HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-05-29, Page 10!4OtTett 11111 GODERr6IT-SIGNAL;ST T.* GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY, JUNE list, 1917 S. O a.m.' HOLY CQMMUNUON. 100 etas. MAIN SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11.00 a,m. &I,O11.A CMI51..'NION AND SD I1 MON,. 11.159 a.m. JUNIOR CONGREGATION. • .00 p.m. PRIMARY 1lD1EII'ART3IENT. 7.00 pan. EVENING PRAYER AND SERMON. REV. BEVERLY II. FARR, B.A.. L,TII., REC OI'�. :., A 1LpERTON—Organust and Choirmaster. 11 a.na North St. United Chureb PRIMARY at'EPARTMENT, NURSERY CLASS AND • MISSION BAND. • .. 11 a.ALL 4a^EPARTMENTS OF SUNDAY SCHOOL. Ill a a.m. " UABAKKUK—HIS MESSAGE OF FAITH." 7 p.m. "THE PARABLE OF THIN LOST COIN." Ifs. M. Hetherington will preside at the organ. MINISTER --REV. E. -T J NI$ULL, B.A.; B. t'., S.T.M - Knox Presbyterian Church • 9.45 a.m. Sunday School. 10 a.m. Young .People's. Bible Class. 11 a.m. Junior Congregation. 11 a.m. THE SACRAMENT 011 THE LORD'S SUPPER. 7 p.m. YOUNG PEOPLE'S SERVICE. This special service will be eondueted by members of. the Young People's Society. A Forum broadcast over CKN>. recently will be .presented by Misses Joan Buchanan, Betty Smith, Marion McLaren, and Messrs. Robert Bisset, Bruce Sully and Glen Lodge. Special music by the Choir • FR1D A'i, 8 p.m. PREPARATORY SERVICE. MINIST.ER—REVEREND RICHARD STEWART Director of Praise—Mr. William VV'ickett, A.T.C.M. Corse and Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness. Victoria St. United Church MINISTER—REV. LAWRENCE H. TURNER, B.A. Organist and Choir Director—Miss Mary Joyce Strachan 11.00 a.m. "THE BIG `I'." 7.00 p.m.. "DUPLICITY AND ITS FRUITAGE." 9.45 a.m. UNION. Monday 8 p.m. Young People's Union. VICTORIA WELCOMES YOU. t Goderich Baptist Church Bap tit SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENES IN'THE MORNING. 10.90 a.nl. CHURCH SCHOOL. Classes for all. 11.00 a.tal. Worship—Communion—A PREPARED TABLE. Reception of New .Members. 7.00 p.m. Temperance Service. ---Another Little Drink Won't 01) US Any Harm, or WILL Have You remembered our SHUT-IN'S with a card or visit. REV. G. W. H. MEDLEY. MRS. ELLA'I. DO•NALDSON, A.L.C.M., Organist - .. stal The Free Methodist Church Corner, Victoria and Park Streets In, the Midst of Almost Universal Spiritual Confusion, How can I know the way that is rightP A MESSAGE OF HELPFULNESS AND HOPEFULNESS. at -7 p.m.. 16 a.m.. SI. ND AY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. "Words Engraven in Flesh." WEDNESDAY 8 p.m. PRAYER SERVICE. • AN INVITATION .IS EXTENDED TO ALL. REV. R. C. McCALLUM,. Pastor. BETHEL TABERNACLE • (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) REV. J. A. PEARSON, Pastor 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. C'.OMMUNION • SERVICE. . 7.30 p.m. "A FOURFOLD WITNESS OF JESUS." Tuesday 8 p.nt.. young People's. Friday 8 p•mm. Prayer Meeting. GOD'S BLESSING COME AND ENJOY THE MEETINGS WITH US. griefs Come o w, come all to • St. • George's Pariah Hall, Sikturday,-May 31st, 3 to 5.30 p.m. St. Andrew's group_ sponsor • Dutch.,, ("olt'e a Shop, afternoon tea, plants., fan v w or1., hutue-barites wale. .21 Nervous, „ rundown 'n need VIUORINE-- --the "pep" tonic, for new vitality. 15 -day treatment • §1.00. At Eniersuu's Drug Store. - St. George Church Women's Guild- A •coach,- in good condition. Priced will meet Tuesday, June 3; at 3 p.m., reasonably. Also man's C.C,M. bicycle, - in the Guild room. -2, nearly new. Apply to .HAROLD Ii:. Hygienic supplies trutbei) goods), FERGUSON, Bruce street. Phone 981J. mailedpostpaid in' plaint sealed en- " ' ..21-2x yelope with price list. Six samples 25c ; 24 samples $1.00. • Mail -Order JJept. 7-53, NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont -1-9 Take Time fur the news. Time gives the must up-to-date syrtup5is of the FOR SALE, 19g9 DODGE STAKE licl news and is the most autntic•author- 1� truck, 3 -ton license, in excellent ity on the significance of World events. condition; would consider a trade. S. Time also carries reviews on all sub - C. ARGYLE, Britannia road, 22x jects of current interest, from Art to , Zoology. Place your subscription with ! R FOSALE.—ON FRAME BUILD - Miss Mary B. Howell •or ,Mrs. Ismay ING, 19 x 1j, feet, Phone 953M McLean. "--'' -Goderich., �a -22 •EN WANTED.—AGENT WANTED ,,Taylor's as replace ent in. Goderich and The Community Club of I Corners is sponsoring a play, "Petticoat FOR, SALE.-FRESIJ-CUT TULIPS, district -for leading life insurance com- Raanch," to be put on by the Young 20c a dozen. Phone orders noon pony, Definite salary assured. Train - People's Union of Varna, in ,the school- and evening. MRS. FRED BOWRA, ing course given. Write BOX ",43, house, on friday evening, June 6th. sr., William. street. 21-2x SIGNAL -STAR. •,22x Admission 35c and 20e. -22 ---•rq•••- The Maple Leaf. Chapter; I.O,D.E., SAVE ON MOTOR OILS! 5 GAL. will hull their reguiair meeting on Fri- sealed containers. Visoll, •`3.55; day, June 6t1i. at 3 p.m., at the home Spitfire, $4.55; Oneida, $5.55. FRANK of Mrs. N. C. Jackson, Church street. A. GALLOW, 14 North street. Phone Will members please note change of 599. 21x time': N -9.2 The regular meeting of Goderich FOR ,SALE.—BOY'S BICYCLE; IN Women's Institute will be held in Mac- i good condition. Phone 266J. 22x Kay Hall on June 5th tat 2.30 p.m. Re- I FOR SALE.--7TEA WAGON, OAK ports of the district annual meeting dining chairs and svme small fprni held at Blyth will be given. A'111 members who are going by chartered titre, quantity of kitchen glass and bus to the jubilee convention being held I china. 'Phone 144 for appointment. at Guelph un June 15th kindly bring bus fares to this meeting?- 2`2 1 Fl)R ;;ALL.—O'•I:DA11, AND HARD - "For feet that feel like wings of song, r WOOD, Hydro, telephone and litter- use Llc,yd's Corn Salve right along." carrier poles, fence posts, anchor posts 50c at Campbell's and I:me,,i•son's drug and ,braces. Also 1000 cords stove stores.wood (hardwood ). A ityto HARRY Cucotex rugs for verandahs asci q. WILLIAMS, R.R. No4, Goderich. summer cottages. Also window and P1Ton 1305, Carlow. 22-3x choir awnings by the - yard. Just ar- , rived ,at tichaefer's. -22 '� OR, SALE. —140 FOUR -MONTHS - Preparations are now being made for . OLD pullets, hybrid Leghorn and ..ayanted within radius fifteen miles of before June 20, 1947, after which date the registration and healthexa;min- Barred Rocks. ALEX. 1IAY, Bennett Goderich; must be waterfront, safe the administrator will distribute the atiuu of beginners alt the fall term •street. =22, beach; will take for season if suitable. assets, having regard. only to- such of Kindergarten and Grade 1 Element- Write R,OX 37, SIGNAL -STAR.- -22x -claims and saving all just defences. t•ir�= Schools. Parents intending to send FOR SALE. PUP,. P -ART POM., WILLIAM A. SUTHERLAND, children who will' be five years old eight months old, $6.00. • Apply 36 o� ANTED.—BY QUIET• 'LADY, BED- . , Solicitor for Edna G. Johnston, on or before Decemiter 31st, 1947, are R( gerit street. -22 - ,ROOM, preferably running water, 22 -4 - .Administrator. asked to register them with Miss E. -- vicinity near Sunset Hotel, • from about HAM- Hume- at the Parish Hall, St. George's •F°1 SALE. — BETTER BEDDING July 21st for three or four weeks. church, telephone 1172. At this time and -vegetable plants; also rasp- Terms' moderate. Write MISS IIAM- Miss A. ('leaver, public health nurse, hefty canes. JAeKSON FLORISTS, ILTON: BROWN, Postoflice, , Goderich. will arrange on lappointinent for a 4, Bruce street. Phone 105, . .. -22 w ' - 22-3x school health .confe`renee with the par- + , , , + • ent and health examination of the FOR SALL, — MAN'S BICYCLD �� ANTFD.—COOK-1101 ' 1.Ki1:1 PR. of IItiron, retired, •who died on April Child. Please kering child's birth cer used only two seasons; .also go- Family of fide. .Medium-sized 3, 104:x, are: required to° file proofs tificate. cart. Phone 57:'J. -22 modern house at edge of Toronto _city thereof .with . the undersigned- -en 'or limits. Responsibility, permanence and, before Jnne 20, 19.47, after which date a fondness for "children desired. High the administrator will distribute _thewage. Write BOX. 40, SIGNAL -STAR. assets, having regard 'oply.• to. such =22-4 claims -and saving all_just defences_.. For Results - A Classified Ad MU SALE Von4x1.LI1. —, NEW oUTBOJ[tl) motors. Immediate delivery. Phone 566\V, ' MATUIESON'S WELDING SERVICE, Newgate •street. 19-22 10 S Ll.r-0I\I)O1LS BULBS in wide range of color. One• dozen large mixed bulbs, 75b; 50 for $2.50. MRS. L. R. •IIOLMAN, Cameron street, phone 722. about'ueal time. ' • l8tf Y�'•OR SALE. — 1929 CHEVROLET Al RMAN, WI�11'I+,, SNI) B.t I3Y tRG-. I N'I'I.Y requfre unfurnished -house or apartment. Phone SGT. MITCHELL, 872J. d..x WANTED. •"1iNGINEE:lt :S90A- TIl_)N2,,RY, third-class papers, must be reliable and sober. • Pleasant working conditions, 8 -hour day shift, good wages, very steady empluyuaent. See or write' full particulars JAMES COLE FURNITURE CO., Ingersoll. • -20-2 FOR " SALE. — '29 PLY MOUT1[i coach. and '31 Chev. coach. Can be seen at . W. CRAIG'S SUPERTEST STATION. • 22x WANTED. — LISTINGS OF PRO- PERT•Y ,-for sale. Phone MAL- CIJLM MATE:I-RS, Insurance and Real Estate tte Broker, 115W. 7tf WANTED.—EXPERIENCED FURN- ITURE finishers, woodworking' machinists and sanders, or young men t6 - train in these permanent trades. PlLotasant working conditions, mod wages, .very steady employment. Liv- ing accommodation' available. See pr write JAIIIES DOLE FURNITURE CO., Ingersoll. NOTICE TO V11•14'pTTOI i TITLTRODAY, $A hiu, 2917 l'➢TICCE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE Ohl JAMES I ENItY CAMPBELL, DECEASED." All claims against this estate must be -filed with the undersigned by June 14th, 1947, after which date the. Ex- eeutor , will distribute the assets. -PRANK I)ONNELLY, .C.. Goderich, Solicitor for the Executors. -21-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is' hereby given to all • persons having iuiy el0,itta against the- estate of Horace Horton, late of the Totwishjp of Colborne, iti the County of .Huroni retired farmer, who died on or about the- twentieth day of May, A:D. 1947,. to semi same to the undersigned on or before the -twenty-seventh day of June, A.D. 1947, as on and after that date the admiitistraator of the said .estate shall proceed to. make distribution of the assets thereof, having regard only to the claims of which he has notice. Dated at the Town of Goderich this twenty-sixth day of May, A.D. 1947. R. C. HAYS, K.C.,_ 4, Goderich, Ontario. • 22-4 Solicitor for the Estate, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF -ETHEL MARY CLARKE, DECEASED., Notice is - hereby given , that all persons, having claims against the COLLEGIATE STUDENT WANTS estate of Ethel Mary Clarice, deceased, �lrrume employment: 'Write BOX who died -at the Town of Goderich 42,SIGN' L. STAR. _2.2 on the 20th day of May, A.D. 1947, m are required to send to the under- - 1 \%ANTED.—GIRL FOR RESTAUR- signed a statement in detail of all ANT work, full or part time. claims held by them, on or before the Also girl ,for washing dishes at foun- twenty-fifth day of June, A.D. 1947, taint. Apply VENUS RESTAURANT• ehwbe _�22 claftiv•idreclwamichongstdate thosethe entitled thillereto MEN WANTED.—BE YOUR OWN boss! 900 Familex dealers derive `an income of $35 to $60 weekly; selling our 200 varieties, from door to door. Follow our methods and do as well. If you have an automobile use it to establish a rural trade. Should you wish to give this business a trial, you are \WELCOME. Details• and cata- logue free. FAMILEX•DEPT, X, 1600 without reference to any claims not received by the above date. Dated this, 26th day of May, A.D. 1947. LOFTITS E. DANCEy,. 22-5- • Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO. CREDITORS.' Take notice that all claimants against the estate of Alice May Beattie, late Delorimier, Montreal. _92 of the Town of Goderieh, in the County of Huron; widow, who died on NOTICE TO THE FARMERS OF (UMMEIt COTTAGE. WANT :D. -.1 April 3, 1947, are regnired. to file proofs IIIURON COUNTY Summer cottage with three bedrooms'• thereof with the 'undersigned on ,or Corn borer clean-up regulations are again in effect for 1947. These require that. all corn refuse be ploughed under completely and, if subsequently brought to the surface in cultivating or plant- ing, must lliw picked off and burned. Compliance with these regulations in neees'sary on 'or before June lst. -Fail- ure to comply renders the offender sub- ject to fine. GLENN ECKMIER, Inspector. Culbert's .Bakery "The The Ho me of Tasty P tq' c WEELEND E BOIAL RANGE CAKE 35c each eimmimmummr All Orders of $1.00 or more delivered. .PHONE 465 ' MEL. CULBERT, Prop. NOTICE NOTICE. I buy rags' feather ticks, and used. furniture. • Sewing machine repairs and supplies. •C. WOODS, 12 East street. Phone 242J. 2112 NOTICE. . Leaky roofs made .like new with liquid asbestos F,lastik Roof Kote for flat roofs. Easy to apply. Phone JOE BECKEIt, 241W, Clinton. 20-4x NOTICE. Fleece -line your home with blown Rockwool Insulation. Saves fuel with more comfort. Permaneut, fireproof. Modern equipment and experienced crews. For free estimate and terms. phone Goderich 261 or write ROW - LAND C. DAY, 5 Thornton ave., Lon- don. '2tt NOTI('F., All manner of typing done. •Speedy, accurate. Contents held in strictest confidence. Can be called for.' Write BOX 36, SIGNAL -STAR. 22x NOTICE TO CREDITORS, .. Take notice that all claimants against the estate, of Robert McLeod, slate of the Town of Goderich, in the County NDtJ'ZTRIAL SOFTBALL tonight (Thursday), when the Imperial Oil team meets the Goderich Organ The Industrial Softball, League will team complete t he first round of its schedule The league schedule got under way on May 20th, when Purity Flour . de- feated Canadian Legion by 15 to $. Dyernchuk and MlacDonald were the battery for Purity Flour gnd Smith, Powell and Venus for the Canadian Legion. 1, On May 22nd the Dominion Road Ma- chinery Company 'team took a • 13-12 decision" over Frosty Cops. flattery --for Frosty Cops, Westlake and Mero, while Taras and Jerry performed for I)It1,tC()s. On Tuesday, Westbrooks de- featted Goderich Manufacturing Co. team by 21 to 18. Batteries for West- . brooks were Westbrook and Worsen ...PHONE 599 09 14.NORIS�, n1,. for �oericJManufacturing _ Co. Back and I)uckworth. • NEW TIRES 1. 1st. Quality 4 Ply TRANS-OANADAA List Your Size. Price Cost 440-450/21 13.90 11.15 475-500/19' 14.70 12.25 •475-500/20 15.25 12.20 525-550/1s 17.60 14.10 525-550/17 19.35 ` 15,50 600/16 21.55 ' 17.25 We Do Vulcanizing FRANK A. GALLOW BORN FOIL SALE.—OAK DINING -TABLE and six chairs, Windsor chair, elec- BISSETT.—At . Alexandra hospital, • triC heater, walnut living -room table, Goderich, on -May 23rd. 1017, to -Mr, I poli kilairary table.- sr't]gle bed (com- WILLIAM A. SLTIII:RI.AND;•_ and• Mrs. 'Philniore Bissett (nee 1►lete), k1tel-wn table ,nud stool, garden NOW AVAILABLE: — WOMAN AS • Solicitor for Harvey G.' Linklater, practi( 11 nurse or housekeeper in Kincardine, Ontario, Adltiii]istrator. � a sun. Philni<ue Telford. phone 742. • -22 home .ot elderly than, „preferably in 722-4 Audrey Telford:), R„R. 1, .Goderich, tools, MRS, M. K. _\.IcQLARRIE= (- Goderich. Phone Goderich 320J. " 22x FISIIF.12. At Alexandra Hospital, ; OR SALE.'— A U T O T R A C G Goderich, on- May 271h, 1947, to Mr. mounted on rubber also rubber- ��JANTED.-OLD HORSES; WILL and Mrs.• Jack. Fisher (nets' Mary ; tire light wagon. JAS. WHITE, corner pay ;1.50 per cwt.; will.. -call and pick up same. Phone collect JACK GILBERT. 936 r 21, or FRED GIL- BERT, phone 936 r 32, Goderidh. - 46tf • McDonald) , Lucknow•, a son,. Donald ,. i Llgin 'avenue and Waterloo street. Grant. -22 FOWLrR.-- At Alexandra. Hospital, A Goderich, on May 27th,• 1:x47, to Mr. i VOR SALE..—OUTBOARD.MOTORS, and Mrs. Worthy Fowler, Goderich, f brand new, 1 H.P. $79.50, immediate a son. I delivery. Transportation prepaid, FRIT'/,LEY.—At Alexandra hospital, CHRISTIAN'S ELECTRIC and HARD- Goderich, on May 22nd, 1947, to Mr. WARE, Oshawa, Ontario. -18-23 and Mrs. R. J..Fritzley, Goderich, a daughter. , LINKLATER.—At Alexandra Ilospital, Goderich, on May 24th, 19°7, to Mr. and 'Mrs. -Francis Linklater, R.R. 5, F°R SALE —. CEMENT FORMS, IIE FAMILY,SISTERS ANIS Goderich, a son. jigs and blocking; must be sold i i • . of the late Horace Horton. s brother SANDERS. --At Alexandra Hospital, next week.' (contact RYAN HOMEbrothers to ers their g fateful apprecia Goderich, on May 2'fith, 1947, to Mr, BUILDERS, Box 550, Goderich Phone p and' Mrs. Leslie Sanders Goderich 1162. _22 tion of the messages of sympathy re - a son, Allan. Leslie. A ceived• in their. bereavement, ,,also of YOUNG. — At Alexandra Hospital, , Goderich, on May 23rd, 1947, to. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Young (nee Donna Fisher), R.R. 5, Goderich, a daugh- ter, Janet Dawn. DIEL ) McLEAN.—In Goderich, on Monday, • May 2..6th, 1947,' Wesley -Mt. McLean, in his 65th year. , • FOR SALE. — CHOICE TOMATO plants. Corner Cambria road and Elgin at•entie. JAS. CUL"BERT. 22tf CARDS OF THANKS FOR RENT. — 'SMALL; MODERN Uit JOHN G. WATSON' WISHES apartment, furnished; heated, cen- to express hi� sincere tbarila to Trail• located, suitable for widow or his' relatives and friends for. their single person, Apply BOX 41, .SIGNAL-, kindness and sympathy in his recent STAR. 22-x bereavement:. , . 22k TO RENL•- TO RENT. — T\\'O' FURNISHED' • rooms . for light housekeeping, heated when necessary for adults only. 105 Lighthouse street or phone 624. -21 • IN MEMORIAM GRINDROD.—In loving memory of Mr. William Grindrod, who passed away May 27th, 1946. He had a cheery smile, a pleasant way, A helping phdnd to .all he knew; He was so kind, so generous and true. On earth he nobly did his best; Grant ..him, Jesus, heavenly rest. --Remembered by Wife and Family. 22x Proclarnation! ShuOn's Day—Sunday, June 1 many (►T our c•rtiz lis, nnfortlrnately, through illness or other (disability, are deprived of the opportunity to enjoy the pleasures of the otit:3ide world. To these we should brine„ what cheer and— comfort we can throughortt the year, hut`-partiMilarly on Sunday, June 1st, which is sponsored by the Shut in's Day Association "International" and observed as such on the North Amr+riean Contin - t, efit. To Provide a 'special ray of sunshine to those who are confined t(rtheir lion1;esl, lr()apitala and Mbar like institutions, thereby paoelaim S'unda'y, Jiine lst, as Shut-in's Dasa- lil the Town of Goderieb, appeal- - Ing to ail organizations and individuals to observe tlw day by visiting or in other ways remembering the tuck a11('1" disabled. , .FVFG.-•.tbc'�..�'_-�1�►,+.�_ ....- . D. D. MOONE Y, Mayor. AUCTION . SALE'S R SALE.--Ti1OTEL LOCATED. IN FO village in Huron county; includes poolroom, good weal business, gasoline pumps, and. a building: suit- able for garage repairs. $6000.00 cash. Write BOX 38, SIGNAL -STAR. 22x FOR SALE.—GILSON FRIGIDAIRE, good condition. See MRS. J. WHITTINGHAM, Waterloo street, or• phone 735W. 22x -AUCTION SALE OF HIGII-CLASS, • HOUSE FURNITURE belonging 'to. the •Date. Mrs. G. (4. Mc - Hardy at West street rusk, Goderich, on SATURDAY, -JUNE 7th at 1.30 p.m. Consisting of furniture, rugs,, beds, dressers; chairs, silverware, glassware, China and personal property. T1•.RMS--CASH. This auction should not be hissed. 3IATT. GAYNOR, Auctioneer. .2 (xodcrii1), phone 6..6MI. 4 pNew info i(TION SALE•OIHOUSEIOLD I scockerelsires non -sexed' $05, 15.9, 88.95. Asserted Heavies non- 1UI\ITiRI, ON sexed $8.95, pullets $14.95, cockerels SATT_TRDAY; MAY 31st ' , on John street, \\'inghanl, commencing$7.95. White Leghorn X Bafrred Rock'SHUT-INS. TAG DAY ° . at 2.30 o'clock. A FOR SALE. — SEED BARLEY. FRANK L. YOUNG, R.R. 5, ^Gcicle- rich. Phone 208, Carlo*. - -22 FOR SALE,—MAY CHICK BUYERS can 'get 13ig-4 . chicks. - Pullets, cockerels, day -olds. Some started. Various breeds and crosses. Save your time by telling' us what you need. 'These fine chicks will pay you. Agent, EUGENE RYAN, Ryan Produce Co. -22 the floral offerings and the cart- ttYiined for the funeral. - `22 MRS. WESLEY Mc -LEAN AND .MIR. Wilmer McLean.. wish to thank their many friends .and neighbors •for the kindnesses shown them in their bereavement; for the beautiful floral tributes, and those •• who so kindly. loaned their cars. -22- THE 'RELATIVES OF Miss Ginn wish to thanks to those who re in their bereavetnent. extend their gratitude ° to •those who sent flowers or loaned cars for the funeral. -22 E LATE end their timbered them ey would also JIASTURE FOR CATTLE. — 75 lyres °on Blue 'Water Highway three miles ftinrth of Goderich. IAN HAGGITT. 22x. TO RENT.—COMPLETELY FURN- ISIIED .seven -room hdtlse, furnace; electric range, all in good condition. Please give telephone number and refer- ences. Write BOX 39, SIGNAL -STAR. - 22x MR. AND MRS., FRANK RISING are anxious to thank those who, were so .kind to them in the bereave- ment of their sister, Miss- Standish; they would also like to extend their gratitude to Rev. W. J. Rogers Of Dun - F( OR SALE.—BARN, 34' X 54' WITH gannon. United church for 11i's kindness lean-to 16' x' 54'. A good frame bpd those who sent floral tributes. -22 building.on lot 4, concession 3, Ashfield. RS: COLIN PATTERSON -ANIS WMi.-J, STEWART, auburn, Ont., R.R. M 3. Phone Dun annon,.5 r 12,• �•.sa 22-3x family' take this means to eonvey their appreciation to those who were so kind to them • during the ill- nelas and death, of Mr. Patterson.; they wish especially to thank, Dr. N. 0, Jackson an(ILMlrs,.Jas,-Yopng for their West street. Phone 115W. - 22xkindness and consideration and • .also { those who sent flowers or loaned .their I)ARGAINS IN CHICKS FOR THIS cars. -22 20 week and next. Barred Rocks, New IIapmpshires. New Hampshire X Barred Rocks, White Rocks, Light FOR SALE. — ST. ANDREW'S street, white hrirk house, with barn, etc. MALCOI.MM MIATHERS, Iusrn•iunce and heal Estate Braker, MY IJEARTFELT THANKS .ARE extended to all who favored me With Cabal and -_other laasaage ,...fl:owers,. fruit, etc„ during my ill aes5. T: PRITCHARD. Three-piece chesterfield suite, 4 bed- room suites with springs and mat- tresses, 6-pieee breakfast suite, 1. w€i1- nut dinner wagon ; 1 Wilton rug. 0' 12"; 1 walnut sewing eabinef, a niuinber of tables and floor lamps. a number of small tables and footstools. small rugs and mats ; R ,patrs linen living -room drapes9vall,,)tr�l,.�irt°ors, bedspreads and bedroom lirt.iltit:, 1 electric vacum, cleaner, kitchen stove. 1 electric "Eas`'" washer and wringor, 1 Sparton washer and wringer, 2 washtubs and hub stand, copper boiler, 2 lawn. mowers, . step- ladder, verandah swing and chairs, pieturps, chinaware, kitehen utensils and chinaware. Many art.Ieles too numerous ] . et o usu to mention. t lot TERMS-V'ASI-I. ° Proprietor. MATT. GA`q'N,OR, Aucthlrieer, 22- (4oderieh, phone 026M. 59.0 5, pullets 519,00, t•ockerels 53.95. White Leghnrps ,$9.95. pullets $19.90, cockerels 95c. Two -week-old add $e.00,' three -week-old add $11.00 per hundred. Shipped C.O.D. This advertisement Shut -fn's Day Association _of Canada must aee(t apany your order to receive will ask. for the 'financial support of THIS SATURDAY On Saturday next, May, 31st, the these speei€1I Iiriees. Also pullets eight weeks to -laying. TOP NOTCH C1IT('T L+:RiI:S, (.nelph,.Ont. -22 COUNTI; CO1 • i N CIL The next meeting of the Iluron ('omlty Council will be held in the Council ('hnflll)ers„ Court House, Gode- rich, enunencing Tuesday, 'June 10th, at 10 11.111, I). S.'T'`. All aceonnts, notices of deputations and other, bu i es s reuniting irisg the at- tention of Council. should be in the hand,s of the County Clerk 'not later thaln Satulyday, .Tun(' ith. N. W. MILLER, - ('ounty (Clerk. 22-3- Goderich, Ontario. Goderich through the . medium of its annual' tag clay. The Association, besides its sponsor- ship of an annual Shut-in's Day, seeking to stimulate in every commun- ity interest in ;efforts to provide such sei•vioes as house movies, radios, motor outings and a shopping service. . , Being a non-profit organization with no . one backing it financially, the eon- tinnuant a and growth of the Association a t depend entirely on the generosity n y of voluntary contributors. Goderich has always ten generous in its support of this work, and it is confidently - eeeted that this Lag day will not prove an e!teepth»n. Mrs. A. W. Jones of Glendale, Cali- fornia, is visiting Mrs. Robert .Brown'' of town. ri. Refrigeration---- - - • wand , .Electc'Appliance Service . ALL MAKES - Elliott McVittie 48 Picton St., Phone 417W 22tf TODAY'S TIP -DON'T. LEARN THE NEED OF INSLlt;AN CF. THROUGH THE LACK OF IT. SEE H. M. FORD Get Insured — Stay Insured— Rest Assured. North St. Tel. 268w Salvage Paper Collection. SATURDAY, MAY 31 Cardboard, corrugated, boxes) newspapers, magazines, rags. Material should be tied tightly in° bundles , and left on boulevard. Collection on the .Square . will be made in • the morning. S. H. BLAKE, town Clerk. LIKE A TOUCHOF . Make =Yoir=old Car Like New! We Have the "Magical' Goods Gardner Motor. Sales PHONE 234 GODD1IoH 1 d