HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-10-29, Page 1*
H. DICKSON, Barrister, Sol
1 • otter of Supreme Court, Notary Public
Oouveyancer, Commission(r. &c. Alonoy to I
Office iuirauson'sBleak, Exeter. L
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc,,I
0Moe Sa►uwell'aBlock (fl all's old office.)
f`t CA•RTWRIGHT,. L. D. S.,
Has opened dental rooms over
O'NEIL'S BANK, wherehe will be
prepared. to extraetteethwithout
pain. All operations performed with ease and
skill. Goldfillings a speciality. °thee hours Wheat and Rolled Oats Oranges and Lemons
3 a. m; to v p m. Onanues :.IoDEaeyn. TF:11516 f to i
VOL. XIII., NO.r 1O.
Hans a poll tax on the beads of theirs
who may feel inclined to don a plug
bat. Go it boys.—Sun.
At the meeting of the West Mid•
dlesex reform aesooiation in Mount
Brydgee vu M nday, the foliawing
officers were elected for the current
year;—President, Malcolm McGugan,
Caradoe; first vice•Preaident, G. D.
Gieunie, Delaware; second vloe-Pre-
sideut, D. A. Stuart, Glencoe; Score -
solus WHITE SON tart', Frank Evans, Strathroy;
fPubllafuersand Proprietor* Treasurer, Be'ajamin Water worth,
Petty's Choice Hams, Breakfast Bacon and Lard, Cracked
Extracts Teeth without pain,
by.giving Vitalized Air, or by The only Tborloy's H. Sc 0 Food. Only 10c. per lb., or 68 per cwt.
using tho Nest Local Aneesthe-
tie ou the genre; makes Gold
Filings and all other dental
work thebost possible. Rooms
Upstairs in SAuwanL's BLoczt, East side of
Alain -Street. Exeter, Ont.
(1 L,U'TZ., NI, D.,
l,,► • Oiliceat isrosidenee Exeter
R.IItV *(1,,x1ZADUATl'; (lNI
VFRSITYTrinity Collega. Member of
College physielanaand surge°nr Ont., Ali-
the County of Ruvon. trace, opposite
11,I.`larliiig s store ,Fixeter
T W. BROWNING M. O•, M. ()
SJ s 1'.:i,GraduateVidor ledinivere.Otllce
!Exeter Butcher Shop
iv Comescrroir ruler
WOODSTOax 00141fEGE,
The College bas been thoroughly reorgan-
ized and placed in the hands or a most able
*tan of Teachers (including two who have
been Principals of similar and at►oceesful
institutions). Course most thorough and
Foe lull lino aattio�n address-,
DT. WOLVERTON, B,A, Principal,
andlresideneo,Dou. pion l"tborator{ k.xetki. > A,BAI FOR SALE IN STEPHEN.
, t Lot Ea5,iu 4th Concession. 100 acres.
-11i J. A. ROLLINS, A1, C. 1'. S 1`orpbrtialilRrsapplyta ,
1! O. ODiae. Main St.Exoto �a t. tePltt111pR. B. V. ELLIOT,
oe Iiou 0recenrly occupied by Solicitor,&c.,.
4th Pole., 1885. Exeter
TpENNENT le 7'ENIVENT, Veteri-
.l. nary Surgeons, Gradual Callehe OntaTorrio
t n
t,hav aop sued an *Moo
tor the
sop brant 0t CII
DemeLisa. Animals, on
lul..Iustreet 'll],91 ,wnee Prnml+tl'
Tho nnaorsiguod will ofrerfor sale or to "'��, "� �"j� /�
at o'by lockPublAuction. Los 3 ende , .11;Oat., IRO.. ,R.�i••I�w.�MS
at 2 ''clock u, m., Lots $and 4, L, Ii: £., w �r..�
*topheu, near Grand liend.292 acre* of land ;
also 20 fat Cows and heifers, 2 mares 4. and 6 Has completed his stock of
Veers old. 2 horses .i and 5 years old, warranted
anuria. The laud b told time ate per
Bch& aanara.
Butch= & General Dealer
—113 ADi. P,r;1Ds or—
Customers supplied TUESDAYS. THURS.
DAYS AND SATURDAYS at their residence
Clock: & Jewelarg 1
Fleeter. 'Calla cent. if required, willa so on 3011.°Z REITII„ Proprietor. WatClleS. Clocks t� Jewelery
from a IS
atteudedto Medicine for Horace Cattle,dc Blake P, 0.
always en henna: 320
es for Sale, ERer3baly invited to go ;in and ivapoet his
For the Fall Trade.
-_ I:r S0UToiro trVANITOBA The Garden
„_,...- _. _ .......�--,.,._ - -. -• -•: - er our CtrOat North-tiVest,"' ;
+ ,� tad Atm- South half of Seakion 2,9, Township 4, Bangs
vray;Townsliipe: Sales conducted a on
rates. 00100 -At Poet.otlloe.Crediton, Out. an
ff ting fortriFht oftway tliroughg Shia halt
section.) Tnoso desirous of securing a reap
'T"OHN GILL, , Auctioneer for thin first•class Homestead in an exeeprionanygoo
t , Townships of fiter'beU, Hay Rn(1 Cabarno noigirt,oruaod. convenient to market, school,
and rho V91afio of Exeter. All sales proinntiv 0hiu shoe. Rte., wnu3d do well to apply without
attended, and. sattefa0tloa guaranta0d• SRIos delay. Tltlaperfect, being a Patent Deed ram
nrtbfa atnco. the Crown, and wltbout encumbrance.
Owner Mitchell Ont.
1.r.L. tate fertile Huron &Erie Lean Apply outlTwo-story t pick Dtiy etisno House,
Ie, situated
inqa ioaiety. Law rates ofinterest . Ally 1 an Church, Exeter; together with thxao.puai-
John Speakman,Exet _
r is.
In t
oto u
• 000
ling aro
Furl - Arplyto
Auguet15.'8a Solicitor. Exeter ,
stock whether you purchase or not.
tioneer for Hay.Stephen.a tmo1c lata 12, al (ityi and tierce
e ce nneeof rho Idanitobe
NTST J. CLARK, Agent for tly t Us
•barna:m.1un<bort itutua 'circ nsur
since Company Rcsideuce-8rd Con,, Usborno
Order; by in rialto Exeter P. 0., promptie at-
o1FI011rit rANaos's DLoalt.
Also agent for the London Mutual Insurance
Company of Canada, Mercantile Insurance Co
-Capital .$500,000,00 Head Office Waterloo;
Ont. Glasgow & London Insuraneo Coy -Cap-
ital $2,500.000 ; bead Office, Montreal ; Stand-
ard Lite Insurance Co., Sand Office, London
England ; Guernutee & Accident Co, Head
Office, Toronto.
Ie nd,
Good frame tab a
h Goo m s
n acre a
tl rid
vers fan cl
driving houeo; splendid orchard of oboloo
young fruit bearing trees; good yell and ais-
teru; suitable fora gentleman's residence.
Will bo sold. cheap on terms to suit purehasor,
or rented. Possession given let November.
For further particulars. apply to
Oct 15,'85.-•1m, Exeter P. 0,
COAGUL1NE.--Cement for Brok-
V en Articles. Sold everywhere.
Sole Maiior*.--EAY BROS.. Stookport
JOHN McDONELL Exeter .11
SEM), Aniseed., Renege., Squill Tolu, &o
with Chlorodvne,
DAY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent
oxnectorant for Coughs and Colds.
1TAY'S 'COMPOUND, for Coughs
X. and Colds, is equally aervicablo; for
Horses and C attle.
DAY'S TIC PILLS, a specific in
THE WATERLOO MI Neuralgia Face -echo &e.
Established in 1363.
This company has been over Eighteen
years in successful operation in Western On-
tario,andcontinues to insure against`.oss or
damage by Vire ,Buildinggs,Morchaudise,Alan-
ableproperty. Intendi g0 insurers tion shfavethe
option of insuring on the Premium Note or
Cash Systom.
During the past ten years this Company
has issued 57,006 Policies. covering proporty
to the amount of $40,872,088 ; and paid in loss-
es alone$709,752,00
AssetS, $176,100.00, consisting 'o f Cash
n Bank, GovernmentDeposit, and the au cies-
ed Wanner Premium
D. Presidehand
i t. and in force. 0. 81 Tarnoii,
Secretary. J. B. Hireines,Inspector. CHAS.
SNELL, Agent for Exeter and vicinity.
The birect >Etiklte from itse West for all
points in NewErunswick, Nova Scotia,
Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton
and Newfoundland.
All the popular sea bathing, fishing and
ploasure resorts
i Canada are
Pullman care ng Montreal oalMon-
day, Wednesday, and Friday run through to
Halifax. and on Tuesday, Thursday and Satur-
day to St. John, N.B., without change.
Close oonneotions made at Pointe Levis with,
and Ontario Navigation Company s Richelieu
from Montreal, and at Levis with the North
Shore it ailway
Elegant first-class Pullman, Buffet and
Smoking Cars on all through trains.
First-class Retreshinentrtooms at conveni-
ent distances.
will find it advantageous to use this route as
it is the quickest in point of time, andthe rates
are as low as by any other.
Through freight is forwarded by fast special
rains and experienee has proved the Inter-
olonial route to be the quickest for European
reight to and from all points in Canada and
e Western States.
Tickets may be obtained and also Informa-
n about the route and about freight and
ssenger rates from
Western Froigbt & Pas,enger Agent
93 Rosain House Block, York St., Toronto.
Chief Superintendent.
°Moe,Moncton, N. B1,1ISay 14,'86-1y:
1n txoltl �G Silver SYatofles,1
Flatethvare, Jewolery, sac
A large variety to choose Irene, and go:trouble
Zto show you our stook.
r Stand opposite Jas. Pickard's, Main -
street, Exeter.
Hibbert A number of Exeter Nirtlroda went
through here on Monday to the sand
Mr. Jahn Johnston has sold his hole. Keep your oyes skinned, b•ys, :
75 acre farm, ou the 7th con., to and. don't let the Crediton spode get
Mr. Cornish, of Missouri. Hie eon- ahead of you.
io-law, Mr. Scott, has taken posses- ACCIDENT. -012 Saturday last, while
eiou of the property, and Mr. Johns..; Conrad Staubus was operating a plan
ton has removed to St, Marye. Qu `fug machine in Cook's plaiting trill,
the same line Mr. Gerry has rented
his farm to a Mr. Keatle.
Mr. Thomas Rundle some time ago
was kicked by one of his horses about
the mouth and obiu so severely that
it necessitated a medical aian'8 ellen,
tion. He is now recovering es fast help to him fora long time, and uev;
RA cen b d
lla accidentally got his hand caught
in the maobine and had all the Ping:
ers out off. He is an elderly man and ,
hoe a wife and family to support.
Much aywpathy is expressed iu his
behalf, RH the hand will be of little
e expoota . er as useful as beretafore.
The arenael ploughing mato» Hader Mr. Jared Brown, east of this vl1-
auspices o lage, bee just completed one of the
ploughing matoh aesooiation will take , beat brick dwelling, on the Lake
Road. It is a real mansion and friend
Brown is to be congratulated an hav-
ing ouch a aomforteble residence. It
gives evidence that Mr. B. awl, family
have worked industriously during the
past number of years to aoaumulate
the means to erect the nificent
structure, May success e
his labors, and may he be io
to enjoy the comforts of h
The farmers have bean looking
ward anxiously for the completion
Frsid's uew flouring mill which our
pushing and enterprising townsman,
Mr. N. Fried, has now accomplished,
The mill has been fitted up with
Ilse new roller process and with the
!Meat improved machinery, which is
said 1, be ahead off anything:in the
viainily. Farmers rnay now reit as-
Hanlan Again 'Beaten.
Albany, N. Y., Oatober 24. --
Probably 10,000 persons witnessed
the siugle scull race for $1,000 a side
and Championship of Atnerioa at
Pleasure Island this afternoon be-
tween Edward Hainan, of Toronto,
and John H. Teemer, of McKeesport,
Pe. The weather and water were
nearly perfect. The race was three
miles with a turn. Teemer selected
the inside position, which was a oou-
siderable advantage. At 4.58 the
word was given. Both men Aore in
fine condition.—Hanlan got a trifle
the best of the start, rowing thirtysix
to Teemers thirty-four strokes to the
minute. The race was decided be-
fore the smilers had gone half a mile.
Uaborno and Hibbert
Om to -day the 29th met., en
the farm of Mr. John Drake, half a
mile west of Staffs. As formerly, a
a good match and keen oompetitiou
is anticipated. In epite of all 001-
aido competition Hibbert has always
held the first place of honor iu the
highest class, and if ite best plough-
men turn out we have no fear of the
results this year.
Soon after leaving the quarter -mile
poiut Teemer, by grand work, drew
up on his rival and took the lead,
which he never afterwards surren-
dered. Ziemer iucroased his load to
the etakeboat, which bo reached three
77 or four lengths in advance. He
turned in 11.32 1 5. and Hanlan 11
seconds later. When Teemer reached
the turn etakeboat, which is half the
diatanoe, Hanlon was fully three
lengths in the rear, As Hanlan
turned his boat struck, and he was
precipitated into the water. Hanlan
claims it was the strong current that
upset his boat. Teemer was wildly
cheered as he passed the island.
Hanlan rowed down fifteen minutes
later. He acknowledges that he was
fairly beaten by a better man and had
no excuse to make. The official
time was 2118.
Without a doubt they aro tho most becoming
styles ever introduced: Ladies, for something
in very fine style, such as the Langtry and.
Parisian Bangs, Saratoga Way es, Switches,
Puffs, Curls, or Wigs, call on Ike. J. Dearing, at
Where he willsupply all your wants in the
Hair Line,
A full stock of all
kinds of
Dye -stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand, Winan's
the best
in the mark
fresh: Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
the Central Drug Store Exeter
A C1,unaer, 8rolz'rsstatt.—Qu Mon
day lad liev. T. Gee, of Hayfield,
was spending the afternoon with a
friend abort three miles below Bay-
field, when a dear was seen arming
the farm. Mr. Gee remarked to bis
friend that "ho would like to bring
that one down," and hitching up hie
horse he drove to Bayfield with all leured that a goad sample of flour will I All the members of the Fronoh Gov-
poeeible speed, where he procured a be furniehed them, as the mill's for- ernment have forwarded a formal
gun, &o,, and as quickly drove baok. mer reputation was good, but with a wiuunioation to Her Majesty's Min -
Learning the direot)ou 10 which the the new prooers end other improve- iatereprotesting against the announced
animal had gone he followed Ostracise manta, atilt better satisfaction may be intention to annex native Burmah to
and soon came witbin about sixty rods expooted. the pOa8edaiDne of the crown. The
of 11, when it threw up its hand on
observing him. He quickly took aim Not ,b'nr From Home. plaiitilag the violations of solemn
and put a bullet through its breast, ._ treaties of which Thebaw has been
bringing it at once to the ground.
lee mate. a fine buck, was close by,
but at once made off. Mr. Gee
took the cantos to Clinton, on
Tneeday, where he disposed of it to
Mr. •:>'itzlinoue. It weighed aver
200 pounds. Such animals are ex-
ceedingly rate in these, parts, multi is
supposed to have wandered from the
Hay swamp, where an occasional one
is shot. It is thought the two deer
were driven by dogs of the Exeter
sportsmen, form Lake Smith, as on
the dray mentioned, several were
chased north from there. Rev. Mr.
Geo was the lucky man however.
Windsor, Oct. 26 -.-Thomas Don-
nelly, 55 years old, who had been
employed a farm laborer near Stoney
point, was in Windsor Saturday with
a load of wood. He started to return
ham° shortly after dinner, driving a
team of spirited horses. About eix
mites from Windsor the team rant
away and upset the wagon in a ditch,
Donnelly being thrown head first ia-
t ' the pool of water, and when found
fifteen minutes afterward was dead.
Donnelly 100,0e a wife and two
er•iw0 sons living near ',l'orouto.
The bode will be sent home.
News Notes.
Perla, Oot. 213.---Diepatabes from
I'erigeeux, capital of the department
of Dordogne, state that a frightful
accident has Oeourred at the Chan-
aeiade quarries, near that town.
While a large body of workmen were
taking out stone, the quarries sudden-
ly fell in, destroying a village above
the stone pita and trilling a large
number of persons. Many are buried
in the ruins, and it is doubtful if any
of theta can be rescued alive. Troops
bane been vent to the scone t0 aid iu
the work of relief.
The J3ritish Cabinet has decided to
issue a formal declaration of war
against Burmab, and the Indian
Government hate given carte blanohe
to bring the king to terms. Tbebsw
maintaiue a defiant attitude and
announces his determination to fight.
Cabinet Ilea replied to France, ex -
Naw* Condensed,
The Winghain salt well is now
down nearly 1,100 feet, and the indi-
cations aro very favorable.
as Liken Ur. J At n of Cul•
M hoed. St
had his fingers out off with a strafe
cutter. He is doing well.
A gentleman in Clinton, the other
day, picked strawberries from plants
in his garden. Rather late in the
season for the delicate fruit.
The marriage is announced of Mr.
McGillicuddy, of the Goderiob Siena',
to Miss E. J. Cassidy, of Auburn.
May theirs bo long life of happiness.
guilty, and the impossibility of Carry•
ing further relations with him. A
Calcutta deepatoh says that unless
King Thebaw's eomptete acceptance
of the Iudian Government's terms be
ove b r
s nan�T e
received at Rangoon a by > ni 10,
h'rstillties against Burmah will begin
November 11, and another Prince
and Rsgeuoy will be substituted for
the present goverument of that coun-
The New Minister of Interior.
From the {Winnipeg Manitoban,
The St. iilarye Curling Club heel There oan be no doubt that in
Fullarton. been reorganized for the coming sea- sainting Hon. Thomas White as
son. The officers of last year were Minister of the Interior the Govern -
Mr. Bothwell, the collector started re-elected. Their motto is "excel mant have made a most fortunate
eior." choice, not only for themselves but
for this eountry. Mr. White has
won nothing but golden opinions
since his arrival in this country, and
has added much to the popularity of
the Admiuisteration. The fact of his
coming to the North-west so early
in his official career was greatly in
iris favor. The honest determination
which he has sho vn to secure reli-
able information with regard to mat-
ters relating to his department, and
the affability which he has displayed
towards all with whom he has come
in contact, have won for flim the
esteem and affection of our people.
His manly daclaratiou, that he had
not come to make platform speeches,
backed as it was by evideuoe that he
was bent ou seeing the country
thoroughly and talking to the people
themsolvts, Droved more effective
than any protestations which he
could have uttered. His assurance
that the taking of the North-west
census was bat the preliminary step
to allowing the '-Territories Parlia-
mentary representation was naturally
received with great favor.
His declaration against the multi-
plication of "Parliaments" for the
North-west will be appreciated aright
when the people look at the matter
calmly. The popular element in the
North-west Conn'.il now greatly
preponderates, and the people really
have the management of their own
affairs iu their own hands. No good
object, therefore, would be accom-
plished by creating a number of
divisional assemblies, involving great
expense. In time, when they can
afford and require ' it, the people of
the Territories will be given the ful-
lest measure of self-government.
On the rail{ay question, the rail-
way lands question and the liquor
question, the hon. gentleman's re-
marks were equally satisfactory. He
clearly disclosed the fact that his one
—a testimonial, so to speak of a, aim was to benefit the country, and
man's dignity ?• and a man traveling ! 1t ie not surprising that the people
midst strangers should never be j cheered him to the echo and thanked
him for his ,speech. The people of
the North-west can appreciate a man
such as Mr. White, and will show
the fact in their increased loyaltl
the Government whioh , has
moned him to its assistance,,;
out on Monday last, and hope that
that ratepayers will all be able to pay
their taxes and have a good wallet
The night of the fair some mischie-
vous person out the leather top of
Mr. Thomson'e new buggy, almost
completely destroying it. As our
jolly landlord has done no one au in-
jury to his knowledge, he is at a loss
to understand why Ile should bo thus
treated. It is a pity if the guilty
party cannot be discovered and pun-
SAD ACCIDENT.—A sad and fatal
accident occurred to the eldest
daughter"of Mr. Thomas Greenwood,
aged nearly tan years, on Wednesday
evening last. itIr. Greenwood return-
ed in the evening from Stratford, and
his little daughter ran out to meet
bins. She hold a small basket in her
hand and with it tried to frighten
away a spring colt from the horse
which Mr. Greenwood was unhitching,
when the brute kicked the poor child
in the breast, from the effects of
which she died soon after. She was
a bright intelligent girl, and was
idolized by her parents, who, natur-
ally feel greatly grieved over the
frightful death of their little one.
They have our deepest sympathy.
A down east fire company, 1n a
resolution on a deceased member,
Bays : "He has responded to his last
alarm." It is a wonder they didn't
say that "he has gone to his last fire."
One clergyman rebuked another
for smoking. The oulprit replied that
he need the weed in moderatiou.
"What do you call moderation ?
inquired the other. "Why sir," said
the offender, "one cigar at a time."
Did you ever think of how much
work is required to count a billion or
the length of time it would take ? An
arithmetician makes this calculation
Had . Adam counted continuously
from his creation to the present day
he would not have reached a billion,
for it would take 9,512 years. Any
enterprising person disposed to doubt
this statement oan try the experiment.
The value of some medical oertifi-
cotes to procure liquor under the
Scott trot is apparent from the follow-
ing. A citizen of West Wawanoeh
having some business in Lucknow,
applied for and received the official
document. The liquor vendor had
a joke at the expense of the ,personal
appearance of the applicant. All.
being ready, the price was asked, "I
�y f- never paid that for whiekey," and
C• LUTZ. left withontit.
Mrs. Coir, of Morris, formerly of
Blyth, has a goose that has raised a
large flock of goslings, and last week
began to lay again, and has already
dropped three eggs.
It has been reported that' a com-
mercial traveller was down with small-
pox in St. Marys. The Mayor writes
saying there i., no foundation or the
report, and that there is not a case of
smallpox existing 10 town.
Soma idea of the Large quantity of
apples shipped from Goderich this
season may be gathered from the foot
that during the past week the United
Empire took on 2,800 barrels, and
the Ontario 1,100, leaving another
1,000 which she was unable to carry.
While Mir. Geo. O'Banyan, of
Woodham, was riding along the road
a few Jays ago he was thrown from
his horse, dislocating his shoulder.
Dr. Irving was summoned, who soon
placed the shoulder in its proper
position, and he is now recovering
Tho golden text a few sabbatbs
ago for schools was, "Blessed is the
man that walketh not in the counsel
of the ungodly," and the teacher of a
certain class in this county was
impressing this on her pupils. and
asked for a definition of "the ungod-
ly." A little fonr•year-old signified his
ability to answer, and when asked he
convulsed the class by Isis answer,
"The Anti -Soots."
The citizens of Seaforth were taken
by surprise last Saturday by the
appearance of some of our young gents
with plug's on the streets, not by any
means old plug's, but bran new shin-
ing plug hats, which are becoming so
fashionable now-a•day's.. Who does'
not treasure the memory of by -gone
day's when the old fashion stove pipe
hat was to be seen in every house?
What adds more to the respectable
appearance of a man than a plug hat
The next Middlesex High School
examinations will be held as usual it,
Ward 5 and at Lucan on Mouday,
Tuesday and Wednesday, the 21st,
22nd and 23rd days of December.
Clinton bas a curious -looking clock
of the century gone by. It was made
a few years previous to the final tali-•
ing of Canada from the French—the
inscription on its face reading. "John
Belling, Bodmyn, 1755," the clock
therefore being 180 years old; Bod-
myn-now spelled Bodmin-was the
former capital seat of Coruwallehire,
England. The clock in its entirety,
is composed of brass and steel. The
dial plate is fantastically engraved,
and its inside works are particularly
massive, evidently being made to last
for centuries. 11 is now the property
of Mr. Thomas Treleaven, but form-
erly belonged to his great-grandfather,
and was brought out to this country
many years ago.
without a plug hat. It will give a
good seat iu any fashionable church.
It will gain attention, respect and
cause more talk than a car load of
ordinary "Christy stiffs," The pre•
sent government is requested not to