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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-05-01, Page 7
int, Goderich French Dry Cleaners epori Shaws. successful Operationr of Farm Improvement Loans Act • — NEW MAK SPOTTING - ..., DRY CLEANING and PRESSING- GENERAL, IMPAIRS Guaranteed ]Mothprooffiaag Service. Wate; ;+roofing. PICK-UP . AND DELIVERY Phone 122 O. R. J,OWERTij HOME LTGl1TING1 Indirect lighting which may be ef- fective and adequate in' the dining- room at meal times_. is ntjl sufficient for reading and study purposes. Health authorities specializing in illumination MOVING 'WE'ST M. itawlinson Limited regularly make' ' pp and ship Household Furniture. Con- oolidated Pool Cars to Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan, Alberta, British Columbia and to California. Writ©, wire or phone for reduced freight rates. Established 1885. I. Yong. St., TorontoKingedale 5128 510V1116, PACK11111, 111114i/11D alui ST4pA11111 improvement say that if a room is to be used for close work light should= be supplemented by semi -direct reading lamps, preferably u of the floor type. In the living -room, it is also well to have either floor or table lamps wh, re needed, so that, every member of rhe family gets suitable 'illumination. The weary father was marching up and down at 1 a..m., with al, wailing infant in his arras, when' there cane_ aknock on the door. It was the tenant from below, carrying a pair of new shoes. "1 say, old man," he added, "while. you're about it, you might break these in for me."' • ‘..2:4 ✓tit.. �. tlasr'e s . Do Yout Want Relief from SINUS TROUBLE? A new and wonderful remedy for speedy relief from Sinus and Antrum trouble. Also for Head Colds. This Remedy Is Known As SINULIEF Sitnulief is a White Powder to be used- as Snuff. Simple and Clean to Use. Priced at $1.00 Qwlng to the rapidly increasing demand fort is product and the scarcity of one of the rare ingredients of the formula, it lo necessary to restrict the output to one box to a customer every, three ' months.' AT PRESENT AVAILABLE ONLY BY MAIL SINULIEF , CO., BOX 582, LONDON, ONT. Please Find Enclosed $1.00 in Payment foal Box Slnulief DEP. € NAME 9 ADDRESS PRINT :41 During WO, a total of 113,4130 far err 0 obtained 1oma totalling nearly $110,00ID,- VoltymEitoiAt, `'RA'®ELLE ' ,ON .THE WARPATH AGAIN* f3 The number of commercial travellers coming into Godei'ieh if on the increase, . 7&ocal erehan.ts and hotels estimate there are abent twenty-five per cent.. more travellers around now than there were at this season last year. g "Travellers whom I had' not seen since before!, the war are now calling t on us," stated one"grocery merchant, "The commercial travellers are on the warpath again," commented another merchant, adding that "travellers for ferns which I thought -were out of busi- ness are beginning to call ori ,us again." PORTER'S .,HILL 000 under the • Parini araprOye.aen Loans' Act. A report covering the lira -full year's operation of dais Act wa tabled recently ..iia the House of C;om mon by the Minister of Finance, ;. on Douglas Abbott. Loans are made through the 3,100 branches of the" chartered banks for the improvement 'and development- o farws . and for, the improvement o1 living cond,itions on farms. Interest a the rate of five per cent. simple interet; per annum IS `charged, °and loans may be made for periods up to ten yeah The legislation aims at assisting par- ticularly the average farmer who ' in the p,31st 44S ... not .Always been` able to obtain batik -credit for farm improve- ment purposes. Loans for the purchase of farm im- plements and farm trucks accounted for $7,488,347 during 194G, representing an actual sales` volume of approximate- ly $12,500,000. From information avail- able it is reasonable to assume that practically all farm implement sales in'Oanada requiring financing are now being financed either through loans obtainable under the Farm Improve- ment Loans Act- or through regular bank loans. Substangaal Saving to Farmers The result sliould be a substantial saving to the farmer, not only in the purchase price of his farm implements but also hi finance charges and interest rates previously prevailing for this type of financing. Included in the total are loans to 1,008 farmers to clear and break an estimated 50,0,00 acres of new land, mostly 111 pioneer sections of Western Canada. There were 303 loans for foundation and breeding stuck totalling $190,937. • ()ne of the most important classes of loans is that for the construction, alter- ation and repair of farm buildings, in - eluding faran dwellings and separate. houses for farm help. As, the_supply of material and ,1 • becomes, more readily available it expected that loans for these purpo es will be con- siderably expanded. A <rhowri itro tle'fale iii' g lile; :afore' loans under the Act were taken in the three Prairie Provinces — Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Albertan.—�tha n in the other,Provinces :- n No. Amounts 4,798 $3,388,115 4,075 •3,140,157 1,928 1,397,539 1,443 1,369,371 4.67 343,706 193 • 146,639 76 55,617 42 34,541. 1". E. I. ......... 8 4,880 Alta. •Sask. Man. • Ont. B.0 Veit FIN A N K THI S F RM 1CTJ 1 731 poi BEHIND the ,activity on this progressive . farm stand the bankingservices and helpful fin. ancing of The Canadian Bank of. Commerce. • You, too, 'may need a new tractor, a eombiaale or other farm machinery or equipment tO develop your farm. Other Farm improvement Loans For • Purchasing Livestock Buildings • Constructing or Repairing • Modernizing Farm Homesand Drainage_ Fencing • Improving • • ' Installing Electric.Power for Farming Clearing and Breaking Investigate the many advantages you haw under the.Parml Improvement Loan pliiu. come in and discuss your -financial needs with our local Manager. THE CANADIAN BANK! OF COMMERCE Goderich Brancrh. NV, A. Hay, Tfan:l 'er •il Que. N.S. N.B. Total 13,030. $9,88o,565 No Claims for Losses A feature of this report is that of a --total volnnne of $13;262,307 loaned tinder the AO. there has 1)ee11 repaid $5_181.161, an amount equivalent to 39.04 per cent. of the total amount loaned, and that- up to December 31, 1940' no clai also been innde_ under the Government guarantee by army bank in respect to hisses incurred oh any loans rllatle. W.C'.T.U. MEETING The. regular.meeting of the 11'.C.T.i'., wbit•h` took the form of a rally'.ahc1 tea, - was held on Tuesday, April 1;, at• the home of Mrs. George Johnston, Stanley street, with agood' attendance. The meeting \va S in charge of the president, ?hillips. 'Tire devotional Period was taken by Mrs. Hudson, who spoke from St. Yhitthew, 6:9, "Our "F(1ther which •art int ,heaven; hallowed he Thy Nanle.".. giving a fine address. Solos Were rendered hy Miss It ope and MiSs Florence 11n(1 01( Ilul an excellent read- ing- was given hy 311'x, Ire E. Wilson. an instructive and ilnterestbtlg talk by Mr'. Edward \1askell, and a helpful - read- ing 1(y AIrs. Keith Webster.. -The meet- ing- (•Insect with the theme song alttl ln':accr hy Airs. 1'l14Hilis. .After«:u'1,- 11;I vcas ser\_„11 1171(1 a soci111 time s1u'lat. 1(1111uint le 'a1 else :cu enj(orable after- ' x4.111. PORTER'S HILL, April 28.—Mr. and' Mrs. 'Lawson Lockhart and two children, of Royal. Ouk, Mich., spent Sundaty with.. Mr. Lockhart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lockhart. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Betties on thus trrival of a daugh- ter, Peggy Ann, a sister for Bruce. Two Couples ]Honored.—un Friday evening members and adherents of Grace church.guthered Ott the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Young to do honor t,r,, them and his sister Bessie and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Black, Goderich. Both these couples were married some time ago,.but owing to had ,roads and stormy weather ix was decided to lcavt; this gathering until spring. .. happy evening Was,joyed by'a good number. Before lunch the two brides and grooms were asked to come forward, and Mrs. Austin H1trria read an amusing address 111 poetic form, • while Loreen ('ox and Mrs. heed Torn'aulcc: 011 l)(101lf .of The congregation of Grace church presented Jim and Irene with a11, electric .lanip and Bessie and Harold) with a rug and cushion. Jim and Harold each replied fittingly. An abunciatlt lunch was served. ASHFIE LD- 4,SHFIELD; April 28. 1.1rs Colin MacGregor..spent last week with. her sister, Mrs.. Douglas Harton; in Tor- onto: s Mrs, -Ralph Cowles and ehildrenf London, are visiting 'at the •home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. MacDonald. , Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John MacKay last week -end Were Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKay. of Bright's Grove, and Mr. Donald MacKay, of North Bay. The latter flew here, ,but «as'l1n'able to land o11 the neighboring fields its they were too soggy, and had OIODEB I.CH MEMORIAL SHOP NEWEST DESIGNS. REST OF MATERIAL` Guaranteed workuian17iip 'at prices that will please yoi. ° SAVE •ALL AGENTS FEES Call at our • office': or drop us a line 'to Box 161; Goderich.. We will be pleased to call and help choose a suitable memorial for your -family plot. • B. A. N St. Andrew's St. cam• a � i WHEELER'S 'UNERAL SERVICE Nof-extra charge for the use of out- Funeral Home, Toron. to Street ► Prompt Ambulaltr% Service Phone h.36 - Res: -dB aor 7 `3f tt� -Gree sats SNUTiIEWORTN SPRINODANK DRIVE LONDON ONT.1 DEAL DIRECTLY WITH US Save agent's corn - Mission and expenses. e o8orWnrettdl • fuowsocka ✓ ee j ' another saving for .e t YOU. e KI 9Oli liVhat You Buy ' visit `nMttour nues s !rive fro:41 the centre CataofiogaLondea'°on0..12 Re nest v , NL94C tette AN* eeetlee to on to SlLy 1Ia> bor ailr-liolrt, AshfAeld Vrcai yteriaa elmch ar3 h(gd- 'ir g atr services ex daylight caving time, t]IUas year. t unday ae120o1 bOgaIL5 o Dfay 4th, at all0 a.m. Dr. Sho>~'tt of Ziitaeardlne will conduct the se rices on this Sunday, while Dr. ]Ithoad occupies the gincardii a purpit .l4 declare it vacant. nt. Tine April meeting of the W.M.S. was Meld last Wednesday at the. home of Mrs. 'rho ,,►:aas MacDonald. Ou DZay 7th the society is Invited to he prevent at. the meeting 'of tIle Lucknow W,,M.S. and provide .the program. . .Co11n Howes is in Goderich hospital, ill with pneumonia. • EGGS ANI) YOU There's a valuable tip, say the medical men, i11 that swig and story entitled, "The Egg wast, I." For, 'they point out, tucked inside 'eggshels is high quality protein, impdrtant for health. Two ptedituu-sized eggs sub stitu'te ,, satisfactorily for one serving of meat, as fur as prot.edin is concerned. The yolk is packed with vitamins and minerals, too. The -nutrition author- ities say that Canadians s}lould., aim at eating at least three e'gs a week, 14 addition to any they use as neat substitutes. 1 Refrigeration ' SALES SERVICE ALL MAKES Commercial—Domestic rt Manning Refrigeration Service Call' for Free Estimate 50 ELGIN AVE. PHONE 1098 36tf Cemetery Memorials T. PRYDE & o.,ON (formerly, Cunning:lam & Pryde) Clinton, Exeter, Seaforth . Write Box, I50; or phone 41J, Exeter and we, Shall be pleased to call, Yo 's• 11.1phoistpry you will be proud of th 'le ,Chesterfelid, 03.019, et0q Olt e re.upllolster or re;cover iQi you. Ohoiee of velour, Frim tapestry, daraaek.. Quality coverings, - SEE 17S•4 PHONE ITS! WRITE 1181 Phone' 206J ' Pion,up and delivery 0 THE SQUARE ' 09lRRtag wifey : ►'go► mg9tn't getangry and Hill: "I feel lit• e ✓a crQsseut say bad things. You should always' today." Joe: 'What do you ]fl6*ia br give a soft answer." Hubby: `Qh, that?" Bill: "It'll take two mei mush!" handle me I,.' .!� ember.. RDirtR OF mig. OTHE GOLDEN RULE sRaPHEY The Facts It seems to us that every once in a while we should reaffirm our adherence to the policy of maintaining a , funeral service >r F . it in the financial Ilea b of all. "' During the years we have served this district, Brophey's service has :never• been denied any' worthy family. neralSiViscie.. - FLOYD M. LODGE , DIRECTOR I3 MONTREAL ST. PHONE 120 R FAMIL v.� It is your duty to have a FLEE chest X-RAY for their protection S ta p Tuberculosis A person with tuberculosis may unknowingly spread the disease. It is infectious—not inherited. By means of a chest X -Ray tuberculosis 'can be detected early .a a1d if treat,!' ent is Begun inntlediately, the disease can be cured. You canptalways be sure you are free of T.B. until you have had an X- ay. An X -Ray can detect it. Our co uni survey fflakes it possible for parents to protecttheir children. Co-operate in the X -ley survey.' Make an 'appointment and Keep it! Christmas seals paid "or this survey. 11340 snore neat aflame,, Published in The Interest of Ontario's Health Campaign by Goderich Area Committee 'Under Auspices Ontario Tuberculosis A so i ° C ati®I� ° Your Health By HSafegnard a Free ChestLRay .At . Ilas..$ X Ray Clinics.orMacKay.liall 1117 t•; .t: 9 La