The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-04-24, Page 2A
A441 r.P.W
-.---itnt matter, (yn €u.evsin
w11elthe at he 1ate resil; see on Sunday after, p
weather was sultry and. bot tete. tfchs 10011, conducted by Rev. J. W. Stewart.
'Z. t itZtertr4 _ ' were quite , apt, to make •you feel as Mr. Roy Wi11as' of Detroit, a nephew,
ff you were. .roasting. Eve*? time you sang "Peace,.�.�'e{,`�.'�"4ct Peace)", al>'COII1-
l�1ttQ rl )>u�v�` 'b 1GO&d R$(➢ ' YIu]E: Bei _ turned the .tt,' 'seemed to conform _to ,panted by Mrs. J. A•'Cri pin, Inter-
...'yours ape and bury you ll little deeper- went wTaS in O'reenhili cemetery with
llAubllsh�dt •�� �i�;nalr-�ttarl>z' Limited1�S111t.TTY�Ji+.SS1�S .'.(1 � in its sanothrrllg denislty. The feathery the- six oldest tiff\•erwceud employees
�d la flltDttllaa Rate Ga>�ada 515(11 Great .59. sin, $2.(tiD '19151; to United A reader sends along a note saying, had a way of conning Owen ill the acting' as pallbearers •.• Blurry Ander-
. Staatets, �B.rJ'D. ticking and it. 'was not unusual to get sous hurt Roach? George Ilasaaill, W.
�II3vQ>< e11n - Retell on request. Authmrfas second dales [snail, I'oQt Office? :'Why don't you write a 1) tcE some b
t1 u de • . 'wasfllg with feathers soG. Webster,ButR ch (x& o t H1u a and
Department, Ottawa. Telephone 71 day about duattresses': The letter iti)'clustering to your skin where you had (;buries Stewart. Besides her ber(uwed
serves to set al train of thought in been s\\•eatin , husband, Mrs. NicNab is survived ;Uy, '.
I [eoabe of Canadian u eerily Ne\vphpa�rs Association Inutlun .. and sure enough the , .
Sworn Circulation Over '�,titly .. , 11104 lu starts nut about.ndatttrt saes. Uncle Josh's daughter :dilly 1,s , a otte daughter, firs. Margaret Iiandilton,
,school teaches. She has been living \vho-1t attending MacDonald College of
tel. I�. 'c(yai]E!''TSO=� lull?;(). L. ISLI.IS Feather ticks. were discarded set nate • a vvi.iy off in the city fora long time "1(.4,;;•111 University, and one sou, John
J1Etaclu\va when 1 \\'aa at boy. 3Futher av 1 and more' or less away from all C. 1i1Nab of Luc:know•. An only bro-
'I'IlE'IISF) ��.APRIL :.)�4t1►; 1:)17 • lek�asd some place they \were unhealthy our cuuiltry, , customs. Last. (;hrietmab Aber, I:. J. Crawford of ID'ungannun,
• �_- ,--• n and that literally billiuua tit gtsrdals ALONG. .tush was in the .village one .p
e day anredec predeceased Mrs. :4 e ab several
�• �'. app
eaE.11 tot a turittd t ffurt for pylic used to hide t1 amongamongtide °feathers thesltltiun agent told himthat there ago•----I.tlekuow Sentinel.
'�, ALL ® of a tick. She 11f'rsleallled father to `
was a. large parcel for him (Town at
atatbiLity. He llrge(t (1► moderation on buy sande' TreW mattresses. He \\•a the station. Juan drove down with 'the J()lIN D. 31UFaIaOCF1
germs Ash -
it'll \ of
c w rt1 ati E
ane - •, \ e3 uch a u
t L Eat llnara I) .Todd
• ) f. b t1111
' fatJu ,
/ 111E s (_ uE d tli•i
las •)11\1 k b,•r tit
r of '\` El d' 1 E
an the )EFuuae of l'ui11dnuna a Ecol• thE, pat tfrml,sit l h anti lucked ut the st a tl,
' ' - - ader Fl,rackefl on the Dart of Libor, aind inc.r1'ased pro- a lot of 'Minus( a e. :tad n \wheld ,he bundle: Josh always A w a curious field and a pioneer of -the :Saskatoon
Maya ag o Luuakr\atd\E •I.e sort , of fellow and au. he had to peek 11 d district of 5ask111tehewan, (lied at Cal -
duction (:i) all-out effort on the part came balk 11.0111 (1111'11 1hiit evening he
Made the 'statement "that file prict uf, } wise guidance laid
had nue 1v hie eaa and a Brun >;1f11t idl
r , r 111 at the 10%\ contents 1)t the parcel. gal's"` on Friday, April 4th, and was
a loaf of breast covered thirty-six. tax of the farmer; l ) g his eye which warned evt'1`yu111 to It turned_out to be a mattress laid to rest the following Tuesday in
inet'ivatuce \Iiuititir Abbott action ou the part of (0\01uluent:l• u11ept the sue mattress without title of those spriogb soft kind \which,1tid to
cemetery, Saaskatoeu. 'Mr. i
�•� he statement, stating Unit Perhaps he shuttld have added an questioning. It was placed oil the are designed to give you your i'lt)ttli pias burn\irts�lslti ld in Ile
it there
t spare bed. beauty sleep. Josh was pleased it there \vas any article of cumiuerce appeal to the 11111 mer for IuudErbatiuu ! 1n due time it was utu\ed to father i \old words and he drawl' away ut1 ,salt (pf the late \1r. and Mrs. John
a that will riot' axed it wits i11 buying. ;As them' are tigurls to show anti . ruother's room uud a ue\\ 1)111 \\ histling; to beat the baud. I didn't Alurdoch of concession 1,', Who had
in u'auad b wall purchased for the ,,1»111 bidt01 tn.
. Wheat iiuur,'he said, was of :111 that people generally are living at a j see hills ftil some time, but nue day the farm now uwnea 1,t' Gordon Kirk
Dread: hi 1111 standard final before the war. SUu11 another ur1e, wall purchased for
odities ,the most•,.. Ilea\ile ,,, sub a' the spare
1uudu'. .the sp 111 ;un1 he came to Lazy lIt ttlu\1s uud ��e laud, \11. Murdoch scut to Saskatoon
comm Prices in 1'5115(15 ha\e not increased tchanced to ase: hila aboui' Mae mattress ill lbod amt.hecame associated in the
3lli�ed at present. til �ived to 0111 parents' room uud ��'..; \\ Melt it developeu bis witigllter, had 111 1 estate and lush' busii:l1". Three
op )usiliuu experts got to wU1'li to the . salol' extent as in the
were' gfilt'u the ulll nuts. . At111 ,being j .cut Clint. year, later be tUnli 111) al homestead-
The l I ,ta t 'len in this couuny g1 ttiuul l used, to the
b}110\\ ink; 1'1 hitt tick lila(
to back up their leader's eontentiou and '• I 115111 been getting up at :, o'clock near/.euLuldi;l, tiask,, where he opened
the I'('111 1 11'„111 control, anti 11) lulu 11 .u.t'd to 11)11 5(11(1 to -,.,-
o . \ylfh u 011 the
wafter ai\eatigati1)11.t.,„1,til, wl•{1 duce 1 w1). at boy,' ll(' •li(i. "\@'\11 .1 slth office 1)1' the lh,llilll1011 l.itll(1 ,
of s(1!) 1 ilt`� 111 influences 111 [hat bed it' was a :strange sensation (U
1L1 111) rather (hall illlrly sty, ('111111) 111 un 10) al that 111 \\' s111\ Litii• 11ttsst'tI in single meriting tilt?11 we upt'1`ttlitg 11 tllittl .11111 i, Rt10t1It111g 111
atatc,u l "'it fila( ue\t l'altg;ied mattress. 1 slept that t0\\tl, he operated :i real estate
flu fewer than 1�'i tad pay_ dll'e('(toli. To soul(' extent 1'011 l hat\1 lie\11 liven able l0 figure
there Wulf .Inner, liuvc it iti their p1)wet tt, (Leek 1u lentil o'clurP. the next day. �lrs. • am(1 insurance business ;here fulfil 11)41,
> in the 11':01 1)t a l,tal of 1,1'1511. 0111 wh1(Ll'1' Mat hard straw mattress
1o,h took 1I en' cunt 11 and ]tilt ll Uel when he returned t0 `asti11 1111, where
$i)tllt. 1 grew ttrit•t ill,'I'1ases, si111pi\" 11y refusing 1o'1cu; l'1) 1151'111)11 1)L' not. if was h51'tl
• Be•itAting with the farmer w11 g the spurt' true. She says that the old he had lied alnn,st since.
illy : 1)111.people must. 1}\e, and they ars' Biu places ant' soft la others. By
� '\' 11)1111(1 that he pair � sil;l\\ [lt'k I. g;ooll.elluilg,''h 1,i1' Ifs. '`1'111 l{(' was lilay0l' a1 it':Ilalltll:l fnl' several
the wll11 1 this. rels(n1 i,f' tw' t .i11a1{ buy, trying to
scho, l net ltllly 111 po�.e>.loll of tilt' 111eat1. t• (1'1;111 01 the mm111(1 1�. lilt' ill:l\1 101 \1:11'x, :I lltl'iltl,t'I' a1 tilt' ISI 1 I)0fl1'(1,
county t twyship Nandi t txes,. ltltrrulc (Nulla in tLe eelltl�(' tit' it tluliul; :Int :In ,1.111;i:(1,11.11
lder tit' vitt'. I"ilitecl ellllIcb..
.dIEI l.S__1 --. 1 i'1 jlttr;4iI1j; \\lletht'I' ol't'1'ta1(1 1(1'1("1' 111 r` 1� st) ltllt'ttlllfttt'IS{)tit' plat \\ilt'11 \'(lit1 Ilhe
duties 1)u implements, niutur the zit 1 wlntlr ,,:inti• 1t 1"ie;� til to dish lie) in the morning there's nuthing4 to --du., Since 1911 he •Buil been ) ltieut1)er of L.
vexed, (•111 t•,• a1•(' jtl>1ltteti „t• 1:01,
out :It lilt' sllll" 511111 1\'cal' Ihl'Ullgit ill
vehicle ii�'euse 111. gasoline tux. income except, g;cl up of. else get a pain in 'Chu'' real"" estate 'Ural al' R}uahan.
\111 11mtl moil r:1iio1 ill prices for the middle. There` a round spot lttnr hucli ,up
lying all it. \1'111 111 Ucl;ill and 3lurduch, Limited. Sur
tad's, >a1t', tat on ilt�)\' of 1Y15 l,il:'?'11a�e;. „\ ,. ? '•\t' 1 lit' Iakl 11 111 tl#('.l't'11It'1 where
the straw \1'a� all
,.,,,ls 0l syr\ it t . iiiigh 1 ,lull anti don't have to, get ill), \•i\ lug are his . willow.. a sister. \l r,•
these, they contend, raise the dist : diehed out ilud it was narked tip :Ilullg; 10 tilt 110011111g, fin going to seep on' 1{. C. \I (;i,w:til (,f lllyth, and. titin
All t
as the lmottu" for all iti these, times „
Of the \\•heat. - " the sites in a regti4tr Hyla' -like sort til tli:it f fancy mattress fur dalys and never, daughters, Mrs. II. C. 3I1I':Iruy, Cal
,,passingon to' the rail,Away, h‘ 10'0 Ltt laws is seeking 1s 11 it'1'atter ! :lrratlgelueittllltu lied \1)u would tart ' ,r a Bary: Mrs. 11. W. Hoge. Saskatoon, and
'ht_.1 1 t 1 111) at illi __ _.- --
Climbing ` 3I1•s.t�,.aytun Angus, 3ialrriutt.
the disturbances 1)f The war plribd.
and vther carriers, they fOuliti many sleeping up on the sides anti the first OBITUARY
taxes paid by these 1unt1111 and their, EDITORIAL NOTES(Ling you lice\\ there Would be a BREAKS LEG «'I�II.E )i'I.A''Ig'G
• employees, all adding to the cost of • „ I scramble of boys in the middle. The Jahn \Ic'I)otlgall, son of • \Ire and
I I tussle and pt111i11g and t'tlgging of slllalll' • .IRS. J. It., Alc;N,AB Mrs. J. G. \{('Dougall, suffered a hroken
a 9 tt E' 1 e i t1) ar 1 tit Ill tailing health for some !1\E' years, , „r tis, \' e. --"1.1•1"g I'1t \\'(Tile
1 -�Itl? v«1 t.t,. 4,I�•,iia.>51 a t. _ t? . + 11 1 1kat�t. c u lis .at•u_.1z1)t14. lis • 1SlJ21---�1)oy6.,..14141..–:1-.rrath l.lilkl :,t ilk., t.� .1.- i' .' _,I .... . failing •. �1Efk,:it. Stllr� 6 1 1 ._ .
_ .'�'dli1'°,dam tt .j; ...: r .,,•.
Le taxes rtid� Don't he late for church. h, mattre5,• `Iutller tt:1s sick at [111 time ; an -d. (;ritiEslly="slid `iii ""iiic� liiia "�cii5 icy "'playing". He _was -taken to Alexanurti'
- mill. Thou . (-here were t I .nutlet' . I (u t
by the elevator company, by the mill e •• e 1 inti our L•ired girl never , seri to bother of weeks. death came peacefully to IIespital, where he is still confined,
u r • r , begin a great deal with sweeping. I eau. \11's.. J. It, Mc'- a1) aft it - 1111111' to 1111t is expected to return to his home ` •
which 'wuverts the wheat into Hour, It's 'all right for the 111y. .tt (�, sliurtly. The bleak is between ankle ���,
remember quite plaiuly_llct\\• she used to {.uckno\1 early lust '1'hnrsday Morning ,,
the sugar refinery, the yeast menu- practising for . the bicycle races orh.; push the little piit\ of straw bark into (:\liil 11)111). Mrs. \I('1ab was form.- ;lad knee,
.factur-er, the baker, the wrapping paper Dominion Day ; but they: shouldn't du the eorutr.uutler the bed. 'Needless to cri\ Frances E. Crawford, 'a (laughter
r of the labels, .. salt' that after 111otht'r recovered from ' ,,of the late 11 tiliam and Margaret some telly the desire to make livi Jg
ffiatiufhcttlrer, the Printer 11 1)I( 111E Square. , , r given a Crawford (,f Dungannon. where 5110 a r , .
} her ilt)lt �s the tilled girl was g i �' 1)t tit r will he soon .t t than file wish
and the employees' of these �'abriotis * * + to make ti better living .
very - short nt)tit•e to "pack her duds was burn seventy -tare years ago all
• ageneie all along the way. The Suitfurd Sage i; just recovering
and ;fit.;' ; March lint; \1`t•. and Mrs, McNi b
Afrin this line of 6t iiiaatiou to. froii>; being charged fifty cents- for a I Grandmother used to have' the "soft- were 111111'rlt'11 'forty-four y'eal•5 ltgo on -
expert mathe.matr 1 aireut, Ile has always had X11 t poll ' est feather 1110, 'in the district, It January 1st. and resided at Dungannon -=i
'its (ouclusiuu, an t 1 t
, . \."1 wail 5(1\\,545 5 tr.e`.It to get. sl)t'ndiit t until 11ioytti iti L11(liilow in l•).'.;. \\'Ittjt 'j�'' r
n could probably find a thousand or trlmulell every two months IC^�t11a11,. 1 > (' inlbiu'r into at Dungannon \Ire. \Ic'\ah was otg;tlll �I.t�L1Q �G}iL��'
• er.a I few (lays a t her house. j
• i - - ',the -former -Methodist . • •(' or - J, HUTTIEN/ORTH
which -taxation tvuchcs \ 1` h will Make• it three -veined > \ Me �Gt alt t{tE t(JrnlE't. It tlluFil't t•llttl h f . r s =
Enure lltl.tuts at which t \(m, Lt 1, t11ec1 it alE.ulEki ta. if: ti
TUMMY, APRIL 2 li a1, 10A7
Help Fight T. B.
"Keep your appoi.ntmenI
Christmas seals paid for this survtly.
Buy more next Christmas.
• to be setup at
17 to 22:
BEATTY Electric jroners on Display
Our luck's iti. Beatty Eleetrie
trotters are in heavy deodand
but we ,just received a shipment.
They' are hard to get because
everyone wants ti Iteattty Ironer.
Hue's why: It saves hours Of
s tN r
�< 'ronin'�-rvifli tall its tedious
ezllala(1,-(..____. lar _ - ..___ ....._ .__..
stooping, strett hiiij and -"Tiff(;
'1t gets through the ironing iti tib`
the time. Everything in the Baas-
` <` ket can tae ironed on the Beatty.
You will iie pleased with the
smooth firm finish it gives clothes:
The Beatty Ironer will complete
your• washing outfit . . . Banish
placing Vour order now.
rye. fie --\T- i " 11.-_ 11 on to )i of a _partly ill many yeah. She was amember o
n f)Ili >�'r� ._..,...,. t _ i.l. 11 . (111. � til.r 1.1)1111 r I <r. l
�al� r �t tit. ?r.�clt�a)� S 1� u� )11th ,lift �.tl�i. hl-. � � - _a,a�•• _ .. .. ti 11.11 g 1 - - -- _ _ .___ T.. ..... , .•. .. ---,
bread. e e e tinted ballu1)11 the watt lilt\y ti cf'"'t'ii"�,t they Tirrern•rrle T eiTelri- iratelie 11(1 A\ -trod( ,
pimple :1 thing as a loaf of I rE •
I is to be hoped that' the rueUtlleree The „1'a11010r's Atlwucute wisely. tib I billow out around o%.. Grandmothert`flirs iliealth
ttthad-been (ttu(>llili(ih of
t would come' 1114-1tttulg u1 the
of :sir. Li tt ken's party, as well as
serves: "Ilunor is due the loan who si,ftl\' with the 1uu11) in her hand, 1 ; 1111 x\',11.5. She WO pusse.s1(1 of :l
House. wilL.- ee. ~ °r 'n --(1('('d u`titt- eItn- bo.tst- - ;• 'see; Tier wet. Edging' in' the. diitir 11:Ilidar, •getitle-disposition, and a cheery
nt••het--alltxlxlJeia. 111.. the li(1u -t holds, a _ (I >w can .(
the sig litleance of their discovery. that, since cleared, the laud has been quietly she would: set the lamp clo\1.11 `•(s.nii1e that endeared her to" 0 host. of
u taxes which in the sant( > famil• olid the tilt and lon the 1hair and t"ncli lite 1, -1.t.' in i friends, JIJ•s• \I(•Na1).suffered' a fj•ac•-
Indirect •
,taxes—hidde under the feather mattress Then titre(' flip some three years ago. but
people do not know the are paying— fertility of tett suti tltt(h I h ,,t ocrattion5 I .hciving the -quilts' up close itronly1 my made a site t 1(•tuly rt'cuwely• from the
are 1`11105 . '. s : (•heir infi,l4?nc, ' ,I.,. shoulders she would stool) do\Vntl and injury, although, for. some time she
upon the Cost of living and wherever '• • *• I her lips w out give :i (pile� i nIn
should he displaced by Ottawa correspondents of, the daily tniteli" kiss ((mint' fureheil(1• paralytic seizures., ,Itul•ing this' time
possible they P t 1 Feather ticks - were great 111 the ,the tttul:. ai, great ppleasure in resuming,
direct taxation which" cannot be papers are cngagfng in a guessing winter tinge. They were 4111111 and oil painting. an art* at 411(11l1 silt' Inti
tyrame:.•ti as these hidden taxes are. competiti(iri 161114 to the contents of tit•, pleasant to sleet) in. brit during the ittt n d1Hte adept in her younger days.
The ,,,','.. ix is the grreatest offender budget which* Finance Minister Abbott; summer time it Ms. :(11 en111tIs differ- .1 private funeral se1•\:1(1 \\a i. 11(\1(1
in this respect and if -the Members is expected to }(ring down in tilt, next -
at 4)1;.111:l insist 01101l its - abolition week or two. They don't kuuw any -
they w }1, be doing -their c'uunta'y gnod thing about it, of course, as the budget
`. nervic,' proposals are - always a carefully
guarded secret until divulged on the
THE WALLACE FOLLY floor of Parliament: however. it gives•
the correspondents something to write '
-The • people of the United - States--- ' about. ,
at least the .greatmajority 'of them— * e * '
are-dote:elves congratulating themselves What this country_ needs is a good
that 1.11111' A. Wallace 4514 tilt 311•. i live -('t'111 chocolate Intr. Some smart
Rooseve}t`s running mate in the ole- ' (•andV• manufacturer may ,teal a1 11/11111
_tion of 114-4 a1,(1. (-tulsettuently, did •nut ,(t„ the rest of theta by introdnt'ittg u,
succeed Mr. Ito;,se\(1t as I'resi( nt• 1)11x, .0'1101 1),• Out 111,11 0' �0 big, ahs the
1141r. W.111;te,•'s criticism of President 1 eight -cent one 'Thu of good totality.
Truneee s policy with regard to Russia "w•hicll can he sold fol the 11011(1y nickel:
1. -
alnd hi- public espousal o.f the Rus,iattl Ieg et (Guts 0 throw is ton ninth of
eause i1:t'1 roused auger not only in a (train on a boy's packet ----or his dad's,
n'ashir.,;l„ti _circles -but throughout the - i`ur -those who can afford }'t the tnanit- 1
nouutr:. I{is trip to Britain to attack' factllrcr might turn out ,a deluxe tett-
the po}:••1 of his 0w"11 t'ottntry i?t 1111}(}+y cent bar. Ne cetergd' 1'01 the til).
• eharat~P••rized 0- :111 exhibition of bad e *. e -
las te: may lienotes aforeure serious in 1ll)• Ilnnse of ('anim us last week
than 'i..t._. a ('.('.F'.,lmentlter w•:Is alrgtting agralillst
. Inft'tr:n,• i •'ltilt'1'Oil is tjbat Illassia is 0rt4e .enterprise and for a - - planned j•
1lr . tea.. Beet it l•,tt in g tt t{0 wilt' 10(1. 1' . eeet1011ay” fel. Canada \\-lain he was
not pi:r a}u;: .carr, IIer :lggressiweness stumped by the interjection from ant -
its a hl t,, t•!,11t'ea1 ii!or wf,;i (les, ;Oust „awe:m■mber: '"\t'ai:a (hi'ia' ma is pt',Et.n
l� r, \\ ;, l,ee4'}ir s wilt 1'rt1•ol►t•algt• ilt•(i olttttoilly b (aerntutly'," The
Ihe'r k0 - :,t l�I:4 :1 : .(' 1,1'111' :lull -:1, `(•,tai- , member hall a rejoinder, of euurse. hat
unite 1:, •"t“1 0111 atti111(le.of :Ilotift,ss It was a fttiit' one. 141;1 14tling is 1)11
and oif eet('1•111111 1t 4 li i,t a('(•e1)1 ito s,1110 wilt', but (•atllat(llaijts at 1l'ast
droit of t? , i,l' }' ''itts 111. .1'.(11„111 :11111 lilt' ' (le, 11ot want 10 he It(1('4el' hedged about
cua,rid }„fir own. Ii' 1111' {•1.1i11141 .1witIt resfrictiotts and rct;tllatiolls as in
o$01I4'5 ;t,•,Ill,l .,,!,•i•pt file IIns-aiatt view,! warrens..
It 1w,)(11 a ,sift `l('eeittalmcef.
ainw'is1 �, (111tH(•(' -fur It11,s1la eatnutt,
11)1 ri�l. 1 t''•erlfhlmg -:etid it waned
enetrir:t • I:1t ;ia to further agt ruii1)tn
which ;at at latter date, when siteshol[ld
have re, ,)veered from the pi:, st ra t ion
' induced 1,y the late wet. might lend
• to• another war.
While f{u,sia's sioltt . 1•t'4istanr•e t'rr
Germany- in the Late war won the ad
2t[nar.'l:i;io7d of, the Western world, it is toa
Peo remembered that Russia laid tett
11(1're tt i. arra: against. Germany 1111(11
rte was herself attacked: indeed, only
two years -earlier el)e had entered into
non aggression pact with Hitler.
Ole is moking out for herself, as she
rdaa bin doing all along• and all of Mr.
Wallace's eloquene(A,ecannot cover np
that fart.
There needs no. assurance that the
IT Red States is not seeking wttr.
11b waropai•ty could have its 'way in
tlAait Country in ,present eireuntstanees.
'There Will be no war unless Russia
pr sate of its Satellites' deliberately
brovotte:t it, ami Russia is, not go reek-
ItS.3 a ata to invite a ela0ll of arms that
',fetid delay her recovery for
g herationcl..
' ar111 that' price liter141T 91 may
klstign .a fieri4(' of otr &e5 for lifglIe'
Witg09, And' ' thci ice still higher
riettiti Vt' ki nt Trot h( hfl<S iptItietl Ott
You may borrow from $20 to $1000 •
without endorsers at Household
Finance, and you may take 12 or 15
months to repay. Or even 20 or 24
months on loans of larger =Iou,nta.
Household loam are arranged
promptly, with np delay. Just
decide how much money you need
and how long you want to take to
repay. Phone firat, then co'tne in.
Your money can be ready the same
day .you apply.
29 Downie 51., corner Albert
Royal Bonk Building Phone 2”
flours 9 to 5 or by appoinfnenl
(Doris riedo fo rattdr,:ifs of ninrby fowfla
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