HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-06-26, Page 3I'm =dm,* siooilormi Ar. 40ititArVg000P460 AM' "*" " .`",r474"101,411%411.111Kar.a. "Of rafk,..1:41.7:14004.54,4110 4016401%,, "11 a a - • 4 r:. " HURON COVMTY'S FOREMOST WEEKLY ONE- UNDREDTH YAR. NO. 26 GO EIC 11 Business Directory LEGAL j. K. HUNR TE'fl Barrister, te. Royal' Bank 1114g. Hamilton Street, Goderie14.1,-F., Pbone 968. atiturrERE4), ACCOUNTA.NTS 1" w. cEcn., Anutipc44. L' CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Phone No. -Office 343W House 343J Goderich, ACCOUNTING AND 1;00KliEEPLNG CCOUNT1M & BOOKKEEININU SERVICE For Small BuslAesses, Stores,Etc. .Bookkeeping Systems Installed. Books Balanced Monthly Financial aatemente Wage Summaries 1r Business and Personal Income Tax Returns 4LBEIC.IC SHORE Office :Corner North St. and Square Phone 975. Residence Phone 444; 111•141141111104111111411111414111111411NIMIllaa INSURANCE AircliiLLoP 3J.UT UAL JURE SURANCE CO. -Farm and iso-. lated town property iniured. Officers President,. Eramk Mc- Gregor, ,Clinton, ; Vice -President, Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm, R.R. 1; Manager and. Secretary -Treasurer, M. -A. 'Reid, Seafbrth. .Directors -,Frank. McGregor, Clinton; Chris. I.4eOnhardt, BOrnholni; \S. 11. Whitmore, R.R. 3, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, 1U. 4, Seaforth; Harvey,, R.R. 2, Goderich; E. J. 'Pre- wartha, R.It. 3, Clinton; John H. Mc - Ewing, R.R. 1, Myth; Hugh Alexander, R.R. 4, Walton; J. L. Malone, R.R. 5, -Seaforth. ' Agents -John E. replier,' Brucelield, 3'.R. 1; George A. Watt, Myth, R.R: 1; R. Finlay M.cliercher, 'Dublin, KR. 1; J. .1(% Prueter, Brodhagen. J.oliey-holders - can --makeall pay- ments and get their cards receipted-at the Royal Bank, Clinton ;-Calvin Cutt's Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderieh, or Reid's General _Store,,Baytield. ...inumaimmaramniosamilimis MEDICAL' DR. F. J. R. FORSTER; EYE, EAR, . NOSE, THRQAT Late House Surgeon New . York Ophthalmic and Atiral Hospital, assiSt- ant at Moorefield Eye HOspital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, England. EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED 63 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephone 267. Next visit Bedford -Hotel, Goderich, Wedn.esclay, July 23rd, 1947, at '2 p.m. till 4.30 pan. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS • THERAPIST ' Goderich, Phone 341 OFFICE HOURS' Mon. .& Thurs.-0 to 11.30 a.m. 2 to 5 p.m. (only) Tues.. & Fri. -9 to 11.39 a.m. 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. Wed. & Sat. -9 to 11.30 a.m. (ouly ) Mineral fume baths by appointment • otair. A. N. ATKINSON 51 South Sr: Registered under Drugless Practitioners Act for the Province of Ontari 1 A. L. COLE Optometrist --Optician Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Goder,ich, Ont. Geo. G. MacEwan Fire, :Accident and Moter Car Insurance OffICEMASONIC TEMPLE WEST STREET PHONE 236 GtODE •• DUE DATES •IP RATION C IUPONS Coupons now valid are 526 to 553 and to 15. The balance of the canning ts-iigar coupons Y0 to Y10 good for live pounds of sugar become valid on July 3. • QUESTIONS 4N0 ANSWERS (X,H=.1 understand that lot 'dogs -may be served on meatlesS daYffe,at certain, kinds 'of public gatherings. Will you please list these gatherings? . „ 4. -Hot dogs may be served at any 'iihibition, fair, picnic, outdoor con- vention or Other outdoorsigathering held under the auspices of any Municipality or other civic organization or society, the Canadian Legion or carry other veterans' organization or society, any service. club or fraternal society, any church Organization or society, any agricultural society. They may not -be served on meatless • days in hotels, restaurants or any public: eating place where meals are, regularly served, and where facilities are such that other foods are easily prepared. Q. -How long must an American stay in Canada in '&der to get- a ra„tion allowance?. A. -Coupons are not issued for less than.a..sesven days' visit. • Q.-1 read in the paper that park- ing lots have heen removed front' rent controls. Some time ago I was forced to pay An increased pike for parking my car. Wds the operator of the park- ing let breaking the law?- - A.-c---NO.'e7sThe.,,eellijA4 was removed from the service charge for parking lots sonie time ago. The. recent re- viSion affects the rental charged by the -owner of the let to -the 'operator or tenant. Such, rental is free .from control. • Q. -Early this year the owner of the house • in which I live made some new apartments: Can he increase the rent under the recent changes in rental regulations? . A. -No. Th1s. weuld be structural alteratiou and not neW construction of a building contemplated by the neVv exemption order 742. - • Q. -Are summer cottages free.-Tof' rent_ control? • , •• __unless -they are-summei-- hotels or seasonal 'boarding housesor a group of buildings in which sleeping aecommodation and •thrig. meals per. ,Jjay. are untde available to the guests. T. Armstrong OPTICIAN and -OPTOMETRIST Square — • Goderich "See Armstrong and See Better" Ati.,Lucknow first Friday of • each month. ' DONALD B. BLUE, EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER Licensed for .Counties of Huron , and Bruce RIPlLEY. PHONE 49 For information apply to J. N. Hernighan, Division Court Clprk, Goderich, Ont. • EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER CorreSpolidence promptly an- swered.,Inamediate arrangement, can be made for Sales Date by calling, Phone 203, Clinton. Charge mo6rate and satisfac- ,,tion Guaranteed. 19tf 'AUCTIONEER Matt. Gaynor -..--Experienced Auctioneer-. Sales Conducted Anywhere Write or phone collect - Goderich4Phone 626M 14-27 .GOderich Township School Picnic Fine Day awl a ig Program of Sports at -Eitchigaini .Camp Grounds Despite' the fact that tine weather Called farmers to work at home,' the at- tendanceat the Goderich Township S,eh.00/ Area picnic held- at Kitchigaini Camp on Friday' afternoon last was jnst about as large as last year. Sev- eral hundred peOPle at,Lended. Clayton .Laithwaite had chuge of the sports program ,and 'was assisted by Irvine Tebbutt, Bob Welsh, Grahani Johnston, Frank Yee) and Ed, Grigg., Heads of the lunch Committee were Mis C. McEwen, Mrs. Ed. Grigg, Mrst: G. Johnston, Mrs. Frank Jones. Mrs..K. Merrier and Mrs. F. Powell. , • In charge of the ball 'game were Miss H. Crich and Miss 1'. Ginn, while Walter Forbes -and Gordon Orr looked after the boys' softball game. Results of the, sports: . . Girls, 5 years and under -Judy Cluff,' Eleanor' Yeo, Catherine Welsh, Joyce McAllister, Mary Yeo, Pauline SowerbY, Boys, 5 years and under - Larry Pore'el 1, .Murray Lolib .Bobby Grigg, Edward Laithwaite, , Terry ,Elliott, Frank Postel. --, 7 years and under-Vicy,Cluff, Joyce,JAnston, Madeline Orr. Boys, 7 • years and under -Gordon Tebbutt, Bobby ('1 tiff, Ronnie Pearson, Girls, 9 years and under -* Edith jones, Beverly INIerner, Kathleen Turner. Boys, 0 years and under. -L -Kenneth Farquhar, 131113, Wilson, Teddy Grigg. Girls, 12 years and under - Lois Sowerby, Lois Junes, kary Tyndall. Boys, 12 years. and under -Gerald Tebbutt, Allan Grig, Bruce Switzer. Girls, 15 years and under - June Sowerby, Jean Fuller, Mary 'Tyndall. Boys, 15 years and under -Jack Teb- butt, Donald Sowerby, John Falconer. Young ladies' race -Jean Sowerby, Jean ; Fuller, 'Grace Bender, • ' • Youug men's races ---Verne Postell, Jack Tebbutt, Bill Lola.). Teachers' rare -Helen Crich, Jean Potter, Phyllis Ginn. Junior boys' wheelbarrow -race - thrviti-Middletort and Lawrence Jones, Bruce Switzer and Bobby Cluff; Elmer Sowerby and John Wise, Senior iiirys' wheelbarrow -race - Donald Forbes and 'Gerald Tebbutts Donald Sowerby °and -- 13111c. Wilson • Murray Tyndall' and Doug. Jones, . junior girls' three-legged • race - .Noella Sowerby and Eileen McAllister, Ha and a 'Grigg, Marilyn Orr and Joyce Sowerby. • Junior lmys' three-legged race - Allan Grigg and khiter Sowerby, Billy Wilson and Douglas Sowerby, Terry Pearson -and Lawrence Jones. .s`:;enior girls''Orree-legged races ---Isabel Grant and Cora Driver, Joan- Grigg and 14.41441MINIMMIlailIMUMMINIIIII11411141c..—ana.acsam. INSURE IN ,guBE INSURANOE CONFEDERATION LIFE WIND- CAR, FIRE—Preferred rates for preferred risks. ACCIDENT & SICKNESS Consult JOHN FARRISH Phone 82-13 Dungannon I ENJOY PEACE OF MIND and ,freedom from financial' losses by insuring today. TALK IT OVER TODAY WITH %.00,RDON 'JEWELL R.R. 6, Goderich Phone .Carlow 21-R-4. • , ernowisiamillm. 'aisisumaiminow IIAROLD . JACKSON • LICENSED AUCTIONEER • HURON AND PERTH 'For information, etc.. write R.R..4,.§.0afgrth; or phone (col- aforthl or 867, Goderich. J. W. CRAIGIE -INSURANCE , and. REAL ESTATE . PHONE. 24 • GODERICH LOSSON TEA. WELL ORGANIZED The."blossom tea" held by the Arthur Circle in the lecture hall of Knox Pres- byterian church on Saturday afternoon ,wits Well patronized. Spring and early summer flowers, in baskets zindallewls, decorated the slim:ions room. The tea hostesses at the attractively arranged table were. Mrs. Gordon Bisset, Presby- terial president, and Mrs. A. 11. Erskine,, president of the W.M.8. auxil- iary,assisted bra busy group of mem- bers.; , .1 • Tire - Jinests were received by Mrsv Gordon ,Heriderson, president, of 'the Arthur Circle, assisted by Mrs. Richard Stewart. s,„ A home -baking table was soon "sold. out." Mrs. Nelson Hill was the con- vener, assisted bY Mrs. Earl Allison,. Mrs. John Patterson „and Mrs. jean Olcment. • A ' 'musical irrograin was presented during the afternoon. Mrs. Clayton Edward snug several selections beauti- fully and pilule) instrumentals were given as follows': Duet, Cerium:. Cran- ston 'arid Ruth Westbrook ; duet, LAurine'MacDonald and Laurel Lodge; duet, Mollie -Bisset and Eunice Milne; 6910, Mollie Bisset. These- were en- joyed and accorded appreciative .ap- plause,. ANGLICAN LAYMEN MEET IN GODERICH .The layinen.of the Deanery of Huron held. their' spring-. meeting in St. George's parish• hall on Thursday even:. Mg last. The lumbers of the Woman's Auxiliary provided_an excellent dinner. Mr. C. A. Roberts of Winginina pre- sided. with Mr. Fuller of Wingharu as secretary. The speaker, Mr. H. G. Reis of Senforth; gave a challenging address - to the laymen ontheir duty to- 'the chureh. The election of ottivers was held, Ni,sitts results 0; follOws.: Harry Ford, Goderich,• president : F. Chapuran, Goderich, ist vice-president f Harry •Holmes, Gorrie, 2nd yice-president ; W. IL. Robinson, Clinton, :irel vice-presi- dent ; Gallonage, Goderich; secretary.' The fall meeting will be held al Gerrie in October - WINS SCHOLAR,SHIP IN NURSING Itut,h. Taylor, eldest daughter of Airs. 1.. Taylor, Clifford, graduated --with high honors from -the nursing school at Termite Geeeral Hos- Jr ital., • a4-td....a.L....the_44,10,4tration exercises held tit (7onvorsition.-- lIall • she --Was presented with a.scholarship for post- graduate study in nursing„stt the Uni- versity, of 'Toronto.. 'Tills scholarship entitleS 'Aliss- Taylor to one year free. teition and board At the University. She also jwon the prize for *general proficiency and highest standing in examination's, bot this- prize she eoithl not accept because she had won •the senolarship. Sia is the dangliter- .ef the late .1. L. l'aylor. 0 fernier C..N.Jt. ag,erit 011(1- attended Central whire living h(re. F(1)11CillER PARISI! PRIEST IIONOREI) • .kmong live priests- of tlw'Diocese.of, 14411(1011 w -lie ':"i14(.1e11 Intuted Domestic Prelates with thy title . itight Ite\pretal Afonsigner. Itight Rev. .1. calopeau. who SUM(' years age was in charge ef the parish (41 Goderich 0101 for the last len years lets been a ,menther of the I41shop's Connell. Shirley G1'ant,...1(la Crich and lsahel Feagan. Senior boys' three-leg-ged rave -Alio -- ray Tyndall 'and • Doug.. Jones, Don Seiverby and'Aferedifii \\ 115011, L0ixia 1(1 _b'ori.es and Gerald Tebbutt. Girls' sack race ----Jean Juire Sowerby, Vera AVieson. Boys' sack race -Kenneth oak, 1.110er Sowerby, Lewis Tebnutt., • Seda biscuit race • Billy \\*ikon, Mur- • ray Tyndall, Kenrwth Nelson. 'Tie 1:1- -( and 1 -:)lith Jones, Eleanor• --Waller and Elmer Sowerby, Lela 4(14 15 'and Lois Jones. Jenior 5105e race -- .1(4(s4 Sti1A ex - b), Edit 11 Jones. Vera Johnston. Junior Issks' slim. race -Elmer Sewer - 1(3, „titan Grigg. Lawrence Jones, Senior girls' shee rttee-jime Sower - by. 241 (1(1(114 AlcAllister, Fern Putter. Senior 1403. .14(4i‘ lace --Lewis Teb- butt, Lawrence Jones, Elmer Sowerhy.' Junier rela,v 10 (1. - No. -1 -( Edith .I.ones. Terry Pnar,..n, Gordon Tebhut a(al Lawrence' .1(,01es), No, 1, No. . •Senior, relay --- ;No. (June S) (werby. Jean Fuller, 1 hmald Sowerby, • :John Falcener), Ne. 4, No; 1. Kak the slipper --.Jean Fuller, Cora Driver, Grace Be -tater. . 1Va 1,1t ing race- • 1,0141. .1 erv is, Cora Dr)ver, Vera 1Vilson. . Six -legged race --Joan "Fuller, Sowerhy. and Lois SoWerhy; Isabel Fengan, Jean Grigg and Ada Crich. Demi Luxton's Challenging Address Services in Observance of 113th Anniversary of St. George's • Chtu.ch. The 113th anniversary Of $t. George's t. Anglican church was fittingly observed at special serviees on • Sunday , last, with earnestly forceful sermons and ap- propriate, niuslc. As, large cungregati6n Was 'ptr e4t_ at the serviee in the morning at which Dean G. N. Luxton, M.A., D.D., of Lon- don,. was the pre.iither. He said that the congregation had been an encour- agement to the whole Diocese in its .contributienls to the advance ntove- , went. • •• "Neither will 1 offer buret offerings unto the Lord my God of that vshich doth cost me nothing" (II Samuel 24-24) was the text of Dr. Luxtuu'r4 sermon. If the chureh is to go forward, he -said, it can heonly by its metubers' placing A cvsfly value on religion, by giving it. a. new way of life,' an enthusiastic loyalty. Ile said that to _great religious gromis --were making progress. (Inc was the Roman Catholic Church. It was increasing, by leaps and bounds. -They hare informed congregations, unity and loyalty, -in ways we have not, 'It has unlimited means, personnel and zettl.". The ,tither 1'e41114Is body referred to was the Jehovah Witnesses. Despite their disintegrating doctrine, they had. zeal.. "Why are they thus when our people zire •-different?" .tlie preacher asked. He had no fear the Church of England_ would net keep her life' and influences providing her people ' did " -their job. -Do 'something costly that will lift the level 40 one of achieve - merit. Do 0 Tittle thiutking about the church.. Study it and give a- reason for the thinking you -do, so that children will net • have It vague. idea of what Protestantism and the, faith of tire Anglican Church are." Urging that' worship is a dutY, *earl Luxton stated that all through Canada only one third of the Anglican people are worshippers. ."Have you been undermined by the pop-altsr__Idett that you don't have to go t(; church' to he a Christian?" he asked. "Christianity means personal presence at worship. Aitcrificial servive. Zeal a mt. eathusiasingsre....neederl i4 the chi.irch is ...tu do its Nvorl: as it ought to be done, rf it is te flourish on the frontiers iend nrissfon fields." "We are battling for life in Canada and in 0 few years the lattceine of the battle will - be decided, and you will DEPENDABL NEW 4 GOO T1VES • COMPLETE GOOD r WL1BRING YOUOME EMT TIETROOBLE Take a really carefree holiday trip. Equip your car with big, mile -hungry road -hugging Goodyear tires and you'll ride in safety, free from worry of impending tire failure. • TIRE SERILICa .BERT CLARKE'S SHELL SERVICE GOODYEAR BATTERIES PHONE 450 SALTORD say, 'Give me a j'erlf that counts'." The speaker concluded by challenging the congregatien to pray.•the prayer. ward • in a Chinese ehurch-!-"Lord, re- vive " --itegi-pr- With •ine*." Ilex% It. A. Jocelyn, of Lucknow, preached at the evening, service. Ap- prepriate music was rendered by the (10)11 at Nall 1:zervices. -under the three!' that ef .AIr. A. Anderton. EFFECTIVEBa rrlie Examine -)ADVERTISING The Goderich Signal -Star publisted last. week a photogravureof an 'aerial view of the- town. It was six columns in Width 4) hti occupied-nearlg_.a •half page. A fine photograph, cinnbined NVitoll excellent reproduction. made a very etrectiVe piece , of lidvertiskeg- To feel right, live right. ' PENTHOUSE PEAt T DOUGHNUTS doz 1 TOILET SOAP PALMOLIVE r CAPITAL THEATRE Now -Deanna Durbin in "I'll Re Yours." PHONE 4'i GODER1!CH PAVILION• DANCE NEWS Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday—. 'Errol Flynn -Eleanor Par1s5r-Ltueille Wation and-S:1f, Salkall Des riled 145 a• specific for the blties you will enjoy every minute of Warner Brothers' great, big laugh hit s • "NEVER SAY GOODBYE" Thin' day, Friday and Saturday— SATURDAY, JUNE 28—TUESDAY,. JULY 1 THE SKYLINERS Vocals by Julia Dunseith and Clayton Brodhagen "The Song of Scheherazade99 illatar=11 °FRIDAY, JbLY 4th—SATURDAY, JULY 5th Scotty McLachlan I) n't try to say it, just breathe it Rated as the 'greatest of all Technicolor sensations 'aild featuring the, best -loved music of Riiiislziy Korsalcoff. Note the all --star vast. vonne DeCarlo—Brian Donlevy---Jean Pierre Atnnont & Eve Arden • Coming-10nak1 Colman ati "The Late George Apley" with ° . "Iliondie's Lucky Day." 1, Matines-Weil., Sat., .and ll'OlidaYs at' 2.30 p.m. AND HIS MUSIC FOR MODERNS' Featuring Betty Di;quette • COMING SATURDAY, JULY 12 PALMOLIVE V.EJL 1,4()N3ER sISIIER ,TREND AYLMER TOM. SOUP GRAPEFRUIT JUICE • F1'iCY LOAF CHEESE HEINZ YELLOW MUSTARD ME FLOUR' , Art Hallman and his Orchestra Advance Sale at the Music Shop—$1.00 -• PICNIC ,MEATS OLYMPIC • SPICED HAM 12,oz tin 37c OLYMPIC SPICED BEEF 12, oz tin 23c PIC — 1oz tin 3$c P term FrosL Fll-elliu ofrod Voget?ehles. RANqES CALIFORNIA . D". VALENCIA 288's ORANGES FLORIDA - 'oz. VALENCIA 176's 39ct LEMONSCALIFORNIA FRESH for JUMBO SIZE 252's 250 CANTALOUPES ARIZONA, JUMBO .on. . SALMON FLESH ga. :1137' SANTA ROSA 250 PLUMS CALIFORNOA - CARROTS • CALIFORNIA - • FRESH, BUNCHED CABBAGE NATIVE GROWN Frtg8ii, GREEN ONIONS CALlFpn,NIA swan', SPANISH TYPE • TEXAS SELECTE 2 WI. 1911 Q, ea. 100, . 21" 190 Collo on. • QUALITY ,Pkd: CELERY. HEARTS NATWERtOWN ,boh. 230 POTATOES •NEW OMPORTED 5 lbs. r• je, ' Large Size No. 1 GsarmiA, LARG.E. FFE RIPE "WintICNELONS 66. 1.25. nikt; j