HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-06-12, Page 2.
f,3�brrici inaLtar
$ .. COUNTY'S Voprziosir WI.IEE If
Published by Signal -Star, ,Limited
1540erip o Ratea—Canada and Great Britaiin, $ .aO *
A WU—sing I'ct1tett on rewest. Authorized'B` s sec me 71mal, Poet
Depart ',he't, Ottawa.
...� Member o$ Canadian Weekly ;ilewpaPers Association
Sworn Circulation Over 2,6c10GEO. L. EA.LIS
year; to IT
THURSDAY, JUNE 12th, 1947
1'uuliut is a garrulous crack, but we
still think our idea is a good one.
0 9 P u
Au Ottawa paper uses up a half-
cultuuti iIl wondering why Jot) Yugoslav
imllligrauts have left Canada to re-
turn to their home country. It believes
the reason fur their departure is not
any expectation of material' advantage
--they • can hardly expect earnings
What seemed a hopeless situation in
India has almost overnight taken a
turn which promises a solution satin-
. factoaty to the hostile factious in ludia
and also retaining that country's eou-
neetiori. with Britain as a member of
the Commonwealth with dotuiuiO 1
Status. .. ,
having promised India her comparable to vages mthis couutry,
independence, was arr:Iugiut�; to 'with- tt, says yet �Ilpl�areutly it eauuut thick binder, and put a line and a hook on it. ford with Mr. and Mrs. W. I. 3iiller;
p eon -
I was prepared for a day's fou: airs. 1IoL ,Brown of Waterloo with
drawoand leave the Indian people to of ons that couldhaveeffectedl.their Tom and Charlie' arrived early the air. and Mrs. R:.n of :ate and Mrs,
work out their own still iult• Hindus nd ditlul a h 1d t be ditlirult to (next morning dna ' ), ear Jack I3 Mrs. and sons, of Detroit,
kaed, g Moslems were stili booked; and one of •
those swishy u Jack
Mt. and
killing one another and it looked as if" Archie, so 1i Wilfred
the lifting of Britain's restraining hand �Itliutlltu had the misfortune.
would be the signal for bloody civil
War d tl the leaders of ilio two
By Harry J. Botalc
I've got a couple of good friends
in the city. They''re .both enusinessmen
and the mere fact that they Wrestle a.nd
tug over incouae - tax each year and
I sail aloi g serenely',A•-barely having to
pay , anything, hasn't interfered with
our friendship. 'That's a pretty good
sign that we'll •stay friends, I guess.
Ope of theta called uie up the other
day to , enquire as to how the fishing
looked fur the week -end. Nut having
had a Session of fishing for almost a
ye;t , II told him it would prc lably be
as good as. any year. He remised
'to come out for the vteeek-end and bring
Charlie along cath hint.
The night before they were due to
arrive I took the flashlight out on the
lawn . we had had a rain • : , and
I looked for :dew worms. l got some
beauties and they were safely put
away in , an old tomato eau. Ji very,
thing looked exceedingly good for the
fishing trip, I then got down the old
bamboo pole I use for a whip ou the
TAYL0 'S CQ]EI.NIR, June 1O•—Mr.
Irvin Ohe and Mr. Albert Olie motored
to Windsor on Thursday last to see
their mother, who is quite i11. °TIae�
returned on Friday.. -
The Ladies' Aid stud Community
C Cub met- at the home of - Mrs. DoUglaS
McDougall on Wednesday afternoon of
last ' weekk. There were twenty-three
ladies present. ]tans were made for
holding ace play ori Friday night. It
was decided not to hold a supper this
suninaer. A delicious lunch was served
by the hostess anei her assistants.
Qn Friday evening last the young
•people of Varna presented . their play,
"Petticoat Ranch," in Taylor's Corner
school. Pleasing violin solos .between
acts were supplied by Eleanor Driver,
accompanied by her sister, Cgra.
The storm on Saturday caused a
great deal of damage in this township.
Several bridges were washed out, caus-
and IitiE% and Mrs. W. A. Miller.
�loP VI'r- i thou . The th a 4itt et-
ing of the oaaa,en`'a Institute was held
at the 1101n0 o of M. George Stuart,
with a goodl attendance and with the
president, Mrs. Gordon McPherson in
the chair. The roll call on "a famousname in medicine" was well responded
te., It ivas agreed to donate. $5. to the
cancer fund anal -$5 to the W1ngbarn
General hospital. It was decided to
apply for the short course on .,'oven
meats.ti' Miss Mary Murray gave an
interesting "report of the district an-
nual meeting held at Blyth. Mrs. 0.
O. Auderaon of Blyth seas guest
speaker. She spoke on "Iiospitaliza-
tiou" and explained the plans for the
•Huron county co-operative medical
services. At the conclusion lunch was
served "by the hostesses, Mrs, Jas.
Aitchison, Mrs. E, J. Thom and Mrs.
W. A. Miller.
ing `much inconvenience tb m.otorists..� -
(Dr.) Casper and fainily, of Detroit,
spent a few days last week -end visiting
KINGSBRIDG1 , June 1'0. — Mrs.
'ST. HELENS, June 9.--`asitors for at Mrs. M. J' O'Connor's.
the holiday weekend included 'Mrs. Many' from) here attended the holy
G. S. Mclntyre and Donald of Mea- :Mame rally . in Goderich last Sunday.
Mr. I;1:rise Martin and fa icily• Dave
purchased the' Eingsbridge general
store and are moving •in this week to
operate it.
ou noyin' a new •
decision. Itnes with the
t tr !They looked a little .pertur a �,;' en
tiud outer reasons. Ang o-SaXOIls are front :Ind back looking exactly alike,
out the only people lvho leave tlh d h
Mrs. G. McPherson.
n of Mr. and _ rs. f r
• to have
dative land' with regret • and look I sat in the back seat, holding the•i This collarbone broken while playing
forward to tih'lr return. These bamboo pole out the window. I just hall at school. ``
•the same I wort • of didn't tit in with the gcntral Miss Mary Wallace and Mr. and Mrs.
P. Hynes of Walkerton were recent
visitors with Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Thotu-
EvI eti y•
factious realized the hopelessness of Yug-OsI:tvs not tullhktly have tune of that car.
We e went down -the II the
reaching au agre.;enient under which u • for their hunt' toutitry and river u g
• tv of their lu�nlc tl whom I
they could live together under one
native Government, and they accepted
a proposal --which had been made at
an earlier stage of the uegotiati3Ous—
for the partition of the country, the
Moslems to have that part in which
• they are in the majority, and the
Hindus to have that part in which they •
toes t4 bays Aud perhaps wheu they have taken
aaid..lfttitli. n. t �-
pred mate, a loon' trt thing-S::„atte t4pre ntl lrtt
wealtlership in the Britis
h Coulmon '
hada visit with their home, folks, half
wealth. roblem of them will coitie back to Canada
If , this solution of the -problem • _
should reach finality, it will be• a signal again.
- illustration -of the value of the British
way of dealing with -peoples over
whloru Britain has, by accident or other-
wise, held rulership.
ycalnt �,county line to the
for the sociP ,ins ' wmandpulled' h aloe an old bush
they left behind them. 'hey left hoops I trail until we hit where a spring creel{
tvhelt their coittltry was tarn with war- 4 runs 'into the river. Then Toni and
j Charlie started unloading. They
fare : they etre returftin ; in the hope I changed their clothes for corduroy out-
of fittdinig a peaceful homeland, and ; tits and sported buttered hats and hip
'perhaps with some patriotic notions of boots. Then they started getting the
helping in the , restoration of their tackle out. .My ol, my . what an
assortment of stuff they had. It'
cutilltry after warriiue'; devastation.'seemed to me .they had a pole and line
and tackle of 'some kind .for every}
cssil+,le €tali rn the xzclt'stLe ..xiyclt,. -V
IF' #ooh"Mt""fxtidCi`t•hourt4o,g°
going.. "In the meantime I took�y
place on a rock near the "deep ho
in the river, slipped a juicy dewWorm
over the hook . . threw it in and
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ed aroundand then finallybg
one struck and I flipped him up on
the bank before he could .change his
Tom and Charlie got very much
excited and they. waded out in the
river, striking poses which I am' sure.
must have come out of a sporting goods
calendar. Finally Tom struck some-
thing and - then' the fun started. He
played the fish and finally enlisted the
aid of Charlie, who came- up with a
net to catch the fish. They ;'finally
landed. the monster : . . a nine -inch
'chubs °.
We had fish for super. inif rm
afraid the dewworms are mostly re-
Two items in -the "Fiftyears Ago"
column in 'yesterday's Loudon Free
Press are of timely interest.
Speaking in London, •England,
'Sir Donald Smith, Canadian High:_
Commissioner, expressed the opin-
ion that union between Canada anti_
Newfuundiand was bound to come.
' J. P. 'Whitney, Ontario Conserv- -
ative leader, denounced Govern -
ea extrtka line ..at a, _Mass
meeting held in St.--T'hu`ii5as.
Half -a -century. later the question of
Newfoundland's future is again a -sub-
jeet, of discussion, but that the, Maud
will unite with Canada is no more
certain ,-than it was in Sir Donald
Smith's time. .
When in 1897 Mr. Whitney "de-
nounced (Ontario) Gov ern, rent ex-
travagance" the Province was getting
along with an expenditure of five` or
six million dollars. Today the annual
'expenditure at Queen's Park is twenty,
times that amount, and there ...is less
talk of extravagance now than there
was fifty years ago. People were more
careful of their pennies in those days•
CALGARY, June 5.—A . sixty -four-
year-old rural pastor .who"' holds uo
academic degrees, Rev. Charlet H:
Macdonald. minister of Lucknow and
Dungannon, in the Duron -Maitland
Presbytery, is the moderator of the
seventy-third Presbyterian General As-
0 Mr. Macdonald defeated D1'. Joseph
Wasson of Toronto and Rev. Henry
l'ousens of Brockville by alt' overwhelm-
ing vote .un . thet lir t . ba11ut •,yesterday.
Born at Teeslvater, Bruce cot -arty, the
_new moderator left school when twelve
years old to go farming and it was
.only after his marriage that be entered
ilia - prim rr' Iie�,_wtaa samatedasthe-
diploma of Kuox College, Toronto, in
Mr. Macdonald served at C'reemore
from 1910 to 1923, at Penetanguishene
1923 to `19;2.3 and has been at Lucknow
for the lust twenty-two years•
A- pleasant; quiet -spoken man, he
has ministered .faithfully and efficiently
for thirty-one'years and has never lost
touch with the young people iu the
g minister', Rev.
It won't he long now"to strawberry
shortcake. -
• • *
Sunday. next, June 15th, is Father's
• Day. Dad would like a .,few kind
words, anyway. -
• •
If you are going away for a week former r �I h. a t
end,= -better take your heavy overcoat,
your raittegat, your lightest summer PORT. ALBERT
wear, your goloshes -and if you are, —
a lady, your furs and'a sunshade. .Our ( _I'()RT ALBERT, June 1ft—Mr, and
. climate is showing off all its tricks Mrs. Percy Dubliner of Kitchener spent
last weekend 'visiti'rt with thea latt-er•'s
mother, Mrs. Jas. -McKenzie.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Crawford -•and
family -have moved to Lucknow, where
Clifford is doing the delivering of feeds
tvit'1t his new truck for his brother of
the R. E. Crawford flour and feed store,
Lucknow.' •
Mr. and Mrs. John MacPherson and
two children, of Teeswater, spent last
Sunday visiting with the lady's father,
Mr. John Quaid. -
JIr. and Mrs..Elmer •Grahamaind son
Lorne spent last Sunday ill London
visiting with Mr. drflhaul'S mother,
It is in times 'like this that the Mrs. Nelson Graham. -"'•"
Miss Grace McKenzie, R.N., of Tor- OF MUSIC
farmer elects hi.. great test in adjusting mto, is Visiting with her sister, Miss
.�,r his operations to overcome the adverse Mari...McKenzie, and other• relatives in WITHOUT TOUCHING
weather" condition t, Huron's farmers the vicinity. • ' • -•r •
have demonstrated their versatility in Mr.' and Mrs. Wm'. I row.nan have A RECORD
past seasons, and, though it may not moved to their new home, formerly - .
owned by Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Craw- i.
look like it just now, we believe they ford. The, farm where they Iived, near
will come through the season in fairly Nile, bas been taken' over by their
good shape. son Tony and 'his wife. ft .
* • • Some of the -boys of the district, are
busy these evenings playing softhtiul,
On .Tune 10th fir. King ctdmpleted having entered the W.O.A.A, group in
years as Prim& Minister of which they play with,teams from Dun- • �A'I0op►HONORAPH
twenty ^�
gannon, Benmiller, Lakin and Goderich , ; .. ,
Canada. This period is in ,three sec- 0 -'4' -
_tions• -1921 to 1926; 1926 (after a t�fwnschip• . perm�Inent
Mr. find Mrs, Harold Tigert of Sarnia • 9 5=tubes
three -months period) to° 1930, and 1935 .and Mr. Jas. Tigert of Hamilton were needle plays twelve
to the present' time. ^ He has thus recent visitors With relatives in the �, . ee or ten 12" records.
beaten any . previous record as Can- vicinity. 10"oGenuine Walnuts Veneer
The Woman's Guild of Christ church
adlan Prime Minister; but he is still met last week at the home of Mrs. Cabinet. Beam-powerradio
short ofAliir Oliver Mowat's record as Carmen Hayden, with ten present. Two performance, bass COM-
Mrs. El ensatfon, and exclusive..
Premier of Ontario, twenty-four years ladies betaine new members, Elwin
Without a breaks. Petrie and Mrs. Elton Draper. The p
afternoon was spent • in sewing and Admiral "Aeroscbpe". See,
a business period. The -next meeting, Hear and Compare Admiral
in July, will be held at the home of Performance.
Airs... Frank Rooth.
••Rev. D. W. H. ' Medley, pastor of
Goderich. Baptist cjiurch, officiated fat
the funeral at Ailsa Craig ah Monday
afternoon -.of Sydney Hall,. a• forty -six-
year-old veteratn of two wars v'ho,was
instantly killed early' Saturday morn-
ing in conflict with armed bandits who
church. It was a youth a attempted to .rob the Bank of , Com -
Richard Stewart of Goderich, who paid merce at Ailsa Craig. Rev, Aly, Medley
an eloquent tribute to the new moiler- I was chaplain of the• -Ailsa Craig branch
atur in Grace church here last night.. of the Canadian Legion and a former'
Mr.- Macdonald has served on all resident of that village.
the boards of General Assembly except - _ _. _�
one. "and at present heads the com-
mittee on the needs of rural churches
and had served ora the board of
evangelism and social action. He had
been moderator of the Synod of Hamil-
ton and London, and several - times
moderator Of Presbytery. -
,, The 'first Mrs. Macdonald died in
1941) anti there are four children: Rev.
Douglas Macdonald, Tillsoriburg; Mrs.
W. A. Henderson, who .is married to
a minister at Hillsdale, • Out. ; Mrs.
James O. Brisbin, Belleville; and Hiss
Marion Macdonald, a specialist in child-
ren's music, at Lucknow.
The present Mrs. Miedentild is the
's Catherine rifle Macdougal of
!Lucknow, whom ..he married in 1944.
When Children Suffer
°From Bowel Complaint
During hot summer months all of
, _ oar,but esp•e la.11ychildren, are more
pains and summer complaint.
At the first . symptoms mothers' .
This time -tested rensedy is fast -
acting and dependable for adults
or children. Be sure tci specify
WWSDAY, $IJ I `12th, 1151
Fully equipped to manufacture steel,
copper and brass nclis in • ,t II • sizes.
,. 4, • • Common Nails 11,a" to .
• °Standa rd Roofing Nails 7/a°° to P/4"
• Large Head Roofing Fails 7/o" to 13/4'' •
These nails arg made from a anada forpecial maki g
developed by the
juminunails. We will be glad to
m. Conf.,pasay of C
subntit samples to satisfy you that the Aluminum Nail we manta
facture is as good as steel and in many cases superior.
for quotations, submitting quantities and : izes
you are interested in.
� W
.. r= %"'C,•• ' . ETIIYL.
doff bust-
� ' Thta present , As the whole
11 comers Flats. of the early
fora the "Distillery harbor. most
1 known round the, r along West Street.
ness centered ilt on the Flats o ' farmer, Major
n s s „first' • had foot
tow wa Dr. Dunlop
` to the •Huron In '1829 Goderich' sof Harbor
i ration throughplanted oats,
the stuff
oaring or Strickland acre.
04 the'tide immigration
P . of �vheat.,betw e bushels to the
°�"- $
Tract was in G perp h from Tan built ' acres yielded forty the Promise of
rt o4 da Company Dunlop, es Park which the • first crops, and ' .
�t,t;• • t11e Pi The aCan,A Dunlop, These were t to come.
Detroit. �� for Ca
the ' ge Crsetung 4 the ' D "'Mary Ann," Th e far n from the Those
R.N., a bre
George Crabb
lir:? J
�:•r S''r_ a i
rile Trles7
UY C�t��,caCA
'Roberrtiger„ Dun14P e fertile farms ye lands were filling up
octet, n and ding farm British Isles,
they chootleT otbe
0 rs all sorts of pebPle r ermans•
bb had the U.E.Los alistt h Well-to-do with . and is work pros -
Gooding, an L e. but their Belgium, Iiollaad and hard
trad to farming ,le others • were
this year.
'• • •
A mob of five thou aad women in-
vaded histdric Albert Hall, London, t"ife
other day, and screamed and fought
and wrangled in a demonstration
against the austerity sof their lives.
Evidently the women of England, in
spite of anything they ,have had to
endure:, haven't lost n;nc11 of their
pre-war vigor.
• o
with \V. F• il1P •
ed in 'tilts Profitable lam
moat only their it was big business•
and supplies, first Sheriff :of
brought furniture Hyndman, later books'.
servants, later
$,000 -
(, i elan. n brought a library
even the Schooner
Il iron, engaged outs to 'have
Daniel Lizass,
'Goderich, were
One man, him bar. No lives much
"Bab h Roy" to ed' the river lit with se ship wrecked s effects broug
Vie•' dls damaged'
brought up first, .vhi clearing
pered from. the arduous toil of
or the ay of life.
totally unfit f unaccustomed way
of life.
the bushMalty.
w and the
heartbreaks fin
d flatly, were the tells of an extraordin-
•ckla1'4 who, like
-Judge :firs. Jurck, who,
like ary character• with her
other', worked' man, Invited to
many field' likein the
in the � nigtit , '� found floor Uv
a passable It e:t ay for the o t the ddr
otland cic�k calf Grand
Huron Read an Egnnond• cabin t . e ben tinder the
the By
1833, Gol•. V the tire, a setting ore roosting
tilers had two or three t ' the
lost, but the :lc
labor from d became P
Later, as
travelled, hauling in -Piano( 1
had pea horse w haul tbpir n t sIn
was z f our- TorPnto to
on i in tile et wpen •
had twenty-four-horse
weet.'- Trona
agora homes as'a bane
and an � corner •�to-
.s of soap nlfRkltl�
heir goods . • their cue's , -with a htg' i roast tuakey
tract. than �,"hlic r n rose on b
little moi ' backs time ca
he •e � YP • me • rue ,
With > their backs, supper t +s was seri
carried li damask T1ie boor' khat they demand. with. tritdln'i�} �ina, with the
and instant• ..(�r�rtrltle" silver. After ,
stout hearts., was in -, Strong . and old neifh
but their iab°'r• all-ke, a cloth of C,ermnn
welcomed animlltiug a cotilple , - awl
tier' were tade•satip their fiddle`~
I{irli or P. and �rotn � s ecl took.. the
, ►o�r'� brought the Grand
•'ll help sfabli• h inch at e
uta. s already- Q no thought �Id u Janet( with th
spirit o m .Those with [tad her \Ictttier
the set ers in their homes lace of their
with classimProtrlPtt;
ne�rottlers into could drake a P with the , Piano [tad e al
until tbefyind children stayed a enjoyed.
dtscoutfort nen the first rude cabin• lion P t gtwa,
ship • a .the
The mot bttdlt e
c keynote
1 hors ant
The New 1947
lwdl°. it _the men of the time. fever bar • dick.
1 r he may bP � �'i'bf� t :they
telt^ was the suffered, rega de settlers
scl in °'tl alley the
have plentiful ' in
tiYhil Gate o P With,
tthefird town. the
regis forest, : treanl f1nU n th'
the in the Anglican the el ncls gens,
oltizen of who was fish, t certain seasons,
the first .recorded of ilson eon•
., .• .
helix t t Reid, latex dig sat- citta and anon
Next it flats, .and tavern on
tiff wl•
, c nt.ifttl yields of
build on the ill the first all.
�YeTe of x113 kinds
w• s a trac e- solid
Gooding wa• he ,became a '
s settler forin ]83. was
as the first •s marriage • ter••
first. tO, Keil. �vho btt there et mould, ,
Soon inevitable . vegetal) et leaf m
"JctlgP 'Mill tend s kPI
site ,of the Office. worker the tweet from the (clearing pt
smiths, plow and wagon
whiskeyte Sn a pro. of ttit les.'totaled. ,
brewery and c�isttllers dad a cup the -tit018-F-47
• five cents per gallon
s • •
,•, In speaking to the Hien of the Am-
1rican Press Gobdwlll Tour on their
visit to Gorlerieh last Thursday, the
'Writer of this a,coltlmn suggested that
their country could join the British
Coiun onWealth of Nations with no loss
of freedom. •• The next day, in the
fl C`of Col, moat', at Ottawa, the or.
vale to `fiber for Teaniacouata, Quebec,
`obillot, made tbe'aatne tittggestlon,
tb the Vatted ,Sta,tea iu'rited to
join the Bt~iti.3 Empire. fodgibg from
ids. John Ilindmarah of (Ioderich
and Mr. Barry flindmarsh of Oakville
paid a. brief call at the new home of
Mr. and Mrs. E:eith Webster just north
of Blyth. Theyflew from Sky Ilarbor
tat Ooderieb. Before `leaving Mr. lllud-
aarah treated 'liar. Webster to ,a sight-
seeing tour 6f the district in the piane.
Mr. Sohn liindmt Usix has purchased Mr.
Webster's „ flares on tine Bine 'Mater
Highway ,6outh of Goderich.* S'eafartia
f s is g
All of these outstanding
features for.ONLY
„Budget terms can be arranged
Auto told Bioyo1e Supply'
Phmne Wet Bt.
r s ► °
"This is erieh”
n the belief
Purity, Will
bFlour. Mills are proud to pubiscommW community well ass to the ma y Iisitbrsito C derich
they rill a of genuine interest to theTown in
knowing something, about flee background. of "The Pre» lest
who viTill enjoy... ... _•