HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-05-08, Page 10STEN ST, GEORGE'S CHURCH ��pp cc77 {',,�,,,,{, �[ SUNDAY, 17A ,11th, 1047 8.30 ,.amt. IWL�Y COMMUNION. 10.00 a.m. MAIN SUNDAY SCHOOL. 1A.00 a.nua. MORNI ;CA PRADYEIi4 AND SERMON. 11.00 01411.• JUNIOR CONGREGATION. 'a.00 p.m. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. 7.00 pan. EVENING I'RAI :R AND SERMON. REV. BEVERLY H. FARR. 11 .A.. L.Th., RECTOR. A. ANIDEI4TON—Organist and Choia•annaster. a North St. United Church 11 aan. PRII fl ARY DEPARTMENT, NURSERY CLASS AND MISSION BAN*, 2.30. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a au. 'MORNING SERVICE... 7 p.m. EVENIN(. SERVICE. MINISTER --REV. R. H. TURN !t I'LL, T.M. Mrs. M. Hetherington at the organ. d Knox Presbyterian Church 9.45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. Special Mother's Daz- Service. Presentation of awards. Parents and ail interested'. friends cordially invited. 11 a,m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. • Sermon Subject: "God's Great Gift." 7. p.m.... PUBLIC WORSHIP. "THE HEART OF INDIA"—a coloured sound motion picture will be presented at this service.. The service will be held in the Lecture Hall. Please be seated early, MLN1STER=-REVEREND RICHARD STEWART Director of Praise—Mr. William Wickett, A.T.C.M. Come and Worship the Lord in• the Beauty of Holiness. Victoria St. United 'Church MINISTER—REV. LAWRENCE H. -TURNER B.A. Organist and Choir Director—Miss Mary Joyce Strachan 10.00 a.m. SABBATH SCHOOL • 11.00 a.m. "THE 'N'EYSTONE'OF—THE HOME.".. 7.00 p.m. "HAG AR AND ISHM AEL." UNION 2.30 p.m. Monday 8 p.m. Young People's Union. VICTORIA WELCOMES YOU. Goderich Baptist Church n SUNDAY, MAY 11th—\MOTHER'S DAY ' Family Day—Join Yours in Church "HOME a.m. SWEET HOME." • Children's Choir taking part. " 7.00 p.m. "GODLY 'MOTHERHOOD." standards?Where did • you get your life From -your MOTHER and she got them 'from the CHURCH. REQ'. U. W.• H. MEDLEY, Minister. ,. • HONOR `MOTHER BY GOING TOIOTUER'S CHURCH. MRS. ELLA 1. DONALDSON, •A•L.C.M., Organist The Free Methodist CChu.1 - Corner Victoria and Park Streets The Ontario- :Temperance Federation Send to us, and highly recommend their representative REV. JOHN LINTON . BAPTIST, MINISTER FROM TIIE MARITIMES SPECIAL INVITATION• is extended to.all those interested in this worthy cause to attend this' SPECIAL TEMPERANCE 'SERVICE AT 7 P.M. • 10 a.m. ',SUNDAY SCHOOL. • 11 arm. "WORDS PROM WILDERNESS TANDE'RINGS" (Concluded) A CORDIAL INVITATION EXTENDED TO ALL..; RE`', R. C. McQALLUM, Pastor. Bricfs THE GODERICH SIGNAIrSTAR For 'Results - , ► Classified. Ad Jl i IIOlIW t, DAY, MAT 8th, 1911 FOR SALE . slay, "Mama's Balsa' Boy," will be 1va)It SALT+;. •— NEW OUTBOARD press lied ilt llellmille>r United church motors. Immediate delivery. Phone on Monday,' May 12, at 5.30 pan. It 5.6.0,C•', IA`.i'l:l�.FSON'S WELDING 19-'2'2 is sponsored by the feinuiller Young motors. Newgate stxHot• Adult Grc►trp, _Admission' 10C ant i '20c. 4 . 15T19 FUR SALE.—EXECUTIVE EeUTI�'I;; JI)k S , The Ahmed; ('halter, i.l),I).1:., wills .L clttarter-cut o li, witb roomy cutu- h.4d their regular meeting \Iullday, purtmetrts and drawers; also swivel chair, Apply draw rs; %. - -l6 li) May 12th, at 2.30 p.m., instead of 3 � 1+ .Be Fees Friday, Ii,c"s*`"rve I�'riday, May pith, for play, ilRtimui, Now, --- SPANISH t N1ON "Sunbonnet Jane of Sycamore lame," seedlings, and it is not too late under ,auspices of Arthur • Circle of to book the extra large tomato plants Knox church, .-17 19 tifat acre a specialty with JACKSON The Central Koine and School Assoei. I+'CUBISTS, 49 Bruce street. Pho to '.tion will meet Tuesday, May 13th. 105. s There will be election of officers, GLAI)IOI.iIS BULBS musical numbers and other interesting FOR SALE•.,._ fetltur s. -19 in wide range of color. 40ne doe . The annual hospital, birthday pair ty large mired bulbs, 75c(Jae 50 street, n. MRS. L. R, HOLMAN, 18tf tinder the Auspices of the Women's ( phone, 722 about meal tithe. � RO()�T brick house good east end Hospital Auxiliary will° . be held n1 VOR SALE.—OUTBOARD MOTORS, Monday, May 1`2, from 3 to 5.30 P•m• brand new, 1 H.P. $79.50, immediate.surauce and Real Estate Broker, West at the nurses' residence. Gifts will..be gratefully received. ' -18-19 delivery. Transportation prepaid. street. Phone 115W. 19x CHRISTIAN'S ELECTRIC and HAIID- \ BABE, Oshawa, Ontario. 48-23 OVEIt1VMl•;I�dT-APYROVIrD CIIICB bargains for this week and next Ramp - 14 -1011 SALE. -HOLSTEIN HEIFER,day old : Barred Rocks, New Hamp- due to freshen in two weeks; also shire, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, a navy blue stroller. = pP1Y to JACK Light Sussex X Barred Rock, New GILBERTP, phone 930 r 21, Goderich.. Hampshire Mi Light sSussex non -sexed -19 $9.95, pullets $17.95, cockerels $6.95. Assorted Heavy breeds non-aexed• $8.95, Pullets $10.95, cockerels $5.95. Cock- .erels: White Leghorn X Barred Rock, White Rock X White Leghorn, Austra Whites $1.95) White Leghorns 95c. Two week o + ' . ,. $6.00 per hundred. 3 week old add .$11.00 to non -seared' and pullets, $8.09 to -cockerels. Ship- ped C.O.D. This .advertisement' must accompany your order to receive these special prices. Also older pullets eight weeks, to laying. TOP NOTCH'CHICK- ERIES, Guelph, Ontario. -19 BETHEL TABERNACL- E (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) • REV. J, A. PEARSON, Pastor 10 a.m. S1'NDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. COMMUNION SERVICE. 7.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC - MEETING. Evangelist 1Kenneth Reid will minister at both services.' • Tuesday 8 p.m. Young People's. Friday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT BETHEL. 0 FOR . SAI;R _pat . SALE.- -1934 TEIItRAPLANE sedan, new motor, good tires; col ony house 12' x 12'; pew oil -burner (Queen) ; team of horses between four and five years old. •JOIN H. CUR- RAN,'M isle 78' r 3, Dultgannon, R.It. 1, , 19x ,. ()It SALE.. — FROST WOOD binder, 7 -ft. cut, sold for parts; Fairbanks -Morse 11s-h.p. engine; would change for a horse. ROBERT PAIR- SEIt\'10E, Londesboro, phone Blyth 210. 19x poR SALE.—FIVE-ROOM STUCCO bungalow in east end, near ' Salt Block. MALCOLM MATHERS, Insur- ance and Real Estate Broker, West street. Phone 115W. 19x FOR SALE.—VERY GOOD SEVEN - location. MALCOLM 1VIATHERS, In Goderieb Dramatic Club will meet Wednesday evening, May 14tll,'at Mac- Kay Hall. New members will be made welcome, -19 Nervous, rundown men need VIGORINE—the "pep" tonic, for new vitality. 15 -day treatment $1.00. At. Emerson's Drug Store. . 18-22 The Country Club of Lallgside will. present u three=atct comedy, "Calm Yourself," in the Parish Hall, Duu- gannon, on May 9th at 8.30 D.S.T., under auspices of the Agricultural Society. Admission 40c and 20e. A dance will follow with. music by Brown's orchestra. Lunch counter. Admission :10e. 19x Plan to 'enjoy a pleasantN'afternoon at the tea and bazaar to be held in North street church hall on Saturday, May 17, from 2 to 5, under the auspices of the Y.P.U. and C.G.I.To Commemorating the memory of Flor- ence Nightingale, the graduate nurses of ,Scott Memorial, Hospital," Seaforth, extend to the nurses of Goderich and district an invitations '.marl t . i> _Sun/ day evening service in Northside Uufted church, Seaforth, May llth, at 7 p.m. - _after the- service the nurses are invited to attend a luncheon which" will be served at the nurses' residence, Nurse's wishing to attend and having no means 'of.traltsportation kindly telephone Mrs. C. Webb.. ' 9 The Nurses' Alumnae, rummage sale scheduled for May 10th has beeh call - celled indefinitely. " -19 The annual diaper of the Goderich Community 'Nui'si11g Registry will be 1 held \ North street 'United church on for house.' Apply BOX •_ 1 l , on person. Phone 223. - -19 FOR SALE. --= BLUE PRAM, IN good condition. Apply: 74 Huron -19 road or phone 88'21\', 19 FOR SALE.—NEW. MASSEY-HAit- RIS two -row team scutfler, Also - quantity of miffed wood. Apply WM. L. STIRLING, H.R. 2, Goderich. -19 FOR SALE. -1936 FORD COUPE, 1N good condition, heated. Write BOX 29, SIGNAL -STAR. Q • hi °aeaoco+re, aoaraao TAKE NOTICE T11An 1. The Council of'the Corporation of the 'vn cif Goderich intends to construct tts a local improvement a twelve-I400t cement sidewalk a on .ttae. outer ,circumference of the Stlua'e in the following blocks: North St. to Colborne St. Colborne St. to West St. • West St. to ltiontreal St. Montreal St. to South St. Kingston St. to East St. East St. to Hamilton St. and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work and upon the fallowing land which is immediately benefited by the work : • Lots 929, 930 i. Lots- 1000,, 960 Lots 69, 26 . Lots 120, 121 Lots 27, 70 "Lots 966, 1001 FOR SALE.- E\V TIRES, 500 �i 19, ' $12.25. All other sizes in stock. 1 All. soldering irons, 25c; packaged W ANTED 1.' �+ oils, 5 gals., $3.55. 1''ItANK GALIAUW, North street, phone 599•_ 19x URGk�N'i'I.Y NEEDED; — HOUSE, AOR SALE.—SEVEN-ROOM I�I;OL'Sb: - apartment or rooms, preferably un- . near Central School. Write BOX furnished. Must -vacate present house 5 SIGNAL -STAR. 19 by May 15th. Phone MR. or MRS, - K. 5. HOPKINSON,, phone 495. -19 OR SALE._EI:I1G!1LRI0 WASHING machines typewriter, stand-up desk, radio, 14 -ft. sailboat, large icebox ; store Cabinet, 8 ft. ; dining -roods suite. Many other articles. C. WOODS, 12' East street. Store - will be closed all day Wednesdays but Will stay open until 10 p.m-. Fridays and Saturdays. -"OR SALE.—BUILDINiS SUITABLE ANTED. MODI';L A FORD coach or sedan. Must be in good colidition. Write BON :31, SIGNAL - STAR. 19x WOMAN WANTED.—HAVE COM - I ORTABLE 1%me• °for right .per- son in retain for light duties and care of three-year-old child-. Wages depend 2. The estimated cost of ,tale work is $8312.20. 2.20. of which $4479.9 is to - be paid by - the Corporation. The estim- ated assessable cost per foqt frontage is $4.10." The special assessment is to be paid in twenty. equal annual instal- ments and the esfimate'd- annuaP rate .per foot.;rontage is twenty-seven cents. 3. Application will be made by the Corporation . to the Ontario Municipal Board for its approval -of the under? taking of the said work and any owner may within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice file With the Bolted his objection to the said work being undertaken. 4. The said Board may approve of the said 'work being undertaken, but `before doing so it may appoint a time, and place when any objections to the said work will be considered. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this Sth day of May, 19.17.' :: H. BLAKE,' 19-20-s Clerk. 111 . 0 - ( - Thursday, May 15th, at 6.30 pat.' 'Miss SI(;NawafaR, WANTED.—WAITRESS WANTED, \l1(1 le►1e Bather will be Ale guest f -'� • io11 SALE, — lt)'"� CHEVROLET full or part time. Apply ACON(:'S IMO 01111111111i TENDERS WANTED TENDERS. TENDERS will -be received: by the - Town of Goderich for the supplying of 1000 yards of '�4 " screened stone chips, '250' yards of 7/s" screened gravel, and 100 yards of 'band to be delivered to the Town, yard or -where the' Foreman may direct. - Lowest or any tender not necessarily -1 seventeenth day of April,. A.D., 1947, to "send same to the undersi ned on or before, the thirty-first day of May, 1947,- ,as on and after that date the administrator of the said estate. -shall proceed to make distribution' of the assets thereof, having regard only to the cinims of which he has notice. - T)ated at Goderich, 111 the County, of Duron, this twenty-second day of April,- 19.47. Culbert's Bakery "The Home of Tasty Pastry" WEEK -END SPECIAL PINEAPPLE FILLED BUDS 22c dos. ' All Orders of $L00 - ;or. oyaore -delivered. PHONE 405- MEL. CULBERT, Prop. TO REN'L - . O RENT. — .TWO LARGE UP- STAIRS rooms and use 'of 'bath- room; bath- room; furni8hed •or unfurnished.4MRS. • J. LITTLE, South street. -19 NOTICE TO CREDLTORti NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Take notice that all persons having. clainis against the estate.of Alberta Harrison, widow, of Saltford, Ontario, must rile th,e same with me on or before the twentieth day of May, 1947, otherwise the estate will be divided. .aniohgst the heirs and no claim can be, lined% by .a creditor thereafter. Dated this .26th- day of April, A.D. 1947. LOFTUS E. DANCEY, Solicitor for the Admiuistra.trix. 18-20- - NOTICE TO CREDITORS • AND ' OTHERS In the Estate of; Richard Melvor� Jewell, deceased. • ALL PARTIES claiming against this estate are required to forward par- ticulars of. their claim to the under- signed by May 26th, 1947, after which date the estate will be distributed. FRANK -- I)NNELLY, Goderich, Solicitor for the Estate. -18-20 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given to all persons halving any - claim against the estate pf Ormand Alcock, late of the Township of Goderich, in the_ County of Huron, fruit farmer., who died on or about the accepted. Tenders to be 1 the hands of the ToV'vn Clerk not Tater than May 15th. S. H. BLAKE, 18-19 Town Clerk. speaker.. -A'� (a it i11\stat 11 ex F()It �c , >> (_.\I I., (,ocicr,ch.•19x tended to all graduate nurses in Code coach. 'Apply 1J Albert stre1et I N1 �AItS WANTED; rich and vicinity to a,tterl(i: Tickets Godc>ric lir __--_• \ TAN'rED T() BUY. . — ICEBOXES,'rO %N,SHIP OF Cx(_)DI:ISI( H may lie obtained from Mrs. Webb at I., —()NI: LARGE RANGE. I any -conditions,- kitchen catbinet, freflders will be' received by the the ('i,llllluni(y Registry. 19 �1 ()It -��'� `-w 1 -` Re what could be rlieer II. B. M. TICIII30RNF., Trafalgar china cabinet, gthc'r useful articles. trticlersigla0d until .lune ','. fui• crushing For Father's I 1;)x Al'so 1 huy 121agsatld ft itla1 iiiattr•esses, 011'cl delivering approximately 3000 than a Muhscription to his favorite* street, East end, _ C. WOODS, East ,street. Phone y;trds" of crushed - gravel, one inch magazine? Get lists and prices from i O]4 SALE. — FOi'It 1�1 R\1:It' OII, 21_'.,I. _ _ t -19 'screed, to be delivered where the Road Miss •Marv' 1 Howell, or Mrs. Ismay with shelf and oven ailsu 19tf stove ' - > TED. LIS'II..GS UI' PRO Superintendent directs. _-_.Cnu eti nwtl1- \I(Lc>arl• tw(i inside doois.- \pply i9 Last street,{.paj=-gravel and the contractor Rummage ;.tie by L icUes' • Aid of 19x I'EIZTY_ fns _satict. - Iahne\TATA- .. Knox church, Satnrclay, \day 1ith, ' at _ -- a _-,--.4-C(ai•,�f IT 'HEI.St In "-- to Ire mal c $100 to accompany each tender, prep'. the 11itC A keel heque Mackay Hall, at 1.30 p.m. Any lam- ult- � IfI, C ��---STO\ F. (`()M -'Estate Broker, 11,\V. 7tf which Will be returned if tender not Ser needing donations called . ii -Fill F 1,I 1 rl, �vlth water front and e �D IIOi'S1 Iti I 1CH INGI' accepted. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. . Work to be completed by October 1st. For further information refer to Mr. nearly new, size 42. Apply 1 i 'WANTED. — REFINED .. HOUSE- Roy Tyndall, Road Superintendent, East street, vv KEEPER, capable of taking full R•R. 3, Clinton. • " Volt SALE:—CEMENT BLOCK MA- charge of. gentleman's modern''hoine R. G. '1'IiO Ii'SON, Clerk, CHINE and mixer. Apply 74 (cottage) , at beautiful spot on Lake 18-20- R.R. 2, Clinton. Heron road. • -Y9 Huron not far from Goderich. Car • available, Apply. BOX 20, SIGNAL-1- FOR IGNAL- 1 ��OR SALE. -1 SWIFT ADDING STAR. AV'omen's 'faults are mathy, 1 f 1 1 or port- . \Men have only two : 1- yi'rything they saty, And everything they do. d 3-le_a1seasne i -f -y -M : ',Nicl11nis, phone 'tic barbs° reservoir : nsccl only six j `�A\TL �- ._ - - 313 =19 for four room atpartm0nt (near The elosil:rg meeting of Vietut ial mouths: Apply° 90 Park street. 19x Sgnar >) . -' \\'rite P,O, B()X 817, Gode- 1 1101110 a lid Sehool Club . for the terns 'VOR SALT%•—C RIY TWFF'D COAT , rich. 19a1 will 'be. held o11 .Thursday, May 15talt. J-� Rev. R 0. •McCallum will be guest speaker and Mrs. J. G. McDougall will present a few contestants of -the Music Festival. Lunch will be ser••e'd• • All 19 welcome. • Hygienic supplies (rubber goods ), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed en- velope with price list. Six samples 25c ; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. 7-53, N.OV-RUBBER 00., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. -1 9 CANADIAN GIRLS IN TRAINING On Tuesday evening, April `29th, the Knox• church t`.G,I.T. had as their guests the C.G.I•.T. -group of North street United '-cburch. The meeting was .held in the lecture hall of Knox church. President Mary Anne Erskine welcomed the,. guests. The theme for the worship service was "Friendship." �•A prayer was said in unison and the Scripture ,lesson also was read in uni- son, and' hymns were sung: After the service a "quiz" was conducted, the winners being Rita -Wilson land Grace Hudson: Mr. Snider and Mr. Bisset arrived to run the movie Projector .and allc,enjoyed the pictures which were shown of the royal tour of f939. Lunch Was served and the meeting closed with a Carey & Chapman • o GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS - wish to announce that ,MR. RONALD R. PRICE is nnow associated with this firm A AUTO -�,• - EIRE �- WEST ST. G ' CASUALTY " a • PII.ONE 18 fan::.,,. the singing of taps, , TEAC HERS -WANTED a 1EACHERS WANTED. HURON COUNTY Ashfield Township School,Board will receive applications, until May 17 for qualified Protestant teachers for one'= room rural schools. Duties to com- mence in :September. - Applications, stating qualifications. to be forwarded to RI(',lHA1tl) KILPATIHICK, Sec e- tary, R.R. 7. I.ncknow, Ont. -19 \Iachhie, suitable or•c es> . . able wori:. 36 Rs gent street, Goderich. %ANTED, — SUMMER RESIDENT • 19x _would rent house or cabin for probably one month in July or August. GET THE RIGHT CHICKS- NOW— Preferably near lake. Write B3OX 27, -get Kitchener Big -4. Immediate SIGNAL -STAR. -19, delivery non -sexed; pullets; cockerels— some started. Special May prices. Get in line with wise poultrykeepers with Big -4. Canada Approved; breeders pullarum",tested. Get these healthy, quick growing chicks. A quick turn- over with cockerels—while pullets ma- turing to catch the fall egg markets.. 'Saves, time, contact local agent, EUGENE RYAN, Ryan Produce Co. a -19 19x NOTICE TO- `F.ARMERS a y. FOR SALE.—TILE MACHINE AND 6 H.P. gasoline engine (Internation- al). Complete. - Apply to JOSEPH McMILLAN, Nile, R.R. 6, Goderich. .- 19-20x FOR SALE .0R RENT' --- 50 -ACRE' grass farm with four acres -of maple bush; gocid supply 'of water. East half of lot 4. concession 5, Colborne township. JOIIN TREBLE, 49 Picton stl'eet, Goderich. \ -19x • Goderich Elevator - Reff unds , Are Now Available "The ' '..refif fres ronr^the •.°°. ('�odericb- Elevator and Transit. Co. Ltd. of over- charges made on grain loaded in bags during the period of August 16, 1943, to. June, 1945, is now held in trust by -the Federation of Agriculture.Qf Huron County, for distribution. All farrnlen and' feeders in the ('aunty who assumed this overcharge Ina. secure refunds by furnishing proofs as to grain purchased on which overcharges were paid. A sheet of explanation as to proofs, etc., is being sent out. to the township units and may be secured from your local secretary. • • By. agreement with the Goderich Elevator and W.P.T.B., the unclaimed residue may he used for Junior Farmer organi'ations in the County. Those wishing to do so may assign their claims for this purpose. All claims must be; made within thirty days of. the above notice to W. V.><Itoy°, Londes boro, ,Seeretnry-Treasurer of Huron County Federation of Agriculture. Any Huron County fariners who pur- chased grain from Brnee County dealer's shoul(1 present their claims ..to Bruce County Federation of Af;rir'til- ture. FOR SALE.—WEANLING PIGS. M. A. VANDERMEER, R.R. 2, Gode- rich.' Phone 932 r 15. 19x EN' -WANTED.—ARE YOU THE MAN? . . . to enjoy a steadily in- creasing life income in your OWN business? ' Are you willing to call from door to door with a guaranteed line of over 200 household necessities' and to ,build a reliable, enterprise using' our proven methods? Very little capital required. -Details and catalogue FREE. FAMILEX, Dept. A, 1000 Delorimier, Montreal. -19 WANTED.—GIRL OR WOMAN FOR general' household duties; ' two adults in family; good :wages. good working conditions. -MRS. J. J. HOG- sGARTII, phone 322,..Goderichs 19x T°OR SALE: — HOUSE IN GOOD location; early possession. Ap'ply 86 Newgate street, Goderich. , -19 FOR SALE.—QI.JANTITY OF MAPLE syrup. $5 a gat•llon. Apply to WASH'S STORI+., Varna, or ARNOLD RATHWELL, Clinton, telephone 32 r 905, Clinton. • 19x CART) OF TIIAVKS MRS. GEO. GEO. L. BADLEY AND JEAN takirthls means of expressing their > ratittidee •---- _ Tflai' ` svlia "Stant-aftbral1 tributes, sent messages of sympathy or loaned their cars for the funeral. -19 WANTED.—OLD HORSES; WILL pay $1.00 per cwt.; will call and pick up same. Phone collect JACK GILBERT. 936 r 21, or BRED GIL- BERT, phbne .930 r 32, Goderich. 46tf MRS. GEO. W. DAER AND SON, Walter, wish to convey their thanks to those who were so kind and sympathetic to them in their recent bereavement. They would also like to thunk those who loaned cars for the funeral.. -19 ROY N. BFTLEY Announces CHANGE OF ADDRESS 'from Wright St..:.io 36 REGENT. ST. AUI)IT1NG.and 8004ICEEPING SERVICE. , Income tax f, (personal and business) . Typing (privatb and epmmereial) P.O. IIOX i8 (iiODEICICii • ' 18-9 NOTICE - NOTICE. — SANDY , LOAM FOR filling purposes free for removal. Phone 897, Goderich. - , - -19 • R. C. HAYS, K.C., Goderich, Ontario, _ 17-119:_ _ -Solicitor-for the Esta-t"�. - -- - a r GONE WITH THE WIND Check yotir Fire Policy Be sure it has supplemental contract covering windstorm, smoke, damage, etc. • SEE II. M. FORD Get Insured • — 'Stay Insured— Rest Assured. North St. Tel. 268v. pROPERTy-OWNERS DESIRING to have young trees planted on their boulevards should cilli telephone 200 before May 13th. x -19 ATTENTI(JN•--('E\tI+:TERY, LET- TI'7RI:NG promptly eatecuted. Price's. reasonable. Firs t-cla ss worknaanship. Write Or phone FRED PORTER- IELD, Phone 99, Mitchell, 10-19 NOTICE. Fleece -line your home' with blown Rockwool Insulation. Saves fuel with more comfort. Permt)''nent, fireproof. Modern equipment and experienced crews. For free estimate and terms phone (I,oderich 261 or write JIM - LAND C. DAT, 5 Thornton ave., Lon - deli, 2tf • London Automotive Jobber. IMMEDIATEiY REQUIRES AN Experienced Salesman: for Territory' bounded. by Goderich, Kincardine, ;Durham, Arthur, Mitchell and Exeter, at present being work4 from ' London. A Resident of above area preferred.. &;, ' .A ,. - Apply for interview in own 'handwriting, statir'°°°z'0, experience, eto. • • Alford Automotive .Supply LONDON. ONT,. 'to ;OTICB. Q • All ownOrs'and ocenpieis of premisea. are hereby notified that • all rubbish, ashes, ete., 'must be removed fron their premises before the 15th, day -of May, 1915. A. C. ROSS, Chlof of Pollee 1 110- nties Snnitnt'y° Tnspeetor. It's just like - money in the, bank . . . to have us install Genuine. Parts by govern- ment licensed mechanics. This will guarantee savings on your operating costs. . AN INITIAL COST WITH FUTURE SAVING a ii 10 1 Gardner Motor Sales;, PHONE 234 GODtiti011 d