The Exeter Times, 1885-11-5, Page 1S, E AT- iz- , hen- tay BB, se- er- ea, on- ra ail nix re- lthuar he eea off, LEGAL. •• e H. DICKSON, Barrister, Bait• otter of Supreme, Court,Notary Public IlyaYe,neer, Commissioner, &a. MoneyWBean. (eeee• rOMinceini.anson'aBionic,Exeter, lz .01 cFADDEN, ;Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc., • - EXETER, oNT. Wee uamwei1'sMeek (ft all's old ounce.) DENTAL. VOL. XIII., NO. II. t l i CARTWRIGH`I,i, L. D. S., • Rae apeuod dental rooms over O'NEIL'S BANK, wherelie will be prepared to extractteethwithout Patin All opore blow' performed with ease and, hours 3 ai m: to 5lp iu. (IIaaoasfillings ahl'oPnurat'$coxan%% CAM K.INBMAN, DENTIST.;.J•D.8 Extracts Teeth Vitalized. without the New L401041l Ansestho- tic othegums; makes Gold Filiuie and all other dental work. tbebeet possible. Rooms i'palnirs in SaturainT.'s limen, East side of -sr n. -Street. k.xetsr,Ont. MEDICAL "" HEW TO THE LINE, LET TUE CIIIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOV'R 5, 1885. trusriiIRmami-vmjjROUND THE (COUNTRY. Petty's Choice 13alns Breakfast Bacon and Lard (racked 9 PFI1ttzltell. Wheat and Rolled Oats, Oranges and Letlious, On Thursday evening last a very A large and influential meeting of the ratepayers of Digit' was held la the Orange hall on Friday evening Iasi to take into consideration the propriety of granting a loan to torr. Forsyth, of liohmond, Michigan, to establish a woolen faotcry in that place, when it wee unanimously re- solved that the 'corporation loan Ur. Forsyth three thousand dollars for ;the purpose. gone worm & SON fPublishera eon Proprietors __ .._ ._.... __ _ Yews motes. .ltirIcton. A strike of English colliers involy- Mr, Leigh leas been re-engaged nes lag from 174,000 to 200,000 is angel. teacher of the public school for 1886, Paled. at au adyauoe of $50 on his former Over 1,600 deaths from small pox ,, sad and fatal accident happened in ° salCary. have occurred, in Montreal during AT G. A- HYi` T DMA.. FANSON'S BLOCS that while a farmer named lame, for the season on Saturday last. fitments/pg. 1.1 11 h By some (,leans or outer a large t -out , a t - era i ha Daae o e e .tat Re t QP4std h men Plate l sI l! o t t n e front of D I@ of Lewin, was crossing the ti@ids for p g Delve llha township of Logan. It appears atnpbell'e clleose factory closed October, and the mortality is atilt i ipso, living on the 4th concession 'The Goveroal-Generel has under .Ube only Thorley s H. Jr 0 Food. Only 10c. per lb,, or $8 per cwt.', CLu'rZ. bra D., , Outcast his eeidetice Exeter, _ ,1:1.1VIN IIADUAT1;U1gI- ' , rot Ab e le d. 3I4 . ♦ a 1 • Tr.. n. $ Coll S 'ici IJVFR I College phyeiciausaudeurreonc Out.. ✓ffi• rCc.Kir-k,... .. , E• Ii ItYNDMA: .-CORONER FOR the()muttset Unroll. °Moe, opposite. Iof r.I. l trliug's store.F.xeter s 0 1 T W. 131iO\ tli(a M. 1)., M. . a t) a P,ti.firattuare 'ieteria itiver,lity.Oftiae tiatl;reeaide1)0e,Der. t'io:i L1boratei V. Exeter it. a A. RO LINS, 9t, O. i'. S , O. t)tllca, taiu St_t:xeter Ont.RosiieF res 1iOnaereCentt'' occupied by P. VaPhtll l , Esq. VETERINARY.. EDUCATIONAL flIISINESS COLLEGE I -N 150:80 ION WITH WOODSTOCK COLLEGE, VWIQO48TOOK, ONT, The College has been thoroughly reorgan- iced, and_ plaoed. Io the hands of a most able stat of Taachard (including two w1io #rave been I'r'incipele of similar and auecessful institutions). Course most Morena/4 and practice. Fees very moderate. For fullinfornlatlon address - N. WOLVERTON,11.d.., Principal, Woodstook College. At ()NEI TO LOA LQluiug Companies rem. L.t N A'i` 6 AND 1 6e - per cent, 21,000 Privates Funds- Best I DICKSON, e smitten. Exeter, Co.'s. new store was broken ole ui ht sentenced to death in Connection wltll the mows, he tray attacked by a faro.- g. the lets rebellion in the North-West, pious bill; and%o torn and Wutllated seoe>otly that he immediate) died. Many Mr. tem- Hutchins .n, of Listowel, Sir Leonard Tilley's commission as Watle- y/Arming has been g given not to treat a forayer citizen of this village, has Lientegaut•Governor of New Bruns (Leas gentlemen ton far, ae they can been ealling on Ilia old friends here wick was signed Monday by his E_- never be trusted The deepeal a to this week, vollency the Governor-General. . 'tt e'er .ktute tier Shop ltd debt or the United States antis Bntltg;t....Q., the 20th mete, the Dakota, a former well•knowu resident g R. DAVIS, pathy is felt for the bereaved family. Mr' lust, Sunset., of BewasUaont, . The 08timat04 demreese in the pub* is about twelve o proprietor of the Iiicks Henn gives of Unborn@, heti his lioaea meetly October a ou ala culill n dol- lars. 'lira Gladstone paid a flying visit to Loudon ou Thursday tit consult a throat epaoialiat, Ho is atilt a little. boaree. A large number of counterfeit fifty cent pleases and forged $2 Dominion bills, issue 1878, payable at Toronto, are in circulation. Tw@qty seven business failures are reported to have occurred ill Canada during the past creek, and owe hun- dred and severity four in the United ;hates, Oa maker. Though he lied Imaged. The Bret through passenger traiva ilia eightieth year, he was, up till ell the Canadian Paotli.o railway be - net,. neltr ari,A. Betta, tineas land M 1 IJ11M 1d illi Ml 1 or mug floe everything peseta off 1 Friday night, welt and hearty. Qu *wean Toronto and 14'tnuipeg and alae. -Oral trays and heifers, d unites 1 ;Tall 4 to good $tyle, "Racking" inns elle Tuesday hie ranlallta were interred in li'intreal. and Winnipeg $tatted Mon- t Tearaald.:hnraca4+tuo1.,}rnraoltl,tvarrai.ter !! t favorite at the start ' sound. The lend will lie sold on time at0 per , but too *rook the I';irkiou cemetery. daF• cent. if required. being rather ,'gaudy.. he only took , i During lain month 465 immigraute the farmers a free dinner. ---A few destroyed Ily fire. A good tztany pore days ago, two young ladies who were eons who flare gone west from. this Butcher General Deader -----IN Art. 1aINP8 OF— II' PROPERTY LI;sT .L (.E .cC S Cuatouteraa;lpplied TUESDA7iS. TI WIS. DAYS ANP SATUBDAYS et their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SIIOP WILL RE CHIVE PROMPT' ATTENTION. Aldi FOIL SALE IN STEPHEN. •140,t110 Mu 4th Concession. 100 acres, for partteutere apply to 34.V. ELI IOT, i5;inciter, &On Esoter 4t14 Feb., i',&. __._.____.-- i A M FOR SALE OR TO RENT. r r - Tiio ttruter:igncd will offer for sale or to f I NNI NT & TEN:VENT, y start- tont bt' Puhtia ;ltaetiau.ou the Gthnt Octabor se oar# Graduates of the (Ontario at o'clock n, m, ec9 : nuc 9 L. R. 1&, . TnYnn SurCeuns i.rs, u. CniIo•gt , swoon*, i I, t i f i'etorine s i Peed an etllrn Orient o f a 11 Animals, on Exeter. Calls • ... 4'h- .•... tauCe prounkt7F attended to;- Medicine for 3lori:ee Cattle,&c alwit sl n hand: . AUCTIONEERS. t a.11 ave c•h treat 3)•--tueitic 314.1u+treet (Mtn a din I NtiY EII.BEI'., Lieevstd Ano. e mid McGill!. illi- , Stephen, e for flay, tt nue r vru ;r"trnAli(a•s. i-1aleAD ,n.tllCtetlatnrll.lerste Inner -At -At Paat-oglcr.Creditan. Ont. OI -IN BILL, Anatioueer for the y e 'townships nt Stephen. FINN' and raberlio and the Village of Exeter. Alt sales prop '!iV Wended. awl satisfaction wieranteed. hales 'arranged at Otte office, 49.,TCIIES driving about town, hail one of (het neighbor]Ioo.I, have met with a eimi- wheelil of the vehicle etnaaibed by lar Inisfo.rtulle. turning too bhort.---Aa yet we have Ou Friday night last, Mr, George not beard who in to be the revieing $satiny, of the lib line, IT',aaebard, bar,ister, for Perth. retired to bed in his usual geed health, hut, not appearing next morn-. Russlodale, ing, he was found, ou going to his room, to be iu a state of uuoensotoes- Measre.. David Dew, Mox. Roy and nada, in which date lie remained au - Henry Balfour tote preparing to en. iii twelve o'clock Saturday uight, large nein build done stabloa under when lobo direr ohord was broken and their Was the coming sutuwar, phis spirit want home tritinipbttntly to The annual rue, mane off in this Minot: on Satnrciay evening, the waa- 1013\ Itt:IT13.Ihapriekis,_ ineke P.O.11/01<9 a second, and ie probably used all ler ` lion cholera line gat as tilt oast all 320 &.Cres fax Sale, Tinsc.wl+letl'd lci, stir:;: of Itis fetlock aril fonndercd himself to In mttny neighbouring torvne the ;the rest of the season as Ito sprained Mitchell ; en says au exchange, IN SOU TfIEICSMANITOlLt- nThe Garden or our Great Nortlt-'West."S South hair of Section 23, To,wntnip _, Range 12, Compri,ing:l30neres,innno.lietely adtoin(ttg ('r%r.tat City, and on the line of the Manitoba and Soutliwe.tcrn Ry. itbo t'•t" N loving now no n°111413'8 for right of way through thin baith section.) ose desirous of aerating a realty arat•rleas Homestead in an exroptioneliyttnod neighborhood, convenient to market, arhool, clturches,fic,, would 410 vtolt to apply without delay. Title perfect., tieing a Patent Pend from the Crown, and without encnnib ranee, • NELL.I.IVINOSTl)NF, MONEY TO LOAN. Owner Mitchell h _.. AN ON REALES Iva- O ate f TO LOAN ,, lair taxtllo Huron S: Erie:Loan •' to • Jelin Speakman Exetexafintaresi, Apply t ONEY 'POI AN AT Q AN D 64 i.1JL pereentacaorcltna toternie. Private 1.;'ttatds. A1;a )1yto ki'. V.FLLIOT. Auy,ustiS.`8:r Solioitar. Exeter IlgSU.1tANCE. N1 J. CLAIiI ,Agent for tl l Ue- . borneand lttbb ort ltutua 'Piro neur Ordo shoe iiit°ExeterP. 1.,1proniUtNoat tended to. TOTIN itioDONELL. ISSUER OF 31AIt1tIAGE LIIENSES. warren. IN rlleoN's BLOCK. Also agent for the Loudon liutualInaurance Cempany of Canada, Mercantile Insurance Co -Capital 2490,000.00 Head Office Waterloo; Ont. Glasgow, do London Insurance Coy -Capp - Het $1,500.000 • (lead 0 t ice, Montreal : Sten - it Lite InsurauCO Co., Head Offiee, London. Nngle.ud ; Guarantee & Accident Co, Head Office, Taranto. JOHN McDONELL Exeter. nil RE WATERLOO -MUTUAL 1 FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. This oomi.anv has been over Eighteen years in successful operation in Western On- tario,andaentinuea to insure againstloss or damage by Pim :Buildings,Merehandese,hian- ufactorioe,and all other description softinsur- option of insuring on the Premium s have to for Cash System. During oho past ten years Ibis Company has issued 57,090 Policies. covering Property to the amount of$40,879,038: and paid inloss - ee alone 5709,752,00 ltssetS, 5176,100.00, consisting of Cash n GovernmentDeposit,and the unaas. eased Premium Notes on hand and in force. 3, Secretary.xJ.B• Hueaus,Inspecto , TCHAS. SNELL, Agent for Exeter andyicinity, IMPORTANT NOTICES. 1 n erco oni ai way The 'Direct Roate from the West for all points in NewBrunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward island, Cape Breton and Newfoundland. Ir All the popular sea bathing, fishing and pleasure resorts of Canada are along this line Pullman cars leaving Montreal o.i Mon- day, Wednesday, and P+riday run through to Halifax, and on Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day to St. John, N. B., without change. Close connections made at Pointe Levis with the Grand Trunk Railway and the Richelieu and Cntalio Navigation. Company's Steamers from Montreal, and at Levis with the North Shore hallway Elegant first-class Pullman, Buffet and Smoking Cars en all through trains. First-class RefreshmentBooms at conveni- ent distances, IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS wattled it adyantageous to use this route as it is the quitkest in point of time, and the rates are as low as by any other. Through freight is forwarded by fast special trains and experience has proved the Inter - colonial route to be the quickest for European freight to and from all points in Canada and the Western States, Tickets may bo obtained and also informa- tion about the route and about freigbt and passenger rates from ROBERT B. M00DIE, • Western Freight de Passenger Agent 93 Rossin House Block, York St., Toronto. D. POT'rINGSR, Chief Superintendent. lhvay Office r Ionoton, N.B:,Miay 14, 'at-ty: Ont. Flt SAIL OR TO RENT. Two.stery Brick Dwelling Reuse, situated I 10 Itiil•street•-tUreetly east of the Presbyter'. ; an Ubureh. Exeter; together with threo•ttuat• , tens of an acre of land. Good fronto stable and driving house; splendid orchard ut choice young fruit bearing trees; geed welt and ora• tern; suitable Crfa gentleman's residence. Will be Bold cheap on terms to suit purchaser, or rented. i'onseeslon given 1st November. For furtltor particulars. ap1Ily to RICHARD OIDLI.Y, Oct, 15,'8,;. --ion. Exeter P. 0, tlCOAGULINE.--••Cement for Brok. e an Articles. Sold everywhere. Solo Makers.-.KaY BROS.. Stockport England. ---- FOR COUGHS AND COLDS. K.A9..X'8 CO`IPOUND OF LIN- 1, . AE1 D, Auiaeod., Aonoga, Squill Tolu, &c with Chlorodvno. 11EAY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent oxnectorant for Coughs and Cold's. 'FAY'S !COMPOUND, for Couvha 1 and Colds, is equally earvioahle; fox Horses andCattle. KAY'S TIC PILLS, a specific in Neuralgia Pace -actio &a. fp gi jilsT LOVELT!" SAY ALL THE LADIES WHO SEE C.t Ike. ,T, 177E A► IN' a LANGTRY AND PARISIAN BANGS. Without a doubt they are the mostbectmina styles ever introduced. Ladies, for sometbini in very fine style, such as the Langtry an, Parisian lungs, Saratoga Waves, Switches Puff's, Curls, or Wigs, call on Ike, J. Dearing, a CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, EXETER Where ho will supply all your wants in the Hair Line, OEN TRAL DRUC STOBE arrived in Toronto, of whom 341 re- main ul Ontario, 75 went to ltlauitoba, and oho remainder went to the 1Feet• the lett heat. business men have decided to elope at ern States, Watches, Clocks & Jewelery I lite walking match carne off to the nix o'clook during the winter manilla. Mrs Owoar Wilde at present is de - For the t' 11 Trade,eoilre satiefacti'n o the sporting flow about Exeter merchants ? voting his notation to ladies' (light - flare, nits. Richard watered for the Mr. Robert Brooke, blacksmith, of dresses, which, ho ease, eboold be made of silk, and can be greatly im- p:ovrd ill out and trimming, The :4lnrquis of Hartington has ireuod an electoral address in whioh he says it is imperative that the un- ion of Great Britain and Ireland be maintained at any prioe. Tbe opinion among lawyers who have watched the Eliza Armstrong abduction case, is that if Mr. stead is found guilty. he need expect no leni.- alloy at the hands of Mr. Justice Loges. afedioal students in Toronto were guilty of a gross and revolting out- rage on Saturday by suspending a uorpse from a hook attached to a verandah in front of a butcher's shop on Parliament street. Everybody invited to go in and inspect his stack whether yon purchase or not. contest but was quickly ruled out by John ou the ground that three did IMMENSE BAIteerAXN i FOB CASHnot loot(. well. John proved alt that hie Mende Intl hoped for and won an fix Uoi(t Se Silver Waatcfi('!;4 easy MOO. Plrttettwatrea Jewelory, &C ,d, light wagon ptopetled by some invisible power made its weary way through main street the other evettiug, but evidently !oat its reckoning -it finally drew up 10 (rout of the barber chop nod suspended animation. The owner next morning could be llerad deuounoing and swearing vergence on the souroo of temptation. A large variety to choose from, and go tremble Zto show you our stook, ALL ARE WELCOME, x-'' Stand opposite Jou Picicard's, linin. street, Exeter. koccrics, Groceries. CEO. =EMI" Informs the public in general that he iliac opened out in itis Old. Stand, Dregs 'nook, A FULL LINK; 01' NEW GROCERIES TOBACCOS, &o. He will be glad to sec his old friends and customers and as many new ones as may call to examine his stock, which will be found first-class in every respect. Prices to Suit the Times. tErGive 200 a call, No trouble to show goods and quote Latices. REMEMBER THE ADDRESS : Drew's Block, South ,tore. Usborne. PLOWING aleecit'.,-The nnnenl plow- ing match nuder the auspices of the Usborne k Hibbert Plowing Associa- tion, was held ou Thursday last, on the farm of Mr. John Drake, Hibbert, half a•mile west of Staffa. The field was a very good one and in excellent condition, but the weather was very disagreeable, rain falling all day. Thera were 16 plowmen entered. The following is the prize list :-Extra class, men who had taken lst prize at any match, 1st, John Ritchie, Tuck• orslnnth; 2nd, Wm. Delaney, Hibbert; 8rd, James Ilogoarth, Hibbert, First class, men who have plowed at a match, 1st, Robert Hoggarth, Hib- bert ; 2nd, James Millar, Ribbert ; 3rd, John Stewart, Hibbert. Second olaas, men who have never plowed at a match,1st James Elvis,shoran U , 2nd, Leonard Butson, Hibbert ; 3rd, Neil Gillespie, Hibbert ; 4th, Mark CEO. KEMP. Drake, Hibbert. Boys under eighteen years with iron plow, 1st, David Alit. son, Usbarne ; 2nd, John Bell, 13th• berth Boys under 16 yearswith Hunter, plows, let, Gecrge Tuckersmith; 2nd Robert 1VIoFarland, Usborne ; 3rd James Taylor, Hibbert. The judges were, John Templeton, Tuckeramith ; David McLean, Kip - pen ; and James Marshall, Kirkton. At a meeting held the following ev- eniug, it was agreed to continue the match next year, and officers were appointed as follows : --President, Samuel Hunter ; Vice -President, Jas. Millar ; Ssoretary, Jas. Ballantyne ; Treasurer, John Cartnichael ; Direct. ore, Leonard Hunter, T. M. Kay, A. klobertsoo, James Norris, F: R. Ham- ilton, and Robert Hoggsrtb. Canadian. Mr. Wm. Hogg, a farmer, living . near Thainesford, .ed a valuable bull i from the stable into the yard to be photographed by an Ingersoll artist the other day. The animal, instead of following directions to "stand easy" l and "look pleasant," proceeded to gore Mr. Hogg, tearing open his knee and breaking several ribs. A man was lately brought before the Collingweod Police Magistrate charged with violating the Scott Aot. A bottle was eroduoed in court, con- taining a sample of the stuff sold. The.bottle was labelled "Red Ribbon." His Worthip did not enter upon a A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand, Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ. long investigation and listen to a del. uge of expert evidence to decide the question whether "Red Ribbon" was intoxicating or not. He just reached for the bottle, took a swig, smacked Ills lips, wiped his mouth, reached into his vest pocttet for a clove, and fined the gentleman on the spot. The St. Marys Argus, in referring to the wrong of agricultural societies in allowing ladies' work to be exhibit- ed year after year, undoubtedly forgot itself, when it states that useless ar- ticles (meaning the ladies' work, of coarse) ought to be struck out of the list altogether. Ye editor is a friend of the ladies, we presume, and why wish them to be excluded ? We cod - tend that while stook is an important feature at these shows, they work from the hands of the ladies is also neces- sary. Debar these "useless" articles from the chow and see what it will amount to. Be careful, brother 1 'Motherwell, has sold his establina- tnent to Mr. James Hauaitton, P. a1., Biaffa, who has bought it far his Bien. He gets possession about the middle of „November. The purchase was $1,000, paid doen. Go where you will and you will not find a more dilapidated tot of side- walks than those at Kirk*on. It is Much easier to count the good boarda than Oho brokeu ones. The snbsarip- tnon list needs to be net afloat. A ne.e orgau is to be purohaaed for the Anderson (co. Perth) Method. int Church. Its members, ought now to erent a new church to match the organ. The tlongregation war- rant 1t. Ninty.six Million five hundred thousand dollars is said 13 be the There were forty deaths forth value of tale newspapers in the Uuited smallpox in Montreal and suburbs on States; and atilt some of ner exchange*? Saturday, and fifty on Sunday, are crying for more cordwood and turnips. Some people are never satisfied. Peck %way the garden party. put the tender hammock by, treat them kindly -we will need them when the bloom is on the rye. Lay aside the little picnic, for leaves are getting Gere, wrap it tip in canton flannel, it will do another year. The Blyth Advocate says t -A warrent for the arrest of Mr. J. Fleming, bartender at the Central hotel, Blyth, has been issued, and is in the possession of Constable Davis, the offence being the intimidation of a witness in the Winter's case of violation of the Scott Act, in whose employment Mr. Fleming has been for some time. Last week Mr. D. Cantelon, of Clinton, shipped twenty-five carloads of apples from Goderich, per steamer United Empire. Mr. Cantelon has thus far this season shipped 140 car loads of apples aggregating over 20,- 000 barrels. The mine is about ex- hausted and there are not many more apples, to be shipped. The Blythe Advocate says :-On Friday last Mr. W. 0. Winters, of the Central Hotel, was, upon inform- ation laid by James Davis, fined $50 and SO for coat for violation of the Scott Aot, ou Oct. 14th IYIr. Wade of Brussels appeared for the defence, and Mr. Scott, of Clinton, for the proseoution. The evidence was very complete and atrong, two of the wit- nesses swearing positively to getting Intoxicating liquor. Mr. Winters' principal defence was that he had no control of, or interest in the hotel that day. That tt was leased to one Herbert. It was proven however that be, the defendant, dealt out the liquor personally. In this case it appeared that money had been offered as a reward for proof. The antis profess to think it very sinful to secure convictions by such means. We shall nob stop to disouse or defend this plan, but it is notorious' that Mr. Leigh has been engaged to teach the Kirkton school, at a salary of $500. While two young men of Anderson neighborhood wore driving along Centre Side -road Blanshard, last San - day, their horse took fright and ran away. He was finally drawn to the side of the road, however, but not before the buggy and harness had been much injured. Both young men were thrown out, but neither were badly hurt; one of them landed on the earth and was saved; by the softness of his resting place, the other being thrown with his head against the fence was saved by the thickness of his skull. After repair- ing damages as beet they oould, they turned their faces homeward, feeling very thankful that it hadna' been want.' `They' intend letting aomeone else break in that colt. against forty.asven and atxty-Three respectively for the corresponding days of the previens week. Fifty one new cases were reported Monday. The boiler of the tug Frank Mof- fatt auddenly exploded at two o'clock Sunday morning, while making the wharf at Sombre, instantly killing four of the crew and badly scalding several others, one of whom died Monday morning after intense suffer- ing. Col, F. Stanley, Colonial Secretary, informed the Peace Society that the Queen has fully delegated the par- doning power to the Governor-Gen- eral of Canada, who has been instruct- ed to enquire into the diel cane, and that it was impossible for the Home Government to interfere ou Riel'a behalf. The New York Sun advises Can- adians to deal leniently with Riel, and cites the treatment accorded Jefferson Davis and the other leaders of the rebellion in the south as the moat magnanimous course to persue in such matters. What would the United States government do with Davis if he sheuid head a second. rebellion ? Would the Sum preach leniency then ? There is as much nneertainty about the movements and promised policy of Mr. Blake and the Grit leaders that any explanation of them would be as luoid'es that of the man who asserted that nobody but himself understood anything about his clook: "You see," he said, "when the hands of that cloak stand at twelve then it strikes two, and then I know it is twenty minutes to seven." The rapid increase in the herds of hornless cattle is quite striking. The number of cattle of that °lase sold at the Chicago yards is larger than ever before' and those who raise them are loud in their praise. Ten years ago • hornless cattle in America as a fixed breed were almost unknown. The very few natives seen were regarded breaches of this Caneia Temperance' as freaks of nature, their peouliar Act are hard to get at or prove. features not justified by their anoes- Maybe some of the Antis can pro- try, and'excepting here and there a pose some better or more affective than strangely awakened. to the corn - way of enforcing the law, or do they fort and safety of his cattle, no one - not desire to see it enforced ?. If so thought of collecting a herd of them. the Temperance people need not eon The term "mnulley," applied to such snit them as to how they may best cattle, was an epithet to imply low rank in cow circles. proceed.