The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-05-08, Page 5▪ Y• MAT Stu, 10-17
AridaAri /111
est, afri4t,
in a gleaming, all -metal case
$.ich, rich pinlc with tlze assuring blue
that winks from. diamonds, $1.25
Matching nail lacquer, 75c.
Iltl ANNON, N;iay 7.m--• r, and MI'S. (Jordon Bowers (Id . ((oderieh; M. std^I4D QI �° L.J JI?I. 'r L
Earl Sherwood and Nita, o2 tla.riow, <Iacaa Mason (Joyce),` Wipi4 and Joan,r Many in Onlerich learned with re-,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Jars. W. Arnold, Wesley. and'Jitaa, at home; (,ret of tunexpected nexpected deatho f ()Worm
c r ( e
A. Culbert, 4th concession of.Ashfieid. , - United ChtlIrch ciirarli.S.- The -United Leonard dlaadtey, which occurred ed at
Master' Norris Summon of Goderich church W.M.S. held the May meeting Windsor. on Friday last after an ill-
fipe>,1t the; weekend at the home of. Mr: in the basement -of the church on Ilii- 'testi of only four days. Mr. Badley
Thos. RIM, t, returning to his parents day .afternoon, with Mr -s. 'M. Reed, was sixty years of age. As u young
in Gode 4h on Monday ,night. president, in the chair. Mrs. Matthew maga he was a C.P.R. operator in .Gode-
i%lr. and Mrs. Abner Morris are visit- Shackleton offered prayer. Mrs. geed rich and nT;adc^.°,niany ftt'iends, as be (did
ing theft son,. gr, Nen. >ldiorris, at ' led the worship • service and. Mrs. wherever he went. He also �ma>lrried
Bentguiller. Shackleton read froth the May progiram. a Godyrirlh girl; Miss Grace Tait. .-He
Mrs.. Orland Here aud infant son ar- A sped ' collection . was taken: for , i'os(t steadily in the bervhce of the
rive& home from Guderleh hospital •011 articles for the -June bale. Airs. Popp (_1'.R., and was agent successively at
Sunday. was appointed supply secretary,,1 Colborne, , Walton,'klalnover, Kingston
Mr. Albert Alton. of Belfast visited i succeed Mrs. J. M�'Whinney. A da and tinnily Windsor, being appointed
his brother, Mr. Herbert Alton, 6th cession took' place un relief work, for to \\ Inciior•as general agent four years
concession -West \V ,wanosli;. ou Mon China. :Airs. Elliott reported finances ago, lie was a member of the Victoria
of the Easter thank -offering,. Mrs. ,Via Presbyterian church, of the Chain -
of - er of l'urnmercc,, the Jin•kson Park
meeting atli!" xeter. , Miss Elliott gave Bowling ('lobs a:Mason and a
a paper- ora Ohristian stewardship and Jle is survived by his wife;a daughter,
Mrs. heed read the sixth chapter. of Kbliss Jean Badley ; three sistert,Mrsa
the study book on India.. Mrs. Elliott's
"Lawler. of Buisseaain, Ai,gn., Mrs.
group will have charge of the next ; Mitchell and MN. McQueen; birth' Of
Vancouver, and three brothers, Frank,
ilaeeCing;. , of Victoria, B.C., Harry, of Midland,
'MENTION- !and Arthur, of Elora.
:PERSONAL 1 A service at Windsor on , Saturday
evetrilr Y vas conducted by Rev. Dr.
711Irs. C. 11. Ilunl er of Hamilton Paulin. The remains 'were. brought' to
visited friends in town this, week. Goderich and on Monday afternoon a
bliss Bernice Blake, B.A., of Lambeth Air. and Airs. It. II. Clark of Endo.° service,was held at the Brophey iuneraal
°A ti day. .:.
btr. Thos. Dicksotu spent the week- Popp gave
a report of thl� I tesb3 eria1
end visiting his .daughter, Mrs. Jack
Gajewskix, London._ On his return he
' was acc(mpanied by his etc her,' Mrs.
Thos. Dickson, Ar., who \.vas teturuing
to her house after spending the winter
with, her daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) E. C.
Taylor, 'l'hatuesford. -
Visitors -with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Alton last Friday were Mrr •and Mrs.
Robt. McCabe and son Bert, of Ben- C 5
Ben -
'tither, and Mrs. Jos. I)utnin and fam-
ily, of Goderich
Coutinuat,iott School, was ill at her I'aa•ere recent visitors w-itll Mit. and ,firs• honit, with Rev. 1{u hard Stewart of -
Stewart: ,.
home (,r a �tuup10 uof weeks, but was ting;. The casket was surroluldecl
Airs. Jack Gould i8 r iting with -her able to return to her duties the first i,1' `� ( {'Iiirlc. Itch a lrrofu-sintl of beautiful flowers,
puretlts in Toruuto for a few days. Mr. and Air;. ,1. 11•. ,Tha•ouuell of and the large number of persons in at-
tlris week.
:A:�IiI+'ILLD; May (i.—Mr. Dan bias- ( Miss Lois MacLean of Goderich-;pent 'Miss I,ttabelle Webster, R.1'., of odstoek 'were visiting friends in tend ince inebided friends. many of
Lean is in Windsor this week on a the week -end. at the -home of her par= 1,uderic•11 lar t Week -end- them connected with the ('.1'.I;.. from
business tri Toronto, wits hope for three. weeks,
p• exits, Mr. and Mrs, Hector MacLettit., indisl,used cairn "flu." She returned I{all,h I'urkili 4�n and George (,udl,ois. 1;}ora, AV'hltc,. l'oll,rnc . Ilauov�>r,
' nal s visiting with •The Late Miss Ann Gritlin. 1 here 't'uronta ((u.. SUnil. accompanied
of London, are operating the uc'ty Itcd Listowel. _ Tornto. I.oudul,, 11'indsc,1,
'Mrs. Neil AIaeDo d t g tc
disci in St. Joseph Hospital at 7{eliance, . by her father, AIr, '1 hos. \Vehst(1, and 1 41 avert ice st•:ltiul, ((11 1.1114 stoic 5tt(et• Hamilton and \Voodstu0k: The 'inter
d attd Alrs.'1'laos. Bogie at Lambeth. South Dakota, on March '_'7, Miss Ann r Mrs. Charles Bridgwater, sr., ot-h'ort went cans its Maitland cemetery, the
Airs. Murdoch blticG1egor of London Gf�itiin, after a lin gerin • illness. Ann cousin, Ronald .\1toll who returned Dyer, is ,tending 41 tvc el: :1t 1 lie
b b 1pallbe arors being, Harry S:and(�rson,
is .visiting this week with friends in Griffin was born on the 1Otly co'iret sion h4)1114 .:t;;ain the same- day. _r holo, of her sun. ('lorries, of t,'ocleriet,. Goderich W. E. _AI r(;itl, Loudon; E.
Ashfield. Her son George went to c t 4ItIf 1 daughter -of Mrs. Henry Horton' is assisting• her I I
g of A.hhd ld, the g Mr. Tom Prit0hard 11:1$ Iwo!' s, 114)11,4- AI. Bloomfield, C'11-1) : J. O. J((h11-
01k. , , slstet, AI i s, Jessie ('r}sp}1 ul' Lucl:luty: i
Hamilton to begin .construction w ,)auu>s (xltlhll and Julia Shea. Here.') Air. and Airs. Harry Ryan have ly 111 at Ald-xuudra hospital the+- hast .tun, Ii. AL Aiuv nes and Edgar 1>ic kle,
Donald Stlnpsou returned to Toro>;Jto she• resided unci ' to -Reliance I moved to the furca house of ,AI r. 11111 ten duns, nut- i nosy reported touch i :all (,f Windsor. tlsis week. twenty years a • >v be housekeeper far' 1 nnlrovvd•,
Stephen Elliott spent the week -end at 3 Caesar, jr., :rt Glenn's hill.
T A h(r cousin( e\. John J. O.1{ ill •, Ur C. 1) I nrd a aid Ronald.f BORN Dolton, Det
Alothers •I)av a�Ill be oh5erte1 to> rust
Phone 90 Goderich
w ,
Olean and. bll=�g$itell1 up yQW hone.• with new , waiippi ier>i, °
=tai and .ae> '-
WA]�I A�PNE a, , , enali-trili ed for easy banging. Pat.
terns suitable for any - room 1 the house. °'
GURTAII(S.�-i }, tailored. er e styles.' A nice, so eeta&
to chQOSe from. ;
OURTAIN NETS—by the yard in marquisettes, ray's ni ; an4
tui oo;il nets. ' -
1� RAPERIES--in a wide selection of 36` and $0 iia, prints,
homesp1iui a ;r d. monks. •
--See u13 for the' famous Sun -Aire Steel Venetian Bli; ds ---
' The best . on the market at no extra 'lost.
Your QcHAEFER of
St ®re J.�,_.. f 'Value
P iI ONE 66 .
At St. Theresa's Clint -oh -4 Detroit, ; The May nie>eting 'of the Women's
on \Vo(lnesday,• May 7th, a wedding of i Missionary Society 'of Vict lria street
local" interest t6ok place when .Al.itry , United church was held on Tuesday
Alatrgaret, daughter of Air. William afternoon in the church parlors, with
O'Reilly. " " i , and the lute Ails.
• Port Colborne. > endeared herself, with her Hal. t11tu11 °were recent 'n+•,ts 1t Ith AI1,. I , 41(1 the _)resident,. Mrs. (seo1ge Baechler,
I c t
There she d ndeared g
' I)tu0(;auurotl United cllttu•ch,oll Sunday „ � �� �-1'1'tit\Sc►A.- -,\l r. :tnd AI1.. I•ati , I)ulton, was united in �Inarriage to
On Saturday Airs. John Ross had a real (htistilur life, to all who knew ! 1 uldun s: Inotbc Alrs. • 11'. 1>1144111(•e•.
morning, and there will also be a halt '4.11iuw,n, I{.l{.- yish to David ,Yoseph, son of Air: an
Alrs taking ch:rl>ge of -the Iit3siness cession.
very successful ,sale of cattle and Ilial- her. All fliI•otlgh het• life the decl>a15ed , , 111gle ea 71rec't. 1 '`
tistllal service. The \Vun1e n's Asscl>?i- announce the nrriy;tl ut their son, 'D. Al. ()'Brien of Guderieh An uncle Airs. Keith Weimer read the Bible•
,pinery. The farm was sold to 11Ir. was known for her'' kindliness of dis- I
McTavish fur $7,500. atom sponsors an evening, Service at 5
position, Iter thoughtfulness for others ! pan., with Rev. \1 . J. Rogers as speaker.
Rev. Robert :McConnell of Auburn is and 1te.r devot ion to 11e r church. Solemn Miss .Bertlice Blake, B.A., of Lam -
mass week visiting at the home of AI r• mass of requiem wars held at -St. Marys hclh, slaughter of, AI r, and Mrs. John
' ,hunch. Reliance, where a very large' Blake. I)uug;aiinol, lr2lsbeen engaged
•'T Her i their
final tribute. , d
1 a to >
iluln e I -;--.!-1 teacher on -.the staff of t,odel ich
brcrhht3r;°A `1'ilnrtt ly — C 1�Illl r °trig... I) 1 rit, a �,lt�g;•iifte` ii tit`fit`i� liii•fie5"IirVeilrit fent °
and a cousin, Francis . Desmond, of .
In Septemher.
Milwaukee, were' among those attend- .'1'lt4 service, at i.rskiue Presbyterian
foga hiss Griffin is survived by two church are ca(lcelled for next Sunday,.
sisters,- Mrs. De -an (Kate), of Clover -1 Al'. uv will avail thea 'el3'E'S of the •u1
dale, Br'itish;Columbia, and Mrs. Will I d
Clair (Minnie), of AsYttielcl, and a bro. Iportunit}• to attend anniversary services
at the 1.ucknow.l Iesl)y,te1•iau cliurch,
tier. Timothy, of -Detroit. The alter- 4
melt took place in St. kary's cemetery, I alt 11 u.u1. and 7 1.111. D.S, 1'., at which
n 1 • Rev. W. A. Henderson, of Ilillstlale,.
Reliance, S.D. will be the speaker, a11(1 the new•Hatru-
' . TOWNSHIP COUNCIL mond electric ,organ recently installed
will be used, with MIrs. Hamilton,
• ist at .Pailmerstoil, supplying for
Mrs, Einest Kirk and halo (141(1 Tilc r.
Alal•y Luise, returned last Th,lr1day-
to•,111441t• house ati Nipa\vi1. i afti'r
v}sit}ug; Airs. Kirk's parents. -Air'" and
Air,. II. \\'illianis.
11 •illi rt 1'':t1t1. h and d rn' h.c 1
J1u-1"4�-_I+.II+ t•1; 104-v-•rdrtd�t1a• ,d.:. t.«a•.44lh,i11.
home at Listowel after a visit wifli
Airs. Alt in Gliders.
\hiss .A,1ur.)orie> Alaetle ld' '`today
(Thursday) for New York t(('laeet Miss
Elizabeth Tuliiii on her ;)rrivitl on S.S.
de -rich • •
Council met on Monday, May 5, to
liuish ('cdurt of Revision and general
the day. Guest soloists at the seri ices Thedford on Saturday and Air. ,Pea1sc,ll and Airs. ('e(•1), (lordlier, I{.It. NO. •tl,
will be Airs. (Itev.) W. A. Hendei•su11, officiated at the Gorrill-Reid wedding" Lnckuoty, a sou,
4111(1 L'aiiieroil Geddes, former Lucknow_ at the Pentecostal Mission there. • (It )1)I)A11I),—At Alexandra Hospital,
ites Air. Mex. Yupng, Mr. and Mrs. 1 (,cideric•h, on April 2~111. 11)47, to Mr.-
Elwood Norman, -011 :1pt•il :.t:frd, 1I)47,
:(t -Alexandra llespital: a brother fur
_ Carol, Mtn. -19
BI:1(1: 3t Alexniidra Hospital, Gode-
- rich, un April, 251 ll; 1947, tc,-Mr. and
Airs• ()Hand Here 1rrc � Mary Igor-
...-.. t 11 )'.` '1 .1I:" i, Ail, i711,- .l 'Si)f1, "'J7i'liff
I►1{I;N\.1\�. At Alexandra Hospital,
Goderich. 1. ((u April 2 t11, 1917, to Air.
. and Airs. '1'..J. 1)1(01111111 (lace Gladys
Queen Elizabeth after a1 two Iuu111its' 'Johnston ). Gu(1(11(11, a son, . Roiti ld
visit Yu I)evon, England, I 1'rauris. __
Air. and • Airs. • W. 'K. Thunlsut' and Y•:LI,Ic►'1"I'.— At • Alexandra (hospital,
baby -•daughter calire up from Iii1)gstun * (loderi(lt nil `April '.with, 1917, to Sir.
on Saturday to spend a week with : and Mrs. Gordon Blyth, a son.
their relatives here...1t :Uexa1stldra 4IIus1(. 111pitatl.,
,Rev. and- -Airs. .l. Pearson were ill (1(,derich, oil Aiay , 1147, r
husiuess. Having to adopt the 1940 I• Mrs. It..II.-King;-of Tceswut-4-r spent, , (114(11es Bridgwater,_ Aliss R-e>ta 10uttg ands .Airs. WM. Goddard (lice Ethel
s >s5luent roll for P)1a made neves a day recently visiting, her aunt, Airs.-- ?4I15 11(1411 \\'iggitt�. all of Goderich, 1•'isher1, (auderic•.h.,_at. s((11.•
,t t attended tended the gradua t on exercise rat J
s;ary many clliltiges of ownership, also . \Viii. Sproul. 11INI)AIA115II•.'— 1t- -11e�audr:t Hoslit-
Airs. Harvey Alaize and „members of i.oiulon hi, I nesdary evening t� he -n mks
some adjustments in rating. Seve•al til; Goderich. c,11 '4I:ly '._And, 19-17, to
the family visited Air. and Airs. Roland i)trothy Ycpung ; grad}4atr>a}, from St.
ratepayers had'disposed posed of•their dogs, TY,seph's,.`0hou1 ((f Vnrsing. AI r. and• Alrs. John ('. Ililidt>1;ush,
I I Grain, \1"lu,�h1(u1, on tituldaty.. R.R. Nu. _. g;uderic•h• a daughter,
so those were struck off. Mr. J. II. I{ef•. \V. .1. R(,.gers ,or I)ungaltlull I, mi„ (.10c1Y•S 1)((11(1, R.N., of Oyer1.' Joan L'arriiotr.
Coombs, district engineer, sent approval I'nited -church, iu4•it 41 to' conduct 1(11:.' :lllleli) \t'hu has 1(1'en i:tl:i1,g - 1 post-'
uov"111. ".A racivato cut0rse in ulnsin}; at the I'ui-I liO1"I.1I:. 't :1lexantlra Ilusllita1,
of the tender r for snow. IeI n}versary services _at B1 uc etield United , '
r the I)e arttltent of A ri(ui- 1 pi.'t. • t'ersity 4f Western'' -Ontal i((, i,• now ;' (;+,de11) li ((u Al:a4• 1917,- fu Air.
i>rfrqu g ch it'rh ((u Samday°. x(11,ulg,cd pu 1 a. .,• °,•
tore, regarding u program Aur e - 'r-'7 �h 1041,,'5 ntl'1•.e is vi• k It It. X). i
g p gr tvilll-I ev. I{. 1;. Stanway a rote td�`Tt1 �T� g}eld aa�,i1;. (;udcritll. :t d:tlt;hter, I';1t11iTa ;1rrn..
st10(11on of- weeds, was read ((ltd.111e:Z1•• 1)11ringr the stivi0e hire AI r. 1{ualtiit stere doing,
Mr. J. R, •Butler, Secretary of Clinton lodge and . dalgllt(''tltc sang. a (lnet. ! .,�, I Ale \ STl►l'IiEE. 1t 11c xnndraz I1os-
Legion, asked for some help to defray , Wedding 'Anniversary.—Nr, and
Airs. • George Rivett. 1?11ugamttult, • i11
uhs(>rv(riion. of their tt1•enty-ninth wed-
ding anniversary on- :Monday, Ala)' ,5,1 11.
held. a card party, \Vitll a fe\v friends
in for the evening. Airs.-l{ivet 1 was an
English tear brick' of \Vur1d \\"ar I.
They have ten children. ((1 whom the
two eldest h„\s• l.euna1(1 :and .\lien,
served overseas in 1V011d 11.11 r II. .11 -
here f-ulluwi )0 his father's example,
married on l•:tagli-,11 girl utld 91.,nglat
her,. to Canada...(►t hi r lin iiia er, 4,1.
their f:,1,1i1)' .04)' \I r-4. 4;4414lie Carter
I Veirl I. 1►tlllgallnr,((, Mr,. ,. I'lagene
'1'ltolnlc-,,11 I Its-•rlla(line ). ('„riulti : Airs,
of the bride, Rev. -Father E. C. Garyey, lesson. Mrs. Robert (rood and Mrs.
('.5.B., performed the- ceremony. The \\•tar• Peters, delegates to the Presby -
bride wore an 'ivory, satin floor -length 'tering meeting at Exeter, gave eneour-
guwo, with long train, 'and a sweet- aging reports of the .work being done
heart neckline. Her shoft veil was ter missions. Mrs. Webster report d
-eaught to..a cup of heirloom lace, and r ' ", '• shi. t. o e
l- 1 1
I ] a \ I'
t t u
at f ,_
is e
olr with h
1. t..t e
1 �.
': ti h to )>.
. 1
(': I'I'1� at ,
Ycr 1 a expressed • 5 tr s ee ft
orchids and stephanotis.— Her sister, ;all 1lrernbel. was . eaI E i at the
Delores Dalton, was bridesmaid, wear- that Mrs. Keith Webster, a valued
()nicer and member of this organization,
ing a lung dress of apple green moire will shortly be moving to Blyth, but
with matching tulle hea-ddress. Her l they- hoped. she would -still -be--able- to
bouquet was of Talisman roses._ Mr. attend the meetings of Victoria street. -
Gerald O'Brien was his brother's latest , A shower for the hospital at Kincaid,
Ivan. At the reception held at the in tire. 5111(1(011 area of the West,' •
home of the bride's father, Mrs. D. M. 1 g.iven. consisting of 111;:, pairs of pillow- .
O'Brien and the wedding.paarty received . `lir • one bedspread, one hospital gown, ,
the • guests, Airs: O'Brien wearing a one 1F blanket, three large towels
pretty' dress of navy blue with flowered 411id wash cloths. The program was in
hat and a corsage of ruses. The wed -
charge of the • Willing- Workers class
ding breakfast - was' served at The ' tad was presided 'over by Mrs. Hannah
PIaza. For travelling the bride woret
is1 ,
a- pearl grey dressmaker -suit with � 11Y11Y1,s, 11 honorary president: Those
taking , parr were: Piano solos, Mrs.
brown topcoat, dusty pini, sailor _hat , George Currell and Miss* Myrtle John- -
and accessories of brown lizaard, r Mr. stun ; vocal solo, Miss Pearl Roope;
an> \Irs. O'Brien will reside in Gode- ; readings, Airs. 'ii. Phillips, Mrs. jean
ric• "1 on their return from their honey ,
moon trip. Mr:- Thos: -J. Garvey -and � (h}hulnl. Mrs. Velma Smith, Mrs.
\erne Smith nnca 'Mrs. GI'orge Currell.
Mr. John Garvey, of Kingsbridge; _1D interesting and instructive reading -
tlni1es of the bride, and Air. Mark Dal- of tlrle>• study 11001;, `'Tie Youth and
tun of Kingsbridge, brother of the Medical Missions of India," was_ given
ftride, 'were -guests at the wedding, els by Mrs. Phyllis Harrison. MI:s. Byron
were also Air. and Mrs. Earl MacLaren, Wilson tls((n e•lu; ed the meeting with prayer..
Mrs. Carl Schneiker and Mr. and Mrs. 1- alai ltv . liluch was ,serve(1 9 th
+ 'SI"tT`I•I'ITrirtIr ratlei•teh. • Willing Workers_ Class
the expense- of helping returned men;
no .action. Clinton Hospital, asked a
grant; action deferred.
The Clerk.was insl'rueted to advertise
for tenders -for crushing, and delivering
:11t1•ri•ox-i-ma1ely 3000 yards of crushed
gravd•el>a to be delivered where the Road
Superintendent directs, work to be com-
plete(1' • 1')) (ictuher 1st. The. Collector
reported all taxes paid except one
account. •
Mr. J.,1I. King:cad asked the cu-oper-
, a1(4(11 of Connell it1 promoting' tire X -lay
Ont.. clinic to he held in Goderich 31ay 17
Carlow General•- Store News
Asir those who feed them.
Car oad- of Wire 'Fence - due this week
bto(lc, poultry, hog, chain link fabric, soft galvanizc(L • black, barb
and farm gates. (Order early)
Phone—('arlow 27 ,
'I'!. u.:•11 ,
t: -:+lc* of
,c r, „1 f•,.;• ; 1'
i 11.
)1 .
5. sal tl :,t.
• ('oluleit +llj, r1:4441 li., 1(0e (1 ,'t, \1u-
da�•. .Tone _' :It ..1:0
11. (;. 't'11(t\1 i'S) ►�;, t'lc clad
pit:l l-. -(iudel ic.11, i01 AL•a v 311 1, 1947._-tr)
Mr. and Airs. 'Edgar l5;lr McAst(,c•I:er,
(=uderi,•la a daughter, (;ail 1•'r.lIlces.
JIeII:\\".1iN. -At ,tilex0iad'-•a 110s1(114( ;
Gialer1iell.1 on May :,-'ill. 1!447. to Mr.
and Mrs. S:,tl.9 S ltl•llot:till. 11.11 Au_
2. (;44(14-1ie11. :l „all. • •
°. „ e4 nt.: hennas 31-per_soat. At the hot-
AI1'I►1)Lt•:'I'd►\. Al.\t •.11ar��. of AI•Ity •
7411, 1917. t,, Mr. and Al rs..1ler •, AI }(1- tole of the list were churches and .the
diet„u• Nt. 11.,1 s. '(1;i11.41c 041, T>ihlc tyifli tole per cent. (These -figures
l►I<_I:. At Al,.y,::1, 4111 1IL,'111::14. (;sole acid- up to more than 1(1(1 per cent., for ,
rich: 44:1 \lad _ud. 1')17. to 11r. :and ; 'he refis„,t: preslnlahly. that many
\II'-. 11„4+,•1': 411,1•. 1;.11. N,'. 2'. (1,,(1e- people named More than one source 'of
I1,,Oct't:l ,l,(uiue. inf'rination.)
11Y.\ N. .1.*-\:c•\oailing LJ 1, (;„de-
1•1,•11- ,•1, .\10A11 .21'4.. 1141•,• („ \11- :141(1 . '511t11(li(lg 44ff- is 4(st a sign 02
SOURCES OF INFORMATION :] he w„rld will tvurk.right when we
In a poll taken in a 1'nited Smites jileright.
community recently .pei 1)14 ---stere asked .
on what sonitee they relied in fiirlt)ing;
opinions about world and national
issues. Newspapers headed the list
will 73 per cent.. followed in order
lit' .radio, 58 per 0(-111.: nu:igazines• 41 per
Mrs. 19'u +'- };t;l': + ', Phyllis 1 ,++1111catles'.
F. FARMING DISTRICT \: , +. (;„cl . t, 1,, I g11i, r: I;, ser �_r•ti•
IG oney
Anyone, can (10 it
!- IT rbmplete.tith instru(•tiun5 51
11(1X'285—DEPT. 328—Toronto
1 1;,•,! .
o ,......... •� , .... . , ▪ • .. 1 • - :,,KL'p}3 j„.4.7,,,,..,,$' X -a' ._,.c,,,� _•,�•.--1 ti; ;- 4 ”. r,3': w••'�'7":-'--I3'^s4: .: , •4;-1P�.r'„
1"I 'ir':"+e1~ , ! ti..1 r Els Nri;tl-D- ,V '
t,.11n'.;m,11) ' [.,
.1.'i,• ',,;,II , 1' 1; :',,1,1 1.4„II,- - s
•,}:,. -40'',. ',,:” tj. a4 •.tlI;, 41 'inn' 41•;'44;
1,r, . I'' .',‘.I.. i.I ,, 4.i:,1, 1 '11.4 ill ria,.
41 . :11,•; •% 1M• }n .''4,'i '.,1:1 T t •'. .. p,,
?L BLACK PF°'+='Pali R
glectric fencers
Fence insulators 2c
Corner insulators ...., 3%c
Fence clips (per box) 29c
Hot 'Shot battery .. .$2.55
Dry cells - 46c
Radio B'b'attery ' $2.25,
$2.75, $3.35
$14.95 Radio A battery . . "2.2.5
Radio power pack ..:. $6.75.
Radio C battery .. 43c
e,arrel pumps .... • $4.15
Rotary pumps -$16.75 .
Lever type grease gu:1.. $4.49
Tractor lamps $2.98 ,
Goderich, 'Ont.
L. G. Whetstone
11,n1 the first of fourteen new
parlor cars went .into serviee 011
the Canadian National .Railways re-
rently, it marked the first ear of this
type built in Canada to have a pri-
vate room. Including many other in-
novations for Canadian railway trav-
ellers' comfort and' convenience; the
ear was'designed'by C.N.R. •engineer,
and architects.
The private rooms are equipped
With comfortable sofas and chairt,for
daytime rest. They have their own
little private washroom annexes and
are equipped with the new "zone
control" heatingand air conditioning
aystem,opermitting their occupants
to set the temperature in the room
to suit their own comfort.
The main section, shown in the top
photograph, has 20 rotating and re -
dining chairs of a new more Com-
fortable design. Incandescent ' lrghts
placed over each seat, are installed
in , such a way that no rnaatter in•
which position the chair is turned or.
adjusted it provides direct overhead
lighting. "C•lycle Modulation” auto-
matic heating anti• air conditioning
control, developed during the war,
maintains the inside of the carr to
within one degree of a aletseomfortahle
temperature even though the weather
may vary 50 degrees within a few
hours. The gadget which performs
this magic in showa its tlie lower
Make Goderich' a cleaner; healthier hilt”
more - attractive town in 'Which to live.
GET 1• EHIli iliy TR[E
Canadian -Beautificaton
MAY 12th to '241h
Goderich Board of Trade