HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-04-24, Page 6TIEN. GODtMe SIGNS TA
I.:ataioa at 1inner ion t81O (AftaittG-room,
pfp,{I� Wanted' !
N e 'OF 1i FP.E` I.D :a table with lace Oval, silver candel-
abra old is love three-tier F, yddiug,
,23. ----Mrs. kl. A. 11'ia6 1ce'11 attended. .lbert`'Dunn, sr., cake, topped with .a miniature guise
-BAN:14E14.1Y April 'Wee -shoe,' whie h held been Well iia
"WO Lath master U;<' tk'TedltUdlies. The l;rl rh ' r `
'Featherston ;If I:undoli kpteit the week-.. loll*es for the kAtjtltilte wk'i'c! Mrs. It. 1�. r, tuts Iwo \kali, ago Yllr \I r. tauki
ante With her tuutitrr, Mee. C. 1'arljer�rJe;hnsWit, J. Ste°\sect Mrs. : k►ert 1411 ett't; wedding titllUk'i and
uud J. Lewis. �% p
mese, lied Veen sent here as a ke'epeake.
� �� 1). A. Cu1un14r, Wilo .Datil the °g�1e prizes were .awtlru u iLh Yulluwb:'
gieiiiiiii 25 winter ill London, returned to the \il- Latly's 1alley, 1 t glary Iieutty, ':ild,� Mi"""n
t, 1..tt uY the .brides
:mil Miss Edna 'Rivett of Ceewe as-
last weals to 1)f>tlki the �uiniuet', �lurbaret Ducharu1e ; laEiy'S ctfEllic, 141 ":"..1.'I in s r' I�g at the tabor. Little
• T,) ,COVER tJI�'g� , Berry Mls, 1:. Sturge�n, :ud ketch Brandon, Margaret, "Mr. Wad' Mrs, Ch�r�es i,krr • \vkrk� Mrs. J. r• ' Shirley, sold 'l:dtt�l Carter,
•in Loue1 11 Last \ve.,ek atttelldilli; the t;e,tlt'c fancy,, Don Warner, , uit'11 of the 'pride,. di(' 'Ed ill yellow
'Roll ° . and j � �ll ' soo n dirt;. IIowerd; ,girls costtun ('est cheek 1E d )rile rlied to yell to
tick S dfl� �'p jt Ili d1111erftl of rite tttaalael's uautJaeac, organdie, lent a 1 t,
isle :ui,etlt Berry. �+k•urtht�l�>r,.:nd Margaret Howard, ��� the palmy. The young couple left all
proof • Mr. •Keithr. Braude!' left on Moodily (lieu-Fr�ser; boy's costume, 1st Marian ! tt trip to London and other Southern
11i�. , •
.� r
, d ,r
• to
1 . 111 w t
)t r
best- e'Uu R e ill
'Nails an every roll, lire and w � tll��' p
l . \ n.• • b s b
fel titr:ftfurd. w hark` ht• hat', jellied inti. =isle-. �, 1 � Ontario tell}us•- oke itidd 7 ,�_
Get o4s ,'t� once, • ,,,t aft uf' the "'Ontario -Department • of Bxec13:enridge, Norma Sturgeuu and (u*canoe wee :I rho h1 wool suit with
25�`�' 0u y ur money iuves'ted• y lid h\\ ay
Joyce McLfl'ste, .111'1. J. IIu1\'alyd and brown hat uiid lit -Meiling a('l'E'�Lioi'ieb.
`�'erffis--Cash, its. and Mrs. A. Newton -Brady of Margaret Iluwtfrd. Russell luleluelu
lIaiuiltuu 1'isitEki• friellfls in the lillagt:.
was the holder of the lucky ticket, "•-
., "all Sunday,.• E•(ttr. which the.prize was a bushel of '����-��•
Hardware air. hurry Baker of London spear aI11JIatt Honor a)$ the 9 triiaIle-elect.---\ 1s. I leEBti ICN, eiprii "2'2.—Mr. Fred
Woiseil Bros.
(s andel\ with hie parepts, a r. and Mre. ( Turner
Grant Turner and :firs. Juaephiue. hole- Gliddou is up from Stoney Creek and
SQUARE, ®,r'�;j�jjQ',g$ 1'rrd Laker. I instill entertained at a miscelhttlElutls intends s tendiltg a few. weeks at his
Mr. Albert. \ i111atolte returned honik • home at dltlniup•
`k' i.{ °i _ r' tiler week after .pending the Peet t,eu shower on Saturday evening iu humor Father Barry C hi'sholEu', of \\'est
— d of Miss Dawua `Elms, bride-eeect oft is ,
e._ __ ! days in l.uukloll. week. The Iaiid .elect was quite taken Lurue, is visiting \1•1111 his mother, Mrs'.
"'�LL` — , . � •
�tiirs.�li. \��eb,tei, took the Guests trout out of Men whoat-b • surprise when Mestere 'leddy Jute Chisholm, slid other members of
VierORA:�. sTE$]f�:)irl'11 aa'. �. „ 1 president, the business p11.rt. Thirty-
hirty tended the \1'estlube one, 1\•ecidiug ou y ' the family.
ce .it the I ,hair f > e, Saturday were: al r. uud Mrs. Clayton 'rainier and Vary Mealier wheeled in rt Detroit, ac
There was it good atteutlau E.i,;ht eu1 E;tils were reported.' ph
t isttllsE'tl (lutist, _liter; Murch Guest, 411. and Mrs. large perambulator decorated iu pink
\� .;�. meeting. Held lit the \ «1(i 1, securing ui more chaise, was d Richard Cawley, Visa Mary alcliagttt', and white and laden with gifts, She
samara on .1.pri1 lith. alts. me `tliEi E'xe'cutive was appuiilted to Mr. Charles Pearse, :ill of 'Toronto; expressed her dhaeks for the many.
street par 1, lovely rifts. The evening was spent
McKinnon upeued the meeting with a' leek into the matter tied report. Rev, air and airs. Norwell Toms, of Detroit y' b
( Psalm was read by 1.. I1. ilriler contributed tt beautiful!
-whist. Mrs R Bassett had
hymn anti the 'diet. 1
tors• H. Phillip:, followed b}' pray, 1.c ,vlt\Ir1i11'lliilkl)the etiul 1}uedhostesses prayer by irs. 11. \\'ilso1i Readings wE \1 \1 I' Juhtlatuu ftt.hmeute.
• given as fellows: "To Appreciate.- by" ' a dainty lunch and a vote ,.of appreci-
girs• O. Miller: "The. Bridge you Wm • ati�,u was tendered them). 'The next
Never Cross." by 'Mrs. Barrie: "Good meeting is to be at the home of Mrs.
Cheer," by Mrs.. N \lcKinnere The Hardy.
uality T
ren and evejtirag for the adults. spread. hitt play "fur thelo,' wre t who
W.M.S. Meeting.—The W.M.S. met them. Scarce lyr utto ((lu(s
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert does not Want to go hack." Tl`t`'t.uaeete ^
Bogie on Wednesday afternoon, April 1111; ticbae41 with singing auto 1
It►t1(. A fair nunlber 'were present., dttint3' lunch was served.
lire.' (lte1•.) C`roilhiellil had charge of tier
the de1'oti011a1 part and severitl''menl- - - �` ',
hers took part in `the, readings. ' A - .
letter was read by the president re
Mr. Clarence .1 ennett of - g}trdillg the need hi China for eiotlllllg,
cumpailied by. -a boy friend, spent the etc., also about the Boron Presbyteiriul
week -end with his uncle and allot, `1r. meeting itt Exeter, to which a delegate
and Mrs. Terence limiter, and family. \vas,.' 'appointed. Miss Clark spoke oft
. "w st. Mr. mild Mrs. Win. i+'arrish and little temperance and also .�;avt> tlic� chaplet \1r. and Mrs. Walter Johnston,liBarbara in reuu mule 'and Miss Ellen ;4lticKay 'daughter, 1121ry +'lieu, and 11Ir, and in the study book .oil "The Ministry of
Jullttstutt Bill Johll',;St11 of Windsor; high cure. The hostesses served re- tors. Doug Bogie, 'all of Listowel, healing to ,the Ppcap1 of India." Mrs.
Mr. \\'alter Guctlyeur, 4.\luuse stop, low s
JaW . . On Tuesday afternoon visited on Sunday with tor. and `Irs. He l Healing
tl le a what our attitude
.osis.; .al r. and Mrs. Mrs.M. Toms eutertaiued at a trous- Rod Bogie. should, be •towards the missionaries.
Mr, and otos, E: 11. , Gude Mr. and Barney,ge "Begin in the piece when ,v'e are and
Mrs.' Grafton Weston, Uudrich; and seam tea iu honor of her elaughtt'1, Mr. and Mrs. Tisue iiemuiu cr of g
Mrs. Josephine Robinson, Landau. whose forthcoming marriage to Lloyd llttngauuo�l visited on Sunday with l.
Mr. and airs. Arthur Brisson of Westlake wik take place uu Seem-slay..�I
wr. and Mrs'. Wm. Meyer and faniil.y.•
Grosse 'I'oite, Mich., spetlt the week- next. - The house was tastefully decor- air. and Mrs. Win. Stoddart tun' end at their home in the village. ated with spring flowers. Mrs. Toms Kenneth, of Lioa's Head, vi:' et e- Elieriinats®a Of Waste
Mr. and Mrs. F. Lambert of Detroit and Miss Lttivua received the guests, Gently with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew i gee •
are speeding two weeks at .their home Mrs. E. It. \Cestou was at the door, and -Graham. first Rafe For Health:-
iu -the village, lora. Gra ;tot \\'estop' poured tea and Mr. Terence LIi nter is doing scilla
The 111yth , C'1411struction Company Mrs. Clayton Guest, assisted by her refnre ta(ion these days. Regular elimination of wastes
iia\u i•ee eene.neee were en the bridge daughter Month, served dainty- refresh- Next Sunday Coln lluuio't.-\will be ale Ie1 from the body is ti o3 of the pares
for are starting eitttilig down the hill with • The
leutwurk beautifully
centred followingt served at'
Sunday, turn heie(1wilU1betlla mount rules for good health. Mil -
fur isle uo,jtreuches, with till burn's Laxa-Liver. Pills. are of heli,
The :t 41 -retell •hanwe g4.1 their bouts ill with ware colored crocuses banked by. speaker from I'uloutu, 11,eatkillf, oil to faulty elimination. The combina-
the river au111 expect to set their isles yellow tapers. Mrs; I. 1.. I1aseett and temperance. Church service will begin tion of laxative and tonic drugs
this week, (\ei 1 111ont11 later than Mrs. Gratnt Turner display('•d the trolls- on daylight saving time next Sunda. contained in these pills mare them
scall and the 'wally 'beautiful wedding Farm or•unt Party. — :Phe Farm one of the most useful and best
last year. d Person held a euchre party- :at ''Sit.' o�' - fordisordered can on of
IIiitdla:1)4 rums, — spring tlu\vCr gifts.
remedies dis er diti
fanned ae effecti e e Icing lla St.
— rcloul last l'loday c'v'(,iliug. High hon the eliminatory organs.
• .I��J- rl�'C�A1�IF ON ors were aw'arde'd to Mrs. Allah Schram
Andrew's United church. hayfield, r,n i
u11d a1 r. Leslie Tl,litlxton, while ihl' Milburn's Lara -Liver JPills •heap
Satturde • f“r the marriage of Deena ;
,1 (•enselatitm winners
• ther,
, k ,,, t 1,.,. ..,._,, ,.. „_ , ... \Fk1ek M - . , c,,• r \l �. eu,,. sw ten the brae
were ell ' t ;1'ftt les e i � . , 1}1,.. lit c r..,� l gilt,. . Lig 1M > , r tint rdeti for lasts ) tx-C`t`ec\ art . Ei . (xi all e { aha. legit :n
Tett. tt v the and
S ccE�,ted=.,:t�on_,gu ee ih
Ma (1 hll 1'enls, I,aynelll, to l.luyd .�1 1)I'\lUa.>.`> 11-1.April 16,- air. ttrl'ille t Hume (_Outten. gave a .l ,lk on ,
eliminate waste ro'ni �'�e eys- _
' f n.,' \\:,,,t1:11„.. son „A a1 a aaelee m rs...„ •_,,,, tem. �s ail "after-dinner” pill
( 1 Weil butcher, who underwent cream pri,dur(rs' salience, as :also did they relieve that bloated feeling and
help indigestion. .
Bold at drug counters everywhere.
I ` rho T: it ilbure Coe. Lei, lbroata„ Oat. I ( u ,
and what the people next door ore doing.
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\\'salter \\•estleke, Bayfield. 1tse. 1'. ;. 't•w (y
Stee.eleiry otlieiated. Mr. Olu01011 ' an (lpere:Oen 111Ui1to General Il:us-
I;uast of "1'ur0111)) "twee of 1itt bride, i ltilal last week, ie prr,b •111"ile well
o.l:ayad the wadding 1u�1eie aue� airs. , as can be a'xpected, 'sold• will ye bads
(;attest sang ••11 Promise ale" and "Day' i ,
in .l,rububly two \�•ee1;5.
of Gtaldeu 1'reluise." The bride, eye,Citizens, heard with regret of the
WO .Ti\1,11 in marriage by her father, death of \ors. Ju•hu�R. ale\ab of Luck-
. were :a \\ hitt' satin g4,\w11, with huu11:111 new til Thursday lust. Jit �.'.alc\ab
• ...eta 1st', lit tea bodice, draped I,ff-the- � was formerly Miss Fronk` Crawford,.
-11euldar - 111)1111411' t•dged w ii ii guipure, , w he was l,oru seventy' 11h a years ego
1'1". Hrr deer length veil vvin� hViti :^:it linng:4ulu11•sand .lour'e'd tt, lttr ego
hi,i,latea \\ it11 a 111tee11 .\uue headdlE s• over twenty -tire years age. Ilei lovely
di. esitien and other line qualities1
She ( arriea a 4 41 )acle b(nulli(1 of Peer-
ii' s ri "fiurf*�,"t't,('ta :tttri"rrttrcia_tt�-i-1(anled. a streeg tie with her•friends
wee" \lnericaan Be alto' 51rciftll( rs. Miss ' 11(1'('.
.alc,ratll °-(;ti�est- rpt- 1+1,4,tl:lcl„,.wus '1' Mrs. ChaS. Durniu- and ahildree,
ceilsel's hri(lesni old, She wore a pu"lr Vlargar(t Juy coal J.C`., spent the Week-,
pink ,11,0r 1\-1111 lilted bdiae, full skort end at• Elmira-, where ,her huebend he
short slee\es, Sweet he:lrt uael;lollt'' menagieg ea restaurant. Iles brother,
starched lace headdress, and wore air. A1'm, ait('1ure, jr., is operating a
• gloves its watch..the (:screed ri fzts tlliatrc iu tll�rt 111•tl. ;The- '(Kituln,,,t•1'-_ •
1 aide. hu11tIlle't 4)1 pink Virginia canoe turtle(' ,in lull evv11' , accompanied
tit�us 11itit pale green 1tr(alu('rs. I.ittl�t\' 1i' 1111(.1 .I1rs. el eelure and iani:il�'. .e
" M1. foul 1'olluc•k, , who had been in
wearing-leilebee. net doer length dressGetli Ball huspit4tl fur {reuiuluut is
twill" off-the-edlo oder ii )•klene, suet 1 in f:4nililu figure.11 the streets sig du, •. .,,. -M-
laea)idress of pink, and carried rat U)(i \\:kill his usual g(4111 chaser and salute-'' •
4,111411 style_' beu)lue't of piuk carnations
:eel eweet meas. AVillein' ,14111nstedl of j1) 111. VV"111. `•tooth is laid oil with .(
\(tenser,, a„uste e.I the twe e,. \r.0.;; \t ry e 1\ l:nt4.i refltS hlid. 111:ic it u:1
r"''0),1115111:1Tl-:111(1 114' usher• were t;r:1f- teuyieal, elle result el. a full. • Mr. and
es.. \Vas,,.l( (.f t;etie t•ia11 :lad \lartull alts. �illih 11:1(e. bell' exl,et�ting. to
ee.e111• e1 11:1311(1)1, .At tilt, ret•t••piiutl
• a t•.
isleA(' seen t(. their new 114.nl( 111 111(
tL(•_ britl4•'s tuuthel received the gut,/
1 is u\illang4. . •
vv'string :t r4,bie1 5) gg blue erten.,erten.,dress, • m'''. AV"ill ;�bi(lds lulu' iuuved ulld is
bet,* l'f-the fatty la:ai .4!14,1blaa�, :1 e'- ��
get1ilag set11ed 111 -her new holm(, south
"tie.<eru's. '1'111• green'', mother \\ art' :n "fel ht. 1111ag(,
light tray- iee strike suit \\ eh b1ac•1: 11▪ %:\illle ®'6'.311.x.—The .11ni1'lu((ting
h:(t sled aac•(s5eriel,' end hullo • wore ' (;f the \\'.JI.S.. of Erskine. i'r(sb�\ teriull
,eilrsagi•• el raft l;ri4tralitl' r�,ser. Mr. �, allttreh was held et rola hulue et \Irs..,
atnd - 4101 \v,,,..1 11111,, loft for a shunt .1V'. R. .lndrev�s o11 Freddy. aft(rno0s.
huneeeneen .trio,, the bride wearing :4 \Tis. 1{.An aLk•\Clli11nFr try e president; wins
) it blot' ripple. isor .shit.with . in the lllao t'1d 3101. Herbert 51olm rs
• brown ''hat end 'accessories and cor-
• sage of 13('11 ,Briarcliff ruses, The . (uuduc•t((1 the opening exercises. ('ur-
(•e11p14 will reside ant Virginiatown, 1 respondence was read, (4114' 1(1 ter being
from • the Presbyterial, announcing
Northern101 (-)' 4)1-1 where the groom w1Canll('105, :111 invitation >1v':1S roc('lw('d
is � a member of - the I'ru1•inrial pulite. ; from the Luc•klluw• aluxilitu•y to be th(I0.
•- �'I'll( graunc , gift to the bride was al ,Welts at their ilkxt meeting, on a,[ay_
loin and (aurings to match; to the �� th, 31.1.- \\-ill Smith will entertain
bast nein. a Rollsull• lighter. trod to the ' at her home'' for the neat regular meet--
Usherswhite silos scarves. t0 the brides- Ing, at which it i1 requested that the
1n:tid eilvel• c•au1d1(te.es :incl -to the
"'HO' and quilt' -blocks be brought
tluw-(r girl a gold enols and 'chain. ' in foe ,the' bole. Mrs. .aI(\V'hiuney in-
(;ue•-ts were present from Goderich, '
traduced the new study' book on
11'u1.'Det Windsor. London, Moose Jaw -India.- The nieethig concluded with
gild IJe(ittt( ! ,t hymn and the Lord's Pr:tyer.- Ke -
I f Tntencl(cl fur lanst \week ► ; tresllmenC were, served at the close
I3.�1-1' II•:I,L►..3110i1 11;.---\I r. and \Irs• i of the afternoon. It:tyntoull 1iristc,l, 1 ht, spent the winterlthe of Mrs.o)H;lizabeth Alton.—The
at the 11ut(l Lenders, r(inrn((1 to their death 'eceurred on Sunday of 'Mrs.
. < ueli-s .1'4�v e eir(on lrac> and brother heal- 1 Elizabeth Alton, Widow of the late
• , ', I I ):inli'I -:(close. I(ttll ross(*s5it�,lc of A�h-
math, of i'.endon, spell) lust w(�(1; with I field t0vV-ll�ltip, Before her •marriage
r. SII. J grst(m. ,r(; ,t s, all'. and dors. W. �, I slxi,'•t14•(( years ago, • de((n'secl 1\'115 ,
II. Johnston. Elizabeth Blake. d:lUght('l e1' the late
1 \I r. told Mr';,.('l:lyteu- (;nest. Miss Rub(i•t Iloilo;(' and Ile viu Freeman �
eler:alc Guest, of Termite.. And Mrs. E. ' I obel. `ince the death of her hiss
NVest4•n, of Gederich, are guests of Mr. , Ithlk three y('th ago, she hest lived us:I
441d firs. AI. 'I'euls tilil 1w4(k' � with her sen •Bert. 10th cfonc•(ssion of
Q'a1.1u\;a11 1114( sella:0 Easter carni- -\s111i(1(1. 111(1•(' sol( I)s('(1 :14115 after held in hTown hall rh1 \C((1 ,(holo three week's of antieal ilhlg5s.
11(: 11,1• IV(•ning 1.151 1111(141 I h( a Ii5pii