HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-03-20, Page 10f) TEN sr, GEORGE'S CHURCH • ( SUNDAY, M? 1 CII 23rd, 1947 6.30 ta.ttlu, HOLY COMMUNION. 10.00 a..un. .MAMNsSUNDAY SCHOOL. s ... 11.00 a.m. MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. MO pmt. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT 7.00 p.m.' EVENING PIt.' B R. Wednesday 10.30 Holy Communion. 8.00. p.m. Lenten Sera ke. REV. ;S:.EVERLY H. FAR ";BA.. IL.TI . RECTOR. MIR. E. JESSOIP, Organist " and Choir Leader. North Sts United Church 11 a.m. P °': IMARY DEPARTMENT, Nil' SERY CLASS AND MISSION BAND. 11 :o.nn. !MORNING WORS IP. 2.30: Sit'NDAY SCHOOL. 7 pan. EVENING WORSHIP. MINISTER -REV. '',. H. TURN #1 IL;LL, .D.. S.T.litl: Knox Presbyterian Church 9.45 a.++. Sunday School. 10 a.m..- Young People's Bible Class. 11 a.m. JUNIOR CONGREGATION. 7 p.m. REV. WM. WEIR, .IBA., WILL PREACH. Dedication of Memorial Tablet in tributs to the life and service all the late Mr. Fred Weir, who lost his life in the sinking of the M.S. .sthenia. -Friends and interested citizens cordially invited. . 11 a.m. PUBLIC V,'ORSHIP. Sermon Subject: "The Unavoidable God." ' March: 30th •11 a.m.-Sacrament of the Lord's Supper: 7 p.m. Annual Mariners' Ser -vice. MINISTER --REVEREND RICHARD STEWART Director of Praise -Mr. William Wickett, A.T.C.M. Come acrd Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness: �Church- MINISTER-REV. . - iut�ed� t U Victoria LAWRNCE H. TURNER. B.A. Organist and Choir Director --Miss Mary Joyce Strachan 10,.00 .a,m-Sabhath School. • 11.00 a.ni. "FAITH AND PRAYER." 7.00 p.m. "THE' TEST OF LOYALTY." Monday, 8 p.m. -YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION. Guests, Young Pedple of Kno, A.Y.P.A., and North St. Young People. VICTORIA WELCOMES YOU. BEI:14EL TABERNACLE ( Pentecostal Assennblies of Canada) REV.. J. Ai PEARSO•N, Pastor. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL; _, 11 a.m.. "OVER THE BROOK' KIDRON." 7.30' p.m. "HE WENT OUT -AND IT WAS NIGHT." Tuesday 8 p.m. Young People. aS-$^p;m-�P� ayYi meeting-fft-the-Parsonage. COME AND WORSHIP WITH US. YOU'LL FIND A WELCOME AT BETH E L. AUCTION SALES. Clkin o . ICH SIGNAL -STAR THURSDAY, Af.1 034 2,44)a 1,0I7 AUW.,ION MAIX �/ d , L . .IN r AUCTION SALK Q. F UCTION A.I.1 O1 FARM STOOKlt'A1tU1' STOOK& IMPLEMENTS NTS 434. ANI) IMPLEMENTS . at lot 24, conee5sioir 3, West Wawanosh, will be • held at the G farm of Robt. SATURDAY, Y, MARCH 29th I$arkweli, lot 8, concession 2, Unroll at 1 pan. Township, two iniles:east of Ripley' No reserve, as farm is sold. road; on . illARV EY ltEUD, . TUESDAY', MARCH 25th '- Proprietor. Consisting of : •. HA•R(YI.D• JACKSON, One .snatched teams of light horses, ,12-13- - Auctioneer. 6 years old; S cows; 2() head young - -- cattle ; line of good implements, in- UCTIO l SALE OF L'A�.tM.S, EARM eluding Massey -Harris tractor on rub- tSTOCK, HAY AND. URA.IN tier, 102 junior ; tractor disc; 3 -furrow at lot 7; concession 1,' Aslrfihld ' tower plow; newCocksbutt power lift stiff- ship, two miles east of Blue \Vater tooth cultivator; grain grinder; grain highway,. on roller, This 'machinery is just two' U FRID,A,Y, MAUCH. 28th years old. commencing at 1 o'clock ROBT. BAI$KWELL, The following: Proprietor. HORSES -One matched black tears, DONALD I3.DBLFE, 2 years old„Well broken, 12- Auctioneer. i CATTLE -One Hereford cow, dud in April ; two Hereford heifers,' due in April; one. Durham heifer, fresh;.. one POSTPONED• Durham heifer, due in April; two CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF Holstein cows, just freshened; one FARM STOCK, 'IMPLEMENTS, Durham bull, five Saionths old, this GRAIN, FEED, LUMBER AND is a choice calf ; one Durham calf, HOI'SEHOLD EFFECTS .three weeks old; four nanny goats due at lot Nu. 12, Bayfield line, Goderich to freshen;. five Durham tattle, rising township, ,even miles southwest -of 2 years, (3 ,heifers atnd 2. steers). Clinton', or, three miles east of Bayfield, 110(3,6 -Seven young York sows;_ •iia pig; four York sows, carry ing second on - MONDAY, MARCH 24th litter;• one pure-bred. Tamworth hog, at 12.30 p.m. sharp. , nine months , oid.; two pure-bred Tam - This sale includes: 3 horses, from worth hogs, serviceable age. 1400 to 1500 --•-..lbs. ; 6 cows, springers FOWL -Forty hens. . and recently freshened; 12 steers and GRAIN --About 500" bushels, of oats heifers, 2 years old and under. fit for seed; a quantity of wheat and I'IGS= 5 sows to farrow in April, a quantity of hay. and 17 chunks. • 'There is also one farm consisting of A full- line of farm implements in- 100 acres, good buildings and never - eluding Mall. binder, 7 -ft. cut; M. -H. failing water ; • and one farm contain - mower, 6 -ft. cut, and rubber -tire ing fifty acres, with brick house and' wagon : also quantity of hay, ' mixed bank barn and never -failing water. gratin, new lumber, cedar` poles and • Property will be offered subject to posts. Full line of household effects, including a ' chesterfield suite; Axmin- reservebid. IS--Chattels-('ash. 'terms on �s rug,9' x 101.' (like new) ; oak real estate will be made known day of ,tor i_ dining -room- suite; a modern range,'and sale. There is positively no reserve numerous other articles. owing twill -health of proprietor. ANDERSON MUGFORD, - Proprietor. MATT. (L\YN (►It, Goderich, Auctioneer. I:EATOC;:- A -L f' -M Vit -Tr `: r - Auctioneer. I+'ARM FARM STOCK, "IM•PL•E- Tn:RMS CASH. No reserve, as- farm is sold and pro pr'ietor is moving to British Columbia. M. J. BUTLER, 12- EDWARD W. ELLIOTT,. 10-11-12 Fpr Results — Classified A !itis FOR SAll.410 }� WANTED. -MAN QDYt WOMAN TO cl('au and wax floors, one day FARM - I+'OR. ° SALE. - TWO -II UN- 'weekly. Plrorre 1)1!3J. - .12 DICED -ACRD: farm, well built, located on Provincial highway. For further pantieulars apply to BOX 11 , SIGNAL -STAR., F•Olt SALE. --LOT 119 01? WILSON Street, Goderich; basement „ and foundation wall; veranda wall 'and steps ; one door frame, basent ent window frames. Sewer in basement. LTA newly • fenced„ cedar hedge all around. Immediate possession.- Suit- able for summer . hoiue or residence. Phone 98 r 15, Zurich, or write S. BEDARD, BQx 122, Zurich, Ont. . -12 FOR SAE. -SEED ,GRAIN, AJAX oats and mited_t;grain. ALEX. WATSON, Port Albert, , R.R. No. 1. • 12x YOU'LL WANT MARCH CHICKS. Kitchener I3ig-1_ Chicks..Iurrnediate delivery, or we'll book your order for later. They'll be in time to catch good. markets. `For meat and eggs. Special, March priees, pullets, cockerels -some started. Canada Approved, breeders pulloruru-tested. Reliable, healthy, fast growint7 Save time, contact local agent, EUGENE RYAN, Ryan Produce Co. -12 -NEW TIRES, 600 x 16's Fat>R SALE. at $17.25. Other sizes in stock at equally low prices. New Hercules bat- teries at wholesale prices. Best qual- ity „motor oils in five -gallon factory - sealed containers, $3.20. Phone 599, FRANK GALLOW, Vulcanizing. Mail orders, receive .prompt attention. 12x FOR SALE. -COLLIE PUPS, GOOD heelers. Apply; E. C. WILKINS, Dungannon, phone 85 r 15. - -12 FOR SALE.-UiN`DER\V'OOD TYPE- . WRITER in first-class condition. A 1 my G131)IfUU.CII ORGAN COM-. WANTED. THREE OR FOUR heated, furnished or unfurnished rooms for three adults. Apply P.O. BOX 837, Goderich. 12x WANTED. -PARK. HOUSE, :GODE- RICII, select " private hotel, re- quires two girls or women for combin- ation dining -room and upstairs work. Experience not essential, Good wages. Live • in. Evenings free. Phone Gode- rich 685 or call at Hotel In person. -12 WANTED. --•CAPABLE WOMAN TO assist with general cleaning. Write BOK 112, SIGNAL -STAR. -12 WANTED. ----BY APRIL 15T11 OR v v earlier, by two ladies, 2- or 3 -room suite ;must have electric stove, electric refrigerator, private bath preferred; must be close to . Square and in cpliet i)oiiie or apartment house. Please state price and full ,particulars. Write to BOX 111, SIGNAL -STAR OI+'FICE. -12 WANTED. --OLD HORSES; WILL • pay $1.50 per esyt. ; will call and pick up same. Phone collect JACK GILBERT, 936 r 21, or FRED GIL- BERT, phone 936 r 32, Goderich. 46tf, WANTED. - LISTINGS .OF PRO- _P.IRTY for sale. Phone, MAL- COLM MATHERS, Insurance and Real Estate Broker, 115W, 7tf AKE MONEY AT II () JI E. Establisthed company has opening 'for ambitious" man capable managing his own business in own neighborhood. Excellent earning possibilities. FAM- OUS PRODUCTS CORPORATION, Dept. 0-G-3, 370 Guy street,,Montreal. ' , -10-13 ,MENTS, FEED ,AND HOUSEHOLD FOR SALE. - RENNIE'S EARLY EFFECTS yielder seed oats at 90e per • bushel, at lot 15Tq: •14, concession 2, Goderich or mixed with Noharli. barley at 2% CLEARING AUCTION . SALE OF Township, Blue Water Highway, 3 per 1b., cleaned; yielded last year 65 FARM . STOCKS IMPI.EMENT8,• miles iouth of • Goderich,. on bus. per .acre avenge: for 65 acres. • GRAIN ANI) - FEED I TUESDAY, MARCH 25th CARMAN ANDERSON, Dungannon,. at tut No. 32, Blue t Wtttl r Highway ' at '1, o'clock sharp, the following: phone 64,r 22. 1,2x (Goderich Township), 9 utiles south of CATTLE -Red cos`V, 7 years olct,, due Goderich, or 3 miles north of Bayfield, • at time •of sale; black cow, 7 years VOR SALI...-BLUE L I R�i:�:t IN GOOD on old, due.at time of sale; Jersey heifer, condition; also Trig chair. \TRS. . WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2nd •2 Pears old, (Inc at t' •nle -uf sale; White RIVE -ST; 42 St. David's -`-12. 'WANTED.- SMAI.I. APA.RT.\1I+7NT or, two or three rooms, preferably unfurnished. - Immediate .4possession desired. -0 Write BOX . - '3ALs. WAIL • 11x OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS.- Houseliold Necessities for home set -Ate: -31-Ake/mini $35 to $60 a "week or more, according to your efforts. We have the territory you have been wait - Culbert's Bakery "The Home of Ta ty Pastry" WEEK -END SPEOIAL CHOOOLATE MALTED MILK CAKES 35o each All Orders of $1.00 or moral delivered. PHONE 465 MEL. CULBERT, Prop. TENDERS WANTED �I+;�DI:ItS WANTED. Tenders will be received by the undersigned until April 20, 1947s.for (a),;- the erection of a building 12 by 24 feet,' six -inch -cement walls, cement floor, 'shingled roof, three doors and four windows; '(b) the installation of a pumping system. on 'tl drilled well; (c) the installation of ten toilets, nine basbas and one urinal six,.feet long; (d) construction of a septic tank large enough to handle the above-mentioned, toilets. This work to be done on the property known as the Goderich Sum- mer School, three miles north of Gode- rich. The lowest or any te(ider not necessarily accepted. Further - par- ticulars can be obtained by applying to the undersigned. RE,\'. W. J. HO(,EItS, 12- Dungannon. TWNSHIP OF HAY ' TENDERS WANTED FOR ('RUSHING AND IIAULING GRAVEL a1ed tenders plainly marked will be received by the unLlersi),rncd Until (tliO (te•Toerp.m:;. fiaflrrriit 1947, for the- crushing and Mauling of 5,000 cubic yards of gravel .ti -inch size. Gravel to be used from the \\;'elsh pit east of Hensall and from the G -finger eh - pit north of Blake. - Gravel . to be placed on roads ata rate per cu. yd. ing for, if you ,have the travelling per mile ; tenders' also to state a Oat equipment! Very little capital needed, rate for hauling. Contractor to supply Write -for FREE details to FA \1ILEX, e • y crush :r power,and trucks • Hay -Town- ship .to supply one 'truck. Contractor to satisfy the. Council as to compens-, ation insurance carried, and work to be completed by.October 1st, 19,47: All work to be done to the satisfaction and under -the direction of the Road Super- inteindelnt. Contractor to furnish. bond in the -form of it marked cheque to. guarantee faithful per•forrrrnnee o,:con• tract. - • No tender .necessarily accepted:' JAMES MASSE, Road Superintendent, 12-13- ,Zurich, Ont., RR. No. •2. Dept. F.;. 1600- Delorimier, Montreal. _ -12 - at 1 ()clock sharp, the following.. , cow, 9 years old; freshened 3 months; HORSES-1'ercheron horse, 6 yearsIs ., 2 years' old/ 3 CARDS QF THANKS _ s red steers, rising ARGAINS IN TWO, 7IIIZ.. 1�IND - .-_._.__ __ °1-(1';---1-tiedtmacre---•---a•_._ _t heifers, ras:11g 2 years old:-; •0 yearling four week old -cockerel~, while they THE 1''A�.IILY OF• THE I.ATI CATTLE --Holsten„ cow, 10 ;rears ;steers and heifers; calf, 3 months old. last. Barred Rocks, New Hampshire 1 di es ~sell wish To ('itell(1 their old." cine April „lith : Hoist( in tun , u � YIU - _ �illrni(:`,A_�1b11I (t lluit t(J.Dt 1ba .Bared]: Rocks. •e1 :,11ampslaires,-•'tivo " if_ J e Tli ears .old - frestlel* d i ,. c r e "Minks to their friends; and . .' _-... w.11=,:J nilztzy.,� Imo= .lbs: _. _ ... _ week. old X10.95, assorted lneavres g , ford.„ cow, 5 years old, freshened in neighbors for the many kindnesses I OULZ ItY 60 Barred Rock pullets ; 10.75. Three week old add 2M0,„ 4 sho-cvn them in their bereavement. .12x February; Polled cow, 4 years old, 40 Leghorn year-old hens. - freshelned in February ; Ayrshire heifer week old acid $4.00 ; large egg quality -;i IMI 1 1' \LENTS -Deering binder, 7 ttdd $1.00, specially selected add _- 2.00 i RS, MELVON. JEWELL, AND I-... 3 •years old, freshened in January , at Deer n mower 0 -ft cu "` -" -__ ;� f It. c a g �. a_.��.1dtm• filer l�tliid3•o to abcl��e`°price: Also . ` L1""wIlli -to tlrarnk the friends and Hereford steet:s; rising_ years . old; wagon incl• hayrack;, set of out-throVi . pullets and iron -sexed started chicks neighbors for the kindness and sym- ruan heifer, 1 year old; Durham!, discs ; 3 -section harrows; Quebec ridings at bargain )rices. " Shipped C.O.D. shown them in their Ives", plots , 3 . • Drs a .;� er r mei ai �� ► • men 'Nally pecial thanks to Rev. - R. H. PIGS -11 • c Itu4iks• cutter; set of backhand harness; Inns, + your order to receive these special Turnbull; Dr, N. C. Jackson the Gode- 1MPLEMENTS-•_' _\I. -H. binders, 6- • collars ; •'250 ft. snuwfeute (new) ; ! r ft. cut ; JI. H. slower, 5 ft. cut ; \I. H. i prices. TOP NOTCH CHICKERIES, rich miles and those who helped in OT>CE. forks; shovels ; 150 ft. hayfork rope; Guelph. 011tario. -12 any 'st during Mr, J'ewell's illness.. lel • 1041- ha y�rake ; •:1I•. ;II,•ha3-loader- 41"P', ropes; bags; n hiffletrees ; necl:y"okes ; ._ • 1ne.id) ; MAI. steel drum roller Codi Delaval 12 _ Fleece -line your borne with blo�ctn No.' cream separator ; �;vOR SALE. AJAX OATS, , s utt, immure spreader ; • Cockshutt FOUND Rockwool I'rnsulatiop„ Saves fuel with h 1 numerous other •articles; also ;300- cleaned and treated, 1 per bus. cultivator; Cucicshutt.12-plate'irltinTo�v chick size -electric brooder.';1I. $, \'ANDERl1TrER, phone 932 r 15, .inor�e`nouifort, Permanei,t, fireproof. disc; Dearing 11 hoe drill ; (uebec rid GRAIN AND FEED -Quantity of Goderic ln, .It.R, 2. -11-14 FOUND. '- LADY'S \VTtIST\VATCII Modern cquipuient and experienced ing plow; walking plow 3sectiorr Ajax oats (suitable for sect„); 2 feet at cotner of Britannia road and crews. For free estimate and terms diamond harrows; bell cutting box; ensilage 111 12 ft` silo; quantity .of BE„ - PREPARED FOR, YOUR woos; 11)11 c•k;set sleighs and -box; potatoes. �17ring 'sewing. I1ive your ma- oi:ie Goderich 261 or write ROW - Contact O-__- --O-'-egent street. LAND C. DAY, 5 Thornton ave., Lon - Toronto street on Tuesday 12x dog fatrrniug mill; 2000-1b. scales; ; puunp HOUSEHOLD I' FFECTS A full chine checked by one of -our , exper.:ts. jack ; root pulper ; Anger-Ilolth cream ! line of household effects including: `A few. new models now ,available. - separator; set brass muun:tedharness; ! Modern white enamel range with SINGER SFWIN(x CENTRE; 78 -On- set plow harness; horse colliers; 4 sling reservoir (like new) ; Coleman gas tario stmt, Stratford. - 5tf ropes; sling chain; hayfork and :rope ; stove; box stove; modern 3 -piece bed- - - - Coleman lamp;. Daisy churn; forks; I room suite (nearly new), with inner- FOR SALE- =- ,TWENTY SOWS IN logging chair„ ; whiffletrees ; -neckyokes ; "Spring mattress; of twin beds with ' ' pairpig or with litters; one registered numerous other articles. ilox 'spr ings--- and irnattr�,esses ; maple sow, one registered hog, 125 chunks and GRAIN AND FEED -200 bushels of breakfast suite ; Sparton battery radio ; weaners. Must be sold by April lst oats; approximately 10 tons of mixed_ Ial,,u ' bicycles (ni good condition), and " owing to lack of barn accommodation. . bay; quantify of straw. • _ f.di`h. WALTER 13,108., I1.14.. 5, Goderich. TI;I3\IS= (` \SH. I FAResM :1t the carne time and place Phone Carlow 1526. . •- 11-13x No reserve, as farm- is rented. • there., will be offered for sale, • subject Goderich Baptist Church SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. Classes for all ages. - RE%'. MINTON C. .JOHNSTON, of Toronto returns again on Sunday for both services.. MRS. ELLA I. DONALDSON, Organist 9 Prayer. Meeting as usual. A WELCOME AWAITS YOU .1r ALL SERVICES IMMUNIZATION CLINICS Pareints desiring to -have their child- ren immunized against scarlet fever ._ or vaccinated • against smallpox will please take notice of the following clinic, dates ;pSchool 'children beginning Tuesday, April 1st : pre-school children and babies; clinic Thursday, April 3rd. `Clinics, will be held on these days for • - PUBLIC NIrTICE o-• JAMES E. YOtJ:`(, to reserve bid, .the fault, consisting, of FOR SALE. -'29 I'ONTIAC COUPE, sit consecutive e weeks, with the ea Proprietor. 50 acres of good tillable soil: On the in good condition.' Good sores. motion of no clinic during Easter EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, farm is situated a 11/2 -story frame Phone 1061J, Goderich. 12x week.' -11-12 12-13-. ..Auctioneer. dwelling; •bank barn•; and a never - failing supply of water (artesian well).PO l - SALE. - CIHOICE QUALITY Ve1's Beauty Salon will be closed The farm • Re71 fenced anti 9 acres seed grain. "..Ajax -oats, Cartier oats • March 24, 25 and 26, ,at 'me the proprietress will be at Tor" Ito attending the hairdressers' convention at the Royal York Hotel,..... - - • 'l BISHOP' C. V. FAIRBAIRN TOMPKINS SISTERS THE FREE METHODIST . CHURCH (Cor. Victoria and Park Sts.) DO NOT MISS, THIS LAST OPPORTUNITY TO HEAR BISHOP C. V. FAIRBAIRN •• • . ASD .: r./�/v��� .scs a _.."•., . .- Present the G spel in Sermon.on&''$bng S4bjeotz PBXDA" p. !`Only One Match At Sixty Below." $'O DA' '.. ii. a.m. ' "Why I Believe The Old Mecvage." "4...," . 7 p.in. "Making' Life':1 Muter D6010io11." WELOoM'E AWAITS YOU? REV. IL ,CtilVfoOALLUM, Pastor. -- 0 CLE ARING• AUCTION SALE OF rs plantedrn fall wheat, REGISTERED SCOTCH ,SHORT- and 45 acres HORN CATTLE, HORSES, IMPLE_ of fall plowing done, with the balance - MENTS A:ti'D SIED . GRAIN .,At lot 33, concession 1, East Wawanosh Township, 2 miles east of Auburn, on the County road, on MONDAY, MARCH .24th ' eommencing at 1 p.m., -the following: HORSES -Clyde 'gelding, 8 years old; Clyde mare, 9 years old; aged general' purpose horse. EXECUTOR'S . SALE - CATTLE -REGISTERED SCOTCH SHORTHORNS -- Outstanding -herd EXECUTOR'S SALE. - sire. 4 years old,. dark red Ransom L . breed, :bred by McFarlane, of Ailsa The Executrix of the Estate of Sarah Craig; roan cow, 5years old, with bull Elizabeth Begley `will sell by public calf, horn July 10th, bred in September; auction at the premises on red cow, 4 years "old, due time of sale; MONDAY, APRIL 7th, - roan cow, 4 years old, with heifer calf, at 1 p.m., the. folioti'ing. real estate and and bred again ; roan cow, 3 years old, .chattels': `'. with hu}1 calf ; red cow, 4 years old, The west half of the west half of with bull calf ; roan cow," 8 years old, Lot Number Sixteen, Concession 4, with bull., calf; roan cow, 6 years old, 'and the With half of the•west.-half of due time of sale : 2 outstanding heifers, Lot Number Sixteen, Concession 5, in 2 years • old. daughters -of. herd .sire the Township of West Wawanosli, in (bred) 2 heifers, 1 year old. - the ('ourr•ty of Huron. There is erected GRADES ---Red cow, - due time of +►n this property ti faun house, barn, sale; recd cow, die in -May ; red heifer, two wells and a running strertht of fresh 2 months; 2 steers, rising 2 years water. The above ]find has been used, old.: 2 steers, 1 year old.: . as pasture land only. Iinnrediate pos- IMPLEMENTS ----- Massey - Harris session, ,` . hi"d"; Frost & Wood mower; hay- . There will also be sold a quantity of rake; McCormick fertilizer drill; household goods and. effects and the cul ti' 11 or ; seed (frill : disk : ha rrows ; teal estate will be sold subject to re - corn cultivator; walking snuffler; land ;et,rt---" -'-" roller; 2 Fleury plows; International TERMS•: Chattels, cash.; real estate, creast separator : stack rack.: wagon; 90% on signing agreement of 'sale and buggy , fanning mill ; Buckeye inch- balance without interest within sixty 1 -ifor: quantity of „unser and plankass. ss e sills for „16 foot hayrack ; cedar posts; Dated .at Goder'ic11s this 19th day of sugar kettle, and sap bnelcets, and other Mauch, 1017. . ' ' •. articles •found •on n form. For further particulars apply -to IIARNESS---2 sets of faun harness:. IIAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer, Sea - number' horse collnre• forth„ Orth, , or R. C. ,HAYS,. Goderich, SED GRAIN -300 bras. of 0.A.('. `olicitor for the Executrix. -12-13-14 No. 21 barley, registered seed last year ; gnantitt 'of Vanguard oath; Ajax oats _ -'timainimmuirermiimeil - and barley mixed. This _grain is all Moaned and ready to sow. Also a quantity of feed eats and barley, Hays, --12 to 15 tons of ha -y. . -..•.•furl:l•b orf-lrouad isaid-tiffects:...- - The roattle 6n -this sale have here blood -tested and T.B.-tested within last 20 (drys. Negative to both. C'atalhgne with breedingtof this herd can be had upon regirgt frona the proprietor or aurttoue(r. • TERMS ----C SYL •:.i. C. `STOLTZ. hroprietora R.R. No. I. Auburn, Phone 10 r 7. Blyth. HAROLD JACKSON, Auetioneer,' 11-- V. P. ('ITT Ni V.- - nark. in hay and pasture. Terms on -chattels, cash. Terxns on farm made known on day of .sale. • BENSON MUGFORD, Proprietor. EIjWARD \\', ELL4OTT, Auctioneer. 12 - GET THE BEST! ANY INSURANCE IS G13,0D. UNTIL YOU HAVE A LOSS ' THEN THE 'BEST IS NO,NE + TOO GOOD. SEF, H. M..FORD Get Insured - Stay Insured -- Rest Assured. Norms St. Tot. 268th., and 0.A.C.21 .barley mixed, also Ajax oats and 0.A.C.21 barley mixed. RICHARD KILPATRICK, concession •8,, Ashfiecld. Phone Dungannon..77 r 2. -11-12 F'0R SALE. -AJAX SEED OATS, grown from registered seed; 90c a bushel. Also some newborn Hereford calves for sale. IVAN' BEAN, R.R. 1, Auburn. Tel. 19 r 5, Blyth. •-11-13 FOR SALE.-FOTJII-ROOM FRAME house, three good garden lots, small• orchard, and household furniture. Owner going abroad shortly. Apply• SIGNAL -,STAR•: 12x FOR SALE. •LIBRARY TABLE (fumed oak), steel bed, mattress a11(1 springs, dining -room table,. chairs, buffet, Ilitehen Suite, annex stove. round pedestal table, small chesterfield. For private sale, see DAVID SIIARPE, 33 Victoria street. -11 SEE THE DE 'LUX WARNER IMECTitIC CHICK BROODFRR, (500 size) i If hi need of ",t)taco" Steel 'Wheels with Counter -sunk Rims or rubber tires, wehave them in stock. FEED, SEED and POULTRY EQUIP-- MENT. • II. CHARLESWOItTH, CLINTON, ONT. • 12-13 BOOKKEEPING and Office ser- vices for small businesses, stores, garages, lunchrooms, etc. Monthly statements and . balances. Wage suinmaries and invoices prepared. and 'business. (Specializing in farm reports.) ' TYPING, private or commercial work, correspondence, etc,, Work done daily, weekly or monthly. ROY N. BENTLEY i 'HONE 1010.11: P.U. BOX 58 GODIRICH 43 Reid's Upholstery You will be prou(2 of the Chesterfield,' Chairs, etc., that we re -upholster or re-cover for yoll. ,Choice of velour, frieze, tapestry, damask. Quality coverings. SEE US! 'HONE .US!WRITE WRITE .US ! Phone 206J a `Pick-up and delivery THE SQUARE _ : GODERICH ANNOUNCEMENT •I regret to announce that owing to circumstances beyond my control 1 find it necessary to close my -office. -- until further notice - (Signed); • JOHN M. SEE, B.S.A., V.S., D.V.M, et Tour .Car Read y NOW for Spring Driving Remember those first balmy spring days when you want " to get out and go somewhere? *ell. they'll soon, be back again, thank goodness. _ Be Deady for driving 'pleasu,re-bring your car in now - results! ' O Gardner Motor Sales ?holm 2341. Gpderich Aj