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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-05-08, Page 9
AY, 49.4i' 7" THE GOD W�rnell's lustitute Elects O�lcers ICE SIGNAL TAR County and District ar ,.. .0. r Gordon Lind. 111 ut�h1v� A few days of warns sunshine seem to put a lot of people into a fever to get all their garden planted. Thittf, say the experts, is. u luistube. Seed and plants are rushed in too hurrie(,Ily and there is liable to be ueglect later on: In practically every section of the country both vegetables and (Gowers can be ,planted successfully at regular inter- vals right up to the end of June. It is far better to have things coming on periodically with a continuous supply of fresh vegetables and fresh flowers than to rush the whole garden in; on a single afternoop. 'Go at the job gradu- tr ... yur and your girl friend doing home work together, by tellephorie. But it does tie up the party line — perkaps when someone needs, it, • badly. So please--. (onl't make.. it a habit . . Check? PARTY LINE COURTESY IS CATCIUIGP. Putting it into practice on every call you make is your best guarantee that others will do the same for you. �. Keep calls brief. 2. Space your calls. 3. Give right-of-way to urgent calls, ally, advise these, who know; get the buil properly prep red, ami _enjoy a succession of bloom told fresh vege- tables. • 'leets, earrott3, beans,,,spinach, lettuce, radish, etc., can be planted every other week or so right up to late June, and the harvest will be spread accordingly. Flowers, too, can be spread over sev- eral weeks. Some things, however, like grass seed, nursery stank, garden peas, sweet .peas, are. best all planted early. But bedding plans like petunias, zinnias, stocks, spider plants, tomatoes, Pa sage, etc,, should not be set out until all danger of frost is oyes. Tender things like gladiolus, (swims. melons, squash, I cern, etc., also come in this category. Eariy Jobs After the first seeds are started the next undo'. job is 'thinning and spac- ing. Thls is vital work and applies and legislation, Mrs. 11. B. M. Tich- to either t10 vers or vege#atbles, (ru\wde i borne; social welfare, Mrs. Garvin flowers will grow thin and spindly, will Young; publicity, Mrs. A. Butler; not bloom frt�ely• and the biggest plants historical research, Mrs. John New - They topple over in the first ;toren. • contbe ; home economics, Mrs. Robert , have half 1115 111111'11 room } he \ . h( ttltl G(iud. Iii t\\(eu as they \\'i11 grow tall. This Reports of all the officers \\+'rh given; means about four or Live lecher for including those of conveners of stand - cosmos like na5turtlulus, le_ for :Llys- jug cummitteea. \IrS• Price, se(:retary- tt(asul(r, ,gave a tallreport l 1:arlo, or spider lllaut5. I 1tltt\itll'S during the year, showing in - of the smaller vegetables, a I ou )le creased , membership and interesting iurhts bet ween },111111, 15 sufficient. meetings, with a balance on hand of This upplie ti, scat' lett,u e, early car., $1;11,'20, rots, beets. etc. I1E:ln and peas sliotlld I" 1 It was decided to donate $1.0 to par- , have frena fuer to Sas in{hos be1\\ecn.' 4h11se articles for the nursery tit the !Plants.. and as 1111 the Seed Usually I to be gate at • the annual 1 hospital, g ci tuivatcsptt 5110111(1 1)e Planted f(l)out 1 birthday party on May 12, find 4 10 to', this far' apart. ROWS ,hould be from fifteen inches ti) two feet apart. Corn 1' the cancer fund, Mrs. Norman Miller and Mrs, John }S^usually planted' from rthree to six ! Newcombe .will be delegates to _•the errs to a! hill, ahu4lt eighteen inches , Newcombe > apart to a way, or ruvv two- to three!district annual at I31yth'oltF.-,13. May :.U. Mrs. Gir\ i11 Young and :\ars. )± . ,I3. I{ilE y feet :'part. ',l'ontuto plants require at ' least eigllteett inches each way, melons,_ were'tppointed to assist in the packing. d of clothing for Britain at the Town squash and cticunlberS three plants'to a _'Lill on May 10th. (till, and X11115 about two to 1hrei' feet flans were made for' transportation apart., of. members to Guelph o1} ,June ib to __..-.._-_.._.C•ultl,.vatiotl,_h1:1 d Pests _.r._.__�_ ,of.trtuttut,iit4e alae elphi0 lt.._auiu\'1Usary_ Two points \vckllch•the g urdenel must of • Wolmen's Institutes. • keepti ,uand pests! tAiSgardent' kept.1«ell' •Ineni of fees. , Y- the' pay- IIc,ll en lI was answered b cultivated up to the middle of June It was decided to ask the"Girl Guides will st ay` clean with'little trouble from to assist in a tag day for shut-ins, on then ou. Pests, and this includes : Ma\• 31st, with Mrs. J:° Lenutire in \veelj r ire Much more easily handled'if charge. caught in the earlier stages. Cultiva- '•- 1, fternoon tea was ser\ed and asocial tion will take care -of tate weeds in half ticaur enjoyed. ' most. casts, though in lawns or .iii large and well established clumps some of the new sprays are advisable. Bugs 1111(1 disease ShQUl(l' le attacked just as soon 11s they show themselves. Com- mercial sliratys are available at any seed r>_r hardware store. Mrs. A. *zt Again P>re5iden's - Increased Membership hip L a P Reputed, Mrs. Archie -Wilkin was re-elected president of the local • brazich of the Women's Institute at the annual. met- ing ,held on, Thursday, May O'. in 'Maclay Hall. Other pincers are: Hon- orary president, Mrs. Norman McInnes ; 1st vice-president, Mre. Chas; ° I.teck- hart ; 2nd. vice-president, ,, a' . Georgie Iulllby ; secretary -treasurer. Mrs. W. V. II. price; •press secretary, Mrs. ,,ilex. Butler ; pianists. Mrs.' Thos.. Glazier, Mrs. J. Snider; flower con- vener, Mrs. Harold MaePhee ; auditors, Mrs. Geo. Mathieson, Mrs. John New- combe; district representative, Mrs. N. Mclnnes ; .brauch directors, Mrs. Chas. Lockhart, Mrs. IP. Ii. Riley, .Mrs. Con, Iilssett, Mrs. «'m. Doak, Mrs. Norman Miller, Mrs. A. McKinnon; 'conveners of `standing committees: Agriculture and Canadian industries, Mrs• George -Mathieson; citizenship, 5 h1I , current lt .0\Czts slue, much 111014' for tall marigolds, , 111„ 4601E BELL TELEPHONE COMPAFI•V OF �CAN ti`DA SHEPPARDPON •SI1EI'I',URI)TUN, May (1, —'Mr. Ernest Pritchard of Toronto visite(' re- 4emt1' \wit11 °11is sister-iu-law, Mrs. roster, and \Ii.•, Foster. \1r. and,. JIrs, -Catlin and fanlila. -of 1)et roil, visited (luring the '\veek-end with her sister,. Mrs. \'tcl'1ibe, ,-SLI - itabt• Bogie, spent Thursday i11 -London. • 411'. and Mrs, John .Tones and (laugh- ter Merle and �'r. and. Mrs,-l;t-\-se--aiEl family, of I:ssN, visit4d overtails'weeli./' eird \vitlt \Ir• Jones' brother. Mii. Charlie Juue5, and Jlr's, Jones, • I'resentatioln. -.1z ',I'he ' Sheppaicdtoll school house was Ilse scene of a gather - 11u. 't forty neighbors on lluntl:ly eveti- .11.1ii _'n1h, The evening was spent ill l,11,;;1i -siv e curare. . high• honors going ;4) Mfrs, \\ ail McCann flus Charlie ,Joitti- sl„t! :11111 consolatl)411 pri4es. to Airs. ST. GEORGE'S GUILD 'The May meeting of St. ,George's 1 the Registered' Nurses Association in - Church ' \ti ultletl's Guild was held on sist€'d. o11 maintaining existing stand - Tuesday in the Guild room, • with the 1ards, "\i e do not want to battle the President, Mrs. I1. B. \i:' Ticilborne,.registered nurses,"' he added. "W e ex - presiding. The Scriphire 'lesson was read v�'an't to co-operate to ,the fullest ex - read by Miss Burritt. Notes of thanks 1, tent.'"' Miss M. Dickson, superintend - Mrs, of Alexandra Ilospilal, said the were received from, \lass Cox and Longmire. •An interesting address was ! Registered Nurses Association would given by Mrs, I{obt• Venus, her topic !not likely *change its policy um require - being "Scotland in the Spring." The 'newts. sneaker gave a lovely word picture of \Ialyor D. D. ;Mooney, of -Godericli, thE� beautiful flowers that, row in pro— fusion in' the. parks and fields of her ,''arsons,, chairman of the Godetich home- laird. Mrs, F. Brul)hey mooed- 1111 Hospital • Loard, thanked Mr. .,Kelley vote of thanks to the speaker- (01 behalf,( arid' expressed the group's \yiIlingnesb of the members, 1"104 co-operate 111 surveys of pruspectkve, Humorouspapers were lead by Mrs. I :nurses. •,,��aa D. J. Patterson and Mrs. Reg. Neea-.j Mr. Kelley announced new Prov�'itickal haat. St. Andrew's group plan holding , grants to the four hoCpitals were great- 0.11__alfteT1l(o11 tea slits. hake goods sale I ly increased -•oyes' last year's. Com - this month. At tlie close 1(2 the meet ,linafigures foPublic uLlhospital, in tea was served by Mrs. i'ichborne, preceding)_. . I t ?1iss 8 1ll:el(1 and Mrs. Dodds. � $1.1 GO. 51:17 Winirha in General Ilos• - ti The extra miles of safe, carefree driving you 'get from long.;, „ wearing Goodyear tires add up to a saving you can't, afford to miss - , • plus complete free- dom from tire worry ,for a long. long time. SEE YOUR t'�41 4174 ert C1a k&.'S Shell Service au U1 DEALER PSS ]lIm Wingtaam's tai rate this year is 1ih points for the iieeltilag ltaoltty. of` 11.0 shills, five mills more than the i101O butter. .ir. Braithwaite has-been with the Clinton egreamery, • operated by rate.' . . Canada Pant ero Lludte . for the pas . Dave Anderson, on of Mr. +.and ,! ; rs, eight Years. . '(`red Anderson of Zion, Ashfield, tezwn- Na,tivo off Gogyeritelig , ship, has puachased `a I;01haere farm from Grant Mac1)iarinid at Paramount. • The Reyal klotel at Ripley, owned for over thirty years by the Wilson' family, has been sold by Earl Wilson to -Alvin Rutledge of Brussels, who will takes obsestdoat shortly. property 'tun bee purchased. by. the ,Clansmen south of the postotlice build- ing in Lucknow to serve as the site -of the • new ere.creationatl centre of. tht; villagt� i building is being moved sfron fort Albert and Will be placed oil this site. A. E. I'urdon has sold his 100: acre •farm on the 12th ,conce,lon of West \\''a.atloSli to William I{iutoul, and his hardware stere and property in tire village of Whitechurch to Ifi'ed N.ew- inan of \Viiighaui. Mr.' and Mrs. i'urdon will niove shortly to,,the house they have bought in Lucknow.. working on the tractor nearby, and Mr. and Mr's. Thomas Maag)tiln of more by intuition'.than any other sea- ( ee - ce'(.1a r have le t u�1 t h, ti' I h '• \y Ii .1 ,u. off the mach n(. As M �\ ,t at n he Shut \\E t It 111(1111. and geld W1111s in memory of aid so he beard a splash and upon '411 - titivate �. 11fYlll r• • 4 •uIt .Ia tlle[r sea; Sergeant J. lv h vesttg„.ttiuu found young Gary flounder `�\vho lost his We'll' •a baulll,ilig i11ir.5k0I1 IDearitelli at 3e fortk The funeral -of Miss Dorlithy 0%1011- n:e11, who died at .her home in Detroit on April 29th,. took place at ,'1eaforth 011 %'ridgy last. llhiss O'Connell wall, burn in Goderieh, as• daughter' of Lek late J. I), O'Connell, •Deputy • Registrar of .Ueede,.and, Mrs. Q'Cvalneil, and after, her father's death removed with her norther to Seaford), and later to Pe- troit Her mother survives, a sitter and two brothers having predeceased her. Narrow Escape from Drowning Little Gary Gammie, soli of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gammie, had a narrow escape from being drowned in a guJty on their farm 011 concession 12, A'Vasa Wawanosh, which had filled with water during the spring Mud. 1. Ross was , over (1e('tu:ltty to 191.1. • .All seven of the crew of the plane in wile', Sgt. r •1•' killed. M11g;o11)f1 was rear gunner 1, It } t } (1o1. of tla tm \�u, I''l\ iii;: (411.(('1' Alvin ' Curless of Clinton. - r( e t) •' o ort d ' l:l lll h E • \\'111 1 h4' dcat,tlt of on April ''_:)th at the home of his sister, Mrs. \\•illain' 'Higgins, ('Bitot, in his lt year. I)4're�lsed w'Its for some years a resident of Suilfurth after' retit•iltg from farming. He is supived by four 5011,, Cecil,. ufs Tuckersiuitll, e I1itgh. Iley :111(1 I.t'o, of IIalniltun, one daughter, Mrs. Itrock, of Loudon, and �, al step -slaughter. \Irs. II)\\'.e, of 1I1uu= `lIt 011. - Goodyear Batteries Af'ter'. i4 • very` brief illness, Norman 'Clarence e East (11 )d in the Clinton hos- Phone 456J Saltford Ilitlll on April lith .in his fifty-second year. Mr. East was born on the farm in Iiullett township on which he re- sided at the time of his death, He is survived by lois M. the former Esther Lnvina Pilgrim, of Varna, one soft, Murray, at home, and two brothers. _ ...` .:_ _ , - . Percy, of •$t rat1fu.rt1,- .ttitul .Charles, of the Minister said. A.ubnrn, K. • S• Hopkinson, of `Alexandra C'1hiton Has felt that ccr Champion Butter maker Marine hospital Board, George Braithwaite, head;- butter- tain academie barriers to girls' enter - Frig at the ('lintun Crt'a111erw, was frig training should be,lowercd, He said subjects such as trigonometry and the winner of all Ontario -Ode cont. French were not iil�portant to nursing, petition,, among head butterm,akers of Educational 'Requirements /•fortt'-ei(;fit 'creameries, scoring 97.33 ,.\lrs. Morrey favored loweritlg. ed ilea- _. tional requirements:- Mr. Kelley said .. - 84 AN A -B -C DRIVER—A(Hwas Be C.er�IIC 1pial, :$2 0314 SSG; Alexandra IIosjii:tftl,' TO TRAIN NURSES I Goderich, $4,307, f;1.057 ; Sot)t t Mem- " IN SIVfALLER HOSPITALS � 4)11(1 Ifaspifal. Son forth, 7.t(l 11(13. tsar— ! sa -- ((')4utilgUed from page 3) Huron, pointed out an emituutic factor' (11'0° ll:l gill :Hot Leslie .it11111,toi1.. fl'c • ill fn i' i)� gil1s.('h)4)4sing"to train ill (Etas, a Rule's ui s;utrlvv irlt4s, cola' :111(1 5111:111 l0vV'1 '. Living ell'.ts i41 '1'ot'onto, "."11.1'1'. 11)4' g11t'r(5 111 1LU11)4i', Mr. a11(1I 1.outli,111 4)1' •Ilalililtoll, 11(' sail, 'were ' 11)1 piclm, \\'est' cwaller] to tbv higher than ill 5111)11(1' "Inane towns." pLrtiorlu :Hat .i Tl n(ltlall rend bti' 1 would 1bi,11; if almost iLt1n155i1)ic Foster 0\pressfitg the regret t 1'tll' one '9 irall'llt'I' fu Il'al'll s1\1('1'11 nt' t IIe (.1,Int1a1111ily ill• losing such \ 5111(11'1115 , full l' 111ife1't'nd 11)45}Iii;115, t'i 1.i1,�1s. '1'1) ' tireseiniii ion of an ,eleo- el,muuaiiterl Dr. 1::.\. ,Mc11•aslt r. t':1 1.11111) :11:11 0:)14!111 tnl',ie \\:In 111:1111 sorts,,• ''l'. 'to 1, ;1 11,1 (41 11111cogi' ill • 11', \\ 1; 1. \fl (':11iu :,14)1 1'..1:1111: 11:1014114 OP..., '�1'lie� 1(1(1 (41 ;1 :l1 it lir \ 1, ,,111;i 1i' 1°u:a114' :I lilting 1•e})1y- :Intl (,x1)ec1e(1 docs . '. :11111 i l•.:'imed e�},1c, e11 11i. 111,111!;s 14) :ill. 1'ht' even 451:1fl's 0111, 1ra1)11ng. 111. \'\:4 1)1'„'1'111 111 4) 411,.1' 11\• :11.1 Seltoolo 111 a si11L"illg "For •Ilo's :t ,lolly Good • (one s 1411')) :1 :"a \11' :11:11 (1 rte1'r,contau 11:1v't' u\\eeu 5111:111 11lirsim0 '.(14)44)1 !in1)e it rIltles mot 111- :11,(1 1lellel' 1)41) 1)44! 1'11\ 1111.11111:11'. .las 11'101 ltl,r'41)01 s'tlol•ll\". 1'111• 51111111 1'11,,•,15 to il'a11111a11' \halt 1'11 :Iisit"41"''metcc5 the . larger ones. P .1t 011:1' 1114 1• all 1I11ron ' )4!' 'tor' u)411111V� lint'SiLL' schools were allillatl'(1 fri,"\\ 1411)1".'.elves 144) 111:1(1 \with \'ietriri:', I1t,5})it:il. (;)4d4rit.il -� the 1;1'1 4)f 1 4' t'r4ii1' l4) (•1,(4. :111(1 its :111i11:!ti1r11, "'l'hnre i5 110 illin1t• isle Ini-get• '011o1)ts closed the '*S111111e 4)111'5," o )1)i 1 ! e11 Dr. (; 111 ham. ) Arr. 1\011( prl,luist•d 11. iIt\(sti1,lte' re-a111iliat i(u 'possibilities 111 (1))'. Ili. 011)05(11 Ilk plat \vas "vert• deflate sat situ en \will get their 'I{.N.''•' at s. C� Skink©ij©rs eaCwin- 0 se Foy n appna ss Are you ashamed of your Appearance because of a skin rash, hods, pimples or other skin afftlotions9 Too few _people retllize that these affections may • be easily remedied. Impurities in the' blood may often be the cause for ugly skin .affections. „„ ° ,,•�.-.. _...__ 'Po get relief from , skin troubles, boils and pimples, try Burdock Blood'.Bitlers• This tegetable ci)tupound acts on the bowels, kidneys, liver .and stomach. It helps to eliminate wastes from .the system. • 'The result may be at. woodier, clearer skin. B.ii.B. has brought relief' to th 'usancls of other Ganadians suffering from skin affections. It should do the same for'you. -Ask for it at any counter. Specify Murdock }flood Bitters.' �,_ Y °u•-- The'1', liilhurn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.: • that (the prupo,etl smaller 54110015.' If the sinalTier school 1)11)11 el mid tto't Nle 0(41144(1 out the 4))1' ulster N114r- 111111\'(' 10 case 1111' olnri1 4)1' 11.l1l'-0.5.1 \\':15 '10 11'0111 lllor(',. •11111'slllg �15t1 rti.' '111 0,0 uUrs('.' 1s'is1111115 1140. fiarn( 4! only nice months, Instead of the t111'ce yo,:I1'S required for registration.scut -fail (1(i 111:111 tn51« that :1 registered 1111,1se tmigl1j (te. The (hoe Ho (1l\ernlnent 1 - 11a(1 already 1')'111100. ►ul► t4) trails .2'14(8 511e!) a4i(11' 11)x4)11)211)111 tale 1'1'oviu( t'• BAKER WINDMILLS Beatty Pressure Systems (Both shallow and deep well) CHICAGO AIR MOTOR Pumper Repairs for Pumps Windmills Gil Bath Pump Jacks itzp trick KINTAIL Plumbing and Heating, Agent for Eastern;$teel Roofing Co. Phone Dungannon 12r:1 II.R.:t, Goderieh and 1D Qrva1d xta v►.aist-deep water. yeta>n ;titer. 2'14 + 1ttC two., bid fCillovi h9' dat1 i]L1C° to, (the re (1-. 1�u (►w u lentimct. Lifclong Resident (i' : 0(1.c .ieh '4» 1 "lip The death. of aolm J1?f ilea whi$fl4 oe'o (°Urred Qn April LDtfia, 1C011l011C(1 life3 long r'esident of ' icld(t4(hi towisii1444 He wat3 111, lair .eighty -farts 3'car. Six years ago he etl er'c4>l 11: st1'albo alld. sylui+eb that of }he hal Tot gel�al0 'ect the best o1 health, tiltltoug t. Confined to lied' only tlu'eo ' eels, before hie death. ]1115 thud -wife _rvA�es and there—are .Sour Children living, Mrs. Praia; MacDonald, Hu&lett 'tewn- shin, by tate first wife; Fred, of Clinton, Thomas and Alfred, of Oodaeric 11 'tor 4 ship, by the second. t 11 BEDROOIiM LIGHTJNG Those. soft overhead lights 'ata the,' bedroom'--'-wbiitever the mares may think of them—have the approval of ifiedieal science. However, health authorities advise that such. lightingg be supplemented by properly -shaded lights on both sides qf the torror. For reading in bed, a pin-up lamp is also quite O.I ., aslong, as" the fight Is - adequate in quantity -and quality, and if normal 'posture is malntained while reading in bed (with the .,boos held fol' comfortable seeing) . Offs 1 Opening MAI TLAN /' GOLF CI I J' LTD.. �• SA ORDAY, MAY 24th (CELEBRATING 25th ANNIVERSARY), z PROGRAM 9.30 a,m. Gentlemen's 9 -hole competition. Medal Play. 2,00 p.m, Mixed two -ball foursomes. (Kindly be �n time' -or 'phone 1 in your entry so that the draw can be completed). 4.00 p.m. Ladies driving,' approaching and putting cora- , petitions. ° 6.30 p:m. Buffet Supper (Cover Charge, 75c), follow 3d by presentation of cups and prizes. 8.30 p.m. Dancing in the newly decorated club house. ,lav I extend terata, hut pari:ieularrly to beginners and inetnber, 0." very hearty w t<'11?ai('. • 11i 4it',' �)1 mitt tilt''rt• will Ile elltertainrment at the Club 1110" 1I1)tt • , Chairman Golf Committee, C. K. 'NAFTELd- .1131071.1. , essasismasims o • Canadian National, the largest railway in North America, can take you everywhere in Canada -.. froomm._ -- th_ nAe surd washed dioses of the Atlantic to the evergreen Pacific - Coast. There is a type of train travel for every purse and purpose ... berth or enclosed • space, coach of chair ... and for everyone, Canadian N'ationi l courtesy and service. • Get to know your country s is �;.N.R.... the cotnfdrtable, dept 'lidable way to travel. Ar CANADIAN, tI THE f 11� I LV. 1. ' 4'0 VE*EtirWHERE ICAAIA Forams Canadian National trains: lationsl J_if►xieed i,fter+ ,1 1'.in)ited (•outilrent.. Gc(,.t,l I ilnit',:ri NATIONAL 1,' 1, ,;4 • t1Q, 11; 1, 11 let tL' t ieIp, plan your trip, • Drop li,t at a, Ca;ladta,i' N'atikeai ticket office and tall: it over. Wo will be pleetsed t© Kelp you. • • 44