HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-10-22, Page 5'Il l wlemwss. omes+iw The Incarease or Insanity, Interesting items. Why will you cough when Shiloh's Curd 11o001 supporta-800 insane. ;aye will give immediate relief t Price 10e., 50c, Mr.. T. It. Sanborn, not 75 of whom and 81, Sold by J. W. Browning. will recover ! A deputation waited on the Ron. O. This ►a frightful 1 Insanity hoe Mowat the other day a&king for the better if g means for enforcing the Scott .Act in Oxford increased 40 per cent, in a decade amd county.. .moat of the Rees are incurable. A SENSATION Whatever the individual cause may be, the fact remains that Uric acid manner in which Neuralgia, Toothache, blood pats the brain on fire, destroys Rheumatism, Backache, Headache, is remov, its tissues. and then comes some fora ed by and an plicatlo of Fluid Lightning.of fetal lunacy. No offensive, disgusting drugs need be taloa Nothing is ea pitiable as a mind for days, It is ata instant care, Try also, diseased. Moat brain trelibleis begin iu boAtl yrc"Bonen, -Feer¢ t wh C,TARR--ANEWTREaATlMIENT. S. GI ,,: 1 FARM ERS% THRESHERS & M I1..L MEN Peerhapsthe most extraordivarysuecesethat has been achieved in modern medicine has 1 (N 0 E RT n K E R S oeen attained by rho Dixon treatment for oa• v 1 r s :.—�xF$Ia r3k1LX tar rh Gat f ',000 p ti t t ted during th a o ' u ens re e last six months, fully ninety per taut, have ^^ —^ ANet --- beoucured of this stubborn malady. This is { p r f ,/ j nonethelessaterttaug when it is remembered llt'111t ore Mar U acurers that not Ave per cent, of patients presenting [ tl themselves to the regular praotitioner are be- nefitted. wttle the uatent n,ecioinee and other 1wlvgrt:'adoure* never record a sure st all. An unparalleled sensation is being created 4 StartingHide the olalru now genurallyuelteva4 - .,,.,�� + •�* ` 1 over Ontario by the svanderful and un called b the mos acle (ilio risen that disease is due . :E'"= -.orf.. """;;;;7.1'S '�"I t e rola Dr. turning, Druggist. 3 .tine era the stomach ; then if the blood to $agyar4's Yellow Oil is needier Beuwatiem, filled with (,tic acid, caused by failure Neuralgia, Aahee and Talus, sore Throat or of kidney action, and the oomsequent deafness, Frost Bite* or Burns, a certain deetructioo of the blood life- Aibu,» vtetory is the natural result, Caen --you have the filet and the dame and a brain full blaze as when one ret,veo, or in plow combustion, ai cat milder forme of mouldy. Rev, y u E. 1'. Hopkine, of St. Johebnry. Vt. ,. t! (3W years ago WWI eonf#Ced la an tot ,he presence',of livingnarasiestn the tiesue. Mr. Dixon atone adapted his our to their extermination atria a,ceomplished, he cloture the Catarrh is practically cured, and the p er* maneneyUrcluestioned, aa curet effectedbyhim fouryeara ago .are cares still. No oue else has ,attempted to cure Catarrh in this manuer,pndno other treatment ever cured £catarrh, Th ap plieattan of the remedy is dimple, an,t can he done at borne, and tiro present season of the veer is the most favor- able for a. speedy and. permanent cure, the majority of cases being cured at one treat - went Sufferers should correspond with A Lissa de'paioh saps the rebel Flores Wiest Terou o,CauaOcla, and sueeoae sten prior recently attacked Cajamarca with 1,000 sten, their treatise on Catarrh,-.Afuntreei Star, Non. but was c>mpletely repulsed, 17.-1882. The Rev, Geo. K. Thayer, of Bourbon, 2nd., saga c "Both myself and wife owe our L01vD0N, HLiRQN .ANP Bii1;UE IST(* to. 8h►loL,* Gonantnptioxi Cgrv, sold .. . by J, W, Browning, $olloieoy's Ointment and Pills.-•-Debil- seylttnl. Be took a terrible eeld while Rated Conatitutious.—When•climate, age, or aiding in putting out a fire in a neigh- bor's burning house, and for twenty. five years that cold WAS slowly filling hie blood with uric Reid and ivally the deadly work wee done. The cava looked hops but by happily Used Warner's cure and recovered. Whet wee.tlhree yearn ago and daring ridden his blood of all surplus uric acid, ice hal remained well until thio day It is in deed a terrible thng to lose one's mind, bat it is a more terrible thing to aud'er auoL a con- dition when it can be so easily pre- vented COMNIUNICATWCNS 11,-i, do not hole ourselves reepoueibha- for olrin- lona oxpreised by oorreapolelents under that 140544 1E. gni rainten. To the Editor or the It'xtter Tittles. UR. Enxroa,—Far some rima past our attention has been directed to several ridiculously ab*nrd 1011401 ere in the 8t. Mary's 44r9fle, froth the pen of "Villager," which prove that people moat attrao ivo and pleasing to the aye contain within them the elements of vice. You will allow me to ten. tura upon this perilous ground and to assert, on the behalf of the Greaten - *tee, that they are not the mere sense- less and disgusting beings that "Vit. lager" and clique would have yon take them to be, but, by keeping in view that golden rule, "Do unto otb. ere as you would they should do unto you," they have maintained the repu- tation of our village. So, toe, there is a corresponding adaptatiou in the. surrounding'renmetanoea ann Con. ditions of ou sing. Air. "Villager" is the lowest oilmen of humanity our village is cumbered with, as has been proved ; still we find him rush- ing into print with the outcome of hie debased mind. In all my travels, in all my observations, I never lived in a section af,ountry where the people were more respectable and respeoted, more intelligent, or where theypos. judg- ment. more thrift and good Morality and common souse are within the reach of all who will take them, and with a profound faith in the nobility and dignity of the various callings of life, all can accept the blessed revelations of beauty and truth, written by the Divine hand. by not shrinking from what is manly in BUM Our village supports three or four who would vindicate the cause of thee( addicted to theft, because they think the small crime of stealing a suit of clothes, a watch, a few yards of calico, two or three five dollar bills and a bed -cord, would be too sacred hardships, have undermined the health. akin diseases are prone to arise and augment the existing weakness, Hollowly s nlpdioanzeete daily prove moat serviceable evert under the most untoward rirouaustanoee. 'Bilis well - k140114 Ind highly -esteemed uogueot posses- ses the finest bel*amie virtues, which soothe and Leal without iuton:ging or irritating the most tender *kin or moot sensitive *ore. #iollowax'r OIntment sad Pill* aro infallible for oeriog baa legs, verIewe veins, swelled ankles, erysipelas, eoale), akin, and every misty of akin disease. Over all these die - orders Holloway's remedies exert a gciieak ani favenrable action, and, where sure is post. hie, gradually but eartsiuly arrive at that consummation, They aro invaluable in the cure of scrofula and *curvy. Anniston aottou tactory alerted wont after six months anspenaion, DON'T Bl: DECEIVED. Beware of any druggist who w;11 try to in duce you to take anything in pinna al' (=reQor a Parke'a Carbolic Cerate. It is a marvel of heeling for Sores, Cnta, 'Dorn*, ere. No family should be without it. It has no egnat. Get McGregor it Parke'(, and here no other. Only 23e. par box at Dr, Brawn- fug's Drug Stere. 3 SORE TIIAO,t,T. Ta euro this oft -occurring trouble use llagysrd'e Yellow Oil internally and extern- ally. Yellow Oil cute* Croup, Aathnia, Pain in the Side, Itonmatisin, Neuralgia. Ear Ache, Detfaesa and all sore and palatal ootn hints. Cabinet meetings are being hold daily at Ottawa. For Pyapepsia and Liver C:nnplaiut, yon have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shilvh'e Vitalizer. It never fails to euro. Sir Charles Tupper has arrived at Otte sva, Cloyqyhlnau, Singers and Public Speak. era v(itItlud, .Robttasou'a Pltasp ►brim. adv Enutision of the greatest benefit to theta, where there is any tendency to weak- ness of the throat or bronchial tubes, as It soothes the irritated membrane, giyee roll• tone and strength to the vocal organa and imparts now life au i vigor w the enfeebled constitution, lhsrnssa Arrsa EATING, a feeling of weight in the *tomaoh—often painful, —gnawing, burning aensationa, belching of wind, sour eructations of food. variable appetite, elm., indicate Dyspepsia, which Burdock Blood. Bitters, taken iu time, will relieve and ann. Richard Brown, hostler at the Wilcox Rotel, Staynor, Ont., fell through a large hole in the atsble loft floor, Friday night, and was kilted, his nook being brokou, alcGREGOR'S SPEEED]' CURE, It is popularly admitted everywhere that Mct,tregor's Speedy Cure is the safest, most reliable and by far the cheapest remedy for Constipation, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Impure Blood, Loss of Appetite, and all sim- ilar troubles. It is not necessary to take a great quantity before any; osult is produced. A. few doses will convince you of its merits. Trial bottle free at Dr. Browning's Drug Store. 8 It is ezpeeted that traine will be running on the Montreal and Sorel Railway by the 15th Nov. next. Ridyourself of that vile Cattarh. Guar- anteed Cure. Dr. Carson's Catarrh Ours 111.00. If our Druggist has not got it send 81.00 to Dr. G. A. Canon Medical Co., To. route, who`will send a bottle express paid. Bend Ioi pamphlet. W. A. Bristol, book agent, was at the Toionto Police Court charged with forging the name of Hire. Abbott to an order for a book and remanded. I keep a livery ajable and own a great mankinds for printers' type. So, yon see, it ie of weather.as�For theout ata many t oubleshours andl which absolutely necessary under the pre(• arise and idjurriesto which stock are liable, I ent condition of affairs to give them unhesitatingly pronounce Giles' Liniment the hoof of the ass and Bend their Iodide Ammonia the most valuable remedy harnessed coffin out to farm. ever need in a stable. I have tried them all and am competent to judge. Twaonons As it would require several columns to do this subject the justice it merits, Y will refrain from writing more at present, hoping that the empty-head- ed, conceited "Villager" will visit the Pierian spring and accept that great GOULD, Mount Vernon, N. F. Sold by C. Lutz, Central Drug Store. HAGYARD'S PECTORAL BALSAM. Cures Throat, Bronchial and Lung Dis- eaans that lead to consumption ; breaks up Coughs and Colds ; cares Hoarseness and Sore Throat, by loosening the cough, allay - elevator of bursa minds and souls ins irritation and removing the cause of tres. until he can expreea himself tersely di On Friday a 13 months old baby of Mrs. and well, and be able to render justice Belanger' of St. Jane Baptiste village, fell acoording to equity. into a tub of water and was drowned. VERBS. .119i i ar From dome. News Condensed. John McFadden, a Seaforth mac, aged 86 years, was instantly killed last week at a lumber camp iu Sterl- ing, Michigan, by a falling tree. Last week, a young man named Reid, of Luoknow, fell off a church ateepie, a distance of about 70 feet. He lived but a few hours after. Cause of the fall was the defective fastening of a rope to which lie held on. He was 20 years of age. Mr. E. Holmes, of Clinton, recently appointed aasidtant librarian of „he Legislative Assembly, was o i Mon. day evening presented with a gold head true by the liberals of Clinton. The old gentleman has been an industrious and honest jourualitst, a sound Reformer, and a good citizen, and long may he live to sport his nobby cavo. CATARB•H CURED, health and Sweet breath seourod, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold J. W. Browning. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy+, Price 50 eente. Sold by J. W. Browning. A OA. RD. To allwho are suffering from the errors and indiseretions of youth, nervous weakness. early decay, loss of Manhood, d:o, I will send a receipe that will cure you, FREE 06' CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis- sionary in South America. Send a soli -ad dressed envelope to REV. ro8EPR T. Iuariw Station 2), New York City. CONSTIPATION. This evil habit neglected, brings a multi- tude of miseries, and is the source of much illness. Burdock Blood Bitters cures con- stipation by toning and regulating the Bow- els to a natural action. `' C 11. Symons, the embezzling -Toronto m bookkeeper, hag been admitted to bail. Bail was all ,wed in two sureties. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A positive euro' for Catarrh, Diphtheria, and Canker Mouth. Sold at Dr. Browning's Drug Store. BILIOUSNESS. When the Liver does not cwt promptly the bile accumulates to excess in the blood, causing yellow eyes, sallow skin, sick stom- ach, diarrhoea, etc., and the an (fever is term- ed :Bilious.Burdock. Blood Bitters regulates the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Blood, cur- ing Biliousness. A Scott Act election wall bo held in the united oouuties of Prescott and Russel' on ire you made` miserable by indigestion, constipation, dizziness, Loss of appetite, yel- low skin ? Shiloh's Goma Nawru. Mixed. /tail. Londouen,depart 6 0C A, K. 4 00 P.U. Exeter B 4 45 5 4 2/, 4 klippen Brgceaeld Clinton Londeaboro Math laelgreve }} i;nt,']aani arrive e.: —A. FULL, STOCK OF- Furniture, Cofjls, Caskets, And everything in the above line, to west immediate wants. Wo have one of the very best Hearses in the Counts, ,. 911 c '2') t .And Funerals furnished and condneted9 r, 9 55 7 ea •rtremely low prices. 10 18 790 10 ss 7'. ?~Ksrax* or .+r,r,;rus Dlrriretaxr Rocier.es. 11 it 3� 4 lei i HARKNES 00140 accts, �fi,ad 7,fruil. Wiaghaw.ctepart , ala u 11 ;vi,►.a. Betgraye ••.••.......... 6 40 12 05 P.M. Myth . 39 19 92 l,ondreboro h en 12 i7 (Itisuoa 6 3 135 II 11 , . S 51 1 50 205 3 lla 30 Her all.... _..... . Exeter...... f,andau anise 9 01 tb . le 45 WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, FLUTTERINQ JAUNDICE. OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF NOW CU�IPLET]j AT SALT RHEUM,H, HEARTBURN, DR 'NE88THESTOMAC HEADACHE, s OF THESKIN, 1Sarr.i h11 ,jhorderrod LIVERKIIDNEYS, STOMACH,('`7+r" DOWELS OR 131.000. HAIR BALM Restores grey hair to its na- tural calor, re- moves Dandruff, stops the halt from fall -ung out, increase$ its growth, and will not soil the skin. As a, hair dres• sing, it has no auteedharmlessuperior. Guar. g. P'rcp d by Hark,ue�ss tai Co. asciLoIsidan,f On sem byall «TOCk T. MILBURN & GO., 'Prtrillseafra. ei Ialso by nearly every re'pectableVendor at lifedioine, in luxes and Pots,at Is, 1}d., 2a. 9d. is. 0.1., lie., 22s., and 33s, each. The 2s. 91. else contains three times the quaantiiy of the is lid, size ; the 4a, 641. Mut six ; the 11s. size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the 338 size 11fty.two timea the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots, Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and Can be Lad in any langua$e i Purchaser* should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 1533 Oxford Street. Landon, they are spnrious. _: o COLL'S WINTER LA.RDIN.E .Part YOUR hfAORINE$ DOSING WINTER WEaTREIR REMAINS LIMPID IN GOLD WEATHER Try M0CQLL'a SINI,I( lip COAL CIL dud k as(ELT $&3'RTY (American W. w.)oik.. ,. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. D Cures D1.7ztne.ss, Loss of Appetite, Indigestuna, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Kidney.; .Pimples, Blotches, Boils, .Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Rrysi'pelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged S/omaclt, or irregular action, of the Bowels. RENOWNED REMEDIES, :THE PILLS Purify the Blcod, correct all Disorders of the I(IVJ R, STOMIACI~f, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. 1'iiey invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in Complaints incidental to Fenralea of all ages. For children ata the aged they are prioelosa THE OINTMENT Is an infallible rented for Bad Legs, Bad Brenta, Old Wounds, Sorea and Ulcera. It famous for Gout and Itlteumstism. FOR Di22OADERS OF Tiin CREST lT EMS NO squat., 0r Sore Throat.. Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Glandular Swellings, and all akin diseae it Laic ea rival ; ami for coutraeted and stili joints it acts like a charm. The Pills and Ointment are ;old at TaoxAa Iiosr.owar's Establishment, 78 NEW OXFORD.STBEET tate (533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; UNDERTAKER & Fickard CABINET-MAKER, .,: f l'"\ 5 Walnut & Rosewood Caskets Also ea nrlsa er unity Uunciin'rluv. A Complete Stook of Rohs & Trimmings Always on hand. FuNEn.tr.s FURNISHED AND CO • l'LUSHES, DUCTED AT Low RATE,;. SILKS, VELVETS ' My Stock of Furuituris is uu- r't VELVETEENS, excelled. r'..-GIVEME:> CALL - All Gloves, &c All of which will be offered at Rosi BOTTOM PRICES. 1 MCN'BAY' & TUESDAY We will]. open our Millinery Show Room, at which thine we will show all the latest designs for the coming season. Also Full bines in New DRESS GOuDS A FEW HINTS FOR 1118 USE OPlbw its - DosE. — To move the 1,010• V �1 els gently, 2 to 4 Pills; Sthoroughly, 4 to 6 Pillt. Experience will decide chi proper dose its edeli cari(. For Constipation, or Costiveness, m remedy is so effective as Aran's Pint. They insure regular daily action, and re- store the bowels to a healthy condition. For Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Aran's Elms are invaluable, and a sure cure. Heart -burn, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach, Flatulency, Dizziness, Head ache, Numbness, Nausea, are all relieved and cured by ATER's PILLS. •� In Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders, and Jaundice, AYElt'S PILLS should be given in doses largo enough to excite the liver and bowels, and remove constipation. As a cleansing medicine in the Spring, these PILL' are unequalled. Worms, caused by a morbid condition et She bowels, are expelled by these PILLS. Eruptions, Skin Diseases, and Piles* She result of Indigestion or Constipation, are Cured by the use 0f AYER'9 PILL(. For Colds, take AYEa's PILLS to open the pores, remove inflammatory secretions, and allay the fever. For Dlarnccea and Dysentery, caused by sudden colds, indigestible food, etc., Ax$a'* PILL( are the true remedy. Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, and Sciatica, often rosultfrom digestive derange- ment, or colds, and disappear on removing the Cause by the use of A•rtn's Prtas. Tumors, Dropsy, Kidney Comp:aInts, and otber disorders caused by aeit..ty or obstruction, are eared by AYER's Suppression, and Painful 11Senstruao tion, bane a safe and ready remedy in AV R'S PI LLS. Lruli directions, in various languages, as company each l,acl:age. PREPARED BY Dr.J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Man. Sold by all Druggist% THE LIGHT RUNNING SEWING MACHINE SIMPLE f THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE THAT GIVES 'fECT tSQTI' 1`7 HAS .NO EQUAL1 ElFtEY CE rjrITLI C •s 'IF . INC MAGNINE CO. ORANGE MASS. SQ.N.Y. CHICAGO ELL. :'rLOUiS M0 A"k LANTA GA. '.V5.71`�SA•Il' Erb!1=p �7� "�. N. r .l t V -Lr BR O S EXETER, ONTARIO. D:JOHN S, Postmaster, WILLIAM DREW Undertaker and Cabinet-maker. EXETER, 01\7TAR20 ;ONE DOOR NORTH 1!•IOLSON'S BANK; fOER (01BINITIOU PRICES CONSIDERABLY REDUEED to make room for Fall and Winter Purchases, which will arrive shortly. FULL LINES OF GOODS ;constantly on hand, All. Shades, Finest Goods, Best Artistic Cutting and Superior Finish. It will pay you to order now and derive a benefit from pur- chasing good and oheap Goods. A. call is respectfully solicited. SO'D'THCOTT. Fashionable Tailor, Exeter.. Ezeter Post Office Time Table. )LAILS Kirkton, Woodham WinehelseaaudElimville Southeast and weal, including London, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal, llfanitobe,United States, angliib and foreign mails ... ... South, cost west &c ... ARRIVEI moan... 2.90p. m. 9 80 a.m e.00 a. m. 6.45 p.m. 2.30 p. m. 8.00 a. nL 5.30 p. n>.P 6.80 p. m., 1000 am 9.15 a. m. North and east, including Goderiob. Wiugham, Kincardine and all points north, Stratford, Toronto, Montreal, and Pastern States... ... ... 1C.00 cam North eastate ... 3.90 p.m. ... 7.15 p. m . Sarepta. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday's 15 a • 8 m ONLAY ORDERS Cssuociand paid on andfrolu any Money order O03ea in the l)omin ion of Oanod a,Gront Eritair and treland,nritisb India, 0 ewfoundlaud, Italy, Australia,'New South Weiss, Tasmania, Nett Zelacd. Trance an Algeria., the German Empire, Swoden,Norway, Demerit, Iceland, Belgium the Nethrlauc1s,Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, Roumania, United States, Jamaica and Bax bados; POST OFFICE SAVIN GS O R NR, 1)epositstvillberoceivodatthisofllcefionl w1 to 6100. Depositors obvaiuing tae Post n1asor-Gonoral'S sp axial permuaSion Call deposit ;,i 1606. Deposits on Savings Bank account re calvo,lfrom9a,m.1041e.111. L110ro51at4 petceutporannumwillbnalioaodnnell cleyrosits Meeheursf,om 7.30 a.m;to7 p, m, Letters intended. for registration. roast bo poste(' 1;i miuntes beton the closing of each Mail N.B.-art 18 partienlnvy requested that the F.su0ers of matter will kindly mail the names of 1 t,e c,nnntie�tothe addiosses.