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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-05-15, Page 3
i IIBusiness Directory 1.&6tiiL UN'b'ER Barrister, Etc. oyal Bank Bldg. Hamilton Street, Goderich Phone 968. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS CECIL AT FRIDGE. '�� �CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Phone No. -Office 343'V,i� House 343J Goderkch. ACCOUNTING ANIS BOOKKEEPING (COUNTING & BUOIiKElyY1NG SERVICE For Small Businesses, Stores, Etc. Bookkeeping Systems Installed34, Books.' Balanced Monthly Financial Statements Wage Summaries . _. a� Business and Personal Income Tax Returns ° - ALBERT SHORE Office :Corner North St. and Square ,Phone 975. Residence Phone 444. INSURANi)E MTIO�b. UEA1I�g1,ynDATES OP . COU - Coupons' now \ valid' are sugar-pre- serves.S26 to 850 and Y1 to Y5, butter 1335 to 1351. Coupons Y1 tb Y5 have been declared valid for the purchase of canning sugar. Alternatives in pre- serves may be purchased With these coupons if the consumer wishes. ijcK1LLOP MUTUAL.. FIRE IN- • SURANC CO.-14Lrtn. and ise- laced town property insured. Officers — President, frank Mc- Gregor,_Ulintou,;,R.I.t.. 5; Vice-Presi(rent, Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm, R;lt•:. 1; - Manager and Secretary -Treasurer, M. A: Reid, Seaforth. virectors—Frank*McGregor, Clinton; • Chris. • Leonhardt, ' 13ornlaolm ; �. II. Whitmore, R.R. 3, • Seaforth; W. It. Archibald; ' R.R. -4, Seaforthi); Harvey Fuller, R.R. 2, Goderich; L+'. J. Tre- wartha, R.R. 3, Clinton+; John H. Mc - Ewing, R.R. 1, Blyth ; Hugh Alexander, R.R. '4, Walton ; ,J. L. Malone, R.R. 5, Seaforth. dents—John E. Pepper, Bruceiield, 1'.It, 1;' George A. Watt, Blyth, ILit. 1; It. Finlay McKer_(ther, Dublin, R.R, 1; J. ?..Prueter, Brodhageu. Policy -holders can make all pay- ments and; get their cards receipted at the Royal Bank, Clinton ; Calvin Cutt''s Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich, or J. H. Iteid's General Store, Bayfield. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. ---What is the ceiling price of dairy and creamery butter and what is the difference between them? A.—The ceiling price on diary bhitteX is 46e per pound prints and the cream- ery butter ceiling' is 5.6c per pound prints. These can easily he -distinguished by the labels, as the name of the class of butter is printed on the label.. Most dairy butter is sold on the local -markets by the farmers who make this butter, Q.—I have received a notice that my landlord is going: to raise my - rent from $35 to $50. How can he do that when the legal increase is supposed to be not more than 10 ver cent,? A.—The notice you received is a copy- of your landlord's application for such an 'increase. This application must be considered and approved by the rentals division of the Wartime Prices and- Trade Board before any revised rate is effected. When the de- cision on the application is made you will be notified by Board authorities ancIAsent a copy of the decision. o �. HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST WEEKLY GOD RI H, ONTARIO THURSDAY-, MAY 15th, 1947 rir HQLMESVJLLE lU)1.MI;SVILLI4:, NAY 13. ---Sunday guests With Mrs. Harrison and Mr. and ,Mrs. heard were Mrs and Mrs. Robert 'Mcllwain and 1 111,• Goderich township, and 111r. and Mrs. Pete Harrison and family, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Johnson are I movi g to -Deer Lodge, ><3ayfield, where they will spend the summer months. Mr. •and Mrs, Wm. Norman and family spent ,Sunday with the former's parents at 'Wellesley The Misses Gertrude and Helen Bond, London, spent the week -end with their, parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bond. Mrs. Tavener ° attended Conference Xha;awit •at Aylmer last week. - Mrs. J. B. Macliiath is visiting friends in •Toronto this week. - Mr. and Mrs. W. Tidesweh, Sarnia, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Stock and family on Sunday. ' •Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth j angfOrd and Walter, Woodham, and Mrs. S. Miner and Ethel, Fordwich, .were t guests of Mr. and Mrs. E: J. 'Trewartha, on Sunday. ' Mother's Day Service.—Mother's Day was observed in Holmes\ille church on S.undtay, with a large congregation present. Rev. C. -TavOner delivered a good sermon, and "a solo was nicely rendered .by, Miss Marie Gliddon. There was also.,n baptismal service, in Which Murray- Douglas,- the little sun of Mr. and Mrs. John Grigg, was baptized, also Margaret Elaine, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Trewartba.- • Jlarket MEDICAL DR. F. J. It. FOIiS''TER, EYE, EAR, • NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon;. New York Ophthalmic and, Aural Hospital, assist- ant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square, '1'Iu oat Hospital, Loudon, England. EYES ..'TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED 53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephone 267. Nekt visit Bedford hotel, Goderich, Wednesday, June 25th, 1947, at 2 p.m. till 4.30 p.m. Q.—I recently - bought some maple syrup, which tastes like some sugar preparation and not the true syrup. Where can I have it tested? • • A. the artixn- "Prices and Trrde" Board does not have any regulations governing grading. You should consult . CHIROPRACTOR, AND DltUGLESS THERAPIST Goderi,a L, Phone 341 OFFICE HOURS -Mon. & Thurs.-9 to 11.:$0 a.m... 2 .to 5 p.m. (only') Tues. & Fri. -9 to 11.30 u.m. 2 to 5 pan.,,and 7 to 8 pls. Wed. & Sat. -9 W 11::30 a.m. (only) Mineral fume baths by appointment only.° A. N. ATKINSON 51' South St. ireglstered under Drugless'Practitioners Act for the Province of Ontario. i A. L. COLE Optometrist—Optician Eyes Exatnined, Glasses Fitted Phone' 33• • Goderich, Ont. F. T. -Armstrong OPTICIAN and OPTOMETRIST Square Goderkh "See Armstrong and -See Better" At Lucknovtf -first Friday- of each month. F. J. RYAN Real , Estate and , Insurance • Office. and Residence: 11 Trafalgar Street Phone 6(33 FOR SALE—Houses of all kinds,,n cJioice building lots, business pro- perty and several good farina. INSURE ;JN ,__SUPE INSURAMM't;E, CONFEDERATION LIFE WIND- CAR, FJ11IE—Pref erred rates for preferred risks. ACCIDENT & SICKNESS Consult ....... JOHN FARRISH Phone 82-13 Dungannon DONALD B. ]SLUE 'EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER Licensed for Counties- of l;luron and Bruce ' RIPLEY, PHONE 49 For inforinatiou apply to J, N. Keruighan,.Division Court Clerk. Goderich; Ont. Town's Financial 'ST. JOSEPH'S ,ODE 'r OFFERED FOR ILL] �, 0 stimaaes An 1947or • 1 How Tax Rath of 42 Mills Is Nude Up—Discounts and Penalties The Town Council has adopted the following estimate+sem of revenue and expenditures for the. current year. • J3XPENDITURES Salaries . Public works Charity, relief and hospital indigent accounts . Printing, adye rtising, sta- tionery anti postage Legal- and audit ... Park -is' Cemetery Grants Ration Board Harbor .i, Police , Fire Park House Insurance s Goderich High School Board Goderich Public Schuoh - Board - Goderich Separate Board Board of Health -Debenture priticipal terest School and- in- -12,187: 600 acres of land with buildings and fencing in -a prosperous farming distasiet about -thirty Miles .from London are being; offered for sale by War Assets Corporation. 'i'his property, known as St. Joseph's Aerodrome, waspreviously used by the Itoyhl Canadian Air Force, and buildings to be ilicluded in the sale were formerly the quarters and mess 6,800 ' 'buildings., a five -bay garage, trailer 1J,009 ,11 shelter, puinp house and ecluiprtient. • The laud is in the Lake Hurpn dis- 4,500 trict on the way to Goderich,,,ind -near Exeter-' and Centralia. The entire property, is being offered with build- ingi rand equipment. - 1,600 1,600 2,000` 5,000 6,500 100 600 8,000 2,800 500 . 1,500 5,566 26,500 1,600 . 4,000 National Ship. 300 Unemployment insurance 100 Rink , • 300 200 Street lighting '5,000 Elections 500 3,0'2 23,7546. .3,850' . 3,850 1,500 200 1,800 4,000 the nearest office. of the Department of Ajricuiture. \Vater rates . 0Anity rates. Garbage collection -Q,=I air. -going, to operate a store Sundry ,.• selling soft. drinks, confectionery and Agricultural Park .other goods: •.. ALust..1-:obt•tiin..- a.license. Tax . codunts - from the Wartime Prices- and Trade Uncollected taxes 'Board? - A.—Yes," all businesses ,requiring 'a sugar quota must have,a Board license. These and dealers in coal or coke must have licensers because, even though these commodities have been removed from price controls, the Board is still interested in and concerned with their proper supply and •distribution. Q.—Could you tell me the ceiling price, if any, of shortening? A.—Shortening comes,' under ceilings regulations but -the price °varies accord- ing to - the price which your retail dealer pays. - - EDWARD Vii, ELLIOTT LICE:\ SED' AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate" arrangements can he made for Sales Date ' by calling Phone 203, Clinton. ' Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. 19tf AUCTIONEER Matt. Gaynor =Experienced Auctioneer— Sales. Conducted Anywhere 1, Write or phone collect Goderich—Phone 626M 14-27 HAROLD JACKSON , 'LICENSED AUCTIONEER • HURON AND PERTH For information, etc., write r R.R. 4, Seaforth; or phone (col- lect) Seaforth, or 867, Goderich. - Limmiemiannassommananownemormommonniglior CAPITAL THEATRE Pir Now -Vivian Blaine and Carmen Miranda in "If I'm Lucky." Mon., Tu'es. and Wed.—ADULT ENT1+:R'I'AINIVEENT 1 Olivia de Ilavilland, Lew Ayres and Thomas Mite'hell When he called her "Biller," and took her twin in his arms, did he know` which wale 'which?• See this thrilling mystery from the pen of Nunally Johnson., "THIEF DARK MITRROR" Thur. Fri. and Sat. Peggy Ann Garner, Randolph Scott and Lynn Bari Pnt, liifO and likeability into a story of home -life in which the prin- ielpal charac'ters' become involved with ttnnimal ('mnplirations. • "ROMP SWEET HOMICIDE" Co'Ininig..Names Cagney, in "13 RUE MAIWI.AINE." b . Matinees. 'Wel., Sat. and Holidays at 2.30 p.m.inimmiritimersimmaTimmomiliftimstimerimerromoirmiroovrneiromsreatevirserxrmet , a ar , Ir'�,II Ill l! i J. W. CRAIGIE INSURANCE --- and . REAL ESTATE . PHONE 24 GODERIUII e4 gNJOV PEACE OF MIND and freedom from financial losses by insuring today. TALK IT OVER TOD.1Y WITU GORDON JEWELL R.R. 6, Goderich Phone Carlow 21-R-4. Geo. G MacEwan Fire, 'Aceident and Motor Car Insurance • OFFICE—MASONIC TEMPLE . WEST STREET PHONE 230 GODiERWC $150,483 .-REVENUE, . Ration Boa rd s• k ^ '1.,465000 Relief 1,600 - Dept.' of highways, roads County ' of Huron, public hth. ` ('e-iueealtery - TI'aIls r from cemetery fund National Ship. Park IIouse Rents ' Licenses Piddle works Fire Leg§al and audit Pa rks - Property sold . Iliterest on 1). of C...1)c,iids quid litaiik interest Government subsidy - Collegiate I3uard, debentures due ' Sundry - Rebate street lighting Wartime IIaising: in lieu of taxes T:axes : Penalty and interest000 :300 :;Ou 2.(100 111.271,0(; WESTERN ONTA.R1I . ;'MOTORWAYS — Bus Schedule Now In Effect - Leaves Goderich Arrives Goderieh A . 7.05 a.m. I3 9.15 a.m. 12.15 "p.m. 4.25' p.m. C 8.30 p.m. D 12.45 a.m. A 1hiily except :4tinday. 13 Friday and Saturday only to Strat-„ ford. C atld I) Sundays and II„liduys_only. All other Times are Daily Connections at Clinton for 1;ondon. Detroit, ,Wingitam, aalkertonn. Port Elgin and Owen Sound. Connections at Stratford for Woodstock 'Kitchener, Guelph, Hamilton ,. and Toronto. • Connections at Mitchell for Listowel and London. For information phone British Ex- change phone 69) .or 717. • 11.35 a•m. -3.35 p.m. 9.30 p.nl. • 5,000 500 1,300 800, 750 (100 1,400 G00 1,750 110 158 265 400 90 2,045 5,538 1,000 1.000 1)og tax I(cgistered taxes -Arrears - ( ilrI'ent taxes Local improvemeltts Capital ,payments : 'rational Stip. 1.700 Goderich Organ ('o. ' 1.000 1940 rebates to be received in 50(1 melts, June 14th and November 15th. - A discount of two. per Lent. will be allowed off taxes paid _in full on pr• before June 14th; a discount of two per cent. off the -first instalment if paid on or before June 14th. Interest at the rate `OT one-half per cent. per month will be added to the first instalment if not "paid by July 2nd, and interest. at the rate of one-half per cent. per month will be • tiddea to taxes unpaid by I)ecerllbe lst. H.S. District Board Estimates Estimates for 1947; snhiulttc (i by the Goderich high School District Board i are as follows: Receipts— ' Provincial grants $44;500.00 Huron County, costs Of 1940 0,515.05 Shop and home economics— Public schools 1,778.95 Separate school • , `200.00 Levy_ on high school district 15,028.94 LIONS OLUW . REOEIVES TWENTY NEW AIEMEEkS -Recreation is becoming a civic undertaking," tstat'd $1'. L. Bartlett, director of physical and, health educa- tion for the Province of Ontario, Speak- ing on "Community Recreation" at the Lions Club meeting on Friday night. He spoke of the need for `,` o-ordiu- ated - effort" in every communityi and told of tile means whereby "individual efforts could maintain their interest and enthusiasm yet correlate with other efforts in the' community." Mr. Bart- lett said that some fifty municipalities in Ontario in the past two years had adopted a community recreational coun- cil system, the smallest of these centres being the town of Acton. Mr. Phil Carey introduced the speaker of the evening, stating there was a misundersfanding concerning the _ . $68,022.94 Expenditures— Cost of instruetic3n 6..4$34 ,450.00 Instructional equipment 2,375.00- Operation, ,375:00Operation, fuel, janitor, etc. 5.015.00' Administration - - 1,345.00 Plant maintenance - - 2.750.00.. Capital and debenture pay- .Itmellts - 5.538.12 •Auxiliary. • (tftinsportatiom- health-, shorts, 11111(hes, etc.) - ,, . 14,800.82 Overdraft from -11)46 1.7-13.00 1917 ' :1.1.12 I)011(11 for , $08,022.94: : The assessment of the district is as follows: Ashfield townhip $1.034.023 Colborne township - 1.532.(383 Goderich township 5(15.703 Goderich town ...............;:.,2.4 30.454 Hallett township - 100.150 East Wawanosh township :4;5.300 lls2:'325 West 'iA�awal'rosh'tow;ishil, ___— $7.150,042 ' $1541 lti:; • 'Fax Rate of -42 Jlilis The tis 1(1 3' ret.11lires 11 rat)' of -12 stills oft• the dollar. made up as follcrws: Carter•:tl ptli'I)„sos.''27 5 stills : Collegiate .1ust',it ute, 2.1: public school 1 i r sep:u'• - ate school 1, 10.7: cliaritV, relief and • hospital indigent accounts, 1.7. Tates etre 1)113.1Lhle• in two in. -0d - ST. GEO1Kif i.E'S on Tuesday. May 131h, the ‘\•ontau' Auxilial.3 of `t. e:coi'be's church as- sembled iu the l':tlild r6rilt, w•i1ll Mrs. Pallinea' irre'sicling in tlw absence of Mrs. 1i. 11. Farr. Jjrs. l''taluter gave t.11e. Scripture reacting trout 1 ('1riuth- inns: 13,. and the litany . p111ycrs were icd by 31 iss 31. 'Alena ry: In the absence of 3Irs: Iirovv,r4 the secretary's report was read by 311.s. Staniforih, and 3Irs. Needham gave the t'I'easurc'r;s, t'epci't. The members wel:c reminded of the spring Desinci',y mci'1- ing, which is; to be held at -(;orris (rn Jame Oth, when Archdeacon' Cook will ,be the principal speaker - , Mrs. Fari': Mrs. 'Neeedltam; and Jli's. 111(01riirne '""ore .the delegates who at- tended - the annual Il-nron Diocesan .aaecting .in London and 'excellent re. ports 3V('re presented, by thi'n►. - Mrs. \\'illnot gale an interesting re5iew of 0 portion of the first chapter (if the '$"(111131.book. (h1 .Irmo lllth the next ntcrting of the W.A. will be hc.'l(1 111 the rec•toi'y and 311.s. A. ('. ('alder and 31rs. 13iiaglc of London ha\e,been invited 0) lyddress the mein ('r.s. ' - flans were made for. -..a rummage sale Po 1)0 hel(1 early in September, Jird. Palmer closed the meeting with prayi'I'. Refreshments. were served'T)-s Jliss 3[euair3 and Jlrs. l'. Tru(lell• � GODERICH PAVILION DANCE- NEW$ SATURDAY, MAY 17th -JACK, 'ORCHESTRA AND HIS ORCHESTRA. COMING-SATTJRI;AI', MAY 24th SCOTTY MacLACHLAN ° -AND HIS MUSIC OR MBDERNf# • a 1 ANN PAGE MILK B�ED 2 21o.< 15= spri liED� !; a recreation plan in Go( eFiela and &.9*t Mr. Bartlett would give a pxorel< e*' planation of the original Meta. Twenty new members were •fat (laved into,the Lions Club. .They are; 111. D. hielstrop, RaFy "King, George 4X Parsergh...,IAe .Cory, George :I'i ate. li Malcolm Blather$, Pon Aberiiart, Tit Mason, 1-1. O. Jerry,. Wm. l €ae119ona11 , jr., F. R. Darrow, Ray Jackson, sr, John • Lauder, Benson Chapman, Jobi Sully, Jr., 14y Jackson, $r., Sam, .Allele*? SOA, . Zen Ut`nter, Bert Baeclale " 0,s4 George Ellis. s , The district governor extended a. Wet. ` come to' the new members and blew' told them what was expected 9f theta Bert Sanderson, chairman of ti e'sni bersbip committee,explained that'i*tdr of Accommodation in the way 0t tt., banquet hall had kept down they (u1)�* membership, but that the present =Oar- ing place allowed for expansib The sum of $1,500 •was voted by' the Club as a contribution toward the .Serb artificial ice arena project. arden Ti We have the tools for you to finish the job. RAKES, .SPADES, HOES, GARDEN FORKS, -ROUND MOUTH .SHOVELS, GARDEN HOSE; ETC. LAWN MOWERS , from 14 - to 16 inches cut. . Thirty' foot. extension. ladders now on- Mand. _.. . Boost Canadian Beautification Campaign, from May 12 'to 24. Paint up, clean 'up, Plant uP. Healthful - Enjoyment Is Money's Best Employment SUPPORT THE NEW ARENA CAMPAIGN. E. BRECKENRIDGE HARDWARE—PLUMBING--HEATING PHONE 135 • . a ® Goderich PRICED ro S4IVE `BONELESS. tIIY ROiN 'rO LEM1N JUIC. SFTQR :S OWNED AND OPERATED BY saa.. ATLANTIC s PACIFIC ,.. MAY. "WOMAN'S DAY" MAGAZINE NOW ON SALE GR .0 .1o. New Low Price r -ng MEDIUM SIZE " NEW LOW PRIG E 7 az. 3 9C lee pkg. 2 4c 6 oz tans 5 G OOz. tin 1 lbs IS C 1 ',f',f rA�P"s /'01,44PAr4'tdct l,.r.•y re.. air• :, ,i , y,v ,ur,h.,. ,/ 1 t •nJ YOvr re. ,rurly .,,..err OT TASTY DEL1000US MONS GSI. t91ClEV 0'CL CEITA11%35c CUM= GiCS10D So vOUQ Own NITT DO OP' RRSt,y18G. rclAcagv .A.5AU i, 5O WStl OUR COFFIN FLAVOUR Ano FQaswea¢AA TOILET°SOAP ,�, _. PALMOLIVE WHEN AVAILABLE USE SUPER SUDS : conk TION COPPER. SCOUR PADS CHORE GIRL Zee 13 Pkg. 260 1 -Ib. tut Ctn. !..'.3 3f" 270. IIAWES' wnx trOtt BRIGHTER PI0 *'i $ *b. tin 491 eco CALIFORNIA, FRESH, LARGIE FULL PODS GREEN' PEAS . Ib 15c GRAPEFRUIT '•Yexds Mare f©r '210 • seedless ��6'(I 5, '�`� LEMONS CALIFORNIA9 .- Don, 43 VAFLFRESH 252'a ORANGES LOiE1RINCI c>,AA170%. 76'e ->o�. g� ORANGES OALIFORN. n, AV'ELN344'e IA Oo - GRAPEFR- - ooeddia 40 a� 3 f.o no BANANAS GOLDEN RiPE , IL lip PINEAPPLES'Ftsw4'e corn'TSJAMAICA, LAncle tur cars GKEEN `BEANS r.Z1*,,,q01°0tr es. 1 '11 ..s 1