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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-04-10, Page 6
ONT1uO CIEAMROpUCERs TO .. VOTE UN DZAP.KLTING SCHEME • 3lluri>rd _ the month of April, thi er �aI Ta 1 � zr Prodtac(rs of Ontario will have the op- VOr UUity 'of voting; on whether they r r favor bringing their product into a rna'keting scheme, under the provisions Ole the- Farm* Products' Mar,ketimp Act. The plan t)f tilt, scheme follows very eloeely that of the hog marketing Sehente vvWell Was put into effect aho,ut as year ago. It provides for' setting tip a )hoard to be knit\"II as the Ontario Cream Producers' Marketing Board. This Board will have power t� regulate and control the marketing of cream ,p au, it, Ontario and nianufaeturetl into butter, and to stimulate, increase and improve the marketing of cream Lor butter utanufalctitre. Provision also is made fur setting .'up county gruulis and district, t'onllnittees of producers. and the representatives of these dis- triet committees, nine in number, cover- ing the whole--Pro%inee. tvi11 each year elect the members of the Marketing `board. The scheme also provides for the -licensing of all 0realnery operators, at a nominal license fee of $1. and also licensing all creator producers, on the Nils of a fee of lute -tenth of a cent Iit'r pound butter -fat on' all cream delivered Co a creamery. There .will be also a negotiating,; couunit tee of ten, 11ve to be atplx)inrett-annually bay the Marketing Board and five Ili• the cream- ery opera tors. The negutlatlog v()m- ulittet'„is t'ailpowerea to "negotiate and stile agreements respectiI1g (a) mini - multi prier `. lb( forums of contract, (e) (111(1i1 ions of sale, (d) grades. and quai- t 1ty,- ° (eI. prie tlifferst'nthas betwoen i grades. t f 1 weighing and testing, (g) transportation. Further provision is mode in the st•heme°for arbitration in the event .,that the' uegotiating, Com- mittee fails to reach an agreement. llIethods of Voting -The .rote of. the cream producers of ( )nt11114) 1) l alis scheme is scheduled to take piliee between March 31 and -April 30. 'Three alternative methods of voting are provided. All cream pro- .durers are "required to register to he eligiblte to vote. They May register in' person at the county agricultural repre- sentative's othee, and vote at the time of registering. on any day between March 31 and A )rdl 30 method its by register ng and voting with the deputy returning, cei charge at imblie meetings which are being held in each county. This method of • voting will apply only all to April 19, by which date all the public meetings will have been held. After April 19, any producer of cream may register by wag with his agri- cultural representative, who will send out to 'the producer a ballot, which must be -narked, signed and returned to the agricultural repres(lltattive not latter than :April 30,' 1047, Any ballots received after April 30 will not, tie, taken into consideration. • V *N ao May oto - Only yxie person- is allowed to vote from each operating farm unit, but that 1►ea5ull ina,ty be the husland, wife, son or daughter on 111e farm. • The vote is being taken under the jurisdiction of the ()ltario Farm Products Marketing Board, of which U. F. Perkin is chair- man, The series of, public meetings throughout the Province, however, is being organized by the Ontario Cr-eaiit Producers' oducers Association, Named in the proposed scheme as the first members of the Ontario Crea.rn Producers' Marketing Board are the following: Crawford Dewar, l3raesi(les James Gif- ford, Ennislnore ; W: .• Wood: Alliston ; J. Parl Lane, JCR. 1, St. Arms; William ERIC g1+e. -SIGNAL,STAR Jl'ertus ; Uarry povdy, iS"roNettar;, Louis ][;Davis, I)obbinton; Arthur D. Wili on, C aathtni. Copies of the proposed scheme may 1 e secuz;edsfrom the agricultural repre- sentati!Kve's office in each couIlty or district, or at the public meetings which are to be *1101(1. .TOWNSHIP COUNCILS TOWNSI)(I)P OF COLBORNE. Council met in the Township )hall, arlow, on Wednesday, April 2nd, with obi nl.einlit.!rs present. Messrs. Leslie Johnston, Bert Bogie and \\'al. 1Ii('atnn apptslred..before the Connell' with, regard to having their road •plowed. Mr. Bogle said he was not a man to •complain, but he thought when the plots had come through so .when it alight have come all the way so that he could get out. Mr. 11eCann found it difficult to go out` with a load of hay and to change from sleigh to wagon. After all pros and cons were discussed the men left in happy humor. The road insurance was renewed_ with .the • Halifax • Insurance • Co. through their agent, Gordon Jewell. Mr, Cecil Attridge .was appointed to a edit the Township books, periodically and also to state the time of audit. • The Road • Superintendent wits in - ,'itrueted to -advertise in The Signal - Star for tenders to'' crush and haul gravel for Township roads; all tenors to be in by April 2,2nd. ° The folliiwing accounts .were ordex'ttc1, laid: Road Superintendent, voucher)-, '61107.4)D; Gordon Jewell,' road Insur- ance, $74.75; Beever's Auto & Bicycle Supply, ends for truck chains, $1.05; indigent patient, Comity of auron. Col- - "horrle's share, $1.6;85; Workmen's foIn- pensa tion Board, $9;. It.. J. Lovell (Co,, supplies, $3.39; Omar Brooks, trucking plow( for Township 'Hall, $250 W. J. Westlake, btilanee of salary" for March, $78.40. •" Council adjourned. to meet May ath at S p.1(). SALLOWS, Clerk. EAST WAWANOS11 . - . . ('our'tc'il Islet on April e1 with a full attetl(]ance, Reeve J. D. Beecroft pre- siding;. .1 letter fz`om the investigation department of the Insurance Company re claim for dan ages to an automobile was referred to -the Road Stlperintend- 'ri1. A letter from the Ontario Historic- al Society requester) that a]f,slawiiers of century -retained farms complete the questionnaire, which may be obtained from the Township Clerk. Simon Ilallahan,,, president of the East Wattvana Federation of Agrirul- ture, addressed the Counell $e warble sly spraying:' Motion by Courtcilloir Robertson find Ireland, that we pzoeeed to investigate the matter of procuring at spraying -unit and, if possible, I►ur- ('huse One, Carried. Motion by Councillors 'Black anti Ruddy, that a .-grant of $20 begiven the lielgrave Sehgol Fair. • • • Harry Sturdy, representing the North lipron Plowing Associat=ion, stated the snatch would beheld in East Wawanc,sli in 1147. MottoI1 by i"uun- ('lilurs Ruddy and Robertson, that tie co-operate with the North Huron' Plow- ing Association in carrying on the plowing snatch in 11tst tVawattosh in( 1941. Carried. The Road Strperintendelgt gave his report on the good roads convention. The- Clerk was instructed to complete • and file an agreement With Mr. Joe, Kerr for crushing and delivering gravel at the same price Os in 19.4(3. Motion by Councillors Robertson and Black, that the Road Superintendent be paid 70e per hour and workmen 1(o 'Township roads be paid 50c per hour. Carried. A Court of Revision on the Scott municipal drain was Held: There were no appeals, .Motion by Councillors Ruddy and Black,, than the amended by- law be given final re;)ding and. passed 1 l~uuurt,$) y, ZOtb, 194' • 'BAKER WINDMILLS Ql>leo;): Range urnera • Beatty Pressure Syate;lt.s Moth shallow and deep well) ► ilsoi Furnaces CHICAGO AIR, MOTOR Repairs for Pumps and • Windmills - Oil ath Pump Jacks Wm, KF]NiTzALat F i k ° Plumbing and 1` e,,ting Phone Dungannon 12r3 MR.. 3, tlaoderich 1 and theCourt of Revision t iombe closed. t(. Parried. The following accounts were ordered to' 1,e ,paid :' II. C. MacLean, premiitun on Treasurer's bond, $12 ; A. 1t. Scott, Uoderic•Ii 11. S. (listri�'t levy, $100; As 11. Erskine, County Treasurer, hospital- ization, $20.75; Alex. Robertson, con- "vection expenses, $15; I':1111er Ireland, Convention expenses, $15; Stuart Mc- Burney,. salary, telephone and conven- tion expenses, $21.71 ; Moro)( tierr, "11(111 rellloval, +(iU. • Council adjourned to meet on May 6. 1t. R.. R•I•:1)MOND, ,Clerk. TAYLOR'S CORNER (''OItNI•:lt, April S.—The 3li.sse, Ilelen :11(11 .10111 11'bit•ely, of ,'1'4111(1111, spent the Easter weelifeud :1t ;heir h(1010. ( Miss \faxille Saintly 140s llenie from Loudon. tor•the week -end. • 11'0 are pleased to 1epor; that Mr. t 114 C. `t 11)•(13 0 inlpruviug ill 1111th: A (illilthlg tv;ls hold in 'trill s( hoof on' f I '1'llltls41:ty c„1 ; I.lst. '1'1 (i•i w1s a good tett&ll(laluee. \ ) luck' 11111011 teas served. • S1(•'0111(111 was administered at -Zion- church on I:lister Sunday. .Ret, ._C.. { Y'av0n0r deli\ erc•d a 11110* Easter message. l'reserltation.—.\ 1)1t11' -11t evening was spelitin the sellout 011 A1'tduestlay'. evening of last week, when :1 large Illu11hnr of friends -and m'iald)ors )net t0 honor M -r, 1)11d .'Mrs. Douglas 31c- . Dougall and °family, wlho are 111te,illg to Porter's 11111.' '1'lle e\ ening was spent 111 l•fl'1(g )'('sive euchre, lfig.',lt 11x•1/es going " • 1(..Jlrs. l', Sturdy and 311. ti. "Mc'gall, . and consolation " prizes 14. Kathleen • • Holmes 1111(1 Ben Whitely. ,111 uddreSS twos react 011( ,11 beautiful triTigfrt flour - `SI -1111t•1-p_;friti-IiL-ILLn y'1 11ed , i to, JL4. and Mrs.' 31 '1uga11. They both replied 11t iiugly. Lunch was„ then served. • I.__ AHF�ELI� - A.$IIFII•.LD, .April i .— \Liss charlotte 3lacd ensi.e of Toronto- was hurtle for • 111(..week-end. .Mr. Finlay .11atcI)onlatld of London spent t le week -end wi 1 1 is ' • ,• s r. and Mrs, I). 31tt(11(01al(,' 10ests at the.hon10 of Mrs. K. Far - Hsi' for the week -end were JIr•. and 31rs. Alvin Udders and \Wends and i \\;a,vnc',. of eoderieb, incl 3Ir, Duncan Farrish, of Toronto, • ° hiss, Catherine 3lacfl�enzi( of Tor- onto sj)pnt Easter with her mother, 111s. `eil J. 31a,c1enzie, ' A miscellaneous shower was held on Thursday evening at the home of JIrs. David Maehelizie in honor. of Miss Bertha 3laicl)onald. Mr. and • Mrs. Wm. Drennan and children. of Trenton, spent the week- elul tvitli 3Ir, and :Airs. El"wood Drennan, Mr. and llrs. line,J,ean Bell, of Acton, spent .1110 week -end- with 'lir. "nud..ltrs. IZ. 1l isset t: APPLE (Delicious; Red) 2 Years Old, 4-5' $1.50 Each $12,00 Dozen 2 Years Old, 4' $2.00. Each. ` $20.00 Dozen PLUM (Crystal Iced and Green Gage) • 2 Years Old, 4-5' $2.00' Each $20.00 Dozen- CHERRY ozenCHERRY ,(Dark Red, Early -Excellent Canner) 2 Years Old, 4-5' $2.50 Each $25,00 Dozen 'PEACH (McGuigan, Standard Elberta) 2 Years Old, 4-51 $1.25• Each ENGLISH WALNUT 1 Year Old, 1' $ .50 Each RASPBERRIES (Washington) Per Dozen $1.50 BLACK RA'SPliERRIES •(Cumberland) ° `Per Dozen $2,00 GOOSEBERRIES (Red,White, Yellow) tach $ .50 , Each$ .30 LACK CURRANTS $12.00 Dozen $ 4.00 Dozen STRONG-ROOTS—STRONG -BRANCHES—No. 1 . QUALITY 1tot1v .1•ilriehatrd. salmon pink. Ca1'.'I'estuut°- bright pink. ('(tniltsat (le 11stago. ot•i(11tatt led tilt( yt l}o§v (111 'is. '1 .' O1 i> ( (, 0 :in( 0, It (lark red. Gen. I)lli:b rg,'yello(v: Gen" Me.Arthnl', velvety settrI't. Gloir(i.de 1lull1ulde (01 (4 led. L rus,alll '14(1(1it.z, ('1i(ison 1(1rlel. 1Iad- 1(3. deep t•r,i1ns(rn. Joanne 1-1i11,- deep Yellow, K. A. \•ir•turia, • c1`eanly white. Lardy Sylvia, light pink. )incl. Forest ('olcim- hi'th, (11rk ('1rmitie. Mad. .1111(s liotleher, white. Mad. 1'. S. • Dupont, i1lt(1(sive yellow. 3111(1(1(1 ))0•('10(13., orange scat•l(1. 31-:lry 1 Fart; -velvety -r•ed. arts. \"illi Itossei, orange ap1i(•ot" 3Ie(tre(ly's Triumph, strawbet•r't red. Opltelia, light 5alin14i11 pink. fres: Herbert hoover, 1)11114. It1lptnr('.•11Pri)(4. with pink. Re( Helen, rod, Red 1111(11;lure, red. 1lo'. F. Page- ' Rohorts. g (1(1(11 3011o\v. 11.31.5. Queen 3111ry, salmon pink. Ito11t-re- Mo 11(1111, velvety S(1111(1 Sono. de Claudius Per'n'et, ,velhnv. Tatlis111:111'. (,range 1'e(1. Texas Centennial, salIno11 I•ed, 'Westfield Star, light yellow, ' $1,50 Each — • Six for °$6:00 — 12 for $10.00 ca Per 100 $16.00 Per Dozen $4.0,0 Per Dozen $3.50 Per Do2en $350 2 Years Old, Strong, Bushy 0 'Shrubs in 6 Varieties i $2©O .+1 Or 0� osa Rugosa Two years old,. strong Rose(• bushes, flowers deep red of 4" across. Hardy every where, can be 'planted as shrubs or for a hedge f 00.0 each 12fi°$10.00 'Daisies -=Petals white with yellow heart, • flowers all summer, beautiful, long last- ing cut flower, strong plants. WEEPING ROSES Now 6 to 7 Ft. High, Bloom This Year They're - branched out, bloom_' first year—with more blooms g in each subsequent year..Easy to keep healthy and hardjl:; Often • used too, in cemetery• derorat ion. GROWS .AS SHOWN ABOVE—Amer.,Pillar, decp.pink. • CrimsonRambler, crimson. I)OI•- othy Perkins, pink. Dr. V. Fleet, largewllite. Elegance, yellow. Excelsa, red. New )Dawn, flesh pink.. $'aul's Scarlet; reel. Princess van -Orange, orange. Silver 'Moon, pure white. EACH ROSE BUSH LABELLED ,AND TRIMIMEI) RE.AI)Y - iF'OR PLANTING... ( NOW LS THE TIME EVERGREEN' S - TO ORDER ' We off'ei• you a lteau(iftal collection for foundation planting:' 011e English Yew, upright, dark greeny , 1 Traj pipli de Roshpop, upright, dark blue. I Silver Queen, upright, silver. 1 t'iDiperns Plunosaa, upright yellow. 2 Taxes Rre'fifolia, spreading, dark green. Each Evergreen Baled anti Rurlapped and. 18 inches high. •• $2.50 EACH OR ALL SIX FOR 110.95 THE REAL'KOSTER BLUE SPRUCE, ,.21/4 FT. HIGH, $10.00 znez'ican Pillar (brilliant deep Dorothy Perkins (shell pink) IDouble Paul Scarlet, (scarlet) •° ° •:13r. $1.50 EACH — pink) ' Elegance (bright yellow) Vanfleet (flesh pink) SIX FOR $6.00 -- '12 FOR $10.00 ,American Beauty (bright red) New Dawn (:;hell pink) ('11'1( be grower in a sh1i(1v pfal(*'e in your garden: as well as in your horn'... For 30(11 ;111-41)11, 1)11(11) 111 the tool (4f 11111y and «e',1 so 1h,lt the 1(11114 is ,jn�t ((v 01'011. '1'10•) \$l1 1)i•iU111r(' 1,110,10,4 of 5" to ! ilr ion fIl i l )1413 summer :eta] (will tlow 'i' c.ontit111ously. (111111 til(' tt;lei tt frost, start. Then Elbe your 11111hs•rf11t r(f the c(/il. (1r') ;11)111; 510i•)' ill 4.3;11, (11•3• • place. lila ('11"1,1 have your Begonia hillhs for 12 and more years. No 110we1' roi110s in bugger (101•5 t1111) the tbg eon11S. , ('ol(irs-Red, (lark red, scarlet, Salmon, yellow, %'1iite, copper, orange, pink. 'rice: 60c each -- 6 for $3.00 12 for $5.50 • The Best Quality lli o'ney Can'Buy All 1((u• ro>) blrshes are ()elk ereO trimmed.' r(•ad,v for plantingr, so that --�. we are pr1)'ticaLly certain of 1O;I', 1e :,rt•ntt•th. l ▪ (11.0, 1, tt it; hef1 (1'9.1)41t•� I 1('y (;(111(u,i 11. ;,11 t i1 t is %(! 111111,144 1(tT7t-trtt:tt111•e 0)]fe0 ) 11111(3 1m1• (Xl(ll)'nt pa(•i(irl(. 1'le;1su inspect itter•(•h:111dise Upon arrival- and if not sal i.414.(1, return sante and 3o11r money will 10' refunded at once. 1'1( c•alse our pintas do not re grow, we hold omrselv(s r(sponsiblu fo repl5('p 50111P 1t loaf prier' next 111(11ilig se -115017, \We resere'e, hoW)•\('1'. 1h) right to inspect those 1)1111(1 . No pocking chllrg('`. Prices f.o.b, Lea011ngton. PLEASE ORIDEII. EARLY; IT GIVES F'S MORE TIME TO' SERVE YOU Bi'."I" rErt • .I;cIp Nature To �mrnate ante A .combination •of valuable vege- table -remedies, blended together under rigid standards of purity, Milburn's Laxa-Ltver Pills are often valuable in the relief of eonstil)a- tion and other disorders of the liver, stomach and bowels.. r They help the eliminatory organs • and clear the sySt ern Of wast o which is often the rause' of constipation, 5101 and bilious spells., headaches and heartburn,' Once tried, you'11, be delightt+d '1,y the renewed feeling • of Well-being which tfiey help to produce, ti • . Milburn 's Laxa-Liver fills -are on, sale at .all drug- Counters, The T. '.1lilhnrn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Privet Vulgaris, strong winter hardy 2 -year- - • old plants, 2-3 feet, each 511(;., per dos. $5.00, per 100 $40.00. . )'rivet Q vaaiifolium, this grit et (toes not loose its leaves in winter, 2 -year-old, 2-3 feet each '50e., per doi: $5.00, per 100 .$10.00. POLYA T.I A ROSE BUSHES , iR+1y.lnth1 hoses are cer)' 5)1(1()1)1•tr111)1et1,by 11(- ,404:1s. They h1innn from mrrly S'ttt71111er'1)4If `1 riffii Th1t." 91;11(3 of !hese i'ol;t1ntlilt nose bu>heS produce blooms of 1 in. across awl cannot be cioni)ilt•ed with the 1(1(1-fnshionr'41 blttti)11 rose. 'I'la)v arc' outstanding when planted in a grolli) in borders or in a hurl. ' Astrid Spat11, pink. h)a)gntar'Spath,'wh"ite. Dona1(1 111.10r, 1•0(1. hal)fl I'onl0.cll, (lark pink; J;Isie Poul5(11, trilik. Fit•egloty', (11111( ;e. Joseirh (;1(y, bright -red. Karen I'oulsen, bright red. Ka Marina 'Zeimeth, white. Kirsten Ponlsen, red. orange 'Triuniph, or-'- tri e red Paul (4ronlpel, orange. a. " (iwJust- 'You' 'eel" 1(I know-.becausO I have been AO way myself. I have been so chron- t. ically tired that I thought I would never feel well again. - However, I found that Dr. Chaae'it Nerve Food soon gave menew pep and energy and • put me on.my feet.' 'fired feelings, indigestion and loss of sleep aro quiekly relieved by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Ask for the new mil- , only size bottle of iDr. Chase's Nerve Food 00 pigto-6 lets. 180 pills --$1A0 ror Vh(at4Oo 0.0