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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-05-22, Page 6
PAGE Six `day ,. , . y:a ., . rFJl1'•' 11.,,A 1 i .114.11'•.. ":'O^r vale* Nry„ .7 p,• $0**111 1�> 0 FIND OUR BANK IN THIS FARM PICTURE,.. HE fine livestock. -you see on this farm have °`been built up through the banking services and - helpful financing of The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Your too, may need to purchase foundation live- stock for the development of your - farm or ranch. Improvement Loans for:— Other Farm imp and Equipment Purchasing `Fcarrit Machitaery or Repairing Buildings • Constructing • .Modernizing Farm Homes • Improving - Fencing and Drainage • installing Electric Power and Breaking ming Land for Far • • Clearing a investigate the Many advantages you have under the Farm Improv'em'ent Loan plan. Conne in and discuss your financial needs with our -local Manager. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE GODERICH BRANCH -W. A. HAY, Manager i 113-47 THE L. Al BROWN HURON ACV', RBPEX$ENTATI'9E - Le$tuy- U. Brown, Clinton, has re- ceived tN aril of his anppointant*I na agri- cultul;al, represent utile for 0 Huron cowity, effective from Maty 1st. Ile re- places F. K. 14. Alit a rt, w lei 'WS bet u ill ler S.4'ULe 11111e and, who since Fe'brti- .try of this year has been "with The economics ,department of the t).A.I ., Guelph. - ° . Mr. liruwu has been acting agric•til- tural represeutativ&. in 11urun since ..i:pril :t), i 346. ' 11t lanae to Huron from t)ntal'la! county. where he w'.a7 acsistatut agriculturall representative. tin gradhlating from the O.S.C. in 1142 he was 'aSsisla11t,agricultural represent- ative In \liddtesex and also Grey t;otillty during *the st11n111er months, later going !into the R.t'.A.1\ I ll Mr.R',ruw•zz statte.'111,r t the help situ- alt:O11 ULl llul'oll, COMA ty farnls la lint at all good auytl that the' call from i!!!!!lcoinkuerce fur manpower' is slaking the asit�uaitioli worse. 'Weather conditions .altiu have been unfavorable. Ontario is 1 being called upon to produce inure than ever this year, but the backward weather, said Mr. Brown, is producing conditions that Way not even' promise normal yields;. ' MANY CHANGES LIKELY IN UNITED CHURCH PASTORS `l'rospects are for a large number 'Of Changes in United Church pastorates of this i -aunty at the June Conference. Rev. Harold Snell of Auburn hats re- ceived a call to James street church, 1•:seter, whose minister, Rev. A. B. Irwin, is going to Sarnia. lieu.' W. J. Rogers of Dungannon ha been invited to Blyth, Rev. G. 11. Dunlop- of Bel - grave has accepted a calla to Bul•gess- ville, and Rei'. U. E. ('ronhielm of the Beuniiller-Nile charge- will go to 'Wroxeter. All proposed chatuges are subject to the approval of the Conference. • EXPECT PATTING ON HURON -BRUCE BOUNDARY -The Councils of Ashfield and Huron 1`uwlts,hips have heed - conferring hi connection with ."1.1e , proposed hard- surfaycing of the rad from -Amberley to the like. an approximate two-mile s11(101 of boundary road -between the two municipalities. "The two municipal boards. wily ,meet shortly to discuss the matter further. Upkeep of this- reilcl °1111s been shared by the two municipalities. and the 11i( T•" it r of paving it 1011.s come to the fr re since the I'rovinciall I)epartnieitt of. 1IighIv:1p: announced it.. intention to pea -"'e highway Ste* • froze .-\inberley to 1.:lmii- t. No. `ti, has its terminal sit Anilerley, and, while it "is not .official. it is regarded as quite possible that hard 'surfacing' of this highway might be.cuin l.wncecl this year and probably at the A7mberley end 9f the road. Huron (':Iulcitlis` sire c101)ti tield kinginto the11feasibil- ity Of completing the sire, -ch to the ..feit- of -.tl e_-1 rise hill iv11ei1 such a).1 op- portunity offers. .- Myth ]salving a1 public ,meeting to collsider.the proposed of a tater system i to serve the �_illag0. RICH SIGNAL-STA BAYFIBLD PQ XiWS RR -®Courtesy Clinton 7 News -Record. J. E., HOVEY w ho`"htls received ofileitll notice of his appointment to the position of Post- master at Bayfield. lie is the third son of Mrs. L. C.. Harrison, Lucan, and the late Rev. Frank Hovey, Burling- ton. 'He attended school ` at Clinton and I.ueahi. For almost five years he was. in the R.C.A.F, ' InApril, 1146, he took over the general store business tit Bayfield, from I.a W. Stephenson. On May 13 he took charge of the post - office and has moved it to the north sidle of his store, Miss Berthena Sturgeon, who has been postofiice clerk for the •past three and a -half years, continues as assistant. ” TAYLOR'S CORNER TAYLOR'S (`ORNER; May 20.—The sy'ulpaithy of t11is eomumnmity, goes mit to Mr. John Whitson and' family •in thein. sad bereavement. Mrs. Watson will be sadly missed by a .large circle of friends and neighbors. Mrs. C. Sturdy and Airs. G. Ginn attended the district. annual sleeting of the Woolen's Institute, held at Blyth on Tuesday of this week. Miss Audrey (=inn lmis accep ed a position as stenographer of Hie Child- ren.s Aid Sotiety'lil Goderich. `1lon oke left on Sunday for Toronto, where lie will take •t t)Iree • nyc)uths' course at 11 tec•hilical school.. • INTERESTING ANNOUNCEMENT An-imtrre.tiug engagement just' an- nliunced by Capt. Colin I). Headlee„ and Irs:- IIealiilee of Washing- ton. D.C.. and K`entieloinkport. Maine, is ,halt of their d itighter, 'Elsie Galt, -to 1Jr. \1'endell fierce Sargent, son of 'Irs. Sargent a11c1 the late qwqrd I 1111 )lrirent of Lox iii.gt on. 'Mass., and Ketuwhllllk Beach. 1f is.-Heatdlee, who is 111 her senior year at Tufts College, Boston. Is it granddaughter of Mrs. GGatit and' the late John Galt of- Gode- rich, X11'. Sargent gent is at. graduate of Goy er1Ti'0r I )nmuller Academy, and sc'rvei[ as at lieutenant in the 'United States Arnay .lir Collis Mitring -the -war. t TH THE I ONOMICALTO OPERATE •{••.Yid MrrWf :�! r.. rr.OSUMI .r r r r %rrplril!f'Ylf r,• rrrf''✓rtii'ff 1• , J ror 'r"f{ it v r rr �if r r rr.�•l° r - lrr • rr rl r rr... f%Yr sY> sem- r 04 • rN.,•Wi//A,^fi!/%• �jf /f 'ion/rr• r�hc .::G....:�irf.;✓G! I1..+rr�'.:�:."''+Y'"�l'-• ouch. d Prices:, inotas% Det3vero Windsor � e�t4 9� 1114.9O Bow+• aysl. Talon �1 (�,mlOs 00d rociou 104At ;i cttr the glysltaeiis petexe deape qhdY. eaoo�1 ©aLc ••.•r rs .l err rr _ry•.ra tr:�: is },' 'r � rl f '•l«• +�.�fC'"^r�`}f r •:. THE NEW . PLYMOUT is the greatest Plymouth ever built by ' Chrysler—andstill priced with the lowest 1 For the lowest -price three -passenger Coupe built in Canada tod'a, check Plymouth. But LOW ,.PRICE • is not the only outstanding feature. The beautifulnewPlymouth gift'() g,+ives-y ifong'Lifei`iaL©w `(•7'P� eP_- Costs! Precision manufacturing; super -finished cpankehaft and - camshaft bearings; full -pressure lubrication; full-length water jackets and other famous Chrysler Engineering Advancements make Plymouth an economical,car to own and operate, LOOK AT THESE GREAT FEATURES OF THE NEW, PLYMOUTH Sofoty-R1rt" 1Whoels to roduco tiro -failure haacards • Sofoty At1•Stoei tlody • Eaay, Shock -Proof Steoring • Safety -Styled ConcealedRusantng boards • Now Sofoty-STonal Speedometer • Safo-Vision Windshield • New Freed -end -Sway Eliminator • PLUS: Patented Melillo Power Engine Mountings • New Quieter Starter with handy button an dash • Hotchkiss Drive • Now Body Guard Bumper • New Liohtweight Atuminun Pistons • New Rusfproofing o Sctoh1iftcally Balanced Ride, • Phone 755 W. to MILLS MOTOR SALES. St. David -s St. i1 t 41), '01r .' 'rr; . *P' .dfl ►d"uap:.+•a« �t'r +wa�*i " .fit: ,+ •44.30-• , w, airoic.c 1.`.4,441•4•01,111110,7X-4.0 ,. pD4Y, TAX 2.9.11d; -11.0i7 • AUBURN AI°1IlTi, Ifl2�', May 9.. ---Rev. H. J. Snell, who ,Ilan been pattor of Auburn. West, field and Donnybrook United, chlarches Iv' the past four years, haat' received and accent&'d a call to 'James street 'United church, Exeter. - Mrs. lj;e1 iiiier, Huron County librar- ian, will make an' exchange of. boot;: on Monday, June 2nd. The local lib- rarian, Miss M. King, would like all Camay books returned by May gist. ' Misslella • McDonald of Toronto visited Misty S. Blair and Mr. and Mrs, John' Houston last week. • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Manning of Lyndon were recent ylsitors. WW1. Mr. and Mrs, Herb, Mogridge. Mesgs. A. J. Ferguson, J. W. Medd, Arthur and Victor Yungblut were Visitors at London last Friday. Misses Margaret .and Annie Weir, -who„;spent the winter with their bro- ther, Dr, B. C. Weir, returned to their home in 13trathroy on Thursday, • Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Munro of Orange- ville visited -last- week with Mr. and Mrs, R. D. Munfo. . Mrs. - Thos. Doyle, who spent the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Hairy Anderson, Lucknow, has returned home, Mrs.' W,, T: "Robison, who was nurs- ing her sister at •Fergus, has returned home. Mrs. Melvon.'Jeweil of Goderich is visiting fairs. C. A. Lowson and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Phillips. (.cite a number from here attended the Women's Institute district annual meeting at Blyth on Tuesday. Dr. B. C. Weir, Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Lawson and Mr. and 'Mrs. Olivers Anderson and William spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. MacKay, Bright's Grove. Born.—At Clinton General Ilospital, on Tuesday, May„20th, td Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Snell, a son. • - (CARLOW CARLOW. May 21.—Mrd and Mrs. Percy Myfiride and -Dennis spent Sun- day, at Llindesboro. - _ Miss Louisa Maledel is staying with. Mr. and Mrs. Aldip Allin, Mrs. -IM. Stlnythe Was taken to the' Goderich hospital on Sunday. '«'e are v glad to report she is doing -as well a. ---can be expected'. Mr. and Mrs. Houston of Bayfield visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Allin, Mrs. Cory, of Auburn is spending a tow days with her mother, Mrs. R. I�eatii, - Mrs. D. Bean and Beril•ice visited with. Mrs, Melville of Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Robt., Wilson and -Sheila' returned to their `home alt Cochrane :after spending the past Week with Mrs. A. Wilson, and others. Mr, and' Mrs.. A. Stoll and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stoll and baby,l'of Goderieh, spent Sundity with Mr:i,,..iwd Airs. Fordyce ('lark. . - • There w•a. agood attendance for the Federation pictures on Friday even- ing and the pictures w"tre. well -worth conning to see. The -.next showing will be on -June (, €Ind- we hope- the- hall will be filled, 1 A[fflgJA[AtI[D qNseinctitee . ecuet y PLUS POWERFUL PERFORMANCE GIVES YOU BOTH QUALITY AND; VALUE YOU'LL ADMIRE -this distitictive streamlined Plastic Cabinet. (Either 'Tvory or Mahogany firiish). YOU'LL LIKE the wide, easy to tune, illuminated dial with slide rule pointer. - YOU'LL BE DELIGHTED with the wondrous depth of tone, afforded by the Bass Compensation and Beam Power Output feature. ` . YOU'LL APPRECIATE the exclusive , Admiral, "Aero - scope which increases "pick-up" power without aerial or ground connections. , But to fully appreciate these latest features and extra value, we urge you to come in and make a test for' yourself. ,You'll be thrilled • with its performance. COMPLETE FOR ONLY $42112 (IVORY. $43.951) • JUST. OUT! Now 0•noks• Walnut • Cabbies, Mannino Tony, $.54.95.- ' . • —BUDGET TERMS CAN RE ARRANGED— Beevers Auto and Bicycle Supply Y PHONE 295 WEST STREET The task of democratic government is Service to tjie 'minim race begin.:» not to govern but to inspire people -to with performance - of 0111• duties as govern themselves, ' citizens. gets the BES1YM° 41 ONTARIO GREAT LAKES AREA Greyhound's best to see ..the West GREAT SMOKIES FOn's'begun along the Countryside New thrills in A'merica's largest National Park And Gets So Much More Got of it.. by For a fun -filled, carefree vacation this year: First, 90 early. Start in ftiiay for first choice accommodations . , . and- to see Canada and America at their springtime best. Second, go Greyhound. Comfortable coaches on convenient sc,jiedules.gar direct to all playground(. Fares remain amazingly low, for example: , SINGLE FARES FROM GODERICH TO: S;'1RNIA $2.60 I11ETRO1P $1.10 'CHATHAM $3.40 WIARTON $2.75 WINDSOR' $4.75 TORI RMORY $t g@ All Fares sub,jeet to Government Tax For a more pleasant vacation trip - - go Greyhound • BUS DEPOT British Exchange Hotel, Goderich PHONE 691 WI rN Fares do not include tax. y it it 1 ;1