HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-06-19, Page 14 nit ONE-11UND1EDT TEAR. WALT JMSNEY VISITS HOME OF HIS FORBEARS IN GODERICIEDISTRICT 11',enews Acquaintance with Hi0s Old Friend and Ite1atiV6,.° P. J. Cantelon • ------ The - internationally -known Walter Disney, creator of ".Mickey Mouse" and other screen characters, on Tuesday and Wednesday visged the .'land of bis forefathers"—Goderich and Hohnesville , —and expressed deep seutinient and joy as he visited the place where his pioneer ancestors lived kind Worked: it was his first visit• here; in act, his first visit to Canada. Accompanying hint were , his wife, his wife's sister, Mrs. Wm. Cottrell, of . New Xnrk, and Mr. Cottrell. After a 'trip to .New York from -their, Los Angeles hoe, the Disneys, accom- intnied by the Cottrells, - motored through New York State and the New . - England States into Quebec, to Toronto, Niagara Falls and thence to Bluevale where ancestors lived, and thence to Goderich. They arrived her at 7.30 p.m. Tuesday .and stayed at the Bed- ford Hotel. Thepartyleft Wednesday afternoon for Detroit, where Mr. and Mrs. Disney took a plane heading back ,hoine to California. on Tuesday evening a representative of The Signal -Star acL'ompanied Mr. Disney to the home of his relative, Peter J. Cantelon, Lighthouse street, %vb. will be ninety years pf age on 'June 28t1i. There he spent a pleasant hour chatt.ing about relatives and of the tinie, eight years ago, that Mr. Cautelon visited. for three months at, ..11011swmid with "wAlter Disney and his father, Elias Disney, who once Lived in Goderieh. and attended Central Public' Sehoel here... "It was the happiest three months I eyer spent in my life," • Mr. Cantelon said. • The Disney Movie Enterprise Mr. Cantelon reilalled. when Mr. Dis- ...ney,began conStruetion of his studios— utaN' of the largest individual.. movie °tants in Hollywood tOday. Disney lagighingly related hovs4 his father was /quite "worried about the borrowing of money required to tint -Luce the, stupend- ons outlay: "I guess niy dad • and .his folks • were so trained in. their youth that they couldn't see going'into debt nye'. anything," said Disney. "You yan't irt big businesstoday the way it is done and not be in debt in one way or • another. 1 was always in debt, and if lever arrive .at .the day that I am out of deht, that will be really something:" Prior. to going to. to. the: Cantelun house, three Goderich girls, Dianne. Christie, Elizabeih . Taylor' and Sheila . spotted_Disney coming out 'of the Bed- ford Hotel and asked for his autograph,. - 'which was obligingly given. During the • evening he, responded to other requests for his -autograph. Where Grandparents Were Married tot Wednesday morning Mr. Disney picked upi Mr. and Mrs. Cantelon and • headed for Hohnesville. On The. high- way just west of Itohnesville, Mr. Dis- ney ‘vent into the old Goderich .town- ship cemetery .and took pictures of .graves .of relatives, despge the fact that growth of brush and trees in the cemetery almost f _prevented moving about it. From. the .cemetery he pro- ceeded to the farm of Robt. Richardson on the 12th Concession, County • road,- Grodet•ich township; wher6 he. saw the ruins of an old log eabin, the home in -which his grandfather MAI grand- mother, •Mr. and Mrs. Keppel Disney, wenr,married. This leg house, accord- ing to Mr. Cantelon, was built in 1852. `Here many pictures were taken both by - Mr. Disney and by by a -Toronto Itewst , ,paper photographer. • Next, Mr. Disney went off the high- way immediately north of Ho.imesville to the Potter farm, where (We a family of Ifisneys "Wed,and enquired as, to the - fen -of -a grist mill and-itunber inili run by his great -great-grandfather. He was informed it was just about one mile frow the highway, but when he learned that it had long since disap- peared, and even the demon the creek .vi'as-no longer there to mark the exact spot,• he decided not to visit. it; This great-great-grandfatheir was reported to live operated the., first grist mill in the district., Ile was born in Ireland and whon,Me came to Canada he settled at Holmosville. Likewise, Mr. Disney's - great-grandfather lived- at Holinesville, and also his grandfather. The grand- father subsequently moved from •Hohnesville to Bluevale. and 'took up ,10( ovres I Mr. Disney also•viSited this 8P(t..0 Tuesday). Mr. Disney's.father was horn at I Ineviie. but farming was • 1 1.)eiroit oh moodily.- not 10 his .grandTather's liking, so he • ------ • & P. MANAGER - K. ,J. stenton. tate of the new & storo u the Kingswny. ')1'01i 1). firrived _(;,,deriell 11 sat ilmas 1i asstune the inanavership -74' the :1_ ;Ind 1'. store IV A LT I) I SNEY who visited central Public School, which his father onep attended, and delighted -the pripi1,1 with. cal -Wens .of Mickey Mouse. YouNg PEOPLE'S SEAVICE AT BAPTIST CHURCH – Members of.. the e.xecutive of .the Middlesex -La in bton B.Y.P.U. conducted the eVening service hi ,the Baptist church on Sunday. ' • Tia President, James W.11. Worrall: of London, was in charge, and eon- ducted•a song service before the regular worship,. which was, oPened by, Rev. G. W. Medley, pastor of the ,church. .M.iss Marie. Raithby welcomed the _visitors. Rev. J. E. Williamson, of the Lobo, Poplar Hill and East Williams churChes, was the preacher, and'gave an inspiring address on the 1st which he said was an introduction to t,ind synopsis. of all the Psalms. Miss•Muriel Ronson, of London, gave the invocation and read the ScriPture, and David Medley, of Goderich, offered prayer. Miss Mary Chaleraft of Lon- don presided at the organ, and the guest soloist, Miss Natalie Doherty ,the London, sang "The StranOr ;of nd Aather Ha ve-Jesus." The, visitors were. entertained after the service in the Sunday 501001 room, \viler& tea was served. • CONTRIBUTION'S FROM FORMER RESIDENTS COntributions frian funnel...residents of Goderich to the campaign for the new Goderich arena are coming in. Donald :helve'', of Winnipeg, along with a cheque for $25 sent a letier which read in'part.: "As secretary-Weas- nrer of t he Ai rst hoekey club organized in Goderich tbe year 18115-6. I have followed wit!' interest the success of the various hockey teams front time to time _and esbeeially the very line record made last Winter, which was, a good advertisement for The prettiest town in Canada.", - In addition to contributions previous- ly recorded in these columns the fol- lowing former resideuts have. con- tributed: II. Earl Elliott, Toronto, $25; Mrs: E. Ruston' and daughters, Mar- garet and Alice, Waterloo, Ont., $15; Mrs. Flora Cameron„New • York, $25; Dr. James MeGlint(m, Timmins, $5: Benson Case, Torbn to, $10; Mrs. G. E. Colborne, Toronto, $1 0; 'Thomas Page, Sarnia, •$1 ; Walter Dalton,.Dearborn, ich., $5; Imperial Oft Ltd. (ler Sohn Vickers), $50; Minnie Blabber, Tor- onto,.., $2 ,• W. J. Pasmore, • Chicago Heights, Ill:, $10; C. M. .Fleming. Tor- onto, $25. MAKES HIS FIRST SOLO PLANE FLIGHT Bill NN'ood made his first solo f1iht SI:y Ilarhor on TnesdaV afternoon, going up for tivse minutes.. for one trip and for lent' an hour later in the after- no4,11, lie cenimenced instructions in 1\lay with- Sk.y Harbor Air, Ser\ -ices, tal:ing a 0401 of about eight hours' dual instruct ion. 211 r( irk, of Detroit, hilided at Sk\- Harbor on Saturday and took off rented 1,10, farm. vid \vent to Bothwell, where -he became engaged in drilling for oil. Litter he...moved to Gaierich, Where. as an employee 'of the late . Pen! MavEwan,. he drilled for, oil at. Saltford. Instead of. oil.. the drillers hitI 11, an(l thus wo s born the' salt' 1)')''.. the fornier manager, 2 P. Riley, uh • s. bas sinep having- t•esigned to operate his own htst•ry Goderich wh )ecome of large proportions. While Walter Disney's grandfather lived in Goderich. his 8011 (father. of Walter attetuled-" Central. • Publie 8(.11001. The family Moved from Goderich to Kansas aml later to other Puint" in lno United States, including Chicago, ,.',where Walter I)isney was bot, Walter -Disiiey attempted to 10111)01 Itis inoxie career -in Kansas, but It was a failure. Only after moving to Cali- fornia did he eventually "hit the jack' Pot" and move up to fame and fortune. Friendly and Unassuming With a youthfulness belying his ad- niitted forty-1We years, Walt Disney pos- ge."Ps n mostnfriendly and unassuming perSonality and he was inimpliately laherled "a real guy" by the various amspapermen who accompanied him on his visit tot Goderich. Of compar- atively rAgged build and about five feet -eleven inehes in height, he poeisesses a:keen senSe of humor and a marked "eg,roe Of considerateness for others. . AfterServing in the first Great War ne experienced the period of unemploy- !tient which folloWed it and it IS said IV bad to depend considerably on econ- fableal beans to food hintsolf. Often 116 bial to get busy and 'dra't picture story. recently purchased. at Hens,' Mr. Stenlon's home town is Chatham. Inn. 10' is -single. IM11111)GIE T(bUIZINA1111ENT .1tT SUNSET Hotel Sunset opens for the season tomorrow and for two days., tomorrow and Saturday, it will he the scene bf the eentra(•t bridge tournament of the Goderich Bridge Club ;tad' the Toronto 1,ovn 11,7•eived from .innin'Y Vl'hist Club. Entries for the event points in Cnnadn find the T'lliti3d States. in order to rustle up enough money to get a haircut. .Referring to the afore- mentioned time, Mr. Cant -010n said t hat while visiting the Disneyin Hollywood. eight years ago _Waiter Disney at that time laughingly reealled the "bad days" and said he wondered if Ile wasn't hapPier then while trying to get along than later when he assumed fbe wor- ries end re4on14ib11itie8 of big-time movies. While at Holmesville discussing:his ancestors waS mentioned Mit his father was named "Vtlias." Turning to The Signal -Star,. Walt Disney smiled and 'eonfessed that "Elias" was his middle name, lidding, "But 1 bide •'• • McLean raa e Action- Dismissed Lambeth Woman Wins Judgment of $8,900 for Death of Her Husband The spngs of the Supreme COurt-of .Ontario opened here on. Monday after- noon' with Mr. Justice LeBel presiding. Ile Was welcomed on this, his first, (Alicia' visit to Huron, by Frank Don- nelly, on. behalf of the HurOn.„Bar As- sociat4on. The membees of the bar, Mr. Donnelly assured hint, would fol..: low, Aith intereSt his (career on the bench and he concluded by extending (to his lordship an invitation' to a dinner at the British. Exehange Hotel in the evening. Mr. -justice Leliel replied graciously to the welcome 'and the:invitatioil.• The action of Mrs. Ismay McLean against the Town of Goderich for $2,511 damages fnr injuries received when she suffered a hill on Elgin avenue on .April 16, 1946, was the first on the list. Dr. J. M. Graham, who attended Mrs. McLean, testified that she had suffered O painful fracture of the wrist, and that the use' of her hand would be limited from five to ten per cent. Mrs."MeLettn, who is the widowed mo- ther of eight children at home, ranging In age front eight to sixteen years, stated that she was returning .honie about midnight from N-isiting a friend, when, as she was walking on the south side of Elgin avenue: the toe of her shoe in a crack in the. sidewalk, throwing her to the ground.. Her arm was in it east until May 27th, and it still bothers her cous•iderably, she said. She has not sufficient wrist motion for typing and fancy work, from which she 'derives some income. To' Mr. Haines, counsel for the Corporation, she admitted having seen the crack befere. - Roy Mei-lane town,,foreman, said he had examined the sidewalk and did not consider- it needed repair. The -crack was threes -quarters- of an . inch deep. Ile had - never had any .com- plaints about it and in an.swer te a 1 AT T WAs.l'ERFROliT Five grain cargoes reached this port the past week. The- Algorail arrived on Saturday with 210,700 blIA-oats and wheat; the Bricoldoe on Monday brought 296,000 bus. oats, barley and wheat Both these cargoes were for the Goderich. elevator. The Altadoc pante in this wonting with 203,500 bus. wheat • far the( •elevatoi' and had the barge Portadoc in t9w with 181,000 bus. wheat for the Purity Flour mill. The Superio. r also arrived today and is waiting to discharge 101,000 bus. barley and oatS at'' the elevatoi.. The .A . • A. Hudson, is en route from the lakehead and is 'expected at the ele.vater on Saturday night, the .R.C.M.P. hoat Cntknife was in Port on Thursday last with a GOvern- meut inspector who gave Bert Mac - Donald's launches, the Alinamac and the Captain John, a tfiorough,oxtunin- ation. Everything was pronounced 0".K. and the inspector declared • that both launches were thoroughly equipped. After a. long wait for the water to defer, anglers are beginning:to get some good catches of perch. Harrison Reunion at Harbor Park In Spite. of Wet Day a Good Thin Enjoyed—Winners in the Sports • The annual -Ilitrrisen reunion Alas held on Saturday, June i4th, at Harbor Parki Goderieh. 'Owing to the very rainy day the .attendance was much smaller than usual'and the sports pre - gram was much ,'Shorter. Following were .the winners hi the races and other contests.: Girls.and,boys five years.and under— Ralph 11-arrison, Betty Harrison. Girls(o and boys ,nite and under— Olive Atkenhead, linnuie Harrison. Girls andboys, fourteen and under— Chester Hackett, Lorne Hackett. Single ladies—Betty Woolley, Amy question by -the Judge said he'thought Aikenhead. - "the sidewalk was O.K. I Married ladies—Mrs. Peter Harrison, John Farncombe, civil engineer and mrs. 'Harold •W'illert. _- surveyor, of London, gave evidence, for Singh', men—Bill Adams, Erie liar - the defence, that the crack lu the side- risou. Walk is rhe same today as it was when Married 110417 -Harold Willert, Stan the accident happened, except that Collins:. • • grass isgroWing in it.' in reply to Three-legged 'race—First, Stan Col- a -question by Mr. Haine'S, he said tins and Harold Willert second,- Amy that sidewalks stich as that at this kikenhead and -Joyce Willert. particular sit -tit are seen everywhere I .Bean guessing contest—Mrs. S. Col- in other towns alld that such a Crack lins, Lois Harrison, -- 'icking the slipper—Amy Aikenhead, Anna Scotehmer. - Clothespin contest—Mrs. S. _Collins,- Herbie Harrison.. The oldest person present was Mrs. Isadore 110 iTison of Hohnesville and the youngest was Leroy Harrison, young Soli of Mr. and Mrs. l'erey Harri- s -On of Goderich. Mr. Elliott Harrison, coining from Guelph, was the pen coming the greatest distance. A peanut scramble- for the small children concluded the sports. A ball game and a bounteous supper 'provided by the ladies concluded the day. The picnic will be held next year at the same place -,on the second Saturday in June. Mr. ..Jack Aikenhead was ap- pointed president, with MO....Peter Harrison as secretary -treasurer for 1948. • MeLEAN BUSINESS SOLD Melvin Cranston has pureihased the grocery tind feed business of the late Wesley McLean and is now. in possession. would be left unrt,paireff.' ' Other witnesses caned were S.. • IL Blake, Town Clerk:. P. E. Hibbert and Gordon Henderson, photographer. (ourt .was adjourned at 5 o'clock to allow. the trial judge to view the sidewalk ievolved in- the case. e Mit Dismissed on TueMny morning after hearing arguinent AV. A. Sutherland. eounseig for the plaintiff, and E. L. Haines. for the Corporation, Mr. Justice Leliel 111 his summing up ,said. "This• is 0 Very unfortunate case from the standpoint that the plaintiff is a widow. An im- portant principle is invol" d, It is not for me to do as 1 like .or as the Town would I to do.' • . . Airs'. McLean had back and forth several times. he'had observed_ the craek before e night of the ac- cident. The sti were dry; she was alone and hu • ng, and as she walked, there WaS a elorlt forty feet from the crack. , "If aAtinicipality stieli as Goderich ,is t'eqj,ted .to keep _a perfect stateof reinek to all sidewalks" it would incur = (('ontinued on page 4) KINSMEN CLUB A dinner meeting of the Kinsmen ("nth of Goderich will be held on Thurs- day, June 26th,. at (130 p.m., at the Kinsmen club rooms. The nontinating emamittee will bring forth It list of recommended names of officers 'to be voted on at a later meeting, those elected to hold Office -for the ensuing year. . TABOR, DAY CELEBRATION it is announced by• the executive of the Goderich Trades and Labor Council that plans are going forward for a huge lot lar 'Day celebration for the third consecutive year. There is t() '114' :1 ('(0111)1(0' change in the day's program, dmportant speakers. from the Dominion Labor Department, and no effort 1 being spared to make this evelit continned Sllece8S. COMING. TO GODERICH BEN% C. W. cope, RA., of *FloiliNnee, Ont., win) has aceepted the call to North street United Church, MOTH], and will assume his new post on Sunday, July (ith. During July Victoria street United and North street United congregations will hold cOM- billed services at North street with Rev, Mi% Cope in charge. • During August the serxices will be held at Victoria street. 'Unitedchurch with Rev. Lawrence it Turner In barge. May Cali for Tenders HURON COUNCIL APPLIES FOR for New Court Rouse PROVINCIAL POLICING OF COUNTY County Coundil Acts on Advice of Architect—Eight Negatiye Votes * Li, U. Bridgman of London, the archi- tect who prepared ,plans for the new court house, ,was present at the meet- ing of the C.ounty Coaneil last week and addressed the Council. It Is the general opinion, he said, that. the peak in costs of construction has been reached. *From all information he had gathered, he predieted that dur- _ ing'the summer mouths there Wonld.be a change„Steel coming through more freely from the United) States. (Tenders can be called on short notice Pend he felt -an Opportunity to do this M the summer ulOnths shoulttnot be allowed to pass, and as a matter, of routine it was •-it. good -dime to ask -for them. Little lumber would be used in the new building. If the , committee were given power to use diSeretion, it might be a good way to get Menne tion for another session if tenders were called for. Letters had been received by his firm front highly accredited contractors expressillg interest—iir the job. Mr. Bridgman stated that the'soldlers' monument in the park would not be reaehed by the new ,building, -which would extend only to the.present inside curb. • Included in the specifications is the :-otivaging of the present building, he told an inquirer.- . After some discuSsion for and against it, the repont of .the property committee as follows' was endorsed by standing rote, eight members registered negative votes: "'We ,recommend that the County Council at this session emPower this. cvmmittee and the architect to • use their discretion as to the proper time to call for tenders for the new court house and County building. The said tenders, when rettiThed,. to be Aire - setae(' 0, this Council for their con,. sideration. Tax ate Increased One Mill to Six Mills foie 1947—Adi ti.o al Grant of $15, 0 for Extension of Alexandra lidspital—Me bers 'Object to Proposals from Ontario E,ducational Association--Sky,Harbor Airport Again under DiScussion—W'arden's Committee Maws Several Granis TO ADDRESS MAS 1 NS DR. A.A. BRACE, If.B.G.S., TORONTO It (V. Dr. Bram js,,111„,42e,elipi ne,.41(0441-• of North street United cliurch next Sun- day -eyening, when the -members of Maitland Lodge, No. 33. and Goderich, and Morning .Star Lodge, CarlOW Will attend fox their annual ehierai''service. Dr. Brace has an in- ternational reputation as 0 traveller and speaker. He spent many years in China and. has a long record of 'unitary servic•e, ineluding _the Ptocir War - and .both ,••World Wars,. havim, been con- neeted with the Canadian Y.M.C.A. in the .last war. PRESENTATION BY W.M.S. 'For the information of the County Council we beg to advise that the' • TO MRS. sA.LBERT 'TAYLOR architect's feet -4'; which are established under .the Architects Act, have been ' The regular Monthly meeting- of KnoI paid as providbd by this Act. That church "(vas hein at the', honte is *IQ Say,•GO per cent. of SC'(11cent.' • • of the estiunited.. cost of the building; • • „ • - \y,7%. AlocLwan, with .•t he home heipp itS- special guests. The which amounted to $14,700, of which $4.500 was Irani last year, and, th.e IATI(.'ss.hl :Ince; $10,200:- this year." prayer .was offered .14 Miss Wiggins. "BILLY" PASMORE SENDS - A. duet, "The I'reCious Name of Jesus," - (fon WISHES, CHEQUE w.i.is k(....atitiftilly rendered hy• Mrs. •• ftevell, and Mrs. N. 11141. Mrs. 0. Bisset go ve the address of welcoine Mr: W. J., -Pasmore of" Chiettgo to the "home helpers." Mrs, Henderson IIeight,•(,•• Ill., who remains as, much wa•s. the guest speaker'and her theme interested in Goderich affitirs as if ,. „thaw.- 'rho rt,,,,,,,, 1,1.1 tot, of 0 he hadn't been away from the town for lovely:. 1,,,,,tii,,,g- to mi„. Albert Ta).ior, over forty yea rs,. sends through 'Inc 1 ,... -,-, woo waves shortly by -plane to Visit Sig/WI-Star a vont rihntion of $10 to the friends in England, was made by M1s. fund for the new aretni, with the hope itodditt mitt m,,,,. DooLop, 0.5 0 token that the 'campaign Vill be successful. of appreciation of her valitable work in Ile suggests "stadium" ' instead of the. society. At the close of the bitsi_. -arena'. ls tile 1.,"11"e f" the new Aiess, refreshments were. served and a• NiNh'i.111.1g... noting a picture in a 'recent • (,1•ey requested Hutt COatit y weed in- sociill half-hour WaS spe11t. tss 110 ur this plIper, observes thereare • .- _ FARM CONDITIONS ' , NT y. i (1:20cit ‘.1.,:,s„.(12(ei "10tS (1.1 good-looking girls in your ball Ii11111siiiteects(1,1riswi.:.nitscrst 11111ivtertifatlyl clubs." And NV. J. is no Mean judge. per cent. of the•cd,st he paid I.)- the, IN HURON COU 11 , ______ I)epartment of Ilighways,:---Agricultur- their only daughter, Verna Iona, to Mr: Goderich announce the engagement of • ,11E.r.N(!l'ilnstij}EANiirl?;1\VIIII-LNNAI?1:1N4'(*)(NNI:1:;€1')r ()f 4. = i •4- • ' • . tit ( i b.v Lt 1 t) ( ,. 1 ('.1,1):::::1:Itiiii,litillitil,t('•iitt:11.(•?(:si.i'u)(1ntisittli.s.:.(niftic.:?•:1)(11.(ntritt.1•11e1rieliiy,,:t,t1'it. il(ri1:11.etay; 'arm conuitions is iss • • , • - • Iii."wil. agri"iltliral 11.1)1."''"It'Ithe: ., ! 1 ions r0gardilig Tlit: folloWilig 10111;(1 in 011 II 111*(01 Cyrl 110(110' l'e-toti, effier son of Mr. Gr(41vtlt uf Ini'‘ ' Pnsi ILl'e affil v111.1Y 1 ad t ha t rural _Hydro electritica Hon be given (-t;Mrs. BeIt l'eytoa, (q (1sliawthe hs a ; oW11 spring gr;lin is quile Pu'd priority second to that of permanent marriago b 1:1rke place lato in Junc ! throughout the county. ' Some "Ch" in G(homes (not summer cottages') required 010.1413. t holed to sow barley up 1(4 the middle by yeterans;, that the proposed change 1 ,,f J 11 lie.. A la rge a e re'lge 0f beallS from ,( 25-e;t•ele to uo-eyele• power Goderjcii Collegiate Institute ,. „..,i (.,),... is in preparation. and will be be withheld for „..ttt least t hi I sown when the weather 'permits. The PROIVIOTION LIST' — , set of cherry and pear bloom is nioder- The County of ,Kent asked endors- yen rs.—AgricultuTal commit tee. • i ate.. Mit indicatithis are that the appre „don „I• a (01.1,(,(int,stiii:z amerrth Collegiate Institute have -,been promoted The following students of Goderich- man, Charles Ilawlliorne, I.:11(. Holmes, 'Crop w.ill .be heavy,. with the eXCeptio11 Ruth lloy. _Phyllis Johns:toil, Donald ' of it • few ekirly it(17(-(1).1(1!aistlt:1(i'tin ' mid. urging- amendments t., the lliii•lway ments to the INIunicipal_Drainage Act: asking a voi-('. 4 I i 1 daylight •••41Villu: time; 10 _the next grade as shown, INinies are Itae1Won, (Joan Alenzies, nob .Moorhead Wet weather 'may v.t.!:truise(t(ie:ist.i (It. 1, Marjorie Overholt. Jack Picket•- the :ipple «1 (1) infe'station... —The shiP- Act pertaining to the consirtiction of 111 alphabetical order. Where a sub,- log, Al„rit, R„itithy, James Roberts ment of sows front the sounty to the ject appears in brackets after any (shop). Shirley Itobertson, Con Syain _abattoirs has been exceptionally heavy name, the subject; Must be repeated (Fr.). Stewart. Toll,Alatlie IVIghtnian, during the last two months. Recent before being attemPted in the higher Iteta 'Wilson, Raymond Young, Glen shipments of clidice steers- brought grade. Marks of the failing have yinighIFIL . 'cents in Toronto.• A limited quantity already been mailed. Promoted conditionally from Grade of Imckwheat seed, which, was Scholarships are awarded as follows.: •:.V. to Grade; .I1 Aea dem ic.---Eleanor L ported. is a vii4Table at Fergus: . a nd Grace Hudson.' and John IltalSon 1)0111, 111 :Marietta Stingel. (equal).;- Veterans' .Metinorial in grade IN---- Fuller.. l::enneth, Grigg, Helen Alac- Woodbri.dg.t,e 0)-0.1)erativosi• RTIII. R (1111(ij, ; .., Promoted - trom' -Giade X to Grade XI Peter Adallisoll MelliOrial, grade, X— Commercial . Tile June meetin;:t. of „the Arthur Myrna Boufford. . Eleanor -Andrew; Allan Buchanan Circle (ff Itiox church was -held at the McKim Alemoria I, grade XI --John 4 shop ). Marion I )olighert, Marie John- manse on Monday evening, with Mrs.; 'Wilson. stun, Donald Kettitightin, Jack Ladd, Floyd Lodge's group ill (•liarge of the Peter • Adamson Memorial, grade Hon .10.11113re,, Lois Mugford, :harion meeting. „ Tile seripture less,ni was X11 --Donald 211oo10,3•. , ., Reis, Betty Sowerby, Ituth Stokes: read by M rs. Pea clley , followed hy 'J. A. Graham shield, for character, 1Promolcd from Grade XI to Grade XIII proy(t• by liss WiPxhis: Twt) vocal. leadership, scholarship, athletics Don- . ' 'Academic. sots by 'Miss' Betty 'Smith. with 'Miss 1)1(1 Scott. Aim‘ord Aitken, Joanin, Baechler, Ala t...:t Joyce .Straclorn :11/4 ,Ict'011pnIllist, Promoted from Grade IX to Grade X•• lo111114, ., 13:1 ker, Carly le Bannister very 11111(.11 elijoyell. Nit's. (;orilon 1)olie1(1a Andrews ( l'r.)', Jean Baech- 4 I list. ,. klollie Bisset. Madeline Bogie, lIender,on took charge id' the husiness ler, Mary Baker, Elaine Bean, Margaret I.:dwa t 11 yin ton. Eyel it Dustow, Jack ,of Hie meeting-. 'Mrs:Cooper read inter - Black (Fr.), Christine Bogie, Helen Eedy, c01r0 11 limiter. 1101) ,i,eniaire est ing comments on current event..., Bridle, Kenneth Brown, Barbara Bull, .4 Hist. 1,. Viora Alaeltontild. Sall,v Mat•-• Tile topie, taken Ir.% Ail,. (011011 Kait, Terence Carter, Alar.‘ belie ciiislndm, 'Donald. Jack Massey,- fleleti Mont- t ing, was front the Litt"rd ch:iptcr of the Joan Clark, e'raig Ci),IellO, Mary Col- ,goale0. 71:1Xille Othe, Bertha, i )(J)1), stIttly hvok 011(1 was ea -A1 i,sious hert, June Cunningham, Lucille Cottr- Arlyoe Rouse, Gwen 811)vart, Evelyn , Indin:" The meeting was closed with her(som Barry Donk. .Iohn I )onaldson. Turton. Ajarie Wall. Harold ‘Varren. prayer 1r,‘ Mrs. Lt 1t', ..k. social boll- -Elliott . -Jean Erriimtral, Br flee -Erskine-, -John, ..Witsorr. Moyra Donnelly. Leonard Durnin, Joan "P,Iennor Milk, Kenneth wilmot -4 Fr. 1, tiTlcosictiiiri oli: 1‘) ::••sotti,11::(1sot.‘sedarit7iltigrie.(1 1),: Mrs, . ( Itobert I'eagit.n, Joan Fitzpatrick, Betty Promotted from Grade XI to Grade XII . Lou Fritzley, Eleanor Glenn, Arthur(Comm. ercial RE('EIVE ILA. 11)EGREES Griffiths, 1311 rbara Griffiths. , George :Leo' Baker (*sten.), Joyce Feagon., l'wo former Gfalerich and district IIhrris, Donald Hawthorne, Catherine Grace Hayden, EvelYn Lynch, Isabel men received tin'ir Bachelor of Arts . licate for goneral protb•ienc,N. shunting Ifay, Margaret Henry, Niurray Hol- Meliean: Don Rivers 1s ten . 4, , .111110 ..(41:;g1i1;1Prti,S0 :i1,1,11111.i1:,:.;111'iiii)iill'e::sni I ..ilitioify Ilyietsixt,orniti it4111.iizr:i‘ ii.t,i(1.-1 bit'11 ;;Inas:i.n(iSsiiiemiitiliss(1,1 t:,1,1,1,1( ttilliee 0111(1, Grace IIIHNoti., John IIndson, Ituttedge, Ntarg4?.(st Tigert. ' Ruth Irwin, Eleanor Jeffery, Helen Promoted from''Oride xII A Grade London. They are Ile\ . R. Gordon Elia Waller memorial prize for leader - Johnston, Violet Lan hwal te, Gita ry - XIII Academie,. iinzi(wood, of Wa1001, and NV. 1 Tarvey 51111). Further awards Leeson, June IkleCabe, Virginin Mertflie Itaniene Baer, 'Marjorie Baxter. Huth Itryans, of( London. Mr. Hazhswood lisheil y(1,11(1)111)gse 111a0(11,y ,:i ji\i‘til,t;telbeilitsi!::,):::11{:1:tillitl:tes (Fr.), Alvin McGee, Donald McKaY. Bogie. •Alargaret Bowra, Dorothy Brad- was formerly the i'nit(01 Church min- 1,0011ard Barbara Matthews. Brown Milne. ley, Bill Charmer, Elizabeth Chisholm, iste-r at Nile and lienthiller. Mr. double's tennis chainpioaship, ' aOrd0h Nbble, liti rim ra Orr, Grace Rita Chisholm, 'Lug!' Feagan (Fr.), Itryans is a former Principal of Cent mil , , ... - .., Pinder (Fr.), Gordon Pinder (Fr.), Mary Graham; Isabel Howes, Helen School, GoderiehilItIDIfil-TO-BE !IGNORED. ' r' Jack Price, Winnifred Raynard, Clare Inglis, Mary Laithwaite, IlettY Marsh, .. •• The officials and 'staff at the Cou Ruffell', Donald Squire, Frances Wat-' Harry Nlontgoniery (Eng., lat.1„ I)onald THE WEATHER t - House on Saturday honored Nliss (lath - km; Wilma walson (Fr.), Douglas lloOney, Mary Pridhani, Emma Robert- TemAlratures of the past week in ;trine Graf with' the presentation of n Webster; John Westbrook, Jelin Willis, soh. Jim, Saunders. (Toall Scott, Bedell' Goderich, with sthoge' of the correspond- (11:1)8a(siettnahs3t.er.rifun'rtvh.e rA.0:,:isseitlirteartionA. wills. , acEleanor Smyth. Lat.), Bill ing Week . it year ago , as Otheiftlly re - Leona rd • Willis, Wilita Wiri4cm. 1.4hkletom Promoted- eonditionplly from grade Smyth, Bens(in Straughan (geom., nig., cOrded, were as followErskine before .the assembled staff s: 1947 . 1946 Miss Graf has resigned her position as IX to grade X --Margaret Jackson, pr.), Donald Warren (Eng., hist.), Allan MacI)onald, William Seers, Doris Mae Wilson. Max. Min, Max. Min. stenographer in the office of Vrown 'Sowell:by. Commercial Diploma.4' ' Thurs., June 12 ....WI 43 • 74- 49 Attorney IlollIteS,' Which she has held ' Promoted from Grade X to Grade XI Honors—Pat Church,' Audrey Ginn, Fri., June lil ' 79 51 117 [11 foil thepast four years. iier marritigt , Gretta Arbour, Gordon Argyle, Watson. Acadefinie Ruth Reid, Mary Stracilan, Elinor sat.. June 14 75 ' 5g . '(17 41 t(c(X,et(rx%kEdawlaidrd tIcili.1,0ct(tiet:,ivitiusro,ta TolfdwIltarl. .8un., June 15 ' 58 50 73 40 Marion Bogie, Allyrna Boufford, cath. pass___Rvith Allison, Josef, ptacebier, Mon.. June 16 61 45' 82 51 (lrocoeit of Brantford. Will .tahe'vatick. erine eutt, Mary Anne Eralcirw, James Noreen McKay, Jean 'McPhee, Joan Tues., June 17 64 43 79' 59 to St. Peter's chutCh Were laleIt Elatur. rellows, Giene I/amilton, Rose Hart- 31ePhee, Eleanor 'Martin. • . , Wed., June 18 (3-1 - 45 73 54 day ,morning, . , , . In order to cover the of a busy , June session, Harota County Cotmcil opened on Tuesday morning, June 10th. instead 1,)f hi the afternoon as usual. As a member of the airport conl- mittee, the Warden said he had visited, Ottawa and. a report would be- given later , iu- the session of the, result.' had represented the Council when Lieut. -Governor Lawson had • visited Clinton, and -also at a banquet to -news- papermen front the United States on their visit to Goderich. He felt the newspapermen had taken away a good nitpression of Western Ontario and Huron county. An unusual number orformer County enturenh,rs 'had passed away between the sessions and Warden Smyth spoke with regret of the death of Albert Toner, of Howiek ; W. J. Henderson, of Morris; Thomas Love, of- Stephen; E. Douglas Brown, of Goderith; and John haly, of Settfokh, the last-named a member' •of the present Council who had, won- respect aud affection by his ability and genial manner. .A minute's silence was observed in memory of Mr. Daly. mlrf7TE-11;V"77-siir Reeve of Seaforth, was welcomed, and was appointed to the finance and airport committees. Resolutions and Other correspondence read by Clerk N. W. Miller Were refer- red to the contain tees designated: Correspondence A. resolution from the County ofjp. Sinicoe requesting from the Provincial' Government a • yearly grant of 75' per cent. for 'the annual financial re- m oirementti_of the Children's Aid .S0-, " ciety °was sent to the Children's Aid committee. In the preamble to the re- solution it Was Stated that 8im8be . -views with alarm the yearly'hicrease in the cost' of providing -for the needs of neglected chilren and places the cause of the increase on the sale of in: ting beverages." . A re.solution from the County of Elgin asked- 11 that a petition he - sent to. the provincial GoSermnent to amend the Assessment Act to permit the imposing of a penalty ...of fo.jir.per_._. ek1-.7 for non-payrnetTrOP _taT,es; (2) that legislation be enacted to .permit exemption of toms on ,woodlots;-.01 one acre in ten. under Single owner- ship: (:-; reonesi-ing amendments to the Public and High School Acts t0. make it possible, where so desired, to place tunic education under flier . oontrol of the High Sehool. District I - 'Board ; (4) .that members of the High School 'District Board be paid on 'a ht 1 siinijar to that of members of Township Councils,--LegislatiVe t•oin- tnittee. • .A resolution front the County of undergTound b.\ the Bell 'ide- 1)11(10' Co. The ToNN tisdni, of Ilovvick adviset1 this had reeei-ved its endors- ation. 1 The '('otinty f Ontar'io requested the Department of Game and Fisheries to pay a ,ohstantial bounty mt foxes and increase the bomity .41 t•oninit,ttee. A t'ounty of I've! resolution re(lliested tile Provincial GoNernineol 10 give 1111.11licipalit ies fv.ol‘ et* to pa,s a h3 baw authorizing the elestructioo of various 1:((:)(1.1clitr1:11;:tte. i‘ilregistry offices.- --1,.gislative The county of MiddieseN sent •1 re- selution opposing -the matetfactore and sale of oleemargarir e. .1.gri. 11.1 urill committee. • - Echo of Illiamilton Trials The coloo- of Weot(Nor; 0 :t.•••ked for Coot uag_re W1INS KO:(1'CIESS 111.1114:R6AL Dr. .1or 11 \Tr,. T:Alor 110 1,1•,...,•nt :11 1 bit tcrin (Ayr- (•iscs lithergal Tor„nto, 1;1,1 \vti, 11411 .1110 11 i,t rn.ilitir of. diplOmas in the seni,•1 s• 14001 look pi,o.e. Their (laughter. W11,4 iillite 11S11 priZo-x\ She was dwarded the sit It form cert 1- 14. ••• h .1