HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-05-29, Page 1• 4* **04,,I1rA. • so.," 4•14 Wr4111`•. "litil* 4111110•Vir 0",i2.444
Goderich Observes BAZBARA ANlis SCOTT
Goderich OitIg' Softball Tewi
the "Tvvent -fS
-Program Put „On Successfully tin
. -,141rhara Sim Scott, Ralph .11cCreath
l Sienal-Star iltd., <,
- at Both •Sorvioe5 on,
,, _ , • - - Rev,' eordoe'llatiewooa•Preache$, .
and $•yi., App s did net make their pre- LI:aerial, ',Out •• ,
.Aia of the New Dear Sirs, -----Our clients.. Little. Tree
Arena Filth week. Barbara Ann and her -mother Farm, Lendon, report excellent response
from „,the adS they Wave, -edit in The
Excellent sermons, MuSie of a
gundaq . •
poSed appearance in Goderia. this . • ....S—
A bit of tine we.ather sandwiehed in Sigiittl-Star and wish to express 'their
••order, and flowering plants- and SprinV
between met spells • gave Goderieh moil and by the time Ralph MeCreath•••• appreciation for ytnir co-Operationsdur-
flowers decorating- the sacred edifieo s'
decided to get away from AU the tur-
peoffie an opportunityto enjoy an inter- )1,vas able ta) get permission, from the tug their campaign, ". .
featured.. the . sixtSosinth ' anuiversm
esting .24th of May program at Agri- president of the Figure Skating .Ass _. -4
,-x• Yours very Wily, „ •
services of victoria , stieet United--; '
cultural Park. 'Though it was pre- sociation for her appearance in Gode -• ..• PLO1 MAN ADVERTISING.
pared on short - notice, the sponserS rich she was so far in the woods of London, One ,
, church on Stind.a3r, conducted by tile
wdrked to such good purpose, and met Northern Quebec She souid not be •
• ,
minister of the church, ReV. Lawrence
with such hearty cceoperation, that a reached in time It _was theiefore de- FILMS ON CHINA SHOWN '
really good. afternoon's sport was the cided to cancel the pfoposed reception. sg TO EVENING AUX,ILIARY H..Turner. -
• ReV.'"Gordon Hazlewood a Walton .
- • ,,
Outcome. It was a benefit for the • new Ralph. promises Barbara Ann will be s
was. warmly welcomed as the preaelaer
- arena ifunds and though the ever_ on hand with a- group of champion
threatening' weather and other holiday skaters when the rink is opened. . - of the day. Incleme,nt weather inter-
the . proceeds after all expenses. paid GODERICH-BAYFIELD -ROAD ' •
-hall for..the regelax 3Jay meeting, to
_ -
ei-the morning service; but the church
conditions kept dawn the attendance In -• 1 fered somewhat with the attendanCe
were over $150. -, NEEDS ATTENTION vieiV4•wo short films QL1 -China.. The
was tilled with a largt congregation
.. The "doings" began- with a parade first entitled. "How China Earns Her
i .
in the evening.- The service at Union.
from 'Victoria Park, to the. Agricultural Drawing attention to the present Living," sllowed, primitive methods of
church and the evetiing service at North •
grounds and. this, especially in con-. poor condition. of No. 21 highway be ligriculture, fishing and manufacturing
street United chureh were withdrawn, •
ation, was surprisingly good. It -seemed tweeeGoderich and Bayfield, a resolu- ,
many Chinese communities. These
which are still common practice in
so that the members might join with
the Victoria street people in the ob-
sideration of the brief time for prepar-
that nearly' every business in town tion was passed at an executive meet- were contrasted with modern methods
serva.nce of the anuiversary. -
was represented. Harry Feagan on a Mg of the Goderieh Board -of Trade turq magiinery, with stress laid on the
The subject Of Rev. Mr. Haziewood'S
handsome". sorrel" horse headed .. the ou Monday night asking the Ontario fact" that Christianity' must accompany
sermon at the morning service was
parade, followed by the Blue Water Minister of Highways to. have needed -Western innoyations in order to make
the oft -quoted fallacy, "I can: be as
.13and. In addition to a seore of decor- re -surfacing of the highway attended their applieation of the grcgitest b-enelit.
good outside the church.'" He said that •
ated autos, there Were floats represent to "as soon as possible.'" A copy of. , - s_s_
' The second .film, "For the Wounds
goodness "could nut be attained with -
Mg Goderich mtg. Co., Goderich Salt -the resahition .is to be. sent to district' of China," was particularly -attractive
out the diseipline acquired through
Co., Purity Flour Mills, •Breckenridge's members of Parliament, - the Ontario . 4 - „ , , —Signal -Star Photo.
to a group nf young women, shoWing,
church membership and the...co-61)er-
- hardware. (2), Cornish Electric, Beatty Minister 9f Travel_ and Ptiblicity, the Playing their first game of the seit-son as. a feature of the Nlay 24th prograne. at Agricultural
es, as it did, the work being dune among
talon and fellowShAs of the ChriStian
Washing Machine, Reg.. McGee (2), H. Blue Water Highway Association and Park, 'the Goderie0 girls' softball team lost to die Kincardine giiii; by •:f score of 14 to n. Standing,
children and young adults, in rehabilit-
McCreath, IN,an. Leuzon (2), Gardner the Goderkh Town Council. .- . from left to right, are: "Mae" McDonald (manager 1, G, Gaynor, tfladys-, -McLean, Ruth Thurlow, Dplore,s
ittien and education. ch,luirttishic by
the choir was effectively
Motor Sales, Antonio Fruit Store; John Tentative • arrangemeets were made Chit rette, Beryl Castle, Colin A us terberry ( assistant ,i!o.tt4•11 ), olive Da v is. Doreen lia ker, 'Joan Buechler.
Miss J. SaunderS gave a &nuprehen-
rendered under the direction of _,MisS
Pinder,- Aberhart's Garage Wes Rich- to greet a party ef United States news-
' Kneeliugr -from left to right : 'Molls- 1-lisset, -Dorethy MeVittie, Marion Freeth, Victoria Buechler,
sive report of the Hurn W.M.S. P,ges-
Mary Joyc-e Straehan, to whom Mr. •
ardson, 'Guenther Transport, Ross papermen who Will be yisiting God& Maxine Martin, •Rutlis Reid, Millie Whetstone, .Trint, jiltechler, Marilyn Culp. byterial Meeting held recently at •Ex -
Turner paid a sfiecial tribute at the
Scott, -Jack Buechler, Goderich, Planing rick on June -5th. It is decided to • , s eter. One. particular point -of interest
_evening service. Vrs. Clayton- Edward : .
Mills, 'Gordon Bannister. Worsell's furniSh each .of the -newspapermen with * -was that any surplus over, the Presby -
Was Wiest So101St and sang beautifully .
Brophey ambulance, Fred Rouse, Goderich Board of Trade,.•.a 'snap of Receive Honors ,at . G. Emerson- Elected -
the suit) part in the. anthem, "Let Moun4 .
Hardware, Curry's Taxi, Wilson's- Taxi.; a letter from the_ preSident. pf the •
terial allocation IS tp. be divided be -
the solo "Green Pastures," also taking
Tweedie's Bottling Works. There were Goderich, _a copy of :Victor Lauriston's .•
1 AT THE ' WATERFRONT .1 tw*een the •Lndia and Canada projects
of the "Building Advan-ce."
•Mrs. J. G. McDoUgall
also about • thirty saddle horses, and pamphlet, "A Century of Goderich," Hands of Viceroy - Lions...President •
• Miss Evelyn jireckow and Mrs. Mabel zios Rejoice:,
at the piano and Miss Strachan at
. four children ode attraetive ponies. and a copy of thelate "Tiger" Dunlop's „ .• , Gray.played for a violin duet, "London_g_.-
the.organ played Handel's "Largo" for
Harry 11litchell, aMenaher of the Saddle will.- . , This has been a quiet week at the
Eptlit,, Night's Meeting Addressed derry Air," accompanied by Miss Joyce
the offertory, and the choir sang the
Club, transported the younger m,embers - The Chairman- of .tha tourist bure_au, jR01. gamilton, D.F.M., aid Colin saseds.
. The only arrivats were three Breckow at the piano. • -
anthem, "I Am Aiplia- and Omega
of the Club. . . Mr. George PHs-Inger. Was authorized Hunter, M.B.E., 'at --S-arnia• ' freigmers with- cargoes for the- Gode-- -by, Vice President of '
The president conducted the -business
At. the evening service the musie
•• Owing to the heavy coodition" a the to open the. tourist information booth Investiture ' rieh -Elevator Co.: Friday—Algorail, .Liondnternational. .
session and reminded niembers thitt the
CUI1SiSted of the -anthem ."Consider and -7-,-
. was compelled to curtail its part of the Carl Manore, • secretary of the Blue ' His Ex411ency the .Goyernor-Gen-
. Sunday-- -George Hindman: 160,000 bus.•
oats, and Supqier, 77,000 bus. Wheat. uf the Goderich Lions Club at the
It. G. Emerson Was elected president
again, it the -cottage of Mrs.' Harold
ly taken .by 'Miss Evelyn _Breckow and
track after many rains, the Saddle Club .on the Square on June 15th. , . 227,000 bus.. whetit, oats itnd barley ; .1 . .
June picnic,' meeting would be held
Iteti'r Me," 'with -the solo parts pleasing-
• program. A green race. was run la two •Water ,IlighWay. Association, is to be
mr. 'Charles Breckow. . In nxcellent
heats. In the first the winners were the special speaker at the next meeting eral, Viscount Alexander of Tunis.. Pre -
night. .
The" Algerail is expected- in stgain to7 meeting on- Wednesday night. Other
- Mrs. Howard FoWler read, the- 24th
voice. Rev. I.,. II. Turner st„ing ',',13.1ess . . .-
Keith Feagan, Art Thempson, Graham 9f the Board of Trade." • . . sented the Distinguiehed.Flying Medal s officers elected are: Bert Sanderson,
Psalm -for the Script -tire- lesson before
ThiS House." • •
. Johnston ; 'second heat, A. Thompson,. •
. Jack Hamilton of Goderich at an ..- 1st vice-president ; Harold Bettger, 2nd
the rending of a poem -prayer,• "Christ
The'subject .of Mr. thizle*ood's ser
.Johnston, -G. Feagan. • INTERESTING WINDOW DISPLAY investiture held at Sarnia. on IN‘ed- vice.:presnlent ; Harry Watson, 3rd vice -
of the Indian Reitd." from she Mission-, •
men- in the evening vas "What_ Is the •
Other events were held on the grass Among the efforts in"support. of the nesday, May 28th. Thirty tormer,menit Good Progress in president ; Ed. Jessop, secretary ;' VVT. no. monthly.
, st,
Task of the Church?" -He reminded •
insftle the track.' Those taking•part in arena fund campaign one of .the-Olever- 1 berg of Canadlt's army and the Royal A. Mo.,. treasurer ; Da Ve ..i.iian,. M; al; .
Before the benediction. thirty -.mem-
thee the_ church is a fellowship with
wrekling on horseback Were Ray •Stod- est is the window display 'at Craigire's
. Canadian Air :-Force received decor- Arena' -Fund- Canvass Snider. 'I... 4. Witetston„ and •1'...}..
-bers responded to .the roll -call: Group
.1eses, ()I 1111L€(1 to do Christ's work,
dart., Elliott,Harrison, Eric Harrison, newsstand. It recalls hockey and other talons at this colorful ceremony. Those ,
. _ .. _Careys.dh•ecters; Fred Noble and Leo
2 served "refreshments..
TherefOre. the elnu•ch is a continuation
Alvin McGee, Don Sowerby, A. Thomp- sports players of 'the -Past, and one of honored W"ere received by' their Excel- -,,r,.,
men's . Organizations 'Solidly \\ di! tail twisters; Clayton Edward; .. , .
of the life of Jesus, and her task is
son and Jack Hamilton.. - ,. - ' the twist interesting features is the lencies, 'Viscount and -Lady •Alexander, • vv'U HOU tamer.
,Iferses-_,in jumping practice were rid,- pair of rollers on which Dan Wiggins after the Presentation, g • .. . Behind the Move foi Better. ,' A zone meeting preeeded -Ole regular
OF FISHING' TACKLE to e..ti,ry oll. His work, whiCh was the
redeaniption of men. The diselples-Were • . . , A
den by Alvin Mcee, Harry,. Feagan, I won the "world's",roller-skating champ- 7 I 77 / Ilf
“ aCA ...xltlIkaLLOn WaS ae(tOMPallied to ' Recreatiop Facilities ., dionel• meeting of the Club at the ! . . .
ffeb: . Fr ag-attegKeiths -Feagan,..,„BensofiSIOnShip_at. Guelph on April 21.st, .1608, '• • _.____•.• .
- . . British Excleinge Hotel, Beclause of l'• _______ • .......__•
--t the investitures.hys- his -'mother _and ,
_ . ,••..„ _ . -
tl is there were prrsent visitcas: from , Tweety_veteenns of "World -War II solo:et-119114y filled with -their ta•sk that --
- • 0
- Feagan, A. Thompsen, -Albert Bondslra i The Goderich boy—Dlily-MIts-rt
c Tijung'. father, --Mrs and Mrs. T. ---W ;site i'llilteur 'Phe sum -of -$8.9-00-, or_4$.- per _eents_of
. "s-,4til,t..41-atttell.,--13-7sels,. M4-1., -ve,4rts.;43-1.-.•.t.-.-Iiiit.-olge,..v.044•1„..•• conval.escing sit _Westminster they carried it right into the courts of _
Oke, Bud Oke, Rex_ Duekworlh, Eileen sfellow then—skated .1.6.3 snileS in ten ,ma miss Elcsabeth Gexier of Goderich. . t. Maly., gcatorth and i mo too.. Hospital, London, plan- a bit Caesar. All missionaries sent • out -by
. .... ._ ..._
„. Lamb, Graham JOhnston and •Elliett 1 hours and tired out a , 1 a , - In_the evening, the City of -Sarnia held " -
, . , . . , the $1 7,000 elth.ctive set ler overall. ,, ic oi.d..
had been attained' Ningare Falls, ' • e-. .
; 1,' ,, I of a chenge -fe• the first week in June Jesus • had the -same mission—the re- •
' - . 1 ' 11 il e ther COM ' ' ' '' • '
Harrison. • I petitors. •Tbis .window disPlay, ar" im impressive reception at Kenwick Cifi
,. general, canvass,
-,-, Kincardine Wins Softball. Game.. ' iranged --by Arnold 111c0Orinell, is well .the Lake. . ° .. , , . Wedoesday night:Phil C:trey, chairman - The special slasiker was -Walter A--'• , itlid nre• making- arrangements t4; fish demptien of men_
i.ssner.l. a meinber (if the . St. -Cath- perch at. Goderich. . Tlagy lack suitable The -chins-11s sitid the • prearler, Is
•. >
, The ladieS" softball game between ' worth seeing. ,-;°-_. , -
' ' Born and raised in Godertch, Jack of the general canvass. for funds for • ,
:trines Liens Clul). who. operates a , fishing' taelzie. however. and \Kookier if 'first to [idea. among the members 6f its -
assembling to-
tracted many spectators. Tne visitors • -APPLE- BLOSSOM IMF - -4 - . ary, 1943. The citation oi.' the aWard- . • - , .
• 4.. rhe new tuella, reported. .-:
.or. 4.".seer was one of five delegates some. This tat,kie- shtaia he left nt of redeniption, and by
- '
s . • large -farm'. near Queensten Heights.' Goderich eitizens would loan .. them fellowship by, a renewal Of the spirit
. Kincardhie ' and Goderich -clubs at- g .1 litmilton joined the R.C.A.F. in Febru-
. . •
forged ahead from the -first; but the AtiPle blossoins are "coming 'along ing of the D.F..M. reads: "-Flight Serg- - No reports have hien turned in as.
the Canadian 3,egion Haii, 610(16rieh, gether on the Sabbath. •Secandly, the
redeeming of men must be carried to
Goderich girls rallied• in the eighth fine in Huron cotinty," reports Agricul- cant .Hamilton has proved himself to be yet, from the Spechil mimes groins or f . I ions International, of which
. innings and made it eleven all. K,in- titrar Representative LeRoy G. Bi os a skilful, vigilant and reliable air gun, the industries, thO objective for each he is third vice -President,- to attend with nalla's .altd addresses of owners
et lir e scored three timesan the final "There - has beep rip damage -to them ner. Ile . has " particilsite,d ili IllitIQb€ }it *1-7,0m). sin" it -Wm aspire the- United Nittlims meeting tit isike. s„ -that ir can 1,,. retbrned to . them. those not within the ` cluirch, whieh,
These As-ler:Ms have all seen action should be the task- of every mOniber:
.. There are homes in Goderich the
innings, and the local girls -hilted to from frost, he says, opera tiona I sorties, -includingattacks some time to complete the- cztIlVass of Success; New York. While there these
speaker declared, where neither ruin -
add to • their -score, . the game ending - • agitinst Essen. Karlsrehe zeal Stuttgart.' tlaoa, two_ divisions, si, report is pot Lions . were primarily, interested ' in on world-wide Isittlefronts. , .
14 to 1 1 for the visitors. - ' PURCHASE RYAN INSURANCE in twtobef., 1 944, after a sortie against expected on them for :1. few ditys yet. the werk -of the Econonde and Social .. . -
. ..... .:
ii)stt, (...ii enc.; ra si(c'lci.o(f.r e NE: (i- et.; tc")::!lil sib. el! tt should
Hardball Doubleheader - . ' BUSINESS - Essen, his aircraft -was attecked by a
, It is peinted out that there are three Couneil of United Nadel's. From its
reperts the Lion delegates learned of". Mr. and Mrs. inlin Durst, of Con,o'rne
The baseball doubleheader—Luelthow .Carey & Cluipmase 'have. purchased; MesserSchinitt 109. Flight ,Sergeant. distinct sources of clan -ass, the ob-
oss_thire the appalling need .for to,,d, medicine, township, anhouece the engagement of the Gospel not only to these areas, but •
Vs' Ooderich Lions and Goderich the general insurance business of P. J.
•• • _ . Hamilton gave his pilot such excellent jective fta• • each. heing
clothing, etcssef people in EntOICe, as their third daughter, Byrnice Marie, to other ciaintries in, obedience to the
' Juniors vs. Louzou Flyers—drew the Ryan, elt“ ne . 1 .. „ directions that the enemy was forced. ( $17,900 ) of t he total sought. 'fhe
of -the war. He inade SAO to Mr• Ilarold William Gross,' eldest last command of Jesus: "Go ye there-
- -biggest 11 0i the afternoon. These . , to break off the attack. ..rrhis Airman's three, divisions are: 0 3-er-all senerai a results
eilica-lit,b ealblf ,itilatetiroraits,bebra.pattitz(iinogf -
:::ra.1;1.,:Ltlii111r:. 11-leodA,Irti:si(1,11ta,t,111,e (i;driot eg se
fon rill dt hte
are written up in another coluniti: • .—PERSONAL MEN ION,- counige, determinetioh amt. -devotion to- canvitss ; special names ; industries. impassioned plea for Canadians t
• Notes- of the Day- . . - . . duty have always` been Outstanding." Owing to a meeting of the Lions maize this need and to do everythi4 '
tile Son, and of the Rely GhoSt." •
Reg:McGee and Ivan Lou/on proved in June.
Mr. and Mrs,. Truman S -art of Returning to civilian life in..1945, Club Wednesday night. many can- Possikile re help.
Q tielti:i.1 ' rst;itill,etlA,1rssi ri.iTt.,11.2(.1. Sii:Iiiiiitgostit:i.(r; 20-T, it stiiii-‘st(i•y(f.li rneedits,-(t,
. to be hustlers in _organizing a parade. Port Colborne are visitin relatives Jack -Hamilton joined the staff of -the vassers were- unable to make calls. What Abnut School Teachers?, - mbie„ge;a1=1.),',u'V:.
but they drunimed up about fifty floats miss vera mcNee tied 'miss Ella Limited, Goderich, where he is ern- tho. campaign considerithly by the .end
They 14)9k, to boosting the intake on - He. deplored the trouble caused in.
Ute world to44ty by atheistie -people
Irene, to Donald..Engene Porter. -son
They didn't have much thne to do it, in town. • , Dominion Road . Machinery Company engagement of their daughter. Joyce Ilnejewo6d concluded. .
which made a fine showing. Of course, Beck of Torpnto were -week -end guests ployed as supervisor of- finished parts of the .week. . and poiuted, (int that the results of '
of Mrs: II. Ilarpers_Godericlis and. the THE 'WEATHER
everybody was in the mood to help out. with Mr. and Mrs. Frank McArthur. stpres. , . . • . A, ookuhey of subst,totha ehegnes luive their' nefa rio its prone g2t edit spread
late Earl -.Tames porter. the wedding Temperatures of the past ,week in
• I
No prizes 'were given for entries in FIL:Lt. and Mrs. Petei. Holloway -and ••• • - Major Colin Hunter, M.B.E.,- , already' beeil sents in from former. Gode- like entree'. ,threugh the body of. the
place in 'Memorial . Baptist Goderich, wifh those of the correspond-
tlie parade. • Had. there- been any- Another "Goderich bi)Y" Who witS in- rich residentS. now living in 'various ("anedian • nation, „causing„ tlintirld t„ 1,0„,
babe left on Saturday -for Montreal, ehurcle Straffprd, Jrtne- 7 at 3- o'clock., ing week. .1 .year ago, as officially re-
corded, were as follows:
1947- .
awards, it would ha been difficult to where Mr. Holloway has been stationed. vested by His EXcellency was Majors, centres. A committee hits been formed trouble. -He sound el
e- a note -of warn-
. pass over ' John Pinder:s entry—a • Mr. •am.WIrs. J. A. MeKay and fam- Colin C. Hunter,- now pf • Sarnia, sort to draft a -list of former residents to ing tlhout beliefs held by- some school
miniature arena. There were other of Mrs. Hunter and the- lete Dr. A. C. whom. letters of appeal' Will be sent In Max. Min. Max. Min.
good ones, too. 4
end with Mrs. McKay's Mother, Mrs.
ily, of Ottlfiva,'Spe,nt the holiday week -
Hunter of this town. ' Afajor Hunter the near future. . about the teachers who teach your
teachers. "How rnuch do you know . A
1-nitVd clin1T11 emigregation for the past Thurs.. May 22 ....1:9 43 70 40
Rjoley,'E,xpress: Minister of Bervie -
. . •. _
If any names are omitted from our received . the M.B.E. (Member 9f the n Mrs. 15. D. Mooney- has reported that childreer he asked. "How much do
• list of entries, let us know and We-
. e G. J. Hetherington. .
• „Mr. nnd 'Mrs. W. Straughan and, Mr. British Empire). He served for five.
. .99 per cent. of the women's. organiz- von knew alemt their personal beliefs?
continue _to _preach in this, parish de- 4itt., May 24 5s 44 75 62
spite. reli
two years, Rev. Charles I). Cox will Fri., Mily .23 65 54 74 55 ' •
will make amends next meek. ,There and Mrs. Austin Hartman motored to years with _ the Rpyal Cenadian ations in, Gode`rieh are behind -the erena Let's'''-seurt at the_beginotog end have.
resentations made to him dur, Sun., May n-5 CIO - -41— TO . 46-
• were so many it was easy to miss one Kitchener, Brantford and Niagara Engineers, in England and tni the Con- project. and are planning various func- the younger generathm lirought up
ng the pest- week. . On Sunday a group Mon...-Ma'y 26 61 41 74 45 '
tions and enertainments to raise funds right today so that they might have a ifrom Althorn attended services -in Tues., May.27 60 40 • 70 52
Falls over the week -end. t
-- s intent. . .
. • sg,,g. Mr, -0: F. Nickel of, Glendale, Cali- Mrs. Hunter .was, at Senile to see The latest women's organigations to proper chance to do things right in
Bervie and 'appreeched Mr. Cox with Wed.,sMity_28 456 40 66 - 48
MANV ATTEND RECEPTItim . fornia, gmd. Mrs. Hugh McCall of Pitts- her son's investiture. . promise co-operation are' the Central this worldg which Me don't seem to
w 10 going to that charge, -How-
.. Major Hunter is a 'brother of Lt. Home anti School Association and the be alde to do today."
eVer, after consideration Nrii. and Mrs. COUNTY . ("OA NEXT IVEEK
Mr. and Mrg. Jog.- Swaffield. J. Kenneth 'hinter of the Eseex Scot- Red Cross 'marathon, bridge and "590"
,. .Arrangements • are being meat- to a v40
Cox have signified. theleseistention sof County Court will be held next week
AT THE RECTORY burg,, Pennsylvania, are guests with
Miss jean Thompson Of Montreal and tish. who was in the Dieppe raid of committee. ;• •
In the general canvasl'to date, sums_
.• entertain Goderich's hockey players at
the first meeting in june.
. • • -remaining in Ben 11 tor the present, before His Honor Judge( ostello, .open -
all of whieh is good Itews to the dis- ing• on _Nlendey. There .is only One-
-Williath Thompson of Stayner Were AtigristS 1942.
ranging. froni one -dollar to $500 have . ,,
visitors for the hotiday with their par- filet where the Cox family enjoys most ctise on the docket, Baird v. Baird, an
ents's Mr. and Mrs. Neil Thempson, • A' FIRST -PRIZE BABY been either pledged '.or dy,en, in Tcash. HISTORICAL AD. SERIES
cordial relations. - ;Ictien from Witigham. -
At the baby shoW held. at Barrie Following' . are the m7s.t.' Collation • -BY LATE E. D. BROWN.
Messrs. Basil •IS. Kelly of London and. 7 -
last Week Katherine Rnth- Kelly's, amounts for ,domitions: $1, $2, $3, $5, . _____.. „
daughter of • Mr, and' Mrs. Arthur $10,- .$15, $20, $25, $30. '•$40, - $50,
4"PPh C. Kelly of New York - vigited
their father, Mr. J. B.. Kelly, this eek Commencing in this issuer of The Visitors from Scotland, Delighted • . .
"Joe" is remaining inotoWn for a while. K )
Meny and varied ore the experience§ advertiSements from Purity Flour ,
Signel-Star is a series of thirteen
__eeys, was awarded second prize. The $75, $100, $1 50,. $200. $500. •
daughter, of St. Catharines,visited at Goderich by Rev. :13. TI. 'Parr on her of the_ cal1Vassers soliciting eontribu- mius L
R. Wiellind and daughter are remainingies which test of historical ' .with What They Have Seen. of Canada'
- Mr. and Mrs. -E. R. Wieland and winsome young Indy was- baptized in
the we4-.1c-end at the home of Mrg„ M. fi t 0 rgIii,lyigI:itIse 11 (1(1 1 yisti t ti7les(t;1(1,:igt,ritii:.-;litl(;11:11(si.
thins for the new arena fund. TheY .1.0
..rs_ visit to this , town in March of
Ruth Curwen of Goderiele Her father for a hires. donation it is a small 'one gl
they look •
distries ,
Wielend, XacDoneld -Street. Mrs. E. this year. Her, mother is the former stnte that frequently where -
is with the R.C.A.F., in Barrie. (Coetinued bit. page 4) s,„ -One • of the hist- undertekings a
the lute E. Douglas BroWn before
She illness Minh ended in lik
dee t 0 receotly was ' 1 he prepe r-
. Mien of metprinl for these navels
tisements.• After considerable scan-
ning of old .. -hist orkiii Illannals,
. newspapers. etc., he completed the
• stories for the ndvertiseinents lo' -
fore he was confined to bed for the
last time. By n strange coincidt,nre
tlii,' tIrst of these series or Itistorical
advertisements is scheduled t9 ap-
pear 1 his week - one • week a f ter
tlint of 00 fuller:a-see if to per-
• petunte in printed form the memory
of his keen interest in the history
of Goderich and diStrieL •
These nd vert i semen 15 n re to ap-
pear. twice, each, month entil
October. :it which time three will
he run: The Inst One is entitled
"The Hive:Mill." refitting. in inter-
esting style, the birth mai develop-
ment of the Purity Flour Mifkin
Goderich. . _
Those t nt toss:tea in t he history of
Goderich wordd 'do well. to clip ent
*mid save eachdem
avrtiseent as it
.rs, since the complete series
, 'forms n feopeiee and .iiiteresthur
4.,-- history of Goderich.
. ., . ---- Signal -Star Photo, G. 14.. Dn
odingto, of Toronto,
• A gronp of girls, Members of the Goderich .girls' softball team, general 4,sales malinger of Purity
line rip hi front of oneof the floats in the Nifty 24th pnrade to let it Flour . Mills Ltd.. originnter the
be known they'are "till mit" for a new arena- in Goderich. Frew' left to . idea of these advertisements, which
right they are: June ilaechler, Molly Ilisset. Joan Baechler, 'Victoria were handled by McKim Advertis-
i ing Ltd., Torento. -.
Baechler, ,Niaxine Martin, 'Marilyn Culp, Dorothy NicVlale,
Anniversary of
Victoria Ste Church
The • Evening AuxAliary of North
strek, United church mkt, in the church
., . .
The historic rectory of St. George's
church. was the scene of a charming
social event on -Wednesday afternoon,
when Mrs. Beverley II. -Farr held, her
first recePtion since: coming to •Gode-
rich. She was assisfled in the receiv-
ing by, the rector, Rev. Mr.:Fart, and
, MIS. J. A. Graham. .
Throngs of, visitors ctilled during the
'afternoon, and. forgot Phe dreary
weather outdoers in the air of pleas-
ant hospitality which pervaded the
pretty isioms, decorated everywhere
with lovelx bouquets of spring flower's. --for a short period.
Presidents of organiiations rind the Miss Mary Gordon, LighthOuse street,
wives of ohurch officers assisted Mrshas had. as her gueSts her brotluirs,
yarn Mrs. S. -IL Prevett .hpened . the IVilliam, of Winnipeg, and A. J. of
, door and Airs. Gra ham introduced the Watrous. Sask.,. with their wives; .also
guests. Mrs. II. B. M. Tichborne 11115 31i. W. .T. Brownell, of Tempe, Florida.
the telt hestessi _in the dining -room; Mr_ mid Mrs, William Gordon are re -
011(1 during 'thee afternoon' Miss Ada Malning for n longer visit.
., Burritt, Miss Julia Lewis:Mrs, R. C. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rivers and
A Whateley and Mrs. A. P. Wilkes pom•ed famn t
ily were in over the weelp
tea nt -the• attraetively-arrabged tea. end . attending. the 'wedding of Miss
table. They were nssisted by Mts. Eleanor Patricia Rivers and Mr. • Ron -
P, F. Carey, Mrs. William Riley "and .ald Herbert Mossop held in St. George's
Miss Heleri Videnn. Mrs. Howard Niro- Fnited (torch on. Saturday.
Nee invited the guests to the dining- Recent visitors at the home of Mrs.
room; end MISS Gertrude. Wilkes; was G. J. "Ifetheringfdn, Waterloo street,
In charge of he registry in the absence were Dr. 011(1 Mrs. C. II. Mann, tit Los
- of Mrs. 0. W. Sturdy. . 'Angeles, California, end Mrs. H. ...T.
-Goodhand, of Detroit, who, with Mrs.
CARS DAMAGED - Hetherington, attended -the funeral of
—NOBODY INJURED. their brothH
er, ugh McIntosh, at
— Isicknow on Mily 22m1, .
, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Clark end three
Approxinintely $800 daniage wile children, of Kincardine. and Mr. and
caused towers owned by Leonard Over- „Mrs. Lionel Clerk • anti Beverly, of
holtand yrank. S.' Skelton In' ati fie- Galt, aceompanied spy- Mr. and Mrs.
cident on the hill north of Saltferd, Albert Ableson --and Mr. and Mrs.
hear Sky Harbor airfield, on Saturday Gordon Ableson, were visitors-mit0 Mr.
afternoon. , and Mrs. W. J. Clark and Alma on
...Leckie Carriek,. driver of the Skelton Saturday.
ear, lost 6ontrol on' a. curve, .skidded Rev. Richard Stewfirt leaves at the
broadside across the road, and crashed beginning Of the Week tO attend., the
hendom into the Overholt ear, coining PreSbyterian General Assembly at Cal'
from the opposite direction. ,,,, gory, and will spend sonfe time visiting'
Fortunntely no one was injured in relatives,- in British Columbia before
the accident, which- was investigated returning. He ' plans to be back , in
. by Provincial, Constables Wm. Gardner his pulpit in Knox Presbyterian church
and James ,Culp. , for the last Sunday in Stine.
. , ..
• '
*i A \I
Supporting the New ArenaDrive
0 0,11 SPE.CTATOR,
0, 000 (7 5 00/kr/it,
To leave Scotland one day .and arrive they decided to . tra vol id TorSiitoby
itt Goderich the next \yes the experience train, which ..1 as disappointing, its all"
of Mrs. It. Al. Tait and leer niece; INlis's arrenteoliteats had been made,for their
Betty Tait. .of Edinburgh, Scotland, arrival in (;,,derielt on Thilitsday night.
last-. week. The3. awe goe,,,As or the Tho- were met at Toronto 01141 flown
fernier's daughterMrs. .1. It. Vent's. frolli .1.1,1010 , to ;4k3 Harbor l Louis
Nrciling Goderic•11 on Priddy
and Mr. Venus, Kingstee street:
Bright' and charming, 10(111 1,tilieit CV1.11111g.
\PI."'" their afiprechition pf the Mrs. Telt piens' te remain 11 -year
imspitanty lo•corded them Goderich with her, daiightf'ls. She kept' open
peoPle and their delight ift everything heuse fon Canadian boys during the
x•%:(1- and \N-Onid entertain as many as
lsthey had seen in Camida. ,
'White bread is n novelty -•to themfor lifteensat a time_ -"tier house, with all
they said there hod been none in Scot- the. himps'ocks piled en the stairs, re-
late] sinee 4-11e beginning of the War. seltilded abarracks,- her son-ip-law, a
Britain- is still fully rationed, even freqiieril iSitOr interjected. She
lame so 1 11:1 11 t wer. The served ;Is an nil -raid warden. Another
ration per. weels for.- each person bit da twitter. M a rga rot, is keeping house.
•Twenty-six ceets)_ worth, of 'neat : half- for her father. a Iii•st World War
a -pound of situr'. two entrees of lard; veteran. who lost a. leg In that conflict:
a 'quarter -potted of _batter Raul a half-, Miss 10') 13 Tait plans to stay hi
pouud of margerine. It iit very dif- Caniola for three Months, and _will visit
ticult t 4'; get clothing. Seven „coupons „friends jn Vancouver and -Montee,al,
:ire required for a pair of shoes; anttb, She is n, seasoned traveller, having
people have to:Aland in queues to sehire visited b'eth Frence and Germany. she
lone hundredweight of eon!, which has, served in 1114- Voluntnry Aid t.)ivision
te lest for three months. (hiring. the Mitt%
Their Trlii to. Canada Iteminder -of 1ddie Castiedine
Mrs. "I'eit end her niece left Prest- They, showed the Signal-Star'reporter
w•iek. Scot i , by trnns hint le plane a' phonographrecord which they
last Thur. -40-1"Y at 4.15 a.m.. for Gander, brought to a friend • in Goderich from
Newforindland. "It was a lovely cross- Eddie Castledine, who was a member
lug: we never felt the motion of ?the of Knox I'resbyterian church • choir'
'plane.' Mrs. Tait said. • After - a stop- while serving With the II.A.P. at Rt
over of an limit and a -half -at (lender, Albeit, airport. His friends will be
they had a `rmigh trip by air to La pleased to knaw that on it nre.reeord-
Guardia airfield.ew York, and missed ings of two solos, "rho Road to
their plane vonnection. Vnable tp Isles" and "Passing By," no sung by''
geenrea reervations. befok4e 'Sunday, Mr. Castledlint