The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-04-10, Page 3re HURON ,,COUNTY'S FOREMOET WEEKLY ONE- 4Y, AP IL 10th, 1947 DUE DATES,, OF R TWIT COUPONS Coupons now valid are sugar -pre- serves S26 to SA butter' 1,135 to B47.. Next,coupous becoining valid are sugar preserves 847 and S48 and butter B48 on April 17. jr. K. HUNTER -Barrister, Etc. Royal Bank Bldg. Hamilton Street, Goderich Phone 968. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS' W. CECIL ATTRIMIE. Telephone: 011ice 18, Residence 343. SERVICE For Small Businesses, Stores, Etc. Bookkeeping bysternts Installed. Books Balanced Alontialy Financial, Statements . Wage Summaries ' Business and rersunal „lucerne Tax ,011ice:Gorner Aurth. and Square Phone la 5. Residence l'hune 444. INSURANCE • Q.—Is fuel still under the ceiling? A.—Charcoal and briquette fuelwood are removed from ceiling regulations on April Coal and coke will be removed at midnight April 15th. Q.—Could you tell me if Wartime Prices and Trade Board licenses are still required if I want'to start a busi- ness? A.=It depends on the type of goods you intend to sell. If they are under price ceiling regulations you still re- quire a Board license. If they have been removed from ceiling centrols a license is not necessary. McF.I.LLOP, MUTUAL IlitE• IN- SURANCE CO.—Farm' 'and Aso- lated town property insured. °dicers — President„, Frank Mc- • Chris. Leonitardt,. Bornholm, R.R. 1; 'Manager and. Secretary -Treasurer, M. AlgUlygort Clinton; Chris. Leunhardt, Bornholm; S. II. Archibald, 4, Seatorth; liarVey. "` Ewing, &It. 1, Blyth; Hugh. Alexander, .'Agents—Jpile E. replier, .11rucelield, 4. Finlay Meliercher, Duban, 1; J., F. Prueter, liredhagen. Policy -holders 'can., make all pay- ments. 'and get their cards receipted Grocery, Kingston Street, Goilerieh, or J.. H. -Reid's General Store, Baylield. REEEXAUS, ODDFXIZOlga it .0 tia,Q. program at the Welnen's .GOcsgl, Says. KOJI. liAVE CLINTON GUESTS ea h of Godexich tute meeting on Thursday last reflected, the Easter season. The president, Mrs. Oa was a large attendance.. -Protection' " 13ylaws for Further Hoalth Under the heading of agriculture and At a meeting of the ,Leeal Board of spent Sunday With Mr.. and Mrs. II. Mr. and Mrs. Melt. Park and Sharon, pf. Dunganifou,spent Sunday With Mr. Ite-v. U. E. Crdithielni in the cburell on Canadian industries a splendid •paper Health on Atonday evening the report 'Sunday night. were enjoyed, by all •on the 'Origin a the- maple syruP in - A number from here took in the hockey game at Stratford on Saturday Miller.. Two line readirigg were given stinted, and showed the health of the k. .by Mrs. Chas. Young and a delightful town to be in good cpndition. , and as usualteame home satisfied. solo was rendered by Mrs. Geo. Wilkin, The- 'chairman, F.' T, ArmstrOng, Mrs. Robert McCabe has received the 1 sad news of the death of her brother, accompanied by Mrs. J. A. Snider. thanked Dr. Willow for his report. Mr. John Johnstone, at r'Lanra, Sask. . An "Easter Parade," displaying aid -- --- The Board adopted mothins asking Mr. and Mrs. Palmer•Kilpatrick and tittle costumes, caused much merriment. i. Unit the Town Council. pass a bylaw in - family, of Toronto, are spending their Those taking part were. Mrs. J: Le- corporating the reconitheuded standards sub. holidays at their respective homes,....Ben- inaire, Mrs. I. McLean, Mrs. B. Mills, fur public eating estab4sliments as Miller and Crewe. Mrs. B.. Pric4, •Mrs. E. Crrigg, Mrs. T. mated by the Provincial Board of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Million and fain - Glazier, Mrs.' N. Glareraont„ Mrs. G.' Health, and also a bylaw prescribing of Straffordville, spept the week-. Lockhart and -Mrs,. W. Morier.. •Mrs: standards for the sale of meat in Gude- ilY, Snider wes. at the piano.-- The same rich. , 'Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Hardy -had ladies also presented • an Easter Miss Cleaver, -publi. health nurse,. friends visiting. then' from Toronto over pageant. A. donation of $5.00 was made to the' play school for .pre-schopl children. Mrs. H. Tichborne• and Mrs. G. Mathie- son volunteered to help at 'the child- reu's parties. The members agreed to give sheir co --operation to the tuber- culosis survey and Mrs. I. McLean was appointed rePresentative at the clinic. Roll Cali WilS answered with -garden Q. ---How much canning sugar will be given this year and wheu shall we' A.--L-Under present arrangenleuts the- -allowance will_ be 10 pounds for each holder of 'a ration book.' The sugar will be granted in two five -pound lots; the first live will he granted in May. Q.—I understood that . the, sugar ration allowitnce would be increased in April. Would yuu please tell me how much _the increase will. be? A.—For the balance. of the year it will b67 three pounds. - At the present ration level each holder of a ration coupons. Last year the allowance was .28 sugar -preserves coupons. . Q.—I have made considerable im- provements to a house 1 own. May I increase the. rent?. sbcured on application to the nearest dmounting to 10- per eent.. of the assessed value, or servioes, facilities or accommodation added since the rent was fixed on October, 11, 1041 Or varied by the Rentals Department since .then. • • NOSE', THROAT Late House Surgeon New Yo'rk Ophthalmic and Aural.klospital, assist- ant at Moorelield klYe Hospital arid Golden Square Throat ' klospital, lAindon, England. .0:EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED 53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Next visit Bedford Hotel, Goderich, Weduesday,,April 30th„ 1947, at 2 p.m. • CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Goderich, Phone 341 • OFFICE HOURS Mineral fume baths by appointment A. N. ATHINSON 51 South St. Registered under Drugless Practitioners Act tor 'the Province of Ontario, A. L.. COLE Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Goderich, Ont. Real Estate and Insurance "Office ,and Residence: 11 Trafalgar Street , Phone 663 FOR SAL10.--Houses of ail kinds, choice building lots, business pro- perty and several good farms. INSURE . IN- SLIM CONFEDERATION 'WE FIRE-4Preferi.ed rales for ACCIRENT .$z SICKNESS advised that the Ullhersity ut Western ontario:will send twu students to Gude- 'he 1"'lidaY• The bazaar, sponsoted by the Wo - rich for 'field work. Ws Association. held in Goderich on The Board asked that Miss .Cleaver me Saturday -was a decided, success. The attend_ the Canadian public health con - proceeds amounted to $200, with vention to, be held in Quebec City. on., 'number of articles yet to be sold._ Espinates of expendittire for Mr. and -Mrs. Robert JeWell ha v'e re - year were considered • and the Town turned from their wedding trip and. Council -will be asked to provide ;$-1,000 for Board of Health purposes this 1111` e set te(,1 their 'Lew welcome Mrs. Jewell to our comniunity. Mr. ;Ind Mrs. Elford Moore ‘isited m 1;,)derich oft Sunday. Mr. and Airs. Girviu Young of Gode- rich .spent Friday \\Atli Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Jervis of Holinesville visited • with Mrs. Walters and Fl,oyd on Friday fits. ytax. Refreshments were served by the Reports or the Provincial litooraany connuittee in charge aud a social half- on samples of water and ice from Gode- hour was enjoyed. - rich ra fed all as grade "A." The ice • ' -----.• samples were taken ili.,1 he breakwater . FISHER—smirritt and be,low the Sunset hotel. The ie - The vestry of St. Peter s RA". church port ur iii4ilk and 'Crea ill :".anipli'S is on SaturdaY, April 5th, w:ts the scene givvii in this paper in the usual' manner. Audrey Gladys, second • daughter of as folio„.,.. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Smith, Maitland Report of Dr. W. IF. Gallow, '31.0.H. Fisher, younger sOn of Mrs. Greenway and the late R. Fisher. Rev. Father Fallon performed the ceremony. The odornize Your Kitchen this Spring... 111.1.11. 24 NEXT HOLID.‘1; 'lerit: Hex; general holiday will be work of the Board 'was (limed on in Vi(lurIti D"Y• M,1Y '-k-ith• This falls en., bride was liwely a dreSS manner by all those re.sponsihre for the ,,e101. f"r the enii)Sment of the lodidny. tiAe'l.siglit. of alum/ duties. The null: • 4 Of white brid:t 1 satin... -with tight -fitting . s. hodrice and long earried a. die lirodtitlim2; and distributing eper_l 11h..14. 11111er,‘ V10411:1'11 botionet of carnafions • and 'spring ohms. . , were regisiered.• She also attends Oa. ' flowers. She Was, at teLlded by lw r wily ..wacer 6,141.40. 11i., \ ,,i, - fa Es b(„1,,,,x I, mon i lily T.B. . clinic,. fot low :::, tip aff sister, TereS11, aS briliVS111:1i1r, Wil0, was grams .A.• Trut„, it i, ,i1 ,i„,,, muddy, 1,,,,e, (a• T.i 3.. crippled fliihlren. oft., , attired iri floor -length pink taffefir with This, fome„,1., is 1„-u. hi itself a cause ! and Ler work is 4.1 refuslls sand efficiently three-quaTter-length veil. lIer bouquet of (11,,,:1,0. 1,inii, 111.4, in „xis:envy for 1 (*A flied, 1 (11 . WM of spring flowers. The groom was the impro,eme„t of tio, " „ter ,..„pply I 'Wm. Jolun:ton of Godericb. After t he ceremony the reception and dinner were mem of the ,,,;10.11g, sy,t,,iii is (,1,0 which for about twenty -live- guests. Mrs. should...receive consIderation at an early I held at _the home of the bride's parents Smith' received wearing 0 dressmaker. da te b v voltbr M un Mini 1 Counlil. ln 7ilit,it of-thInuoie blue and a corsage of order to give yam 'Local Board , of Greenway„gowned in a flowered crepe litIvs, especially piuk roses. She was assIsted by Mr -S-: dress with a corsage of yellow roses. in regard to food- stuffs, should be revised. ., The young couple .will reside :on ..The usual insp,clium.,, . Prior_ to her marriage the bride 7as reIreshment booths, fhe guest .of honor at two miscellaneous 1st .1iOnies, cabins, bathing -beaelf; bakerie:=.. meat 1 -hops, restaurants, etc., ha\ e all been carried WESTERN' %ONTARIO MOTORWAYS Bus iscitedule Now In Effect . 7-• Leaves Goderich Arrives Goderich A Daily except Sunday. C.1-ittift1)1.16).S-tuidays and folic -lays only. \11 other Times ..itre Daily Detroit, Witiglumi,' Walkerton, •Po.rt Elgin and Owen.Sotind. - "• Connections at Strafford for Woodstocii 0.30 pait. Consult Phone 82-13 Dungannon . DONALD B. BLUE EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER Licensed tor Connties of -Huron and Bruce RIPLEY, PHONE 49 For information apply to J. N. Kernighan, Division Court Clerk, Goderich, Ont. EDW,ARD- W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling' Phone 203, Clinton. Charge- moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. 0 19tf AUCTIONEER Matt. Gaynok —Experienced Auctioneer— Sales Conducted Anywhere Write or phone collect Goderick-7-riton 626M 14-27 HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER 'HURON AM) PERTH For information, etc.. write CAPITA!, THEATRE Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday— Jane Haver, George Montgomery and Vivian Blaine It's in Technicolor and it's just :liana the lightest, "Three Little Girls In Blue" Thursday, Friday and Saturday— . "MAK AuNg musw" ,ntrodiwing a charaeter With more appeal•than Snow White and -her seven rascals cOmes. WALT DISNEY'S happiest romedy, • musical; in full Technicolor Coming—Belita, in "SUSPENSE." Mat e s Wed., Sat. and Holidays at 2.30 p.m. neighbor of .the .,bride, and the bride received many.. beautiful -and useful MM. ,1111. F. T. Armstrong OPTICIAN and OPTOMETRIST "See Armstrong and See Better" -At Lucknow first Friday of each month. J. W. CRAIG1E • INSURANCE and EAL ESTATE PrioNE 24 GOBEIrtICH -The lieftlth of the community con- tinues to rewaht at our uniforthly high standard. We have- been free from any large olitbreak 1.)-f disease, -especial- ly infectious troubles. An , t he early Iiftontbs •we• had mild outbreaks of clitel:enimx, measles and 11,14114)s, of, which mumps predominated -but WOrQ regigag`ed, of which la; belonged to our own 'Community and 79 to surrounding' (Anninunities. Fifty-six marriages )vere - •Analysis of Deaths "An analysis of the deaths and their causes is interesting. NVe had S5.. Of these tive 'were in the first year of life, and of the ,balance 50, or practioally tWo:t hints, were due to affections of the heart and -.circulatory system. Cancer was next, with ten, and pneu- monia next, with three. It is. also of note that 61 of these were over sixty Years of age, with the greater number over seventy. Fourteen. were between sixty and seventy -years, twenty-two bet weett...,eighty ;and ninety.. and .one civilian health mention was nulde.'of 1 clinics f(fr immunization against.. small: pox, diphtheria, whooping cough and . scarlet fever. S:e-w pupils•entering the. none was diseased. All new pupils . at the Collegiate are physically exam- ined and „my detects are brought to -the notice of the parents. Tile voile health nurse eorries on 0 pre -natal and . :,f,•, - pre -school clinie every Thursday after- vommonotimanar IENJOY PEACE OF IVIIND losses by insuring today. , TALK IT OVER TODAW. WITH GORDON JEWELL RJR. 6, Goderich Phone Carlow 21-R-4. Geo. G. MacEwan -Fire, Accident ktnd Motor Car Insurance OFFICE—MASONIC TEMPLB EST STREET PHONE 230 GODERIC11 When it comes to modernizing; plumbing plays an important • • NOW- AVAILABLE IN LIMITED S:UPPLY DOUBLE DRAIN BOARD SINKS. . COMBINATION SINK TAPS (Chromiiim plated) with "' SOAP DISHES, TOWEL BARS, Etc. —CHROMIUM, PLATED CABINET 'HARD.WA E-- 12srawer and Drawer Pulls, Knobs, Flush and .Offset Hinges, Friction °Catches. Connections at Mit,hell for Listowel and London. For inforniation phone British KN. change phone 601 or 717. c en e PHONE 135 Goderich ONE OF THE SMARTEST REC RD A FIRST -AID itENDERED • SICK RADIOS 3. R. MUNDAY — certified Radio Technician — PHONE Olt CALL . Coderich French Dry Cleanerr - THE COMPLETE. SERVICE DRY CLEANINO and PRESSING Phone 122 a. It, owEleir The above Record Bar hh.4 bed judged by competent authorities as the neatest, , smartest and most compact. Let a visit to this Bar prove this fact to YOU, Too. The Record Bar with the stock! ere yoti will. find the most up-to-date - d • popular listings—Classical and Popular (Hit Parade). GODERICH HOME APPLIANCE SHOP IL II. proprietOr PHONE 141