HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-06-12, Page 44 THE GOD RIOU SIa NALLSTAR , ertiliz ng Made Easy BY USE OF LIQUID FERTILIZER Na -Char Plant- Food ;ado.- Here is a time -tested liquid fertilizer that i imply added to the water wheyou think yob' flowers, vegetables, laves or shrubs need fertilizer.- • MaY be applied with water- g ca:�I or for greater canvenie ce apply with a hose by use •_ of a hose -on prop(rtioner. . r " Cheap, etient, easy to apply. For sale by The Jacksons �� Florists 49 BRUCE ST. PHONE 105 Bonde(k Member of the F.T.D. Flowers wired anywhere (Germany and Japan excepted) CANADIAN LEGION' WINS Canadian Legion registered their tiro victory of the sea sou At tht' Tutru Softball League on 'Tuesday night 1!y defeating \Westbrooks by a 9-3 sore Liscttmb and Venus were the \V1110ing•! battery. While W. Westbrook toiled on the mound'. for the loser: with 11. Worsen behind tht' plate. The game was played at Victoria Park.• B EBALL c,,lowttueu .&`T AL 11 ii:TRRN Goderich Lions Junioys eoutintted their" winning ways by taking Auburn Intermediates into eamp Wrgdnesday evening by' a score of 7 to 4. TIie gauge Was played ,Qct the Auburn, diamond, olid in spite of the feet that the playiug field was not in too good condition the teams dished up some nice baseball, only two errors being chalked up against etach. aggregation. With most 44 the Lions in the midst of c)xaulin- 'tit ions, Manager Con. Baechler, ht&d some ciiliic'lllty getting to full comple- ment of players mated had to shift itis line-up (-co siderably. JI`uwever,; the newcomers acquitted themselves credit- ably, Gerry (;inn doing nice work' at third, base and afterwards on the key- stone sack ‘vht'n Evans went in to pitch. Al1iu at shortstop also turned in, a nice game, ,and it , is becoming more apparent every day that the Lions ' Juniors are going to be hal'tl "to stop. Auburn also had their difficulties in tielding a tett.nl, and deserve credit for the .rued work done by the combin- ation of old-timers and juniors. Some exceptionally goad fielding was alone, and \vitll Beadle and Bob Craig in the boX. and Wilson bt'hiutl the hat. the battery chart's were \v011 looked arty!'. This tt'alll is improving t'vt'I'y time out and is going to maks' a deter- mined effort to get into the playoffs, ' 1'ul' Goderich it was 7 rules, t) hits and 2 errors. For Aubtir11--4 funs, ti lllt� and :' errors. Goderich team lined up ,is folio\','s : Newcombe '_'b. Evans Ill, Bisset lf, Scott t�. Aulslie p. Wilson rr. Oonnel.ly ef, .Ahilt ss. and Ginn :11). Evans took I.OUZONS WIN .1T RIPLE% ltt a six -innings \W.O,A,A" Inter- , nter-tdi.11 baseball coittt'-t :1t Ripley on Monday. t;otlerit•1. Louzou 1'lytis de - netted 'Ripley F'lyer's i ::.-Gesshu.." Young ;tact Bert \Worsen \\t'rc , the \\inning 11.111hivatio;t. For tits' losers tI L(Ilou;iitl did the liurling, with ('otrt•t ,te:• c,itt•hillg. • FIO1 E r Over the pitching duties in the fotnn a innine;e, with Ainslie going to-, third while" Gina atnoveii -over to Asst. 1i'or Auburn it was: Patterson ss, BO Craig 2b, :Gray 1b, Lockwood 3b, Beadle p, Wilson c, bleCliuohey ef, B. Pattervu rf, Braduock 1t' Bob Craig relieved Beadle in the, - tlftll. LIONS 1$-KINCA►RDINE 4 • The Goderich Lions Midgets started off the baseball season on the' right foot by, walloping the Kincardine Juveniles by a score of 16 to 4 at Agri- .t•ult(mtl Park last Friday evening. The local lads, looking smart in their new white tiallt,0,uctifnruati, outhit and out- played their older rivals in almost every department. John Wilson, the Auburn southpaw, 1►itched the first four innings and al- lowed only one hit while strikiug,,put eight opposing batters. Ted FuifOrd took over the mound duties in the tifth wad, also allowed one flit its the two iiniings he pitched. R. Harrison and Connell divided the pitching for Kincardine and allowed eleven flits, including a triple by Murray- holland and doul►le3' by, Price, I>oa1. West- brook tants Holmes. Fulfur 1 with three hits In foe times at bat vvas the `lig gun for Goderich. Cartney Bait a home run for ilacardine: The Melding fea- ture was a one-hataded catch of Har- rison's line drive by" Willis to end the tune. It. Ill. E.Score by innings: 1 ]Kincardine 0 0 1 0 3 0- 4 Goderich 5 1 2 2 0 3----16 11 1 (;ioderich line-up Fulford, p, 1b; MIaeEwan, rf ; frit:", tib; Doak, c ; Merlotti, if ; McPhail, 21); Westbrook, ss; Erskine, of; Wilson, p; Holland, rf : Culp, if ; Willis, 2b ; Holmes, lb. i'lupire +-Bticl Worthy and, .Jiu k Evans. �} 1�LSFl �i.7Rk73kf' .G} 3Ill 1 1.2_+t1' -Po•. 1Q17 GOES TO HINSALL Q Mr. W. F. -Riley, who has been with the A. & I'. store, .Goderich, for the last thirteen years, eleven years of this time as manager., has purchased the grocery business of J. ('. Henderson at Iit'nsall and plans._ to trove to Uensall the latter part of this month. His successor at the (7tidt'rieh store has not as yet been Hatred. Mr. Riley has shown tine business qualities here and his ninny friends hope. he will be equally successful in his new venture. A word to the wise..: There is every indication that quality fuel will be in very short supply during • the coming winter. You can protect yourself by ordering your bin to be filled with D. & H. fuels NOW from any of the popular sizes and types you prefer. • D. & H. Anthracite is our assurance of your comfort next winter. Order NOW. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF . HARDWARE. H. O. Jerry we offer you... Mason and Risch Pianos, Quidoz Pianos ROGERS MAJESTIC DeFOREST SPARTON NORTHERN ELECTRIC - ASTR;A EMERSON RADIO SALES AND SERVICE SERVEL NOISELESS "-ROGERS MAJESTIC ELECTRIC REF'.IGERAT SERVEL KEROSENE REFRIGERATORS LEONARD GIBSON WASHE °'S �. nd IRONERS s EVANS A -ND LAND GAN OIL BURNING HOME HEATERS ��li�li • THERE'S A i#EW For h,ere's complete entertainment - radio at its. best plus records! This new Victrola, the i:ass to I:CA Victor history, has exclusive 3 -way matched acoustjcal system; 2 -point tone comrol; new elliptical speaker; feather -touch toys ' pick-up; tru-tracking. tone arm; built- io :;t.it;ic Loop antenna- all in a modern- de.,t;n cabinet.H ear it today! X99 50 'Only RCA ,Mictor maims tho Victrola `Model VR -54 , All RADI), REPAIRefully guaranteed! service everything we sell. We repair ELECTRIC- MOTORS, . NEW RCA VICTOR -HOTPOINT ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES Now in stock! HOME SHOP Hal"VIE�HQPR. H. CORNISH, Proprietor, WEST ST. GODERICIH! APPLIANCE 'HONE 141 E3i07�:22 n w. �. MILLS - VACUUM CLEANERS LAMPS AND SHADES . ALL SMALL APPLIANCES Goodyear tires last longer . cost less per mile of safe service. Come in and choose your size today. Lucky 1tome! Kitchen ..., �' ' 6..o0rs reach new heights, in beauty, st re -lid T% r--- - tica'lity when laid with Tiie= Tex Asphalt Tile. . c�.'•' „*„ There are Loads of exciting 'file -Tex colors, plus &mart bor- ders and individualized inserts - to help,ou achieve the decorative goal you'ie after. What's more -Tile -Tex floors wipe clean and. fresh with"a damp cloth ..'. are stain and scar resistant! • Your floor looks "new" after long years of hard wear -because Tile -Tex plain and marbleized colors go straight through to the back of the tile. tome cn or telephone now for more information. Premier - �N DREW wi00 peak in the "PROVINCIAL AFFAIRS" SERIES over the C.B.C. Ontario Trans -Canada Network Monday, June 10th 10.30 to 10.45 p.m. E.D.T. LISTEN TO STATION C B L 47.41, DICK THE UPHOLSTERER' Phone NO. -567W Estimates Free No Obligations! FOR , SERVICE AND GUARANTEED WORK HURON FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE FIFTH ANNUAL W. J.- MILLS Plymouth -Chrysler Phc:ne 755 Goderich Ont. For. further information see YE AN A -B -C DRIVER -Ahen//s Be Carofilf mosissor Bay Dad'. Tie for Father's Day Pridhain's l: Mien's Wear - TIM SQUARE . , OODERICII Alt Fatted &tibitvot to Ooroetnea+ the 2"014 Now that new luxury coaches are being de- livered, Greyhound pffers you macre schedules,-* - greater convenience, and shorter running times on your trips by Super -Coach. Check'the time- saving schedule's below which are typical of the new service effective June 15th. 'between GODERIdH • nd �n - O1iY WINDSOR and intermediate points. Convenient connections to destinations beyond. 1.Round trip daily - Goderich & Tobermory Leaving 11.09 a.m. Pins ,2 Round trips daily between Goderich & Windt;;or Leaving 9.45 a.m. and, 9.41 p.m. Plus • e' • 2 Round •trips daily between South Baymouth' and Espanola. Making cconnections at Espanola for North Ray and Sault Ste. Marie. Leaving 11.09 a.m. All times mentioned are Daylight Saving Times For rotplete information on new schedules call: BUS DEPOT at BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL ' PHONE 691 IELD DAY ednesday, June 18th MEMORIAL EXETER PARK -Field Day Will be officially opened at 1.15•p.m. (D.S.T.) by H. , -1[. IIANNAiVi PRESIDENT C':ANAI)IAN FEDERATION O" ;AGRICULTURE PROGRAM: I) a.m.-Huron ('rlttllty Junior Livestock sludging ('ou)petition. 10"30 a.m.-Girls' Softball. - 10.31.) a.m.-,lnuior Farmers' Softball. - 1.15 9.111. 1)tiicial ( )pelting : Speaker, Her!. II. 1111nitam, President, Canadian Fe det'tttion cif .A}_ 1(11ltttt't'. Presentation of prizes to winner's of Essay Contest and .1nlilor Livestock .Itld.ting ('competition, , 1:4.5 9.111.- Rnluting IIorse Itac'es. 1st heat : best. 2 out of 3 one-half anile dashes, u1elt to boys and .,horses from IIpron ('o. ( Age for buys, limit 21 years l --:15.00, $10,0, :$.00. 2,91) p.m. -Sect ion "Al' men's 1;> -mile 1'nttl Rtice, open. Prizes $5. $2. $2 2.11) p.m.- Running horse Race; best 2 out 3,►� .Mile Dashes. First heat-. open to girls from Ilut'on ('u,--$15. $10, $5. 2.15 9"111.-aiecotitl Ileacs 711' thinning Horse hates. , 2.20--Soflhall Gant,. Men's. 2.20 p.m.-- ,Sports for Young and 4.011 pan. Sweater Girl ('cutest. winner to be crowned "Miss Hu- ron." fries $23,(10 and s eeia1 prize of $10,01) donated by Snell 11ro•. & Co. Garage. Exeter. Total, $35 to winner. -1.15 p.nt.--Millie Events. open tri horses -from IIuron only -S 51i"0(I 9.111. iu upinrizare. nt• ^it 1.:1(1 es1)ae stud Fiddlers'('ontest ; :a.5S,0O in prizes. 73(1 9.n1.- Jien's ilasebali--Prize . $30 and $20. ATTRACT%NS • AND EXHIBITS 1. Dominion Department of Agriculture Exhibit. 2. Provincial Departmetlt of °I,Iealtll 1. 11ibit. 3. The Story of a-'ewspnitt'r by 10udon -Free Press. 4. 1'iints by National 1'iltii Board - 5. Ontario Hydro-I'leetric''Exlhiilit. (1. Women's Exhibit. 7. Machinery Exhibits. • 5. Motor Fxhibits. 9. 'Canadian Canners Exhibit. 10. Cheese Far tory Display. 11: Display of News mud Pictorial Photographs by Stratford • Beacon -herald, ih Gymnasium. 12. Home Insulation Display. ' 13. Boys' Shop Work Exhibit. 14, Giriit' home Economies Exhibit. ' Everybody Welcome -Band in Attendance DANCE ' 'Dance in- the Gymnasium° to the music of Norm-,Carnee'ie's 8 -Piece Modern and Old -Time Band " Dancing 9.30 p.m. to 1 a.m. tAdmissidn 50 menta Prizes Given for Novelty Dances. Presentation of CRNX Shield to Township having highest number of ' points in Sports Events, RUSSELL BOLTON, W. R.. LBBB, W. V. tlROY, • Presitlesit "�icemlC'r sideaat. ; cc: Tretx . 'A %S 25e CHILDREN num • ADULTS 25 CiI��NTS •