HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-10-22, Page 7.. I . .1
I — , I.". I meanti aa like, . ey lie would carry to his motbar would be ILL-AOSUTB11 XAL=K9% . I QVra TH4 001:41r,
,me lie won � to hove bar nurse Y�OUNG F OLKS.
THE TWO'DOCTORS, make downward pan -, suit heig'In excusing himself,'but now I — � I I
. . ,sea over her apto . *gr4at .,I I
. 'act of drawing the what It to offer exoapt a Jale of illmobod- John RuskIA half Wes rt Ad b I.s own obit,
1, all her litabo with the obj I I I , , , 'BY it. W. PRIPM 1 UAVY4 .
E congested blood away from the vital parts ; The Six Little Flies., lenoomad. truancy? The scones which bad It Is cue of the Mysteries which surround French offloorn who attempted to witness .
FOUNDED ON EXPBRIENG - everge, wringing mo* Th"o little mes in the room. ouse
slaor to practice tram al— come before him, fighting, swearing and
w littio files Just. outside, In a- drinking bad shown hira what she meant no why in one house, Of An evening. there, will the Maneuverer of the Gotmart guards were
ments, over the same parts to kindle the Tk I I I
The NOW EngloifitTI11094 0114---contairl, blood. F when she said it. was no place for a bay- be some One bollwnug a, o-ortairt face, which 0 M. pei.110 t,* retire,
'414 tile #
,hroq Jit
. -Us glop, As they Immined on the
I 6 , v , . ' no . � I be known to be nothirIg of td.2, 0 sort. tile Prgt* The Japanoss do net use, their own be*% -
a two AV -4 doctors, both Of whom were Al' That night Dr. Emmons. felt a Mighty , , Raw bittiorly ash—amodof it *11 he was. ,
�, - P
so rivals f jr, the favor of tills lovely Miss weight of roe oumilbillty upon him.. Re pray- To tMe IM10 files who were out in the rate : Re recovered big diarlor-pall.' but could tio4t in the, worldt, Buda certain person =Got tifol UM4 ware ; they Import their dielles,
, ,
I I 0 DoWt you wish you were hero on this side of tha notamt; A Morsel, an - fro - exposs
, , ,4 At last after a 'walk, romukablo and agroesible, whom other poo M E noTand ,at grant 0.
* Zile, Deane. Dr. Simpson and Dr. Emmons ad for li$htv C help, for power, Be saw Fine, —to b - I
quito different ludlividnals, Dr. t in which he seemed Am It be could, not drag ple kill
, , ow—flay, lie knows , a but ordin
, ,
Al m to two , , � list the clogging and impure elements of lostjp4 ox out there in the cold ons raia? General B
� � ,a*
11 Sio Poo " To to, 4 ra bet � tb. *O. Salvatioubt, is having
I $in On Was somewhat more polished txter� her system must b mking, cue foot after tbet other, stood before hio ary And often .snappish. t 1 t
, , a thrown off, and yet the And then we must oil ycu there's dlarter a a hard time In Yorkshlrott, where thin, uzoon-
osla, from ordinary methods ofewextingthem OftwOulit Though rea,y and truly, we baveat boealooklav, mother with a burning head mud � tromblixg other is, perfection, Aid, to halif-A-4czan
4ald the little Alea outeldo Ja the Palo row" the 4#140 procoa# I,, vortQ respond 0 4 a oppealmi by flinglog
big books, me - To three little tags Inside on the Wax Sticks At big bea-4. , - �
. re, givoo t .4 already
,a routine, 40, like, be too wos,koAlug for one whows, bands which aloxvied her. other houses in the
many other physicians lately . da%tod, f � w Baran Da. -4 wis tbIP,1X,Jt`O muQb nicer out here In the gain She said little Am she helped him to W, gpivg on. If one party posse#4 excelloa-
, Tbaunbutup . where you are, Inside CA toe Pare: -plovin ,a 144
1 1 _ gra ,sit very weak. Rehad read ho
Old walk right up to A I I puytren cared A lady after the, moot ominout bt oleo, good t, the, other iuvgau t)lem, Ina stools, ,00 of Joi,ps. year
that be 00 , patient, feel After hearing big story. But Harry thong , ,, If=
Of big rulo-z, see his tongue, look wise, iud phiptolan .or Waves In the 852 bo,%r*' were J."llea. The. Government
. I , a bad failed by simply putting, h And&ea Wqres more Ina than the boys have At, to himself go tie tooged feverishly thirgrigh And bO ni. poysm tounty, sul 1
1 .
_ ,t looks An th
then write off a L%tlu prescription that f4L.0 the night -. .Ough the
would sc%tter the disease, I into the light, and lie, had heard msirvolloaa Is 49404r, 1,41 irala-41OP0 as failk as the:r . They morr7, And in A little while these Animals Were bXO;l by the, huatOrnf.
, -t mi-bealia e . 11 They say the WAY of trAftegro"gors is mlatq of ovisr-approolAtiou, which Omura , I
to the winds
� Dr. thirigs About theit g movent at In
- . .. .
Emmons was formal, loin fettered by the the countryI. especially in lung difficulties. And now 1 Am sure t1i"t my I"*$ou 16 Plata, hard. If this 1%, the bogInning Of the Way I none know from whence, go none know A woman lit amid to be at the bottom of
I . .
I , � � __ whimever, yCU feel there isicame to 001.4pula. don't Wont to go may faither In it." at 60 car It off a
schools,. livei close to nature, and, seeing R11% ba . lood to submit to * whither, They 4" each other Am others, And every quarrol. There , a 0 �, a o t
.1 I 4, cheerfully prom . ,qmbov the ttime little 111040a the Palle, In And
how predisposed all men are to ran in rutas any course of t extroent that Dr. Emmous, ,&ud ghree little hiss Ju to I itiet. asoomfortable tho bottom of the row between Spm— .
_ I I I I the . , P. , 44 lie th*0 a. . Are, naturally As others, I
strove to think for himself, and to adapt his might consider beat, but In thamiornmgwhea � -1-1. --- I , In each otboes, compaLy vs, they Pro Atted to Germany. Uaythabostmeawla. I
remedies to the condition and temperament he Appeared with a b � I OEM 4,01) TIMBE.
,ig Immol-shapod in- ]>a compaulans or no, Is it Act About this The oyaw industry 14 Franca U now
* I ,. Hauar
of'tho patient. His hair was not so immac- airument made of bright metal on One Arta ,' Motherf owt I at& �Qut of school for Bog Oak ,mud Irish diamond. jewels ,Are Otago In theiJ"may that the clouds of fix argued on a large scale, , $do of,*Pall-
r the glas= 91 hAPPIUM to come an , I .
� V, y tu-,0 grief, , N� 4 of, the b7JV&JVamAXOXocttPMmTkotarmn.
: ulately smooth as that of Dr. Simpson and and a wooden frame Aimilewbot resembling A just one day. once more WOMIATAU4011.
, I
him coat was, not quite so fas � bionable, but he ch � in , foons, stem
� , lqkeri. coop on tb .. ly mad tha, bus , ally lacreamia
. � a other, she gave a hearty ,"That depends, upon what for, Harry." Maker ,, � shadow or In brightne" Across al , .4 with
posaemed A notla l,ead And a genial soul laugh. Re thon explained that he bad had , �� The oldoet Apothecary shop in Berlin will thairpoilh? veleth year.
� .
Phone out from his whole 11 fac I a, whlU� the them mail . a in hot halite that woming—tie " Wall, mother, now just listen, Lut eelobrato in 1$�S its 400th ArtrAvermary. The How in it that so many, in this our day,, - I
earuest contact of lils hands with thoitis of faunal, which was albout two feet long, be- circus day Jimmy styles got A situation' at shop was recently sold for,63,000.000. refrain from marriage? Is to not that t I boy Queen Victoria has a strong dislike for
. a peanut stand, mad he earned a dollar. A the royal sepu$ohre of her family At St
his patients an he greeted them seemed to Ing for the purpose of ooncentirattlag A large how Ilk, The St. Paul Globe says a man at, bill- obsorvo that most couples rather ondare, than .
give them now shear and strength. amount of light by reflection, while the, w6le dollar, mother—a little fo. bank, Col.,, has A chicken with a head At onjoyl—tbat they themselves single have, Goorgelsforthe reason that the tones opt :.. I
, Jimmy Styles 1 And I want to go to the cir- Croorie IV., whose, toemomy *lie lialas in Ab. I..
Both phystolaus were frco 114 the other black, more op rtualty of M. ce, And h4pplum bor � '4,. -
,,aeixt visitors at frame was for the purpose of going. 4roal cue ground to-morro mud sea if I could Oach Ina 'I Q40 white find � ., ir�uoo
. �
. the residence of 3Tr. %ame, mud both cou- her . am she met up in bed� This had a Urge make a dollar., mother." but no tall� Wanthe'racquillatancomardail? Theyoen, . ,, ricat there.
Ii eldeired it A great favor to have the 00010�y ope niag in the top throlIgh which her head Dollars were held in great respect in the So Many Martini-Roary cartrIdgen jam- And, to short, comp.041005 more plamalog to Vienna 14 *b 7ut to rut into practical opa- . �
. _
� i of the batutittil could. come, whitablanket.a. were to. be spread . 1114 It them In thought and conversation than most ation an aeronautic; katitute, Where a sea.
slid sprightly conversation Wayne family by reason of their scarcity, mod during ths lots EgyPtlaA V%r most wives in ,tant supply ct b4ftoirris tf cverr kind mad �
1�,�, Film, whose sweet simplicity 9froartuar seem- over tits craitQ-Ilko affaIrs leaving her hemd but Rarry'R mother did not seem ahaximj4 has been, decided to adopt a better form. of people find Ili thoir wives, or i style well to kept (it kaL4. Ateendortauxe
ad to signify that she was quite unconscious outside in the pare air and shutting in the the r lillob-mile. I
- I with his, charming plea of poorlog One. Ammunition. It to Ali wall while Art sy,_,44 it to to fice.
of list own ollarms, Mr. Damon himself re.kiliatlows Of her body as, wait as the sun- A's NO, dear; It willbe veryulooforyouto There I# & &Test. deal of rod tApa In 1tho .
.. bad a momit, tender Affootiou for big daughter, Ilot which might be lutroduq4through, the , may It be bright or no, he swears It to — says I Theire Is tilk xAf buylas up and polling
mouty Wharf OQ prg."r time 0011104A Fcough,
.end she in turn limped, on her father with faunel. After a little laugh 01% woo bQl, 44VA � . , Army, It took ?. Frorich soldier,, volumes t4 him. o1which the ayc,ownor never 40WAX the b%Mt-A 4% U e� krAtte= Ma Of St.
, but 'not U6W your placm 14 At oobiool—" who was reported to be dead, live yown to , " I'Aurs churchyard &O " W Oron up a 4004
Ali A daughter" eve, oteredup, in boa, the ore st I woo prove tt%t he Was alive. 1119116t 4, *yllAblo; white this I aguld a*. -it LOU4100 from ,At
,to was placed, over I I Wu . 14 be out only one fty, And
Uraituall. 112 a apl�imrorft to All that her, A whits blaiket phrad over that, And , , 4OU00 of items words balf-spokon, % Ith floe View it L)adouls grial-ti
that waulda% Its. Any harm, ' Th4 yonogoilt MAyor in tho Vatted St*tos, balf-avot,44goein to . lelit cue aide.
,,� wWiWg, And thAt bar stop, the am%JI slid of the furtaollusertail through � tell him
MI%`4 boalt 91 Not.muoh, but that 14 not thei greatest Mmyor , Moro than all
� , �
� usually so olanti" ev,so growlasr 11.0guta bud uuo�eultlg In tka 0%to so an to throw tho Asian of Von Buren, Ark.* 21 years tho knowledge Of the Sib 1. ; while All her A vvrlt4t
, ite praU
. Je dre. has taken place
, � ,, . ft
, L
bar face becoming a. while A severe cough light directly on the akin over bar IM184, QW69900, I thl4k;% circus ground A vOrY of Pigs, recently quarrelled About a woman movemen, t4 possess a bowA uAison of England (n the sideocrammIlwb1cli strotor.
I I .1 was setting in, rr, Simpson informed bar ,rhe ted 0 Window poor plsi,ae for P, little buy to go tol, to make with a man us,maiii Taylor, and shot him, to grace And harmony which aog�y but him- for many mile% tlinugh Wistem Surreps
�, . was then wbee'ea up, to tb money—,or, Indeed, for Any one else." doath� "'IfOanea#' UUttbQrQcQMQ%&kt I
I fathor that Otte we% in 0. serious condition no that the fall aunught could come Into the _ 4MQ whola Can ,Iqa, 1, I
, 41L�—] *t.lm!&t� 1)�Vailta*u
* I Jimmy Styles says Its the joluolib V144 with 10 , , =4 4qr.
- t . And was rapidly ruarling !,ate phihisii pu?- large end of the for ilel, Care 41ng taken vil r 44orodl I The inventor of 6 process for refinlag the clouil rhos, when he rubs W " am loms QI pr4,p,,,rty.
V _ at 4 d . ougarby electricity At arl expe . tA 4 kUpQn My 1110, JIM f 1 4 I IN: `ay* L�ndoa tram -W A114 Cm"IJJu4 sren work
mio of 40 son, a rA 4 boa
_ .
� monall-3. Dr, Riumotise Also Informed him that it shr,uld not strike Mists bend. lay, bat Ilarry Wayne CAU3 go ?, ten has Appeared, and Asks 11200,0W w4y ol",;) ,&ad the othtr Who bas, son firom fiftken t,i teveat, r, A 11i'mrs & 0 ivy* xorav-
I I that her case, though not Yet daligoroulls at 44 Doctor, you are a ,pulu$," 0414 Ells, there,,, fOr the ps,tknt. It 14 Wd thlit the PrOgm him but when the preourill wiw on him to
. , � was leading into conau I tlon and should b� ter the first trial. 14 1bla ha.M to dell bt. Harry NVSYUQ U-usW that When Ulethar - dmos for gerea days la a week. lit Bristol
Attended to At once. 11jr. ,Doane, noticing fut 1 Uy dormant luagodrink it In me it Toy laid A thing she meant it, sobs Paid no Moro. h to be tested in England. ploama, What of the Onto when th'St to to
, b5ys of fourteen or 644en work tixteen
what learned words Dr' . Strapon was in the we -to fauthh'a Ifth'seaulig'iltia *08toat but he not out for school next morning with Some a", Imouto In London r Outly inovoill'. Thonoomotth4gmtl.ifo(iutatiortof hours a day for twtIvit &ttIit,*&# a wvvlr.
_ _ � .
habit of using end that he designated her vitalizer, why shouldn't it, kindle up human a, strong fooling that it was very hard on a Allowed thattho native English fall" Are un. agreeable, endurable, or uneadurablo com. The fro" of ( ,;al. Xhobtuar on tho, fall of
t. (lineage phthW4 pulmonalis at once$ while bodies when itcau got to them? Dootor,lt Able to ourvivolit water h4ted much, it Any, P"iimablp.
11 boynottobe allowed to got4 the circus , I% there not semellhinj -on Issued by the
Dr. Emmons ilidn't know Any better than to begins to buril," in excess of 60 dog. FAhr., yet in the low _; to b* ]laid sonaorn. Kbor,oum, which box bo
! gall It consuniption, concluded to employ tire ,, Lot it burn A little," 4414 the doctors ground. It would be 40 floo to make a, lltt!o country of India And Burmah streams are Ing 410areucca croAWI by dissimilar M.44%1 British. War Oilice Attributes 41to dismister to
mono , oneywaaeo badly wantod%t hems I . I I log.? One of these parties jou g tho4tarviod voudatolloftbo troop* and tile,
formertotrgat .lit* daughter. In facts he 41 for it will fire up the Organs and ilraw,9 that & M tall, wit disfortlan of their pwa by -
I really seemed almost wrong in MO, filled With It , ore tbo, water becomes tram
I -ronces on 14%` their to stand In his WAY ; And U144 10 Was from Un to fiftsen, degree,$ hattor thaA this wo speak of tbt classes more or TO% Acat. The, ATAb4 entered the city by the
haft!t the lomat Idea that both torrall meant some of tho so 0 . rallAwl start, , 04, V.4 we olunc T= - thoamilvo coutirt
I the smialf tiling Axid, that Dr. Emmons goner. After A little While, the pi�rapl ovary noonday. 4� in ordinary spaces d'Imerm pe"
�' Ally U404 plain Rqgl�ah when talking to un. oil, though It had hard work to release the ch e. jolly plaoie. all CUM") May bay* for years spent four Boori gatis, Which Wes w. dofoadod. So �
professional people, lm uro elements from the Uvor4oml porm Borne from aloag disitsueo, on, ttlo moralas A son of the Duke cf AVestmiatter to not Ni day A tho Atto, mud to Many miNutu Fam of the charges of traliQllary,
Dr. SIMPAOU chuckled to himself OVOX 010, Tht, 4"Atin & proom WAX Allowed to ran breeze Came the sound Of the bond AN the the Only HOOligh artat4ilrat gWhub0UQ,4W4n*XSbyAntA- obt*hUeTr* hours In =twTo4rk, 44 to leave; little, charltA G. Leland WItes that tte mai"�es
circus woggoaa paraded tbroogh tho atrests 40" that PxO 104d by the apos in Fmoo lvllirvt� thait tte, Axrerltan dyll
I I last. that big system of technical cla tvap Or th ty minates, 06 light having of the small. town. Hatryllv4dalittlot way LOAM Rig bar#O# axe of 0 stock, orld time for Anything ii . The othors porb �, Spantardo of R."uth
had Overawed Mr. Doane mad gAta:.3 hie =%rowu upon. the upper a&-* for A par- abo contain the late4t improvement— ho Acquired a ooridderable %cilumatm.uto, war was 1,ewkTn thl I
tiou of the time. The nurse than washed out of It and W quitan long walk to school the 0 to yealt by *it ulglltls a, place for an with those, overy-day topica of tulormstlota Amerfoo, sf%4 tegmes t,f North 4$=tr1a% I
point. 14 Care her? I Amid he to himself, ,At wilkh big sometimes 00111PIA11110d, But X tamp N
-ourse 1 shall cure her in 4 little while, her In topld water and was surpr
# 440f 4 W to find . now he thought little of +As diftwncesmi umbrella, 4 looking glosss and many other which Are common to ovary one who Is at He, alfirms that as hat &a FXOU4:bmt" leun
A) sticky and. avea 0010rod motiter thrown out )04t , On familiar with the programs of the worlds tut Amerl,calts we voiry rAlach Ilk,- English- �
mad she in her graftile will easily be led t Be hurriedly W4 W dinner *1 in morno conveniences- A suit the state of oo4ety p3at and present., men their fteliug charges to lmtred.
cornmit herself to my care And keoping for IIPO�u the 4kin- I have for bushes, atthoroad 44o, andspoillIlUethowtuil TheAcrue Scksttifllua places Francs I Cortalialy, those oppold orout so, AnAmerlow actor now.to ioermlAnyolaver-
the rest of her mort*1 life. As to Dr, Bin- 44 I foot eallier and fresher than Worm, of sorrier Gous _ tm And 411T I
- dage " said MIA, (or a �oy) until he lima joined tue, crowd at the froat tank of br, 91 quiramenta do not eve promho for #Zrool. than thalt, lie Im with great difficulty to se-
Mimo, I pity him somewhat, but he Is ovi little loarigers who were following thogIlded for military purpme, Fight Freac ilt;los moot of thought, unless thAt peculleir sgroo* aure,j itq,ye ofabseace fr(m FTCWeetCl4V,
, -
I dently not scientific and hem loot the day. �ut I shall have to keep this up every now bay* 60onAve davo-ootes. mud 4020.0DO Mont which 6 want of disagrooment, ai" h Iowa toplayin Austrias, mcuth, A,uA=tr-
day for A While," said the doctor, 11 even if chariots mind mysterious 119king 0490& He
She must have some cod-liver oil for her gazed, open-mouthed liketho rest, b000rallag a year 4 Intertod 1A thobuiligat for their 4up- lireducad,whon two vartlos cauzot poesibly lean tottilst 4,34k.4, to the blu a, foot'note
lungs And XOM0 IrOR to tone up. her blood, It should, weaken you somewhat", ., Tile Austrian Government 11140 On- disagree on any xabjoct� Am they never, lit
I for she Is aillicted with anteolk." at Da Itior day the Work went on, The &tO&tjy excited At the monstrous serpents port6 lgeount, and - ying that while the rreil4ent relonotant-
With those thoaghU,tha confident SIMP. rag WOO severe, Suillight and message visible through the b:trg of an open cage, courage* the rearing of homln.g � a ir""760, may abonoe, turn their thoughts to tho #Mo. "Iy f, r4ated the perrolasion to I a, be reremp-
roullythe turbid *laminate ,to the very Awa-ftuck at sound of euort or Toot from pairs Are 21TOA 0 soldiers of & most But" Is not a frequent oiso, sad In the tot ly relaxed to give ptriallsilon foi him io
son went forward to put bin theory Into a hiddimalolmal, or listening In wonder who compete for prizes ofored to the ea similarity, of habit I o4rce book.
%t foundation, And one night he VAX Gout for $*in an of Instaudes : i�
I practice, wholly unconsolou, 0 of the fact thl hat the was dying. to the bldoonx toot -toot -toot of the calliope, successful brooders. of thought-.44milarity of education, which 1. ---- — --- -
I there were causes lying back oftheso can. with the APAQuacOment t He had not really Intended disobedience . A rocom full of skeletons bus just boon ad- 1% Its IC=44tJoa—will tend to agreement—
ditlous, of stomach and luug;i that must be " I dealt believe it,,, said be, though At his mother's commands but as t ITZKO OF INTSIZOT.
a be)irt he was soniowhat alarmed, %4The to he P&TAdO dad to the exhibition space at the South its contrary to the a poelto. .
I reached If anything parmemout was to b ended at the circus-grouad he romoviborod in Natural History Museums In Ib will be adm tted that a man of
crish ban come anct I trust that with A little, Kousle f, w attasi is #,a o4d Object that
ellectod. l'ouloit
� 44 Ptepooterous V tald Dr. Emmons to help she will got safely through." Refound that he would now lie too late, for school mud The most striking toxturpsi Are, fair general knowledge, would like, In ,him A hItA
, A half-hour would not make much difference, the akelatotto of mix elephants—Afrioans most frequent oompAn ,ad one cap&. serves as % Din* doys' wonder at the London
.21meall, -when he board that cod-liver oil her Almost 4motheriag, but ordered a hot _ ion, to r
bud Iron were, being forced down Into 0, foot-batlis which drew the blood downward Refound so many things to look at that raillon,andSitivatrap. Bioldextboia there hie of reasonable =it pl"ng oonveration, ZOOA Ili* bw th pwoulstionallve-
stomach that was so weak air to be unable to mud gave relief. two or three balf-houret passed Away very are tour 610 Via', nts' skulls, 011* Of which WAS with him on the subjects with which he is Stathtlos wt t a
� Assimilate florae of the stir plot foods. 11 It She had pasted the Rubicon. FrOm that quIckI y, Then he Assured himself that, killed by S Samuel Baker, and another fsmillar� Be win know much of what is lama hog decreased, 3�2000,, in, fmrty-fivft
l6oks now Ills that sugal girl was to bo sAo- time onward the moved stoadl upward, to bevirig lost so much time, the beat thing he belonged to an elephant that was long the put, but if he find tbjht Rome and A.As-yria, yelars,
rest chagrin of the atho 1 fite, plan terror----_ .6trictuamirmearut. are but names to her 0- that she halt no Idea The afjpraulotl of the coal trade in South
, r coters. She could do would be to carry, out his
rifloed to Ign so r the real muse of her the V of getting something to do whereby, he could In tt agite.tipg" an oil welt at Stone Hill, of the causes or reaulta of the French ItOvol- W%las Is we *orlout that over 40,00 men are
moon Pat up, thea walked a few steps out of I
present difficultion I not be touched." malto a little money. He lookeld, around Itionry. uttou waa struck by a twesty.foot ution; does not knowthe difference between,
Dr. Emmons did t say this before the door,,, then took short rides, then longer affected by It,
world at large, for , would have consid- ride. and finally she declared her health among the busy workers, and ,flually went lishing rod, which entered just belo* mud Communism mud the Commonwoottli, and Is Dr. Blorms, notarif, art eminent Oculist,
t wa's 1� up to a man who woo building a small stand, Cok of the right tar, mud, kao"g out the vaguely uncertain whether Confuclas at -
Prod It as a manifestation of professional as good oonditiort as Ithmd everbeen. 61 Can I help you 1.11 he asked, a little the two firstribe, came outthrough thisobest ta*od, or defended Sarings tam, what an says that the oommou electric light prcances
jealousy,- nevertheless, he grieved night And The roles calue back to her cheeks and else- color blinduams.
tiolty to her steps, But another change had bAmbfullys for he was not used to being It then penetrated several inches ofthe man!$ avenuefor conversation to alroxed, and how
day overthe course which he feltsure would, &mQu strangers. Inns , him to the ground. 11ol- distant mad impoulblet the fields of thought Fire has not left the hearthstone of one
- been going on between the patient and her 4 .
destroy that lovely temple of a humAn life ft aw."Pald the man, 4' you can thust 9 former in Georgia since it was kindled with
� physician, To each the approach of the IN an are blunt and nearly An Inch lit to which it might have led, An intelligent
A few weeks served toprovo the trathof his hold up does obtloks viles I nails dem On." I C . steel in 1842.
other Was like the coming of a now sun Into d1b go tor, an is one hail fallen from a 74 person, now-m-dAys, though not e" -ted flint mad
fears, for Mla atkadily failed, the hectic Harry did to, and then brou& waiter %, Congressmen Holman does not bellt,ve
Rush made Its ,NW,earsnoe moire Intensely the alt With childlike aim !city milill yet fa, aortic . the man Is sitting up aui!i to understand exactly Weaving, angluearIn
( I a bar- I mmarce, should hove some idea of one that the Indian# In the United States uum-
i and her checks 4�wollow. Thapoorgirl with elloacythey uttered clir kind re- from a Jong distance by paitsful until gaining a � gth pldly. or 00
I - into which the man panted a . than 210,000,
. was even tortuh 5y blisters, while bar 9&vdd to each other. Finally, when the Xal was filled . The famous Victoria Bridge at Montreal common branches of knowledge as when bar more
1 tor determined to bring matters to an ab. small battle full of some kind of ltqxud after- a irl to
. stomach was filled with indigestible earn- c1OO is to be supplemented by another bridge cotton was introduced, what we did withoxA Every defaultor and thl f At ving
� pounds. Finally, Dr. Simpson bad a oon- "OlutO crisis, Ells, knew It as wall an he, words stirring In several pounds of sugar. ,creasing tho St. L-iWrence, from Lsolline to It, what vast changes In Manufacture have reach Canada byway of Chicago Is arrested
,, Sweetest of women," said be, "A61011 be said, tasting, "dot's Soot
� saltation with other phystoisme of the $&Me lemonade, Now you goes oixilyou. Caughuawaugs, four mile% above the city. followed ; what &team. has done, what ships, and detalned In that city.
— stamp me himself, and as a result It was earn 41 Noblest of mon," matashe, buyetwo It W 11 be of Iron truggell, the eight sports harbors, fortas guns, wtva. mud are used, The popular supposition that an ostrich
Imunicatea to Mr. Deane that he must pro: Ityou darling, you know Well enough lemoun ; folks vill agapoot to toe some lem- measuring 3,000 feet, and wilLaost, With Its whence wool and alik are had, and what Is never lays bat one egg, mud. drops that any -
pare for the worst, as Mla's came wm aetting wb&tI,m upto.11 one in It, but vofx CIO use?" roaches, a million and a quarter of dol- done with them. They should know some' Who a upon the md, is nonsense.
� Still grumbling as if he thought folks opt. 1fi0 *Ing Of the characters and actions of great r *ad
i beyond human power to save. 49 Of course I do," was her answers 11 but very unreasonable in expecting *.limous in ,are The owners are the ChAnd Ian P661 that fish diet make
Mr. Deane was almost beelae himself Say it 11AVerthellfth" r, who expect to hove it fleshed by men, Post and present, of the training which it is now derti
with excitement, and turning sternly to the 11 Will you be my sweeter half for ever lemonade he gave Barry five cents, telling I�AUW`53 There never was a y found a
' November 886. No such brid a am the gave them power, and the events which braims. a at! a
, and ever V him it wasplauty to buy "two small 1e;Tf,a - Of I averts built added opportunity. li n t
I I doctor, he exelatmed -. 49 Certainly, dear, if you will toray strong- ories." Victoria (a tubular one) will Buts if one can tpeak on such ordinary, mouts have proved its falsity, 1
41 Doctor Simpson, you have wronged me er When they were brought he aiteed. them again. jan Medical Ga.-etta says that matters, and yet finds the other knows or An experiment ham been maile in France
. In this matter. fteii. I placed ray de,ugh. half for ever and ever," into the barrel in very thin slices. Thin as The Ind thinkenothitig oftherri,onwhatia mutual with the result that ducks lay move than I
I ter'a case in your hands she was not voKy they were, though, Harry thought his friend owing to the low price of Indian hemp, gani % thought to rest? They must take refuge in double the number cf eggs that licne do in
: on declared that you would have A Frineess!s Beautiflil graile. held not calculated well for therewouiabe smokers are becoming very numerous and the clack and gossip of the neighborhood, the same perio;i of time.
I and y Ina little Instead Of A correspondent of the Spectator gives far from being one show slice for every glass troublesome [a Bombay, One of the habit- �
w' lit while. _ in tile prattle of their children, in the dia-
1 0 grown worse. My daughter the following Interesting incident, one of in that barrel. Is classic method of getting, or the San Francleca fishermen 9&y the seals I 1,
t Or all righma oussiou of methods of money. 4114 sea Rona In the harbor must go. They
hat ,he When all was rosily he was use recently discarded tl
herself declared that you were not reaching many, during the royal visit to Ireland: allowed to stand behind the table and about running down peaceable people with a knife, Monotonous If interesting details at house- �
her chief difficulties, and now I have come ",The Prince and the Princess were nearly " Here's your ice-cold lemonade, only ten and took to grabbing uR children by the so are all- contains 44,000 toixa of fish a 5 car— enough I
!� to the conclusion that you are scientific only due,suathe streets were packed with people cents a glass." He called with right good ankles and dashing their heads upon the hold affairs. To certain minds the to sapply the whole city.
sentenced to only sufficient. Toniany,confinameuttosuchwould �
A �n the use of big words. Dr. Simpson, I I took. my stand on College Gieen, holding will, proud enough at having got into busi. ground. The man wax mean weakened thought, perhaps furnish, ,Among the negr oca of tl-e Carolina coast �
want you to know that that dear girl is all on tight by the larnp * post. Close behind nets so readily. He soon found out that six months, Imprisonment ; Indian magla- perhaps it too often does furnith, one of tollingghost stories is a favoriteamuEement,
� I b%ve In thla world, and if she dies my sun me, at the edge of the curbatone, stood a his employer had guessea well in the mat- trates are tender towarathe men who create our extraiardidarily nunierous cases of weak- and the stories are not spolea but � chanted I
' it beat paying drug,
, woman bent with age, miserably clad, with ter of the slices of lemon, for he was careful oned reason. But if one needs no more, while with a flavor of exaltation,
,� will have gone from this sky, and I shall - a good market for that �
Inever want to see your f 31 snow-white hair. She held a meagre paper IV instructed to throw back into the barrel one of the most useful of last summer's the other always plate for companionship of A number of drgs were recently dosed I
I ... Again
is was uttered with tears ani An energy Wpine and a few boot-laoes in her wasted the pieces which were left in the glasses, so picnic excursions was that of the Anglican ainallarly cultivated minds, and perpetually with morphine until they became inliensiblet -4
i th"t1tile the doctor tremble ; but at the hands. She was the barest figment of the that there was a fair reason to believe they Bishop of Algoma (whose diocene covers the strains on the curb st home, or makes die, the object being to determine what drug I
11 0. I
,, asme time he triedto justifyhimaelf, declar- hawker beggar, whose exintercels a constant would last All day. upper lake region of Canada), who, with paraging comparisons elsewhere, what dia- woula act most rapidly as an Antidote. It
. .
�,� Ing that God's providence is inscrutable And struggle 6r compromise with the police. The sun was hot and he boomme after a Toronto rector as associate, formeathe pas- cords must follow and how mAny must say, was found that hypodermic injections of .
Itbeto,vt1thuman power to bend. The crowd thrilled with expectation, the while hoarse and headachey as dinner time senger list of the steamer Evangeline. The $1 Better stay sinale," theine neutralized the narcotic almost in- I I
, more insorrite.ble," Paid Mr. Deane, royal cortege came up, without the die- drew near, and he grow hungry, greatly party skirted the northern coast of Lake Or, take it the other way. The wile, let "tautly, although it was employed Only at-
" that a man can spend years at a medical tractio rapidity that is tfie London pace longing for the lunch he had biddenin the Harou and Georgian Bay on a pious quest us nay, is endowed with powers of thought ter the heart had ceased to bent. Caffeine
I, college, it t an when he commences prac- for Vmce, and, v a the carriage for which we bushes. He kept hard at work, though, for is isolated settlements along those rook- And appreciation, and possesses that gener- had a considerable guti-nareotic power, but
tie g a as p le worse than they were were all looking passed my lamp -post, the anxious to be in the stir which the after bound coasts in which scattered members of ,I knowledge which such a person with our was not equal to the principal derived from I
bef re. now me to say that I shall have eyes of the Princess of Wales fell upon the noon would bring on, and full of the hope the Church of Engiana might be found in modem opportunities, Is Almost sure to have telk,
no further use for your services." I figure of the old woman beside it. A that hernight be sent into the tent to sell lem. need of the sympathy and public and private obtained, or if bychance she have not, she de- .Lhe eel pis at the moon on the morning of
It needed a thunderbolt of righteous in- quick look of compassion—the pity that onade,which delightful thing really'came to mWistrations of their own 001111111111101f-' It eiressna isstill acquiring it. She finds herself the 24th ult. Was an laterestingand impres-
dignation like this to setthe conceited young has no disdain In it—passed over the Prin- pass, but did not prove quite so delightful is said that the clergymen found much . to do, mated with one of different class of thought give eight, as are all the movements of the 0
man to thinking And to make him feel that cess's face, and then a awift, bright smile. ashehadhoped. The dull ache in hishead besides getting excellent fishing. and feeling—interested in nothing but the celestial clockwork when they are rendered i
something besides more druggist's stuff The next instant she was -gone, and the grow and increased almost beyond bearing A Belgian. has Invented a new species of ordinary end the common-place—one such. vigibletothesye. To seethe shadow ofthe i
should be used for upbuilding human sys- old woman, down whose wrinkled cheeks in the close, hot air of.the tent.'� He was diz. .
tems. L L I coffin,for the special benefit of persons un- as one meets everywhere, and wishes one earth crossing the fAoe of the moon 240)000 i
Wont to tears were stealing, stretched out her 'hands zy with climbing the seats, and found little �h to have been buried alive. met nowhere—one whose mind neither pro- miles sway was certainly a spectacle worth
Mr. Deane Dr. Emmons and hog. twith the pins and the boot -laces In them) chance of watching the tricks of the trained fortunate enoug I n on the durso nor receives laeas—who sees of life beholdingo for although the earth has a big ,�
.. ged him to makp tl4e most persistent offorts )n the attlinde of fervent prayer, and amid dogs or the elephan , for t ere were plenty The pressure of the earth throw it never becomes visible i
. coffin liberates O, sort of stiletto, which is so but the surface, and looks for happiness to and long shadow,
i to save his dthier, although a council .Of with passionate earnestness. 90 of thirs souls all about It" and he must placed that on being disengaged It pierces his dinner, his pipe, or his bank account, to us except when the moon happens to run
� May the
, .
I inedloal-mah, ad considered the case quite Lord lay (leave) the crown on your beauti- attend to business. hen the show was the heart of the'oecupant. An idea prevails --one in short—and there are momy such across it far out in $Pace- Perhaps �
� hopeless, fat head until I* as white as mine, and nearly over he got Into the way of some one in France that the mistake of burying a liv- —to whose companionship for a year a nen- there is nothing Which gives a clearer
Dr. Emmons at once stated thathe had only take it off to put one of His own - in who gave him a rudepush, and, losing his lug person is by no means so rare an occur- sitive and intelligent person would prefer view of the progress of our race from
himai severe and discouraging caseto. the place of It.? It balance, he fell to the ground, hi glasses rence as could be desired. Had :the I I car- solitary confinement for the same period. the superstitious Ignoramoa of its childhood
iv I .
femin with, although it might have been I — smashing about him. The o=r1l, scowled cuell perfeotionne" been known in Meyer- Yet she must endure It for life. I I Why," to its present knowedge of the laws of nature
easily controlled at first. - However, . he A book recently published in Paris Is at the breakage, and grow angry when Har. beer's time he need not have asked his friends it will be asked, 11 did she not see that be- than the history Of eclipses. As the child
would hope to save her, although it, would 14 The Slid Itifluence of the iPlanoforte U ry told him hecouianot sell any more lem- on his death bed, as he did, to bury him with fore?" Simply, by that strange law of nature Is affTighted by its own shadows so the an-
be necessary for her to undergo a process Medical Art," rind the mint, is to disestabfi2h iomdo, , a loaded pistol in each. hand. ' before spoken of which deprived her of the cienta were alarmed when they saw what .
for eliminating the Impure elements caused the sovereignty of that instrument in the "You not goin'to slitay to -nights 11" he powsk,ofknowing—somethlugwhich sugests .seemed to them a black monster devouring
by the disease and the treatment that might homes of the land. . . I Asked. I . . I Whale fishing in small oteameT9 off the bel—'alawitfoo usion themoon. Now every polloolboy knowelt
for the time being almost �verwhelnr her. I I 0 stofNewEnglancliogettingtobesbusi. a perpetital edict of Ba ould rise too to the shadow of the a arth that hides the I
",No; hommuch are you going to pay Oa and Intermingling—lost Man all .
When Dr. Emmons went in to ace MIA, I Mail carrying inArizona, is attended me 10 I . � I I none of some importanceJour steamers (form I I moon in an ecliose,, and an event which for -
she sent an appealing look into. his very , with some danger, ' Lately the hoise of's ';Bays you I How mooch you bays me Orly catching monhaden) having been'. stood- lif h �mvo convulsed millions with I
soul,,excialming, gently, 44 Save me, dector, carrier failed him while he was thirty miles ily engoged during the past season. They I Kavebut touched hero on one particular merly'would
save me. I am not � afraid to go to the other from his destination, Agaa Caliente, but he for mein glass veto you. broken V cruise ,off the MAine and Massachusetts class of diesgrisenieutz. The � Subject is too terror passes without even the notice it do- I
11fel. and sometimes I wish for its blessed" kept ,,,,, h n foot. After he hold � The glasses were notworth one-half what coasts as far south as Cape Cod. A bomb wide for general comment. But rnay not serves as one of thor most impressive phen- �
go.. flft., 1" way 0 I not know Fie few reflection of the visible universe. But
I n miles It becamia exhausted, and h a Work had been, but he did . s suggest, to the 'Class omeria
reta, but my dear father would be disoonso. 'a. found all th,ro., ra out to lancet fired from a gun held at the shoulder, the as of there ate still other shadows ,that ig- �
I in a dT ,Ing condition, hat and.walked away, too wo a means of avoldan
I late, and I feel that I must do some impor- think of arguing the question. is the weapon employed in killing thewbales, mentiOnedy Born a Whatif norance mistakes for.. Monsters. Even the
i [ go." Ills mall bags having been dragged offb C4 Shtay a minutes," the man called after about fifty of which have been taken this what MAY be a life -10 9 penance ? '
. taut work here before I y companions were chosen more by character astronomers have plenty of things to learn
I �
` , The doctor thought that even in her weak4 wild Animals and torn topleces. h year, They will average 60 feet In length I
11 neos and emaciation there was something . An English traveller proposed to makem im,andhowentbaok. . It, I and 25 tons In weight Each one yields agent appearance ? The first Is no yetl . . I � . I 11 I i
: � I I You take a glass of lemonade," holding of oil, 2 barrels of meat, 5 = ately under the eye, and therefore is . at -de- -- -- 1.
almost unearthly In that radiant counten. walking tour in the neighborhood of Vichy. On, out With a liberal smile. Harry amid about 20 barrels free fro a which the eye, crazy
ance, I ;mud taking her hand tenderly in his, Upon inquiry he found that the only food he 69 Thank I tons of dry chum, and two tons of boneg the in false Imagination —diris in search of materials for
� you," but managed to pour the 0 not then in its natural clearness, is aPt to .
he exclaimed : I, You little woman, I will could expect to find at the village inns I vain of which amount to &bout $400- As quilts are advised to apply to the railroad
wa0a horrid stuft on the ground without being frame, The eye—the ear—may be enthralled; .
1111mlill potage made of cabbage, a few slices of as, because they throw away than -
raise heaven and earth to save you if I seen, and the, turned lit the men become oxfert in th re the d preserves compaul , : �
I a face homeward, d .p the mind is the inner citadels an one I
can do it." . I bread, an onion or two, a a piece of lard. the sickest, the most wretchedest boy, per. whales become ghy and keep a O"P't - age, What sands of old ties every year. , I
, power I . met .I, .0,
I Ile then told her that he would organize This was the habitual foor, I This will be faital to the bu a its rights if the owner cho
. f the - peasants, limps, who ever ran away, from school to go water ad whale has been they will be. The �agle will seek A petrified, rintle has been found. This .
'i . his forces and plans for a desperate encount- and there was nothing else to be had ex- after a circus ; for he now saw that wss the as at resent conducted, since a its ,ered the skies—the vulture the cawrion ; they who sulTriO40 us- . We limit no Idea, a mule could
er with her disease and appear In the mom- cept black bread. The Intended]' ,journey plain English of his day's exploit. He had ullualfly sinks. and can hardly be recoN L them must follow them, keep Its hoof still long enough for that. I
Ing to carry them Into effect, but In, the was not taken. , been flattering himself All day that the Man- from a depth of more than forty fathoms, mstO with ! � ,; I . .
. L I I
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