HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-05-15, Page 5tiP THURSDAY, ibti ' 16th, •111117 THEFT! MOTHSi Q SIMMER HEAT! DUi 4 ' INSURE AGAINST THESE HAZARDS Store urs with the y Fashion Shoppe • PHONE 590 FOR INFORMATION Healthful Enjoyment Is Money's Best Employment. SUPPORT THE NEW ARENA 6 -- THE GOI ERICH SIGNAL.STAR Vi> niga a oto >t itel e>ner, Ur. Carl l n- nigan of Niagara Valls, Dia'. u4 'a. Johnt Fin .(,igan wad foal ilY, Oth con-, cession of West Wawanosh, Mr. a 111 Mrs. Roy, °ixnnlga>a o> Aubdrn and Mrs. (Hive Culbert of Q>iodericb. Mrs. 11,tJ. Duni ; (, was hostess at her home oil Friday after116ofor St. Paul's Anglican Guild. Mrt,. Lorne livers' presided. Miss Ellen Durninn read the 40th *Psalm. Mrs. Durnin read an article, :"The Laborer's Prayer." Mrs. Chas. Fowler replaces Mrs..,]Uav id Cowan as secretary: Mr. Samuel Roach, who was ill with pneumonia at the home of his daugh- ter, Mrs. G. C. Treleaven, is much iiah- pr fed. ' Misses Bertha arf P;atlline Jones of London, spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones. pjrr. Godfrey Hall is confined to bed' With •"flu" and is under the 'doctor's care, but' is is expected he will soon be around again. Mr. Hall, who is 'pill his ninetieth year, is rather frail in appearance, but was feeling'quite -well until contracting this cold. Miss Ellen Maize of London spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. liarey,Maize, 4th concession of Ashfield. Guests and Gifts at Alexandra CHURCH NOTES Mr; A. W. Anderton, late of Wing- • ham, on Sunday last assumedthe duties of organist and choirmaster of St. George's 't'lnfrch, succeeding ,,M114s. E. Jessop„ who had ably filled the position for some time. Throughout the .summer months the Union congregation. of Goderich town- ship, associated with Vietoria street United church, will worship at the morning of 9.45 . r . , - Sunday, May �,>(lll, will be observed as the sixty-ninth anniversary of. the founding of Victoria" street T; nited 1 the week olid win' her> sisters, Misses c•hurCli and its pulpit will be occupied by Rev. R. Gordon Hazlewood, B.A., Rebina and Nettie Sproul, B.D., minister of Walton •United church. Mr, and Mrs: Abner Morris returned • last week after a visit with their son,- hour - 11.111. j1ospitaI Day Celebrated by Annual Birthday, Party ` „ .--mos.'-+«• The nurses" residence of Alexandra Hospital never looked more attractive than it did on Monday afternoon when tine Women's hospital .Auxiliary enter tained at the annual Birthday party in observance of Hospital Day. . profusion of daffodils brought !roes' Mrs. Fred lei aftel s fa , - Tattraet1vely arranged by Miss Claire Rey.nolds and Mrs. D. E. Campbell, added brightness to the pretty rooms. The tea table was centred with lighted tapers and a silver bowl of yellow and phrple flowers, the hospital. colors. The many guests were received by the president, Mrs. D.• E. Calupbell, assisted by the past president,' Mrs. F. R. Redditt. Mrs. E. W. Carrie, honorary Member -of. the Ontario .Hos- pital Association, and Mrs. "!A. F. Sturdy, of the Hospital Boai"c, , poured tea and were assisted by Mrs. George Stokes, Mrs. Frank MacArthur, Mrs. E. ;McLaughlin, Mrs. C. F. Ohapifan and Miss Etta Saults. The gifts, which were numerous and most acceptable, were received by Mrs. A. D. McLean and Miss A. Burritt. DUNGANNON DL'NGANNON, 114 1 -I. --Mrs, J. G. visiting with friends id 1-111iebc1. Montgomery and Mrs. I3. Benniger at- ('oilgratulatfolis are due little seven - tended the funeral of a friend, Mrs. R year-old Ann MacKay, daughter of 11r. and loy ll Kay, • up(ru her suc- Satil Green, of Ripley, on Tuesday. (•e,;y 115ia soloist sit the 1'i to i1 of Miss Clara Sproul of Stratford spent Music last week. - - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Millen are this -week moving back. to their home 111 the 12th concession. `rliey hate SIAXt AS IFIELD ASIIFIELI), May 1 -1.4 -Mrs. Ronald MacKinnon of Parkhill has been visit ing at the home of her sisters, Mrs. Duncan M(u•Lltyre and Mrs. T. J. Liuu11111. • Mi. Albert Thain of Toronto Ila- b((lt (GO RI6,11 4AR'k d '+'WAYP4 Construction has began ou two °bull leg .projects on West street, further enhancing the importance of "the Broadway of'.fodericb',"at a business avenue. The building formerly oc- cupied for many years by the late '3r• Malcolm Niebolson,as dental office and dwelling has been torn down, and in its place Graham Inglis is erecting an automobile service station. At the eorner. on, the same side of the street, a lnfich room is bate built for Fred 'bittinfham. There is now. not an exelusivily residential building in the first block of West 'street from the Sontre. on either side of the street. When these.. two new buildings are ,occupied this street, in the one block from ,tile quare to Waterloo street, will have the following several .busi- nesses : Bank. restaurant. furniture store. music store. two pressing and, cleaning estahlisiinents, electrical store., two barber shuns. two hardware stores. movie theatre. nnstofiice, two I inneb liars. automobile serytce station. heniity shun.- taxi nffiee. railway ticket office, furniture and undertaking, pollee (fhce, two insurance offices. newspaper Ake, auditor* brokers' °thee. doctor's office, employment ofliee, bakery, bowl- ing alleys, child's clothing store- dentist's,ofce. thirty-two. if we haven't omitted any. RECEIVES COMMERCIAL LICENSE Mr. Kenneth Morris, Benmiller. HarborIncreased activity'at Sky Mr. and firs.- Jas. McWhinney and daughter Mtirjorie, of Goderich, spent Sunday with Mrs. WillShields. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Will. and Mrs. A. 13. Pentland of Toronto -spent the week -end with Mr. and 'Mrs. Wil- fred Pentland and other relatives, Mrs. I), F. Johnston,Afvpshawa, and Miss _Doris Weed,. of Loddon, -spent -the week -end with Mrs. Melvin Reed. Mr: and. Mrs. Laverne Pentland and family, of Detroit, were week -end visitors with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boyle have moved to the new home which they have pur- ginning of the week by TA'. A. plane, for chased, the former Pollard fame, 4th D'ictoria, B,C,, where she- will visit concession of `Neat WaS'anosh, with her daughter,Mrs, Teel. Linnen. -Visitors' with Mr, and Mrs. Richard 1 Finnigan on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, 'Wm. Finnigan of Goderich, Miss Hilda - Toronto, -were week -end guests of Mrs. Joseph E. `Vhitely, - _ • Miss Rose Aitken is attending the Meeting . of the Ontario Library As- sociation being held- at the O.A.C., Guelph. on Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs.Alex. Sinclair of Eston,- Sask., visited the past week with her sister, Mrs. W. II. Jewell, Trafalgar street. At present she is visiting with her brother. -Wei. Glen, and fatmily, Huron ly oad, It is thirty-three years .since - she had visited- here. - • Recent guests with 'Mrs. L. 13. Cronk, tighthwuse street, ' were her sister, Miss Eva Aikin of Dresden, her daugh- looked for in_ the near future as a result of the airport being granted a commercial license. TODAY IS.PAYS TO COUNT THE COST For instance:-`- A nstance:A one and a half ounce bottle of Vanilla contains 12 tea- spoonful. If .a .recipe• calls for a teaspoonful to each cake you can flavor 12 cakes. Therefore, if the bottle costs 23e .to 25e it will cost you 2 cents to• flavor each cake. On the other hand,'a one ounce bottle d LOVES VANILLEX contains•'8 teaspoonfuls but it is of such strength that only 1/3 of a teaspoonful is required for each cake. Therefore you can flavor 24, .cakes for r 19 cents or only, 94 of a cent' for each cake: ' For the past twenty-five years LOVES VANILLEX has enjoyed the reputation of being one •of the finest Vanilla flavors on the market. A former chemist for the Iluyler Candy Company of New York says, "In my forty years experience I have never tasted a better Vanilla flavor than- Loves." , A Toronto woman says: "I find your Flavors actually stronger than you guarantee." A Western 'Ontario woman writes: "Yours is the - best .Vanilla flavor I have ever ,used." Mrs. K.L.T. -of Cartwright says "This was a- very ordinary cake until I 'started using Loves Vanaillex, but sine glen it has' becotne a• favourite." Mrs. J.C.K. of Toronto writes:"There is nothing on the market today which can compare w h your flavors for quality and value. • 19 CENTS ,AT YOUR -;HROCERS. IF BY MAIL, SIX 19 CENT BOTTLES FOR 99 CENTS, PLUS 10 CENTS FOR POSTAGE. LOVE -THE FLAVOR MAN 62-68 Lombard St., Toronto 1, Ont. PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. _sI, Trumper and„ daughter, of Kitchener, enjoyetl'the week -enol with Mr. and llrs. ,,F1 1)r•illktwalter, <11r. and Mrs. Lorne Drinkwalter of Lti,chrille, 'inch.. were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. E..Drink- walter, Victoria street. Mr. E. Drink- _walter.returned to RicI1ville.With them for a short visit. Miss Jean Lawson hasreturned home from an extended visit with- her sister; Mrs. R. F. Allen, and family at Detroit. Mrs.' Angus -McDonald left 11t the be - Mrs. E. A. Cranston of 1Vatwanosh Was a week -end guest with 'Mrs. H. Phillips,, East street.. Mr. and Mr,:. Ernest B. Chilcott, of - ti'r. :hiss Leolla ('rook of Detroit, and 11rs. Stuart Tassi(', of Dresden. Sandra 1I r, and Mrs. Doll 1'pllier :111(1 were Sunday guests of 1I r. and Mrs. Don Rutherford. Ingersoll. Misses Betty Fuller and 'Theresa O'Brien of Lundell were week end guest, Lawn Mower Service Bring your Lawn• Mower in now for sharpening and overhauling. Newest type of equipment used. KEN ALLIN COR. VICTORIA & BROCK ST. PHONE 594J .41111111111111111111111111111111.111111.11111111111.111116. with .lir. and 1lrs, Reg. Fuller, 1 Goderich township, Dr. Wesley Harrison, 1111(1 soil, Bud, of Detroit, visited the 111dy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ilowrie, Lighthouse street, over the week -end. 1lrs. 1I. Ames and son-ill-li1-W. lir, Percy, Elliott of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., visited relatives in town recently and on their return home were accom- panied by Mrs: L. Grummett for a Visit. Mr. O. W. Sturdy. 'who has ,been i11 for two weeps with a heart attack, was taken to Alexandra Hospital on, Tuesday. Mrs. F. Salkeld .has returned ,.to town from L-ondon ,where -she spent the winter. •Mr. Jac)onaldspn returned to town last week after spending the .winter in 'Florida. - - ring This rs the event many have been waiting for. Y ouL. chairs of tailored or dressmaker styles in 4 ght or dark shades at dollars less thai regular prices. Sixes are from 12 to size 42. GR QIIP 1 -Suits in dressmaker styles, plain shades and si ll ghee ;*:, sizes 32 to 1$. CLEARR'I-I PRIDE --x}.4.9 GROUP 2 ----Suits and ,a few Shortie Coats. GRAND VALI --$1.94' 10 GROUP 3-A choice group of suits, sizes 1.2'4 to 2(�i . the season's smartest styles. , ' SAVE DOLLARS AT $24.50 BOYS' SPRING COAT SETS= -Sizes flare fro s' 4 to .6E. Smart styles in • wool cloths. • Reg. $8.95 SALE PRICE►,. $5.95 Shop Early • No Exchanges . - No Refun r..y r ,Store GE -O.. W. StHAEFER �a 'PHONE 56 Healthful Enjoyment Is Money's Best Employment. Support the Arena IN MEMORIAM GACLEY.-In loving memory 'of my 1 dear father. Thomas I:. Gallley, who s died May 6th, 19y34. Thirteen -years have passed s nee that sad day ,When theone I loved was called* away. God took him home: it was His will, .But in my heart he liveth still. -Sadly missed by daughter, Hazel. 20x • • NOTICE T NOTICE TO CR ^T�kP notice th Maims against t mast file t)x' 'fie with MP on nr before the twentieth day of May: 1947. otherwise :th(s estate will he§ divided amongst the 'heirs and no claim can be, mnrif by a creditor thereafter. bated this 26th day of April. A.P. 1947. T,OFTTTS lr, D.kNIT.Y. Solicitor for the Adninistr,atrix. ( 1S-20- O CI ii OTi'ORS EDITORS at all persons having he estn to " of Alberta Harrison widow, of Saltford. Ontario. BORN ' - BEAN. --=At Alexandra Hospital, (ode - rich, on May y 12th, 1947. fo Mr. and Mr4. ' Ivan Bean; Auburn, a-• son. Gary Clare. - • I.EI)DY. -• At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on May 13th, '1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Leddy, R.R. 2, Auburn, a daughter, Margaret Kath- • �TOTIC1 TO a'RFTiITORS AND leen, 1 • .4.4fiTTIETIS 1fIDDT,ETON.-At Alexandra Hospit In the F.stn„te of- tichnrrl Melt -on Teurell. • al. Goderich, ear° -May 7th, 1947, to ''deceased. Mr: and Mrs, .Bert Micldletop, St. �T,T; PARTIES s inimin"- ne-nipGt (-Mc (liarys, a daughter, Teftnifer. - • notate ft re rennired- to forwird nar- • MORGAN. -At Alexandra Hospital, ticulnrc of tl pir .pin•im +n (he eosinr- • ,briefs i The Goderich Saddle Club will hold a meeting in the Town Hall on Friday. May 14th, at 8 p',m. - Nervous, rundown an need -VIGO•RINE-the "pep" .tonic, for new vitality. 15 -day treatfnent $1.40• Att Emerson's toutag Store. -18-22 North street evening Auxiliary will, hold heir regular meeting on Monday, . May 19th, in the church hall. A; mis- siofiiTry movie will be shown andre- freshmerlts will he served. • •-2p , Plan to enjoy a pleasant afternoon at the' tea and bazaar to be held in North street church hall o''n Saturday, May 17, from 2 to 5, under the auspices of the Y.P.U. and C.G.I.T. The W.C.T.V• meets at the home of Mrs. Edward C, rigg, Wellington street, on Tuesday, May 20th, at 8 p.m. - Hygienic' supplies (rubber goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed en- velope with price list. - Six samples 25c1 24 samples $1.00. Mail- Order Dept: -7-53, 'NOV-RUBBER \CO., Bor 91, Hamilton, -Ont. ANNOCNCEML>*itI' • Gnderieh: on May. Sth, 1947, to Mr. civ-nrrl by 1.1tnv 2nt11 194'/ after which A:\'NOL'NC1::MENT. and Mrs. Joseph Horgan, Goderich. , (i'n+n the nctatPwilt h . rlictrihl,tPci. _ -__� • a -sur , William James. • rn ,Ni'3'riONNFT,T,Y. GnciPrieli DIED Snliritnr•nr the F,ctsitP. -1R-26 CAMPBELL, I,n Goderich,, On ° day, May 13th. 1947. James Henry Campbell. of West.W'awanosh town.- - ship, 111 his 65th • year•. • \Tr Reverly Farr will 1.9 at home fit St• Goorre's roetory nn"Wprinps.riny. Mnv 2Sth. frim 2:20 until (1 o'clock. T. Gower ,has purchased the Shear- down" blacksmith shop on Hamilton street and will carry. on blacksmith bsniness. furniture repaving, cabinet . work and saw filing. 20x 01101.110 Campaign to Raise .Funds for Goderich's New ay 26th Artificial Ice Arena to Be Launched HEALTHFUL ENJOYMENT IS MONEY'S BEST EMPLOYMENT --SUPPORT THE ARENA .• P1aii for New Arena " No definite time is stated to start -construction. Site will be chosen to shit majority pf citizens. * Funds iaised will be kept in trust until all arrangements made. If delayed, construction costs will ,probably be - lower. An arena is needed, not too elaborate but one that 'will insure the youth of today and tomorrow a clean, health- ful centre of recreation. ,- Message from Conn Smythe To TIII: ('1.'l'I'/.ENSL(11' (:OI)l;lt,1CII Today" more than itt any time in (lii118da'ti history, it is necessary for every one of ns .to do all we can as an -individual and, at tire same time. he ,p1(' 111 c(1 to work as a (0lmnllnity. if we are to keep otir conlatr'y great. e. 1' • Canada's national game of hoc -key-- displays the -eharas'ter•- l' _• iatles. for which ('stnadi-a11s are f11nams all ou er the World. Speed, quick thinking, courage, brilliance as an ingividual, and the ability to ('Umbo ,fig 1a team. All these and .more are tiltight to, lift young people who play hockey. To those who enjoy watching the game, the example set by these young men is an incentive t� carry on to greater heights, both in their own private affairs and in community pl'njeett. Goderich by' making' good citizens will continue to do its share in }keeping Canada a great, country. • "Goderich being, one of the finest towns in Canada, the need for an arenii is obvious: CONN SMY111B Managing Director, Maple Leaf Gardens, , Toronto, Ont. ti Photo by Courtesy of I.ondpn Free Press The above photo of the interior of the ne wly-constructed ,Waterloo Arena • gives an idea of the proposed new Goderich Arena. 440401110 To Put the Campaign Over the Top Every- one in the Community Must Open Their Hearts and Their Purses. , 11 - A list of3donors wft1- be mblishecl- each week. -� n Godoriob Comrnurnty Recreation Ceutro - •Committee Attention of' F�rrner Residents GODER,ICH COMMUNIT' 'RECREATION .CENTRE c UILDING FUND APPEAL " Sttluscriber's Name - 1 Address We agree 111 pay to the (io(]er1('il- Community 1Zot'reat ion . Cettt 'e - The s;ttm of Cheque •ar Cash herewith Make ci>teques payable to (ioderieh Community Recreation Centre General Chairman - n Treasurer MAYOR D. D. MOONEY C. F. CHAPMAN CI -.IP THIS COUPON AND SEND IT'IN TODAY. Y Message from Foster Hewitt 'TO THE CITIZENS ()F (I'OI)). RT0H----- Here's to su(Vess in your campaign to raise funds for a Lim - artificial Ire arena at Goderich. I am sure •the good citizens of Goderich and district will realize the benefits slleh an undertaking will bring, not only to the yotith of the community but evegone interested in the progress of the district. Let us be able to gay at the conclusion of the campaign that the citizens of "Goderich hare "scored" again. - - Siticerely ' PO -STUB Ii] NVI` : 4 - 'H1G AlDvEwin t3 1311 Dot -?'A, EID fl 'V 1T iidlh°AL;; ')PAf, , •