HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-04-24, Page 8raut mow
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1'4+ _Gordon Lftid Smithet tvA
One of 'the satisfying things about
,garaeiting is that one may spend as
little energy or money as one wishes'.
1 Yrnllhe some strenuous. hobbies , this one
•elastic. There is scope for the most
elaborate planning and designs, for
an immense amount of exercise if one
feels that way. On. the other hand, if
time or health is limited, or if one 1
`feels like loafing, them one can have
'a garden to suit that motel, too. Ono -
cannot say that a small flower garden
,etas beautiful than a large one, but,
there -is ! ditferenee in the amount of
work involved.
It is really amazing the results in
satisfaction and beauty one can get
-from a tiny plot of flowers. And it
will not • take mue'h work either. A
little digging and a few packets of
seeds or boxes of started plants are
all that are needed. If one has more
time, it can be enlarged, and as one's
'interest grows litore frills can be added.
Sonie'enthusiasts,' for example, plan
all blue or all yellow flower gardens;
some - prefer sharply coat casting
'borders. The beginner, and mast'
others, however, are advised to stick
to fairly sixuple designs, with irregular
clump plantings rather than straight
rows. And also; instead of solid sheets
of one color, a continuous display. of
bloom will usually give more satis-
factory results.
Big Borders
A really wonderful showing can be
made with a big bed of annuals and at
surprisingly little cost. Where space
is available one should not crowd these
things. Iudeed, in very long borders
along roadways or paths it is possible
to do much of the preliminary cultiva-
tiou with ft, hand -drawn or tractor -
To receive top grades may we suggest that you bring in your
Next Ryan
Feed Mill Your Satisfaction; 1s Our Success
eaterated eultivater. ' rw f
lest, the bed 6bould 'bc, dui, or
cultivated thoroughly at least twice bte-
fore the annuiale are sawn or .set out.
Vols bets rid f th-•weeais anti gets
the soil if1 good 9httpe. For a long 4ec1,
three fret wide is about a minlmton.
requirerueut. Into this site can plant
dozens of different type animas, with
the smaller things generally at the
front, the bigger things at the bottom:
For tiny things like (French marigolds,
allow about ten Welles between, and
fur the biggest things like. cosmos, full-
size zinnias, etc., two and arhalf to,
three feet is not -too much room. Where
nue has only a small piece of ground
available, closer planting is 'advised
in order to get more bloom.
New Varieties
Both beginners and old-timers should
remember that the business of ilii -
proving tto*ers and vegetables does not
stand still. There are strains and
types today that were not in existence
before the war, and each year there
are some brans,-- new varieties. It is
a sound rule to try something new each
season. In this way, variety and in-
terest will be added to the garden.
Even the old Standbys like Golden
Bantam corn and Rosy Morn petunias,.
to mention only two have been vastly
improved. Plant breeders are ' con-
stantly, striving for new colors, more
disease resistance and hardier and
earlier plants.,
Paths '.and Roadways
Much will depend upon how much
they are to be used, when, and what
materials are available, when one be-
gins planning paths and roadways. If
traffic is light, good firm grass will carry
many feet, and if the ground is dry
a car, too, occasionally. As a general
rule, however, something more per,
manent must be laid down for motor
traffic and the same is advisable, too,
where there is inuch tramping back
and forth. For pathways, flagstone,
brick, cinder er crushed gravel is'avail-
M. Rawlinaon t.inteteu regu&orb mat,
up and ship Household Furniture. Con-
solidated Pool Cars to Manitoba, Saskatch-
swan. Alberta, .Srittish Columbia and to "'
Catitornia.Write, wireorphonefor'reduced
freight rates Established 1885.
bio Yong. St., Toronto. Ktng.dale 6126
--IAS •INf...,.ls!►Figan,_-a.41.1R:t.OSA
• Accidents happen in a flash. If you are not in. ..,
eared, repayment may cost you your.home, your
savings in months of income. Let us explain Pilot .
Automobile insurance to you. It cost&'so -little.
We write Pilot Insurance• to cover selected risks
in Automobile, Tire, Personal Property Floater, -
Burglary, Elate Glass, Public Liailio, and other ,
general insurance.
W. alisGoo.. 01,1lacEwan.4
NO;.. C-TlreleaE gn.. Agency,:_Dungannon
Gordon Jewell, R.B No: 6, Goderich
40101.44.04.,4 41,1t.kal,
BA ER. 11' M1 $ 'Qum rvolQ
batty Prt'ossw'e • Sy tem$
(Both shallowanddeep well)
f ail&Qin Furnaces
Repairs for Pumps a .t: d
Windaltaillzl .
Oil Bath Pura' PuJacks
Wm. Fitzpatrick
PAumbi g and Heating . .
Phoma Dungannon 1.?r3
R.E. 3, G oderieh
able. For the sake of the Iawnmowcr
it is desirable to have atones or other
material as flush as possible with sur-
roandiug .sod, and gravel, 'cinders, etc..
should be fine and preferably pressed
firmly together so that they won't
scatter on nearby grass.
..For roadways, crushed gravel, con-
crete, rolled asphalt, bricks, cinders,
flagstone embedded in concrete, are all
Suitable. Where a loose material is
cased most gardeners, keep weeds down
by applications • of commercial weed
killers, waste oil or rock salt. These
help to bind gravel, too, keep down dust
and discourage frost. With roadways,
good drainage is essential. A six- to
ten -inch layer of coarse stones or rocks,
beneath the fine material on top, is
advisable, especially where the ground
is heavy, or where frosts are severe.
" Garden Equipment
With a small, garden all the tools
needed are a rake, a hoe and a spade
or digging fork. These are minimum
requirements. With a little• more
equipment much labor can be saved.
Digging forks, cultivators, special
weeders, dutch hoes, etc., will make`
the work easier and iuore interesting.
For larger gardens a small garden
-=tragi for :-that':>. will—cultivate; -.pl sir, - ete.,
might be considered. These are now
canning ou the market freely. They are'
not- expensive nand are-very-eheaply-oper
ated. One -can get all sorts of attach-
inents to go with them—lawn mowers,
eultisMors, . Mowers for cutting tall
grass and weeds -even snowplows..
A sharp hoe or cultivator wilt'spee
the . work, . It is a good plan to wipe -
off all dirt between operations, and a
little oil or . grease smeared un the
shiny surfaces is recommended.
• One's Enough
"rVlj,,,the plural of hippopot-
_ ..
amus?" asked the teacher.
There was no answeI. from the class.
--"You try, Tornriiy," suggested the
Totood, up. • When one gets'to ninety thele won't
Tommy s
my s Oh. well, who'd ant be any attempt to conceal the age.
Wan' .flow we dislike telling our age after
more than one. anyway?" he demanded.
n certain stage. is past;. but we are opt
•� 1h: h bl - dvanced
a '
i ..roue.
•, a .. By yfr1 J
._ elf all the vehicles on the road these
days, tine ponderous, powerful snow-
plow is must in .favor. The new shin-
ing models of autolunbiles ane attract-
ing attention a, but in these days of
blizzards that choke and block roads in
a wild twenty -four-hour storm,. we give
�i sigh of relief when that tremendous
show -remover comes up the road, push-
ing aside those „great heaps that have
deipt us home so long and away frtaan
town, until the bread tin and some
other food containers are as empty Its
Mother IIubbard's eupboafd. "If we
only li#td some yeast!" was the remark,'
one day., We might have done a little
baking, for there was some floor, and
home once mole. would be all the better.
f honViebaked bread and buns. The
feast of unleavened bread may be
nigh but we are not partial to such
food over which to celebrate so when
ten bad drifts stand between us. and
where yeast can be purchased some,
thing beside dreaming and wishing :and
praying has to be done. " That snow-
plow anticipated, and achieved wlia,t
was necessary. It made possible a lot
of things. In its wake came the mail-
man Who had not been seen for some
days'. The evening paper was delivered
once More by the red car that makes
a daily round of many rural, reads.,
The letters -'to friends and' business
offices that had lain in the rural mail
boi for some days got going. Friends
in the hospitt1 wanted to see us; when
the • snowplow came through that was
one of the , irst things we thought of.
Let) us hope the rural schools have
paid due deference to that plow. Child
ren should be encouraged to sketch it
in operation in our rural halls of
learning, and a good prize offered for
the best sketch in the competition,
;1,ud have it 'hung oh the school -house
wall to remind, there of the big blow
and the big snow of March, 1947, which
accounted for so many "miss" days
in the sch0ol.week. •
Today 1 ntust write a letter to a
dear .old gentleman of Brantford who
is ninety-one on March 31st, and an-
ticipates spending, his birthday, hale
and' liearfy, even if his sight is some -
What amine ti': `iii"teatt ,j'olt€ "rbh t
low with a sharp wit and enjoys life'
to the full. 1 hope he will make the
7luihdred. He aMusingIy aeld—us '-one
day, how near he came to be an Aprir
fool. Was it the stork that was de-
layed, or couldn't effect a suitable land-
ing? I forget. Perhaps ethere was a
blizzard. Mowing and snowbanks piled -
high. He ,doesn't remember. To read
of some births, recently, that happened
suddenly' and in inconvenient places,
it may be that for_ some people there is
some truth as welt as liluimor in the
silly song we in our days of irreslaans-
ible youth used to sing : "I was born
on aFriday when''my- mother wasn't
at hone."
My- birthday is not so far away
from the date of this, nonagenarian's.
X Err rCr sesra
M1 : r r rY.r r•
sr ,wig �•..r.. �Jr'•. 'T..
urlr � rii'.�%�$: F::�:::y:^ri•icr'�l:+�
THE RESTFUL riding .comfort of all 'lodge cars -
starts with Full Floating Ride,' a' combination of more
than 20 importdnt factors, includin5- Floating Power
Engine Mountin'gs; -scientific'weight distribution (with
all passengers riding cradled between the axles):
synchronized front and rear springs; and independent
front wheel springing. In addition, Dodge seating has
been scientifically designed to ,fit the contour of your
body, to support your back at exactly the right place
and tto give yqu ample leg and foot room.
hi 1942, the Dodge Custom was first in its price class'
-. to intrniluce Fluid Drive called the greatest_advance-
ment in motoring since hydraulic Brakes and floating
power. This Dodge gyro, Fluid Drive gives silky -
smooth transfer of power, eliminates gear -shift jerks
and jolts.
No matter which Dodge model you 'drive you'll
always appreciate the luxurious, smooth tiding comfort
of the famous Dodge "Tull Floating Ride"— and
/Remember the Dodge *year reputation . for Safety,
Economy, bong Life and Dependability.
;r.}yiti:•Y• !f`' _ �i.[�:�%%ice?:f6il'ii':G%i%�'.•rf4rr.
age. It, doesn't do to celebrate too
much with -those coming close to the
liuu;li•c'd mark. I ha -\'e been told of an
old lady who declared herself nearing
the century mark but Was not' quite
sure of. the exact number of years of
which she could boast. Relatives and
friends got busy to ascertain the exact
age, asci at last it was established that
she had passed -her hundredth- birth-
day by a few years. • When told the
news. evidently it had such effect upon
heir that she never recovered from the
shock and died very shortly 'after.
Like this old ninety-one-year-old
friend, may we grow old beautifully,
and laugh and joke and conduct our-
selves. so. happily as never to be spoken
ref as having "one foot in the grave,"
I1. is Good Friday next week. It
nay pleasure ,when These outstanding
days of the year come arbund to' turn
over my files of information of interest-
ing things. associated with the par -
Ocular clay. I chanced today to read
again 'hat happened 011 Good 'Friday,
102s, according to that prolific and
entertaining writer, E. V., Lucas. He
says he had an ._honored friend, in the
person of Lady Noble, the widow of
Sir Andrew Noble, the shipbuilder, wito
reached the age of one hundred-yea1's.
I sea's, clever and witty as we shall
see, made the most of such an event in'
-sending a congratulatory telegram to
the old lady. It refl(1:. '
•'Dear Ladr Noble. may I add a voice
- tothose that praise
In tones, with. pride to joy allied,
your wondrous length of days...
When people' talk of vintage years I
saythere's no debate;
No year they name can have F,aach
fame as 1928.
For in that year Dame Nature grew
her very choicest .wine,
'A gift,' said she, 'to cross the sea, St.
Lawrence to the Tyne.'
Tear Lady. Noble, may you live as
• long as you desire to do, and then
resume above.
Yell must not answer me in rhyme,
although yon rhyme so well.
I would not • strain that precious
brain:',' --Yom• servant, E.V•L."
-By return of Post carne Lady Noble's
a eknowlodgment
"In days of yore 'twas deemed a shame
A lady's date or age to name;
But this distinction now I clam).
My only path to future fame.
.M.rS`y'�;' p F au .•faseg r,'r••Jr ata S•{+r✓r{r•✓,r, ✓ l repo saes• r i rr:?'r,•} �• : •.•frf'•
nawwl,,� r�o•
r .,......:.....:•r ?r::rr{.'r•.`:�arr%�kf.:....L
for some SLEEP...
BETTER ,1/6i/5r✓0A1..
The gifts and graces of the mind
Attributed by friends soldeal
In• me---alas!-1 fail to ,find;
But blank°you all, sweet souls, so
blind. -
At lengthened years I can't rebel,
Because of thein I have to tell
Tributes my vanities to swell,
And witty rhymes, from kl.V.L."
• Fool was I one day to remark that,
while I was ,glad to have a spring
birthday that was not far from the
first of April, 1 was glad it was not on •
that first day of the month. For a
woman listbning to 'the conversation
about these birth dates admitted with
a laugh that hers was on April Fool
Day, and she was not complaining and
was happy about it. That was- the
time I felt I. had put both feet into it.
The meeting of the Ahmeek Chapter,
I.O.D.E., on Monday, ,April 141h, pre-
sided over -by Mrs. C. Staniforth, was
largely attended, and much busineas
was transacted.
The report of the -budget committed'
was presented by Mrd. W. F. Walkout,
and adopted.
The following representatives were
appointed to canvass for the T.B. clinic
survey in Goderich from May 10th to
22nd under the captaincy of Miss Aubra
Cleaver, public health nurse; Mrs.
George Stokes, Mrs. W. G. MacEwan,
Mrs. C. K. Saunders, Mrs. W. F.
Walkom, Miss Belle MacVicar, Mrs,
You worry about your present
or future security,
Phone Carlow 1706 or write
Monarch Life Assurance repre-
sentative, R.R. 4, Goderich.
C. Peters, Mrs. Lynn, Mrs. B.
Mrs. G. Emerson, Mrs. J. W. Coates,
Mrs, C. S;taniforth.
A letter was read from headquarters
asking the Chapier to make weekly
shipments of bundles for Britain. Sev-
eral knitted and sewn articles were
displayed at the meeting. To cover the
.eepe,useS, $300 was transferred from
the general Account to the post-war
Miss. Ethel Farrow took heK Rum-
ation as a new member. Eg•etraion&
of thanks in appreciation of letters -
and gifts of cake were received from
Mrs. George Paterson, Mrs. R. Phalen„
Mrs. C. A. Reid, Mrs. H. R. Hall and.
Mrs. N. ]MacKay, all of whom had
been ill.
Mrs. F. Walkom is the delegate to
the Provincial Chapfkr meeting at
Heron ten.
Lemon Juice Recipe
Checks Rheumatic
Pain Quickly
If you suffer froth rbeumatie, aethritie. tar
neuritic pain, try this simple, inexpensive bole
• recipe. Get a package of Ru -ex Prescription from
your druggist. Mix it with a quart of water, and
the juice of 4 lemons. It's easy and pleasant,
You.need only 2 tablespoonfuls two times a
day. Often within 48 hours ---sometimes ores,
night—splendid results are obtained. If the
pains are not quickly relitived and if you do
nor feel better, leu -ex Prescription will cost yyeno�
nothing to try.'Your money refunded if it does
not help you. Your druggist has or can gee
Ru -ex for you.
Wake 1p And Sing.._
Start The Day Right
Do you wake up in the morning full of pep and
glad to, be alive? Or are you as tired as when you
sent to bed?
Those who suffer from jumpy nerves, restless-
ae:s, irritability or a general run-down condition
may aced a good' tonic to help build up the system.
Milburn•'s health and Nerve Pills have been regarded hs such_ a tonic for
more than 30 years, They contain the purest of ingredients and are made;
under the supervision of experienced chemists and pharmacists.
You 11 find Milburn's Health and Nerve 'i11s a real help iri stimulat-
ing the nerve cells and improving your general condition. They're sold
at drug counters everywhere so, look for the trade mark the "Red heart."
• The T. Milburn Co.. Limited, Toronto, Ont,
Do You Want Relief from
A new and wonderful- remedy for speedy
relief from Sinus and Antrum trouble.
Also for Head Colds.
This Remedy Is Known As
Sinulief is a White Powder to be used as
Snuff. Simple and Clean to Use. Priced of
Owingto the rapidly increasing demand
for tis product and ' the scarcity of ono
of the rare ingredients of the formula, it
is necessary to restrict the output to one
box to • a customer every three months.
Please Find Enclosed $1.00 in Payment for 1 Box Sinulief
In , /
yr !:/ / f
' +f�' �l% 1. fr�`,f�✓�i r,�'ry
Plitt(:)ne 695
Hamilton St.
Sure it's delicious, when your
make it with 'Canada Corn
Starch and it -will be a favourite with
the whole family.
The quality of Canada Corn Starch
is the..reason for its popularity with
housewives from Coast to Coast.
When your recipe • calls for Corn
Starch be sure to .use Canada
Corn Starch, its dependable
ity ensures excellent results.
Also Manafacturers of Crown Brand Corn 4rup
Montreal Toronto