HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-04-17, Page 2?WS TWO,' c• THE GOJM RICK STEN' =STAR ire i.�rrirt ignaVtar 1'RON COUNTX'S L'O]1WMOST =EY= tWilblishe�i by Si�Lai-Star, IrA related BgbaO Qrr� Rates—Cana 11 and, Great Britain, $2.410 a year ; to °Uaite(11 sat States, $2.5.9. .... halve tag Rate9 on request. Authorized as Seco ideclass uuail; Poet Office Department, Ottawa. Telephone 71 , Member of Canadian Weekly Newpapers Association" Sworn Circulation. Over .,600 .GEO. L. ELL,IS `. El. ROBERTSON' THURSDAY, APRIL 17th, 1J-17 1.4EBIJRN LIEaB $IJ N, .April 15. ;..-- Mrs. Jos. Hicks, s, returned to her home id Detroit hest Saturday aftey a lengthy visit with. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gey. 11e'ulford, and family. - Mr. Pettit Walter, Saltford Heights, a Stratford Nurmalite, is at No. 1, school this week observing under the able supervision elf the teacher, Mrs. Grace Cranston, 'While Miss Audrey Smith of this commuuitY , also a Stmt- ., ford Norms;lite, is observing in Mrs. Marvin Duruin's school near Dun- ganuon. Miss Ada Dow, teacher of • EDIT1RIAL NOTE( No, 5, has returned after spending ,PCNL OWED OF LAZY MEADOWS the Easter vacation at her home uear LAZY Ingham. Well, if this weather continues we Mrs. Andrew,;I3ogie and Mrs. Frank 0='t need to speud money uu au By HurrE! .I. Boat Shields and little daughter O1iye spent artificial ice rink. :Monday in Loudon visiting their um- * 0 Q THE EASTER MARKET their, heirs. Nelson Graham. I was visiting in the city uu the Mr R. Robinson and family, who The appeal for. food and clothing Saturday befoie Easter and had a most have been living in the house on Mrs. giit Britain should" meet 1t ready delightful experience. Have you ever getaid's.farue near Dunlop, have moved resin a to the iia$ tield road, (;euderich town- ponse. l:auada is the must furtull t1helday before U cud produce market ou shill. Thtf farm is being taken over ate country lm the world gaud can ;t holiday with it. 1 was, .and the ..1►y Mrs. Quaid's sou ni la\\ and dough •aii ord to be generous. see"' \\as nue lieter to be. furfutteu. 11'r, lir, and Mrs, Iran Ilitggitt of Gude- a 0 0 Leokiug at the market vwas to. cue,. rich.., The people k)f. Coldwater have been a farther, like Seeing some 'tonderfut Mr: 1 iauk Donnelly held tl success - true • > The Wednesday. was > I1t d ,..111 ti e x last ( 1 1 , alt 'I auction II ' t 1 l lu t 1scenic .Pala ..ii. , ttrue to the mule sf their eujjlmuu t, just huu ,i The stalls ztntl booths 11 m' Were purehused. by 1I r, Murphy 6taad have dlft'itted dtt1 I't. s a proposal were ioadA.:d \\• itu produce of e\"ery of tit. Avg-Ustine. to rel)est' the local option law \\111,1 kind. lle"re you• could that the (.um-, The 1UULI1s epidemic' has again come lel our district. .. lbw) IielY-;1•_'il' \illagl dry for lllall\ trusting hret,'21` eef l,tlllt'('•\` ,f'raal511Ns� � _�__-_�_-.- ,:eit'rV wit h t lie' bright _red• years. ' lie golden colo tit all t lturmous Dill' of - il.l<`Uri 1 ���r11.D �• t��'Oli� a a 0 ' 'I't's" w hue of 1L.1��J1 1� ; cell l,•115, :lull isle doll ,.. Estr111a. eee :lit' \alar of ":t deeper se. ;l:t;,tll'e,,,,,t , _\p:tI':lglt,, ite,ekllig ;1 It Mss \eate.ru 1 i• ll.ltl •,est heel. palled tteli,:ltees D(►NNvuhlOOK April 15. jla7lwren('" in11p Lsl't'at Lak_ew � r '� eei,ephanl �lti':It'1' Thompson V Irltlll during slit' 71n the e"e '' t war, :( new j) 11}C I' s:1 � s I it't't� l l.: 1t'e :Il t �l of l , t . ('alt '15 and :lie geed. ,,;,1 p„tat„ Easter \:'atloil 1\'till friends at \\ lllg "It would .:eke six trainloads. (,t too ;,a,•ti -1, ,01;11:g ',Ike :1n ender ”. 1 .r l .ill. ears each, t' carry j114t nue eLlr;;V sttt'll �,:It,^lnalt :ll .l f.l,}lie 11 .,11',,\\. 1 >r3wi ere \1f,• Irene Robinson • of Lenlduu spent - ••5 .- s1as t•o ,li '1 such cargoes could old be' moved in either '' 1 ft 1 lm'r \l.tl'garot Kirby of Toronto 1has 1t s, • ' y Competcit YOU WOULD a4mire,her skill. Alert and poised, she calmly speeds the ' many calls with deft, sure "move- ments. ith switchboards busier than every because of the many new telephones, this skill is being called on as never before. More switchboards are being added and more oper- ators trained, so that you oh have the et ntueu may co best telephone service at the lowest possible cost. THE BELL TELEP190telll COMPANY OF CANADA VC may l)' �'.irrnd by 1111 freighter 1'lle r' vy (10 l,vv t� t , (. , Great Lakes.' If a el:i.'..%1:11:; :111,;1 e�1 ter1:;l:ll�t leleeeellls :he Lister week -end :it her liollle here. $�mVyne over the r . • �eilet 1�I tat• e1:liteu111s ;t, the \lj• .11'11U1d Craig was a L(,IlllOn KINGSBRIDGE t > e\' last week," hINGSI�RII)(;1:, April 1"1. -Miss , * 1 11.1(1 lover knetWil e'xtste(1. 'Miss Irene JcUersull has reliu•iltd to (head, with materials of : There\\ere sprouting bulbs with queer her Easter at vacation e after spending �, the I:aster t' it her halve here turned to i•esulll(' her aunt • as school • , hextremely \'leu scents „and weird., tropical -looking • w insom Ai' s Narcissus .1101 luauv" v t.ttol tut directfou bet\veen the \,tlantle ae.ibuard In,er, h and the - Lak 111 Gordon Gordon Robinson and teacher • in S.S.- No. '' �, ' I'Ve'ttll•ilE'(• 1 011 ells' - the plants :inti c•\eli cactus pi;illts, s01u:[ttn' Mrs. Cavell Iian. t1 Irl . r ', ,e,n Russel, of \\'inghani. sPeat Un- . > 1 .tiE� ' iou�I'i': Ytt�ttirrsorr s-�i`a• �'°r--•• �� standpoint edefence.. e, 11 e . war, it is ,b\1lu „Q,,►,.�, h� ty\h.; a���tj\ tutlltl be from1 lee udy itllultk„st t.alrlt_ g lir. and ' 1 ad' t sou a 1St day at tet 1• t Of course, 1t 1 til • next booth I would be ee aece55arS o conduct the our wizened old Chinaman se'llin x11 allge, eves• lir. and Mrs. J. l:. Rubinson. 't rushing \I 'jna • \Ir Jas • (,'raig \sere Sun- only in suiumler-time ; but' the -enemy !business,- but people art eaners o renc dried plant•• His \\esu t ;. r. and Satu ,riay after speua(tiV , the Naate> holidays in Toronto., Miss Stella Dean in 'visiting her sister, Mrs. arses t'lowler, i'n Toronto. Mr. and 'Mrs. Joseph Garvey and f}ami1;>", of 'Toronto, spent. the wee -- end visiting their friends hare. ,Mr. Thomas - Bitt glas,. of ceincessi®n 12, Ashfield, has bought Mike Martin'( property, and has moved into the village, We are glad to report that Mike O'Neill is " recovering nicely frim a sieges of ;pneum011ia. Miss Garvey .of Windsor is Visiting Miss Anna ` halpn for a few days. Mrs: James Wallace ' is in Toronto visiting her daughters for a week. Mike Martin is visiting his brother Victor at Iiainilton before going West. BENMILLER BENMILLER, April 15. --- MISS Louisa Maedel of G'od rtell paid a yitit to 'her home in the village one day1 last week. Mr. olid Mrs. Harold Good and Gloria spent last Thursday in Listowel with Mr, and Mrs. John Farrish. Rev. A. E. Arlin of Goderleh occupied the pulpit of Benmlller t'nited church on Sunday. i11 the abienee of Rev. V. E. ("ruuhlelm. u ich ' of (, der • e, � all t out Gordon Mr. ( Mrs. Ken spent \Iou(lny \\`ith \I r. and _ \lui't'is and his father. Mr. A. Van- • stunt'. \lr. Wesley \t,(t(1e. \\'11l,. ,,spent 'the \\inter \with re1111i\es 1101'0. has re; tirrnetl to his 110010 in 1111 Wanted 'Deafened Men and Women • To make this simple, no risk hearing test i If* I you are temporarily deafened, bothered by ring- ing head nurses dui -to hardened or coagulated - wax (cerumen), try the Aurine Home Method res'. that so many, say has enabled thentl to hear well again, ,You must hear better after making this simple test or you get your money back at once. As about Auriner 13a1sam today. Your druggist.has or can get Au Hine for you. �,1AMES' A. f':,MPBELL eo )le caiue up. day visitors with Mr,'1 and, Mrs. Will - would doubtless bee chivalrous enough looked inquisitively at the weird as- Gardiner at Zion, to sual)end hostilities while threat Lak1s Sortment and thenslurried on, looking Mrs, 'Stewart Smith and sous, of navigation is_ elosttd for the winter. almost as if tiee'y believed this vendor Kitchener, were -recent "Visitors with * , * e a. to be part of s0nle'strallge Voodoo rite. nh1t1• sister: Mrs. Edward Robinson. Then a Chinese woman with -a basket Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Thompson and . • It is reassurlltg to k_uuw that Gude over her arm- ctlnle strolling along. children and Mr. and Mrs. John Tiffin rich water' passes the laboratory teat She saw. -the ,herbs, _let Out a delighted of Wingliani were( Sduday visitura with with grade -"A" rating: ' There may cry, ;and bought what appeared to me Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thompson. be dirt in it, but it is cleats' dirt. to be a little of everything. .She went _ _ as the fast week or two away happy and 'the old man looked. At times, such.11;1pi,,- with his sale. hurried to the pulls, for here iVas our ' oke u r, overly > \ era,. p i pit.' iu bask& t," ',tn(I4 ral,vati(3neand we voted: for So"=and,,,So €�aaace the __ricer ,ice broke k _ .There _.l __ s_ .._ ;i rntious en „1 it before drinking._ kittens :Ind rahl its, uuir ii o l i(1 tilt'se 1 __anti since then nobody'? has 'opened_ p and e'\'etthem it hi•s an unple�saut stitllr wide=(d 3ongstei�•-�*u4�rive-Triaara7.rtianant•ee plity -it i-esei?- ' . and ten deep. Many a harassed apart- Compla&�ency — We have it stere in_ taste. Our Public UtilitiesCommissiondwelling • mother had to do a abundance, 'is supposed -to have a large cash sur- tut of t xpliining tb.at Saturday , to 4 Alas which it has been accumulating Juniiir• ;is to' 'tI1e wlli°s' and \\•ht'ref•ores---'. ---•-• _- for years with the intention of install- of not, haying a rabbit in_;in a•partulent. In the meat section, cleat was piled__r , ing a filtration system, - au YOURS FOR PR(1GR'SS, , d it is to be high ecervWIiere ,you looked. There .. _ 0 in carry-' \vire ,1re,it hams: piled on .coujlters, • t this,, plan Health writers tell some crf them -cut open, eXposli}, t11rs . _ E. SHUTTIEWORTH -_ O r SPRINGBANK DRIVE LONDO .tt1 O ing ou 1stallstake a considerable tender• iIlIi_kisll •Illeat . . . and us that we should e that sol(l fhthi•ng but 'gleaming white quantity ...of liquid into our systems I eo. . and fowl 'hanging- in neat .every day in order to keep them ,,,,e. ,. -ifitannil:_ smoothly. and the cold water I There was 'food.. everywhere. and • riddle! is ;it. 'a dii ods-ai tags- when his . when 1 1111(1 recovered from my urge 41 I looking- incl walked aoutsl(le-into) the ehsOic1 ;:111,1- b1 hltweell the water with :(1 11 ;lir it suddenly pupped into m xsdis, oI'e«':(1(:e taste and 110 wisher_ at ' mind-,-1''wouder what Dmitri in Athens all ('1101,• on with your filter. gentle- ' vrould say if 1.54, 000151 walk' throug�� :his 4.11:1 rke•' cell this '.-la stte•1' men Don't clri\ e us to beer; morning?" The 1'ileaue••iai fust, \which has 0 soft TOO MITCH COMPLACENCY• a spot in its Heart for the ProgreS ,i e -- • Conser\ Iti3a' party, or at any rate baft 1:ditl,r The Signal -Star. , I)(•ar Sir, 1 sec by the du11�" pr( �s little asst +'i if i, -km for the King Govern- t hat t114• '1'uu•n of 'Waterloo i, seeking ffiellt. \\,irll, \I r. I31';1('ken that h('' can- 111e•!e1'p(,1•:51141t ;1s a city, This 1s tine not prorei:e 'lie p0npie .11 I(i'0 r(•(1il('tI,'ll and we , (,1lgratul:ste• 1111111. 11511 :1, :1 - in taX-nsame tion and at the sae time pro- ' resident of Guderiell it Makes Inc• think, i pose increased Government expend; . and ivoini, 1' what is the matter with tis.- tures' Government Waterloo a few degrades ago had half ' all worts oft.hlts things—and Tlt1 the population of lii(derii•11, sired now Post ntr;iltions some of the thing, on 1 i' i, a (•sty with 10,000 people, While -we ' which rhe Progressive Conservative are about where we • were forty ystirs ' leader .has been :ulvis•:Iting larger slit' Now to 1110 that is a painful state! I of affairs. What natural advantages j 1• spendti ;. The Government hasn't any.. \\ aterioe, thslt Godt'ricll has out money ext- pt ‘what It collects front g„t r • •1 1111' adwalltieges ttillni 11Ut \t'ri / V 1 • :: a'the taxpayers, and 11 it' spends more. prominently. We have a W0ud01'f111 ' site on :1 plateau one hundred feet above the lake and. 1 river; wee 1(3('1 • land with ,a gravel soil, making it easy to, pelt' 411 sewers and 'water mains. i in thi,• g-eneration. and *other E'xpe_ndi- 1 ►sir town has the best layu}It in ('ail- s>cia. with a tine park in the • cent re. Qbttare8 ,illoulel 111 kept at the hottest Pas ” W e have the best salt beds in Canada. nibie level consistent with the public , we have the safest waiter route and Welfare. Most people _would rather the Lest harbor facilities on the Great 'spend- their money themselves thsan: -Lakes. ' \\•e have one of the be}lt grain ere 'a•t)rs, 5101 grain tra11'pUrtatle)l1 ('on- ; •have the (rovernnlent siiend i fee cern,. iii Canada, Our, flour mill is ; USINESS them. one of the largest iti the Dominion. I -- \\'1 11:1\-(' elle two continental railways, f SPR6;b'Q,; TONIL a wonderful. tourist ;trade and many ° iAsa11ersthlirg Eel"101 other 1111v:11ttagt'S, slid What has Waters - 1,,,, to compare with. them in the wayI NIy neighbor John WilliamsMr,..1nil Mrs, Jol,ntcY" ('annek andofnatur'a1 resetirces, Very little, family" ,J,ohnity Jr. :ind Jitney, got ars \V iterleee's greatest 11•151t is the pep, , was talking the other day 11,1r r\ :end eo-ulx ratiwe Spirit of it About how important,our ex I+i{i11t1t present from the Government e.ltl/.111 . It heti ;1-gI'1at. proportbni port trade is to us. rI'll("say IiI•&-hl fl)1'tIl ()t 0111 I',Illo\':11 of ''of German Canadians 111 its 1(1)pi111111oIP' "You You ow, Ikon,pf he said, limitati6n nu vwhipfdng cream jird lee , 5301 they on, (,nod and industrious t '•a lot of Canadians don't cream. •I'he rigid restrictions have 11101,11. Tho insllrurrr(' l:,lisin15• 15 11 noels do sir 1onA; that many" young great asset for the tovwu and pulls realize what itmeansto have Johnnies and Jaliey don't know .Lout i in a let et Ineele'y from ail 03er the world markets for our grain tvartlt apps(Ili(' .incl whipped (:..'harm or I)otllil>pioll. Ifs ,„11.to\311 330 1,:ew1, I and hogs. But history shows the birthday cake with :1 \shipped . glpos,-. a mizt is ilrsnranee-5g'ticurs i now that not even the strong - cream icing. Froin now on they won't ' a:rtlselriiig lip meths'\' and sending it 0111 ies can get along, 'have to highlight 't11hlnsc.\es Nita .1.-0'0 of t„\315. whatwhatst diIT(oren,•1: 1\.e , est' countr ('ream Issly." T'h'is rins('al is ;lust nn-' make lyre the best)flour that can , without scIling to others." -isttler-'-pl'iei4eg tonic-- timed_ , be made, ,sli(1 \\f Send it ultt 0, leen Well, I a ri ec� with John t_ to he ))lade into bread- -;ind It is ache • all right, hilt 1 reniindfed_hiin 1111 ,atm' with every 4lrtiele we yen- ' ien it isn't only a matter of 'pro- smile. pro- s111e duce 'like grain and hogs. Lspecially to us, the things called "invisible" exports like the tourist trade and life insurance are vital too. Did - you know that about . 40 per cent of. all the life in- ' surance with Canadian com- panies has been, sold to people outside Canada — in Goa other countries? No other country "exports" that _.much life insurance. Our compan- affesess' DEAL DIRECTLY DIRECTLY WITH US Save agent's corn - mission and expenses. We grow a great dial of our own stock— another saving for you. See 'What You Buy+ Visit our nursery— just five minutes drive from the centre of London" Catifiogue '.on .Request rIUI4 • 11'111 f v 0 Q a a r• THE COMPLETE SERVICE 24. NEW STEAM SPOTTING TITURaDATP AV/411s 1`73, 0 STAMP- , OUT TUBERCULOSIS ,1, Take part in the Community Campaign to protect yourself p and family Keep your X -Ray appointment it is important to• you! Christmas seats'paid for this survey. Buy mor ,,jext Christmas. PUBLISHED `IN THE INTEREST OF ONTARIO'S HEALTH CAMPAIGN • MASS X-RAY CLINIC, • . to be set up at MacKAY 'MALT, GODERICH .from May17to22. e � o. • �.cEANIG and PRESSING DR's _ - GENERAL-REPAx11;s. Guaranteed Mothproofing" Service.•Waterproofing. l'hoxle 122 PICT' -VP . AND I ELIVJ ..RV C. R. LOWERY of r' •Pavoilrite For coughs Ant Colds n - , .Norway Pine ". Syrup has been a feronrite remedy 'for coughs and, (Olds, nt ors Ps*f}*yulitn - like early 50 t earn Ljr. \\ outs s ri�zt t ?rr r a know that -children, ► , <'. ,, i h , and will those 1t without fuss or '" •» #i$ i'� ilacsi, t Lwstcl hul:ter. ,a P' embodies medicinal properties of the pine s.ad cherry barks, ak,i1fully,combined with other cold -combating ingredients. Dr. Wouel-'s Norway Pine Syrup"is quick -acting and effective., It helps to loosen phlegm and mucusi soothe irritated membranes, clear the air passages and stimulate the brontchial organs. ` Get Dr. Wood's Norway Pine. Syrup at your favourite drug ..storf The T {MiIbnra Oo.,.'��ntoe Ont. e 5 It u a it mns.:t tax more. Canada's tax h'111� are bound to he heavy until the \wi effortis paid for, which. will not be •e 1 Lommenls VERYBODYS - SPRING ‘1111,;Til RNt • ,iiwinginZ through the void of spice, Earth he, turri('('1 her pprthern 'f5100, ••1'ornplacency.” ('o111I►lac('llcy. 1 111111k, White and cold. to greet the elm, means laziness, indifference, -let George ' Smiling through ter tears that run ',de it.'' Do nothing if yeti can get by In little freshets merrily I with it. Complacency is a disease in Singing to rejoin the sera : this town and almost everybody bar it, •e We must Admit that, Waterloo has Beauty Is Stirring in her bed - e b(ettter Hydro rates thfl'n we have; She Was ,pretending; to be dead; 1 but why dr/ we not do soniething abultt. Creeuueii and tulips peep. i it? Our town made an ag ri'ement with lit mneinb'tring they've a tryst to keep. I IHy-dro, about forty years ago, to dam • Maiden tiller\ tz 'by the stream 'the Maitland .River and supply this Waken from their winter dream, i town with power at $20 per horse - By the amorous sun-god kissed,power. Now we are too,('onlpl,l('ent to BIu thing through a rveil (;f mist. `.suggest to the Hydro (,'ormission that •, it iti.about time they were living up ' Now, .what is the matter with us? sets must be pretty famous for Overhead the earrion crow to their agreement. In the I1)OOTit llfl(* 1 teir c61"prep and, their • .re'Ca'1as the-Iainning waste of,snow, I we have meanly nil our •factories - thet - $laeitdng Winter in retreat. (FXcept, those that lisavrr some siwt'ial y. gx01,viiag over hi:( defeat. ,, advantage here. Go and look, at our ',r . 1 , fthere in the height• river in its flood stage and try to Lif© insurance o a buooneeo Wilt For (pn till• id geeaf* %9'ilta their northern flight, estimate What prrwOi• la going to waste. 1 nveryeady, a groat onlortertoa which t/eel10 ()11tetI=(tr,t(11II.1I egad hearts n-yen'rti, Trmssllefint tlt0 dp(rirtgse re>turn ;SII tlr1 feather'd trifles are comitne , And the irleene Will soon be httsu nliaig y ,htou t tk real yl v rtltunniier 41ot1t a q i A { "Voto for a� and 10 :had out ttnlolytg the, �r �.y 1 ♦ f pD avtered with hint -4 et l o Wpbs , 1 y air d9ds I4 J►a ' ILLMA . ' Flo `a. nd get tuatfot - weD titea\u,k, '4y e This flood can be . controlIe(1 by e cy;,tietn Of dams and we eould° 1141re cbestl> power tiie year roma, But no- hoay i•attyt a'P thing. ('oinpineeney f1t 4est.t. A fie 'year --s 'ago 'our town • was protects the Futuro of more than For t►lilfioss paficflhofrfbrs and' Mheli Paved on05. tato Insurance, offers a system. osic crad elegy way ee save: Coaled: an authorized agent eiboui' d pidrs best limited to .yews tigrirrrn.e*. WA L•Head Engine Full Pressure Engine Lu! rication Chain- Camshaft Drive' Four Rings Per Piston Vibration Damper Oil Both Air Cleaner Flooring Type Oil Intake Volvo Tappet Adjustment ByPois Thermostat areeision•Ty,e Lower Connecting, Rod Reon Coil Front Seting Four Springs R .Ir77 or Langer Wheelboso Horsepower or Higher oiler Bearings o Transmission. Roller Bearin COuntenho 9s on Universa! Joints.. ' Tapered Roller DiFferential Bea►iag,, ro Hypoid 'Axle-Reor Hotchkiss Drive ' •{,r,:..r..�y.. v.:6'r�:r•.`+.�•,.t•,r,J,i?r},�y,'�•�t• j,'Z} i�'S'rry+•'•'y� S"Afos •Li*.e Me q'�i �r-rceQr ears. THF Wrtu SPorro, ►j'o.ortlr o'' V$ rrro c1 Dr tura' Sopor INSLNIJSZEKI srr,rm°„rr oats •�o.. saiwas �a',ylu�.ar and ��,�r� CnJ,lot Poclard ''r'"'EP3iti�R FIoN ,ro. O I �• 'Su ru>tom ii O ®II No Y.� N O i NOa �xb'tl'E" nI NO, MM. lia5t11"1"111111111" NO YES, .--►# PEs arell y o YES rgias"12:3111111fasial"kalan NO' �I NO eY YES NO NO �i YES • �� No , l tTE h "�� NO �� N� ® NO NO �"r++� YES NO NO • ®� YES ,19 NO t1 to A B 15 ,Nara rtnrE. D,EST ENGINEERED The above is hoed on rn►elrmptinn from sources we believe to b I N THE LOW -PRICE FIELD 'er r/ def a ave i. hoed, h r d' r4 .ems•''' ✓ f•f' y J•tufyr' •4 -pr � ••r''lr •' ;:�•• ..I a reliable an,1 rY; fir':.` F�✓ f,•1''z r rr .y7,7' +F•f7f• ?'�r'rlh1 , "rf NA�'i ° 4d i{'Y{'f';:.;5; r.?,v`'�,-&,err. Tr':,:;hr.runjs' subject _sto change. without �`•:: r:'::::.r'O.f'::1.•.'�.,,Cs1.{i.'..wJ.t.f.::.°-''.nr..i•:•$�:%.d$:{: �::•a �:ri:d�xSsd•:•..: v"?..� .fr ..::I'f:'�x•7n•.t...... ,". notice. LI IN QUAL LOOK AT THESE GREAT FEATURES OF THE NEW PLYMOUTH - Floating Power Engine Mountings tor smother . New Front Endyh vibration e cushion u no ficallstarting, ! stopping s Now Body um pe e Systems Y Balanced Ride e Y Guard Bumper Super -finish virtual New. Solar Ignition New Lightweight ,aluminum,Alloyelimfn fond engine wow. o Oil intake O New Gasoline Filter 0 Rotary soon L Latches • Now Colnterbpl(incod Hood, Y Door Larches s ES NINETEEN YEARS ChNI first NYEAGO,Chrysler Ii et first Plymouth. Starting 'ng�accts designed and bush famous Engineers with that first uality, to -make Plymouth it serai the - Big -Value car in„the lowest- riced ymouth the 131 h- To(lay.Plymouth stands supreme' in P field! � Today ear, mast like the high-priced ,n its g. - The car, carps in alas. quality the reg. Quali ytChar nnow on display in our ae features. e - g Dealer's showrooms,nearest you at a glance that of 19 ipn shows High : t iznportanityou at a quality features fo r' «���Plymouth hasand has scar • has 19, car 89,. 6. Morehes mean Quality Features better ref► loner life. _performance -v 'limes ise buyefs chooseyP1 mo�tl t``th/ David's 5 1111 ft t. •eil Phone 755 .\\\1 a ,