HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-02-20, Page 8e THE 000ERIOI SIGNALS`,.. 47,„6a-RPMR(O)I 1DYA,RN%IY101ilNM .AbIrY �23m"AOI7 IVO: aa.r. MRING PAER NH• S:RII ON.rToE1RGE'S CHURCH CH MN UNSCHOL. ZOO pan,. EVENING Pliti N E 13 AND SII MOK Lenten bera uc,c s every Dcdtt b aa � at 8 1.n. :REV., ampt4JL.d ' fi 'AIM, B.A.c 3L D., RECTOR'. OR• u - MRS. E. ,DIE':SSOP, Organist and Cinoir Leader. A North St United Church 11 a.m. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT, N1L;IitSERY CLASS AND MISSION IIIA: HD. • 11 a.m. "THE VALLEY OF THE DRY BONES." 7 p.na. "THE MIRACLE OF THE BELLS." MINISTER --REV. R. H: TURNB 'ULL, B.A., • S.T.M. Knox Presbyterian Church 9.45 a.m. Sunday School. 10. a.m. Young People's Bible Class. 11 a.m. JUNIOR CONGREGATION. 11 A.M. — PUBLIC WORSHIP — 7 P.M. THE MINISTER AT BOTH SERVICES MINISTER—REVEREND RICHARD STEWART 1.'rector of Praise—Mr.°William Wickett, ;A.T.C.M. Coyne and Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness. Victoria St. United Church - .._ u. ru, . -... --_- `MIl�`I3TEI�---RKV:""'I.A"RtRE4'VEE H: TURNER. MN. Organist and d(~joir Director—Miss Mary • Jo3 C! Strachan 10.00 a.m.-Sabhath School,,.,,,R. 11.00 a.m. - "THE CURE OF SOILS." 7.00 p.m. "THE SHORE -LINE OF LIFE." Monday 8 p.m. Young People's Union. Union- Church at 2.30 p.m. VICTORIA WELCOMES YOU Goderich Baptist Church SUNDAY SERVICES -40 a.m. SUNDNY SCHOOL.. Classes for all ages.._ DR.'C. SCOTT, OF TORONTO, WILL. SUPPLY AT MORNING AND EVENING SERVICES, • s.,Ella-Z.-Donaldsop,•-A.L.C.M.,.,:Organist,-- ..� . Prayer Meeting as usual. e, A WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT ALL SER`'ICES BETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) REV. J. A. PEARSON, Pastor. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. ,11` a.m.' THE PASTOR WILL SPEAK. 7.30 p.m. EVANGELIST ,JOHN WEST WILL SPEAK. • Subject: "Why I Am Entering the Ministry." Tuesday ;8. pan. .Young People's Meeting. Friday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting at home of S. Lee, Anglesea •St. ' A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YCiU. The Free Methodist. Church• Corner Victoria and Park Streets "THE GOSPEL according to the • OLD TESTAMENT PROPHETS" will be the ,Pastor's subject AT 7 P.M. 11 A.M. "A GLORIOUS COMPANY" (Cont'd) WED..8. p.m. PUBLIC PRAYER SERVICE. WATCH FOR SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT NEXT, WEEK ALL VISITORS FIND A WARM WELCOME. REV. R. C. MCCALLUM, Pastor. Magazine Subscription Service Periodicals to fill every need, suit every taste. Over 200 Titles, from juvenile enini-cs W technical publications. - Let us he -Ip y=ou make a selection that will give yciu a w�rounded program of reading' and pictures about the subjects that' interest you most. • b� a All the details of placing new •or renewal subscriptions attended to free of charge. A ph -nue' Call will bring' prompt courteous service. ----MARY B. HOW 1, 1ST. VINCENT ST. (Roar) 5-8 PHONE 213W Announcement! Mrs. Ruth Stubbington wisheo to announce that Harry Bosnell, Napier Str. et (opposite . the hospital) has taken over tie WA.TKINS business formerly conducted .by her in • She wishes to thank her customers for their past patro . age and to state that her' successor will give e tient and court- eous cede, to all her old customero a i well as new ones. Mr. Eon oll's x horde Number is 1,161 31 GINl -V I 'KERS A pretty winter wedding •tools, place at St. George's church on I+rebruary 7th, when Doris Elaine,.. slaughter of Captain and - Mrs. John Vickers of (goderich, loc'citme the Weida; of Robert 'Wilfred Ginn, soli of Reeve.Geurge V. Ginn and MIT:S. Ginn of Goderi:chh town- ship. The- double ting cereinolky awns• iltafurmed by -the rectos, Rev. B. H. I' arr. The bride wore a street -length dress of winter white oel• with, black ,ce e essories and the bridegroom's gift, a string of pt'arls. Iter corsage W US 'of reel rose:. Ilei attendant, Miss Mar- jorie-Jolinstun, wore a bitch wool dress with corsage of pink roses. The bride- groom was supported by William yit•kc'rs, the bride's brother: After the ceremony the wedding dinner was served at the hoiine Of, the bride's par- ents. The, young couple will reside. in Goderieh. AUBURN Correspondence,Battiget Astray. --our Auburn correspondent mailed the. weekly new letter -a --usual un Wed day morning, but- pp to late Thursday afternoon It 'had not turned up .at the Goderich office. TAYLOR'S CORNER ,TAYLOR'S CORNER, Feb. 18. — The Ladies' Aid of Zion church held their February meeting at the home oi' Mrs. A. Holmes on Thursday after- noon, with aIi attendance of fourteen. Ten dollars was voted to the Chinese relief fund• flans were made 'for- a quilting to be held in the school. ('ongratulations.to Mr. -and Mrs. Bob Ginn. who were married recerdly. The school buses are again in.oper- atioii. Let us hope that we shall have no more storms this •winter. •• There, \vas a good attendance at Zion church on Sunday. Rev. C. 'I'avener delivered a fine sermon, and the bible class was taught by Mrs. Tavencr. Don Oke was home from 'Lurie h for the week -end. .g, N :11EMORIA31 LA\1B:—In • meitrou_ of Mrs. Gordon Lomb, who passed_ away February 15th,o°1946.. -4'n our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true. Ther' is' not a day, dear mother,. That we do net think of you. —Always remembered' by Toynbee, Annie and fancily. • • 8x SPROUL. In loving .memoryof my dear husband, William Sproul. Calm and peaceful • he is sleeping, • Sweetest rat that follows pain; I who loved him 'sadly _tniss him, • But trust in God to meet again. —Inserted by his loving wife. 8x RE, -I i loving - anemery Of 'I1'S..- Robert Bere, who passed away February 22nd, 19-13. Peacefully sleeping, resting -at last, IThe world's wearytroubles and trials _s '- In silence she suffered, in patience she bore, - - • Till God called her home, to suffer no more. —Ever remembered by Family. CARDS OF THANKS e J JRS. JOII"N A. MORGAN AND family are anxious to acknowledge with thanks the kindnesses 'and messages of sympathy extended to them its their bereavement. They also wish to thank those who sent- fiot-ers and loaned their cars,. With special thanks to Re*` R. Stewart and Dr.. J. - W. Wallace. -8 THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MRS. H. �I;: ,Beadle are very thankful to those sdho were so kind to Mrs. Beadle during her illness and to them in thei-is-bereavement; anti,.also to those who Moaned their cars or sent floral tributes. ° -8 „. MR. ANDREW MARTIN AND FAM-. ILY wish to thank the neighbors.. and friends far their many acts of kindness; also those who sent spiritual offers s and' those who loaned their cars the funeral. MR. JOHN FLICK TAKES _ THIS opportunity to thank I)r. J. M. Graham, the. staff nand nurses of Alex • - andra Hospital, and all others who were- kind to him during his recent • illness; -also the members of North Street United church 'for the flowers sent. TI -Ib; RELATIVES (1F THE LATE - Mrs. G. W. (Dick) Black are grate- ful to those Who sent flowers or in any way-- extended assistance and sympathy in their bereavement.. -8 WANTED Secretary -Treasurer for God- erich Board of Trade for which' positions he will be re- munerated. Part time work for a retired man with, •' executive ability who is interested in the ad- vancement oLthe 'community. Apply in writing to N. W. Miller, Secretary Board of Trade, Goderich., N. W. MILLER Secretary, Board of Trade. rice T1fWRS]CDA•Y, IJ•d 33,Y ,20 I9-47 For Reu1ts - A classified . Ad )AOR SAI 'r Bingo• -=The Canadian , Legion will jj"t)'R SALE. I1ARD 13 Y WOOD, •. hold a bingo at their Ball, Kingston FOR maple ;w furnace blocks, stole street, on Wednesday, March 5th. - wood or split land mixed sizes; tall 12 ' here'$ no need to throw away that laches long. . L)elivered in orders of old tire. Tuve it vulcauized at Baxter two cords or more. For infortnation & Linifield'S service station and -it will earl SIGNAL -STAR, phone 71. . 41Litf be good formany more "miles het. -(i , ,1,C' IC) �1,: itA:dtl- .. Fuller Brush agent will call `at (Ride- FOR SALE., rich on Mondays, Phone 75J, Clinton, ETT' with . oVeci. C'oaltrul. Call or flea\Te name at 71, Goderich. .-2-4 'SIGNAL -STAR . 8$ Next regullar meeting of the Gude- I UR BALK. AJAX OATS, rich Saddle Club wall be • held on 1 • cleaned and treated, $1 per bus. M. A. VANDLI`RMEER, phone 932 r 15, Goderich, R.R. 2. 6-10x Friday, Itfebruary 28th, at the Town. Hall. All members and anyone wish- ing to joie this club will be welcome. • Extra Special! Du Barry Derma. "v• onSALE. --- McCLARY RANGE, See dry crepey look. Guardsagainst beauty bonus coal or wood. Phone 775M. 8x for la limited Cline. Regular $2.00 size, -10R SALE. — ROBERT `WINTER now. x+1.00. Campbell's Drug Store. Reserve' Friday, March 14, for eon- cert by Knox Presbyterian} choir. C' 8tf The regular meeting of the Woman's sraciation----of---? rtth- --street—United church will be held in the ,church hall ou February 28th:. It• will take .the form of a fee pot -luck supper at 6 p.m., after which the meeting will be held. Reserve: February 26 and 27 for play, •.Billy.'s...Goat,'' . pre~ell.ted_ by. North street United church Young Adult Group. - -. -5-6 Why suffer- the agony of rheumatic pain, sciatica, lumbago when Rumacaps will give you quickl welcome relief. Campbell's and Emerson's Drug Stores. Reserve April 17th and 18th for a play by Arthur Circle Players in Knox Presbyterian church. -8 FERTILIZER NOTICE The Luckuow District Co-operative Inc., will- be mixing fertilizers this Spring as usual. Although we are warned -of a very serio us worldwide shortage of fertilizer materials, we have a large supply of material on hand - and much wore ordered, 'so as long as -we can secure materials 'we shall continue to mix the usual grades as ordered ,by ,the farmers. Besides these we mix a (2.., p 1�2,6 with - popular, as it can be sown With any ordinary -seed drill. This -is known as Pebble and 40 lbs. is contains as much p()Mrs' plant food as .125 lbs. of `2.12.6 with a filler. • - • For further information phone or write to LUCKNOW._ DISTRICT CO- OPERATIVE INC., Box 63, Lucknow. ,Phone , 71. We deliver:, JOHN JAMIE - SON, Manager. ' -7-9 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF FUE,NITURE in- G.W.V.A., .Seaforth, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd at 1.30 p.m. ins uxirrig a 1�Riece dil ing,roalu suite; Italian Renaissance style, solid oak, Old 'English finish, .:consisting of table, chairs, buffet, china cabinet, and sere- -i i� table, (the carving on this- suite is exquisffe T . Also--' tali', Tleee • -itrlard- Sheraton-mahogany,bedroom suite and mahogany dressing table ;• 'walnut dinner -wagon. TERMS --CASH, • • . . HAROLD JACKSON, 8- Auctioneer. Ai;CTIO\ SALE OF PROPERTY SATURDAY, MARCH •1st at 1 p.m; in the town of Goderich. House 'and lot on Napier .,street ---,house No. 65, opposite hospital. • Six -room' frame house in excellent condition. Bathroom, Hydro, basement, large lot and good barn. TERMS -20% down,, balance in 34 days. Ininiediate possession. Reserve bid. 8 -9 - MRS. JOHN SIELING, Proprietress. HAROLD JACKSON, - Auctioneer. CLEARI-NG AUCTION SALE ' OF FARMS, FARM ' STOCK • AND IMPLEMENTS INCLUDING - . 2 TRACTORS AND 2 FARMS , Mr. Harold Jackson has been in- structed to sell by .public auction at lot 3; concession 2, Tuckersmith, one and- a -quarter miles east and half mile south of Hensall, 6n FRIDAY, MARCH 7th at 12 o'clock sharp. 1 Standard Oliver 70 on rubber, starter and lights; 1 Oliver row -crop 70, new rubber and tip-top steel, starter and lights. FARMS—Parcel 1.-100 acres, lot 3, concession. 2. Frame house covered with asbestos . shingles ; bank barn, drive o sheed ; good water, supply; 90 acres workable land; 10 acres bush - PARCEL 2.—Lots 3 and 4, concession 3, 200' acres. Bank barn on lot 3; two frame barns on lot 4; 180 acres of workable land; 8 acres of No. 1 maple bush. This is choice clay loam and will be' offered in one or two parcels. TERMS --Chattels, -cash ;" Farm, re- served hid, 10% down, balance in 30 days. TED MTTNN, • Proprietor. E. P. CIIESNEY, Clerk. HAROLD JACKSON. 8- ' Auctioneer. 4 -- GET THE - BEST! ANY `INSURANCE IS GOOD UNTIL YOU HAVE A. LOSS THEN THE BEST IS NONE, TOO GOOD. SEE H. M. FORD . Get Insured -- Stay Insured -- Rest Assured. North St. rel, 268W Estate, Maple street. House with f urnace and bath room; approximately 21/2 acres of l tnd, • barn, chicken house, garage, grape vines, :Fruit trees, etc. pp y In wri ng o : ' ' �8",-SIti.A STAR. -7-8 FOR SALE. -TURKEY HENS AND toms. Phone 66 r 9, Dungannon. EARL HOWES, Kintail. 8x FOR SALE.—USED DINING -ROOM suite, Jacobean style, in good con- dition. Phone, 336W (in evenings). -7 FOR SALE, — SIX -ROOM HOUSE on' Cambria road. Write BOX 99, SIGNAL -STAR. 7=8x FOR SALE.—TWO OUTSTANDING Cocker Spaniel pups, sired by' In- ternational Champion Brookwood Candidate. Priced reasonably. Write BOX .102, SIGNAL -STAR: 8x BE P•R'.PARED FOR YOUR - spring sewing. Have 'your ma- chine- checked by one of our experts. A few new models now available. SINGER SEWING CENTILE, 78 On- tario street, Stratford. 5tf OR SALE, — NEW TIRES AND lk � __ t re 'kala. o _ • ce - Why pay:more? Phone 0119. _uicaniz a. ing done.,FRANK GALLON. 8x DAY-OLD COCKEREL. BARGAINS while they last for this week and next. Barred Rocks, Light Sussex, Black ' Australorps, Light Sussex X New -llampshiies, New Hampshire X Barred Rocks, Light Sussex X)3arred Rocks $4.95. New. Hampshires $4.75. -AssortedHeavies $4.45. White Leg - horns $1.00 per hundred. Two-week; olds add $6.00, three -week -olds . add $11.00 per hundred. This advertise- ment must accompany your order to receive these prices.. TOP NOTCH CHICKERIES, Guelph, Ontario.. _7-8 �'(lR. • SALE. — CHOICE COLLIE lutiss four months of age, from good heelers. Ope • Yorkshire bpar, six months old, from registered stock, Phone111 ,(ar1 w Central. 8x FORTY .._:.EAR -s -ESLD 'KIT ellEN +1R; man, reliable, ,desires steady word' in Goderich, preferably in dairy, buta not essential. Has chauffeur's license and best of references, Available on one 'week's notice. Please state par-- ticulars to: BOX NO. 100, 'SIGNAL - STAR, Goderich. ,- •• -7-8 FOR • SALE.—r ARM, 160 ACRES, 80 -rod frontage on Lake Huron, 41 miles north of Goderich ; 45 acres plowed, 42 acres of 'hayr 'hay,12, acres of wheat, balance pasture. Good barn, artesian well. WM. MEYER, _R.R..3, Goderich. Phone Dungannon 20 r 9. , , 8-9x -W AD ANTED. --,=OLD HORSES; WILL sir pay $1.50 per cwt.; will roil OW pick up Baine. P1ione collect JACK GILBER.T, 936 r 21, or FRED GIL- BBItT. phone 936 r ;)2, Goderich. , 46tf ,. 1. I 13L . ANTED, R S O NIS I �1 1 topple desire three -or font room unfurnished apartment. Plume 1093\V. 5x IF YOU ARE ENERGETIC, 4M-' BITIO,I'S and interested in making gifod money, inquire about bur money, making proposition. • FAMOUS PRO- DUCTS CORPORATION, Dept. 9-0-3, 370 Guy street, Montreal, P.Q. 6-9 WANTED. — LISTINGS OF PRO- PERTY for, sale. Phone MAL - COI M MATHERS, Insurance and Real I':state Broker, 115W. 7tf WANTED TO RENT.—FURNISHED WANTED house, by -f rlxiii k --of fo r -;--fes --pos- sibl'y two years. Possession as soon as possible. Telephone 588R." 8-9-10x WANTED, ASSISTANT COOK ,and another girl to run dishwash- le machine. Apply BEDFORD -8 WANTED.—FOUR OR FIVEsROOM house wanted to rent. Write BOX 101, SIGNAL -STAR. APPLICATIONS WANTED. Applications for the position of As- sessor in the Township of West Wawa - nosh will be reeeived by the under•- signed up to acid including March 10th, 1947. The salary has been set at $150. BROWN SMYTH, Reeve, 8-9 Auburn, Ont., R.R.'No. 2. FOR .RENT TO RENT. — LARGE BEDROOM and small sitting -loom,, furnished and heated. Phone 1064J. VOR RENT. — THREE IJNFURN- • �1�T"tI�:D"ic�"�)iiis: I:ntturr`esz� S'�V�; �L-> STAR OFFICE.. 8x NOTICE T•O CREDITORS .OTIC TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Joseph Stewart Brenner, late of Goderieh, Kincardine and Grand Bend, deceased. All claims against the above estate must be filed with the undersigned by March 15th, 1947, after which date the assets will be distributed. FRANK DONNELLY,. .Is..C„ Gode- rich, Solicitor for tee Estate. 8-10 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS '' -In the -Estate -of john liiehmand_ Orr; late of Goderich, deceased. All claims against tht above estate must be filed with the undersignecl;;Tiy 15th, 1947, after which date _the_ Y-EI•i,4t i�l? [March a}te'�I: FRANK DONNELLY, K.C., Gode rich, Solicitor for the Estate. • 8-10 ° Cuihert's Bakery "The Home of Tasty Pastry" 1' WEEK -END SPECIAL PI{ iEAPPI ?,ARTY , 350' each All Ordtrrs, of $1.00 or more delivered. PHONE 405 MEL. CULBERT, Prop. NILE NILE, Feb. 17.—Mr. and. Mrs. Car- man Brindley of-Benmiller visited with his brother, Mr. Russel Brindley, here, and ou his way home he had the mis- t fortune .to. take the rear. end_cut_of his truck near Nile. Miss -Bernice 'Matthews, who has been working near Delhi, has returned home for a while. Mr. and Mrs, \\'ni..Ituddock and Mr. D. Cantwell of Goderich visited with \ir. • and Mrs. Alvin Kerr -on Sunday. A special collection wilt be taken up in Nile church••on Sunday for the Aid to --China fund. Anyone interested in the' good eause is invited to -bring or send his contribution on Sunday. FOR SALE.—SOLID OAK DINING - ROOM suite; Quebec cook stove with water front ; large size Quebec Dealer three -burner wickless coal oil stove. All in perfect condition. Apply 22 Blake street or phone 946J evenings. 8x FO SALT:. ---RED•, BRICK` `•HO' SI • including four bedrooms,- double parlor.'dining-room, kitchen, bathroom; furnace, laundry in basement, electric heater on hot water tank. Apply DAVID' SIIARPE,. 33 Victoria street, Goderich. -8 "I CONGRATULATE YOIT" says clustomer J. C. Nicholls, of Arnstein, of his KITCHENER BIG -4 CHICKS "Recommend them highly." And gives facts to prove their LIVABILITY S. PRODT'•CTIVENESS CANADA APPROVED, BREEDERS PTTLL()IIT'M-TESTED. Whether for overseas or home markets every egg is needed. Buy chicks now for future profits. Agent here Is EUGENE RYAN, • Ryan -Produce Co. . -8 BORN MATIIIESON,--Mr. and Mrs. tG.arnet Mathieson (nee Jean Proctor) are happy 'to announce the birth of a • daughter,. Valerie Gail, on Friday, , February 14th, at Alexandra Hos- pital. PI('KLER.--At Chicago, I11., en Febrt'I- .ary 19, 19.47, to Mr. and Mrs. Lew Pickier (nee Betty McIver of Gode- rich) . a son, Paul Steven, WIELANI).---At St. Catharines, On- tario, on February 20th, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Wieland, a daughter, Patricia Anne. A Mother's Favourite For IndColds- For nearly 50 years Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup has been a favourite remedy for cougho and' elolda. Mothers evoryvvhoro know that children like its pleasanttaste and will take it without /ups or bother. It embodies medicinal proppertief tif the pine and cherry barna altilfully combined with other cold -combating ingredients. Dr, Wood's Norway Pine ayru° is quick-aetind and effective. It heipq to looet phlegm and mucus, soothe irritated membranes, clear the air page and stimulate the bronchial organs. (let Dr. Wood's IJ'orway Fine aypaap at your favourite drug ,tall The ` .1ilauro Ca4,1'ibrontt, Ont, a '...r is supplies postpaid in p with price lis samples $1, C3, NOV-RUBBER Hygienic (rubber goods), mailed p lain, sealed 'en- velops t. Six samples 25c ; 00, Mail Order Dept. 7'- BER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. It is., only fighting 'tor a new world that can make us fit for it. v • PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE. INeece-line your home with blown more comfort. Permanent, fireproof. -Modern equipments and experienced crews. - For free estimate and terms phone Goderich 261 or ' write. ROW - LAND C. DAY, 5 Thornton •ave;, Lon- don. 9 2tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OT,HIERS In the Estate of Emily McHardy, late of the -Town of •Goderich, deceased. All claims against the above estate must be filed with The undersigned by March, 15th, 1947, after which • date the assets will.be distributed. FRANK DONNELLY, K.C., • Gode- i rich, Solicitor for the Estate. 840` NOTICh. TO CREDITORS. - Ndtice is hereby given to all persons having any claim against the estate of Jennie Vira Davis, late of the Town of- Goderich,n the County of Huron, who died on the 26th day of November, 1946, to send the same to the under- signed. vel\Ified ,by declaration, on or jj• before the 8th day of March, 1947, as after that_ elate ,tile administrator— herein. dmini. trse forherein will -proceed lo distribute the said 'estate, having regard only to the Claims- of which he shall then have had notice. Dated .at Goderich this 15th' day of February, A.D. 1947. WILLIAM A. SUTHERLAND, 8-10 .Administrator. -' ENGLISH DINNER SETS Service for 6, 8 and 12. Dainty Cups and Saucers from 50c up SMITH'S ART 4.111)_ GIFT STORE` "The Horne of .English China" Phone 198 East St. • RED CROSS NOTICE All those having claims on 'ar- ticles which have been used by. the Red Cross Society during. the war are requested to notify one of the undersigned- committee at the earliest possible moment in order that the articles may be returned to their rightfulaowners: The Public Library Board re- quire the space which has been ised by the branch and everything must be cleared oat as soon as possible. • If no claim is made for the articles in question, it will- be • ea -hat -they are -to be -con— sidered as donations and will be disposed of accordingly. A. M. ROBERTSON MRS. J. C. CUTt, D. E. CAMPBELL Committee BOOKKEEPING and Odie ser-, vices for small businesses, stores, garages, lunchroo , ete. Monthly statement) a tl balancer. Wage summaries , and invoices prepared. INCOME TAX reports. Personal 'and lntainess #Specializing in farm reports.) TYPING, private or commercial work, correspondence, ete. Work (lone daily, weekly • or monthly. ROY N. 'BENTLEY. PHONE 1070 -It P.O. BOX .i8 GODERICIl 43 1777,‘ Kep tuned to TORONTO AFFORD to Neglect :Your Car - or Truck NEW MODELS ARE NOT AVAILABLE YET TO THE EXTENT THAT THEY MIGHT BE. -• ' . .. 11110 TAKE NO CHANCE Drive in now—and reghlarly--for efficient care and maintenance. Repairs may be purchased out of your salary through the .__:General _.Mot©rinstalment plan. Ask us fop details. Gardner Motor Sales- Phone234�.Goderich 4