HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-04-10, Page 1_ '6 A ONE-HUNDREDTII YEAR. *era... s fie 94 4 GODERIC ONTA 10, THURSDAY, APRIL 10th 1947 Here Are the. Champions Flyers Are Goderich's First 0.11 A. Champions Town Is Jubilant Over Their Final Triumph - in the Winter's Unbroken Series of • Victories PREPARINO FOR 1947 S ,INDIMA SPORTS Following right on •the heels a the it of hockey for the season eome plans for, softball, -tennis and baseball. A utunher of klioderich baseball en- thusiasts are planning to attend the meeting of the Western Ontario Ath- letic Association., at •Wingham Town' Hall on Thursday• night, April 17, for the purpose of organizing baseball' for the summer moirths. slt•is understood the skssociation plans to make 1947 one of the greatest years in baseball in its - district. A meeting for the .formation- of an Industrial Softball League in Goderieh is set for 8 p.m. Friday at thts_home of J.. C. Peters, recreational direct:Pt*, 40 North street. Representatives froifi the Dominion- Wiad Machinery, Can- adian LegiOn, Purity Flour, Herco and others are expected to attend. is Planned to have at least a six -team lettgue. Formation of an inter -church tennis club for yOung people is under. way, ti(•cdrding to Mr. Peters. It is hoped to use the Goderich Collegiate tennis Courts. A membership of about fifty is expected, • 's•s EASTER TEA - AT KNOX CHURCH. ticrshiirttqest in ariners' Service A nual Occasiiii -At KI1o2K, tittattli • /34404 Ott Larg0- Attencia ce gsl The annual marineW 6ervice Sat Knox PresIt'yterian alwasa ass, oecasien of special interest, was held on Sunday evening, and 'W1.1,S attended by a large congregation which in- ^ eluded many sailors and fishermen andl. others who are interested in the marjue industry. ReV. Richard Stewart conducted 1h6 service, and in front of the pulpit were half-a-dolen- ship models donated by their owners for the occasion, on the, 11 tario, with the score 6-3. At 0.Shawa the plucky StoufEville team. At Strat- ford on Saturday night the boys won tended the game at Oshawa on Tues - the first of the best -of -three series foil. day night, Many wbo travelled to, the the Junior "C" championship of os,... Motor City on Tuesday afternoon in 0 THEY WENT BY TRAIN, fans from Goderich and district at- carS returned to doderich in the small It is estimated that nearly 200 hocke,y, BY CAR, BY AIRPT.ANE 4;ilit.'iritillik,'e:ret:- 111.:::lemil 'sung house, while on the front of- the choir edeei4ife.buoys and tisherruen'a Was a miniature light - they inft the final touch4o the series by Weze appropriate: hours of Wednesday morning -tired winning 7-4 in overtime, thus finishing carried loads down. . "For Those in Peril on the Sea but happy. Quite a number of taxis • Victeries. , . , One party even went by plane. Lou the Lower Lights Be Burning," and . the season with an unbroken string of . - Lane, accompanied ISy' 111 Wood and "Lord ,pf t he LandS, -Make! Canada incrudes pretty much the entire popula; Thine Own." 4 !' * .• , - . , Goderich hockey fans -and the term "Cy" Robinson, took oir from Goderich tion of the town, to say nothing of the. at 5.30 p.m; Tuesday and landed at the. The choir, under . the direction of' hundreds of ,eathusiastic supporters in Oshawa .airport at 7 pap. Leaving Mr. IV. II. IVickett, rendered an. Oshawa at 9 a.m., Wednesday, they anthem. "In Joseph's, Luvely Garden," the neighboring tovvns and tewnships.- were hack in Goderich at 10.30 a.m. • 'Mr.. Ralph Henderson sang 'as a solo son of 1947 -will be long remembered. whit were noticed cheering for Godes A charming Eastertide tea was given :"The„Lord's Prayer," turd a quartette, W. AlaeLtiren. R.,Hendersou,4). 'Walter . ° are- full of admiration for the team and its managers, and 'the hockeY sea- !! Amougstsfans at the Oshawa arena The foftewing. report of Tuesday rich were former flying instructor; at in the lectnre hall. of Knox Presby- ands_Glen Lodge,:.sang "Jesus, Saviour, night'ame at Oshawa was written :.--;k3.- ,.......... terian" church on Tuesday 11 61111)411 rilot Nie.„ Before lauhellilig 4)11 lliS serinou Rek). for The' London Free Press by its sports • . ........._____ by the Ladies' Aid "Society. Festoons Harbor who are now located in editor,. Jack Park. • The Goderieli • Lonzon Flyers aro viii lo of tin:. 0.1.i.A. Jiiiiioi•••1". championship. Absent from this picture 1 pastel shades and °spring flowers Mr. Stewart extended Words of cordial the Toronto-OShawa area. , DRAMATIC CLUB . • , is the -Juvenile" forward °line that did much to Winthe ,tinitl games. This trio Harold Warren. 1)011:1141 Warren gecorated the hall, arid the tea table welemne to the. lakefaring Men and- '-"-Godert.eli hittilanskstrits--first-OntatiO ,The mOnthlysmeeting of the Goderich-• and • Itill-Neweonibe-appear isists separate lactate on page 4. . - • • _ . . , • . was centred with a bowl of pink snap-, thanked them for the connesy alley • Hockey Associafion' championship: Dramatic Club was held on Wednesday Batk reW, from left to right: Ed. Eryitie ( trainer) ; W. Westitiook (C044(.11 ) ; j. Bisset 1.11.*W-sIssses. mere-- - drsaganss.11114. white.:440.(ss. The. MaIlY, .S---hOWed -to hint tin his ViiirtS toj the ....s. Rallying for thi ee. goals in .overtimer -evening at 'AlacKay Hall, with. Presi- (1).) ; D. Ainslie (1) ; G. Wes -flake (D.) : 'K. Dohs (C.) ; 11 111 Isnizon (sec.-treas.) ; Arn Doak 1 manager 4. guests Were wereeirredhy Mts. 'Nsiiiiiin -'h"itisitttf., Ftikshirriself andstire,peopio.dt::. .. tke Louzon, Flye'rs outscored Stouff- dent Ken Lemaire in the 'chair. Ar- Kneeling. left to right: B, MacDonald .1 1..W.1 ; J. Ilityter ' (LW.). ; %G. Ginn (G, 4 ; 11. J. Alacihmald (.(' 4 .;Alcirinis and np lt1 1111 presiKriox church he wiShecl them a pi:0s- ville Red if ingS Thy a -14 CmIlft. _to.,; rangements were made for snembers_ to 11tosilten al.R.W.) Absent from Oct ures A. Fisher (lir; J. Stoddart (I). 4. . - ' (lent arid 'past president, respectively. perous season. :. Aex,- S- , night to capture the Junior "C" 0.H.A. attend the Domircion Drama Festival at- .. • . Lrnit_ test hOstesses were, Mrs, • A. I). ' The subjeet of tits sermon wit 'Th ' titles, • . London on 'Friday. May 9th. Plans .. , McLean and 31 i. Jo 1110'- BiSSiet",.. -WU" -F'-o-tillsh- Ci oss.". and- it svae an est-- • The' victory clirtiaxed the 'greatest were com-Pleted for the three one -act NO Clue tO ''NAVIGATION OPENINGer-800 . were assitebus sd by tt y"Ssgroup of position of the first chapter. of SL . . , Paul's first epistle to the „Corinthians, season everexperienced•by a Gpderich plays, for public . presentation at the v0 Entries ,,.. . - - hockey squad ---•-- *twenty-one 4tiaight end of the 'month. The evening was - LS LATE THIS YEAR , • ,, itiemberts IVIusiFestivaA home -baking trible received a ready in which the greitt apostle ...said: "Tisk wins hy as slick and as game a. team spent in play practice and the dainty Robbery at G.CI. c l. Patronage .1,t was in charge of Mrs. •preaching of the 'eross is so thein that, as *ever took to the ice. They proved lunch served by Misses Marjorie Maclie -it . .,11(•laterl sprtngcti avity 'is to be seen s..,.. . i W. A. AlacLaren, Mrs. Norman Mc- perish foolishness; brit untp us which eheir worth the •hard Way tonight. and Mary Evans was enjoyed -by all. . 4 :it Godeeich harbor' these (las s in pre- • fttition . .,,Atiley and Mrs. George Stokes. The are saved it is•the powei,of Gods:: The... 1)own two goals early in the struggle, ....._ Teacher of . Home Economics Local Inst'Has 'Shown . decorating committee was convened by preacher said that philosophers. for . • • .."-Wit-11 st-he-sgarne , seemingly. sixtsthe.sliag_ _______, .___ NURSIMG they came back to knot the countTO OBSERVE PUBLIC _ .-HEALTH' Engaged to Succeed IVIrs. K. Tettmar crews of men sire at work painting- tConsistent Growth Since Aliss Edith 'Wins ggi, and the' refresh- (•enturies had songht• to solve the prob.- Established in 1942 • ' inent committee hs .. 1... ) , AI h•ni of cruelty and want existing irt i '. "parat ion for- um inligation. scasyn. he 0 with a late third-period-gbaVtlfey- saws Mlas-sElifiligh-'- P;c-frYliM '-g-Urttn a tv, ' _,.•.,._ . , . -- - sriiikkestacks, _etc__ o1. vitTions vessels. ° , EWall and Mrs. Thomas Sandy. 6 , God's'world. It was a mystery for which the title slip -from their grasp When the of the VietOria Hospital, Training .„-. The April meettng of the .Goderich -At 11 oligh--thes-haritOrs-11,;(1-f-Lis;,-1444:44,y S 111 ce its:- 1 n a.ugurfr 1 --- in - +042, when "----1-1-ttring 4 lass aftessunon___Mrs. „ J..' W. lie (staid :Its e_ no • :Sat isfa•ctory explans battling Red Wings again knotted the School for, Nurses and a1,. tiresent a well (.1eared of ice out to tbe fOghorri, ' Fraser -arid ,MrS, Vs-Ordsley-contributed fttioll-,. WU:I.:WS- Sa erfffiV1.01- . ' ' 'Ori C.0 _V-14-4.- But -the Flyer.s litid-it in their student at tac- University of W.estern_High School Disirict Board was held a vast field of ije is to be seen in the there were only thirty -lye entries, the • vi(,n "sos,respectively, ons Calvary was the assurance' of His . se . • • clutch. e, , . • Ontario. post -graduating . in public at the Collegiate Iti;tititte on Wednes- Itik'S- beyond. 'Last FridH ay the, t lig uron County Festival of Alusic. has :' \PsTilile(;1 lisi.:,(rtl.e ;-llITfienoiloyethupremlove fOr the wartd . . Doig •Hero . health nursing, is in .Goderieli fOr four chty, April 2.11d.** „s: . • 'W. E. \I 11(11 *broke tips the ice in the- 01•01V-11 10 4.4.1e- --of•---niltilbi---13.7opOr- 1 • Lanky Kenny 1)oig WaS the man of weeks. She. wlill (lobserVe the local Messrs. AleCk:alan and Gray, high 1i:triter. The oiliaitker•Cebourg value 2' tiOlTS—allet gises indleation of "decerop- ing still furtlisql into one of the largest... Alr. Joseph Antenow of Prestoir:On- ENGAGE:kit:NV.4 -A1‘..T.NOLINCED FIRST' 'SYNODICAL. W.M.S._ ig, - the moment in the overtime session. public hetilth Pursing 'firs:gram under aip .frent' Stirtiia and tried to break Music, ft•stivals- ill westesa • snitario. terio. announces the engagement of MEETING NEXT.WEW • . Flashing down the ice on. tt!elean break the supervision ofMtss2•1__.. Cleayer; school insia-cters, were present tind-- through to Goderi(•11 hat last Sim - scored what proved the title -winning • 9111lepritiog the -operation (tf.., the high stinted ft: Sarnia.- - - , day. Unable to do, se, the vessel re- ..2":11t11(1"" t it:: t rrei7vr.i`iNs'erit.-0,t.'!:g,':11 .:(1,h.t ()At 1.-azitr(o'it1 1..,1,.i.i:i;c-vs, (st•:)011:11.act•otirtn.gerisutfrodi'alit.i,g!totie),r.c1 1141ra. ..-sL,....4,4,,,g,s_s___,__;_st.„,„444y,f411), 4,,i4,4_,i,,,i ft Litt _Nii.,..,._Att, • ...,/,..t .ff. 1. ...i.s../s• ,k , • , ranged.- for the first meeting of the An ititert•sting prOgranr has been ars ru the lir st smintste-of_xtrts-stinser h tiodtiriciAspublie health nurse. discussed vs*i t h. the members mat ters 'UBSCR BERS• FOR 67 ,,YEARS school district: • OPZ•iting of the it:trig:1. for navlgs 1 irs (sin) tet it ions .,. gss 1 OTT o. %.-111-(.. 1 e sw-l-ystsrgstnizetillainiltort.-arists.Lendors.. 111d1 111 the 'Flyers ran through a• de- Mrs.. Thos. Sillib the other 4 ay came , , .s tutli jo iissertr-rifeTtseetssisegw-h-e- s s 4, is, aireasty newt. saree w(eks be finc 'I, ) Goderieli the Marrtage to , . ' •• - Vo en••• Aiissionary Society goals by Jimmy ,Hayter turd Harold to The Signal issued to her father, the ! legiate :Lii;i1 Vocittional Sehool.fonsthe , tinia•royal was. the • first _vessel into or t41!' Fest i va 1 , a loin• t here w AI r. and, Mrs'. att'trierri illitio.tu,s(,)ttet'S 1;.1;t1i..1111°•,.‘• I ''.' -1 ) ' . ' 1 1 ' i ' , Tho meetings will be held in Kraal; moralized Stouffville team -for two more acro'ss some receipts for subscription iatits 1) (11 teaching in St. 1I i'- Col- litst Year. t in -March 23rd last yea r the were held Co (• -sisirs age., . It is expected that en the last .4.1ay take pte•ce the. • ol tire 4. resosserian s'atire .11 .'itnades,.. Warren, te make their verdict .a de- late Paul Maedel, back in 1880 and '81. past \\) 1( WaS ll 1( as teachei 41 ti . ill he 1911 1(11 Wish, to 11111 111 the en- . Presbyt(•rian elstrels St-Mstford, ors cis i v e • one. The Signal or Tbe Signal -Star has been of home economics to succeed Airs. K, The Alititland :River broke (011'S';itur- ahd 11 111(11(1) -in astendaece. 'file more t'llan .1,414)(1- 94s:101es-competitors' tstii;t14.-((.1•gii(nztli.;:ifi. ttl,t,ei‘rel-It1)(s)ninl...,:ets'i(t!;tu(g)(bst(e!hr,. April 1 4, I 5. and and, all gessions Little jimmy Ilayter was• the only a _weekly visitor in the Aittedel-Sillib 11 11111 who has resigned- (las- night' and has sims• heets•rtninitig Festival is te. lake Phiee en Alay 5th ' eldest son of Mr. and Airs. David Oesch. are open to the publie. , two -goal man ,of the wihnera and both family for at least sixty-seven years. 'the estimates of receipts tind ex - freely.. Pert of . tlie. Alaittand golf to lah at Neill) street rusted church. 0.1. 111:11te: the inat:riag-e to take place In fernier 3(1 1'- i lie ( irstario that late 11111(1 11111111 goal Which looked . various'antnicipalities concerned in the. rrho lioroo como Festival •(Jf Music, (iss,tly April 1,101. . , , . _ \ ilicial SoCii,ty held its•annital meeting . ..... ,his tallie's were decisive. Ile scored penditures were considered and the (sows(' was floeded. • - did the under 'the (saitisa and ipanagenient of I ! Mr. and Mrs. Baden Pow4•11, Egmond- er this time: now . tt .is dded Into like the winner and then made sure net and a minute later Sellars ,high 'school district were asked to raise ' RERt NISCENOES. the (;mit.t.i(.11 ma,:ic viol,. wa, iirganized three Syntalicill Sociglies. which will in while Goderich WaS a man „short. ' Third Period ' * quire a rate of 2.1 mills. ' OF AN OLD-TIVIER ins.111 I 1 by Mr. Alervyn Snyder itial youtiger daughter, Plisqlis Jean. to 1(1 itt the Asehibasi itessell, younger sokef Mr. 1:11'1Irri:er(ii*C'teti117* 11(1)111 :Riz:1;jiYS 1\i\''iAli'vSe'di*P1?gemili. vine. tinnotince th° engagement ef-their with the second overtime rally,sbanged stane thing. the stun 0of $15,02s.94, which- wilt re - Moore Stars - The staybook third frame was really . . Regtirding the rubbery of .the„Nault the iii,t compotiti(in:. were lie create greater interest sin the 'Work ,of 'An misting hero of the piece was something when, after playipg sj min_ some weeks ago, a check. with the (1) 11 in the days w11(•11 there weft 1)1 11 of 1 9 42. At lirst it WaS held ' pod Sirs. Elfiler Philliv, Dimon/10p,, in vii•kirio ,Li.,,,t unit,.(1. choych, but ow woddiug ho roc, ithice quietly the !tife ...;`)(..let'S• pint-sized Instig Aloore in the Stouffville utes and 30 seconds of scoreless hockey, Police .ltreceding- the meeting diselos'ed later in Noeill strees Utittet1 churcti. 19 11 pal -t. of'Spi'l,' The ita•(•ting en Aloliday g alt. cage. The score could have been much Goderich • took a. lead which Appeared that •no clues: Iiiid been. obtained front . " some 130 liorses in use in the varieus 7.30 will be des'oted te 111discussipi, lesd higher without his noble. hell). to have given them the title and then fingerprints sent to OttaWst, and that livery logslitiesses was recalled today s'oe ;(0..oNvolg _gores. giving the year , . How It Has Grown . ny m iss F. Mu t hey% The Goderich team will stay in Tor- saw it wiped out by a stouffeilie tally Oa). police have no clues or suspicions by It. -A. Jtoberton, Wit., 1, Listovvel, at ri 1 4 11 -, i 11 year: 01;11:4);::;1E,D;(0:11:iiiiialt)ieo:111011f677 (.S.:11:11.1%plaNigiGi mornlling ither(•. wil/ be, the eloetiOlt and onto until Thursday night: 11Iore than 11 seconds later -exactly 19 secondr s, eg,ll'aing and il1111111 l'e 10er,of entries that reveal . the remarkable growth- of the , agattiSt• aitylight sasvings lime.. I,Itiron, instaaton of 'officers, font:Vett ' by , those responsible for' the Tyeserit visiting with Air: and Mrs. 300 fans followed them,for the! game before the game ended, - '' theft: Festival: 1 942. :t5 ; 19 its 1 7 35 ; 1944. , Federation of Agriculture will protest round table t•taiferenees. Th, guest here, butsthe crowd-alsout :2,000 ---was The frame was rtigged but hotly Oliver \1 1!'- 111Clai•lt and Mr. ,Alfot Airs. Bert 279; 1945, 404; 191d. 479: 194. ...`53. • to tile rout. towns and four villages iii very lunch pro-Stonffville. contested throughout. Goderich, had a. , ST. QEORGE'S' W.A.. . Goderich. 41 11 sit the aft(:rneoll :session Win be Mrs.,A, E. Toonats! of _Indies:and in th The score was tied at 2-2 at tile end siktible margin on the plass but their With Airs. B.."- II. Farr 'presiding, In a• visit to the Signal -Star office, First tulludicalstr Wz1S. DI% littrveY 1 the county against tiny propos:31 to in - e evening- Rev. W. Scett Duncan .will; of the first and still. even at 3-3 at the sights Were a bit off and Doug Mopre, the Woman's Auxiliary of St. George's Alr. Waterton stated he lived 19 111 lifty yettrs ao in the brick huse onRobb. now of the Department of Alusic it -oat -ice •as-ytight „:,,ssitig.„ it was..., decided, give the address. Wednesday morning second rest. The!! lafe third frame in the Stouffville net, was terrific. church assembled in the Guild roSon go, of the University !of Western Ontario, t :1, r,(,•(:(iit•1, will be . (Ie.\ oted te the work of -the flurry left the count 4-4. . , • Both •Jim Bisset and Bill Newcombe on TuesdaY, April 8th. . St. David's street next to Victoria W (0) gavc. inuels enceuragentent to the s't 1Hi((ie1;;1:1(1'1(1q. i I l'.fhy(Trtidtilroen'th9t11.:; . Presbyterial, and. the various depart- .1 ° EirSt Period int the post on su seemingly re goals. The meeting Was Opened with the street_ United (•listreli. Soule fOrty Fest i‘ a I in its formative years: Ile • s ; 1 meat secretaries. and tlit• guest speaker_ • G.odetirif- showed . a lot of their With only 30 seconds to go Ken Doig members' 91 0-1 and tile Lord's Prayer , horse:_;; were used by the Polley livery .wttss adjudicittor for tIsree 94 11 In • P•••ev(ons•V nut itself on record at a general. ims•thig•• as being epposed, to , :it the aft(•rnoon session wilt be Mrs. vaunted fight in the opening frame, sent Jimmy Hayter into the clear. Ile in uniSon. For the Scripture reading, •oarn on S011th Street, where lit• wits. 1945 the sadjudieator was Mr. s'yril daylight saving snow they have. decided A.. It. AleAltirrich. of °Ioronto. When after .being down"two goals be swooped in close and banged a hard the president read the Gespel for einithiyed. He recalled the day forty: eight years tgo whenfitted out W i t li Hampshire. 'Yids year the adjralicaters , will be Alr. Rey Fettwwk, director, of ' with the Intinh•iital cOutictis of Gode.- to eg rister their opts:sift:1i .fortually - Tilt snng 'ttritisessions ' begin at le fore the frame was half over they rill: drive into the, twines It looked. like Easter Day. "' i, music for . the Provinchil Department ' lien, Seaforth.• -Clinten. \\Ingham. o'clock.: the afternoon ,meetings lied to tie the count. They took them the ball game. Stouffville yanked their In the .a(sence of Mrs. E. I). Brown, a, high plug hat 'alai a blat•k suit of 0•(•10(.k. audit is betted thttt :i umber some time to find themselves, but they goalie and sent on six forwards. The the secretary's• report Was gi'veri by clothes, lie drove some thirty-six visit - of Education. and Ms. G. D. Atkinson, tti 1 1 ' 401,1. ..:.Neter. Iielwall and Brussels. . of IV.AI.S,. members from Gotterich will were outlucked more than anything strategy paid off. Pascoe took the Airs: Starriforth, and Mrs. 'Needham ing united States sOurists 'from the of the Toroitto Conservatory 4 d Alus. . a Vail 1 11Vnisel \Vs of tilt. opportUnity . else when they went behind, due to rubbe'r from a scramble to push it past presented the treasurer's report. harbor to Meneserting Ptirk on its They were tin• adjudicators lak year . . cAnET INSPECTIW•i DATES to ritiend some of these histopc meet- phenOmenal. netminding by Doug, Moore Gerry Ginn. to again knot the count The members were reminded of' the opening. day. The„ teurists "had come Mrs.:1..4,3s It...McDougall .,y11.. presid(int held in Goderich. 'aecordirig to an- ,. . The timinel cadet inspection will be • . in the Stouffyille net. . and send he -game into oyertime. • , 1111111 (1 Huron Diocesan meeting Which States port; ' to Goderich on a •Inatt front a United , of the Gederich Music Clult during the. noinic(sment: on 'May 28th: at Clinton also. nAeltit'llAT.RESiTORE I ings, Matt Clement sent Stouffville in front' Overtime is to be held in Crttnye Hall, -London, years 1913-5. In 1040, sits .1.):. Snider , on May 1 4th and at Teiclinow sal June , , in the sixth minute of play Alien he The Flyers left little doubt about on April 22nd, - 23rd . and 24th. The At one time, Mr. Roberton was for While •Nirs. 3r(1. , Area instructors will yisit (sislet• TO AN ANXIOUS LA Ilt ' broke alone from his1 own deferice and their class in.the overtiriae session. Less delegates attendiag thts meeting will five yettrs manager of the Comity Home took over the presidem•y, AlcIfottgall remained in *charge of -the " corps On the following dates; Godetich: ____ drove a hard high shot into 'Jim top thatra minute ,of the extra session had be Mrs. Farr, „Miss Brown, Mrs. Need- at Clinton. He plans to visit in Cliuton , right -corner of the Goderich cage. *A been played When Kenny Doig 'flashed ham, Mrs. :Tichborne, and Mrs. Stant- .. . 14 Lis ttAvel. , after leaving•Goderich, then to rt•turii F(•stival. -• c • 1 . 1 :Sprit 1! and 1 5 ; Clinton. April id to is, A rouse from Hamilton, a Goer dtels doctor. an 11(ivertisement in The, Signal-, penalty to Rumney gave the Flyers a down the ice alone (0 drive a hard one forth. . . . interest in Solite indiation. (ff the widespread the Festival can he ob- ! CHANGE AT CHILDREN'S AID S'taratint a Jost hat Wore features pf a - miss Wit.% thei:nAeSt chance. The lead did not look too good when 15th, Rev. It. A. 91 9411 wili deliver lin -HOLSTEIN MEN Holm. 1011,91 front the faCt, that amongst the 1 • to be represented by tlas coin- 1 s. Mrs. Edward Simpson ig :resigning a lost Easter bonnet to a worried lady. OFFICE '• - .little story .(•oncerning the retnrn of chance to strike back, but Doig's near into the top left' corner of the cage. , on Tuesday -evening, at 8 p.m.,. April Things looked blitek for the Huron George Westlake drew a penalty, but illustrated lecture in the .Parish Hall ,s ANNUAL LUNCHEON places petitors in May will be: Auburn, 1313-th• her position. as, sepretary in the local in time for th(gEester 1.arade. handed a penalty and-Stouffyille rapped Ticker Alero lofted the rubber down the This promises to be an outstanding The animal spring lencheon ! of the Belgra VP. MlleVale, Brucelield, Bay- oseee os the chileSetes Aisi society, . field, Itruss(•ts, Clintors 41111 1111 Dun- take effect ip May. She Will lo suc- to The Signel-Stitr. in part, tis follervg.:: 'to , Last w•(selt the Hamilton lads- Wrote county kids ' when Bob Allen was while he was off the Flyers gotandther, on his missionary work, at James 13ay. . ---- • ly effort but it put the home tem in getting rid of the puck and Jimmy members with their friends will attend. 'toren. thastein Club 9' 10- held on April Kingsbridge, bucknow, 'snidest:ore, . . . kitiffiy gave lop a ride front the railway "Yesterday in Stratford a...man, in their second gottl. It was a scramb- ice to clear. Moore Was ti bit slow lecture and it is to be hoped that all salmons- Exeter., Clcaleri(•h, Henaall, (•eeded by Miss 'Marjorie Ileseclerson. . front 2-0. Sellars was the marksman. Ilayter cruised in to rap it in the net. Alvs. Farr announced that the sPring .3rd at Clinton. President .W.m. Sparks' K ippen. Sea fort Is ' So It f ord, Sheppa raj' CLEM; • (leper When I conldn't.s penalized the Flyers turned it, ons Warr(sis and Bill Newcombe combined c orporate communion ! for the w.A. Limited, ',." Bitimpton and Citlgary. eter, Zurich. bring home his wife. Who 'MIS ;1 patient ear. 1 do not. knoW his name or 99111 s, -.......___, . Goderich started ter -click after the It was all over, but the shouting three Deanery meeting will take place at was in charge and the principal speaker YI)41,4,N ' S Oguas DRIFTS station to the bus •S double reverse and when Pascoe Was minutes later when the•kid,line of the Gorrie on June dth. was Herry Hay's, president of Hays ton, Varell, Walton. Winglitun, Wrox- •• Ilk. trip front -.Beryl° to Lomita) to •get a Iasi, . I h•ft. my hat -box in his Moro. was credited with the first come- for the last goal of the game. Harold snembers will be held on Sundass April "There IS eit almost unlimited market tions ere etich year s(•(•ing an hien:as- -Ali "(.'141ss("•'• in the Narions i'014414e1i- in hospital there ' for a month, (le- he lives). hut he was intending to (lei•ve,‘ \(1 49)11 iitto'! a Wfeek-long bettle wiilt 10 Go(1(•rich lastsnight. I thought per- 1 haek goal. Ire dr() -0 front the ^blue Warren Was the marksman on the neat 20111, at. 8.30 a.m. • big number of entries. it1 1 1440, for Mocked highways before the ReN. hate:, he might live there. So wonld • line and his shot was d-efle-cted intX pley. , • , . • An interesting reVieW Of ille Seeolld ill Soll1 11 .kliierle)9 •for our top catfle,'' the (•age by Campbell on the. Stonffville STOUFFVILLEss-Goal, Moore; de- chapter on India' front the studS-,bools - said. Mr. Hass, "and this marlwt re- quit:es aniloals of good c(ntstitution. .. essini)14•, there-w(•r(stwenty-one eatries 111 the boys' x ()eel solo classes, fourteen (1:Is 1(1 111 Wilil Highways I Cherles D. Cox reaehed home. Two. you kindly print ibis tolvertiSement ha tepart-• ;vont- 114 19 . 1 would certainly .• defence. . , fence, Campbell and Clement ; centre, Was presented by 9115 91 . . Two -minutes later Bill Newcombe Jewett ; Wings, Sellars and Minton& The two children'S outfits whieli are It • is important that particular atten- tion. he paid to tbe growth of young Venl's and under. 'rills sPring there ass? merit road crews shoVelling ttWay at.. appreciate the return of ing new Easter '• fifty-eislit entries. So. in other classes, ... knock(fd down Ihni Warren's high pass siihs.. Lewis. Mabbett, Pascoe, Jennings, to be sent to St. Paul's Residential animals- destined for fhis market." too, thi• etinther of entries is contitasills get as flys es Kinloss Saturday. Lear- ,The 1(191 11 appeared in laC-1.• heavy drifts. ' Vimilly "he wits able to 'bonnet." and potted homo the rubber to tie the Itnniney; Warrifier. ' School at • Ctirdsten, .(1,111orta, were ex - An invitation W'ss extended „by J.. Is 'on the licrease. , ing Mrs. Cox in good enre there. he week's Siesnal Star. The Gotlesket. • • -- „* 4 - S' Second 1"(nricoit-: - Westlake- and Niera.; centre, Doig ; Staniforth and AIrs. Clarls. ! . • liallahcris president of the Myth Agri- BtTliEL, TA ERNAOLE ' ko'd the rest of the way lionte:•arrty- doctor noticed the advertisement game up. , GODERICH-Goal, Ginn; defenee, Whited by the Dorcas committee, Mrs. „ The teams •broke even with a goal 'wings, Bisset, and sHayter ; subs., II.' The - •president s.elosed... the meet ing -Biirek trod Whito.....Show iii •Seirstetstion cultural • Society, to. hold 'the (sanity _2 AEPORTS-GOOD PROGRESS t- . ! Jug in omit to b,s •ready for • Sunday phoned The Signal -Star ti) iqty that? ale t;40:r V tee$. FriOssals of Mrss Cox each in a ragged second tram° Whijh t;. MacDonald, ..1. B.,111acl)onald, Allen, wit h prayer. Refreshments were with the Myth Fair again this year. _ ' ' pleased to know her health is mu( ktratford Iiiii4 detiof.: -"NIP latif'1W-Pit3T - will be had- jitst mailed the hat -box ,• ts- lhe indicated that both clubs were tiring II. Warren, I). Warren, Newcombe, served by Mrs. Alunday and Airs. Shore. This offer tVilS aceepted. It is ex- of i improved and she was 11011e the worse then ad'vised by Tlw SignalsStair-esbere under the terrific speed. hstoildart. pThe 41111111111 business meeting for the 1 00 -mile trip which took a her hat 'was and she managed to securo Stotiffyille turned on a powerhonsie Iteterees-McEcheron and Ilellernan, MAPLE 'SAP FLO W ected that a prize list of $55,0 will he available-. Bethel*Pentecostal Tahernas0 was held week to eompletess-Kineardine News. it in thii(••for the Easter parade. attack as the frame opened and after Toronto. . ABOUT AVERAGE THIS YnAR in the Tabernaclis on Tuesday night, —.,.., only 1.14 •vent in front by a 3-2 margin: First Perl&I „...._—.... l'aekhain, St. ratford, reviewed import - National Holstein Director Cecil' j. with a good proportion of the ineThbers. ,, • ./ Driving in like. a waVe. Jewett took 2--Stouffville, JeWelt 10.14. -, . has been a longer one thap usual this stein breeders. Fieldnian .T. E. Terry The .thialicial . report was presented New Bell Telephone ' It was a'powerplay goal all the Way. 1•.--Stouffville, Clement 5.21. The seam son for aple sap running ant items ou f crrent interest to liol- present. • Directory - the rubber from Minton close in to 3-Goderich, Mero 15.21. , year, becnuse of the weather gonditions. also spoke briefly. ! by-lhe secretary -treasurer, William . count cleanly. 4-s--0oderich, Newconibe (D. Warren) ,Sitp began running a month ago, and...s'1, 'sips-, shng owithat $2,400 hod been ' ,Has 5,300 New and Changed Listings : Fight appeared a, big part of the 17.53. th6 run has continued more or" less to ........ . ....... bronght in during -the year solely onsthe clsoderieh kids. They came right back Penalties -Romney. Allen, Pascoe. the present time. 'One large produceAlacKHall bas been secured for r ' TIIE X-RAY CLINIC freeWill oTfering plan:- titnee the con- ,. three. minutes later to knot the count Second Period said the flow was average,• but better ay gregation is comparatively small, this Conteining.a record number of new ' The circulation of . tbe riew bial)1„, on one of the .smartest tallies pf the 5---Stouffyille, Iewett ("Minton) 1.14. than last yeaf's. Thetrist of •the last the staging of the masS X-ray eitnie for was considered an exeeptionally good and .revised listings, tire DPW tPlephOlIC Wbieli 'IlitS a bilff-eolored 'cover to as,. night. It was one of the speeialties out 6-( oderich, 1). W,arr_ep (II. Warren) fen, day.% with bright sunshine. resulted the Goderich area ts) stamp out (Parsonspresident of the tuber- report. A balance of over one litimired. directory for Grodt'rich and.. vicinity is tiliguish its -readily from tlie 01(1 OC ' of the Warren, twins' hag of tricks. 4.26.. ' in a Vtter flow. Priees vary eon- culosis. 1. is , dollars wqs leff with ,which to begin now_ behig ;distributed, aecording to will be gre'titer. than that of •any. preNts. Ilarold carried the puck into enemy Penalties-ITayter, Jewett, Sellars. siderably, from sr) to $0 being about the committee a'rranging the survey in this " . - J M•• Goodwin. Bell Telephone manager otis edition. The,new direethry, larget territory and tossed a flip pass goal- Third PeriodaverageGoderich will be from May . distrift, announces. , The clinic in the year. • . The ‘ following e e ,werlected to the here, who said flint over, 1,730 eoples in the rommunity's historY, reveals mu wards. Parked just outside of the 7--Goderich, IThyter •(Dolg) 19.30. . . • 17 to 22. board of deacons's Arthur Hoy, It. L. are slated for sithseribers in this Cern- ifterefiSe of fiver - 200 telephoneg lir Crease. Don trapped the shot and flicked 8- -Stoufeville. Pascoe (Jewett) 19.41. ROBlii:IRT S. (1111 VON DEAD. MeMillan, A. Kingsbury, G. thitchina. 111111119 alone. . • Goderielt alone since, the publicaticAl it over Goalie Moore. Penalty -Sellars. The death of Robert K. Chilton tic- . ,„DEATH Olii JOHN C, OREIG and Win. II0y. It was deeided at the Because of the 5,;100 IIIPIN'' and of the March -1446 boolz. ' , That was all the scoring for the , ' Overtime curred on April 31d at San Frtinciseo, ?he death occurred .On Tuesday of tneedtig to make some alterations to tlie changed listings in the hook, Mr. Good- Among the nameii with ,the mat win stressed the importanee. of eine:mit- listings in Goderieh fzotitin the JOhtis period. Goiltsrieh threatened when 9--Goderieh,. Doig .54. leaving tsto eitildren, Virginia and Xolvii C. Greig. a weil-lcnown resident Interhir of she Talterimele. Sellars waa off but failed to click. 'The 1 0----/Goderich; liTayter 4.3(3. manrice. . Nil% Chilton was the son of of Meaforth. Surviving are his WifP, The Pastor and congregation f(4rTliey ing it before .4(1ephoning and urged storia ands the Youngs; still rank 91,01. Red 'Wings needed only a. bit of Inell 11----Goderiel, IT. Warren (T). Warren, n. is: chiffon. whOtn old-timers will formerly Aliss Minnie AellesOn of Gode-' had bad a good Year and are looking subscribers to bring their memo and As usual, the direetorylists.subscriberg late in the frame to get in front °rice Newcombe) 1.41. • remember' ao the United States consul rich, and a dangliter, Ilirs..C. A nark, to iturnior expansimf in flip (Inning alc..a.i pads up to date to avoid calling in Atwood, Clinton, Listowel, Stra1t44* more. .lewett went in to mistt an open 0 Pertaltiefi-Westlalce, Newcombe. in Goderieb for inntrg years. , .. . . "Seilr. and other etimumnitiea in tbe district . t, . wrong numbers. , , of Sarnia; .' Goderich waited with quiet con- fidence on Tuesday night for news of the hockey game at Oshawa between their favorites, the Loirzon Flyers, and r e