeting closed with the National y Catherine, thet daughter of Mr. and Anthem., Lunch was served by the qct y, Y 11 b h 1 f I Mrs. James Dietner, Brussels, to.John hostesses, Mrs. Fred Plaetzer, Mrs, S. 'Louis Phelan, only son of Mr. and McClinchey, Mrs. A. J. Ferguson,'3Irsw - 1 l Lou James Phelan, Blytlna .Two uncles Ken 'McDougall and Mrs. Geo. •Bean, g of the bridegroom, -Rev. W. T. Phelan of • P i; , London and Rev. L. J. Phelan of St. • -PASS SEASUN.4PtINS -,)ULA: 1ST Augustine, officiated:- - The- wetldin - The open a•ealsoln for bass in Ontario l)reakfatst at the' Brunswick Hotel, opens. July 1st, not on June 28th a3 Wittghanl, was followed by a reception at the home of the bride's. parents, last year, A late, cold, season has de- ° aTed--- gltt faring--inid•---t�}t 3 i ('•cute •tntci Fisheries auks fishermen not Judge: "Guilty °or not guilty?” Rastus : "Not guilty, sub." Judge: "Have you ever been in jail?" Rastusi.: "No, soh, Ali never stole nonlirt' befo'." -_ _ ATTENTION! FARMERS! Drain Tile for -Sale ANY SIZE ---IN ANY QUANTITY Phone 198; T aui ,OR WRITE Central Iilellrick-COr—poratiOnTimilie TILBURY, ONT. 23-24-26 Doatrs Kidney Pills Help Back Ailments Backache is frequently caused by disorders of the kidneys. Cunse- entl if you. -suffer from backache, Doan's Kidney Pills may o helpful to you. Because of their stimulat- ing timu at- in action on the kidneys anduri- narypassages, Doan's KidneyPills assist in-. the - elisnination.-of wastes - from:z'tFie body. - Safe, dependable and quick -acting, Doan's Kidney pills can be used 124 th ..yountr a id �o1d.,..m1 lw� t':t►r ;. • an - r teumat it' pains as we as minor urinary and bladder ailments may. .-,be quickly relieved by A tial time - proven -treatment. Su t1 ata cru;; stores, The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. 1-it�,ot I well • ' PORT ALBERT to take bass off the spawning beds in `Ahi§ ALBERT, Junee `'4.-JIr:, and early July. 1 ° ll 1 M•rs. Archie Grenier, Miss Annie Young_ 'Pectin work is the gruuridw Orh for Paul Mr.. Albert- Meeker. of Detroit'. -and Mrs. anl Cheney, of Chicago. visited 'a• world .that works.. over the week -end • with Mr. and Mrs. -- James Young.. Miss Marjorie McKenzie of Hamilton visited over the week -end with her -mother. Mrs. Jas. McKenzie. Mr. Frank i'pshall of Tadmore. Sask., i visiting fnr.two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Hayden and other rela- tives in the :vicinity. • - Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Hoy of London. formerly Of r rfr'{ 6 �.}ti,4rFrr'• •,' a r r h.r, r• r k?t, •.,r .,y, • GIVES YOU THESE TRADITIONAL BODGE QUALITIES.... DEPENDABILITY Dodge from the first insisted on "Dependability". It wast' the guiding principle' when the first Dodge was planned and produced more than 30 years ago. Year after year Dodge engineering improve- ments give Dodge owners Extra thousands of miles of troublefree operation - add to the traditional Dodge re- putation for Dependability. SAFETY . .. COMFORT I"n 1922 Dodge scored a "First" in automobile safety with an all -steel sedan. Two years later Dodge again led with equal -pressure hydraulic 4 -wheel brakes for quicker, safer stop's. Regularly, Dodge has added new safety features such as safety glass. and Safety Rim wheels which provide protection in case of it blowout -until to,day there is no *safer car on the road. The thrilling Dodge Full Floating Ride results from more than 20 im- portant factors including Floating Power engine mountings; inde- pendent front wheel springing; balanced weight distribution; plac- ing the rear seats ahead of the rear axle. In 1942, Dodge Custom was first in its price class with Fltiid. Drive - thegreatest motoring ad- vancement .since hydraulic brakes and floating power. ECONOMY: Dodge cars have always been economical to operate---BI('-- cars - real, value in every price class. The powerful Dodge 1. -Head engines have fewer" moving parts. Amon; the many wear -resisting fea- tures are "i uperfinish"1 an oil bath air cleaner which protects moving' parts. from grit; and four rings per pis- ton for gas and oil economy. DODGE STYLE AND BEAIITy, throughout the years, has.matched-Dodge engineering and design. Each new Dodge is acclaimed• as "more'beautiful than ever" -- each new Dodge has added new enthusiastic owners to the ever-growing list ofsatisfied Dodge buyers. . I� w top.. tre t 1 I, LII ' � •'� �° .. i Goderich m ray 1131111 A- Favo*rili tomody Vas . tho pastl lmunslrc3. 'y o I Ar Dlt l'ONi7/47PIPS ¥T OP %Tiro , e waF1 1,1101 14,31:1 a favoi rii*o rapt c;iy for lir) el cgr2 P1a'i6t2;'y 1; z1)' fo' 11CasAu ' s?,r+mc�11,C�t1C7£'', Preacr bed for J0iatrhoea. lin{?gtirlal Paan l Seaa Sietness Sum r Com, faint. You will bo RArlaria�etl 'hors' quiei y it works aaad how iIauelt better- '.'ort feel. 1) 0 TOI PQM` I4L- 'S EZ 40T OP Waw A Salvation Amey banal has' been organized at Wingliarn. Here you can, see what goes on inside a cow to make milk, and whatgoes on to get her to give you that milk -- lust one of the interesting and convincing scenes, - from "NO RAND STRIPPING" the Movie to be shown Free at the Auditorium Gardens, Kitchener, Oflt. WED.,. JULY 2nd, 1947 at 8.30 p.m. (D.S,T,) »- Dr. W. E. Petersen, well-known for his' work on the Science °of-'inili ing, wiles present --'in persa to ice-- - troduce this new film.' He wrote and worked in this newest production concerning the biggest single job done by dairymen ., .. the milking of 27 million cows ° in Canada and 'the U.S.A. . BROUGHT TO YOU BY Your Local Surge Seryice • Dealer - Mr. J. B. HIGGiNS SEAIORTH — ONT. •25 ...�.-moo MAItIXG BTU4PLEEXT$ • • • • A' e roto, llt,n ,4( -" \\\���\.- Y . ' 1)l ., ws .I� .'�'•�.. ,. °�9 `,�\\>•\w • ° This type. of mower a ° .,5.. was built at the Massey works is early as 1852. ABOUT 1820 a mower was invented .with a circular cutting blade which revolved against the grain, apparently imitating the action of the old scythe blade. A few years latter a mower was invented in the United States which had a sharp knife with teeth moving sideways in a row of iron fingers or guards. /he first mower of this type to be made in Canada was pro- duced in 1852 at the Massey works, the little plant which has grown into the Massey -Harris industryof today. And all through its 100 -year history this company has been a leader in developing labor-saving farm devices. The use of modern Massey -Harris farm --machines has brought many benefits to Canadian farmers.' The Massey -Harris Side Rake and Tedder turns the hay into Light, fluffy windrows, so the air in cure it quickly. The Massey -Harris Hay Loader builds a load of well over a ton in twenty "kvk Mtissey4lorrbs No. 6 Semi. !minted Tractor Mower < 'Corks equally well witl>a aauy type • of tractor. - Power taketoff,driven. Fast operation with safety. Built fpr ,fit tractor operation. • minutes. The Massey -Harris Forage Har- vester enables a farmer to cut hay;,at the ,right'time—providing nutritious forage for livestock. • Massey -Harris machines mean speedy, large-scale production. They have reduced production costs per acre and have increased the farmer's yearly profit. COMPANY p M•/IVO ivIi* •.tet. c ',47 "mow.. y 4i+ v,�•f Wt 4,o WA81 0) PRO(R(SS • 4 ,A.00,011.1,50414 ll 4; (z