HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-04-03, Page 8n THE GODERIOII S1:: s CIHURCU GE•RGE'SSUNDAY, AURA. Grp 1047 8.30 a.m. HOLY (COMMITNION. ' 11.00 mos . RIOLY.. C'd9MMUNION • AND SE MON. 3.00, p. a. CIIIfG BEN'S EASTER SERVICE. 4' 7.00 p.m. SE OF THE E SEVEN LE,StIOr S, with Raster tusk WV. BEVERLY 11. g'Altn, B.A.. L.Tkn., EQ.`TOR. LRS. E. JESSOP, Organist and Chole Lea,dee. -nth St. United Church BASTE , , SERVICES II a.m. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT, NURSERY CLASS AND MISSION BAND. II a.m. "THECOMMUNION SERVICE. JOSEPH' OF ARIMATH1 A." • COi�Ii 2.30. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 7.00 p.m. "THE TESTIMONY Ole 1 -IIS HAND." ESTER MUSIC. MRS. J. SNIDER AT TIIE ORGAN MINISTER—REV. R. I3. TURNBULL, B.A.. B.D. A.T.AL -Knox. Presbyterian Church.' 9.45 a.m. Sunday School. 11., a.m. JUNIOR CONGREGATION. 11 a.m. EASTER SERVICE. 7 p.m. • ANNUAL NLAR,INERS' SERVICE, invited and a cordial" All sailors and "fishermen are especially invitation is extended to all who are allied war frieor ndsinterested in the marine industry. Come and bring y Y.'P. Stmrise Service at 8 a.m. in the chureh. A forty -d l n pubue Easter Service of inspiration and . fellowship. genera is cordially invited- "MINISTER --REVEREND RICHARD c� TEWART Directer of Praise—Mir. 'William Cowe 'drship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness. icVtoria St. United Chum MINISTER—RFV, LAWRENCE H: " -TURNER: Organist and Choir Director—Miss Mary Joyce, Strachan 10.00 a.m Sabbath School. 11:00 a.m. "VIE MORN-TIPPEWHILLS." "DYING EM ERS REKINDLED." 7.00 p.m. 2.30 p.m. UNION. _ Monday ,8.00 -p.m. Young People's Union. Public Worship-- ood Friday Morning 11.00 a.m. VICTORIA WELCOMES YOU Goderich . Baptist'_. Church_. SUNDAY °SERVICES 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. CI°°asses for all ages. REV. A. J: VINING, OF TORONI?Q will be in charge of morning and evening services. MRS. ELLA I,'DONALQSON, A.L.C.M., Organist . Prayer Meeting as usual. - -'' - -- ) ME AWAITS YOU %T ALL SERVICES AUCTION SALES AUcTiON SAL Olf .FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS', at lot 21, concession 3, West % a' van00A4 throe miles northwest of Auburn, on TUESDAY, APRIL 8th .• 37 head of cattle, including: 13 grass rattle, 11 Milk,,cows, 12 salves, pure- ` bred Durham bull, 'tone of C11 ert's) ; 1 mare, heavy draught, rising 8 years ; electric motor, 11.11., New ultl Century" ; I)eLavfl cream separator, No. 16, '.ball-bearing, ' nearly new ; 4iassey-Morris cultivator, 13 -tooth; set " of harrows; No. 12 Fleury ,plow ; saw mandril; tractor plow, 2 -furrow. TEatms OF SALE -3 and 5 months' credit at 5 per cent,. Interest. .o DAVID W. HAMILTON, R.R. 3, Auburn, Proprietor. DONALD BLUE, Ripley, Auctioneer. 13- AL'cTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS willbe held at lot 13, Lake Road West, Colborne Township, five miles north of Goderich on the Blue Water Highway, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9th at 1 p.m. Consisting of : - HORSES -•Roan mare, 4."'ears ,•old black mare, '8 years old, CATTLK Durham coS'y 7 y6ars old, due in W April ; black cow, 8 years old ; calf, 3 months old. • - PIGS—Sow and 10 chunks. IMPLEMENTS -7 -ft. binder; 'M, -H. oil bath mower, 6 -ft. cut ; \1. -Ii, hay - loader ; 1I. -II. side delivery rake; . '1i. -H. spreader; M. -H. 13 -disc fertilizer, drill; wagon with rack; steel -wheeled wagon with rack; walking plow ; 3 -section harrow ; °-•out- r "' dcultivator ; sleigh and rack-; ; 2 sets of double har- ness; neckyokes ; doubletxees; forks and oiler tools ; steel bed and springs., FARM—At the same time and place will he. offered for sale the easterly Part of lot 13 and the south gnarter of lot 14 in the Lake Rodd West and Broken Front Concessions of the Town- l down, nervous. Get renewed pep, WANTED. BUSINESS G I R Ship of Colborne, consisting of ap- vitality, 15 -day treatment $1.00. Al I4I Vv l `. -proximately 180 acres and subject to a Emerson's Drug Store. "Out of. This i �l �'alits room and board. Apply reserve bid. I A three -act comedy, BC)X 8, SIGNAL -STAR. �--- , r ttels: cash. - Land- i-�''orid," • with be presented by Kirkton ERNS Cellurch 1 .SBO �`j� ARM 'i'4 Ax�'rTE•D• 15% on day of sale, balance �Yl`'Yys. ' Y.P.LT'„ to Victoria street iTti>t8d"5 serviceable buildin Ven dor is willing to take back mortgage on Wednesday, April 9th, at p.m.;acres, with for 50 per cent. of the purchase price. auspice's. 'Willing Workers Class. Ad - u or with -out stock and equipm "�iEI.LY; • mission 40e and 20c, -1 Reply giving particulars, price, _, � FRANK Doi. Briefs You are •invited. to an Easter tea to be held in the lecture hall of ,Knox church by the Ladres' Aid Society on Tuesday, April 8th, from 3 to 63-1.4 x Rummage sale, Saturday, April 19th, at Victoria street United church, at 3 p.m., under auspices of Eureka class. -13 ,Suffering from backaches, rheumatic pain, sciatica, lumbago is not necessary. Use RUMA.CAPS at. once for quick relief-. Campbell's and Emerson's drug ug stores Save the cost of postage and money orders. Place 'subscriptions for \'Vodka Basket and other current ma.gazines St. with Miss Mary I. Howell, 4 Vincent street arrear), or Mrs, Islay McLean, 22• Waterloo street. 13tf The annual meeting of the Navy League of Canada (Ontario division) will be held at the Royal York Rotel,, Toronto, on Saturday, April 1th, 1947. All subscribers to the Navy Leagueof Canada are cordially invited. ' North street Evening .Auxiliary will hold a ruiun iage sale in MacKay Ha on Saturday, April 12, at 1.30 pan r For Res A, Classified- Ad- FflR SA A$�lt"LI4`ATIONS . WANTED. e of As- Dat v L Other eizesSin sae k at i PLICATIONS for the I willfor the Tu y, p Clerk onheld or ter eslyatowholeces. New sale ices.Ier-est qual- beforel be prig ed '1 ther 0225, it motor oils in live -gallon factory - C. April 11th, '147• Salary y .E. McDONAGIL, Township Cier4, sealed containers, LLCW `ul5. g.e. 5ail -13-14 FRANK GALLOW, 3. - 1 orders receive prompt attention. 12x LI' TO - I� °'OR '- SALE. —• AJAXOATS, cleaned and treated, 01 per bus. I%LA. VAN•DERMEER, ` shone 932 r 15, Goderich, R.R. 2. -11-14 FOIL SALE. --- COAL BROODER stover also two -wheel trailer with rack. Phone 85 r 9,. Dungannon 14x FOR SALE.—,e ARN 2l; x 45 ; USED 't'' , and new hemlock lumber; quantity of Mixed wood. . E, G. ZINN, Dungan,' non, R.R. 1, phone 14 r 15. 13-14x F' OR. SALE. --HEREFORD CALVES, feed and seed oats and barley. FRANK LINKLATER, R.R. 5, Gode- rich Phone Carlow 148. 13-4-5x ANTED._STORE SUITAB ?. start small business; trust be on or near the Square. Phone 858J or 'notify SIGNAL -STAR OFFICE. 13tf Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D. .hold their regular meeting at Hall on Friday, April llth, at 'Plan to attend the baaar and sale «of homebaking at Masonic Temple, West street, Saturday, April 5th, at 2 p.m., sponsored by the Woman's As- sociation of Benmiller United church. -13-14 Rev. R. A. Joselyn of Lucknow will give an illustrated lecture in St. e's Parish Hall on Tuesday, April 15th, tt 8 p.m. -"Missionary Work lwith the - Indians on James ,)3ay" _14 auspices of the W.A. Men use "Vigorine" if weak, run- 3-15 !, will ciacKay .30 p.m. -14 ANTED.—OLD HORSES; WILL pay 01.J0 per ewt, ; will Call ands pick up Same.* Phone' collects JACK GILBERT, 936 r 21, or. FRED GIL- 'BERT, phone 936 r 32, Goderich. 4OE ,__________.__pay COS7C accountant necessary, furniture referred. ` Good opportun- ity p in west- ernfor right man. This plant ern part of Province. Reply BOX 11, SIGNAL -STAR. ''E�]`%AN'TEI,•• — LISTINGS OF PRO - PTY for sale. Phone MAL- L DM TRERS, Insurance and Real 'tate Broker, 115W. •• 7tf •��7�AN.TEJf .—MANAGER FOR EURN ITURE factory. Must have qual iicatiotts and execative ability to tail: full charge Of an up-to-date factory, western part' of Ontario. Free n State age, experience and last place employment. This will be kept co iidential. Reply BOX 114, SIGNA -13- STAR... - in' t. of L - :HOUSE WANTED,—RENT VANCE paid for six months 'or o year .fo,r seven- or eight -room hou Must be centrally located. No childre Two` adults. P.O. BOX 696, •God ic 13 1 14 IN AD- ne se. n. h. 4x TANTED•=-LAUNDRESS. Apply at BRITISH - EXCHANGE HOTEL, Goderich. r L to 100 gs, en t. etc. TIEURSD Y, APRIL tarda tai` , (ulbert's 8aker'S' a Th® kl0 LL$;e o$ Tasty Pastry' WEEII.-END SPECIAL • CHOCOLATE MARSH MALLOW ROLL �ED.c eaoh All Orders of $1.00 or Elmore .delivered. PHONE 4:65 MEL. .CULBERT, Prop. v CARDS OF -THANKS R, Mib IA.EL CARNEY WISHES ' lYl frtendr3 F'OR, SALE.--MC9bRMICK 13 -DISC , to thank his many relatives, drill, with P estop „fertilizer at- and neighbors for the rflkind tributes cs- tachment. Also • quantity of hay. sions of . sympathy audPhone 23 r 9, Dui gannon, . -14 in the 'recent sad bereavement by the death of his brother, Daniel E. Carne Proprietor. ► DONALD B. BLUE., 1Hygienicl supplies (rubber goods), in lain, sealed en- velope list. Six 25e; 24 samples $1.00, a, Dept. .7-53. NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 91, .Hamilton, Ont. BOX i7, SIGNAL -STAR. 14 mailed postpaid p 13„1•-1 Auctioneer, celope with p lit samples WANTED. 0 Mail Order TIO fou CHURCH NOTES There will be public worship at Vic- toria street 'United church on Good at 11 o'clock, The Public is cordiallyinvited. - • BORN DRAKE. At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on.March 20th, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. L. - J. Drake, Goderich, a son, Ross, Owen. FREEMAN. --At Alexandra hospital, Goderich.- h--23rri, t1r. and The Free - Methodist Church inCorner Victoria' and Park Streets • THE PASTOR'S EVENING SUBJECT "The Powers and Prerogatives of y ,� the Na11..Pierced Hands?! SING WYTH US THE OLD FAMILIAR SONGS. AT 7.P,M. 1 a.m.. .."Resurrection Meditations.., 1 - Mid -Week Prayer Service Cancelled. SCRIPTURAL MESSAGES Contribute •,to HELPFUL SERVICES • and combine to create THE "AT HOME': ATMOSPHERE. REV. I . C. McCALL1'M, -Pastor. BETEL T �` ERNACLE , (Pentecostal' Assemblies of Canada) REV. J. A. PEARSON, Pastor ° 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. a 11 a.m. "HE IS RISEN." 7.30 pan. ":BIDE WITH US." - Tuesday 8 p.i n. Business Meeting.. Thursday 8 p.nn. Prayer at Parsonage. CQME AND .WORSHIP- THE LIVING SAVIOUR WITH JESUS, CHRIST EVER THE•SA"I1E, OTIM SALVATION 'ARMY - WATERLOO, and 'LIGHTHOUSE STREETS US. ' • -SPECIAL EASTER SERVICES Conducted by LT:. (OL. AND MRS. L. URSAKI, Divisional Commander. SERVICES -AT '11, a,nn. and 7 p.m. �}t['?��).��', APRIL 6, 194"a WELCOME :'iWAITS YOU AT THE ARMY, Capt.. fir.' Smith and., Capt, M. Lockwood: Mrs. Don,tItl .Fredman ' (nee Jeilil Palmateer), a daughter, Ronda Gail. PENTLANI • e Goderich, on' :larch - 22nd, 1947, to Mr. and' Mrs. 1`0fred Pentland, Dun- gannon, a son. '' ANDEBURG'H.—At Alexandra Ilos The .Executrix tate of Sarah pit1h l;oderich, on March '24th, 1947, Elizabeth Ex Beg 11 by public tu. \Ir, and Mrs. Geo.. �'au.deburgh, auction ,at the on Goderich, It son. MONDAY, - S\iILET.—\I r, and Mrs.Geo. Smiley, at 1 p.m., the f real-estate and chattels : The west hl west half of Lot Number Concession 4, and the.south west Waif of Lot Number Concession 5, in the Township Wawanosh, in There is rested the County of �, on this props ',douse, 1 , rn; two wells an ng stream of wafer. Thew has been used as pasture lar Immediate pos- session. There will a quantity of household g'o effects aid- the real estate N subject -to re- sere bid. • • TERMS : C h ; real'estate, 20% on sign' nt of sale- and balance with t Within sixty days. Monday, Tuesday -and Wednesday, During- the run !of -_ "THE RAZOR'S, • EDGE" • at •the Capital Theatre_ the perfor'mane,e each .evening_. will begin, at 7 o;c-Iock rather than 7.30,.owing to 'the length of the Production. - r — H01'i.SES IN CON r to ten years. Ph Goderich] 933 r 5. 14 - -16 FOR SALE. --C OK STOVE, HALL rack, also p r table. May be seen at 23 Victoria °'•t.reet. 14x DI - one 15x APRIL CRICKS — MARE YOUR choice Kitchener' Big -4. Husky, .. healthy, from good -stock, Canada .Ap- proved, breeders pullorum - tested. Special April prices. Pullets, cockerels. Some started. Iirrmediate shipment. Soon out on range—watch them grow to catch meat and egg markets. Save time by contacting agent, EUGENE RYAN, ,Ryan Produce Co. 4 F'OR SALE..-- FRAME HOUSE, seven rooms with three-piece bath; large corner lot approximately 00'- x 120', situated near•edge of town ; ideal location for tourist business. Apply P.O. BOX 826 or phone 897. 14tf 'ANTED. -- URGE1�TL RE- QUIRED by 'physician, 'house, fiat or four -room apartment. Will pay six months' rent it( advance. Write BOX 0; SIGNAL -STAR, _ 14-17x ���TEI) a�3.-:1IMEI1 CAB.I : or near Goderich, for months of June and July. Write P.O. BOX 1x, Clinton, Ont. 14Por:5urtm omes THE FAMILY O1 THE LATE MRS. A. Caulfield are indeed grateful for the many acts of kindness and sym- apathy - extended to thein in their bereavement ; ' with .special thanks- t� those who loaned their cars and sent flowers.. RS. S. SHEAR1QT'i'N AND FAM- ILY by this gleans acknowledge with thanks the loan of cars, the .floral tributes, and the many expressions • -1ff sympathy shown them. . i OR SALE.—TOURIST CABINS, . t location; nice fnrl1fslled �' very ..goad o + lot. Phone MALCOLM MATIIERS, 115W, • SALVAGE COLLECTION HOUSEHOLDERS are requested to save all - newspapers, ma;azipes and cardboard, as salvage collection will .be renewed. Collections will be made monthly on dates to )ie announced later. S. H. BLAKE, '13-14- Town Clerk, - I'UBLIC NOTICE . V, NOTICE. Fleece -line your home with blown. Rock:weal Insulation. Saves fuel with, - more coMfort. Permanent, - --fireproof. Modern equipuaent and experienced crews. For, free estimate and terms phone Goderich 261 or write ROW - LAND C. DAY, `5, Thort tan are Lona don, WILL PERSON OR P1B80NS TAK- ING wrong, lata_bY mistake at bowling banquet at British Exchange Hotel , Monday night, please notify - SIGNAL -STAR -in order that exchange might be made. - Miss Mary I3. Howell announces that Mrs, Ismay McLean is also authorized fo ilceapt ii' ' rrtd renew -114- 1r . tions to all periodicals at no extra cost to-sybscriber• •• -13-14.- - 13-14_ TOUR OWN BUSINESS! THIS IS"'" ' - -and Cottages— lows cold air out of room very easy to estabiisli` by joining —«n h at instead of`heating re. our -900 active dealers. • There are placetr de—eirculatea,air— splendid territories •min• your neighbor- bond «•here -Fou can make 3_ tst _-x-00 .renlngs t cottage 'OIC EXE'CUTOR'S SALT:,.. xoftheEs • Icy will • se premises AY, APRIL following rc half of the Sixteen; half of the Sixteen, of West Buren, Th property a farm d a running boys: -land land -only. also be sold ods and 111 be sold Chattels, cash signing agreeme out interest Gotlericfis; th particulars A R. C. the Executr (nee Patricia Gunn), Goderich, are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter,-•Darleen Sandra, on March 20th, 1947, at 'Alexandra Hos- piral, Gode, ich. • DIED ROME ." ---on Thursday, Sll,rch 27th, ,1947, at . St. Joseph's Hospital, Tor- onto, William Laurie Home, in his 88th year, late of 632 Indian road, Toronto; beloved husband '-,of the late Mary Bogie, dear father of Agnes, Marsha, Olive, Marion; John and Allan.ht - - Service at the Turner & Porter 'fun- eral 'home, 436 Roncesvalles avenue, Toronto, 2.30 o'clock Monday after- noon, 'March 31st. Interment Park Lawn cemetery. DOES . YOUR, FURNITURE NEED REPAIRING OR REFINISHING? I also do 'sa* filing, cabinet walcln, ete. --)pen, evettinga except' Friday— T. GOWER iiiU�'C 9' ST. QODEf,ICH —14x CARNEY.—In Goderich, on • Sunday, March 31st, 1947, Daniel E. Carney, in his 78th year. IN MEMORIAM l0—__prtirrarr or ore. Very little motley. 1omit l,o 0,0.i- ).•TWEED, ONT. a week refhiired. Wr-te for full details. Free. ' . TWEED WORKS on '• Deloriniier, :Mon L'AMB. In sad but loving memory of our darling son and brother,. Robert Norman Lamb, who was , drowned April„ 7th, 1945, in his ninth year. Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries tQ break but all in vain ; To have, to love, and then to part, Is the greatest sorrow 'of one's heart. The years may wipe out many things, But''alis they wipe out never— The memory of those happy days When we were all together. - _ God alone knows how, we miss him. =--Sadly missed by- his Mummie and Daddy and Brother Harold. ' -14 real. 11 -14 NOTICE TO CR'EDI'TORS NOTICE TO CRp11T013S AND OTHERS In the Estate .of -a• CATHERINE ISABEL WOOD, late of the Town ,of Goderich. - All claims againgt the estate of the above-named deceased must; lie filled with the undersigned by April 20th, 1947, after which -date the estat will be distributed. , FR) NK DONNELLY, Solicit r for the Estate. " Dated at is 19th day of' March, 1947. n For • further apply to HAROLD J uctioneer, Sea- forth, ea- fo th, or HAYS, , Goderich, Solicitor for ix: • -12-13-14 .444444.44441114/ BE PROTESTED A Premium -Won't. Break You u - • TiUT• A Lgss May - SEE AUCTIONEER Matt. Gaynor —Experienced Auctioneer— Sales:- uctioneer—Sales•• Conducted Anywhere Write or phone collect . Goderich-262M" 14-27 II. , FORD Get Insured — Stay Insured -- Rest Assured. North St. - , .• Tel. 268w Goderich, -13-15 WOULD THE MAN who kindly gave two women a ride to the bus depot at Stratford on March 27th forward, collect, box con- taining three hats and purse to M. NORMAN, , • R. R. 3, .Kincardine, Ont. aid's Upholstery. ' ou Will be proud of the Chest rileld,' Chairs, etc., that we re -upholster or re -corer for you. Choice of velour, frieze, tapestry, (lamask. iaality coverings. US!- SEE US! • PHONE US and RITE ,Ug .1. Pko le 3 , Pick-upy ' `G01EICH BOOKKEEPING and Office sop - , vices for small businesses, stores, garages, lunchrooms, etc. Monthly statements and 'balances. Wage summaries . and invoices -prepared. INCOME TAX"reports. Personal and, business, (Specializing,. in fatten reports.) • TYPING, private or 'Commercial worts, correspondence, etc. Work done daily, weellly ; or °monthly. • ROY N. BENTLEY PHONE 1070-R P.O. DOX 58 • • GODERICJ1 4 Mastic Tile Floors & Rubber Tile 2- CANADIAN and 2 AMERICAN, Companies' Products to -choose from. . BUT)ING PRODUCTS Ltd., TILETEX Ltd., IYIOULTILE '& 1OQD, giveyou a wide variety to choose from. PROMPT DELIVER — See Me For All Your Building Specialties, SASH and DOORS, etc. G. L. Baxter _ Box 468 Carpenter and General Contractor 19;. PREMIER GEORGE , DREW WILL SPEAR ON "ONTARIO IS NOT fORS-AL-E" over- the C.B.C. Ontario Traiis-Canaila Networl From 10,. 0 to 70.45 p.m. MONDAY; APRIL 7th LISTEN TU STATION CBL, Torouto TO,.RENT TO RENT.—ONE" BEDROOM, CON - V1 N-4_ELXT to . Square, and harbor, man preferred. Apply SIGNAL -STA •Y OURISTS Arean � u ring. The 'Goderich Board of Trade • has already received a considerable number of inquiries regarding tourist accommodation -in or neer Goderich from tourists who plan to visit Goderich this Summer. • The Board, therefore, urgently requests all persons having cabins, cottages or tourist boarding houses to forward to Mr. George Filsinger at his store on the Square the following' information about: these places. . L Number of rooms. y Exact location. If cabins, are there cookingfacilities and running water. * Rates charged. G�derich Board of Trade- N. W.MILLER, Secretary. EXPERT RICATION .for the RIGHT oil or grease • . at the RIGHT places in the RIGHT quantities... , SRING IN YOUR CAR TO US, AND YOU'LL KNOW IT IS LUBRICATED RIGHT. Gardnr' 1Motor Sales PILONE 234 GODHRICH