HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-04-24, Page 7WAY Olt Or NM be be o &140tOr- riven OW IlieY 1:7V.Iro t'740 4,2U•St bag, ^ ' (2) A,'MV eiK14 eSaptY the dnOt bag. OhaT40 the dayt llsto papep hag a° that dust is net scatterCd agazta. (3) Wind the Cord tooaely so that the gine wires inside are 15,3. damagcti. (4) Dust og the eleaner .after each tice. (5) Clean a all attachments. Spccial Vale " (1) The dust bag should be turned inoide oat and brushed off, every -4 anonthe. (2) Remove jU hairs, threads, etc., carefully, once a week. (3) 011 the cleaner according to the !manufacturer's directions. Usually three or four dope of graphite oil every four months is all that IS necessary. Overlulartion is harinftil, fQQ. (4) Worn or frayed cord, belt or brush of the agitator cover should Jae replaced. . TAKE A TIP I. Try a small paintbrush for cleaning hard -to -get -at corners. 2..A paste of equal portions of salt and flour moistened with vinegar will lend luster to discolored brass or copper. Let tlie paste harden. Wash off with water,. 3. Dust walls- frew„ the floor up. The fine2threads of dust hang down. Best implement is a broom covered with flannel. 4. The window sills will be easier to You'll 'Approve You'll! like our fun- eral home, ireq4e sure. It is large enough for the purpose, but not too large. It is quiet7 ly, .beautifully, and informally decorated - and furnished. hr short, it offers all the coMforts of a home, plus the facilities of a modern mortuary establishment. ello, e alters! From washing 'dishes three times a day to the annual spring. pouseeleaning, .the everlasting cleaning goes on. It must bave been, Observation of woman's endless attack on dirt that spurred 'manufacturers to. make those perpetual motion cleaners, The vacuum cleaner is a real help during housecleaning. This machine cannot pick up sharp objects but does take the imbedded dirt out of any, fabric thoroughly. When you de -moth the clothes closet and repoie the ac- cumulation above window frames and doorways the attachments will do the work easily for you. Xp,It may make mental notes of the above, but the engagement of a decor- ator should be done immediately by letter or phone in order that your schedule will be -in accordance with hiS time table. (Hope be will be able to keep his date.) It is also lime to o. ,hternhor;IE •_ ORDER OF ME GOLDEN RULE select your wallpapeppal paint: Many peoPle are reverting to the new vers- atile papers for walls; thus it is wise to make an earl); selection, 'and you Can jot down the date to sea the 'drapes and slipcovers to the cleaners so they will be bull when your roonaa are fresh. With all this done you can clean out drawers and cupboards: This job takes time, as you know, and it takes courage for me .to say this; be ruthless in disposing of the bits of "junk" that accumulate in any house. [MOREY • newt e7dice. FLOYD M.‘LOIDGE', DIRECTOR 13 MONTREAL ST. PHONE 120 Air 1111111INIMPIPPRW: FREE. ANIMAL:SERVICE - OLD DISABLED OR DEAD CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES 'fitstriptira. n'ci-EfFiciently-Remayscl-- •Sierioly Phone Collect • 910r16 Clinton • 21 dngersoll 215 Stratford 'NE DO THE REST -I • WHEELER'S, FUNERAL SERViCE No eXtra, charge- for the use df our Funeral Home, Toron— tosStreet Pron'Ipt Ambulaiict Service • Phone b36 Res. 356 or 7 CARE AND OPERATION bF VACUUM CLEANERS , to prove that a few minutes a day spent in caring for • equipment will pay good dividends. Operation (1) Place the cleaner on the rug and with the handle in operation position adjust:- the nozzle so that there is a small space+ between it andthe rug. When the motor is turned "ON" the rug will come to the noZZle ; if an agitator ke• ep clean- if you wax them after ;type the 'rug should vibrate "just- in wasiling• front of the cleaner when the mot6r 5, Housecleaning is no time to ar we • 3 -ourself out cleaning silver 14 band. is turned ON. Automatic agitating machines do not. Dwhere rop silverware into a pan each piece van touch an aluminum pie plate and cover silver 51;11.1t.water. To each quart add 1 tsp. salt and tbsp. baking soda. Bring the solution to a boil and tarnish should disappear in live or. ten minutes. (I. You may. be storing' several tin or iron utensils for the summer. If this be so, make them rust -proof by rub- bing with -unsalted-Tat.. 7. Never ordthary salt into (ast aluminum -pans. -It canses a pitted . • Reid's Uph.listery YQ.1.1w3i be proud of the Cheiiterfteid, chraira,�tQ, tb4 re.upholoter or re -over or you. Chojce,of velourp fries*. 414e5try, d%inaiiTec. Quality *coverlugs. E11131 PEOITE 11111 WRITE 1:03i Phone 2063 Piek.up 4nd delivery OODERICli ;spassummonsumwsmossm••••••••••••• 1 • NIMININIMOIM1116111111111111.1, Cemetery emoria s T. PRYDE &' MON (formerly, Cunning:lain & Pryde) Clinton, Exeter, Seaforth Write Box 150, or phone 41J, Exeter and we 3hall. be pleased -to -:- •. call. . require this attention. ° (2) Move the electric vacuum cleaner lengthwise of the rug, slowly. Each sectbin should be gone over twice in order to remove imbedded dirt. (3) Carry the cord in your free hand and avoid tangling it with furniture or 'cords.' (4) Turn off the motor if there is an interruptionfurniture to be moved, door lx..J1 .to be answered, etc. • (5) Always turn the switch "Off" before pulling .out the plug at the outlet. 'I(l) Attachments should .he used first. Care of Vacuum Cleaner. (a) Before using the electric vacuum cleaner pick up tacks, pins and sharp objeCtS, as well -as live matches. These 'Refrigeration - SALES ' SERVICE ALL MAKES Commercial—Domestic Majining• Refrigeration Service - Call for Free Estimate 50 ELGIN AVE. PHONE 14)08 36tf IIINI111,01.1M.M."1"1"8"Mila". • CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILwAVS W. Mooney, Orr Lake. Fort Willidot—R. E. Chapman,Port Elgin; P. W. Pratt, Collingwocd. • Mantadoc—B.. W. alter, Port Dal- housie; W. E. Lalonde, CollingWood. Ontadoc—W. Eoult, •Collingvvopd; L. Butter, Port William. • . Quedoc—Ivan Ovens, Everett; 3. Smith, Midland. Sasisadoc,R. A. Cameron, Fort Wil- liam ; 3. Kennedy, Hamilton. Soodoc—W. 3. Kirkwood, St. Cath- arines; T. 3. Dryburgh, Mimico. Vandoc—T. Jewitt, Hamilton; L. Kruppa, Fort William. Windoc---R. J. Wilson„' Windsor ;• S. Pitfield, Killarney. Barge Portadoc—D. Smith, Fort Wil- liam; D: Caldioun, Midland. Lower Lahe Vessels Cartierdoc—L. • Legendre, Montreal, Qu.; II. Abercrombie, Renfrew. K ingdoc--1-- P. R. Legendre, 0.B.E., Montreal; J. R. NfeLean, Montreal. Lavaldoc--A. Sabine, Cornwall; 11. I I a rdman, Wiarton. . Lawrendoc Steip, Wiarton; C. McCurdy, Delhi. Mondoc—G. F. Grant, Midland; R mi'ilimmiam!....5505555555.555,5rmsse, Plunkett, Wes a. Newbrundoc—M. MongeaU, Xontreato Que.; L. Morton, Fort William. Prescodoe----F... Butters; Co1lin4wOOdV IMacIdle, Port Co °rue. Soreidee—R. D. Minipill,. Diricila4d; A.. Plant, Verdun, Que., Troisdoe—C. CronApten, rort oZ- borne; C. McDongall, Verdun, Que, GODERIOli MEMORIAL SHOP NEWEST DESIGNS . BEST OF MATERIALS 0 Guaranteed workmanship O. prices that will please you. SAVE ALL AGENTS FDES Call at our office: or drop us a line to Box 161, Goderleh. We, will be pleased to all and help choose a suitable bieutiorial for your family plot. R. A. SPOTTON St. Andrew's St. '1•411115151151151111511.1115 • THE QUESTIoN BOX 3Irs. E. N. asks: How to protect 1,vuol- lens from moths? , Answer: Laundering kills moth eggs atid larvae. Woollens not used regular- ly in summer, but not stored, should be aired frequently, unless treated to resist -damage. To store, wrap freshly „laundered_ .articles immediately - in strong paper —anit'S'6-aT—tiglit Ir: 'VIM - gu in m e d tape. Or store in a well -Made cedar chest-. - Several. new fabrics are now • labelledmoth-resistant." Mr. T. J. Says: We have found that a rug-cphionadds comfort and in- creases ..the life . of our. rugs. May I suggest :that housecleaning lime is; op- portune; for -turning ttround, pie. big rugs. We have' also ylanned to. paint the screett deers and . window screens while the decorator. is In the house. Mrs, M. R. says: If you .find rubber 1 gloves difficult to wear while elean- ing, :It's° a good idea to wear a pair of Nvorn cotton ones. underneath. • 1 .„ in viters ...you to. Write o ,her in 'vide of Tii Signal -Star. Se -lid . in your stiggestions on homemaking Problems and svatch this eolumn for , replies. „. . . STEAMSHIP APPOINTMENTS-- Stomach Disorders May Cause Bad Headaches •Often a headache is eaused by an-- ailment. of. yarie other part of the body far removedfrom the f().ili(rrch.lrt. may be an u Pet stomach or solve intestinal 1s)i f y 0 u are tr,nhled hv stif,li headaches why not p.;/' 1;urdoek Bloo.i 111tlers7 For Burdoek Blood llitter,i is a favourite reinedy for minor intestinal disorders. It helps to e fhe ,Fgestive orgari,v, tone up the liver and aid the natbral action of tlP bewels. As a re,ult, there may he an improvement in the general health. tl,,. 1'01 ;:l'arti iill:-'1110k Blood Bitters has helped thousands of +ttn,i1iaiu Lt.5i.on'aL...J.1u. or_ you. Burdock Blood Bitters 'is ..sold • at nli ',drug .11n t .:1 5. 00 Limited. foronte. Orit. ,S0 4%eral more steamship companies have announced their officers for. the season of 1947. Below fellow namek. I ONTARIO FARM SERVICE FORCE; • 9 Richniond Street East, - It Toronto I, Ontario. I , Please Send forthe orrnanon and an application fo'rm, 1 II or the Ontario Farm Service Force. • . ... , . . .. ............... ..... Age, . .... I Address ................ .......... , (16 or over) Totfin . ....... .. • • • 1111 WIRE 11111111 rom . • . .... „ .. . ........ to..., ............ ....... ........ 1 the vessel, master and, chief engineer • -in that order MOHAWK—NAVIG'ATION • Capt. C. t?"ecord—.I. A. ,Fetker, ,'I'oronto; .1. AI. Nottawa. • Sir Thonias. Shaughnessy - A. It. Irvine, Port Arthur: Frank (*Oilier, Belleville, Mohawk I)eer--IIttrry Finn. Tor- onto; L. Marchand, Lachine, Que, F. V. Massey—F. I'. .MeCarthy. Tor- onto; William Keith, Broitte. Iiargt.‘ 'Alfred Krupp, -,--C. Brunet, Nlaosthi.trettl. Q.ue.`: George lirj1;s, itegina, s COAL (Al -CRIERS CORPOILITION LTD. . McCartm.y.(((11111111 '1'.. I,. Ilayes. C;e:tatles Point. Lbw.. Ba y fa x— It. Ita r.. )wen ; Sound-. .1'. N'Valker, Port ColbOrne. Bayanna t'. Forbes, owejt Sound, '1'. Sommers. Montreal, Que . NORTHWES'r sTIEA3ISIIIPS LTD. A. .A. Ilndson- -Dalton Illtdson,-NlitL land 1 A. E.. Hurst. coilitigw.,,(1. - Superior— S. Bell. Milit al : It. - G. „s1dain. I'ort McNicoll. niturrwooD .VNI). TIMBER LTD. — . Tug _ A, Garrett, St: Catharines: Charles Keleher. Toronto. 130.14 1it--i Mire . ,E -ox. 111.041 1, .11i11'ray. ;:satilt ,St,....Marie, 1 it. Ilanze 1 4.114ote -John : E: (.;reenw;iYn -ii1lt1l I; Mouth:, Manitoulin 1,1atitl: Gtigi 11alul,uIL Elect.rie. ltarLte 14‘‘etler,,14 E. (.. 4),\ ,11 Sound; Murdoch :\le,I,ny. Sault Ste, Marie, init. P.VITERSON STIAMSI1111' ('0. • Upper Lake Vessels Alradot• - K. 'lark. Nlidland c. Fon 1 her,t owe. )\\ on Sound. Ilrieoltloy 11. t ,Itette,: E. W. Sliarling.' :11ontreal. • Canadoe- 11. SipeU, ; "Dinner now being served in the dining car", is welcdme news ou Canadian National trains. Appetizing food, moderately priced, is.sorne- thigg you will alwaysfmd in the congenial atin.„osphere of Canadian Nation.alAiiners. ChobSe coach, chair car or sleeper. . . in. any. of them you'll h.r,icl Canadian Naticaal ser- vice adding much to the pleasure of your journey by train., • All rneals are er#ertly'served in Canadian National dining cars. • , CANADIAN • ATION'AL •THE RAILWAY Tp EVERYWHERE IN CANADA .A.5.:44..10•001101551115111•11050.0.4* Let as help plan yonr trO Drop in at any Canadian National ticket office and talk it over. Ire will be pleased to help yen. How to Coml:at RHEUMATIC PAIN Rheumatic pains may often be caused by excess uric 'acid, a bldod impurity that — should be extracted by . he kidneys. 11 kidneys fail, and excess uric acid remains, it may cause severe discomfort and pain. Treat rheumatic pains by keeping your kidifejs in good condition. Get antl'use Dodd's Kidney Pills, Dodd's help your kidneys get rid of trouble -making poiso71s. and excess acids—help you feel bend'. See what Dodd's can do for you. 137 Want to spend yeur summer earning good money. ... under. pleasant work- ing condition,... on %sunny Ontar:o farm? For any young man or..woman :over, the age of sixteen, the" an- S-Vc.'er is "easV... clip and ;nail the above COUP011 teith011tdek0.1 Ontario 'Farm Setyke Force camps opein as early as April 1 Stli. -Operated under experienced Y.W.c:A., leadership, they are fully ,staffed and afford a-ruple - recreational facilities. Employment on stir- -rounding farms is'carefull'y supervised, and pay is good for every willing worker. Remember, a -hungry .w,orfd is crying for more food and., our farmers are desperately sh6rt-handeiL - join the Ontario Farm. Sers ice Force today! DOMINIOR7PROVINCIAL cOMMITTEE PN-LFARM LABOUR LABOUR —IEDUCATiOil •••• tiz..choicoemo ft Hood Flour 50 wefn who home baking 't -to