HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-03-20, Page 1„ss
Large Audience at
Knox Choir Concert
Sacred and Classical Music Sung
il and Played with nttal sports service, conducted isSrstlie„'
' - Fine E t eat pastels Rev. L. H. Turner. Liotfored
guests were "Bob” Goldham and Garth
Knox Presbyterian church was filled Boesch, of . the Toronto Maple Leaf
with the melody of eXquite mnsie-on Hockey Club, and "Tory" GreggsWing-
Friday night, when thesehurch choir, haus preeident of the W.U.A.A. Mem-
under the direction of My. Wcts H. hers of the Goderich hockey teams and
Wielsett, presented a coneert, of Sed e_f_ the Maitland Golf 'Club were in at -
and 'Classical musie. A large "thence tendance.
was present, and listened with marked Miss Betty Smith tendered in'pleas-
attention to each number. lug voice the solo "Beside Still Waters."
The piano and organ selections were • Rev. L. IL Turner chose as his theme
'brilliantly executed and heartily ap- "The game of Life.," He stressed the
- plauded. ; An outstanding feature of. importance of following certain rides
the evening was the concluding organof discipline, so .that a -person may
selection, for which Mr. Wickett, was reach his ultimate goal.. These ,rules
accorded an ovation. It was Bonnet's applied in the business world as well
"Variations de Concert," daring which as in the -arena of sport, Mr. Turner
every tone, of the line organ Was added. In the stneient- days of the
brought out. ' A bold introduction was Greek games, Zeus, the Grecian god
, -
followed -immediatelY by the theme. was s.upposed to look down from Alount
There are four variations in the piece: Olyinpus upon the competitors who
First, the theme played on the ,manuals gave of their best ,for his sake; so to -
with quick notes played st'acca•to on day we should - be possessed of the,
the pedalsseeond, the theme on the feeling that Christ is looking on us in
pedals with a _running accompaniment our endeavors. In corielusion, the
in triplets on the manuals; third, vari- preacher observed that. today's Olympic
ations slow and quiet; . and .fourth, games are .fosttered with the •idea of
the theme played on the. manuals in uniting people and bringing a- closer
massive chords with octaves un 'tile understanding among nations.
pedals, which is followed bya passage At the.conclusion of the service, an
for the pedals alone, consisting • of informal gathering was held • in the
- fragments of thd theme., chords of.three _Sunday school rooms, at which time
and four notes and doitble thirds. "Tory" Gregg introduced Messrs. Gold -
The program was introduced by Rev. ham and Boesch. Both of these
Richard Swart, and after the Na- visitors spoke briefly and congratulated
tional Anthem the choir . hummed the Goderich teams on their sPlendid.
"Nightfall in Skye" with 'perfect' con-, Performances to date und wished them
trols- - -One sok-sthe-.:--fliost....beautifully. .e.Ontinned ..511Cces.5.___ An intereSting and.
rendered selections ofsthe eveming was enlightening featurewas the question
'40 Praise Ye the Lord" (Psalm 150), and anSwer period that followed.
sung by the full choir.
- • Mk. Wiebett's_Piano Nut -niters
_Mr, VIckettc.played.fpui piano seree-
tiOns, "Melodie"- and I1iiitiet1ii.-.,G7'
both bs Raderewski; followed-. by
-Chop.in's 'Waltz in A Flat," Op. 69, No.
1, and MOSartse ilence pervaded"Tnrkish Rondothe
Drub Mitchell 9-0 at:Mitchell arkd
An• 'impressive S.,
church throughout these four selections, Take' Round by GETTING READY FOR 1947
whieh ',we's the finest _tribute the * Score of 17-3 ' , NAVIGATION SEASON
audience could pay to •the talented pian- ,
ist, and .at the conclusion of each The Goderich Louzon Flyers eaSilY .yit2ter's heavy hand has been lifted
number. there was a burst of applause.. disposed at the Mitchell'sfuniore. liy a
Two selections by Mendelssohn, "Lift' 9-0 score at Mitchell on Saturday night, from...the harbor scene and the-wats.r-
Thine Eyes'', ("Elijah")• and On Song's thus winning. the champienship of •the, front' is active with prep:it:10(ms for
Bright Pinions,"" were lovely .as sung Junior "C" ()M.A. group. The Flyers the coming settson of navigtition. Most
by a double trio eomposed of Misses 'won the first 011ie of the group.finals, 0 st, ; 4,
0.L we atter.' crew -s have arrived for
Gail Saunders, Eunice and Irene Milnes 8-3, on their. own.Sce, • • • _
Betty Smith, Catherine Cutt and Mollie lasters' of the situation all' the way, the presseason job of fitting the vessels
•Biseetss__, _,..,...,„„s„..*,:s.._ the-Fly-esd.
-§,...forge..to.-thes frent .in the of the winter fleet for Sailing' as soon- as
- After. a, short intermission, ..(reove s first • period With a ram -goal -SIMTrge. letsetnrdttiorrs-:onsthesl.Gt.'et4.7-1.4alses per-
• 'Benediction" (Irish folk' song) and In the middle period they duplicated mit. Opening of navigation will be
"Dear Land Of Houle" (Sibelius) were their first session'achievemeut, and in
Sung by the choir With expressive inter- ,the final frame they added another un-
'pretatitais - fialtivee_ds hys-Tra.garls: "As 'an swOed • eounter. - , In- shuttingso.ut- the
Torrents in •Summer," and 'Ye Banks Mitchell team for the second time this
and Braes" (as arranged by .Mr. season:, Ginn in the winners' net turned
Wickett),-• melodiously sung by the -'in a stellar performance.
lashes of •tile choir, with Mr. Wickett Hayter with foul. goals Was the lead -
conducting,._ and Miss Mary .10Yee ing marksman, while Doig counted tWee
Strachan• at the piano. Bisset, Mere and Ainslie netted single
11 111(1(1 "Finale" --(Royal Fireworks tallfes. Weber and •McNairn were the
Music) and "The _Primitive Organ," best fte• the losers.
played on the organ by Mr. Wickett, The Flyerssare now standing by for
were highly appreciated numbers, " and tee ft TT isespeler-Orangeville series to de -
were followed by the "Variations de elate a winner. ,
Concert" described above. , I?ine-up: .
After the concert the choirwas enters .. GODERICH—Goal, Ginn; defence,
tained at supper in the lecture hall by AesSes. Westlake ; centre. Doig; left
members of the Ladies' Aid Society, wing, Hayter ; -right wing, Bisset; alter-
- ----- -- -----:- --i. --• - • • --- - - - •_-_•• • _ . ea tess..Meros Fishers R.. AlacDonatas---B.
Local Midgets Are , J. Maclioneld, Allen. .
,I MITCHELL—Goal, Rowland; de-
. WOA Champs 'fence'
Nairn; left wing,' McGill; right wing,
Houzes- Cornish; centre,
.. Mc-
, , Walther; alternates, Weber, Alcestnn,
Put ' Listowel Out . in Sudden Pidgeon, -Kress, Snelling, Henniek,--"- -.
- . Death Game at - .• .
. Wingham Judgment, has -been handed 'down
at Osgoode Hall on an appeal by Dennis
At Wingham on 'Saturday night,* Is - Bedard and Emma B‘edard, ex -
A - sudden -death-. encounter, Goderlsh eeutors of the estate of ,Dennis E.
Lions Midgets and -the Listowel Midgets Bedard, who was executor of the estate
battled at top speed, Goderich taking of Joseph Bedard, by way of a stated
the. decision by • an 8-6 score. The case from His Honor Judge Costello,
• %
-winners ;were duly crowned W.O.A.A. in the County ,Court of the County of
Midget champions and earned the right Ilunin, pronounced ,Deeember 14,. 1940,
to advance into • the 0.M.H.A. play- upon an appeal from the Court Of _Re -
downs. _ . • vision of the Township of Hay, holding
1x the opening .period the Listowel that he had no jurisdiction to find
-s established a 4-2 margin, but in` that theyespondent .Temi N. Cantin was
ts ' "ond twenty Goderich•rallied to not the .owner of certain lands. in dis-
tally s ee unanswered ,goals, and. in pute.:SThe appeal was dismissed with
the finalidrame they added three more costs. Frank, Donnelly, RA's -smite-.
-counters to .List•owel's Awe,. • . -sentet1 the Township of HaY before the
Leading the Goderich attack was Court of Appeal. . .s
Freeth with three goals,. followed by .
McPhail 'with a pair. 'Willis, Meriam• ..
i ' and Smith divided the -other three . Temperatures of the past week in
goals. Feir- the losers, Woods and Goderich, with these of the'rearrespond-
Helmka each flashed the red-light ing week a year ago, as officially re -
twice, while Joab and Reid scored lone corded, were' as follows:
tallies. _ 1947 1940
- . Max. Mie. Max. Min.
- • BARBARA'S "FIRST''• Thurs.. Mar. 12-....44 36 . 57 43
WAS RALPH McCREATH Fri., Mar.- 14 _4.40 31 , 01 - 47
— Sat., Mar. 15 ....31 10 01 40
-Sim., Mar. " 10 ....27 18 59 37
4 'When Barbara - Ann Scott was 1
Mon..*Mar. 17 ....28 10 53 42
, seven -yea r -old • ska tor, t tying. her
Tues., Mar. 18 ....30 1' . 54 43
"figures" en the ice alongside the
4 ..
grownsips.,her fayorite stent was to Wed, Mar. 19. ..3S 46 59 47
trace her tiny figure eight inside the
large one mode ' by the then NorSh
e - - American and : Canadian- champion,
Ralph AleCreath. .
.Vieteria street United, ehtirch- was
filled. to overflowing las't -Sunday even-
ing, the occasion -being the seconols an -
flyers Clinch
Theik Group Series
0.1 -1.A. junior 66C" Championship Their Goal
• —Signal -Stat photo
Q.H.A. semi-finalists in 1945 -46, -the Goderich Louvain srtyers of 1946-17 ,aro. ogain on the trail for the
Junior "C" 0.H.A. championship' cro en and a rt. eagerly !toping to —land it" t his Near. Here are the _players.
who have been faithfully practising and tinproving their 'play system for the strenuens matches that lie between
them and where tiles' hope to go., Wihners of their gesup, ,Lonzon-. Flyers Will meet either .the winners of the
Orangeville-Hespeler series or the winners of she Simcoe-New Hamborg series. Thi‘s. will be on Monday night;
next, and wlfether it will be in -l1' or away front home depends on ice condition's Monthly. Still in the tun,
ning for the 0.H.A. Junior "("' crowe are teams frem Cananoque, Stouffville, Haliburton, Orangeville, Hespeler,
-New Hamburg and Simcoe, as well as Goderich.
Back row.. frourleft • to -,-fight Ervifie (f-taleet) ; Westbrook (coach) : J. Biss(g- 111SW., • `'G Met('
. s •
ftS•ls_IN-Ltil',L00•400-(See,-trS,..):: Aru (mgr.);
' Kneelisig, „left to right :" 13. MacDonald (L.W.) ; J."*.lraYter L.Ws) ; G. Ginn NG, 13. -J-. neer/61MM- (C) ',—
Bob Allen (11,W.Y. Absent from plisnre, A. 'Fisher
"'She adored' Ralph," says Mrs. Seott,
'• cif "and she tried to folloW all the intricate
tracings that he would cut on the lee.
Semeene gave _ROO 0 pair' J)f figured'.
orange swimming trunks, and Batb
prmantly called him 'Taman.' She
calls him dust to this day and she is
stpl one of his greatest admirers."
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCreath, were
the guests of Lord ancl Lady Alexander
at Government House, Ottawa, over the
week -end, at a private., party in honor
of Barbara Ann Scott. -----Toronto Star.
The engagement is announced of
Ponta Phyllis, daughter of Mrs.
Mohring trod the late Roy Mohring of
Goderich, to Gordon 'Ray, son of Mr:
and. Mrs. 'Tarry Watson, R.R. 3,
Auburn; the marriage to take place
in St. George's (*hutch, on Saturday,
April tith, at 2 'P.m."
Mr. 111141 Mrs, Henry 'Matthews, Nile,
wish to annonnea the engagement of
• their eldest elanghtef, Bernice Annetta,
to William :Tames Henry, only son
of Mrs, Drennan and the late Wna.
Drennan, Kintail; the Marriage to take,
playa in Mayt.h„
Bishop Kidd Sings
Mass for Fr. Nagle
The Signal4itar and Purity' Flour
teams will compete for the champion -
Large Congregation Present for Alip of the Industriol •Bowling League
Tsare on Atonally night. A- beautiful trophy
Parish•Prieit goes • to the winning tenni •and in-
dividual trophies to the members of
'11 was a pleas-ure and happiness tile team. '
tofrien(1, who bore 1i tie sti-finals played last Morida
team by two games to one. While The
Rt.. Rev. John T..Kidd, D.D., Bishop'of Signal -Star ,won from. C.N.R. No. 2, by
. London, said in tribute to t he.. late t wo' games te one also.
IRes•:_Charles •F... Nagle at the fueerat - in. the consblation finals Monday
night Imperial•pll meets-Goderich Salt
service held in 81... Peter's church on
No. 2. Seuri-liaals" in this series last-
Siittu•dlis" morning, when soleniu Monday night saw Goderich Salt N-0. 2 -
defeat. Insilco Champs in three straight
high mass of requienewas conducted by
games, while ituperial oil were winners
„over Itsan Constteetien by two games
A larg-e congregation was present,
and 11) 111\ -clergyaive from other parts-
s'ne smoker to wind up- 1-110.-s-eas--On.
at w•hich ;presentation Of prizes will
of the Diocese of Lonam were in
sise peep,- is te,be held on Mondoy
at tendance. •
night. March 31.
s Rev, T. J. McCarthy, of St. Peter's.
Seminary, .1.ondon, preached t he ser-
mon from the text "Blessed are they
who die in the Lord.7. Ile, too, paid
a tine. tribute to Rev,. ,,Father Nagle,
who, he said, had "great grace;, and
licuvy irespensibillties place -d, upon
Bishop. Kidd Was assisted • the
celebration of the Mass -by y.ery Rev_
J. S". LiSelly, of London, as assistant
priest; Rev. T. 1'. HusSess. Seaforth,
and Rev. S. J. MeDonald. Clinton, as
deacons-gif the Mass; Rev. L. J. Kelly,
Petrolia, and Rev. '1'.• P. C. Delicate's
Ashlield, demons of .11.0nor, and rtty.
William lionnleau. of- French Settle-
ments:1.s Master of ceremonies, assisted
by Rev. McCatthy, of London_
.The ch(nr was meler the direction
of Miss Carl Schutaker.
. A large smanber of friends :Ind reins
tii-es of the deceased priest from out
of tewn were in attendanee, including
tWo brothers, John_ met ThOmits Nagle,
of near St. Alaryg.
Burial took 9111('t 1)1 St. Marys.
- se -7—
somewhat Intel" than last s'ear, but
anOther,,week or two will probably see
vessels moving,' - • - -
. A summary of ice conditions issued
by the U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office,
March 18th, indicates that there is'
heaSy ice in Lake Superior, with 26 to
30 hates at Fort William 'The Straits
of Mackinac -reporter believes that un-
less there Is a decided- cliiinge in
weather conditionsspaeigation will not
()Pen before April 10th except for
-vessels assisted by ikebreaker. Numer-
ous heavy fields of ice are reported in
Lake Huron. Lakes and Ontario
are comparatively -free.
The annual service for Mariners will,
be held in Knox church on S0.11(1113
evening, March 30th.
A sneMorial 'tablet to honor the life
and 'service of the- late -Fred 0. Weir
has been •procured by the 'session of
Knox Presbyterian church and will
be dedicated at the evening service (d
Knox church next Sunday. The see -
vice will be conducted ts's, .the minister,
Re.V. Richard Stewart, and the preacher
will be ReY. William _Weir, ILA., Ad
Hespeler, 'son of the late Mt. Weir.
It will be remembered that Mr. Fred
Weir, an elder of Knox church ana a
well-known member of the community,
lost his life in the sinking of--- S.S.
Athenia at the Opening of World Wor
Mrs. E. II. Jessop has resigned her
Position as -organist of St; 1-Ieorge's
church- and will be succeeded by. Pro-
fessor A. V. Anderton,. who for the
last six years has been organist of the
Professor Anderton's third term in this JOHN SlaeLE01-)
Winghain United church. This will he
1108111011 at Si. George's. The change, KINTAIL, Mar. 1 the early
understood, will take place at the quiet of Sunday morning, John Mac -
it is
end of April. 100(1 Was called • to his eternal rest.
While dressing himself.he was,stuldenly
LI$COMBE—NIVIN5 seized with a -heart attack, the cord
of life was. broken, and his, gentle spirit'
.• .
A, AN'ilford 1t- 1001: its flight.- It was a gr(at 81111)1180rise
Mr. and li's
ft-7rd wislet(Tannounce the maetiage of to- hear ef John's passing, as he was,
their ohleSt daughter, Loreep Mildred,
Torontb; to Mr. Leonard Liscombe. old-
est son of Mr. ,and Mrs. L.. J. W.
' 8444.- .1loaria in. •
sPgerk$ meting Llst -vvoeit,1110
wader .consideratkon ,the proptr4all
of the Town -Cowell for a tote °
uf au, ratepayers op the westiop
of the erection of a Pew school..
It. was de. ed to ask the ,Coinaell
to. aet on a request presented- to
that .hody by the' 130ard liovem-
',, ber last,; 'that et bylaw -he 'submitted
to public-sehuol Supporters' e4titied
to vote on money .bylaws approving
the issue of • debentures to the
amount of $025,000, the estimated
cost of the proposed new 'school.
This request will be before the
Council at its Meeting tomorrow
night. .
NEW HAMBURG, Mat. 19.--SGode-
Tich Lumber Company's °truck .and
trailer, loaded with logs, was struck
by a s_peecling Montreal -Chicago east-
bound C.N.R. train at the Baden level.
crossing, three miles'east of here, at,
9.05 .o'clock.. last night. The heavily -
loaded trailer was „practically clear of
the crossing when hit. Irand the load
of., logs were tossed into the ditch along.
the tracks, but the fracter ieinteinedmp-
right and the driver escaped uninjured.
. Damage to the engine,' including the
loss td the bell, held up the train for
an hour. A new engine was picked Up
at, Guelph:
Lose to Bolton
Winners on Home Ice but Drop
Game and Series at Bolton
Last Night
In the first ganie of a.home arid home
series the 0.M.H.A. juvenile semi-
finals Goderich Lions Juveniles de-
N0i, 2
,DiSCITS$ed, .
41,91:14Y!fi COT
Ona dhuge Dipmt$g.94 and 002-
victIbn Regi4tetgd 14
Magistrate Coels Of gtratfo4
again presidfdi• at the, Pollee Cetri
sitting this (Thursday) afternoOp in
the absence of Magistrate Morley, via*,
has been fserlously ill in Victoria la9Q,
pital, London.
A,- charge against Joseph Ailaim
keeping liquor for stile . was dismisSed
by the Magistrate,'*who held that thp
information and -search, warrant wexe.
illegal. The charge wat$ brought Mader
the Canada Temperance Act.
The court was asked by Crown'At
'torney Holmes, when the case wrap
opened," to decide whether the seargh
warrant was invalid because it had
been -signed by*.only one justice of the
Peace, instead of tYso.
Frank K.C., eounsell .fos the -
accused, argued that the claarge must
fail alSo becanee of two additional de--
fects in the warrant—no grounds of
suspicion . and the information used.
was under .the L.C.A. instead of the
Magistrate CobSt said the
137, provided the filailimery-bY
a search , warrant. could be secured.
The:inforMation mnst be taken before
a judge, magistrate or two or more,... .
justices of the peace.
The ease was before the court last
week, According te the evidence„ sub-
mitted by the Crown, the police
searched the Allaire .premises and
found 0 nuthber _of eartons of 'liquor .•
With pernitts. and Seized liquor permits.*
Mr. Donnelly, moved, then, that the '
charge must fail, as the warrant .was
not proerly signed.
- Conviction - and rine •
-James-T.; Ashton, .,Godei i „ ot., -
. .. • • ., .. ,_.. .. _,,,,',,,fA,._
vSeted - af•-.unitetYftillY''filitiging • -intes• - - • s
Huron county intoxicating liquor on .
Febru..asy 14, contrary to the Canada .
Temperance Act. • He was lined ;50
with costs or one nionth.in jail. • - ,si
featd Holt•On.J.uveniles .8-4 at t -he West,i
It Was agreed by conSent that the
Street rink on Monday night. About
ths•used. went :out of the county of
twelve hundred fans Witnessed one of '
Huron to Stratford, where be and two
the ,best games of the season.' other occupants of the car he was
lit the 'first period the locals opened driving each purchased for trimsell a
with an early goal- witflin the first eas of beer and• brought. it sback into
heir 1,7--S-Varreir----scoie the 'county. of .Huron.-;_ana that it -woe
brother littrold'S- assistance. • - •Three
legally .purchased in Stratford. •
mieetes later Wallace netted the equal-
- "Crowd Attorney Ihilmes argued that
izer With Waddell -s helps Boli teatns
under the C.T.A. a persen can bring.
.ittliiies2 vsedl,tsevt.,;t1t.lw,(...191.ilian,;ers,;11,1b.voint,i(_,1);‘;,..It-tilypiii11_,,,,„.rre.,_trtramt&..„....,„.,..,•,.
litefor in for another. persen but not
twins clicked for three coutiters. each .
AIagistrate Cook—"This is the let
bulging the twine behind Clarke to give t1ie ,
toe s-nvy Council held more restrictise
the 'Lions tte, emiimanding lead__ A.t
than the ISC....1." s
16.00, with Stoddart ,serving time for _ ,
is.. not* One, two, three,,witb. the
trifiping, MeCaffery._. And -.7eitldP.,x- -_ieaTht L
-- '-----111-1--.A. -it - does not-prevciit ' the 'plar•-•-.. --
billed, the fernier 'giving JohnSton•no
chase outside the county of any quan- -
.elaince• on a shot at close range. . tiff,' of liquor for persons within the
. In the middle twenty .leinntes both county," Mr. Holines•said.
teams tallied once. At the ten-minute Mr. • Donnelly said the argument
-mark Priceshard-shooting defenceman,
, rested on' the ste".sin -the Act. and
-bat whicil ••:trgeed that a person could bring -iiquier •
let „loose- wit 11 a - blisttering s
foetid . the top-- le-ft-bandseotner of the- -
to hilitseti- sOs---Ite eetilil to --abothet - - -
lloitop. net. Clarke then called on
person. •
',nay Luck for iissistance, and Willi her •
"'In giving hiss deeisien t which it •IX-,ar3• -
aid- 11111 11:Iteti to block repented efforts ,-sta fed would have a far-reashing effect•
put -ferth by the Lions, , . hi counties under the C.T.A").
It W'llS oil a breakaway from ,one of Alagistrate Cook said' the ('.TA. actual --
these storms that AlcEuery stored. Wal- Iv priatibited transport:1110n. • The "SO'
loce being (•redited with an assist on_.'
, had a :...lignifieant meaning,. "Tos-earry
.Mrs. jas, Black (if •Windsor is Visit- ;he play., The Lions retaliated with.i to." One 'Mist . cans- from ofiesplace to -
Mg \1i 1) „Stellwain. .. stronger ittt ticks,. but horseshoes ands onother, whb..h does- not mean carry
\Via. Vickers. left en '.1111(1 (1 to jein Clarke were an 1111111 11 able eumbination. I
, to oneself. Beings an Act .to-.restriet : •
il'is -hill 111(1 ((11 Wilhli wintered al The pace quickened in the final i tronsportation means that a person earl
So tithe chapter. with. the -visitors 'flaking a • (Continned on -page 4) -
Mr. and :Mrs. J. \\''. Cr-tligie end .11rs. (lei...twined bid to even the store. Their . .... ,
W. -T. Pellow returned today from their power plays went- antisS and at times .
winter -sojourn in- Merida, '' they , seemed to be soniewhat diss, Li'ons in Thorold.
- •
\V. J. ,Ituddoeli. Elizabeth street, organized and awkward. ' (back •to
plans to soil sleirtly for England. w.ltere take :savant:Igo of this. the 100018' secs . • - • •
he. Will lion(•eforth. live. end line. which was funetiening lesser , . God_erich Series
. mui.diu ,„....,,,, the ganie progressed,siests rewarded _ . •
fer _Sudbury to visit fon si while With whet! Beacom flipped. the disc Past Locals., licaol'inebineodthscGoaremes , with •
het daughter., Mrs. W. lt. MeCunly, Clarke with • N1001.eS a SSistaneo. , At '
:Ind Mr. McCurdy and family. 9,30 Chapin:es counted Boltogs only . 0,1!_,.... 17-8
Ray AI. Sperling formerly orsGode- t bird period tii Sly -W-11 Pe Needham . was _ 4
rich._ and later of Clinton, has been watching from the_ penalty box. With '. .„, „ •
appointed C.N.R. agent :it Port 'Elgin. less than three minutes remaining. isy virene of their win' on Inane ice •
His ftimily nre still residing in Clinton. Price car'ried the prick to the Bolton on Saturday night, When they downed
Wm. Barwick'. enineet.- Ana Sidney defence. passed to Newcombe. wh6 had 'fliorold Juveniles 1 1-4 to take . tale -
Legge t 1--.. (.11e). left. on Al( ltd ti for no difficult y in . garnering his: seemel round' 1 7-8, Goderich Lions Juveniles --sc
Fort William, where their boat. the goal el the, aight. • The final score of moved iuto the.$).',M.II.A. semi -4111111s.
Soodoc, is being fitted out for...the. the game came half -a -minute later with ,St 6.21 in the. first t went. y minutes
spring. 1111 ..1(1 Warren scoring after CI o rke Newcombe cell-vested:H. AN-atten's paSf,
. Mr. and Mrs. G._ A. teckell, of the laid kli'ke(1 obt shots froin 1)...1.1Varren out to give 'the Lions a sle•trt-lived lead.
Yukon, accompiinied by, the former's •ti)(1 Newcombe. ' • -_,. -
. .• • one minute Intel' Brirklitilder and Mac -
sister, Miss Laura . Jeckell, and Miss - Tte 'line-up : - .. • • Donald collaborated. the former beat- •
Blosvn. both of Exeter, . were in WWII-- BOLTON—Goal. Clatke ; defence: ing Johnston from close range. A .
on Alen -day. Mr. Jeckell; Mai attended' }imams Calder: centre. Chapman ; left 1w1.1alt 1" itilri'Y f''r lill)ing was
underkli coliegiate Institote. before wing; Williams; right Winge irons: tbe signal for another Go( oriel' seem.
going to the West, has been Controller afternates, Mentors-, 'Wallace, Woddell, Newcombe added his ;..t.c(eld goals beat-
mreateery, pe.i,gilt, Linski. . ,. . ing Itoncli int a high lia&khand shot,
of Yukon . Territory ler many years,
ond atter spending a month :it Ottawa. GoDERI.C11--Gat. Johnston : , de- with the assistanee- ef .1). Warren. A
hos, been visiting relietiveS- and lad fence. St -041(1:1 Ft, Nee(11111 111; centre II. !..ettint, Thorobl testi paid off whips,
WarSen ; left. wing, le. Newvoilibe: 'tempo evened. the (omit oiler Burks
friends .in 'Huron t.ounty. -
- rights wing,' D. Warren), alternates. leader had set. up 1) perfeet pass-. ' Bs,'
FOR SE.C.Y HARBOR SERVICE • Atmore. Bencom..Firlford. Price, Jenkins the fading mements,of 1111 1" with
.The twin -migrated -Cessna seen flying linmilton. Gtigg (sett -gm -II ). - :1"lionipseiS husky Thni;i1d defent•emanS
over Goderich early this (Thursday . - Itollon Wins 214-12 On Round '
in the -,-in,bin.- th'e bicals experie'aced
afterimen belengs te Skyi Harbor _kir° •f ;messes uses sesse es, "-yrs. sem. seine difficulty in 1 rp,'it il iZillf..;.' their at-
. ,, ,
..Sel,V•iees 111(1 iS t() he used for. ferrying inated from ithe (SAIII:A. playdewns li"ti` '"i",r, s''IYPI."1 '''""' '''''"g 01'm'
pihos. 'This plane. which was snew- hist night when -Itelten juveniles del. '''''''' "'' ''',,s
bound at 'Oshawa during the win 1 Pr, 1(1 1141 them 20- 4 ot Bollen. The w hi- • 'cite. mantle t 'gen ty so W, the,- Swells'.
was flown (tom the Meter City tot:Side- ners took the rolitid ..1.- 12 ond ineve oisiseore t -he Visikirs, 4-1.- Newcombe
rich on Wednesday by Gordon Coi'•swe11. into the iillals :igainst 111411 114-. .. scored 11 is s third is il use r of t he gauss
- . web help frinu ,,I1'. AVUerp11. , Ilotteh iln
, . tho glen:old . net was subjeeted to .z. ,
• Accepts Call from Toronto Clitifth . Sten vy bansigesind 0 1:tei- s'ollie hillThInl
‘4.1 vc,•-. Weakelled :it 9.10. 1). Weilsrsis
' s----- . - 0 slapping helm, 'Newcombe's i'0:,1
For the past six years -minister" ef '
Nortli street I-nited "church. ,Goderich, -.,,,-T.,.. Fif teen seconds later I'rice arosf• .11 4
w 44.1 -high • 3441 • 1114 1 e r 1 ha t Roaeh .I-Stig-
Rev, TI. 1I. Turnbull has accepted a call sled, preventing 0 score, -When ritumss
son ana Fulford holudged in some
to Bedford Park United church, Tor -
sticking and pushing, Referee year
onto. This will take effect on July lst. !middy waved :both of Ilsein to the
Rev. Mr. Tanana] came to Gederieb • peInit If y box. A t 1 2.3s l'riee. (sferilee
on July l. 1941, fiom the Port 'lingin, the puck to the Thorold defence hef,orte
United church. ,Previous to that he. s passing to Newcolube and the flashV
wasat Tillsonburg for fiv'e years. His left .wingt.r'iNasily Outguessed RoaAD.
-,,kt. this point in the game Referee 31Sair
lirst charge was a1 Ilelniore.` in Bruce,
comity. '' ., allowillg Wfinf appeared to Ica a- Spisall -
upheld the goal 'Judge's deeis;ron in
After graduating from Vietoria, C(d. • for t -he • LiOns, Gabriel' then- 1,11:!os-1,3ii '
ow a screened shot, but; this fitarrter' .
leg1. in arts, he enter(g1 in the theology
•was soon malifie(1 vvhen Donahl 'WM',
course and cgradnated from Ettnntlitnel, ...,
College in 192S. After this he - spent. a
....., 4 1 rc11. drove home brothen Iltarold'e4 paci.,
The thial Nth nza ivaS fiiiii:'-•iiiiiiiia
year in a post-gradnate colt rse a t 17111olt • old Wheu Newcontbe eonneetes1 for "bi
1100101,44 41 Seminary, .eVi., VOI•lt. . firth goal of the -game. neeeiVing*Si
Stray' pass behind the visitorg'
'Born , a t Dimthis,, Ont., he at tended
was able to ,,ctirry •fhe rabbet* Onit,,ilt
school there before taking his° Fill- 'front and shave it- home; past ..11.0"aehs
1(1 i3 emir se at Toronto. " . . With 1(41(11)1 41)41 14, Warivu balt
'serving time,' "coutitAied Thorold Wr-t,,
The present minister .at Bedford
sure paid, off with 'Gabriel 111i:ding 'Joe °
Park United eltureh is' retiring from
(Continued on page 41.,.; ' ,.-L ,i
the ministry in' ,Inty.
° .., .
i• , '"
Though 89, lie Plaits to "Ride A ain"
Years may collie nnd years .111113 go,
hilt Wallet /1.--dIen0-, despite the .fact
that he will pe sighty-nine on Sunday,
is &genuine(' to go..,on ridingitiA,moter-
cycle---Certainly 'not forever, Inn 'for
"some years yet."
A familiar figure on his. motorcycle
about Goderieb streets, Mr. Henry has
been riding it for more 1111111 a score
of years. Many visitors to Goderich
have expressed surprise on seeing the
elderly man scooting along the street
on a utotoreyele which mans' men litany
yeaes his junier would never attempt
to ride.
This week Mr. Henry received, notiee
from Slaemoter vehicle license branch
111 Toronto* that he would ls, required
to pass a testy before being given his
1947 eperatoes 'uennit. I'adismayed,
Mr. Henry is .,ritpreSent painting a
water color picture at his home and
awaiting -spring and Clear roads in
order- thatslierstiiiWS)rove to driving
examiners Unit, desPite his eighty-nine
years, he can still manoenvre his be-
loved nuitureyele to their legal require,;
in his -usual health ayd was in the
village on Saturday.
John AllicIssid was the eldestson of
a family Ad ,seSen born I() the late
Margoret MilcDomild and Duncan' Mac-
Leed, the first spttlers in the Kintaif
district. He was ,in his eighty-second
year. Ile spent his entire life on the
farm in .which • lewas born and
throughout his long. life enjoyed ex-
cellent health., ,S lifelong fanner at
heart, for the last fi'w•"y.ears be had
lived in retirement with hiS 'nephews;
the - Simpsen ,-brot hers operating -his
farms, He WaS alwoys rendy to assist
a friend and had a warm interest in .1 he
welfare of others. 1 ht 111114 one of the
most 4114)(1081 of men.possessed of a
keen, active mind, a Madly, sympothetic
nature, and a retentive and acenrote
memory of dates and events of the
past. 'Ile was a member of the Ash-
fleld Presbyterian church And Was al-
ways interested in Us welfare and al-
ways in regular attendance On the
,Sabba t h.
lie is survived by a brother. Mur-
doch, and two sisters, Mrs..Will Allan
(Sara), of Camlachle, mid Mrs. Simp-
son (Flora), of Kintoil.
The funeral service, was held at his
late residence on Triesday'S' ServitP
was eondUcted by Rev. W.: O. Rhoad
and the pallbearers and flower -bearers
W01'0 all elose neighbors. The large
trumper of sympathizing friends in at-
tendanee, over some althost impaskahle
roads, showed the esteem in which
the departed one Waq 101(1.