HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-10-22, Page 8INSURANCE, CE, ' {'►RNEST ELLIOT, AGENT FOR eTI-IE WESTERN ASSURANCE COAL PATSY of Toronto also t for the PHCNIXFiRE INSURANCE CO5:I1?ANT,ot laondon, England, the ROYAL CANADIAN, of Montreal, and the B1tITISH 7&i.eIFI1tE LIFE ASSURANCE COX - PANT, of London. "England, established 1817. Aeaete over, $5,000,000; claims and bonuses paid, over 510.000,000 LOCALNEWS.-We be happy to re- ceire County, its times,ll offront news, part ef .is ta1 the roller rink, whieh is almost the last thing A very good oalieetion was taken up. Rev.; ' '-• cadants,or any interesting such rat echo( DS, to be done. --Me, Harden, cashier in the 3Ir. Martin occupied the choir, t There was a loud rattitnrlaltoe' at the! ' ever, front an of aur subscribers or read- iolsonsl3aukhar@,bas gone olio hunting hAre1!etebe@ztf@wlnD!@mtitl,e+lsuc es es Tetq}1Tr.t4,ce € v4)venllon held nt CERIES, 0 'y ,• ay tetazu with to : zn loarnatr 30 (lean has been 3ohleved b tine expedition. We hope he m ersgrneraily For the purpose of public. Nit sack. Mr. V.L hamsou, of St. Timone, Canadian Lire -Stock Journal, of Hamilton, d Clitrlo,a, n:i Thu's1+a}' lest, Records anon. is supplAng Mr.:if s place in the bank un. Ont. S ai te1 less than two years ago as a : Oidia ]t1 €,un3 ,ill aireotitans to the 1 _. - . 1 tit late return. -The Salvation Army held a , :'•0•page :no tl. e. it has gone on steadily' effect that the A.ot was ;welting well. BOOTS AINTD SHOES jubilee on lliouday night- The attendane3 increasing in :n., ter and iatereet, as well as a (..•lifer t„ is ar.Iecti ve bridge be- rit : iif i ones. , was tueagre, owing to a lecture being given in size', first to 21. then to 28, and finally ta'ttiH a [;ij►11.11:rr,l :lad D„(yule, a is the Jam-street'MethocltstChurch. be tbe •i,2 pages, Though devoted especially to __... _ __.- d boot black orator, dr. J. R. Clarl e. --•Those sto 1 tesi,a l, it includes The Farm, The • 8ta•aam"r, tt tU 5101 +la &ver, ever+* let 't O who have to travel on the plank walk on i ()airy, Til.- Apiary. Poultry, horticulture and thron:'h into the water. Net t#ing' THURSDAY, OCTOBER _ ,nd,1885 ` Ilnr,, ,Ftreet east are cemlllaitsing of the Ti:t• now,. za that for the general farmer or was joie red, saw OW rat aw0r " Sieh 1 AL - ---- ` rickety state of the beards, many being loose such farmers as make live -stock breeding is , vest va 4 aai};la+ rl titl le;,+ +• No doubt TEN CENTS petline for first Insertion, anti ', and others broken. They should be roper' - y any of it. departments a leading feature et 1 P''B CENT'Sper tinefor eash sulesequeet,In • e& -A eoart for the float revision of the 1 their business, we do not know where to ' 111e teen le '1'3111i" •till have to pay ie... will be charged to notices apttearnnt Exeter voters' list will he hell; ou the 3rd of, thud its Null in Canada. tl 3 beartily re.. ci aan'ige'e. Tate bridge land been pro• to this>l a.n, November. -The a iitor of the Toronto News a o mune:0 it t+) oar „tarots as tate feeding : n ou e. cad defective. v. _..: :„..., .. .,.,,.:._ ... thus writes : "moi bile tatkha^, atl3lat your local piper of 9t@ class In the Dominion. It tY t - „. .„ ,•,.., ... R. according to the dketates of his oonsolence.---1 Rave you eiok headache, a foul tongue, f Oola is said to +gontraet, although we know of or are you Bilious t if so ,tet well by us - one ogee iu which it worked no oppeeition. ; ing Jr, Carson's Bitters. Qne evening not long since, cold too, a young 1 n`Thc annual public meeting of the Exeter waswaiting " man a t or his.girl, nin # ! art whoBean ch was r. . rn ch Bible Society g gpa c y took place in the Mnin- tieularily cool towards him, not even open. street >llethodist Church on Tuesday even- ing the door ; the evening must have ex• ing, when addret,ses were delivered by Revs. panded until it was as long as a leforday -Wesers. Robinson and Dickson, of Exeter, morning clothes line. -Several new stone and Fletcher, of the Thames Road, each re- croseings are being put down on our streets. viewiu; the progress of rho society and the Wineltesea. Mr. John (linin, of this place, was rea11,l home front C ti r1 i 0 tt - day with it Wad of ':hingleta, when one of the bundles fell off. and iu turtl- ing around to go back for it, he fell off the load .inti watt io belly injured They were needed badly -The carpenters gent aceot!atiehed by it, The attendance that 00 Iltpea are etntertained of hist: a -o now engaged lacing the second fl.JOr of was not As large as it should 11aI @ been. i ecus e! >'. ISAAC CARUING'S STC>R + Ca• T -+RAL Exeter, Ontario. t7 sslil. Al'Q ,5. newspaper, tet me tell yon tus take your local 1.tral/lim ie t at ifamiiton, Out.. by Tl:e Stook i rf.#RRIEI) paper, whether you teke.the News . r not, A ' Journal Co.Price, c1 per mittens. Those 1 --- luau who is too poor to take st a local paper i+'s:t)!Y ri;ei:3g new for Inad get the remainder ens --F (twin -1.t the rest lance of the without a see shone tae' i;,. t eea a ee ie. , tither !'a p *J: yr toe mean to /wets a dear.."-- , of Is`.) free. 11. a ea!& furbish it And One , r ' . 1 , bride's father, by I.4v. li'm 1,.nuiP, DIE. tines in 1'wots and Shoes we have as yet seen` Farmers are teaming thSeir apolar. to the sta• ewe aper t *,ether from now to end of 1886 i (leo. 4llipley,, ,'f (tact& le. to ,Miss. Mary ears now ire hvd at C Faerettt,, C )c;I.lren a . tion• ;(cera,,. l• i, i •l I r bare.! -- tier . Lett(. t•alt t our cities and examine or 1 F:<rish. of 1feUklln'tay. Carriages, Fal.rc s W ::g u . Mer "s of alt Grantefl fall fair; prize lien i; p tbli5hel a•t • reed. to elle publishers for a free spcciinen w s'zes, Felt Boors n2. ]lett rate'•! Men's Hond.e weather pen•.- e'en - Boots _-.. _ BQata ; alsoharness of every dcseripiti„u ----- 1seeeee t l SALE REGISTER i ZTe`Meennftneo Gousentiort. Constantly on hand. Call and are them.. L.revettes, `0lensaner, Carr. 9• -Fares Stock and Int• w;' - &latter au.l Ei:,;s tali& -n in axet.au,n for \1r. R. Pavia shippeI a number of LIT "-'°^' t Articles delivered promptly ' at your homes, in til xila a if fine a crit(A l:ts' .+lr n,t•aa 1'.l, euthtttias:L' ant plen0euts, til+• property of Cltaa. DiU310 . + li ;,red'3. C.i:Ac:.T.Tx.to 31entreal ee -e :Moakley las.., Ur. Jam. Picks &l receive1 1.003 bee; if . thowsahly to a eseutative convention of , let • U. con. , St, phren. Sale at one issued. tar Is a -ane r.t AL.II, -!laving o; i tai :l a wheat from Nhent„be yn t rise' Tit, grain tentperaueo wo.ko3s of Heron county was o eb.ek, Jt'1n3 (-'rill,' eeetioneer, Rtoetauraut Quit 13.>:er.ling Ilcause be James is of are,' ent &}n:3Iil,'. hell to the tocsn !tali, elttsti tt, one Timesday, ! --.CCE nt''. Ocr. flee Farm Stock, the prop- i Srenetten'a new Welt. istarket s•puare, 1 begs 13tessr3.Jno. Bunter and Joint Winks ship- pet, 15th. 0..ranelenetng at 10 a. tat. tel con. elle of li m, Dodd, lot 14, enutlt•ea`.t boon- A Trial Respectfully Solicited,. to say that 1 am now in a position to aeeo.u- i. pea front Exeter station 00 $ateriay last a i tluain ; tluonghout the day. _lar,(', G'abut ay. Stale at our o'clock &baro. . utodete 1 1,.1l+let, les es' week .&r (19..T; Wise I, &Trove of Iainne, far the ezareen'Markets. eneconventaon opeue;i with aleeot]onei ; H. Drown, nu:'tioneor. r far:gone mins tat I3 lead +,t stabling ml?4 ' 31-r• N. J. (.,ars, nod family have merest in. exercises. led by Bev*. A. Y. Hartley, T. \1, i Turnsoey, Clear. 33,185,9. ---Farre Stock, ilia, feed for hora.'5 est ver moderato prices.' The to t0 u, and are c'eoupying the residenee ' ampbtlt. :T, ilouglt, W. Birks E. 5.1 property of Isabelle Holm'ffindJ. Cooper.' entire buil.lknois seep(&rtabiv heated withou Zl tittam-Sire. t, lately vacated by Ir. j Ilu)tlTatt. The progra'ttut:+ of busima to he lot, ctsn. ee [Osborne, Stare at one ;retook. !scat; sir ata.! well ftt:uii:lie+I. (liar us a call. l Vatter sun, (trough( betare the cenventien wes prepere,l Henry Ilrowu, auctioneer. J. A. II T(:=. An Alnrie n l,sea Lavrsbi)prcl irotu thrix by o c unmitla.o eppnuted far (het " purpos,I''rtpr. Oce. a3. FAr►u Eit9ek, inr,Icrlteutst,GENi: station, on Satnrlay last. twelve tills heavy TIi Exeeutive Committee of the Stott Act{ 1?ersQnrtr. s' dtaltght horses, purchased of farmers iu this Aeseeiatiou tenderest their roeignetion as I ell': the property of Jno4I3odgeue, int 0, Mira Stcplierssen. of eenstauce. is the vi ljn t! to a 1 .dui ; The lot *tld cost about in the ro4 of tbtr xnnor too past iOn whhich t' y had. Ie be ell l since 1t at or a o'cl it kkllilI i liber, auciianeer.Se ie guest of the 3lia;es Clark in tt,rfn.- t'a;lt. ink. sense elser atious hal to ba ramie, Brst formation of the Scott Act Association ;1 Sat'(: -wax, Ocr. 21, 18$5. -Farm Stock and George Kemp, of ibonilton. formerly of Elise. 1 Tehic+t caumc,1 arra&: delay to the completion bat on 3001100 of TOT. J. Hough, of Lontlea. # Implements. the property of Joseph Mason, ter, .vara in teens lana a.ta ;c, 11'l'35 4144 in i of tate Unkldinit• bora, seoantled by Rey. Mr- Danby, of Varna,) pest lot f,, can. B. Stephen. Saye at oue intentions of becopting a reihlea• el 1''Aete• Lately the bottom hu been kuookel tint the present Executive was re•appeiateil, m'cloek sharp. No reserve. Henry Fllber, ersin. i of the cattle' tt ob . 5rt 1 many of our lxai ILepos to of the titlegatas from the. verieust I auctioneer. a l)aycrse tem.•'4rep'pva ' e -n si b'rabfe money, rain cl)salitiea of the 0),luty, c'ucerniug the r. ,parties t;;ctitag ((cele Salo ht113 printed ,er , EJJS Suetret Corttarattow.. 'I'ha prices still ride low. 5v trkiu„ of the Scott ;.et. made very avk&#eat ° ll• rt' Mr. John Blatchford has purcltase.I from tt t to th e a above. akll g.': a saga: notico similar A a+tit at;atnst the Corporation of l.ialnwrllthat. fact that (lila;' l0atel•kea rasa aro violet- tete wain ea., .i Inane efe, ow:o50 C'anaero n at:; efr.. awry Saaaweit a house and a gaa'rtity ; ing the act, and the Ezeeatire Committee's nteatferd w week ei acs Ag:•. the. piaiat)ff l of laud int Ex. ter North, for which. he pays atatew ut of the difficulties experienv.el in I /It:Noki.a, -I Inseam: :t€inks -One of the e eiw:ag slutran Crinjurtea throagh a at goad, figure. . ubtautlua the utagictratee willing to lot in moat complete coker lulls iu the Province. la , d;af,'etire : t :t were. Vit f gets &&i tit:' 03*4 AV Mr. Joicu Dew, of rsborne, has {lurch( 41 S0'`t Ai cases. en,leeret equally evident tbe ; constantly r:luniug and giving tilt+ best satin - they were brought out in the esi.tence. can - 'the property of alto late Andrew noir. 3o1g easing, n; .; s ley M a 1 alive 1t1agl4rllta, nation. tlrieting dose to osier on short y ii4e eii tl. Juit! ,: itnl due jure that tie re eau. of reb.,rno. conaiitiu,e of 203 Ares. for The 1':xeea111se Committee were anthorizetl to i nattice. The roller flour takes the lead. Try ; Has opened out in h { , - & it and be annvineoul. 20 tons at good Mid- s st1 to ob.atu information of violation*. of n t D tt hc dliaga oat hated a1 llw dratGurrellet, VCs. ora stand Bag(35A.A fete CAs ! ntiS 11 the Act, aunt to p asecuta offenders, the Corn Ana curt, lbs& ► tut ! J p lana. hp COIIv@nti0 &I'' Our Goods and Groceries asp warranted of the Best Qua- lity it and Latest Styles. Families inthe village y , t d llztge and surround- ,ing country cau rely ou Good Value for their money. Isaac LI3E 1 ' RAL STORF, WANTED. J. Muthc son COQ* ti Wishes to annouuco to the nlhabltauts of Exeter and vicinity, that yet has opened out a tray no case a 2-3iu .t the+ tevru. 10 1(11 5030• : which Lee pays $13,t! C•tl, w*doilt ons mealra which they dea'ne a lvka , Menke *03 aid scans, J-t5t.te Cameron p.tut. i :ir. F'rirtk T'ribu.'r. of Stephen, line per. ed Pat that corp: att.•as were not liable for tweed h.,,e1'tfr. John Dearing ma bandied damag:a in all ea> ee were iujnrivs taay have l acres of lanai in the Ath cou. of Stephen, for : n t , ;agtug its support to the Ex. l been zuttatued Lhiou h defective aid: a•;rll:a• e4,000. The b sildingson the premises are o3tive to rho work. If RAssft: & linemen. He alfa l3t+ll tient it acaa 0(1111 301 wilt n very geed. In regard 13 the polic!ma^,istraoy a resa:n- , i t' t?„Harm you, lets( any cattle, horses, sheep or " H>.xsu. --\S'anteel. »t itis JIensstll Qat• nor retitle: a as whether .t8 streets snout ► l., lieu was mi►vel by air, J. C. Stuseeuaou, of ]Iea1 !fills, fifty thonsan+i bushel* of good be ltghtedor not ondtark uigbts. This dad- awiue. or ars you in pusseasion of any that ' Clint" 84011,be1 ley lkur. T, U. Cswpbell, I sound Uats tar Millin !ur ao•es. Tito 1 i til.:0 may laave a rcatrte nil„ effect upon ate net yonrown ? If s•). advertise in the f tradench, anti wtauim„ttsly earriCd, to the est rice will be paid.b !Oat meal exchanged parties who may think the van recover Touts and fund your :admit or secure au effect the: the Ontario Government he re- 1 f„r Nat*, le a rosea earn they happen to '•stub their owner for those in your passes;lou. guested t•► ap(y,int it Police Magist:ats with. i - „ tem" or meet with ascus room serious mi.3it'aara, Pickard et Spicer shipped tattle out salary. Another resolution was tuove.1 .__. , dent while )Rasing elan;: the public street, to fontreet toot week from their yards n[ by ilIr. ' ppTetaa Elcoat, of Tuokeraruith, MARKET REPORTS. • At any rate it means that an Anal. if not thorough.breed mock, They were eontpnaetl seconded by 31 'r. Jai. Waaloss. of Stanley, tGornto todat.;,.'atoak p.m. YodnaadaY. greater tespnnstbility, rests with the petits- of Black Jams, S. G. Dorkings, ;i, S. Hem. that Mr. John Beattie at Saatorth, be the :•141. MIL" train, se t, where and how Ile *hnuld walk• burp ane! ts, P, liatueersee • ollnica of the convention for Police Jfagintrate, .vuttE arm. a T 0 8) to 0 es A number of our.lacal sports have Snot.! id Hud that the Ereontivo cammitta do their tied ::: u antr0p8' p utmost to have Lits a of Wli(tu \Yheat ,*ia.t o err to 085.3' 13. Clarke a Leetare.their girdles, and gone on a hunting toar tet pp ated ouch by tho fleet v;haat haw otritdp5sOu lklnuday evenin);last the eloqqu.tnt John the soot! hitke, at Lnke Rmitlt, The cart ofOntario 'government. Tilis resolution was;rars,u trrAi' L1. Clarke, delivered his justly celebrate,(, in- game they so' in '1444 of is cheer sod dark, also Adopted by a unanimous vote, tette tuew) ,,. o Gu to 0 teresting, amusing and hi,:;hly instructive We wish them every success. Much indignation was expressed at the Insley .., ••. •.• .., 0 18 to u 1 lecture entitled "To and Fro in London," Owku to a large trade being aoite in the inactivity of an inspector appointed under (testa +„ u 53 to 0 7 gBaver le" ... ... tr pu so o •.J under the auspices of the Women's C. T. t . grain business alone the L., Li. d: B. It lino, the McCarthyMGtkAct, and the following resoTu. Tituathy •• .•• .•• t '.510.33 00 of Exeter, in the lecture room of the James- a great many empty cars were distributed at tion, moven by Mr. J. C. Mormon, of Me. Peas o 00 to 0 o0 street 3lethudist Church, which seas filled the different stations alongthe road last Sun- 1Lillap, and seconded by lir. Edmund (.or- Cora ... .,. -. ... u 58 to 0 60 almost to overflowing. The speaker took day. A gond many were ett at Exeter. batt, of Canton, was been represented adopted:-- Ruiter .,. ... ... - G 1 to o i2 the audience in imagkaatian to many spots "Whereas it has boon represauted to this Flourparbbl, ,,, ... 5 0010 5 it It is doubtful if the foliage in the woods convention, assembeled, that man ,1 t in the great metropolis of the world, includ- y oases of Potatoos Tar bag o 37 to 0 45 $t, Paul's cathedral, Westminster Abbo ever presented richer and more dainte]y violation of the Scott Ad have been brought Apl.loa,per hag •. .,• 0 40 30 050 London Bridget Cheapside, even Blatta and rarcegnted *kora than it did on Sunaay. to the notice of Data at the inspectors under nrieddppleapr b ... •,. ... 0 05 to 0 00 g p Many cuukd be aeon with b+inches iu their the \1oGarth p Goeao per lb. 0 05 to 0 00 many ahem. His doter:phone of these hands, y Act in this county; and where- Turkey per 11.1 ... ... .•. 0 08 to 0 06 plates were vivid, and the legends connected aa, his foss in some of these casae were Ducks per pr ,-• 0 50 to 0 60 with deem exceedingly :witty. J1r, Clarke, gunranteed to him; and whereas he has Chickens por pr ,., 0 35 to 0 35 for pathos, humor, flue descriptive and elo- quent tailed, neglected and refused to prosecute Aeooi,ireeaedporloo"+ 500 00 as u ou cbaraeterization, deservedly etude in (ileac cases; and tvhereasit is reported that Ilictesrouhg. ... ... ... ... 5 00 to 0 00 the first ranks. No one can hear John B. g p he has divulged the names of'partias giving " dressed .,. ... ... .. 0 00 to 7 00 Clarkos "To and fro in Lindon, " without 131 k t h' h information. Now, therefore, the temper- 31mell ibans,oach ": r: 00 550 to 0 5p fueling a desire to bo better. The history of b ] once workers of Ruron, iu contention Woo] per ib ... •.. .., .,. 0 37 to 0 18 his struggles as a boot Meek and newsboy is p assembled. would call the attention of the Its porton .., ... 000 to 8 00 not the least interestiz g part of the lecture, p public in the county to the failure, neglect ttnioonenerbush .........0 50 to 0 75 and his power of mimicry is great, he being; and refusal to_ do duty, on the part of the wood por amid 33 5o to 3 75 able to speak various dialects almost per strongly censure such officer. HENSALL MARKETS - feetlp. But hest of all there is amoral p and that such acts of neglect and breach of Pall Wheat perbh 3 0 80 to 0 80 thread runs all through the discourse. The g duty be, by the Executive of tho Scott Act gsitey (brieht) .. ... 0 0 8o to 0 0 to 0 Go speaker occasionally denounced intemperance 1 k t b' h h h Association, at once brought to the notice of Barley (towline) 0 45 to 0 46 with that feeling of earnestness and abhor- the Dominion Government, -and the govern. White Oats, ... ... .,. 0 28 to 0 ae renes which only a teclanned victim to strong mon( be asked to have the said inspector Black par bbl: .., 01 3t00 to 0 00 drink can experience. If this gentleman ever forthwith dismissed, and a party appointed otatoes per bh 0 25 to 0 62 returns to Exeter to lecture we have no fears who will do his duty," but that he will be greeted by a very large ' ti ' 'd th t th y gin A lengthy dicot onion took place as to what audience. h t action should be taken by the temperance __ party at the approaohiog munioipal elections, Chips from the Mock. winch resulted is the adoption of a resolution moved by Rev. T. M. Campbell, of Goderich, and seconded by Mr. Andrew Govenlook, of MoKiilop, recommending that, an electoral HORS.+iS FOR SALE union be organized in each municipality, to select men who will support temperance principles and parliamentary eleotions, Mr. F. S. Spence, of Toronto, secretary of the Ontario branoh;of the Dominion Alliance, was in attendance at the convention, and delighted the audience for upwards of an hour in an able and eloquent address upon the present espeot of the temperance quer- tion. Bev. T, M, Campbell moved, seconded' by Mr. HughMeQuarrie, "that we ,the members of this convention, desire hereby to express our deep and heartfelt sympathy with our beloved President, D, D. Wilson, Esq., of Seaforth, in the sorrow through whieh he is no'w passing by tho loss of bis companion, and assure him of our prayers that God may sustain him and continue to him wisdom and strength for his responsible position." This resolution was carried, as was a1/Q a vote of thanks to Mr. F. S. Spence for his interesting address and to the ladies for their kindness in providing such an exoellent dinner and tea for delegates; and the meet- ing adjourned. Sabbath last, being a fine day, many of the young people went to tite woods to gath. er beech nuts, of which there is an abund. ant crop, Butternuts are an averse crop, buthickory nus are seance, which probably accounts for the 835501ty of squirrels. Mr. J. Campbell, who has been senior law student in the office of Messrs. Hide eth st Jackson, of Lindsay, has taken a similar position in the office of Mr . B. Y. Ellett, of Exeter. Before leavingLindsay,Mr. Camp- bell was presented with a old chain and 110 a 4, wbich sows the esteem in whichhe is held by the citizens of 111st place. Some people are of the opinion that the newspaper lean can exist upon Iess than any other ordinary man. Some people are so envelopedin this idea a e imagine the editor can msec free notices for them and still live. This is a wrong' impression ; the printer looks for bis existence from pub- lishing such notices. Miss Martin. formerly of Guelph, is pre- pared to make up in first-class style, dresses, basques, polonaise, skirts, jackets, nlsters, paletots, deo, Her thorough knowledge of the business, past experience, dm., are suffi- cient guarantee that entire satisfaction will be ensured those who favor bet with their pa- tronage, Renton Bros.' dress and mantle making department. Apprentices wanted. We presume threshing is now almost over, and so far as we are informed the result is encouraging beyond expectation. Fall wheat in many cases has averaged 40 bushels to the acre. Spring wheat, which was an- nounced to be an absolute failure, is, al- though shrunken, fairly hard and bright. Barley has been a good prop, while, white oats, wliich wore much colored by rain, will yield a fair return. To the Editor of the Times. Szn.-Having seen an article in the Free. Press a short time ago regarding a certain divorce taken out by John Dearing, of Exe- ter, I beg to state that it should have read "Isaac Dearing." By inserting the above in your valuable paper, you will much oblige. Yours truly, Jones DEARING. Exeter, Oct. 19., 1885. • In comparing the St. Marys and Exeter market reports, we find that the Exeter buyers are paying two cents per bushel more for wheat, and six Bents more for barley than the buyers in St Marys. This is something for our Blahshard!readers to ,ponder over. Five cents per bushel on a load of grain amonntslto.00nsiderable• Yesterday (Wed- nesday) afternoon our buyers were paying 83 cents for fall wheat and 85 cents for barley. It is now the coal dealer's time to take a rosy view of things, and put on rib fat. - The promoters of the Exeter Poultry Associ- ation aro of opinion that a society of large membership can be formed here, and a meeting to get things in a sort of ship-shape will be called soon -The latest : "Don't, Jack, you hurt my vaccination.' -Mr. Thos. Bissett, gr.. of this place, has been sweeping things this fall at the fairs, with his team of roadsters, having carried off a prize wher- ever shown ; they are spirited animals , and excellent drivers. --Some municipalities are taking stringent measures to enforce vacci- nation, Alter the first of November, all who are not vaccinated will be prosecuted. Exe- ter Board of Health should use more string- ent means to have the vaccination Iaw en- forced. -The meanest man we know gets up early Thursday morning and cuts the dry - goods advertisements oat of the paper, leav- ing nothing but the ordinary reading matter for bis devoted wife to peruse. --The S. A. still beat their drum, but not so loudly nor so persistently as they did a few days ago. Parties, who. we judge, would know. say that the last spring snow flurry fell on the 10th of May, and the first fall flurry, and that a very light one, on the 6th of October, thus Leaving a summer of not quite five months duration. Some fine weather may be reasonably looked for yet before the win- ter sets in. -The Mensall skating rink was opened by a concert on Friday evening last. .A. large number attended from Exeter. and Exeter talent contributed largely to the pro. gramma-The poor wild fowls are catebing it now from the amateur sportsman, whop eth forth at early dawn and retnrneth at eve with a brace -which he buyath from a farm. er wile has previously killed tonage5 a stick. Some fine deer have berdEnt133 re - len tl at Lake Smith. Fox hunt& s iso sth w S 1' 03 Mondayevening hit .the Salvation Yo f while S !vat on tt in vogue. Now that the fall fairs ate over Army were ot marching, a horse which was we would again like to have regular oontribu tied in front of one of the business house's in tions from our staff of correspondents towngot frightened at the noise ofthe throughout the surrounding country, -We drums and tambourines, and nearly got are ' glad to notice that Mr. John Wood away. It took three men to hold the beast, is again able to be out doors. He has had a as it belongs: to Hensall and don't appreciate serious attack al .illness. -Mr, A. Q. Bobier, the 'music- of war.' The drummers kept the Sheriff that he was ready. Ho cf Exeter; took an active part as judge 10 va- thumping until they saw something serious came on the scaffold smoking a cigar, rions departments at Granton fair, held last ' might occur, when they ceased for about five week. Friend B. we know acted straight and (seconds. and utterei only a sentence bidding } all good-bye. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6# percent, •$25,000 Private Sunda Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H DICKSOX, Barrister, Exeter, Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Clough' and Bronobltia. Sold by J. W. Browning. News Notes. Ooltimbus, 0., October 17. -Fred - rich Greiner, 7.-Fredrich:Greiner, the murderer of Mar- garet Sealing, was hanged in the Franklin county jail. The trap was sprung ot 11.42 a.rn., and be died in 11 minutes from strangulation. ,the neck not being broken. The execu- tion was witnessed by about 75 peo- ple. Geiner was ,wonderfully pool and possessed, mingling with friends in the jail, and at 11,80 sent word to 1 Brood mare (supposed to bo with foal to Impgorted Horse,)1 Four-year-old Mare, 1 Year- old Mare Colt, Two Sucking Colts. All will be sold cheap. For further particulars, app ly to AMUS DOUPE 14th Con:, Usborae, Kirkton P. O. STRAYED FROM LOT 6, S. E. Ba TUNDARY, TOWNSHIP OP USB ORNE SIx Spring Calves (three of them steers and three of them heiters.) One of the calves is nearly white, two grey. and three red and white. Last heard of in the neighborhood of Farquhar. Any person giving any information that will load to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. Talus. Purrs. KIrktou P. 0. 1. J. CLARK, COMMISSIONER • in tbe Court c'f Common Pleas -Deeds, Wills, sortgages, Leases,andall forme ofag- reements drawn and executed according to law. Mostar TO LOAN menEAL EB2'ATE, Parties wishing to borrow money on aocount of re- cent pun has ea ofland,or topay off existing mortgages will and a greab saving by giving me a oa11, Can lend money ate and 64 per cent. according to terms. N•J,CLARK . SUMMONED To Appear before the Bari E. 11. FISH, Where the man who came at the cry of "neat" received a Shave and a Hair -out which could not possibly have been surpassed by any barber, NEAR THE POST OFI+'I40. 1VOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN 11 theta Court will be held, ureas to the Statue iu that iia behalt, byHis r the Juo otthe t C 3 ' Ne County Court of the o my of Huron at ,DRE W'S HALL, EXETER, on TUESDAY, the THIRD day of NOVEMBER, 1885, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Muni- cipality of Exeter, for 1885. All persons having business at the Court are hereby required to attend at the said time and place. life EACRETT Clerk of the said Municipality Dated at teat er, this 14thdavotOot.,1885, EXETER N Oran in the Corner Store Nord( of 8:unwell Complete stock of Groceries. ck Pickara's, where he is prepared to =eke 10lbs, Sugar; $1 Tea, 25, 50 and 75 cts-,Good Quality. Boots & Shoes an Styles) at Low Prices. A nicely aasorte'l stock of HARDW.A,R1. P013115, SCYTHES, BINDING GLOVES, (Cheap.) Beet Maebinc Oil 60a per Gal. COAL OIL AS CHEAP AS EVER. '• A reduction of 1; Per Cent, ou Tweeds, and Iteadysnades. A good Suit of ALL -WOOL bLl:for5 -.o U. Suitiugsand Overeoats Cheap. Our gess Goods are marked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. A House and Lot to sell or rent. Apply to JOHN MATHESON. BAT P. 0. BTITY ONLY THE BES '• Laurance's Cels6ra aa ipetacic: Tho Leusea of those Spectacles, being soien. Lineally grohnd from Pure Pebble, are without exception, the best adapted to preserve perfect vision and restore thesight when damaged by old age and other causes. They have the rec. aommendati)n of the most eminent members of the medical profession in England as well as in Canada, and a large number of our most prominent t itizene, REAL) THE FOLLOWING : Chief Justice Macdonald, N, S.. writes : They give the highest satisfaction. Senator Archibald writes • I Save experienc- ed great satisfaction from their use. Chief Justice Sir Wm. Young writes : They give a clearer and purer light under gas Ethan any I have previously obtained hero or else- where. . John F. Wood, *1. D., writes : For ease or comfort they excel any I have ever used. J. Mackenzie, F R 0 8, Kinston, writes Carefully constructed, good defining power an glasses ineach frame of focal equal lea A C Blair, Esq-. Premior, N. B., writes: Of the comfort and assistance experienced. Lt.(5ov. HavIland, P.E, I., writes: I never experienced lay strain on my eyes atter] using them. Rev. Father Bolduc, Quebec, writes . That he finds them superior to any previously need. Peter Lynch, Esq.,Q.C., Halifax, writes: tieing one pair of ta,irance s Spectacles for 18 years with great satisfaction and benefit to my eyes. De Cure De Quebec, writes H e is more than satisfied with the selection made. M. 13'. Walsh,Eeq., Sec. Minister of tbe In- terior, writes : The glasses suit admirably and give every satisfaction. Dean of Ontario writes : Of the great comfort and relief found in wearing his spectacles. Lt. Gov. ShiP. McDougall, K. C. M, G', writes: Be is greatly pleased with the selection made. Dr. Phelan, Kingston, writes : They supply to those with every derangement of the vision a long felt vrant. • SOLE ACEINTOIr : Dom Laborat'ry EXETER. J. W. BROWNING, y PROPRIETOR, all kinds o; ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing peaml.etr attends d tn, CPEO. MAN SON, Late Munger C. Eacrett'a !loot anti Shoe1stablielt ent, May 14th 84.. vt, t If fir MN, 446 114111 • MR. Whf. LYbil, is prdpnred ;o do CUSTOM TA BORING At Kirkton. SUITS, PANTS OR COATS made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction gunranteed in every respect. CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AID AT LOW RATES. Ladies Jackets a Specialty Give him a trial and be convinced that will give satisfaction. WILLIAM LINE. ;FREEMAN'S . won. P orV7DEI ....._____ Are pleasant to tuke. Cont "in their own Purgative. Is a snfe, sure`,' it effectual *Agawam of worms in Ghildre or Adralta. 4'.. --- Health is Wealth DB. E. 0. WEST'S NEBSE AND BaAIN' TBEAT- litiNT,a guaranteed eoifioforHysteria, Diz- ziness, Convulsions >paits, Nervous Neuralgia, Readache,Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Men- taiDepression, Softening of Ole Breit', result- ing in Insanity and leading to reisery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex.invoiuntary Loss- es and Spermatorrbcsa, caused by over-exer- tion of the brain, self-abuse or overindulgence, One box will curie recent oases. Each box eon - loins one month's treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars ; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to eine any ease; With each order re- ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with live dollars, Ivo *vitt send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not *feet a cure Guarantees issued only by JOHN C. WEST do CO., •So]e Proprietors, 81 .b 88 Ring 81. East, Toronto, Ont,.