HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-05-08, Page 3A• DIN- UNDREDTH YE R. NO. 10 Bgcsiness Directoryll J. K. HUNTER Barrister, etc. Royal Bank Bldg. Hamilton Street, Goderich Phone 968. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS We CECIL :ATTRIDJE. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Phone No.-�-Office 343W House 343J Goderich. - ACCOUNTING AND BOUKKI:EYiNG, DUE DATES OF RATION • COUPONS • Coupons stow good art1 •sugar -pre- serves S20 to 350, butter 1335 to 1350. 'On May 15 Y1 to Y5 will becoalue valid for the 'purchase of five pounds of canning sugar. If sugar is not required Y1 to Y5 may be used for preserves. QUESTIONS AND ' ANSWERS CCOUN'TIlhU & I3UOKKKi>sil1PING Sl!:13.VM I For Small Busiiiesehs, Stores, Etc. Bookkeeping Systems Installed. Books Balanced .Monthly Financial Statements Wage Summaries Business and Personal Income Tax Returns ALBERT SHOhtE Office :Cornea North St. and Square Phone 975. Residence Phone 444. INSURANCE McK1LLUP ` 'MUTUAL 11.11E IN- SURANCE CO.—Farm and iso- lated town property , insured. O1Ueers r - President, Frank Mc- Gregor,>C;linton,5; Vice -1. resident, Q Chris. Leonhardt; • -Bornholm, -R.R. 1'; Manager and Sdcretary-Treasurer, .M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—Frank McGregor, Clinton;- Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; 5.• H. Whitmore, It.R. 3, Se forth ; W. R. Archibald,' R.1L 4, Seaforth; Harvey b'talier, tt.R. 2, Goderich ;a E. J. Tre- wartha, It.It. 3, Clinton; John H. Mc - Ewing, It,R. 1, Illy th ; Hugh Alexander, R.R. 4, Walton; J. L. Malone, R.R. 5, Seaforth, Agents—John E. Pepper, Brucefield,_ '71.11. 1; eorge A. Watt, Blyth, 1LR, 1; R. Finlay McEercher, Dublin, at.R. 1; J. F. Prueter, Biodhagen. Policy -holders can 'make all pay- ments and. get their cards receipted at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Outt's Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich, or J. H.• Reid's General Store, Bayfield. MEDICAL Q.—Is it necessary for a farmer to apply for as slaughtering; authorization if he is having cattle killed by a slaughtering permit -holder? A.—Yes. It is still necessary for farmers tp • obtain slaughtering author- s' Fern's may be obtained from the nearest oMce of the Wartime'Prices and Trade Board. Q.—Will you please tell me the in- crease in prices of cake? A. --'-The legal increase recently al- lowed in cake prices is ten per cent. Q.—Is there a ceiling price on diapers? A. -Yes. It varies acco(•ding to the price charged the retailer by the sup- plier. Q.—Why may a from his home? A:—For non-payment of rent'fifteen days After -it is due, for being an ob,-. noxious "tenant or if the owner has purchased - the property ,between October 31, 1944, and July 25, 1945. He may also be evicted under civil law if, he refuses to accept a special two-year lease in the form seat out in Board order 707 And which lease forms-- m4ty--be--•secure from thhe�-War-•- tiine Prices and Trade Board. tenant .be evicted HURON COUNTY'S FORE Q$T WEEKLY' GODE 10H9 'ONTARIO, T [URSDAY, , Y 8th, 1947 (�`�¢ Nsent to the flames eoituttlttee.To V®]�Strilet eW >, I' 1•� it un & c u Iutu a ..... Toronto, re_ 'o Train Nurses in O �1 Squaeported to settlementove..Smaller��clyl n�!'� 5 onchino against the 'Town for damages p to Itis cutter on Mucks street last P.U. Commission Proposes to Erect New Standpipe in Rea, o Town Hall The Town Council had a busy,even- ing on Friday last, when, in addition to routine business, there was a long discussion on matters introduced by the Board of Health. All anetubers of the Council were in their..seats. Mayor Mooney spoke of the mass X-ray clinic to be conducted this month and was authorized to issue a proclam- atlon urging all citizens to co-operate. The Clerk reported , seven appliea- Lions for building permits: The tree si ned to encourage the admission . . Methodist church proposes to erect g g towns rather than go to larger centres a' story -and -a -half brick dwelliu Co of selected immigrants from Europe, I for training. At the Health Minister's with a view to the relief of distressing , suggestion, they decided to couduc;t 'a conditions on the European continent, survey among prospective nurse'; of >,e application and especially with the intention of I the four towns. Nelson is for sone -story framed��ell- adding to Canada's population, in order- ••I'm out for small places,' said Mr. ing on Bruce street, e�sti'Itlated, cost ly and well regulated manner, a group Kelley. $1,000; until that of James Lewis is for of citizens from whom this country l Under t1i Minister's pian, the 1pur frame bungalow on b:eays street, at could expect to receive, heavy dividends Huron county hospitals , would each a g, in the arts, sciences And in every de- ply 'four applicants per year for an estimated cost of $2,000. J. A. supply Siisith, Huron road, proposes an ad partment of the life of the people of training -leading to registered nurses' , ditiou to his ,present dwelling at a cost Canada." This Was referred to the certificates. Oue competent instructor of1,000. Other applications were special committee, • would supervise training in all four •from Fred Watson, Elgin ave; Mrde The Dominion Road Machinery Co, nursing schools. froinHazc1¢`I. Goddard,Cambria road, and again complained of low pressure if; \I r. Kelley 'pointed out that if each M. W. Lawrence, Huron road, the water , mains supplying its plant,, hospital board appointed a trt fined and the matter wvi}s referred to the burse to instruct its nurses -in -training lire committee. and paid the instructor $1,600 a year Permission was granted the Women's the cost would be 400 to train each Hospital Auxiliary to hold a tag day. un graduate., •, If ,four hospital schools Saturday, July 5, v <y , t Hon. ; , ussel1 T. Kelley Outlines winter. New PropoSitnon re Paris House 1 His Plans at Meeting A letter was received from Mr, anal I i i Clinton Mrs J A Wilson of the Park House! ----� subniittil)g a new proposition for a' Faced with a shortage of `2,900 nurses lease of the house for live years, or i in Ontario, Hon. Russell 'T. , Kelley, not less than three years. Council in- Health Minister, ;outlined a plan to strutted that a' note be sent to Mr. and smaller centres when he addressed Mrs. Wilson advising that they submit ae instftu4e training of nurses in a tender along with others.. A proposal from the Board of Trade i sixty members of hospital , boards of in 'connection with a booklet. adver- Clinton, Goderich, Seaforth and Wing- tising Goderich was sent to the finaa�ce committee. A resolution subniitted by the City of London to the Cauadiau Federation of :1l;tyors and Municipalities favored an.immigration policy for Canada "de - haat, Huron Medical Association and Huron County Council' at a meeting iu Clinton ','own Hall on Monday. ,Mt isicipal and hospital officials, were divided as -to whether -girls with ma- triculation studding , would • stay in cost $5,000, on its property at the corner of Victoria and Park streets. Tl of Mrs.Bertha M Q.—Is_ -there a ceiling price on- , • F. T. Armstrong OPTICIAN aid OPTOMETRIST Square — Goderieh "See Armstrong and See Better" At Luckndw first Friday of each month. IM IR. F. J. It. FORST'IJIt, EYE, EAR, • NOSE, THROAT Late . House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, assiet- ant -at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Gelden Square Throat Hospital, London, England. - EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED 58 Waterloo Street,S., Stratford. Telephone 267. Next visit Bedford .Hotel, Goderich, Wednesday, June 25th, 1947, at p.m. till 4.30 p.m. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS: • TIUEBAt'IST. , Goderich, Phone 341, OFFICE HOURS Mon. & Thurs.-9 to 11.30 a.m. 2 to 5 p.m. (Duly) Tues. & Fri. -9 to 11.30 a.m. • 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 8 pan. Wed. & Sat. -9 to 11.30 a.m. (only') Mineral fume baths by. appoiututent only. A. N. ATKINSON 51 Sbuth . St. Registered under Drugless Practitioners Act for the Province of- Ontario. i A. L. COLE Optometris>---Optieia1i -Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Goderich, Ont. P. J. RYAN Real Estate and ,Insurance Office and Retiidence : 11 Trafalgar Street Phone 663 FOR SALE—Houses Of all kinds; choice building lots, business pro- perty and several . good farms., INSURE IN SURE INSURANtiE CONFEDERATION .LIFE WIND- CAR, FIRE --Pref erred rates for preferred risks. ACCIDENT & SICKNESS • Consult 0 JOHN FARRISH Phone 82-13 Dungannon DONALD B. BLUE FAPERIE NCED AUCTIONEER Licensed for Counties of Huron and Bruce RIPLE'Y, PHONE 49 For information apply to J. N. Kernighati, Division Court Clerk, Goderich, Ont. A petition for a cement sidewalk on the east side of the...Hurou road from Britannia road to the Randall service station was sent to the public works committee: a were served by • one instructor .at the, The Association of, Ontario Mayors same salary, plus an estimated $1,006 -'1 he Salvation Army was granted the - use of the 'Town Hall auditorium for and, dReeves advised that its annual travelling expenses, the cost would be • 28th and conference will 1)1 hel'a tit. Ottawa on .only $-i C15 per graduate. 29 -anniversary .services on.,JuneSane 5th, lith and 7th, and the Mayor "Ready In -Emergency' -._l ` 9th and Reeve were authorized to attend.,. H � said it was an advantage. to have Several applications for renewal of • teal licenses were referred to the and, between the Town.` a stippl of trained tiutses in smaller special committee. ttee. Clerk and the Ontario (;ovti nnient places, even though they'lete-t re' pro- An application from Graham Inglis with reference to grants under the new ; fessiun to get notified, because they Provincial Highway Act Was referred were available in ease of etiergency. for permission to erect a light standard to the public_ works committee. When they went to cities for training Town, Solicitor Dances. wvrote enclus- they, *ere likely to- settle down in ing thdeed ,frons• the 'Town tu,:athe -cities, he said. ('aunty of IIuron of additional- land -iii e one -of the Minister's audience said •('oust douse Square, and his account it might be difticult to get (entrants to in coiile(•tio0 wvith the passing of the smaller nursing schools. • A-Wingham Act, by- the Legislature Validating the ',spokesman declared : "I think if a girl trai(sfer. The account was referred ! gets four years' high school training to the finance' committee. - lehe- feels •slie is ready for the city.° The convention of the Ontario As- I £ron't think the small town would sociat.iou -of Assessing Officers i5 to be hold her." .. held at Sudbury June pith, 11th and Mrs. Iris Morrey, s°Ciperin•tendt•nt of lt;th, and Assessor Sturdy was author- Wingham - General Hospital,. referring ized to tttt(�ncl. to training facilities said: "We can Committee Reports ' not hope to compete with larger licks= The fivanee. (:oulinittee passed a -num- pitals." bet of accounts and reported that re- •'I think if we Can Promise girls `their lief accounts for ApliI totalled ;411.15. •R N' we will have no difficulty getting The special committee recommended applicants•" said i)r...Meredith Graham, * .. •1,, 1 that—the GOder' advised that the licens for the Pavilion 1)r R. Hobbs Taylor, M.P.P. for will- not be renewed -until the require- t Coritinued on page 9 ) oleins of the •bylaw; are adhered (0 ; that. the 1a1xi .bylaw be anleadetl, mak z- - ing it compulsory 'fur owners of taxis i , EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 203, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. 19tf AUCTIONEER Matt., Ga'nor —Experienced Auctioneer— Sales Conducted Anywhere Write or phone collect Goderich—Phone 626M 14-27 a HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH For information, etc.. write R.R. 4, eatorth; or phone (col- lect) Seaforth, or 867, Goderich. i AHITT CAPITAL THEATRE "a9 "s Now—Robert Young and Barbara Hale, in "Lady I:lek." Mon. Tues. and Wed. Jeanne Crain, Cornel Wilde, Linda Darnell, Walter Brennan F William ythe, Constance Bennettand Dorothy Gi'sh The ?season's most nctt.ttble emit presents a Jerome Kern musical, clone inTechnicolor, adapted from the novel by Albert E1. {Idel1. "CENTENNIAL SUMMER' Thur. Fri. and Sat. r Vivian Blaine, Perry Como and Carmen Mirandaw With Harry James and Phil Silvers in a musical shostuffed with variety and top -Might entertainment "IF I'M LUCKY" Coming -Olivia DeHavillaild, in "The Dark Mirror," Adult- Enter- tainment. ' Matinees Wetl., Sat. and Hollidayi at 2.30„ pm. • J n outside the sidewalk:,-4n—,,front of his new service station onoWest street was sent to the public works committee.' A request for a donation to the. On tario Cancer Research Foundation was poultry? A. ----Yes, on all types of fowl and chickens. Turkeys, geese and ,-ducks are exempt. • J W - . CR/UWE s 'And REAL ESTATE 11941l iE 24 GODERICII ENJOY PEACE OF MINDand freedom from financial losses by insuring today. TALK IT OVER TODAY WITH GORDON JEWELL R.R. 6, Goderich ' _ Phone Carlow 21-R-4.. 1 Nammiann . Geo, G. MacEwan Fire, Accident and Motor Car Insurance* OFFICE --MASONIC WEST STREET ' PHONE 230 (iODERICH WESTE1t ONTARIO MOTORWAYS— Bus Schedule Now In Effect — Leaves Goderich Arrives Goderieh A -11.05 a.m. R 9.15 a.m. :;.35 p.m: 4.25 p.m. I x.15 p.m. 9.30 p.m. a.m C 5,30 p.m. D. 12.45 , A I )ttil,y except sSunday. • 11 'Friday And Saturday only to Strat- ford. C awl I) Sundays and holidays only. All other 'Times are Daily Connections at Clinton for London, Detroit, Wingham, Walkerton, PortElgin and Owen Sound. Connections at Stratford for Woodsteili Kitchener, Guelph, Hamilton and Toronto. Connections at Mitchell for Listowol and London.. For information phone British Ex- change phone 691 or 717. 11.35' a.m. m The Old Curiosity Shoppe VACTID TO BE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR BUYERS The Old, Curiosity Shoppe, 66 Hamilton Street, Goderich, established over forty-six years ago, has received notice to vacate. In these forty-six years we have seen five of its landlords end theiir life's journey, but before its forty-seventh year is >nded it must move out, the new landlord having other plans for the property. As I have nowhere else to go, and cannot take these relics of bygone-daysowitli me when 1 follow my oid landlords to that Land of Sonien•here, the contents of the Shoppe must be sold by the end of September. So here's your opportunity to obtain :rare antiques and goads of bygone days CHEAP . FOR CASH MONEY. • Jew or Gentile, friend lilt`"' foe, rich or poor, old or young— all are welcome 'to Ball at the old Shoppe and'browse around amongst these relics of .bygone days, which are too numerous.. to mention in •• detail. GAVIN EliVIILTON :GREEN The Old Otiriosity-'Shoppe,. 66 Hamilton •Street, .Goderich. . GORRILL•—REID aw' A pretty eddingstouk place at the .Fu11_Gospel'Mission, Thedford, on Sat- urday,. May 3rd, at high noon, when Anna Gertrude Reid. only daughter of Mr. James M. Reid and the late Mrs. Reid of Clinton, b,•came the bride of e Rud rickglorrill, son of Mr. J. Gorrill and the late Mrs. Gorrill of Sudbury. Re v. J. Pearson of Goderich' ted. The brides, who was given in marriage by her father, was gowned in a street - length white crepe dress with a shoulder s 10 lder veil caught with. :t halo of pink dowers. She • wore a corsage' of roses. ' Iler only attendant' was * her sister-in-law\I►s• Ken Reid• of Thed- ford. wearing a lone eye et ('Ill )r(lll 1 dressT and a corsage of roses. The groom Was Attended by his brother, Mr. Philip Gorrill of Toronto. During the signing ,of- the register 'Mrs. A. Mc- henzie of Seaforth, cousin of the bride, sang "O I'e.rfect Love."- The wedding music was played by 'Miss Louise Me - Kenzie. A reception was held at the 110010 of Mr. Ken Reid. The happy` - couple then left by motor for Flint, Michigan, the bride ww eering a brown pencil stripe 'suit with' a •turquois,,htt and brown accessories. On their re.- turn- they will motor' to their new leene in Nerihern 'Ontario. There was ti lime when we were • never able to find Grandma's' glassy , Now she' leaves thele right where t she empties them.- - ew en more produetive than machines. to carry public liability and property �-,__, damage insurance, also insurauu•e for N the protection of passengers; that the Maple Leaf Chapter. 10•I).E.,• be �$ granted permission 10 1)olcl a carnival in Court house Park on .July 10th, the booths to be erected on the paved area in the Parka The cemetery and parks committee recommend(1)1 that the Industrial Soft- ball League bc_. gratuted the use of the ball dian1(1(1 iu .Victoria Park two nights each week, and that arrange- ments 4,he made with other teanis.re- (1uiring the diamond so that the sche-' Utiles will itot conflict : that the 10100 - .tory sexton be granted a gasoline al lownnee. of ten gallons a month for six months, The water, light aah(L harbor com- mittee recommended that the Clerk write the Canadian Pacific Railway agent requesting - shalt t-io ;1)greeluent regardi►ig the mocks at the bathing- beach athingbea•h be adhered to, and particularly that the crossing at the entrance to the bathitig,1e ach be planked and kept clear of freight cars, and than the sid- ing south of the freight shed 1)0 kept clear of cars so that trucks may hate access to the shed. These repwrtr: Were all adopted. Standpipe' in Town Hall Ward? A propusel from the' Public rtilitios Comlt)issiotl that a new st1uidpipe for t'he waterworks system he erected in the yard at •the rear of the Town Hall' was the siubjee1 of .some unfavorable continent. aucl was referred ,to 00(- m11 tee of the whole Council for con- sideration. New Sidewalk on the Square Bylaw No. 1(; of 1947 was passed,] authorizing the eonstrnetiot) of fi twelve -foot cement .sidewalk iii front .of six, bloci(5 on the Square. On one Muck-- from Ilamilton street to North street-- the sidewalk 1w•1)S 1•eliewe(1 last year. The eighth, block. which is omitted from tile*• bylaw, is 01114 be- tween Kiiagsfon and . South streets. Fift•w ,I00 cent, of the cast of this walk is asse.ssod against the property -owners, except that 150 Town pays the entire cost of street intorstctions. I?very conteet that yon make with others is either a bridge built or- a gulf dug. ` " , GODERICH PAVILION IDANCE NEWS SATURDAY, MAY 10th Scotty Mc1.24,' chlan AND HIS MUSIC FOR MODERNS OOIVIING—Saturday, May 17th—JACK EVANS and his Orchestra. Our Contribution To ards Revival Phone 114 • ,t'''''err.`7'"'-'-''4.•"'".'*4'.'.a.N.,' i' itjj. , ::::7-17-7----, , _ . _ "..------ /1;;"-----„,:'(::;- 7 est Street off Entire Stoc AY 10th to 17th RADIOS PHONOGRAPHS TURNTABLES HOT PLATE§ / HEATERS FANS IRONS TOASTERS Lam s Mimic, instruments P Records Shades - THE ABOVE ARE ONLY A FEW ITEMS FROM OUR STOCK PAINT ARMET PAINT ORDER PAINT FOR YOUR HOME NOW ji* SAVE 10 per cent.