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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-05-29, Page 2
e 'r* jir*1tii 'roar- . tar HURON COUNTY'S 1L' ORL.•'E7: OS.i�. W4dU:,114?1�L11• 11Dtkblinlheal, by Signal -Star, 14,imaited p' floc 'Dater —Ca. mala and Great Britain, $2.01➢ a idtates,2.iiD. v>a fl�ata Relent oda a arta ent, Ottawa. ell Telephone second-class �s � Member og C,Qnadial Weedy' N'evrg)apers Association Sworn Circulation Over 2,tf60 TSON THURSDAY, MAY 29th, 1917 Year; to Unit , mail, Poet 0 EDITORIAL NOTES ;A fellow -editor not a thousand milks away writes,of "the Biblical friendship between Damon and Pythias." W e • GEO. L. f LLIS �lt • ce une in the eommittet: :fit Ot t\va cup. - tended that young people were Inure ina.tllre at eighteen, ,i�iow than was the case in former years. We doubt tlt:ls very mulch. Itis., fact, we believe the have ;missed this in out' Bible reading direct contrary is the ease. . Years ago and must lookat up. boys of eighteen were doing men's * , \word(, \while their sous now ,of -tile Name The Stratford ;eaten herald dig: age are still at school. this •item out of its uews culitu111s of ern GODERICH $IGNADSTAR PI1L OSQFER OF L.AZY MEADOWS QD,yv Harry J. Bou??- 'THESE RAINY DAYS I .hear the radio jangling out with a suns; called "What Do They Do on a Rainy ;Night in R.ie?"I wish seine - body .would. write one,- to go, ' "What. 1)o They 1)o on u Rainy 'Day in Seed- -Mg?" The things we've been t%uing certainly aren't as glamorous its the• happenings down South Aitltrice: way. We've gut esvme of our seeding (Nue, but theee's •still a whole lot left t� be done It's heartbre•tking 'to see every - STARTS 'ON HIS KITH YEAR, It Uta sash a pleaSUEQ to recon a birthday gor our townsman WIRIlial l J. Blair, who eol pleted his eighty. t'slxth year on Monday last. There was no celebration o1 the a:► iversary, but XLr. Blair VMS pleasantly remembered 1iy relatives and friends and received many calls, messages and gif4's.: native of •Goderich 4ownship, he has been a resident of the tows -since 1898, and has been a subscriber to The Star or The Signal -Star ever since, and his father before pile had taken the paler front 1876 on. His hearing is good, he can read without glasses, and his mem- ory taste Is in good worldng order; no thing growing to beatU the band and there seems to be no_ reason why he theDn look out at the fields, that have been Made ready for seeding and real- ize that for the most part they're just sticky and muddy. The first rainy 'd;ay that cenles along can be 'a w•elcenne relief /Nun working? should not 10011 forward to many more bit=tlttinys. "Aud now, children; ' enquired the l•Atix1(iay school teacher, in a review of the day's lesson, "who can tell mi what You poke around and fix. up" •a broken we mast do' before we eau expect for- wiudow itt the henhouse and mend the b"lveness of sin?" vetch on the screen door and put some• There, was It moment's pause and more shelves- in the cellar. it's pleas- then little Wilbur made his logical con- ;tllt'eveil to be able to sit in the dri\-ing tril►titionsi, - shed and smoke ,and listen to the rain\';'ell," he said., "first we Neve got to. . n 'IfIllih'.Y :Ttll'Il'Il$!l';Q'II AT11'. IIT fifty years ago at this st'eeon : 1 .i11111e1•stburg Leto; 1 pattering away on the roof. slit. The wet \t rtlter lt:i; held up; '1',, 1.011114 of u, the new Canadian t' FYn111114 you gel in the car .roll drive spring work throughout the lis-. tetee. ..eie Act \v;t• jeet Another bit into the village. •This is really a trip trict, and in i.ultuy p1a •es farmers • !y,it could do without, but tliere'11 be 14111 to"distraction• tort go into town ha\t; beenThe unable to t�oulplet4. seed. ;„f le,.,isl,lti•,li, "thine; up the t:ixp:lyet•> l let ot''falnleis •iu wait. l'I1e>\'11 be sand you notice that the 1o11wel Atiou ing. . . ..,L. � .> .,I' t:tih,” said sitting on nail t,,, 1 �• L ft'r •> h l reasoning about. the t the ne\c Van poss=ibly down at 111t ;,•tra e. There'll Idoses of the rain. The fields are wait- -. tit• posy= > r, �+ " pre get•„ii.n;s t., L.t > it 1 1 be a lot of talking anti• smoking' Tht, lugs but latlire •is not letting you ,tt setback, and 11 e shat 1 \\ hitt that It y and 111411 children are, X11 i t w• •t. peel soipn ileo talk \\ ill he a cornhinatit tit gossip to .vvoi•k. •1 1 t 1 e\ iulplc't het i i tit the •Oil \\e s4. 14.0 1 .....- .... . ti =....,�.: •• -- - the ` ,r • •1 kegs it the blacksmith is gloomy. People don't even' bother Ctit strtet,„tutr uta e shop ur u1 the back of the peed store, to trot out t ei reasu t'� cold• .41. .I I 7;; t „I l l 1 , � t • . eue `e.,utlt ry mit"t eat'e .4. 4 \ i\ed that l{. 1> It{•?:, Ilt tlo- .el{\ c o\\ 11 111 1,1.1( 11 ant tltrmtl`> tlit 1)1- 111 t U„ 1„11'�er 1114 a 1• ;11111 t.;t••I1er•U supposition a ,m 11, maybe it \\•ill atop 1.1111111,, hut it' ' had it we Must 11a\ t sri o t' ; t ;tc11t{t.�. Ice r�•�rt•t -the mu1st mlp:tthttelye of sun 'spies and uf how there Gerdiner arranged the 11' `if taik pre,•ediug the p:,1 -,..sing of the ' - • \\t artier. ' • ll too being a .-'t•.4 .11 e1e1•14 Iifty r e:t •'t l,' x11:1,1„\w \\'111^11 tilt' Act, \vas • ♦ III , •.•1,.. ,, ,,,,,o,,,.: x11:11 lit eralL>' a i -.r__ are wore of thele this year than e'Ver • 70,000 toil; of surplus t'anadiali ,_.— • before. Sianehody else will have a �+l'1CV ?iI10l'fl'l�" theory about .a 114 11 spring e\`ery plottYtoes to the United Kingdom, them` "'1'hflIl: OLD t'>i fl>tifltD. st'\eu years. Mill others will blame by p)re\'Outimg a glut on the Canadian 1 •1• out icor order chauget11 Market. Across the btlyder there was ,And .114 eth place to new, a corresponding surplus .of '.spuds," i.\tlt1, sueu uD Mori, the citizens t)f Veeleriche town will view and in the absence of a _market •they I 1 111 dtu;irk that for many years were destroyed—tuns of them hurtled. I iia; been, a local pride it on the atomic hums. It wi11 all be pleasant conversation without too much scientific fact to back it up. That's 1111 right for the first rainy day. but when the second otic comes along it's entre difficult. -You' try put - Canada has an. advantage i1>, the .\ticl eloquently told the tale tering around Ile:ruing out ;t lux stall. British preference for Canadian pro -1 i)f. IIuron's countryside. Then you get the mower knife out and ,r over t out e> a ' For tett to s - loppe eurb,s— , ti c t. Y heart isn't in the s '''ting, precious• rare and old„ work. \ ou don't want 1.)) go into -the •of Agric,llture. What a crime to de- i ',thugs village lg int and \ our wife tries to ,� d 1 u alert leep•lrtment 1 Of ducts, an also in true foodstuffs when millions Of That speak of far, forgotten days find wurk for yuup The mailman s people in the world • are starving'i Will soon Itself be sold a . u a< - I Will soon itself be ot. the past, A pleasant memory. 'There has been a good deal of And nevermore' the rendezvous comment upon themigration of Can- Of 'folk like yon and me ; adiaus- to, the United State;. but I. Of folk like :'0111 and. hie, who care For ..thinks of eal�iy years - hgtri•es Just published show that `the t end hewer tire to hear rile tale movement •i; not all one way.. _From I t ►f Huron's pioneers. October, 1945, to , April 15, 1947, a period of eighteen and a -half months, The ancient order cllaugetll. 1 :iIld all things pass away : • more than 15,000 persons came _from •! t if ;u1ne' we spt�ed the going. .t he to settle. iu Canada The end' would not bili them stav : same period was 84,151, of \dhiel-t over I They go and v e - , 4 But some there are whose passing 55,000, or considerably more than one- I 1.- 1 and keen f the British Isles. From e • total immigration to Canada i'u the Most du' nut deeply touch us— r >. \ forget hrings the. new•spap('1 and you devour it. realizing of course that by doing 5(1 yo11 fill have to face a long evening without anything to read.. The third rainy day just about sends tomorrow. �„ e fellow AN is not the fault of the .pensioner the pensionsauthority lnay.make-his pen- sion -retrotletiwe to the first day of the l,ntuuth• following the luoil,tli in which applic•atioll \wlrs originally made. Pertain minor changes are also made in the residence and proof -of -age regu- lations.. ,'Lhe etfect 15 to make these regulations more flexible so as to bring os:: , r regret. certain hardship 'cases within the scope half, wag Fun rI s s i of the law • anc1, in the cave of proof - of ,age. to make greater use of stabs-. Newfoundland over 4,000 came;. from � And so today we sorvow ¢ tilttl e, toitiiion gathered pry` the Pro- t)? `';503 ; from Belgium, .932; , -1.t the approaching end >s t)? th ' Old Shoppe in Goderich' town, wince y -- As we wo111d for a friend. - - Soon will its whispering walls be dumb; certainly cannot be .said that Canada And dilute- its magic floor. 1s belheeverrun l)y-f-r1relgli-0ts-. .• , 111 w'elt'l)me 11 ill) more: r • Will welcome us no more 'the way The reported depth Of Lli)yd ns- IIe- dill in happier times. - bourne .,recalls big: stepfathtct•. , Robert But love, will keep his nteulory tG"reen, And Maybe these poor rhynl>s. • Louis `�teyeiisun, author of some of Ernest, H. A. Home (Strathroy). the beet ' ,ries evei written and �11so of chard: i g verse, and a master of NEW REGULATIONS 'English uttapproached liy any present- TO' BENEFIT PENSIONERS day' waiter; It w"115 ill 1`194 that R.L.S. • and the remaining 5,000 or 6,000 from twoscore or more other countries. It And he who smiled a welcome there • - • died Ln hie1; land Koine of Samoa, far OTTAWA. May 213.—IIundreds of front hit native Sootlrmd, and in.* the people now deprtved,of old -age pension` half-cetlttlry that 1111; since ei psed' Fieeittse they .own ,small pieces, e.f._1)ro- nothing • :lee 1,t1<11 produced to dim his pe't'ty a.re . made eligible lay new pen fame in the world of letters. Ills 51011S regulations tabled last week in the versatility w;ls immense, and' there is Commons. The changes are effective ;ts fronr May 15. somethin • ill his \writi•n:;s for young ,r :,,' protect a The new regulations al. and old. tt(y-tit-home 411• a(1.vemtilre- pensioner from hay111,, his pension re,- all e-all im• the .most charming • dueod' or cut off because- he recti iv'eS , - style. 1\, 11., mot l:uow to 'what extellit direct relief payableley• the I'ro\•imce or municipality lug which he resides. Pti.I,.S. i, read in these, bays, b1,it, we -tlasual gifts of small value and con trust that he is not beim; neglected. tributvini to the''pensioner for any # * . special care are also now pe -knitted Arthur Ford . in - his Free frees without ;iffec•ting the pension. art h :) >• 4141 -1 lie- (.,1-tiee-1F - - Birt•h.d iv said_ I'rt erttetl to -the House by Health lIiniste'r Paul -Martin; nth aw-re -gena- that -it is clitiicult for the modern erous regulations will add an estimated' geni•'i'lt'iou or anyone w'hu did not .$;5q0,000 to the -I)llluitiiom Government's ' Jive i)1 the Victorian age. to ' realize• share of old -age and laded pensiunsi The •I)onrinion pays 75. per cent. of the. t e1 and the teateratiun- for the 'old age pien!:iuJr + up .to $25 a month Quctbtl. ,A-11+4 4Victoria) represented all 11)1414 being ieeesived by 2'10,000 111('11 and that e lovely •in vwmlil;lnhuod and vworneil over seventy years of age -end ♦111oi;_'•01t -,1 and air*that was great in 7.100 blind per5t)ne ttelu45 t';inada. The the 11riti-,ii frown." This is quite other 25 per cent. is paid by the Iro- z winces, which, by reason of the regula-- true tt I,ritai11-was at the height times. will have their pension coats in- of 1-, g;,,ry.:lnd tate Queen, though not • t ro 1�ed. . - of`"�l imp,, imp;..pl)ysique,,mtlintttined a The eligible age for old -age pellsiims, seventy, is unchanged by •, the order-in- - rder-in- hatch her position a the (•ouncil containing the new regulat1(411 . - heat: L,f the I.111pirc on .whic•h the sun Also, the so -celled means test remaitis, neve? Peace prevailed through 'thuugli it is made more flexible. - mos; iter reign of ewer sixty years; - T P until now, 11 pethsioher had his . `the' vw0rt,i -111 any rate the Britt..0,1 or her pension reduced by ah annual - armuiln't 1;111111 ti) ;, per. cent. of the port ivn, of it ----seemed to be secure tl'ssesSed or market value of any real • against 1111y possible calamity, and ewe'.a property he uW1.)t d. Tints, it man own- . the Boer War in the Queen's last years ing (t hoose worth $2.000 would ,have $1ul) taken off -his pension, which.at 'seemed brit a minor disturbance. per -.most would not e;rc•oe'd :;300 or ,;$350. haps, howt>\ erg it was prophetic of the T -rider the new' regular ions. the rental -war clouds ,which began to appear in. wilily of t111' property is the guile and the Erlwardh`in decade which folloRed a distinction is drawn betwwet e house and `which burst and deluged the world 'in 1914. s It has been a different world, since, and not a happier ,one. 6 * * The recent Ontario Liberal conven- tion adr)pted a plank calling fbr the lowering of the franeliise age to eighteen years. At Ottawa the 'louse of Commons election committee re- jected a- similar proposal. its only sup- po.rter:s in the committee being the C.C.F. moinberss. The committee made an esfeeption in the ease of members of the armed forces serving in the 'last war, recommending that they he again. however. the local pension arl'th- allowed, to vote in• Federal •elehtions ority may consider net revenue as what flcenpied by . the - pensioner and not exclusively owned try hint. Where the pensioner,lives in .his own home. his pension only be reduced by an amount fairly equivalent' to what tie might reasonably be expected to pay as rent. What .is importinnt. however,' is that this' rent deduction may be 1e1111('ed-- and his pension aecrirdingly increased --by 'alI or any part of what he pep: in maintenance costo nn the hi))lse. tee •clusiwe of payments on principal on tl mortgage or agreement of sale. . • Regarding property not used exc'ln- eively, as a resid(`lnee by the pensioner, the rental revenue which the property might reasonably he ,expected to yield is deductible from , pension. here even if not twenty-one years of age. Some youths of eighteen have sanffielent knowledge of political affairs to war ,rant their e1erelse of the franchise, het this can hardly be said of the .generality is left • of the rent after "reasonable and neves ,dry" maintenance setts Have been Filet. Principal payinents on mort- gttg('5 art= again e,clude44from inainten-..1 amp. cost'. • • Another change in the rigid tions ee those Under twentiy-one, if a test retlttes to cases where a pension apt REID'S BEAUTY_ SALON Announces the • opening. on June 5th ,of thet.former VON Beauty Salon under the man- agement of Mrs. Frank Reid. With over 10 years' experi- ence, Mrs. Reid specializes. in cold waves anil all lines of beauty culture. �� Mr`s. Reid will appreciate the continued patronage of oldcustd nei`s as well as new ones. Phone 346 -22x Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada is pleased to announce t :I, Is appoints ae it,t HAROLD W. SHORE as Representative in the Goderich area v,rit h ®i'.`.'ee at North Street and Square, Goderich tili'/eiis of Godpr1Ch feel. +. • reco a 4.10 pudgy - high- • t,) unfold, ' which have Uei0 tltttillg of the stories meet <. of thee � community ,lights in the development - all 1�5 •Ow ll. \\•o111(1 be of timely interest. ICH .has a glamor .� who have (7I�I:II IDA. I,�imited, has been purity Flc)ur this e 25 `ear`, Goderich :. Goderich, take > situated in For nearly 1� in the >iistvey long r Ut et1 • v ressiV e story• retell these stories:' own 1)roi? Company" to writing its Canada opportunity o 'hen "The ps Goderich", has The Series, "This .\1r. I:. D. Brown, been prepared by the late . of Goderich and Chemist tut Purity By .18..1• had earned a of Canada. d C,oderich stock of niers. • ohs formed.. already yreputation as the home of a sparkles With the ex. -may Story of Goderich fl who The 1�ttnlop, Flour \iills Limited. like Dr. "Tiger' ' ^•Warden °f • "This. � Goderich" Will Uehitr • in personalities of men • Company's first The 'Canada literally • nett vveek livery other li('C'tl•Irit' John Galt Who' 'rho 1• . like T' this new•�pttp)(>r the ,Forests; teen of Uotjerich instalment will iiiettt _. thereafter: a new .. ). the dewelopl w'eelt • :Dry Hien, , of some t 'gaCe his hP,,lth to mer(: outer There fet);tnr,, a true recounting. ('ocieric•lt Paella. was new. l'nited Empire obeli (tooling. an w hick 11as helped to build a,.. \lest like .d F. month of l';1nadYi)n too. in' tilevery �fabrlc• of fire anchor illt� the Loyalist sect tlropi ver built the 'log trndiltti 'River and of p)atrc)rauta. . �letres,'ttll►g` important part t l r{' urn In - what i. 1�• ales) tt story 1 helerliee of'Gotlarich is .The storsrrdy artic•nittrly thein of. 1'au:l,piall Women,-; P vlrecl in•'1 - who encouraged ;incl famous Women wits i e•of these' wdt'll111 }ler b;lntls. -One . Melds' witY�i 1111- who worked in the 'door t 11l r•, lank all the dirt c sick cattle ' husband, nursed folk at night hut. t41c> men ir11(1! entertained her iruln)'• v\hcl°e a setting. by playing on the p;rancl piano, hen chase' to roost. and one hundred nearly began is now .furs tvwc'llty fire years sine(' the Goderich 1 of political understanding were possible before the' gratlt_in f of the fra nchif e', imar y more over twenty-one would fall to iDa t`haln those from, eiGhtee 1 to twenty-one who c oaald„ quedify.. fiome- plicant. has difenity proving his.eligi- hility. Formerly` such ix>rsons. iS fin- ally awarded pensions. received noth- ing for • the (delay, sometimes running into• tnontlin, nacennary for proof of age, residence or other gnnliflcation0, is now provided that if thin delay ....you and your, girl friend doing home work together, by telephone. But it doestie up the party , line —' perhaps 'when someone needs it badly. So, please - don't make it a habit . a . Cheek? - PARTY LINE COURTESY BS CAU. HING... Putting it into practice on every call you make is your best guarantee that others will do the 'ane for you. 1. Keep calls brief. 2. Space your calla. 3. Give right-of-way as to urgent calls. - Ill.se r r oa belief Purity Flour Mills are proud to publish ��� community asl)well f ories ag to thesis many)viaitois inthe Goderich they ,will be of genuine interest to the who will enjoy knowing something about •the background of "The Prettiest Town in Canada," PRESENTED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE B *PURITY FLOUR yiMILLS LIMITE NE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY ©E CANANA - 14 n [1 ,a ,