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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-05-29, Page 6
• �keview Casino: GRAND BEND • SPECIAL ATTRACTION , Saturday, May 31 8930 pin. to 12 pan. LEN. H•OPKINS and his Chateau Lauriei4 Orchestra ALSO , Ted Pudney and his Orchestra Io is is the finest value in dancing! Your only chance to hear Len Hopkins in ,this district. For 11 years you have heard him over the' C. s .0. Radio coast to coast. This is., Canada's ,outstanding Radio Orchestra. From Ottawa --Canada's Capital—can be expected the finest in dance music! ADMISSION $1.00 DANCING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4th —TO- - SCOTTY McLAUGHLIN A truly fine Orchestra—played Masonic Temple, London all winter season. • Plan a visit to the The Bend and bring your picnic. Make reservation for large .groups by writing or 'phoning W. Eric Mc-Ilrey, 59r1, Grand Bend. TSE GO. n RIM SIGNAL -STAR OF AUBURN -' •• sn OfK 40,'x ." «i. "34 t *,' t ;,.,14►,.1r...,, .-„a •, ` a% STe—DU TEIC t • A Pretty wedding took place " at Kitchener on May 21th, when Mat.ry • v ' Kathryn Dietrich of (ilutlericll, tidiest �D a "It �, . a• '� �4 � Iba�l '� d. � , may a, • � r. i D o .11 �C$h 1( � �- reit 1 ► •) h y u it D1. tat a.a Jon .a t era t J lel . � �' duublater of 1'.lige'ne d)ie(1,ich 'and the, Artiltlr is attending the Sel owl of Em- irui trong, -of Thalrlesford ; two sistera,,..•l. Kitclat Iter, e - \%'I11. James (Strait ), of Gude- elle z1t Quit wail liugcl vow1 with John Mr. and Mrs..Bill. Craig 't,f Sarnia rich, and Mrs. Win. Smith (Mary), \Urmal \\'est, of New Toronto, sun sire°ut elle ween cud \i i[11 the Purwa§a' of, Brussels.- The funeral W218 heltfl ui'' tlti= iota '11r. avid \lrt�.m J. V st., Porw- from Donnybrook United chur4b: un o- parents.) M. and • tars. Jas. Crain;, rely ciY Maduc uud Ne�v Turulxto. The Mr. Jas. Medd is. a patient in tit. 1Wc+dilea4dat, afternoull, the service beliig ceremony was pa{�rfurwed in the conducted ted Eby Rev.. H. J. Snell, Ilastutr s , _ , Joseph's .hospital, Loudon, %\ here he rectory of St. Mary t; R.C. ciruTc.h, with a, - , of the c•hitrs'it The pallbeawars were Rev.II. Gehl uticiatiilg, (sis a i,lt war-. underwent Ila au a C: UI,C L'atlUll Ull lues ; A. Kltlithan, T. Foratll, , a her, a wore o Al. ('ltrnmlths, �' day. _ ,, r riuge by •, father, Hie' pride a J. Craig, R. IL Thompson and J. C. as c. •stud firs. (word Brown of 1 Own' Of white -satin with full sdiirt, Whiter spent Smithy With Mr. and 4tui►iusui Iutertnent was 111 Donn- marquisette yukt�, and the bodice ap- 1,roulA celiietery', pliqued with send pearls` in a tinny leaf Mis, gaeu. Beadle. 'aareweli Presentation.—=1'he wun1thl w tif. Ilex embroidered llu a Mr. and° Mrs. J. -A. Nutt Mrs. \'4''het- n y a g argil) ?Veld tier and young son, of Stratford. visited westing of the \\'olnen'6 institute l... - held, 'in the Foresters' Nall on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. -\V, T. Robison •uu Saitur- 1 with Mrs. Jas. Woods in charge. The day. I Miss Mary Munro, It.N., and miss secretaa;;', Miss M. King, gave the lin — Gladys. statement for the year; showing (xladys ~with of ` T'uru(;ito spent the week -end with the foruter's paretx`ts; receipts' of $195,98, expenditure 055.11, D. and Mrs. 'R. D. Munro. bale -lice on hand $4.0.81. "Thank you" Miss Elizabeth Nicholson, who has been a patieutt in Goderich hospital, has returned home. • ' ' -"Mrs. Gormley Thompson of Brampton is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mogridge. •. Miss Vivian Straughan, whb under- went an operation in Victoria Hos- PIt<}i, London, has' returned home. - Mr. and Mr.. Geo. Beadle are visit- ing their daeghter, Mrs. Clif. Brown, and Mr. Brown, Walton. • WILL DEVELOP BAYFIELD PARK , 6143TS REFORMATORY TERM ,. The newly -formed- • Bayfield Lions 1 .\Ialnria•e • Weber. fifty -six-year-old .Club has lost no time in getting under 1carpenter of Zurich, Hay township, was wayin cuaihmunit seryite work. Last 3 , sentenced by Judge T. A1.:Costello to • week the.' club signed a twenty-year , • g' . r Iease of the' ten -acre Baiyfit'ld Agrlctzl- two years less ant• day in an Uutario tural Society park. The' Bayfield •Lions refermatury. after pleading guilty to ti plan to ,dt'velop ,it. as*. a -r'unatnutlity charge of (irna1 knowledge of a girl park and centre. The, nominal sum !touch -r• fettrteen years of age. This was of $1, was, paid by the club as.,rental the only case ,jai the• list in the County _for the twenty-year period.Judge's Criminal Court ,last week. Mr. and Mrs." Edgar Lawson, Mrs. uiiVer Anderson- and son \1'illiaxw and Mrs. Fred Russ were. visitors at London uu Monday. The Auburn baseball club presented their play, "Adventure Bound," at 11rus els last Friday night. • A large dumber from this district attended the X-ray, clinic at Goderich last week. I'uln Sheppard of Blenheim spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. E; Phil- lips. Mrs. HuMe\Vhiilnoi' Clew sprat last th Saturday lvitieyl airs. Frede. Huss. Deaith of William G. Arinstrong.—A• highly esteemed resident of West I{uddy and Miss Amelia \Ic I1)vain. of -Wawanosh, in the person of \illiarn G.Death\les. W. C'. fJ('rtson.PlayingPlayinggauzes, affter which the bride Armstrong, passed away attthe home • DeRo— elect way presentedafter with lately `gifts. A highly esteemed told lifelong resident• of jai, son, dark Armstrong, on Mon -.i dainty lunch was served, by Mrs. of this d'strict, 111 the person of alis. , -day, May•'_'tith, after a lengthy •illness. }� Kershal\v: Members of the (aoclericll William(', Robertson, passed away at err. Armstrong was the son of 'the cult Co.'s utiiLe stuff, of which the the home of het daughter, Mrs, Andrew -late William Armstrong and Ellen Hare bride -teas a member. presented her _with Christie of North Thames .road, Fuller- was born in COunty Antrim,' Ire- tl 'lovely tri lite lamp at a presc�hitatlou ton township. un' Sunday night. � MrS. land, in 1860 and was eighty-seven p. cath May 10th. years of age. At the age -of 'three he Hobertsclu had beers in good health until.two' two' weeks algd, when she suffered carne to this country. with his parents, HARTMAri—AUSTIN a stroke. Formerly. Naomi Elkin �\ hu settled' in West •Witwanosh. He St. JS)seplr's Helium •Catholic chtlrilt, • late daughter1.VIr u � rs of the„, and 1 same had resided on the farm fur Eneas Elkin, she was bora on'the Elkin K1)lgsbeidge, was the scene of a pretty eighty-three years. In 11;90 be married o weticling uih 1i>ty 1itll, when Jlatiy llurnrstP"t111:1" d on July ..t)th, 1131,,und was Sarah Alexander. who I)refleceased him 'Agnes- Austin, second deughter of Mr. some years ago. He was a. member thubeciolle s iu her righty-5i�tth year UnHartman, son -of yr. and Mrs'. EdwardHartman, Gederich.- Rev. Father Don- pitetor of the church, officiatedat. the ceremmiy, with Rev. FatherFallon assisting in the sanetuary. Thealtars were prettil.y decorated withspring dowers and fern. The, bride,given itionerriage by her nailer, lookedveil of _dainty enibroidered n'A held. .roses, bronze' and pink. snaps, with. .white 'stock, and she carried -an ivoryry, gift of the groom!' Miss Mary was caught to a halo ,uf orange blos- soms and her bouquet was at .Cascade of deep red roses and baby'S breath. The bride's sister, Miss .Marjory (Peggy.) Dietrich, of Toronto, maid of honor, was gowned in peachlsiik jersey, letters were read from Miss Nichol •princess style, with a floral helo�match- sun, Mrs. 'A. Grange and Mrs. Win.� ing the gown. She carried a Colonial nosegay of roses and baby's breath. Jack Guerin, Toronto, was grooiitswan. The weddifi dinner was 'served at the Maple. Leaf Hotel, and a receptiou followed at the residence of the bride's father. Mrs. Violet Harttung received in a brown gabardine suit with gold accessories and a. corsage of yellow rosest For travelling the bride donned a pale blue dreesulaker suit, navy and white straw hat, and navy accessories. She wore a corsage .of pink roseti. After their wedding. trip to Montreal and the Northern States, the couple will reside at Mimic°, Ont. • Pre -nuptial Events Miss .Max,' Dietrich was entertained at several ,showers end parties prior to her marriage to Mr. John Norman' West, of New Toronto, . on May _'4th. On April 19th a number of friends and relatives gathered at the home of. airs, A. Bonus, New Toronto, where the bride-to-be was entertained at a miscellaneous shower, after which a dainty lunch was served. On May 2nd, • Mrs. Frank - Kershaw, Brock Street, Gudericlh, entertained • at a lovely shower. The evening was spent .in 1 obertou.'" A reading was given by Miss Amelia Mellwain ,and a solo by Mrs. Wesley • Bradnock. - A report of t1Le morning%e.ssion of the district annual meeting at Blyth was given by Mrs. Edgar Lawson, Mrs. Wm. Roberton contributed a reading, and a report of the afternoon session. was given by Mrs. Albert Campbell. The roll call was answered by .payment of fees. Mrs. Woods, who has been a member of the Institute for some years and president for a. �luluber of years, and. who is leaving thi3 coinwunity to reside in Clinton; was presented with a wall mirror. :lies. Lawson spoke. 'of the .spler}did work Mrs. Woods, had done ie the Institute and expressed regret at her -departure. The presenta- tion was made by Miss M. King. Mrs. . Woods expressed appreciatiou of,` the gift and the kind .words spoken. Ticke ti were sold on a prize donated by Mrs. W. Good which -was Ton by Mrs. Gordon.Mttl'hee. The Meeting Mused with-' the 2atioual Anthem:1. Re- freshments' were'served by Miss Viola Thompson, Mrs. Roy Eassone Mrs: L. . , .. ,. • \I arc•11; 1`5)1, she was married to \\'m. and Mrs. 'Cliff. Austin,, Kingsbridge, C. 'R(tbertsuli., After their marriagethey lived un the Robertson farmon the Sts cuneessien of C'olburne town- ship until 1925, when they retired Lind gyp. buoyed to Auburn. 1;Ir•.-RobertSoih Passed away in I Wel. Since then Mrs. Robertson had lived "alone until yearago and ,ince their slie had been living with members of . her faitiily, -'or the past few tnonths)with her daughter, Mrs. `Christie. She was amember and fa ithful attendant of the Auteuil 11 ljiti•t clini(11 -She is Stir\hv d b\ one . Senn, Elmer; of Colboriie township; tyv.o daughters, Mrs.. Christie ( Mina), of North names road. Fullerton town- ship, and Mrs. Wilfred Donaldson, rosa 1 Ella 1, of Goderich ; one brother, Mur -`Theresa Austin \y1is het sister's maid ray Elkin, 'of Enid. O];l:i ; fourtec n of honor. wearing a gokn n of turquoise of Donnybrook I'nited"'church. Surviv- ing ars two suns. Mark. A., of West \V;twlinuslt. Intl \V. Thomas, of Lota- clolt. A 5011. 'Earl. passed away in 1910. SPECIAL ' OADSHOW ENGAG E Monday,T uesday and Wedn�sday-OnIy-.June THE MANAGEMENT OF • THIS THEATRE BELIEVES IT HAS TWO BASIC OBLIGATIONS TO ACCOM. niSH.:. FIRST, TO. ENTERTAIN ITS :PATRONS AND SECOND, TO PERFORM A PUBLIC SERVICE. IT IS- IN THE -INTEREST OF PUBLIC SERVICE THAT W.E PRESENT . THIS SIGNIFICANTLY VITAL - MOTIONPICTURE ...y era, -a .1%191 R Op • •,AL'q~fbT - t;'1? D N T 0'. . /.4y dear Sir, germane I hare Slight I, re _rat acknowledgment your 1 Sligh o 'atom theoccasiatta::oa Dad" n ten 41:h. good porgy, � I R$e � r I ae1, the mO.• t PBr�,ts® opinion instruction in � seg del � me®t �2s obit n fiat the failure s� hy��e• i°qv®nee, gatioa. con ooh moo tribv�a �'t ra atlbg , Yours sincerely incerely - '1" l4120/' - ' ty star of Health. �um3.6' 1946• of p eased Pith ti egpOn81bj11Ey the attitude of >:b tie quite r o0 Z am �80Dy in., the matter of `°ar en to to>deelr fi'U RL4STAR HO%%O Sii Mib Ili PERSON ON IVE STALE EELIOSS T�E F�RSEs CAPITAL ,THEATRE'ERICH SEGREGATED AUDIENCES WOMEN ONLY at 2417 p.m. DOORS OPEN AT 1.30 — 6.30 MEN ONLY at 9 p. m. TICNOTS O'N SALE AT 8.50 hlMlt•ED TI© SEATING I AP.A6.1TV-, ITAX 5 0 NC ALL SRO 'W$ • grandchildren and ' live, great -grand- elaildren. .\ pri\ ate seryiee was held :tt the home of airs. Christie on Tues-" (lay evening, conducted ted by Rev. VIr• brocadi d satin top and nylon skirt with - matching. hat. The bridesmaid, Miss-. Veronica Austin sister of the bride.was go\yned in pink on the same Hues . \Iain of Roy's church. A public service as ,tile maid of honor; both wearing mal' held gat the Auburn Baptist church white elbow -length gl(1ye> ua(1 1 1111- on Wednesday (today). and was in.tug bouquets of light and daa rk pink charge of Rev. ('. C. Anderson, pastor "MY'Luy( carnations, Mr. Terry Bedard, cousin of the groom, was baste . ma 11. The ushers were. Mr. Edwin Meyer, nnc-le of the bride, and \Ir.' Alpe- Donnelly', brother-in-law of the, groyne During the ceremony Miss Rose Marie Ilatrtman, sister of the groom, sang "Ave Maria" and —Wilt john- 'Donal -Non, Rodger,- JIitrraly Incl, Thou Look Upon Me, Mother," iJ000nt- ('a vie Christie. Interment tuck place parried at the organs by Mr§. Carl_ in the family plot in hall's cemetery. Sclineiker of Goderich.- -The dinner was served at the Bedi;ri'sl;.H.otel, Gode- rich; to sixty guests,"tied a creception was held in -the afternoon at the home of the bride's parents. The bride's neither received the guests, wearing a figured silk dress with navy accessories. anal- at corsage of pink Briarcliffe roses and blue ljly-of-the-Nile,.--The groom's mother, - assisting, Wore figured silk jersey, with black accessories, .and ,a . 'corsage of mauve stock.,After a honeymoon trip to Londo, 'Toronto, Detroit and other points south., the M. Smythe. 1 couple'will live in Goderich, where the Mr. and Mrs., Albert 11cCl.inchey had groom is employed. To`f'rav(4 the bride their•, little .daughter; Sharon Ann, donned a pastel green dress with navvy baptized oe Sunday at Dungannon accessories, and a corsage ,of. Sunglow church. Those from here. who attended roses, and carried a navy blue topcoat. the servicer were Mrs. A. Erringtion, Guests were present from Hamilton, Mrs. .Jarvis, McBride,'Mrs. Percy Me- Goderich, Toronto, Detroit and Strat- Bri(le and Dennis, and Mrs..Mc•Clinchey ford. - of lli,lmesville. •Later they had a birth- day dinner, ,Sharon being one year SAit1NDERS—CROTHERS old this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Toronto Star May 23). -=-Rev. Dr. McDonald and baby, of (iodericb, were .(..., B. Snell officiated- sat the .ceremony present:._lilso. • • - last Saturday whkb united Jean Mrs. Amos St.oii of Goderich is spend- Crothers and Ross Todd Saunders in ing at f(.4 days With 'her daughter, airs. marriage. Spring flowers decorated St. Clatrlt. Michael and All Angels', .the scene of - Mrs. Ilugh Tell of Benmhiiler' spent the wedding. The bride Is the claugh- tine wyeek-end with her inoth.er, Mrs.• R. ter of -Mrs. Sadie Crothers, and. the I;ean, sr., Who is- not as a ell as her groom . is the son Of Mr. and Mrs. Ross homy friends would wish. Mrs. -,Cory Saunders... ..Coe h'1eu•ry,' • Aurora; gave is with her this week. - • . the bride- away field she wore white Me and Mrs. Clare Parton of Tor satin with appliqued satin flowers edg- unto visited wrtlh Mr and Mrs. .Carnes s l"c'agpla-(Dan 81111110e ' - Miss Jean McPhee. of London and •\[iss Nora' of Toronto spent the holi- day Willi their parents, Mr. and Meat Gordon \IrI'hee. of the 01,lttrcl-e atssistc'd by 'Rev.. Mr. \laiir. The 1,allbearers were • J. .1. itobertsuh, I•;dgar L1104son, Charles Robertson., " Robt. J. _ Scott, Howard (Robertson and George Raithhy. The • Viral tributes were carried by six grandsons, George and, Bill;t'Robertsou, 924ur,]7[iS,S11 ..•, MAX pflth, 19 Announcement! , The o:;tee of SAULTS COAL C+ ;,, will be. closed Saturday afternoons , from May to • September inclusive, phis o ti ct will also be closed' June 2, S and '4 during the coal dealers.' convention , at Niagara Falls. ing the net yoke. Her veil was held by a crescent halo of seed pearls and she carried red roses. Mrs. Jack Purvis and Eileen Boyd, Mitchell, Ont., attendants, wore pale blue cre�)e gowns With matching hats. Al. Iiiolden warn: best lean, . and James Clancy : and Gordon Ohapell •ushered. At 'the re- ce)ttion, the bride's Mother reeefved in turquoise, while the groom,'s mother as- - siste'd ill blue. The couple left for, Huntsville, and after their honeymoon- will live in Goderich. 'To appeal to men's self-interest Is not to their best interest, Reid's t You .will be proud of the Chesterfield, Chairs,, etc., that we re -upholster or re-cover for you. Choice of velour, frieze, tapestry, damask. Quality coverings. SEE US! .. PHONE US! • WRITE US! Phone 206J- ' ;-Pick-up and delivery ,. GODERICH THE SQUARE , CARO W • a'.\1LO\V•, May 27.—Mrs. Driver, of the See, is staying with her sister, Mrs. M. Smythe. - \Ir. wind 3s?11s. Jack Wilson of . Nile spent 'Sunday with 11r. and Mrs. F. „\i1fiwatin. Miss Gene Smythe of Turuhto spent the week -end with her wither, alis,; BURNED SIHfP FORMERLY -"CITY OF • THE..STRAITS News despatches record the burning of the 01(1 uaolnr `hip "Liberty" below Detroit. A1(I, W. Russell Brown of Port Arthur advises' t.ha't. the "Liberty" was formerly the sidewheel passenger steamer "City of'the Straits" that made Gaderieh a r•eguloi port of ('1111 during the season of 1902, When she was under charter to Brown's Georgian Bay Line and had as 11 running mite_ the Can- adian steamer "Pittsburg." During the same season the Algomit Central Steam- ship Lines, operated the steamers "King Edward" .and "Ossli'rage" nirtto the Vocal harbor. • While these four steamer's operated np' Lalce boron and into the North Channel ports of Georgian Bay, the C'ollingwood eompanles had seven pass- enger 'stenlneta running to the Saillt and Manitoulin ports, Private :.'T'11ia girl's fresh front 'the country, and it'afllip to ns to show tier the difference between right and wrong." Corporal: "O.K., pal, you teach her what's right." Before 1,F'orget- Formula Products Box 284, Terminal A, Toronto, Ont. 1 haven't time to write letters, but 1 do want to try Formula DI. So, I am enclosing $1.00 and printing my name and address on the lines below. 1 understand Formula I)1 oink ment is for Eczema, Sores and outer skin ailments (even helps baltI s' teething rash) Please send the geneirous two ounce jar of Fontrula: ' I)1 post- paid. - If I find it beneflciaal, VII tell my friends. If not, I'II tell you. ' • is -iD.•�//7 - ireenteffearee iewasege I1.1•01 liar rv``lfff':�� , a ire .1 47•14 ,_ tklitt k r� t �. . • 'a; , r 441.4/14.. _.ref IG' 11 (/R/$T SEASON AHEAD! THE THOMPSONS are busy as bees, getting their place in shape for the tourist season. This year, with three more cabins, electricity and a modernized kitchen, they' hop4 `to::do even better than before. They were able to make these ad- ditions because last fall Mr. Thompson ,drove to town to see his bank manager. He knew about the nice little business the Thompsons had built up; a bank loan was quickly arranged: Now the Thompsons can handle more tourists and increase their income.- At the same time Canada will benefit from the extra tourist dollars they take in. • e .,7 s SPOt9SORBD 13Y YOUR BANK