HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-05-29, Page 74,4*.947e dtildizo gra' .407.41147titre'lintio:AralitVW=ite; .
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TIIVR8021,t, 1144X 29t1,
r; GMT.: •
!. MI" •
,A4emher; THE
'Cons' ervative.
We believe we are
a conserviltive organ-
iz ticm, in many ways
---yetat the same
time, we, are progres-
sive in th..it we make
available to those who
turn to us in time o
need the,. finest and
most modern facilities
vghich are available.
13 MONTREAL ST. PI -(.ONE 1 i0
,Wiffe (greeting hubby as he comes
honie at 1 a.m.) : "Well, home is the
best place after all, isn't it?" Hubby:
"I wouldn't knowabout that, but it's
the only place open."
(formerly, Cunninganm & Pryde)
'Clinton, Exeter, Seaforth
Write Box 150, or phone 41J1,.
and we shall be plea,sed to
- call. . •
Li tning
Installation and Repair ,
Service. .
Pumps and t Pressure Systems
of all types.
Engines, Motor', and Wind-
Goodyear its in all stand-
ard lengths.
All farm equipment and
machinery. • "
Carlow 2821
To ensure safety in the home, plumb-
ing requires careful checking. Health
authorities remind Canadians that
stoppage of plumbing can be danger-
ous as well as disagreetIble. Much
wiser, they point out, to have a plumber
check the fixtures than to wait for a
major breakdown which May threaten
the health as well as the comfort of the
You worry about your prese
' or future . security,
Phone Carlow 1/06 or write'
Monarch Life ASsurancerepre-
sentative, R.R. 4, Goderich.
mmesik 36tf ommorunk..
- No ex 43 -charge:for the use
of our FuneraltHome, Toron,i
- to Street,
Prompt Ambulance •
-•° - Service
Phone b3o Res. 355 or 7
Guaranteed workmanship 'at
prices that will please you.
Call at our officer_ or drop us a
line to Box 161, Goderich. We
will bo pleased to call and help
choose a .suitable memorial for
your family plot.
St. Andrew's St:
Rundown Feeling' Is Offen
Caused By Nervous Trouble
Strained, tense nerves are often the cause of
restless nights. Improper rest, night after night, is
quickly followed by loss of appetite, irritability and
a tired, run-down condition.
For disorders such as these, Milburn's Health
end Nerve Pills are highly beneficial and, once tried,
their medicinal value soon becomes apparent by the improved general
condition of the health. •
The iron and other 'ingredients they contain help to improve the
blood content, titim,ulate, the .nerve cells, and the .ap-petite, aid digestion,
thushelping to promote peaceful sleep. They have helped thousands of
others. *They should. do the same for you. Milburn 's Health and Nerve
Pills are sold at drug counters everywhere.
1 The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto. Ont
HL .31147 %RICE?
I -1T
Don't gamble against the heavens. Are you fully covered against dam-'
age by holland other risks such its 6re, burglary aqd ficcident? Would a
loan be helpful? Remember you do not ask a favour when you asst for
lona at the 13 of M. Loans are our business. See the
nearest manager. Ash or writelor Ms folder "Quiz
fora Go4head-Farmer."
• workissg with C.,dowlidwit two taw1.4
MY 11ANif
Things Around Horne
what school the boy Sust gracin2.04
, froln Norm011 has sc,,eured, and raUa
Il.isir4Irt.vm.ikle- idirearviqrs.so ..steAciliPArte4•141E...
%." LLWJ
feet, whom David befriended. She
Considerable calling on people cines
In lymes is part of my ta* ThQ WA
few we g havotcen 11111011Y WV.
Concession road and -,sid road bavo
been. travelled, and here and there
short visits have been paid. Itt
interesting to recall the people I have
et, and the situations and circum,
stances found in these calls, Just b
the last -week or two.
One old mash helping himself through
the barnyard with a cane, welcomed,
me cordially. e proudly told me he
would be ninety-five in September. • My
word ! ninety-five! I think he will
make the hundred mark, for his mind
is clear and bis sight and hearing are
good. He eats'and sleeps all right, and
there seems to be nothing organically
wrong with him. , He doesn't even com-
plain, like another ninety -three-year-old
man whonl--4- often. called upon, and
I see now that he has just been laid
away. He used to be concerned be-'
cause he couldn't dig his garden. And
nearly the last timewas talking to
him he said'he would have to give up
pushing the lawn mower. He hated
to quit these' outside choTes. for he
loved to keep his place attractive. He
said, "Now you know a lot of things.
Could you tell me how it is I can't
do this lawn mowing, as I used to do
and why it distresses me to work?
The machine wakes we out of breath.
I 'wonder why is it.. Cup you tell me?"
"Yes," 1 answered, "I can; it is your
ninety-three •years." He *wiled and.
understood.. '
A call wade the day before yesterday
at a home caused me to meet ati eighty,
seven-year-old wan who every winter
herself poor buying suitable footwear
and seeing specialists and taking Mat -
meats. When the roundation-of the -
physical structure is faulty, and ea -
Ing much trouble, life,one long head-
ache, or shall 1 say feetache? To Miry
around 1:49.0pounds on those unsure
members, with their.paingiving propen-
sity, is no joke, sine will tell you. :-
A call this.. very day, at another home
gave me a story from -a luau and wife
who- were both ordered to reduce I
weight. They had no trouble with
their feet; with- the man it ,was his
heart. Sure enough, he had taken the
diet prescribed, and in less than three
weeks had lost twenty-nine pounds.
He was Woking mournfully at a new
suit hehad purchased when he was
nearly 220 pounds in weight," and his
waist line was 'a rare one; and what
wili be the use of this costiy new suit
when he gets another twenty pounds
off? Fortunately he is slot tied to a
small minimum of...dolli and cents as
somb of us are. s'Ilis wife also is riot
the blg, bundle she as, so be says,
and she may be talking new dress and
coat for a .surezner of going easy and
Some _far -away trips they are both
taking for their health.
I 'told them of a couple in Wallace -
' burg that I had called upon a little
while ago - who • carried • about their
weight and did so happily ; gtigd on
their feet, and able to du their !uric;
healthy and jolly,, always poking fun
at each. other. lie said to' me that
day I called : "Look at her, 205, and
I sin 210 ; 115 pounds between us—by
golly, it's true!" They are splendidly.'
is found in -Chicago. But May • the watched and 'happy about it. Their
first sees him hike back to his old condition needs flo doctor nor dieting.
Ontario locality where he farmed in I can well believe, after making a
more active years. He is remarkable. call at a farm down the road Where
Ile contc's 041 goes to Chicago as some a thirty-year-old war veteran is estab-
of us would go from one nearby town lishing himAelf and making good, that I
to another. As he got off the train ' there are- 236,400 more males in Can-'
at the depot here he had a bike. Surely ada than females. A talk with his
he had net brought that to exerctse old mother made me recall the disparity
upon during his- long summer stay.
It was at gift for his grandsoni, That
boy rode it round all the roads the
next day, and even brought it up to
the -manse to let me see it. .
.• • •
One call made last week bore good
results, for the young fellow who was
Practising hitting objects, and telling
how he could accurately Shoot with
his gun, came, hi; I requested him, to
shoot at A pestiferous things that were
bothering round our place. So last
evening he came with his rifle and
pepped off (Mite a few starlings. He
felt sure, though he had given - flocks
of them a good scare, there 'would be.
another lot bat.:k...-;fgal.d. He . made me
think of what .Jack Miner' said one time
about the destruction of so many of
these destructive birds, that "though
you may shoot' -it thousand, a million
come back to their funeral."
feel quite sure he •will have to come
more than once before these feathered
creatures decide that tlliS is no place
for them. A number of thein went
into council today • and this evening
to talk out this problem. They have
a "Zionist movement :" and it seems
that if we are to be rid of theinitwill
take more than diplomacy -and shatarg-
them away to some -isolated 'locality.
They have overgraimd • activities that
'are no easier to • frustrate than the
determined '-underground activities of
fanatical Palestinian Jeivs. .
•••• Next is --a eall ,where 'a. woman is
lame and hardly able to get around, her
feet bother her so much. She suffers so
much misery ' with those "understand-
ings". that. knowing her Scriptures
well, she tat,' much. sympathy with
Mephibosheth, the man, lame on. both
Dr.Chase's Nerve Food
— Certified Radio Teclinictan — I
7 Whitler St., Goderich:Pholie 395
Beatty Pressure Syitems
(Both shallow and deep well)
Repairs far Pumps and
Oil Bath Pump Jacks
Wm. Fitzpatrick
Plumbing and nettling •
Agent for Eastern Steel
Roofing. Co.
Dungannon 12r3
R.R. .3, Goderlell
of sex in our country._ She was want-
ing him to take a wife --"The 'farmer
takes a wife, heiglio to Jericho ! the
farmer takes a wife !" Sometimes:But
in this township the wales are in- the
majority. At our Young People's meet-,
ing last Sunday night we must have
had over thirty young people at or ap-
proaching closely marriageable age.
But over twenty of them were boys.
The scuffle afterwards to take the girls
home in the ready, cars was amusing.
There seemed no girl or bride in sight
for this eligible, Yet shy, young soldier
farmer, so the seventy -year-old mother
offered to be thehousekeeper for him,
her youngest son. And we all •know
hqw these mothers .,Seern to hang to
thely, baby of the family. So there is
much satisfaction for the present 111
that farm hoine. But what if the aged
mother is -taken away?- Shall we have
to report another bachelor home in
our neighborhood where there are seven
already ; Nimes unblessed by feminine
-hands ; tables ungraced with the gentle
presence of those Who know how to
prepare and adorn ,ansl give the finish
to the table -and many other things?
Another Call .1 am due to make very
soon. I •must go- and -See how - the
occupants of. this home are _doing, and
VOelbot twk:k :thox'il;zo ot :MO
:mtr,Q!‘e A?ilivaltt to • couaty towp,
w1bMo zatiao kil1T.10.ktop ;von as 19b0
,her alOty en Modano. And
must as% the excellent. mother Ion!
many Youlag turkeys ,.'.verea hatched (nit
this week. She could hargly sit still.
in. church on Sunday, ,and thought the
short serunOin wuti inordinately long
as she thought of Mat incubator, which
5he. was- not quite sure was behaving
itself rightly. _Music and turkeys,
Church. •and teaching, a hundre&
other- things tike up much time. She
had good luck last year; 'hundreds yof
turkeys, she. reared tmecessfully. The,
trees .around their place wereblack
with the gobbling and chortling crea-
tures when roosting time caulk!. r be-
lieve she sat in church with" her fingers
crossed. i at:there is a grand- manag-
ing wife- and- mother in Li home for
yOu1s, We all agree on that, rouriViers,
knowing, her so well. The community
would be the poorer without ter. She
is into everythingethat is good, one
of those- women. 'that. the writer of
Proverbs, who knew a good hotisewife
when lie saw one, would bless h1s eyes
to see. The wife and I' go to see her
gladly, and come away pleased and
-happy that we have been. A lot of us.
have a long way- to •go -to live up to
Talking about hardly being able t�
waituntil the sermon was finished!
tuan..,1hat called 'on nie• •sinue time
ago said he had only ' Once thought
that elie sermon was too long, and that
we's the day the SOW at the barn .was
due to have her little family. -VC"'e
get lits of fun ()tit of these frtendly
calls. given and receiv011.
AsHFIELD, May all.—Miss Mari�n
Mackenzie of Toronto was hthne for
the week-eno.
Mr. and MrMaeLean Bell of Acton
spent the week -end with Mr. and Mr(.
Russell Bissett.
Mrs. Rod 11lacLennan is„„home for the
Miss Catherine Maekenzie- of Tor-
onto is home for the holidays. '
Mr. and Mts. Earl- Howes and Colin
visited with Mr. James Howes of
Aethur on Sunday. Mr. Alex. Howes
returned them and wiU spend
the summer here.
The Y.P.S. held a social in Ash-
field Presbyterian Unwell on Friday
eyening. They presented a program
of ,ehoruset., solos, readxngs and a
quartette., Mrs, 1). A. MacLean, who
has retired as organist, was presented
with a Bible and a eheque. The young
people served lunch in the basement
of the church.
Daughter: "But, Dad, don't you be-
lieve that two can live as cheaply as
one ?" Father: certainly do., Right
now your mother itnd I are living as
cheaply 1113 you."
Wlien your BACK
• Backache lo often many fay Saio,
action, 'When kidneys !elt.gutof order *sew
adds mid poisons reznam m the system. Melt
baelmehe, headache, rheumatic pain, alas
turbed red or that %red out' feeling NW
soon follow. To help deep your kids*eys
working properlys-use Dodd! s Kidney
Time -tested, popular,'safe, non -habit -fano.
lug. Demand Dodd's Kidue$, Pills, in dm blue
box with the red baud, Sold everyidre.13t
Offers Welcome Relief
From Coughs And Colds
To get quick, weldome relief from coughs and
• colds—try Dr. Wood'sNorway Pine Syrup.
This safe and popular household remedy is
recommended for the relief of coughs, colds'croupy
coughs, sore throats and bronchial troubles. Widely-
, used for nearly 50 years it embodies the medicinal
virtues of the pine and cherry barks.
The immediate use of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup may check $1,
- sold in its early stages. Dry, obstinate coughs quickly yield to its prompt
ijoothing action.
it You'll find this pleasant -tasting, quick -acting remedy en sale at drug
counters evetiwhere. So specify Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup
EtEs R•ti'w f-ly —
Cho T. Milburn Co., Limited. Toronto. 0nt:
Is?.% -.*"`"
hat a gikii// 7t7 *4 4e if,4ed
of a stoat/vele aiesmatire. • •
HERE'S an up-to-the-rhinute version of that grand old tune,
-"In My ,,Merry Oicembbile". In the new ,words
find one of the outstanding reins why Oldsmobile cwners are
so enthusiastically singing the praises of the 1947 Oldsmobile.
'What a smart looking car it is! ... Long and low and smooth -
in its lines—tailored just to your taste. It's a struirt performer,
too,and it offers all the features you want.
"0//,4e #es% 14446isi you arrive
749/Aks Ilydra-Ra7*
• - You 'o places with less effort in a
- new Oldsmobile with GM Hydra -
Matic Drive. Yet you get
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economy, and ,-`greater safety
•than youdid in old-fashioned.
driving... Hydra -Matic Drive! is
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automatic drive—and it's at its
peak in the 194.7 -Oldsmobile!' .
at a hap& day # ky/// ee
mehei7 your date/smobk #6.
dtaf. kigeet /4e c/atch atre / gear
al/ you do is $7)4 evIal .5.7ter.
Thers no -clutch pushing with GM
Hydra -Matic Drive* — not even a
clutch pedal in the car. And all gear
shifting is automatic, through all
Jour forward speeds. Just take the
wheel of an Oldsmobile and sit back
in, comfort, enjoyi6g the
- smoothest ckriving*
you've ever known/
, To pin who are waiting for your new Oldsmobiles7—our
krome thanks for yourpatienee ...our tribute to your wisdom.
The demand for Oldsmobile with the new GM Hydra -
Matic Drives is so widespread that it still greatly ex-
dOeriV, eeeds the supply. Make sure your present car earriesvott
conveniently arid safely through the waiting period by
having it checked regularly by your GM dealer.' •
*Hydra.Matie Dtive isioptianal at extra cost.
Victoria St.