HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-05-08, Page 1ONE-111UND.REDTI,I YEAR, ' „ , • 0 THURSDAY, „MAY° 8th, 1947 MUSIC FESTIVAL ATTRACTS FINE TALENT FROM A WIDE DISTRICT - 0 ' Adjudicator' Finds Healthy ^ i Increased ARENA PROJECT MEETING Ptirticipation WITH ENCOURAGEMENT ., --s— ' • - ' Bigger and better" than ever, ,the Huron County Festival of Music, under _ the management and control of the Goderich Music Club, opened in Norpa street Unitedchurch on Monday and continues to Friday. President J. A..Snidersof the Gode- rich Music Club 'briefly addressed the Monday evening seSaion expressing ap- preciation of the Value ofthis organ- ization which is bringing Goderich int() , the limelight as 'a music centre in Ontario. . Mayor D. D. Mooney- in a happy speech extended a civic welcome to the visitors. He cofigratulated the Music Club on its progress, and paid tribute to Mrs. J. G. McDougall, Festival presi-. - dent, who, has carried the torch and kept it lighted for many years." Mr. Snider introduced G. R.py Fen- wick, music director, Department of Education, the popular adjudicator. Mr. Fenwick said ,he - was delighted to see the increase in the number of participants, and considered it a healthy sign.. The appreeiation- .of music is common throughout the Pro- vince, "but naitere has there been such growth as You have here." He told the children they must not take- the. Festival too sefiously, but to consider it. as an encouragement in the tong and lovely road to music." For the winners he laughingly advised: "Don't think you are too wonderful, for you know .pride goes before a fall." • A Large Entry There were sixty-one entries in class under—test piece, "Spring"—and it . took all morning to hear them. • They were told by Mr. VSenwick "to -hold the end of the phrases to their full value. Learn to open .'our mouth and make your top notes your best ones." He had. them sing • 'together and it was \-ery sweetly done' The finals were heard in the evening, the five chosen being: (shire Taylor, Walton, '86; Lois - Aim Somerville, Walron, 85'; Gwen- dolyn . Walsh, Belgrave, -,84; Ruth HoWitt, Lucknow, 83; Emily - Wijseon, Saltford, 83. Others receivieg 80 marks ok over welt!. Joiume. .Bauer - mann, Walton, _8,3 ; Marie Dale, .Sea - forth, 52; Elizabeth McGavin, Walton, 81 ; Ia rbara .Boyd, , Walton, 81 ; Edith ' 'Jones, Clinton, 81 ; Ruth Jackson, 81 ; Sandra Williams, Clinton, 81; Dolores - McGee, Lucknow, 80; Muriel Sink- . breoks Ault,uria. 80; Pamela Milian, _Lucknow,80; Marjorie Dowson, Varna, 80; .. Betty Lou Stevevs; Varna, s.'80; tank 11 ' f( •*1 0 • Mar • J. ,d ...4.- . Whyte, Clinton, 80; 'alter, (lode -rich, 80. . „ . • , , ...,,r • Class 44, girl'a vocal solo,- fourteen years and under—test piece, "Thorny Roses," by Schubert-awas participated in by forty-nine rurol girls. .The ad- judicator said the song • had difficult ieterpretation, but .the •first • things to AO was to get •the rhythm, Criticistu -4'afhich applied to all was that most 'of them sang it Joe slowly. "Think of the words and Make them distinct' and meaningful." The following Marks were awarded, , . the first five in the finals iii the even- ing :- DOnna FuNyler,, Baytield, '86; Cora Driver, Goderich, 85; Efiner Wight- - man, 11"inglinue 84; Lola Jervis, Clin- ton, 83; - 1):,'Inily Wilson, Saltford, 83; Isabel Feagan, ,Goderich, 81; Fern ° Potter, Clinton, 81; Patsy Peckett, !Londesbero, 81; literene Doerr, Wal- ton, 80;Barbara_ Middleton, Clinton, 80; Barbara McConnell, Varna, 80; Anna Porter', 13ayfield, oi; 'Marjorie Hesk, Myth, • 80; 'Alice Watson, Sen - forth, -80; Ann Fairservice„ Blyth; 80; Vivian Hastings; LucknOw, 80. ! - Rural Girls' Chorus - "You Are the' grandest- people ib the country. There is nothing you can't do," Mr. Fenwick told competitors in class 56, girls' chorus, "Mts8 Breeze," from eleven rural schools. "There is only' one thing you miss, and that is the opportunitY to get together and' make a joyful ndiSe.". Itelecis the com- bined chorus and the churcii was filled ,with the -music. , . Marks were as follows, the first three •fi winning in the nals (the instrectors' names in brackets),: Goderich toWnsiiip schools (Mrs. Wendell), 85; S.8.•. No. 8, Stanley ($. (3. Ronnie, •Hensall), 84; Turnberyr schplfis, (Miss Marion Me - Donald. Lucknow), 81; Hullett schools, (Mrs. Wendorfs Clinton), 81. "You are all so niee:" the adjudicate:1- informed the forty-nine girls competing • in class 61, girl's vocal 'solo, eleven years and under, who sang "When Fairies Dance -and Sing," by a Gode- rich composer, W. Il. ,Wickett, orgaiaist f Knox Presbyterian .chureh. All had weet voices, 'but sanne- tried to take .---,t60 long phrases for•their age, "Watch not to sinW g too loudly. When singing like fairies you must. look like them -s- not - be so solemn." • • Kathleen 11111, of Goderich, 'was awarded the highest marksin C111 t•ISI 61: In the finals: Audrey Walsh, Hensall, 85; -Jean Snell, "Seaforth, 84; Ruth ..WelstbrooksGoderich and Mary Frances hula Schultz, _ eafo 14 each 83, s Patricia Videan, .Gaiderich, 81; Janis alorritt, Blyth. 81; Barbara Hillis, Seaforth, 81; Keren Kidd, Seaforth, 81; Marilyn Mousseau, lIcinsall, 81; Pauline Mohr - big. Goderich, 80; Shirley Benjamin, Goderich, 80; Barbara Schutz, (lode - rich, 80, "Good Night and Gmal Morning," Class 81, girl's vocal solo (11 years and under) was beautifully surtg by Jane. Graham, who was awarded 85 marks, and Agnes Chisholm, Goderich, 84. ShoUld Encourage Violinists "A strange thing has happened in Canada. More attention la being paid to wind instruments than to string Musa Let us encourage -Violin music, Mr. Fenwick remarked, after hearing the violin solos in class 38, "Valse No. 9," its played by tWo little girls. leawarded Eleanor Driver 82 mateics and Barbara Schutz, who had been taking lessons since Christinas, 80. Jack Allan; wbo was told be had it _ The drive for tunds for Goderieh's new areoa will be officially . launched on Monday, May 19, a meeting of thes finance committee of the community recreational committee decided at a specaal meeting at the Town Hall on Monday night. The meeting was under t the chairmanship of Lorne G. Young. Several thousand pledge cards and receipts for income tax purposes have been printedin connection with pre- parations for the opening of .the campaign. The meeting expressed appreciationa of the offer of The Signal -Star to donate a. full-page ,advertisement to- ward' publicizing the campaign. Reg. McGee related howsdozens of farmers living near Goderich had offered their services gratis for such work as bring- ing in gravel, unloading, cement, dig- ging, etc., .in the building of the new _arenas Indications pointed to whole hearted sdport from many directions. DRMCO MAKES SPLENDiD MOVE FOR BRITISH. RELIEF -Realizingthe great need of the British people in, their trial by storm and flood, aud by the scarcity of food and clothing, the employee -management vounnittee of the Dominion Road Ma- chinery Crunpany held a special meeting on Monday and appointed a special committee to canvass the employees with the objective of 100 per cent. par- ticipation in the relief effort. The employer-raauagement cornm ittee voted ts?i•i_frant „the , staff -".canteen7sAns.sslasspr the purpose, and was advised hY Marshal J. A. •Sully- that the Company was donating $100 toward the effort. CHOSEN MAY QUEEN' AT STRATFORD NORMAL Miss Audrey .Snilth, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred L. Smith, 'RR. Goderich,_ has been chosen May Queen at Stratford Normal -School. This is •a high honor, as the May Queen is chosen by'the entire student body of theschool: The crowning of the May Queen will take place an May 16th; and. one of the Queen's attendants on this occasiim will 'he Miss Mary Leone .Chisholin, danghter•of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ch-isholnal RR.. 2, Gode,rich. — NV B." DULMAGE DIES 'AT „OWEN , SOUND The death of Mark B. Dulmage, of Owen Sound, is reported. Mr. -Dui- mage some fort 'ears -a.ro was a Printer or a, short time on the staff of Thd-Goderich Signal. Born at Belle- ville, he lei/med.-the trade of printer and later graduated lute journalism, and for .the l.aSt_ twenty . years 4-11e, hod beeti on the editorial staff of The Owen SPned Sun -Times. He was greatly in- terested in sphrts, particularly baseball. He is survived by his Wife and three Sons." He was in his. seventy-fourth year. A- YOUNG MUSICIAN The Wiirton Echo presents con- gratulations to Master John Lodge, five- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Harland Lodge of Wtartop, whoobtainedhonor marks in the grade I exaininatioas of the Toronto ConservotorY of Music. The young musician, who is the grand- son of Mrs. R. Wils.on of Goderich, took this,lest after 'having only twenty- wo lessons. GODERICH PLAYERS AT LUCKNOW Says The Lticknow Sentinel: The plea' "Billy's Goat," presented in Luck - now last Wednesday night . by .the young adults of Narth street . United church, Goderich, was regarded as one of the -best amateur plays presented here • in many a moon, by A large audience. The event was sponsored by ic the Agrultural -SoCiety. BLAZE IN 'SUMMER COTTAGE Fire broke out in one of Miss Lewis' summer cottages at.the lake hank"on FrIday evening and the cottage . was rather extensiVely damaged ,before the blaze,- vas eitinguished. The building was not occupied and the cause of the .fire is a matter of conjecture. MAGISTRATE MORLEy LEAVES HOSPITAL Magistrate James -Morley, after sela eral weeks in Vietoria Hespital, Lon- don, has recOvered sufficiently to re- turn to'hishome in Exeter and is ex- pected to resume his ditties' as Hui* ('011111,1'('011111,1'magistrate' in w to- or three weeks. •• 0 • well-developed voice( sang _Schubert's "Wandering" in a special class 82A and was giVen- 84 marks. In (-1:155 83 girl's' vocal solo, fifteen years and under, "The Little Princess," France:4. Iireret-on was Oven the high mark Of 85; Maxine Stewart, 83;'and Cynthia Young, 82. .."Give full value to the end of phrasing; , don't let the rhythm drag," they .Were told, s Mr. Fenwick said that one thing thee Department of EducatiOn, is .con- cerned about ls that yoting people with such outstanding talent are not bOing Absorbed in the comMunity life, after hearing five vocalists sing the soprano solo, Q1aSS 86,. "Come Unto Him" _Mandel), with.,Mary Joyce Strachan at the piano. The following marks were_ awarded: Gloria Palmer,- 85; Rose Marie Hartmann, 84; 'Helen M. Willis, 83; Mrs. James Lewis, 83; Edythe M. Jenkin, 83. "I 'Wish that quartette` would come to Torpnto," the .eciandientor declared after hearing the Magnificently sung "God Is a SplAt" hy the Goderieb Mixed Quartette, composed of Mrs. Clayton. Edward, Mrs. Gordon Knit- ting, Messra. ,George' Buchanan and Kenneth Lematre. They reeelved 84 marks. 'Mrs. J. A. Snider was the accompanist, (Continuod paga 4) - Dr. F. S. Brien Guest o.HESITATI N of Local Medicos I A OUT X-RAY CLINIC U.W.O. Professpr of Medici e - Discusses ,Problems of Professio The Goderich Medical Society were hosts to the members of the Huron County Medical Association at a dinner In the assembly hall of the British Exchange Hotel on Thursday evening, May 1st. While dinner was being served .the president, Dr. •JesM. Grahanr, welcomed the visiting doctors to the.County town and especially the distinguished guest speaker of the evening, Dr. F. S. Brien, professor' of medicine at the Vaiiversity of -1,Vestern Ontario. In his addrees Dr. Graham stressed the need for eluier co -Operation with the University -(4 Western Onturio, whicli has expanded so greatly in the last twenty-five years and is situated in the very heart of the richest part of Ontario. During the war, the demands on the medical pro- fession were tremendous; stated Dr. Grisham, but now, with the return of those whb served, hi.. the armed forces, they must be organized and take their place in pnblic life, especially in deal- ing with the medical priiblents which Josie 'Saunders, the regent, presiding, confront the, County etf Huron today, and a fine representation of members namely, in sed hospitalksations and present. - • the neeessity of setting up the four nurses' training schools at Goderieb, Clinton, Seaforth And WinghAm. Dr. Hobbs Taylor, 111.p.P., of., Dash- wood, in glowing words introduced Dr. Brien and stated that the Fuiversity of Western Ontario was to be com- mended for the many eminent out- standing men it' had gathered to the University. Dr. Brien, who during the greater part of the war served in ad- ileteeds'facifit- tateratssasavithaltts ex- perience and high academic standhag WItS a .most fitting appointee for the post of professor of inedieine ly elected as ale. Chapter's delegate to Dr. Brieu was warmly ./Feeelved and the minuet I.O.D.E. national cenven- in-modest terms spoke of the pleasure tion which is to "he held at Toronto and honor in being privileged to address from May 22nd te.,May 29th. the members of the Huron Medical As- The post-war Convener, .Mrs. C. 1'. sbciation. During a two-hour dis- -Chapman, reported that a 37 -lb. box of course, he answered mony (Ines/lens -Pod tised clOthing had been sent to the regarding, difficult medical and sur- "Aid to Britain" fund threugh glee' cases Nvhich confrobted'the doctors channels, NN'lliCh ships food and cloth- pr•esent. ing each week. Members N4re Tisked In moving .11 vote .of thanks to the to (um ill their knitted blocks* as :loon speaker, Dr. N. C. J•acksonassecretary as -.they were finished, so . that the of the Goderich-Medical Society', voiced afghan might • be conipleted and sent the sentiments of all present in his , to Britain. • . Officers' Elected— .wenty-five dollars was donated to praise of Dr. Brien. . T ... Alexandra Hospital for baby scales; -The new 'officers e1eet0 for the this gift to lie given attheshespital year 1947-15 are: President, 1/r. Brady, bh•thday party on May. 12th. Seaforth; vice-president, Dr. Crawford:. An invitation was- extended to the Winglerm: secretary -treasurer, Dr. J. _members to attend this party. - M. G ra ha in, Goderich. . The Chapter voted $300 to the Gode• Deep. regret was expressed at tlw loss rich community" recreation Centre. of Dr: -'11'. Ds S. Jamieson, Brussels who Mrs. N. C. Jackson kindly., offOred her Dporbells have been ringing at hout.4.es. all over Goderich this weeli as a small army of woMen canvassers took down the. names of citizens willing to attend the limas eistatie at. MacKay all front May 17 to 22. Canvassers report that citizens in general are responding exceptionally well as to attending tile cattle. (inc of (aoderichIs oldest residents, ,Peter Cantelon, in his nisietieth year, expressed .his enthusiastic desire to attend.- One .lady, aged eighitysthree, said she was "nevertroubled with anything," but she was coming 10 the dlinic anyway. for the free X-ray. Wm. Birnie, East street, aged ninety-oue, willalso be attending. Even a number of crippled people ex- pressed their willingness to have an X-ray provided trausportation be pro- vided them. MAPLE LEAFS VOTE $300 TO RECREATION CENTRE Tile May meeting ofathe Maple Leaf at an Inn," wais the -first play pre - Chapter, I.O.D.E-s, was held on Friday sented and was directed by J. C. evening •in MacKay Hall, with Miss Peters. It was a mystery story of the theft of a Puby from the eye of an idol in ludia by four merchant ,sailors, one of whom, The Toff," Who had a Mrs. R. Menzies gave a splendtd re- knack of seeing- things, was the. leader. port in connection with the collection of The sailers' retreat in the --parlor of reading material foil' the Alen on the au inn on a lonely Yorkshire .1.1.wor lake 'vessels coming into Goderich \ausentered,by Indian priests, one after bur, Magazines to the nufaiSer of 483the other,' Armed with knives. Their were packed for distribution. . Books attempt to kill "the Toff" was prevented and magazines. Indy be left at the by the other sailors. "Klesh," a blind Bedford -Hotel, where every two weeks hideous idol, gropes, its way into. the they will -be sorted and packed. The room-, picks up the- ruby and screws more popular magazines among the men are Life,' Reader's Digest, and Pop'ular' !-Mechanie; sand -others-similar- publications. Miss Josie S4unders was unani, mous- Last- Week's Local Draniatii Event LargAudientes Enteitai ed by Triple Bill at Two Performances The • members of the Goderich Dramatic Club are receiving deserved congratulations upon the success of their initial performance at MacKay Hall on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of last Week. MacKay Hall was well filled for tile -first night, when the Club made Us debut, and there was an even larger attendance on Thuraday night. The audience was thrilled with .the tenseness produced in the mystery play, "A Night at an Lan," well presented by on all-male east, and the interest was splendidly sustaisned in the moving daania, "The Bishop's (7andlesticks." Kenneth Leniaire, president of the Dramatic Club, introduced the plays, and expressed appreciation of all assist- ance given to the presentation, Lord Dunsany's melodrama, "A Night hall serve( xis' secretary 0 t to Iluron home tor le tu e mee 1 Medical Association Since' 1938, and hers enjoyed hearing Miss J. Saunders' who Itad been one of the Most active report of the annual Provincial meeting members 'of 'the Asssociation and Coun- of the LO.D.E., which she Attended in , eil representittive -011 the Ontario* April as 11 delegate. Medical Associa tam. - . The thanks of all present Wer6 ex- REV: DR. COBURN ASSAI'LS and they persuthle him to burn a candle hurried tip diacussion 'amg onsao nnof . P 111 t' ta t . ss , . /lass. versify ef \\ 0111 ((11 1)1 rie aiso tended bY Dr. W. F. Gallow of Goderich s s• in the church to atoms for his getting , the members, inelnding R. C. •and I)r. J. AV. Shaw of Clinton to Dr. THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC angry. Celestino appezirs on the scene, "Cee" Attridge and. George Brown. it :isked newspaper editor- to write , -Jamieson for his interest and efficiency anxious to have it out With Berta for Was decided te botird some of the "11,1urial' 111 l'1"r "f i1 - in the Association and good-ivishes ' Rev. Jobe. Coburn, D.D.. of Toronto,' (ailing her names. It being Sunday . puppies out where possible. As the The net re- , - snit was ti idle of correspondence on speaking in Victoria street • United they Inchesitant to start a °tight on , result of a happy thought a big 'cat ..„ . , : ; a,: " were expressed for his new ca-reer with the desk af the Premier at Toroth() church on Sunday 7inorning, made a IC( of the fine. so they engage , en Alto Attridge farm W;1s introduced doll , . ., • ' Dr. Brink iu the Anti -Tuberculosis AS -1 110 I., NV a V' N Oa l'Vq.i 1 ct, a 111111 ton sociation. . strong. indietntent of. the liquor' trAtlic. . .. ers :rem toe Goverement for vour in a guessing contest..Celestint1 catches '4,4 one puppy.... and as she 11:1(1 some • ••.• .. 1',o,rty-tive per 'Cent. of highway ac - Salome (114 11 Mg and the contest winds time on her COL I )1.11W11. In a fitting reply, Dr. Jamiessim exf 111141 111 of Western ontario. said hands with only ems kitten ,t pressed deep regret at leaving Huron. Cluents, he sitid, were 11 1(14 to up With tierce lighting. When Berta , she readily at-cepted Oa. puppy ;IS -Tier - .0 • '• a reconchitition own. Tbe mellow 1',,, 04., 1 he l' 1 1 11) ha V '. CIVie Beautificatton i Ile had enjoyed *his association with . • ailcoholic drink. So- was a great pro - portio !--( Lee \\ 11 chairman Of the civic ' the Huron and Ontario medical men, n of the crime which filled the is aiona with Fhb 1 , takes Alice. The tarts of Salome and ! an idea tie v may (h. \ 1( hilt Would be back to meet them in his penitentiaries to overflowing. The . i l . .,,I. I 1 • • Fl 1 I cd-ae of c:4,411 (1,4s,:-, ;hat Wi 11 ';')1,41:1 1:11e111":(.1ti:'\r/11)1(.: if 1111.111*()V(Ir111 (1.1!ltilit tee: S. iltdit' o'f..tfie new work. scourge , of , venereal disease had its Celestma. taken,. y -Its. oyc . t., 0 1 1 mailing national en le lastutinca- and Miss :Mildred Anderson, portraythg„ the tall trees and retrieve the coons tion (•;Inipaign and 14)1(1 '4 the (-tuntatign Dr,. Timid, vice-president of the As- origin largely in liquor, for the drinker . „., ,.. , , , . •! , . . the hei(ely anei maid( ns, were taken when necessary. • - • • !was not on guard against contamination . •n realistic fashion Wilholit the ' , 'L.C. ACT EFFECTIVE .' Harold Bettger to introduee the specia•1 to be 11(ffil in Go(lerich. He'called upon sociatiOn, who ts leaving shortly fors in (tharge of the Grenfell .11ission, takes citement. Alcohol had its beneful in - as he would be without alcoholic ex- i restraint one might see in snail ;I role. Aliss- Marjorie M;(ctie aa the awre - IN C.T.A,. COUNTIES. t 1 T1 " speaker. Mr. Bettger stated it -was Labrodor to return to his previous' work ' . .`o.. ....rown who wa, largelr re'sponsible with him to his distant field -the- best finence also in _the -breaking down of speaker. ‚411)0 timid ."Toniaed " sestainthe part — fel. alle beautitieation and planning of wishes of all his confrereS, I)r. Hodd home lire, -Fsaid the . creditably, ea did AIr. 0 -1 -(--miens that (1.1-NT(1N. ,May 5.* --The- rn .alteev- the 1- r, /111 c.11 Of Western Ontarre, said he had enjoyOd the fellowship of d 11 • t the liquor traffic was of the handsome; lover. Geeeral. Milt. Leslie B10(•kwell. has campus. * the Society and wished it the he•st campaigning to capture the youth of "The Bialnin'S Candlesticks.'• founded lel\ ised the 1111 (4 Cemity Temperance' ,l. Tit'!•,Pc'‘•:s ('‘Ilit•than of the meet- . . . .Canada for its 111 111114 in the 00 the incident 141 yictor Hugo s novel 1•"(aleretion that beth -the Canada Ing ;111(1 N. -W. :Nliller Se.Vetary. Robt. for the future. - • ' GOING OUT OF BUSINE'S'S years to. come when t he "old topers'' died o.ff. Canada's (11 i1 A , 10 de - "Les -.Miserables,' was ' splendidly , l' • ter. 11 - .1.ct • 1 1 P • •• ••; 1 11 • Dollard. president (4f the Louden Junior e nlaved The load illy charitable Bishop Chambei• (et' ca4minerce. spoke briefly', One of Goderich's landmarks is about Oared, was more Vaal twice tbe al11011 11, , . • g . . . p .) 1, (,..‘ ) will i) • ) 1 . . , ) WaS Well •takCII by Fred Sturdy, and *., ,:' , ' .11-'" '''' 1 1 '11,(411. I erth to disappear, Mr. G. II. Green having that was spent 011 education. ` ' ' " • anti laset ceunties. 11 \Veil :I, the mentioning the illiport:inee of service the t. on \ a 1 a as a stet 1 nig ( 1,111 • district of.. Manitoulin. These - areas statioes ha \ ing rest • room facilities received notice to Vacate the prethises I)r. Coburn referred to the coming te o on Hamilton -street in which for a great von the Cnd aaa. Temperance Act for Kenneth Lema ire. as was that of , na 1 0 e11 hv,(1 1* since:, a Privy Council elean. since a town i, often judged' many. years he has conducted the Old in Peel county and said if the Act were the maid "..11arie" by Patricia Church. Mrs. K., Revell, *always a favorite, was vieW he thimght t lie appea ramp of Gode. riding that they are still under the by this. -From a stranger's point of Chrinsity Shoppe, • AIr. Gmeen makes repealed there a similar Attempt would splendid as "Personue," the , Bishop's 111,;',1" 4,sT,•AS s," , ,. an announcement this. week in The be Made in Perth and Huron. Ile iThe -...,..0.. Wro 00 11,4-44 for v101:11 ions rich's harbor area co111,1 be improved. hoped !the.: people in Huron would be sister • The commandant was per- — . !rayed by Ray Cooper and the gend- Should Press for New Industries Signal -Star's advertising columns. , . . .. .. .. on guard. , . Dioni111,61 ,low takes precedemp over Secretary 'aSerman \filler read a Butchers •Protest_ Dr. Coburn spoke in Union church, sarmes by Ray,Nelson and 'Brent.."a"el- Goderieh 'township, in ',the afternoon, s011. TilP st01 3 'Was ;simile r i o ina t , ef Trnde from Councillsr Art Kayting the Ontario laa in tlecla ring. the areas letter ((1(114 ((1 •to the, 1; Oderieli Bourd of lingo's masterplece. The play was. "I'Y' • . , rile cound:i Tempernnee Ael- doe- not in which file latter erg( il the Board of ' 13ropo.secl Bylaw direeted by George Jetiner and re- ,r, s fleeted great credit on all (((11.11)414(11 "4". ' 171 1 110 ,,..:1 h' Of 1 hinor ::01(1 with the :abled "We 11111-1 ,inseify the f;:ith the Domin- licenses being issued for Thele te pr(.,-: for lit'W hIllITS•trieS. — With it. • , . 1•('Si 1111 11,11, or the 1,i4olor 1:olit rol AO 1 1,411 (,,i, \j'111111ellt 1111151 11:1-V(' hens when 'blairil Provisions l'oo Stringent l'he perform:Ince was tinder the pat - in effect a sericter etiforeement sheuld' they pill such large expenditures on osir 14th, sit 8 p.m. Ile will present his now ro lag( 1 „ ; 01•- „ 1. Nks..-. . (41 0 arid Mrs. Costello. 11r. and Mrs. • —Make Alt ernative •:' 1,4, -weore(1. tolopera het. workers say. Ii (1114 ;Ind nethe 11,4 ---,ie the faellitiiT - ' Suggestion famous illnstrated address on ' "Eng- Judge t o 1114. grea kist (-Merit the t we have hind'a -Green and Pleasant I.and," the been- entrusted with." the letter, .in storysof British churches in stem. and l'he fretgliters made port 11115 week pars read. !on aeoion the letter was -Toler. a Major 1)11110011 left Adelaide .f.u. . 0.11 It varg•ops or gr:( in. Tbe aril\ als turned ever to the 111(11n -trial commitfee A. A. 1.111(1- , street clutrch. Lon (1 ou, to stsrve in itosny FarnisAccitiire --- - f"11"--• 110-1"Y - -' for consideration. , England, ItolY .811(1 on the Continent, see. 1354)141) bus. nal,. -creenings.;•and . Secretery W. A, Coeftherst reporied where he was' awarded the M.B.E. flereford Purebreds .1.111-1 1...111: 11riro1(1,,c. :,..rN,(100 bus. (1 ( 1 1 ; t ,11, s,7%.-0 -,Oro.o 'Inelliber,,Illta alreadY , He is 11 forceful, witty speaker and \\ 110:1 1 , (((1', 1)11.103' :1/1(1 1.3 V. T):1('S:day pH id 11p• their Board of Trade fees. "delights his itudience. This is open to • .1.11wa11.. 225,000 leis. wheat. eats A resolution calling for the thinning ell who writ ond a pleasant evening is. ain Goderich assorsentent of Air Vice -Marshal Sully Buys ;1mi mixed groin. Wi,(lop,•,(1;13 'Howard oht of treea :i long (.4•T't assured. An 'effeaing will be taken 11111,111)111, 1 1 1,000 bus. barley. Thurs- streets failed to get the enAl .Teeswater Herd of to defray ,expenses. day, (today I "4111(100, 245,000 1)118. tln.‘ Meeting. ' - . Breeding Stock _________. wbent. sit cargoes were for the Gode- . . . BIG ONES THAT DII)SlitigET AWAY ,,... ,• . . . __ rich elevator exeept the Vataloc, which Lll'NCIll ROOM CHANGES, HANDS' For a few days ,"Lucky Jim" Mac- The lairchase this week of the "Tees- is disebarging ;1t the Peritr Flour mill„ Cery's 1.1111(.11,, on 1Vest street, near Vicar hitld the record for the present \sitter View" fully accredited her(' of •The Ng Sulphite left on Se t tirday 113 Hier Pork, ha s leash sold to .N.IIRSI trout season, having tended a speckled registered 1)1)1) hi Herefords by Air (111 11 the barg-e 1)eleote. which bed been Eileen Vamp, of Tara. On1.. whe takes; _beauty 1,4 leashes in lenalh and weIgh- Viees1.1ershal J. A. Sully of Rosily in harbor 401 winter. posseasion .en .,1 May 1501. The former mg 1. pounds. It waS canglit in l'arnik-, 13a 1101(1 road, brings an out- The tug A. M. Ma en1f1ay. Sarnia to owners, Misaind Mrs. John F. Cory, will .4,. Sharp's Creek at ilefirniller °lathe open- standing herd of cattle to the Godet•ich Nlenford, has been in port since Tvies- eon thw their business ':fetiVity to the ing (lay of the season, Thursday last. disttict. _ , (lay, waiting forThetter 0.48 then to (som- operothin of*Jeek and, Jill, childr A few days later Robert Venus, citre- This herd. Vt'hich is (me of the plrte her trip lo the Georgian Bny. clothing shop, on West street, neat , taker of the Legion Hall, produced one longestestablished and best-known in rrhe p'ereh run has not started yet. Square. , Aecompanying. Miss Vance thatmeasured 1411:2 inches, and up to Optario, was started in ;1905 by Mr. .1,'121t' wen 1 her is a hit t oo, rough for here from Taraawill be her parents and datw'he appears to hold the lead for D. Little of Teeswater. and its develop- fishing anyway. • font -teen -year-old brother. ' 1947 among tlie followers of Izaak ment has ,heen eontinued by his son, Waltoh in this district.' . Mr. j. A. Little, on the old hoMestend, Teeswater View Farm.' It has had THE WEATHER strong entrants and many prize -win - Temperatures of the past week in ners at the Teeswater. Royal Winter Goderichs with those of the correspond-, and ether fairs. "Teeswater Britisher ing week . a yea•r ago. as officially 're- 1211)," an outstanding two-year-old, is s 1947 line of heavy beef. beeeders. the herd bull, and Neves from a long eorded, were as ,followa: Max. Min. Max. Min. Marshal Sully states• that he intends 1946 Thurs., May 1 ...318 36 . ,63 39 to continue showing at the Ontario Fri., May 2 67 45 e) 63 11 fairs and that he hopes to rontiatio the Sat., May 3 68 .40 62 :15 exeellent breedinedevelopment that has Sun., May 4 62 55 55 38 boon done by Mr, Little. Mon., May. 5 .,55 40 53 41 . Tbe herd will now be known as the Tues., May 6 43 37 54 '43 `111.ostir herd. Mr. Pat Ran of Bay Wed., May 7. 40 45 58 38 'field is herdsman. . ' r. 1"s London Man Talks ou GO TAX BATE FOE I 1047 TO BE 2 MILLS Civic Improvement Goderich ratepayers will again have a 42-mili tax rate thisyears the satue as last year. This was decided at a special meeting of the Town Council on Tuesday evening. The linance com- mittee is to, submit„a,"'statentent of estimated receipts and-`expenditurea at another -special meeting on Friday 'evening. The 42 -mill rate will apply to both Public School and Separate School suppdrters. ACCEPTS CALL TO • NORTH ST. UNITED CHURCH . • North street United church has ex- tended a call to Rev., C. W. Copp, 13.A., B.D., of Florence, Ont., near Dresden, which call has been accepted. Rev. Mr. Cope will take over his ministerial duties here at the beginniaig of July, when the present minister,' Rev. R. H. Turnbull, B.A., S.T.M., leaves to accept a chair at Toronto. A graduate of the University of West- ern Ontario in arts and of Emmanuel College, Toronto, in theology, Rey. Mr. Cope has spent two years in the min- istry in Northern Ontario and four years at Florence. His birthplace is Forest, ,Ont. He has two children.• s Mr.' Cope preached at North street United church on Sunday, April 13th. SUGGESTIONS FOR DONORS TO BRITISH RELIEF Citizens Who are sending food and clothing for British flood relief are asked to remember the following sug- gestions: Check pockets of All clothing and re - it intosa socket in its forehead.- The move all matches. Dottors are encouraged to attach! idol moves Off the stage and one after the, „of-, thevillittir-UP Ata42,tuisi12ta ‘lthough-an appeal is Made to have' seomen and they unwillingly move off goods of the highest quality, any ser - in answer to the voice; a cirembetance Ser - )1((t foreseen by the Toff.” Au effective ,uni • natural interpretation was pgiven to each part, with Ronald Priare .starring as "The Toff :" Brnee Sully viceable garment .or piece of material that can be spared will be welcome. A package of heedles, a spool of thread dr some odd buttons put into "Sniggers ;" Brent Nelson, 'Bill;,, !p(a•kets will be acceptable. ! Children's , clothes are urgently O. C. Staliforth, "Albert :" -and Ray ; - ; needed ----hair ribbons are greatly prized Nelson, Gail Saunders'and Mrs. N. Clareinont as the priests. by the children. It is hoped that donations will be "Sunday Costs Five Pesos,- directed : • !morale -building as well as • useful and by Phil; Carey, made.a hit. It is an ' will be a credit. tosthe eommunity. hilarious comedy.. of Mexican village Tinned and non-perishable foods are life. The costuming Was picturesque, ; ( \ - and the dialogue was received with 11vs,•rs- acceptable. ap-is urgently mseded". gales of laughter baudnso y the ie ce. A ' Finds Goderich Beautiful. and aa,t Be Made More So A Looking to the future, COL 'Waiter Brown, recently retired bursar and • executive- secretary of the Univeraity - - of Western Oapario, predicts Western Optaaio, will be filled with. light ins dustries Mated in towns and vfilagerls This decentralization, he believes, will, be widespread over the Provinee,;' C.61. Brown was guest speaker at tlae GOO!, rich Board of "Trade meeting, at the Town Hall on Monday night. ss In view of this predicted coming of light industries to smaller -centres, Col Brown stressed the necessity of toWa Planning in order to make the smaller 'centres attraetive plapes in ;which in- dustries would want to locate and in, which potential Sterkers would desire to live. - - "People do not want to live in cities more than they 'can help," said Col. Brown. This fact, he said, should raise the question amongst authorities hi towns and villages of "I -low can we make our conimunity more beautiful and more _attractive?" From visits to Goderich he had found the Huron County toWn "beauti- ful and, very attractive." "In fact," he said, you °can 'easily make Goderich one of the ideal spots in this section of the country. Goderich has facil- ities that few towns can eVen equal and tt las rear inducementa , for in- dustries." _ .Brown pointed out that Godes rich had a wonderful alert in town planning With its unique'eentral circle. He _asked if there had been any work, lone neptown phinaiegssincesthesorisgha- aaa al piaas in Order that thefutureGid" 11(11might voutinue to be an attractive one. Paying tribute to the work of Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce, Col. Brown r11 (('(1 how they had played an indispensable part in the creation of the Vniversity of Western ()ntario. 1 turing the early,. twenties, he relatedathe Drury Government was bombarded wifli literature. etc.. urging that a giant be madls towards the establishment of the University of West- ern ontario, la a result a commission was set up by. the Government to deter- mine whether or 11(4 this -would -be Cash to be nsed for the purchase of adsisnlae. A published interview with; square, centred with a well, in- the „ ood or clothing will be neeepted at the Premier at Toronto leore the re - village, is revealed as the curtain f rises. tleylocal °Mee 'sea a - pOrt ef the commission was made The story concerns a Mexican law— • -A woman who starts a fight on! Witi-•• BliTi(i1e0f 1(TaYili1:1110igi1.10. 11'11141(1)C•v1;lc (11 1111(1),Iotg'illitt wi:iruell(11i1Pqr: ilisiPoSSaVriblge day must pay a fine, of five pesos." BE GENEROUS., - "Berta," excellently played. -.13v M. at that thee to make 'such a grant. Julia Sully, suspects her ,lover"Fidel" PUP? I BOARDED . -. OUT .:•This, --Was the- signal for Inc to get busy,- said Col. Brown. who ;aided that (Laurie Clemens). of flirting- .with WITH MOTHER 'CAThe got -on the -televlione.o4e afternoon . C,elestina. -.Fidel tries to explatin but she sem 5 11111 ziway gru -5 ri en. . - - id! ep1iA4.1 ..4 . Boa rip.: of Trnde and Chambers of Com', . She later regrets' her ;lethal and- her - The North Street .1H -innate' club*.liav- friends Salome and- Tonia •eoneect a hos purchased ':1 ft 11111 hound 'from inerve in pro ct ically ;111 tmskis and cities story that Berta has fallen in the. the viA•inity id Callande.r were not sur- in 1Ves1e1n ontario. II0astmkledsd-tsheense well and Toni a hurries ,after Fidel to ' prised when they-tweet-1-10'1hp guardians -111(1) te ha \ (-their erganiza i break the news to him. II(s r(st urns ! of nine ' 1)] ((1 and tan pups. Alter a resolutiens to "Queen's Park favoring' 1 s • ' - f • - - t va d a Uni- ILLUSTRATED ADDRESS Major Duncan, M.B.E., will give an illustrated address in the . Goderich Baptist church on Wednesday,. May J. W. Ceates, Mr. and Alis. 'W.' A. .1T THE IVATERFRONT IIay. , Two bylaws sponsored by the Mord of Health were before the Town Council at its meeting oe Friday night last. One was for ahe regfilation of, peblic eating -houses ond the other,was with. respect to -1 he operation of slaughteihouses and the sale of meat. The Board of .Health was represented before the Council by• its chairman, F. T. Armstrong, R. t'. Hays,. K.(7.6 IV, J. Baker and' Dr. Ws 1.4-4: Gallons :110.H., and all the 10011 butchers also were present. •Some correspondence was presented indirating that the Provincial health authorities were not Satisfied Wath tlre situa t ion here with respect to the matters eovered by the proposed by- laws, but -discussion was mainly over the terms_ of the. bylaw, respecting slaughterhouses._ The_ butchers declared that they Woulff welcome inspection !as proposed by the bylaw, but they pebtefited vigor- ously that other regulations would in- volve such expense as would put them out of business. They asked why floderich,' was picked out for the en- forcement of such provisions, and sug- gested it central abattoir, possibly at 'Clinton, to be used by all the butchers of the district. Finally it was decided to ask Dr.' Edge, of the Provincial Health DepOrt- meet, to come to Goderieh for n con - fermi& with the loeal Itioard find the butchers. The bylaw reenacting eating houses alS10 Wag laid over to another Meeting. • Ashfield Youth Brings In Pelts of. Feinare Wolf and Nine,Cubs 1 lerbert Drennan., Ashlield township, brought in to., the County Treasurer's office on Monday ,the pelts of a female wolf and..nine wolf •cnits.Drentian, an eighteen -year-old ; yontb, shot the 1 mother wolf, and then 'ciente(' ,the den and 'ISronght out the, nine cubs.: go ttot the wolf with one shot. , The shoot - mg took, platee near Kintail. 'Drennan -antes that the ittale wolf its.stin at large. The-bonety on this each will .aniount to -$70—$25,.for the MOtber wolf hiul $5 for Patql 4)2 thc, pups, oud In miaition Drennan is eligible for the Township bounty. This in the first application •in Counly TreafAiMi, ErsIzine's time coveriug'a whole eiluilsr.