HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-05-08, Page 6PAGE IIx' THE O RICH SIGNAL -STA s ABURN M..1I S10 4VX, J1,< Il. 2047 AUBURN. RN. May 7: Mr. and Mrs. \Wuodts was called, to the front 'and Edgar 1°awsn, Mrs. Oli-trr Andel eon le Miss Margaret King read an" address I and son allt'fllde`ll tete' funeralE expl•easi�tg regret at her departure from tldis l'oinmttnity and Mrs. �%'ightnta» of Earl Pewits at Tornado ou Sunday. l presented her with ai wool blanket. \lr. 1)owt1,s -,pati the; soli of Mr. and Mrs. Hoods, who has been • iiresident Mrs. 1\'111. I.►uss'ns ui °i'orotttu and a j qrf the \\ ,M.:'• for a uuihber of years, expressed her atplU'eclattion of the _gift couein of air. Lass anal. + and the kind -thought eanleyed'to het•, I - Miss Longman: of Leeched int the l• alar. Campbell closed the meeting with week -end with her aunt, Mrs. George prayer. • R.efreshatettts s\'ere served by tulbblut. Miss Jean Campbell atle% friend, of Kitchener, were weekt ud viailors with The HURON ACE COMPANY wishes to announce that they havep urchased the George Johnston Crystal Ice and the J. ,. Graham &ce Business Now in their new plant on t'i uroii Road, HURON Ink COM- PANY are prepared to supply you with the best ill AR TJF1CP{'CE air. and Mrs. Al iert Cm r. HELENS Mr. Reg. j.'atrter of Port 'Elgin was a week -end visitor here. He was ac- eunipaulied home by his father,, Just Carter, and apse Sadie C'ar'ter, wife will eyelid the summer at Port Elgin. Mr. Everett Yiutgblut visited Mr. and Airs. Thouuas MeNall at the week -end. Everett was the -first front this district to enlist in the second World War and returned from overseas. only a couple of mouths ago, Mr." Rube. 11. Rutledge held a suc- cessful sale of farm stuck and ample- , meets on Friday. Mr. and .Mrs. Rut- ledge intend moving to Goderich.' Mrs. Geo. Beadle, Airs. John Arthur, Mrs. George Iiungblut •and Mr. Arthur ungblut attended the funeral of their aunt, Airs. Mary lfueey of Tavistock, • on Wednesday. Ladies' Aid.—The' Baptist Ladies' _lid :held their May_ meeting. at the -home of the president, Airs. C. A. I1owa son, on Thursday. The president was ;-in charge and Mrs. It. J. ,Phillips pre- sided at the piano. The Scripture -vas read by airs. ('. C. Anderson and prayer Smith's Hill church on Sunday It will Sats offered by Mrs. :Wilfred VesterXelt. ' CARLOW r 't,e a eumbiu('ll s('rvice, be;;4ul�ing at. •Itett(`ling• were given by Mrs. 'la S. I :;.31► ! Ju1ln�tuu 011(1 Alrs. Fred Ross. \Irs. Atr. and airs. Walter lcafit1111 and t;ui�tlula 1'aylur favored with at sul(i. CARLOW, May 6.—Mr. Keith Young 1'ht' to 111 Sus' 'riven r \ ' week -end with two d:tugltass° of S;ra(ferd, called on a 1 1 I, `U 1(u of Trenton spent the - a 11(111114(•1 0f 1heir friends cm Sunday. R:titLby. It('. ('. ('. _An(1e1 (Il .puke 1 hisP arents, Mr. and 'airs. G.• Young. Alisses Jean and Joan McPhee have briefly and closed the meeting wit h• Miss Isabel, ];nun,, and Aliss Phyllis secured posit Mils in London unit left pr 1 t'1 Refreshments were served. ail Momla� Anglican 1aulies' (guild.—'Che Ladies' W• alter of Tm•unt( visited itEd with let. { (.uidd of St. Mark's .\.ii 11 111 church i Messrs. E. \\'. Mee and Fred \11(utllin. \I-rs. -II. Varcee has returned home and Mrs. J. McBride and others here. atter spending a few days with her met at- the h(111e of Airs. Elwin Lether- I At the conclusion a three-story birthday Mrs. :Allan Wilson is visiting with Id (ughter at iiilrpetl. I land on '1'uesc11'. \Irs. Sam Muer was call:(' adorned with fifty candles was her daughter, Mrs. •Stoll, of Guderictl. \liss Etl;el Turt(4n of Stratford hos- in cltatrge of the meeting and Piers. -G, given the prominent place on the plat- "' . �"'-''A • rr iii ry-"'rt 1'Ttitt ;tTr11 i1rl _et-ii-.�1 1101 ,--o _ , - --•„ks 111'.1n,> :1:•.'1',eeter lrres'111(1'-lit' tire lt•i -fro.-.Tire--trial, -while f0-31•Gordorr-41(.Phersow `Mrs° .YO ig0 � l,t,.tl t, hurl( for -.+ ft, (e �, spent a few days with Airs. Smythe. t+ndert;atie :111 operation for a►llpendi- "c•rilattu•trSus-r(atd by lirs..Iulut.I)uer ,the present president, and_ Airs. John 14lothel.'s Dai ser -ire w111 be held I11 Lelia:111(1 prayers- 4)11(1ed by Mrs. S. 1)aer. Miller, of Lttckn0w', JIrs, I)uxnin Phil- -Mother's reading wits given by Mrs. J. Taylor lips and Mrs. Wallace Miller, former 'ST. I1ELI`;NS, May 5.—Mrs. Laurine \Vifson has been nursing Mrs. Sara •('iThllyer of Lucknow, who is a patient in the Goderich hospital. Celebraithng 5Ot i nniversary.-1i'ri- dos evening tuarl ed au important event in the life of the local, branch, when the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Women's Institute was 'cele- brated at a large gathering in the Coni- munity Hall. A profusion of golden daffodils and streamers of , gold and blue, the Institulte colors, were used on the platform to make au effective setting for the interesting p$ugfl'an a for which Rev. ,M. G. Newton presided in his usual efficient manner... Tfie singing of "O Canedat ' and the Institute Ode was- followedieby •solos by' Anne Todd, Mr. E. W. Mice land Miss Marie CupskV, duets by Misses Doris Tayltir and Isobel Barbour, and Mr. and Mrs. E.- W.• Rice, a reading by Barry Mc- Quillin, •the 'Shoemakers' Dance oy Pupils of the St. Helens school, a piano -duet by Mrs. Will Rutherford and Miss Carol McCrostie, songs by pupils of 1'orciyce school, a reading, "The New Woman," by Miss Eva' Greer of Luck- ndw, who also brought greetings from their .Institute, a piano solo by Mrs. 'Rutherford, violin selection by I)r, Little of .Lucknow,.and a 'One -act play, "The Twins," by Mrs. G. McPherson, ' s►; Lightning Rod Installation and Repair Service. Pumps and Pressure Systems of all types. Engines; Motors, and Wind- mills. Goodyear r -Its in all stand- All farm equipment and machinery. NEW ...IDEA" DISTRIBUTORS (IOD)r,i`II('H, ONT..' 'Phone— , Carlow 2821 - .1 patient carat* to r+ field .he.s.pital .and .:t deet • is rendered by \lariu.0 presidents, was given the honor of with the (•1111101aiut that h(, was unable ,r:lytor sand Laura •• May •• Letherland. 1ig11ting the candles.. The oldest presi- 1'he topic . "TI'.aBridge of t'n(lerstaali1- dent', Mrs. Archie Anderson, blew the to sleeput might. t The (ioctur's style(' ing." was given, by `'airs. '1'. S. .Johnston. candles out. After lunch, during which w:ts ter the seldierrto ('at sonietlllru..g \Irs. (T (rdoll Taylor favored -with a g , h< t ,'•,• ,�•, o b 'Bur I I t ( , ed t(r e 1, t t ailing' „ • Nolo, u'(•conlp:wie(1 by Mr;',... It. J. Phil- ; tLe pa-lie11 'reinjected 111i11, "two mouths lip•,, and \Irs. A. ,hirkconneli con- te vett 1 1)1 iue never to eat :niythiug t� hgleisured 0 reading. the pr('sidE'nt, before g((11( to bed." '1'h(' good (lector blialeel end then in full lrrefe••ienal ' replied. "Aly buy, that w'as two \Irs. A. a Nesbit, took charge for the business. \Irs•.'\\'. Govi('r thanked the Guild 1'01 11aw•ers shut her while, a tuunths eat,. "'(•ieut•e lets mad(' ((Ionil- lr:+tient in Clinton hospital. 'The roll t)Ie.,str'ides '.1114, then. vale ens a1115we1•('d with a "hn11Ne("1(':+n- ill1 hint." Rev. II. J. L. Ht'ndel'NUII (la -ed the meeting with prayer. The 11ostess served refreshments. J C. &o ' IENORTH _- SPF'NG9ANK DRIVE LONDON ON's. • t1 ht'n viwitinF Landoll (•oro• in aln(1 tit'(' '.what VOli h!1\--()t"r n1-ruery ig ops•0 4 .,ry e, e nine. A11 m',PI , r,rdors are promptly filled fl;`fitttl.tinjr pral4�4 1111.V (",4' still ,*, ,,,r rr'41'. tot; F yvl P":1( 'sto 41. is 1@'.111.S, Meeting. --Mrs,- Albert Canip- bell gal(,' 11er' lenme for the Alar meet- ing of , theW ,M. ' . of KnOx t'tlited (•11111(•11.. The- president, .airs. Jas: \Woods, lu'esided and -opened the meet- ing with prayer. The., corresponding secreta re read "Thank ou" lett(' _ the cake aSser-Ed, dancing to music by the Taylor • drchestra brought a. 'very 'pleasant evening to al close. • KINGSBRIDGE • KI.NGSIIR1DGE, May Mark Dalton left for Detroit today to be preeent at the marriage of his sister. \Iary Murgart-t, to.Mr. Joseph O'Brien. Mr. and airs. 'Mike L;1w' and family and Miss Hannah Hogan, oderich, were visiting ' with t t . _Ia.rtins on Sunday. Air. Victor Martin � - a in on spent the week --end With is father, Andrei. Martin. fr((tm Miss .1. S.(na 1, Tirronte. and M. -Ir. Martin Courtney -bus purchased and Mrs. foster Wright 111141 fr0111 flay- • the George Drennan farm .on.the 1Oth, concession of Ashfield. Air. Payette;- Separate'. School in- spector, visited the school last week, ud,justIng business matters. There is to .be a 'bee this week to beautify the c•httrah.1- grounds 111141 Tell en \1ri('a. JIrs. E. Patterson on cemetery. • Christianati'acatrdship and Airs. 'Woods Mrs. Jolla. Ajeyer was visiting in I en' temperance. .A report of the Pres- London (.0 Monday. • 1(\ -•(•vial tme(•riiig held in 1:yeter wets Air. Dob.-Alnore 'ef Detroit visited ;;i,(•;t 1(5 Alis; Etite1 \Vaslliugton. Mr's. :It (►'Neil1's over the week -end. mouth. Nt,rtheru Ontario, for gifts don ate(1 tew':ird furnishing a ',few parson- age -there. "The treasurer reported the 1•::aster thank -offering -vas .$7'I (17. The • Scripture was read by Mrs. A.J.°1'ergu- sill,. '1'l++• heralds responded, •.'airs. F. CD RUIT 1'rE( Ar,D B .Art ..I. FIELO',,_ BAY FIELD, May a Rir. Lawrence ir'owlie of London sb ate a week-enad guest of his sisters, Misses E,, and I('. I'owlie. Aire. E. Baby and daughter Roberta. of Piaroit, spent the . week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy I'otb. Meiss ttudrey Brandon, - who under- went lE serious operation in Scott Mem- orial lioi_p tal, Seafortil, last Saturday, is progressing favorably: Miss Doris McEw•an of London 9s spending'' this week with her mother, Mrs. .''red McEwan. , Mr. and Mrs. Jack •Atkinson, i\liss Marion Atkinson and' Mrs. -11.. Johns of Detroit spent a few days at their home in the, village. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers of Ham- ilton arrived last week to spr.'nd • the season at their cottage in the village. • \\'e are sorry to report that Miss Margaret •lteid is seriously ill at her home Mere. Her xnauy friends hope for au early recovery. Mrs. James Ferguson spent a few days in London last week,,, On her re- turn she was accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. J. Ferguson, who spent the week-. end with her. ' Mrs. Lulu P,urt, Mary, i.ou, Howard and Ronald Burt of London spent the week -end s' its Mrs. Burt's •,parent's; Mr. and Mrs. 1i. Baker, Mr. Hugh Gilmore underwent art operation in Clinton hospital last aveek and is progressing favorably. Airs. L. Morgan and, daughter Karen are in Otterville; owing to the. illness of Mrs. Morgan's mother. Mr. and 'firs. G. Weston and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. E. 'Wextol) moved here free' Goderich last week. ' liey have taken over the bakery business of John Apfelbeck. DENMILLER "Manta's Baby Boy" in 3 -AOT COMEDY ENI llaU 'UNITED- CHURCH, on • MONDAY, MAY w 12th at S.30 p.in. ADULTS 40e - CHILDREN 20o $pQusored by Young Adult„'roup 19 BENMILLE11', May 6.—'2he funeral of Mrs. Will Feagan o11 Tuesday ivaS laIle ly attt'ude,l. A short service was heat the home of Mr. and Airs. Stanley \ alll:;tone before the service 111 Beflu,iller ('11(11.011. Rev. 1:. E. ('ron- hihlui officiated:. The pallbearers were Verne Gledhill,i•Statnley V'axisto)ie, Geo. Feagan, A. Grange, Geo. 1('ilsinger and 1), G-litmdon..• 1'tilet_nit>trt . tv-at •" ta---('ttl-•-1 borne cemetery. Beusolt 'Walters arrived home front his boat to he preseyt at the fitueral of bis sister, Mrs, Will Feagan. . Severe eolds are ,very_ prevalent ill this community. • A number -of school- children are -taking -part in the Music IE st14a1 in,' Goderich' E1 (e 1 this week. Mrs. May .Hopkins •of the Soo was here to attend the (funeral of her, cousin, Mrs. 'Will 1'eatgan, The Mother's Day service will be observed i1i,•.Beun-tiller United church. oa Sunday. The Mother's Day pro- gram ,will be f=ollowed through the • service atiel a mothers' choir will lead in the service of 3'ong. NILE •" { efts > aF r`•.lh• '" ' _ ,,,gi• fir • • NILE, May .7.—NexcSunday will be ' observed as Mother's Day at Nile Sun- (luy 'school and church. Next Wednesday the \WaM.S. of Nile ital taste--Ma-ye- t eeainagg i•1 the Strlld:ty schuo1 roust. • ,ht Will be al quilting. Each member is to bring a bar of toilet snap fur the missionary bale. - . Nile church auditorium is . being treated to 0 paint job '1.) Ir. Lininbtoll of-Saltford. If- not finished in time, • service will be again held in .the.. 5101- . day school 1,00)11.- • . Mr. Angus 2l01)ierinid,'t.'1io has been sick,"is somewhat better, we are glad t report. '1'h(' new garage at Nile is progress- • LAK HURON' LEVEL Guide: "This castle' has stood for HIGH APRIL 300 years. Not a stone has _been touched, nothing altered., uuthing re- paired or replaced.', Tourist : "They ()WAWA. May 5.- -The hydrographic must have the sank' kind u1' larn(ilord and map service of the 1ReSourcee Dc- - we've got,” pertinent issued ti report today•on, April water levels .of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River: bake Superior at Port Arthur—p4 inches higher than March, .1947; 21/2 inches lower than April, 1946 ; 7% inches lower than the highest April since 1860; 24% inches higher than the 1 • ma est .a,pril since 186(1 ; and :1 iuehes higher Uta\2, the average level of ,April for the lust 87 years: • Lake Huron at Goderich-3)/ inches higher than March, 1047 ; 12% inches 1)wer than April, 1111(1; 42 itiches lower '- then highest April: 25!.t inches higher Utah the lowest April; and ,inches' lower 111aI1 at,erage, Lake Erie at fort Colborne--10:t,i incites. Higher than March; aa of an inch lower than April, 194(1 ; 211,h inches lo\aer than elle highest April; 31 arches higher than the lowest April: :4 la in011014 higher than average April.• Lake Ontario at hingston -- 9'11 inches higher than _\larch ; 4 inches lower 111a11 April, 19-4(1; 17t'l inches l lower than highest April ; -11 inches higher than ill( -•est April ; t)i:, inches I higher than average April. riewas • Help Nature To Eliminate' Waste A ,Combination of valuable vege- table remedies, blended together under rigid standards of purity, Milburn's Laxu-Liver Pills are often valuable in the relief of constipa- tion and other disorders of the liver, stomach and bowels. o • They help the eliminatory ori and clear the system of waste which j is often the cause of constipation,` sick` and bilious spells, headaches, and- heartbilrn. Once tried, you'll be delighted by the renewed.feelingl of 'well-being which they help to 1 produi;e. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are on - sale at all drug counters. ' • 1 The T. Milburn Co., Ltd.. Toront.d. On.. die started today! 111g 1'avor:tbly and weather permuting will be .pretty well up by the end of this week. The Late Mrs. Win. Feagan.—,We are 'sorry to report the depth of _Airs. A'tnl. 1'eagun, daughter -111 -law of Mr. and Airs. John Feagen of Nile. The sym- . entity .of the people of Nile is exteli(10(1 to the sorrowing- relatives ----h4, -live in this ('allllllllllity. n ,/,�y j lj ,}j�.• f { f TAYLOR'S CORNER PSN �h+E • 71'AVLclt'S CORNER, May f;. ---This m•jehaerho4(1 rejoices with Mr. and Airs. Charles I'rottse in the arrival home 1'rein Scotland of theft: suet and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.. John frons(', and little son. Thaay slllied, on the "Aquila110," docking at Halifax'.... on Saturday night; and arris'ed, by train 111 (hol&'n'ioll late Tuesday evening. John arrived bulb(' from nverselt, about a year :and 0 half 'ago, expecting 'his • Scotch pride and baby -son to follow in a few months. Owing to the severe illness of Airs. Prouse,- • he • view by Plane to Scotlautl. jllsl about (1 year ago. Now, quite recovered, Mrs, Prittise has been able to nlake •the'iong-:1-%sited trip 4o her new home in Canada. A number of pupils of S.S. NO. 2 arca taking part in the Goderich Music . Festival this wei'l;. JIrs. A. Welch of Toronto • has been spending some time with her daughter, Mrs, John Watson, who has been ill. - Elm THE MANAGER of the • F✓ furniture factory- in Eddie's tow>d. landed a'I)ig' order. It meant he had to huh' a lot of extra lumber, increase his payroll. He, lost no time in putting the whole thing up to the manager of his local bank. Together they worked out how much money he would need to take care of wages and other costs until he - delivered the goods. Then, with the backing of his bank, he got to work on the order, • Ask the Man Who Owns One The sooner you order it, the sooner you'gi' 'get b irPackardthy.�ate�t ever built! Your next new car will be your first in five long yearsso cheose wisely! Fart No. 1: We've built quality cars for 47 years , . . this stunning, powerful new Packard tops them all. More than 4,000 factory inspections per Car triake sure of that. Fact No. 2f "Owner satisfaction • is at an t11 -time high. Service adjust- ments, under the new car warranty, are near the vanishing point. ,'Fact No. 3: Wise buyers who placed their orders early are keeping them in—and the sooner you join them, the sooner your new Packard will arrive! Meanwhile Be safe—and save .. . e safe—Follow the guide at right! Save'—through low-cost protection against expensive roadside break- downs, and long lay-ups for major repairs. Drive in soon- for 'a free estisnatf, of what your car needs now!, HERE'S YOUR SAPE7it-SERVICE GUIDE Brake aadiuGlment—No matter how soon you plan to turn your car in, keep brakes up to requirements. Steering and Wheel chock -up -Avoid llldden dangers and make old tires last. Seasonal Lubrication—Timely, low-cost insurance against burning out a hard - to -get part. Cooling System chock-up—it can save you from sitting on the roadside while your car boils over! Engine tune -up -Restores pep, smooth ness, dependability. Come in now.for our. low©priced spring -conditioning "package." J Ge ° PLANTE Victoria St: ' Phare 513 ' t CREWE ('It1:\\'1;, May 5.—air. unci. Airs. Allen Corbett al>,(1 family spent the week -end at his home' at. Shelburne. Thepupils of Crewe school will take part in the Music Festival in Goderich this 'week. ('hurch VVorker,s. The W.M.S. of Crewe held their May meeting at the home of Mrs. S. Khpatrit'k on' Thurs- day, :Maty 1. The urogram in the Mis- 1 fOnary Monthly was followed and _the' report of'the Presbyterial -meeting at Exeter was given by Mrs: -It: Finnigan. The W.A. reported on work being done at the parsonage thisaspriiig. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer by the president. - GODERICH TOWNSHIP GODERI('lI TOW'NMIIiP, May Congratulations 7. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. John IIindmarsh on the ar- 'rival of 'a baby girl and to Mr. and Mrs. •:4tanley 1ierlwain on the arrival of a baby boy. . Once again the softball season is owith use at11(1 interest is running high Rs the practices are resu)ited. A aptilendlcl sermon was delivered by Rev. John Coburn, I).T)., of Toronto, in Union chtireh last. Sunday. Mr. att(1 Mrs. Everett McIlwnin and Patrieia visited at Wirngiratn last Fri- day. ".Fou '.)lse(1 to say that 'there was something about nye you loved." . "Fes. 'Tom. hitt that's all spent tiaw." And that's where Eddie came inn': He *as put on the payroll—given his first chance to learn .a trade. Right now he's on his way home to tell Mom and Dad how much he• likes- hismew jobs SPON$-C--QfD 1• BY YOUR RANK