HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-06-12, Page 1•••
Provincial Police
Wanted by July ist
Constable Thompson Resigns—
Dr. Gallow Explains
PALO, Plans
The Town Council met on Friday
evening witli only six tnenthers present.
Mayor Mooney and Reeve -MacEwan
were at Ottawa and Counciller Taylor
also was absent. -Deputy Reeve Mathie-
son was voted to the chair.
At the opening of the meeting Coun-
cillor: 'jut:kills rose to explain his vote
at the previous meeting* in Opposition to
the Council's request to Central Mort-
gage & Ilousing Limited for the „con-
struction of an additional twenty -live
houses in Goderich. He said a veteran
even with steady employment would
find, it difficult to pay $30 a month in
rent, and there would be no inducement
for a young Veteran -.to begin house-
keeping with this expense. He favored,
instead the Dominion Government plan
under which a 'veteran ma Y borrow
ninety percent. of the CoSeof a houie,
with twenty years to repay; andthe;
Town, he said, might well give further
aid by presenting a site. and giving
exeruption from municipal taxation for
four or five years..
- Board of Trade Deputation .
A. deputation from . the Board of
Trade.- Presideut J. Thorpe and Messrs.
Prevett and Walzak, appeared before ENGLAND TO GODERICH
the Council to support a request for
Illustrated booklet containing a survey Women':s Institute . AN APPEAL TO THE
co-operation in the publication of. an
of-. the, 10\74_144n foriminstrial stand- Mr. and Mrs: ViVian D. Lee, o
- •-• - _.• . . . • • . ... . •
Thorpe- -gave -:fignres I ati\V";-- ourdiii,---Araf€41, -arrived in-k-laiderieh-o Votes- -MO, 4o-Arem .,.,
-;i- -- .....-:_... -
,. As ,
ing the expenditures .of the Board in Tuesday night after making an air ' - • - --Thertigh there have been many: ariff'
Arrangernents Made for Attending urgent ealls upon our financial re -
the last three years, largely in advertis-
flight- aerogs the Atlantic. Leaving • °
ing the town as a tourist. resort,.main-
England on Sunday afternoon they ar- sources during the last few years, I
tattling ti, touriSfs' ieformation booth, Jubilee Convantion
etc. In these three years the members
day night. Another air„trip brought • " knOw there is 'no occasion for me to
rived at Gander,- Newfoundland, Sun -
of the Board of- Trade had contributed - at Guelph. offer any apolOgy for bringing another
over $3,100 in _membership fees, -and the
after spending' a day there and some The'regular meeting of the Goderich appeal to your notice. . •
them to New York on Monday and
With .$1,500 voted by the Town Connell
the Board had spent' or contracted to
htfurs in Totonto they reached Goderieh Vomens Institute was held in Mat:-
I have been asked by the central coin
d 4 800
by the Tuesday night train. '1,' , -
Mr, and Mrs. Lee stayed Mr. Kay Hall on .Thursday afternoon, June mittee at Aioetreal to .solicit your help
the booklet5000 copof which have ndMrsGeOrgeJohnston
Mr. Prevett gave details regarding 5th. Mrs. Wilkin, the president, pre- in 'behalf of the stiffering people of Watr
been ordered by the Board at a price - •
.. spen$,. .o. .
sti.eet, while...11r. Lee was :stationed at aided. Mrs,' Wilkin thanked the mem- devastated Greece. Tin; miseries ing
a. . . , with Stanley
the Port Albert Air Force station 'in hers who helped -so faithfully . at the acted by the Genuans„followed by
of- $1671. An additional 5,000 copies'
could be had fer 661, and the Board
Nvartime, and t -hey are, again with - Mr. Music Festival and.. the T.B. elinie. their internal upheavals, have created
proposed that the Connell otthis
and Airs. Johnston- Mr- Lee ts taking Thanks to the Institute were expressed conditions which. we in Catunhicatinta
, $
-ve '
amounta posation on the staff ef The Signal- in letters from. the following; From *understand. Thousands :of children
. . • .
Star 111(1 111i remain .in Goderieh in_ the secretary of the British Associate *are:- _aaually dyirig .frtan star -Nation,
'dsome discussion the mattter \\1N\\1Nefinitely. - . Countgy Women of the World for parcel, while men and women are Just as
Connell. .
left oN'er to another meeting of the received; from the Goderich hospital hungry and are also homeless. All are
0..opuicavvy,.417.0 pQ. . ,.. : for birthday gifts for the ehildren's in desperate need .of food, .medical aid
• •
-.... .l... Wiird ; f min the seeretaltygof-the 'Music_ nod,eiothing.,... ........,„ g...g.s.. . s
. Dr. W. F. Gallow, chairman, of the • - OFFICERS _RE-ELECTED. Festival for the donation ef the seholar- Will yOu help to relieve-ffil:TWM111.---.
Public Utilities Commission, was heard ship which was won by MI rbara ' And- tion by - leitying a 'donation at your
in explanation of the plans for the At the funnui 1 meeting of the Gode- •dleton or ' Goderich township; from Bank, at the V,eilas Restiturztut, or,
r-mgniellinK-of the_ town:S_ Water 41111,.
- rich, Elevator....A1 .Transitg. 'Company. Ernest Barkerg.secretary of the- Shut- if it would suit you better, some author -
ply system, regarding-which-deratis Linillett,- herd .611"--J-11110-4tItartmAirreftygginlg-titty-ks•mirrti•erig-fer--eoutitiet Mg the 1-zetl-gperl•tonyills-gliidil-:y- a•4 -14,V--4-
. have already_ been -given hi this paper. .
Hall, the' board of gdireetor.s. and of •• tag day which resulteal in the collection contribution if•you will phone the Town
•• . The several . sites under consideratibn tieers were re-elected.. G. L. Parsons of the sum of $200.397- 'AIrj. jsiLemaire Clerk's office, .No. 200. ° Mr. -W.. G. Du1-
for. the new water -tower were men- is president and manager; .C. S. Band and her Girl Guide helpers•were warm- mage has kindly consented to tret. as
tioned, including . one, On St.. David's vice-presideat,- and 'R. Gg. Sanderson, lv 'congratulated for their -splendid trsu
earer. - • •. ' . '
street, just east of Kingston street ; secretary:treasurer. . . efforts in this last-mentionetl- achieve1 have the honor to be
- • , - <
_ Agricultural grounds, the Harbor Park,' showed .that, in .spite of the seamen's' Congratultitions were .extraled to Faithfully 'yours,
las. D. A10( iN EY, Ahtyor.
. Picton street, the .north end of...the The report presented by the president went. -
.° Had the Present -site of the standpipe strike last season, the paM
st -year had rs. (.7. Locwas khart, who choG
sen' roderich:- June 9th, 1')47 —
near the C.N.R. station. Dr, Gallow been one of the hest m the history, president of West liuron• Women's P.S.--Al 1 money sub -scribed will be
• .
explained that the greater tilt distance of- the .Company in atnount of grain Institute at the' district meeting field speet in Canada for medical supplies',
of the tower from the pumping station handled,„ the turnover being 211,4 mullion recently in Hlyth. Mrs. Lockhart is f(ted• and clothing,- . and will be fer-
tile greater would. be the friction to be bushels. Of this S7 per centgwas for atlSo first vice-president - and coevener warded by the -Cantidian Red Cross
. _given:mile. ,Ile stated that 500, gallons domestic. milling,. processing and feed- of branch directors of the Goderich to the Greek Red Cross and will be dis-
a minute were now being pumped ing purposes, while 13 per cent, was Institute. • tributed under the supervision of the
from the powerhonse. Later on, -When experted. A motion was passed that $200 be Canadian Embassy officials -
plans •were completed, the Commission , givee to the new arena fund. ,
' would ask the Couneil fora debenttire
PERSONAL MENTION A visiting coraniittee to work in GODERTC11-11ADE MACHINE
_ issue to cover the . proposed expendi- conjunction with the branch directors
was . named, with 'Mrs. II. Ater hee ,as - . GOES TO RUSSIA
. Dominion Day Celebration. LaWrenee Crichof theSarnia Public
. ' convener. • . . :-
Conn. -Hut:kills outlined plans of the School staff, visited in Goderich .ovOr Full and comprehensive reports were , The Dominion Road Machinery Com-
Goderich Saddle Ctub; in co-operation the week -end. given of the district amnia/ meeting pally lets:, recentlY completed a ship-
. with the Blue Water' Band, for a cele- . Mr. and Mrs.. A: T. Harland, of ,De- held in Bl tit by Mrs. 'N. :McInnis, ment of Champion power -driven . road
bration of Dominion-- Day to restore troit, 'have' arrived to occupy their district director, and the delegates, Mrs. sweepers to the U.S.S.R. .through the
Goderich's old time prestige in conuee- summer..hoine here. . . N. Miller and Mrs. J. Newcombe. These UNNRA organization. The. Champion
thin with the national holiday. There Mrs. Lorne Smif.h and daughter, reports were much enjoyed. • power sweeper is ma nufa c t tired and
w-ould _be a program of s.ports. in the EteanorgReg,N:, Of "Niag,ara Falls, are . Miss 'Marilyn 'Butler, . accompanied was designed .by DILMCO. at Gederich,
afterueon and 'a tattoo in th-e evening, visiting friends lu town. by Miss Mollie Bisset, sang two solos -
and it WaS iisked that the'eouncil pro- Alr. and Mrs. Harry VineS of Guelph iu sweet. Voice. .
yide funds for the parade and the are guests with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Members are reminded that the
children's sports 'in the -morning. . Austerberry, Brock 'street. chartered bus leaves MacKay Half at
The Council agreed to provide fruidk Airs, -Charles -Garrow arrived from 7.45 a.m. on June 18th for the jul;ilee
_ for prizes rip _to the sum of $200, the Toronto last week to remain at her speconvention at Guelph. As Many as cial cdinmit tee' , to make the -neCOS- 110trie-car North -street • fo.r-the S.urniner:-.:
, , • • LiaiSsItrie-11 re' - re -tin -MP& -to -attend and a
sary tirrangements. .• Norval Anderson. ,and .Toseph Snider
- Constable H. R. ThomPson.submittwl were at Chatham last week attenPleasant time is expected. ,ding Thirty-one- members answered the
his resignation, to be effectiVe _June the London Conference of the I°nited roll call Thy mentioning "a quality 1
30th. .Referred to special committee. Church. , , admire in it friend."
Bayileld Road•,ImprwiTemetit Requested Airs, A. J. Stubbs has rettirned .to The meeting was closed with the
On the request.of the Board of Trade, Toronto after spending too weeks with singing of "God Save the King."
a resolution was passed asking- the her Mother, 'Mrs. Gertrude Patterson, The committee, Mrs. E. Sheardown,
Provincial Department of Highways to Gloucester Terrace. Mrs. J. Newcombe, Mrs. N. ,McInnis,
iinprove the conditiou of the highWay Mrs. J. V. Thomas, Miss Irma and Mrs. W. Abell, Mrs. E. Gregg and Mrs,
, between Hayfield imd Goderich by sur- Miss Gwendoline, of Toronto, were ,',1..MeLean served a dainty 1 1111(.11.
facing the mut.- 'guests' dver the week-eud with Mrs.
. An application from Arthur E. Jen- E. D. Brown, Elgin aVasnie. HOLY NAME RALLY .
-lungs -for the position of chief constable • Dr, and Mrs. W. .N, Wafters are . -
• , -
was Slent to the special committee. returning on Friday from a two w'eeks' ' HELD AT ST.nTER'S
'• . A comm un Ica tion from the PUblic yaca t rim in Northern Ontario, Mani- • A . — .
The annual' rally of the Holy Name
School Beard; -asking that the prOposed toulin 151118(1 And paylleld. •
\VC on tlie Alle;tiOn ofa neW S011001 airs, Alex. I. Forbes of Cannington, Society for this district NV(lS held qj .
besdelaVed until the municipal elections and Mrs. Roy Chowen, of Tordnto, .St, Peter's church on Sunday after-
. ' in DeceMber, 11.8 5 read and tiled. have returned to' their homes after noon, mider the direction of Rev. F.
The 'finance committee passed a num- attending the finferal(4 the late Mrs. J. Bricklin of \\Ingham. Tin, parisia;s
(if Goido•ich, Ashfield, Winghtun and
b(r (If accounts, and recOmmended the w. 4. Cox. '
t ra nsfer of $800 -front the cemetery - AI ra 1,. C. And(' rson and da tighter St. (ktigus 1 nw, cemposing the district,
perpetuity final to general accoent (to and her neilla•r; Mrs. C. E. J. Smith, we're 1111 Well represented. The Ment-
al, 1011 i'(1'. the eXpellSe or Ca.ring for hilVe arrived from Hamilton to join Mrhers renewed their pledge of respect of
' perpetuity 'plots). Another recommend- Amh.rson. They are residing on St. the Holy Name of Christ. and fourteen
at ion was that the
new menda)rs were rt•(•eived into the
ToWn's public Patrick's street. . .
liability policy be renewed with Lloyd's, Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy of Saint society. I J
London, through. A. E. Wilson & (le. john, N. U. accompanied by their The sermon was given by Res. i.,. D.
- Ltd., at an annual premium of $590.62. daughters, Mrs. G. B. Alcialggan -and Lawless, ('SS : --R.. of London. Besides
Reiter accounts for the month of MaY Miss., Rhona Keunedy. 810 guests; at Father Brieklin, Father:4 H. r. Fallon
amounted to $212.23.- the 111)1141) of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Smit h, of Gthlerich,- E. 1'. ('. Donnellan of Ash:
field tied 14. S. Phelan of St. Augustine
. . Committee Reports , Elgin a venue. . •
The publiAvorks committee reveal- cia, IN° J. Itaithhy, who is a radio -Wok part In the service,. ,
. mended that.Walter Piersonlie granted rechnlcian with the R.( '.A.M.(7. sta-
• -
permission to have a,(7ities Servige 011 Hn
oed at Fort Churchill, aCOURT SITTING NEXT WEER
grived ani -
Cb. sign erected on his property 011 Monday to spend n Month's holidays . A sitting of the - Supreme. Court of
Huron road ; that the enginee1-1)e asked with his parents,. Mr.... and Mrs. Earl Ontario Will open here on Monday, with
to prepare it report on construction of Ranithy, Cpl. Itaithby, found' the heat Mr. Justice LeBel presiding. Besides
a sidewalk on the north sideof in Goderich quite •different from Fort six divorce cases two civil actions
Anglesea street between . Napier and Churchill; where there was much ice are listed.
Victoria streets; that. W. A. Gillespie be GMrs. Ninny McLean is seeking $2,511
e and snow when he left for oderich. •
Miss Margaret :lan4.cet:. davghter ' of damages from the Town of Goderich
granted permission for the erection of
a sign in front of his Store on Hawn- Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Salkeld of West for injuries reeePved as the, result of
ton street'; that Alex. Butler's. offer of WaNVallosli, formerly of Goderich, has' falling upon a sidewalk .on Elgin
$115 for twenty-five feet frontage on successfnlly • concluded- A two-year avenee on April 24t1t, 1946, by reason,
Montreal street adjoining his Present course in ocenpatiOnal-therapy at the it is elaiined, of the Corporation's fail -
Property be accepted. UniversitY of Tdronto and is corn- tire properly to construct or repair
The special .committee recommended mencing aft•interneship at Toronto Gen- the *don ,of the sidewalk.
that the license of P. A. 'Zimmerman to eral Hospital. Her sista* Helen Ig. GlmUs Coughlan, of Lambeth. 11d -
s11 refreshments be renewed; that the taking a four-year course ai'. the'O.A.C., dlesex county, is seeking $25,000 gen-
"Ontario 1)rov1nc1al Police be asked td Guelph,and in the receat 'examin- eral. damages and $250 for • funeral
take over the policing of the town On ationk she took her- second -year tests 'Menses, from Lloyd Edighoffer,
' Mitchell merchant. The action arises
July 1st at $1,750 per annum per man, L With 'a mark of 79 per cent'.
subject to adjustment.
ant of an aecident on. No. 8 highway,
$ylaws Pasaed ' . COUNTY COUNCIL IN SESSION seven miles from Goderieh, on Deem.
- Ilylnwg 20,••.21; ,22 and 23 .of 1947 The Hnron Count' Conrail 1-'0 In ses- ber 4,4040, in which plaintiff's husband
were Ntssed. .. . sion at ' the (7,61'irt Mouse tbiR 'weekwas struck by a . ear, allegedly driven
No. 20 authorizes the construetion A report of the meeting will VO, given and OPerated.by Mr.' Edighoger,, receiv-
Wontinn(d on .page 5) ' in these columns ing fatal inuries, in our next isOie.
. .
Only one cargo Of grain Jtais brought
into_harbor this week, the A. A. Hudson
bringing 133,000 bus. barley and oats tO
the Goderich elevator on. Monday.
The first yacht of the seasOn arrived
at midnight Tuesday and was in' port
until Wednesday afternoon. It was the
"Mary F." of P.eaceful Valley,
Charlevoix, Mich.
"Bert MacDonald.yesterday afternoon,
about 5.30, received a telephone VOSS-
age to the effect that 'a canoe, upset,
had been -seen, off Bogie's Beach, with
someone struggling in the water&heside
it. Bert proluptly left with the Anna -
mac for the scene, followed by Mac
AIacDouald in his fishing boat, but in a
search of an hoar • and a -half nothing
could be found -or - heard ef -a canoe
or of any person in distressIt looks
like a hoax, but if it was it wasa
mean trick, and the perpetrator should
be ashamed of it.
Last month (May) the Goderich
Elevator Co. shipped out 898 cars of
grain by C.N. Railway, giving the rail-
way the biggest month it, has had i.0
grairiVshipments out of Goderich since.
1939.! ju addition the C.P.R. took over
800 cars last month. - The great part
of the grain shipped froth -Goderich is
for Western Ontario :flotir ntills.-
. -‚ 411 .
The Goderich Collegiate Institute Cadets, headed by,. their school band,make a, ake a brave "showing as they
. .
parade up Victoria street On the • Way to their inspection at Victoria Park hY an officer from .district military •
headquarters at London. . • ,..
IGotterich Welcomes
- Touring Press Patty
Tubertlulosis, that once dreaded dis-
as, has not nineh of a hold in uode: BR Trouble Delays Vinton hut -
rich and the viciaityr:7 Of 4,000 persons Fails to Aged Their -
. good '1411616r—
who were X-rayed at tile clinic held
at MacKay Hall 011 May 17, to 22, only
one has definite indication of the
disease: Nine others slimy some itiug
abnorumfity, not necessarily tuber-
These- are the couclusiens reached
from the 'report received this week
from the - , Department of Health at'
Toronto on the recent clinic. '
110.pzfollow-up" clinic was held at
-MacKay Hall today for asziepeat film-
ing of the few whom the first X-ray
showed to have some -indefinite in-
dication of chest trouble.
A -few of the X-ray -films taken at
the clinic in May were spoiled, but this
does not materially affect the conclusion
tikilt, So far as lung diseage is con-
cerned, the Goderich area is in a very
healthy condition. .
It Was brought to the attention of
the Alexandra Marine and General Hos-
pital Board at their June meeting that
a large sum of money remains • uncol-
lected from patients over the past five
years. This condition, together '''arith,
the fact of increased costs of hospital-
ization and maintenance, has placed
6. a very great burden on the hospital fin-
ances. -
`Opep House" ,at
nurses' at. the hospital, and room rent,
There is a staff' of all. registered
board and skilled services, is
paid for sleeping accommodation in a
Public Invited to Inspect the city hotel. It was therefore felt that
the public would readily co-operate with
Series of Sports their Beard, ih adopting a prepayment
Plan, which will be explained to the •*Nly Country, 'Tis of Thee," and "0
Saturday, June 14th, will be a big , grace. .Mayor Mooney, who was ats
Canada." Mr. George Schaefer said
' individuals entering the hospital.
day at the R.C.A.F: station and school
ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED tending the convention of Ontario
at cilium!. It will mark the inaugur-
. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Graf announce Mayors and Reeves at Ottawa, sent
ation of Air -Force ',..infy ..in Canada,
which is to be observed annually at -the engagement of their daughter,' the following wire from the 'capital: .
all RCCatherine Mary; todwa
. Erd Ernest "Cordhil greeting to our Arnarican
,.A,F. stations in . Canada. All
R.C.ACrocock, ,son of \1 is •Croeoa
ck and the visitors nd-best -wishes Mr a very
..I. 'Aations Will .be. -open ft.O.-the
publ'i'c for inspection, and displays of
late 21r. - Edward Crocock of Brant- pleasant visit." -
equipment,with explanations ' and
ford; the marriage, to take place on T. C. -AlcCali, Deputy Minister of the
Saturday, June 21st, at 9.30 1111, 111 St. ()Millie Department of Travel. and
Utility for tie. public to learn it first -
Mr. and Airs. John. It. Middleton 'of el".11i1.:(1:1;lity,eacliinti(:)7duv‘7hdoun t when sd.
deinOlistrations, will afford an oppor-
Peter's church. .
hand abont the activities of their Air
Goderich township wkh to annonn(e Wi1 11 aPplause as he acknowledged the
The alinton station has organized the 1'11g""•1'1"'ut ('' 111111da lighterintroduction 141 rising to his feet.
a varied program for the day, to cow- Phyllis Eveln, to Loren Keith Tyndall, On behalf of Mayor D. D. Mooney,‘
J. Tyndall of Hullett township, 'The greeting, aiid in his UsTirwifty Manner -
Frank. \,lintge Tg.11...C.estella extended a civic
1-1nce-fir Tff-a.111,- There,' . will- -be - a- -•:-1111--ngY1. s" of Mr- and Mrs, --
parade of Air Foree and•e-Air Force .
Marriage will take place at st. James . introdneed Immorons incldents m the
persomiel, and a wreath will '''be laid
church, Aliddleton, on saturday, July style wthich has won for him 'an envi-
at the cenotaph during a ceremony g .
omnagmta:ating able popularity aS an .afteigdiriner
the theaUf1=---•uf --the '' ...t 3. P_i_..111-I
11.ff•Na- conirtides who gaVe their lives -r; alm77attie-ilaricri-('h sPeillwr "
- - te. wish ,t() announce the en- W- 11. Ifohertsen. of- The Signfil-Star,
Twenty-two newkipaper men froM the
United States, with representatives of
the Ontario Government, the Canadian
Weekly Newspapers Association andthe
Ontario Hotelmen's Association, were
gnests of the Town Council at d dinner
at 'Hotel nedford on Thursday night
last. • Present, also were naemberS 11114.
officials of Huron County Conned and
members of the Goderich Board of
Trade, • the gathering numbering..about
seventy-five. a,
The visitors stayed over -night. in
Goderich, their first stop -over on al:000-
mile chartered bus tour of Ontario, -
conductedby the Ontario Department
of Travel and Publicity.
The bus was scheduled to arrive here
at 5 p.m., but owing to'a succession of •
tire troubles .shortly after leaving
Chatanun the party did not get here
until nearly 10 o'clock. Craving ap-
petites, however, did not seem to have
the nsual ,effect; as the visitOrs were
in a happy frame of mind as they
entered the hotel and were greeted by
welcoming citiiens,
The tour started at Windsor on
Thursday ruoreieg and will be Con -
chided on lune 15th. Carl Manure, of
'itrnia, secretary of the Blue Water
Highway Associatioir, accompanied the
visitors to Goderich. ,
At the Dinner •
Mayor D. D. Mooney, presided for the
after-dinner program. Mrs. E. 4.
Jessop presided at the piano for the
singing• of "God Save the King" and
Equip-ment and Enjoy
Temperatures of the paat week in
Goderich, with those of -the correspond-
ing week' a year ago, as, Officially re-
corded, were as follovvs:
- 1947 . 1946
Max„Alin. Max. Min.
Thurs., June 5 ....79 58 60 40
Fri., June 6 SO 56 72 46
Sat., time 7 69 55 77 58
SIM., June 8 73 52 75 62
Along June 9, 80 55 - 46
Tues.. JunN
e 10 ..I 67. 62 ° 38
Wed., Jtme 11 84 60 78 , 50
J. E. Mittn
e, official weather ob-
server, reports- that the rainfall on
liatinglay last was 1.96 inches.
At2.11114. Group 'Captain K. A. Ma.:-
gageinhipent of their elderdaughter, greeted his fellow -editors, expressing
, „
, Lillian 1-•:laiite, to Earl Franklin the hope that they would 1111(1 Innen to
Gowan will welcome Yisitors to .the
station, .and II tour of the many build-
ings anti the -station a 1;(•11 will_ceminenve
at 2.15_ p.m... This tour ..will'enable the
public to make their..first visit to the
"Compound," the "secret" "areo (luring
the war mid tin to ;1 few weeks ago.
NN'ithiti the Compound visitors will'see
the many complicated andaintil recent -
Leitch: (Ling -liter of Mr. -and Alrs. Al- herder: the memory of Abraham:,
lv secret- gildgets W111011 .perlin ps more hert -leitelt, Sotith street. was -united Lincoln was :is: greattly revtlittigin this
country" as in his °wig and' nowhere .
W115 OW --"(10:1r11 of-•"the late President •
Roosevelt more shieerely mourned than -
in ("amide. Differences in the systems
of governincilt in tlie tvo 'couetries
were rather ,,of form than f substance:
both 11.011` democratic, an Canadians .
'belieVed. they had a little the better Of'
the tWo, •
Mr. Itobertson.infortued the visitors
t flat their grea t movie artist. Walt
Dism•y, was of Ittireigstock,.his father .
ha Ving been lan•it 11 few- miles from
Goderich and having lived for a time .
111 this town liefore going to the States, -
' Border Makes No Difference
"Canada and;the I'nited States have
prov(•(I for 11 long time that .a border
makes no difference." Howe V. Morgan,
of Tht• News-Pla indenter," ' Sparta,
iiiinois. snid,in -repla• to, the greeting.8,,- -
,1. C. AlcCall, Depiit Minister ofrite
(01tnrio Department of -Travel . and
Puhlicityl spoke brietly: aml otherts at
1 he head t a ha. who were not asked
Bus • Lines ht linnet -laced in an a dyer- (lay,. afternoon for the ilnirriage .16 speak beeanse of. the lateness of, the
beth, daughter of Mr. and
C 1 •' 'I t '
of hour included Keneeth t;, Arnistroeg
, ;1 Ilg WI lt t ,napin.i-ir. ,(1.4( era u i. 0 ot 111‘ (( am ri ) 1 . ., i . .
a Udi("Ii11.1 4111A 1 011 V11,1101,1(11t:itt\l,..le 14),0(!:.:11.1.g.tenieNIsi,t
tisement atipearing in this issue. These ••••.r
larion Eliza
tinies become (•ffect ive Sunday. June m rs. -L.g., ..s. • , , „s, .. •
Feagan. son (if Mr. and Mrs. -Geo. W. 'interest them in their tout' .while at
.Fengan. Beinniner. The marriage is the same trine they .woutd discover 110
to, take place in the latter part of June. greater difference, •in the people • of
. ontario than they would in travelling
'RYAN—LIP:ITCH . from State to Sta te in their. own
Nor( h sI reef United church was the ceuntry. Modes of living were much
scene of a lovely June weddiag - on the same on bottis sides of the line; •
mondnv Morning. :juiie 2, when Ann canadians trav'elled. freely across the
than any other single inventhin con-
tributed• to the winning of the war.
111 11(1(111 11)11 to the equipment dis:
plays ond the showing of training and
in marriage to Eng-ene -Ityan, son of
Air. tied Mrs. George' 1', Ityan, Britan-
ilia 1') NUL Rev, It, II. Turnbull per-
fermed the marriage (•ereniony. The
w'!rt.inw 111°`1,..Psg "," • "",ibiti(ms ent*.°r," bride waS lassimingly gowned in white
tainment program nas oeen arrangeo. silk jersey. street length, and carried
'contest : .1i competition.. for. rhe
There will he a ba -by eantest for. cli:(1:1s-
ren Under three; a model airplane
ri tr. b.,
a bouquet of coral roses., she. wore a
strand of pearls,' the gift of the g -room.
( st man ' aial bridesmaid. were
decorated bey's or girl's bi,e.ycle, ,tind 141.01 her -
Mr. end 1\1rsgFord Johnston, of Varna,
many others. in-law and sister of the bride:
Every- person ente •ing the station . The bride's piing -Agway costume was
will lg, given a free cket which will 1 , . , „ , . , , , , .
1 p.m tem 4.(.i so dress with red. coat
entitle the •winner of the free draw and 910), mut, a(,,,(„45)a.n.s. The honey -
to -,,a brandnew .Spartrin radio. - This -•
„ moen was spent ;it •NingalS1 Falls and
,(Iffl\V • Will 1/0 11.1ild0 at 010 din 0e Ma lilt points east. . Alr. and Mrs. Ityan are
will conclude the day's festivities. tal(-ing up residenee in Goderich.
Ilefrt•slinient rooms will be open, and .„ , , ,
.1- nor , 0 1 ii0 W0dding a' 114(1155(1111
a hot -itirman:s meal': R'ill be served tea . N':1:•, 1101(1 il t 1 110 bride's twine 1111(1
from 5.30 •to (I.30 pan. . a miscollamsnis show•er at the home
The oilieers and nani or the (41;ttion .11-f• NI I'S. M. Culbert, West street.
extend 1)) • 1111 a hearty invitation to
"come and he,amaze-d." • BIL'TZER,--CH,10PM.IN
- . White lilies. ferns ;OW palnis. ‘yitli
NEW' (1;REI'HOUNI) S('IlEIDI'LE Lighted candles, th•corated the altar of
The slimmer schedule of tIreyliound .Ntirth street 'United church on Satur-
1 5t11. Time- -of -departure south :int/ Ati••• Ian A. Hinz(•r, son of Mr. and
north flout Goderich (in the Blue AN ater,
airs. s'. (Anzio., 'Termite. Ite(, It. n.
Turnbull officiated. mrs. ((111.murray
Highway are given.
The Old-time Dominion ay to e
Revived in Goderich This Year
Anor,11 lapse of severalrs
yea, Godo- Saddle ( tub, vvitle ta-rie1;;. of inter -
rich is to have , old-time allalay csting features.
celebration or 1)(aninion Ihly r
this yea. Fri
erte) (•vening a mammoth band
The Goderich Saddle Club 'and tht. tattoo in which seven r -oeight of the
Blue Water 11:111(1 11;1\e got together on most p(sinler musical organizatiens
a program Hui will lceep.things g(atig 1\a‘stern ontarie (till participate.
meriting, fternoon ;111(1. eveeing. • 'This is 0111,N a rough sketch of the
For the 'morning, 1t p...arad\\l
e ib fes o
eetorf 1111* day. Bills w ill l)('((111prizes f(ir floats, decorated cars. etc., in a_ few (1115 (1((1(11111". including
etc., follow(•(I by chil(lren's sports. prizes offered 111.1he \111.i1ne
is vents.
Fr• othe afternoon a program at Sinaid 1)4(1111111(4111)4(1111111(4111)4(1111111(411Day 11)' Gederieli
Agricultural l'arlt to be put on b• the this year.
— • -
Saturday's Heavy Rainfall Cause
of Much Damage on District Roads
*Considerable damage throngliont the bridges on private property were dts„
district Wa ea 11S0(1 by Saturday's heavy .Stroyed also, in addition te those on
downpOur of rain,
owship roads. County Engineer Roy
Hardest hit inthis area was Gode- Patterson recalls that Goderich town -
rich • township, where damage was• ship was -similarly hit by heav, rain
estimated by Reeve George Ginn at about five years ago:,
about $20M00. Other itreas bit were X eonsidernble stretch of the Cut Line
Stanley township and the Aubura' rand nem' the Blue Water Highwa
Wet. y
, • was. washed out. A bridge along this
-Reeve Ginn reports that two bridges, road also was daina0d. The ConntY
ft ten -foot hridge on the 4th concession land inteaded to build new Bridge at
eear Alex. Young's and an eighteen- this 'spot anyway, said ConnO• Engineer
foot bridge on the ath concession near Patterson.
Prank Picot's, were destr4ed com- T1\'i1\'i1'1' tWO W
here P1'80'10111,4 011 't 110
pletelY, while it tett-foot bridge on the C.N,R. line between', Gailerich and
.Bayfield line near Stewart Middleton's liolmesvine, one at Tiohnesville and
W115 badly dainaged. In addition, the other 8140111 half -way there. In
"praetically every culvert in the town- each ease a number of ties were under -
ship is ont," sbid Reeve Ginn. The mined.
damage was canard by • the run-off Farmers. intent on making progress
frOM the hilly. terrain Goderieh with their seeding operations; „looked
township fonowing-such lleavy rain MTh •diallitiy•as 't1W rain ramie tmnbling
as Saturday's, Many culverts anti down.
James. Howinanville. and George Lake,
Thumb's, represenn
ting the t'aadian.
weekly Newspapers: Association ; E. A.
11(t1ieringto11 presided at the organ,
and tla• selorst was Mrs. Frank A1•11 ifigriiii:Aa:1,y f; t IIT,:1.(1(t/(1)1itai r.iTo rt (eintuit a ttd
Saunders. Giyen in marriage hy her Rasa' .1. liarres, president and mut /Mg-
s.1;(1;i1(11.Ym1;11:11!?Por'!"-:;11*1(!'pre go(tit":::1 1:‘'..g...,;(1.ihri4t";.(1,,,r gte!ttir‘i1;41:Y 1())1f.. 11111.P 111)1)1)5
into ;1 r t rain. A pe(axril"tf(ilfilirlig1 1.11).\.%anciliti.1110111:11):
lines. with bustle back. and
f;.1111:(1,(1 p.resident Goderich Heard of
g;irdcilins :111(1 pale 'pink r0se5, NIrs. Carl Alanore iiiiiotinced that two
Calta)rt end Alt.,. Ted Chapman.. lIndsen's Bay blankets had been pre -
hot of Toroo.to, olt.000d the bride, sewed hy the City of Sarnia. kind
gowned alike in opaline rose crinkle, ii.,•gcts on these were drawn by Judge
crepe, fashioned with bustle back. the
sk Et s itt 11 iitg itt simple Hiles into a
shert inatehing lett() hilts
were trimmed with blending flowers,
ond 1114.1•- carried' crescent caseed(•s. 411
Talisman ruses 'and ivy. Jecelyn Cal-
crt. as thiwer•girl. Wits daintily frocked
in pale pink satin, .111:4(1(). with tier()I1
s1 irt. and hat of pink mohair trimmed
with a wreath of fergetaitenot s. .Slie
carried a basket of spring flowers. The
greonssinats was Mr. Jerk Clinker. and
the 11S1101'S All•re INIr. Too t 'lilt 1)11(1411,
hrother Of the 111141 Alr. ,k1lan
Judd, all of Toronto.
The reception was held at the home
of the bride's parents. Mrs. Chapman.
re(•taved her guests, gowned ht navy
and egar shell enihroldcweenvIon, with
corsage of Talisman )05051 1101' 1111 I''4'
hat Was trimmed*iii bleeding shades ef
(swat pink. She was assisted by the
groom's mother„ gowned in grey with
matching- lace and eorsage of pink roses,
with dine aecessories.
Later ,the eouple left on a motor
trip to Atlantic City, Washington and
New York, the bride travelling in a
suit of Mesh pink, with- gardenia ('or -
sage, matching hat, with dark' green
aceessories, and Kolinsky frit.s. • (In
'their return, they Will reside 'In
'1'. M. Costello, holders if the Wit,Ining
1410.1, being Richard Finfgeld. -News
Rep1lbl1c:11)." Henry, 111,. and Andrew
Johnsten, ait,•nzic• _county Record,"
Beulah, Mh'h.
,Itt tti(lltion to the visiting members
ef the touring party listed in last week's
Signal Star, all but two (if whom Made
tla• 1 rip, was Charles Gregory, of Wood-
hridge, N.J. -
Each gm•st was presented with an
envelope 'containing a folder advertis-
ing, the attractions of Goderiell, 11 copy,
of ''Tiger" Dunlop's will, and a map
of Goderich, the gift of the Board of
Trade ; and also with a copy of, the
week's edition of The Goderich Signal -
Star, by the pelilishers, Messrs. Robert-
son and Ellis.
Before leaving Goderich on Friday
morning the visitors were taken on an
hour's motor trip about the town and
'vicinity and expressed themselves well
pleased with what they had seen. They
left at 10 o'clock to continue their,
Journey with Meaford as their objective
for the (Ironing.
Principal 'M. 1. Snider of Victoria
Pul2lie School has been successful An. -
obtaining his 11.A. degree and was
present at the 'University' of Western,
wthittjio convocation. at London this