HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-02-20, Page 7'THU IPEBRIJARV2OtB11947. 41, THE-GO:OER161 SIGNAL:MU alphabetical group can he brOUen into, three, four or mom elasOifications. Ver example: Make the arst divider a title card. C7--,--eakeo, candies, chew, coke Then 04—cake3; fruit inYer C-4—cheese C-5—cOoklea, CANADIAN mak, LOAF VALUE Or ADVERTISING is APPRECIATED' .• • Hello,--Homemakerst - from . other ,countrles 'win) are learning the' .Cahadian Way of cooking must adjust not only their cookery metiaods but also theircooking vocabOlary. Articles of connnoo use in kitchens here have names which differ from those in the homeland. Terms and equipment will gradually become familiar and gi6nultr1e homemakers soon adjust themselves to existing circumstandes--7-cheerfully. Every new Canadian housewife, . whether she ebmes from,another land or is taking that big step from office to home manager, should start' by col- lecting gond—basic -reeipes., These - ' might be kept in .card index or in a handy indexed scrap book. Classify Menus _under breakfast,'- lunch and dinner according to months. • *any exPerienced cooks collect the Mixing Bowl reeipes too. They clip the column from the newspaper, cut out the hints and recipes and paste these on cards. You will need three- by-five-ineh cards along with a yeeipe „ file box and dividers, available in any stationery store. . And if you buy two seta. of index dividers you can build • up two separate classifications under each letter ef the. alphabet ;„ the classi- fication titles shOuld be entered on the index dividers. Suggested classifications are: . ''-mintirniammeniminflmiloistmonsosonnammustamtr Cemetery Memorials .PRYDE. efs- (forrnerly, Cunningham & Pude )- Etetet, Seaforth Write Box150, or phone * Exeter and we ghall he pleased to call. . 11111.11111101111111M1116. etizers 4-1,—a2ternoon teas . —quick breads 4,—biscults, etc, C—cake recipes ;: C -1 --cookie re- ' eipeS D-1—desserts (frozen): E-1—eggs (main dish) • F -1 --fish sauces G-1—gardening tips , 11-1—hints (festive) I-1—icings D—desserts ' • (oven) - E—eggs (custards) F—fish G—gravy Et—hints (clean- ing) I—infant and con- valescent foods equip - Ment L—lunches M—meat and meat substitute N—night snacks 0—oven meals P—poultry Q ----quantities It—relishes 61.0 J--1° elites L-1—laundry -tips M-1—milk - ° 0-1 —outdoor meals P-1—preserving II -1— refrigerator .rales' for •cleaning S—salads and S-1—soups. salad dress- ings T—t rinnuings T-1 ----` trimming Sauces V—vegetables vegetables (summer) (winter) Such a -system is adequate to •file any number of recipes; any desired ..e.oemweeoomomrem One pound round or auct steak minced, 1 tsp. salt, 1/8 tsp. pepper, lk cup" quick co'oting Oat% 1 cup Vniolewheat bread- crumbs, Vtbap. chopped parsley, 1/4, tsp: sage, 1- axnall onion. finely chopped, 3 tbsps. tomato catsup or condensed- ' tomato soup, Yi tsp. Worceater- ,shlre Sauce, 1 egg, well -beaten. Combine .all iJngredients in. large bowl. Mix tilerouglaiy. Form - in a ring shape using hands. or pack into a ring 'mould. Place in greased baking diSh.' Bake in, electric oven at 325 degrees for 11/2 hours. Lift on to hot platter. Fill centre of mould with Oben peas or combination of peas and &fillets. Garnish with parsley. Yield: four to siX servings. . ...i.2,..131tOT _MEESE BALLS One cup cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. chopped parsley, salt, 1/2 tsp. finely chopped onion, 1cup coarsely grated carrots, lettuceor other greens, mayonnaise or Erefich dressing. - _ -• Combine. cottage cheese, parsley, a little salt (about 1/8 ts.p.) and onion. Drop spoonfuls of this mixture into graled carivot, coating,,,evenly and shap- ing into balls. Serve ot..tlettuce or other greens with salad. dressing: ()r if desired, use to garnish a mixed sala‘plate.- Yield: two to four servings. UPSIDE-DOWN BR-EAD PUDDING Seald one pint of Ian. Pour over '6 slices of stale but not hard bread, broken ,into „pieces. Add 1,4 tsp. salt, 1,2 clip of sugar and 1 tsp. of vanilla. Let it stand about &VP minutes. Beat with a spoon so there are no big pieces of bread. Add 2 beaten eggs. Butter a casserole. Spread juin or marmalade or presery.es over the bottom of the dish in a good generouallayer. Pour the pudding inixture ,_top. Set in a pan of hot water and bake in an 'electric oven, 35,0 degrees about one -hourv-er4mt13-a.q,alver-knifeLinserLectin the centre comes out clear, not milky. Remo-ve from. the.. water and chill, nrofffld_ the edge of the casse- role and turn the Pudding efit on a -plate upside down. * *. Anne Allan invites you -to write to her % The Goderich Signal -Star. Send in your suggestions on homemaking problems. and, watch this &Amen fa TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Tb?following letter is fro •o' regular ativieraser Oda paper: The Gignal-Star, Ooderich, Ontario, . Dear filro,--Thanl: you for sign ig and return s; the contract for our 1047 adve#11.sltag. Yonnay recall onr letter 'about this time lastyear announcing a 4,000,000 lb. increase it "Salado" sales over our previOns peak. In 1010 we ex- eeeded that peak W OVer 2;500,000.1bs. We attribute these very, gratifying figures first of all to the quality of 'our tea and aecond to what we believe to be a sound advertising policy. As you probably are aware, ever sincethia, business was founded, in 1802, the most important feature of its advertising has been newspapers, and we think it only fitting .to acknowledge, to you, as a publisher, the value we place on newspapers as a medium of advertis- ing. With best wishes for 1947, we are, Yours truly, SALADA TEA -COMPANY OF CAN - Per R. K. Bythell. WHEELER'S FUNERAL SERVICE No - extra charge for use. .af--bur Funeral Home,loron- to Street, . Prompt Ambulannt, Service Phone 335 lies., 355 or 7 - WtST WAWANOSH The West .Wawanosh .Township Council met . as per adjournment • on -February:11th; with -all-the -members present. Themembers' and &lid -Mu, congratulated,- Reeve .r5rown Smyth on his election to the wareenship of -the County. . • 7—B-yhrtt—N•or4restimating.,expenditureS„ on roads for 1947. Was passed' on too- tioa of Councillors Finnigan and Mc- Allister.• A resolution.' to apply or the GOvertiment ,subsidy on 194(1 road expenditure was passed on motidri of Councillors McAllister—and •Finnigan. On motipn of CouncillOrs• McPherson and McAllister the Collector was in- structed to complete the collection •of the 1946 taxes.by Mafch 31. 1947. On., motion of Councillors Miller and Mc- Pherson was- decided to grant $50 to -the Huron County tuberculosis clittie and $25 to the Lucknow- Clansmen's Club. The meeting was adjourned to March 11th, trt•11.30 pan. .DURNIN .PHILLIPS, Clerk. FIRE DESTROYS :4— RIPLEY PLANT ASHFIELD, • ASIIFIELD, Feb. 18.—The tie-up of last week made old-timers talk of other big storms. ,There, was the storm of January 12, 1.1118, wlien below -zero temperaatre was regiAtered for several days; .It is said an old-fashioned winter brings an old-fashioned summer. Mr. -and 'Airs. David Cowan have re- turned from Toronto. Mrs. Mojitgomery and (lordat, Dungannon, visited with Mrs, Nell MacDonald on 6aturday. Stephen Elliott, who ;.was confined to Goderich hospital for a week- with tonsilitis, is fully recovered. Mr. Manriee Bowler is in Goderich hospital with blood -poisoning in -his hand. We regret to learh of the death of Mrs. Andrew Martin, the fortner th- ayine AVhitty,i daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Whitty of Kintail.-- who con- -ducted a general store and. postotfide In Kintail for several years. Syfupathy is extended' to the bereaved fluidly. Congrattilathwts:Amowth.ose4.,..who 7t9ok part at the musicale held at Mac- Kay 401-.4.4nderiai, ort Febivary-11- by,•.students- •St. Joseph's , -Convent *tight _by Sister Majella, were two from Ashfield, Sally MacDonald, daugh- ter of Mr. • and .Mrs. •Bill MacDonald. -nd Barbara MacLennan.- daughter of r. and .Mrs. Frank MacLennan. The hirls played their piano solos very well, We would extend Our congrattdations to the young people who. so •gracefully executed their numbers, which required so much montal energy and concentra- tion of thought. UWEIS UNEVZ' '- MPS "REMOTE CONTRA:04P BRUSSELS, Feb.14;---Spea4ing at an initiation ceremony at the LonS Club meeting Monday evening, Reeve R. B. 0ous1na condi ned "renao con- trol" as it relates to the question -of Proposed high school areas in this dis- trict. In ;he Ouse a his. address he said: "Curriculums a ,ellools should be girawn up by those who know. bolue- thing of local conditions, not by renlotie eontrol with the local taxpayer having no say regarding the need in a given area. We have an examPle now Of laws being. inade in Toronto and oper- ated by 'renfote-control to the effect that a high school is not feasible • in Brussels and that the children in this district' should be transported to an-. other town twelve- or fitteea miles away. "I challenge the men who are draft- ing these laws to come to Brussels this week and see conditionS for them - Selves. They have conceded that we may have blocked roads for two or three days, each winter. liad our children been a.tteliding high school _town_ this winterI guarantee that they would alreadi have lost 30 days from school, and o me of those 30 daYs might have been spent in 'a bus, stranded on a snow- bound road, or in farm honses. People who are familial with loeal conditjons should be cOnsulted in the framing of laws affecting suet) \itallocal, questions." 111 A woman travelling by train was talking with a man in the next seat. In -describing her • holiday, she said that she had visited -San Jose, "You pronounce that wrong.' saul .the man. "Ws -Sad Hpsay.' In Cali. fornia von pronounce. all the j's as When were you 'there?" •, The woman thought for a moment, then answered, ."In Mule and Ilnly." LEEP • If you Ori't sleep well -if nights are inter- _.-sqiettbonstlgitliimssy, -look to your kid- neys. If your kidneys are out oVorderand - failing to cleanse the blood of poisons and excess acids -your cest is likely suffering, too. Then is the time -to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. • Dodd's help your kidneys.get rid of trouble -making poisons and acids - help restore them to normal action. See how much better you rest at night -how much brighter you feel in the ynorning. Get and use Dodd's Kidney Pilletoday. 145 ClIambei of Comme ce has bOn organized at The session ot Wesley-Willio United church, Clinton, haa passed a resolu- tion forbidding fonoking;ots social func- dolts held in the -chur James Pitelan JUbert Wash 'ana John .Young °were re-elected. commis- sioners of‘ the Blyti.; Municipal Tele- . phone System at the annual meeting held February 8th. • , Joseph J. Evans, former ,Reeve of Wingharn, was appointed by the Wing , - !nun Town Council to the Public Util- ities Commission to annplete the 9tin- expired term of the late. Frank Sturdy. ' Six hundred chickens were burned in a -fire that destroyed two colony houses on the farm of .Andrew Me - Nichol, Grey township. It is believed the fire—started from one of the oil burners used to heat the colony houses. Tt. Voir_ It(1tLLIj luaking arrangements for the annual Se ool Fair, to be held in. SepteMber. A nusie festival- also will be heln, in May. R. IL Coultes.was elected presi- 'dent- for 1g47, and Stewart Procter is the setTetary-treasurer.- Triplet Calves •Near Blyth Triplet calves were born on th.e farm of Donald McKenz,ietwo miles north of Blyth, oft FebruarY. llth and were promptly named George, Georgette and ,=.41 ST. IIELIENS -00Orgina bY•M genZle9if' 1141414. The tieiglit.o2 tbo three ..e4IVes."four' dayscsafter. ?Rah, totalled 203. poUndO. ;The mother:isa Holstein bought, by Mr. McKenzie l'ast fall. . • -WORK TO P,ointing to the a ek.3t unanicoova confession of those who hove "retired" AS proof that.o.'/Ife •stithont anything fo do is not a ,happy one, healtli author- ities urge Canadianto keep busy,,to keep alive. It's aii tied up witit the need for an aim in life --;even if that al/n is Simply the Payment, of a few bills, or achievement of a -eherished ambition. The doctors. urge the younger people, to think of that aspect of the working day when they dream about the time when they will be able to "give up the grind" and settle bad; in idleness. It isn't fun, they say, -to, have_nothing to OVING WEST Ravvlinson Litulteo regularly make up and ablp Household Ittlt,piture, COW. solidated Pool Cars to Manitoba. Saskntck. °wan? Alberta, 11ritiets Columbia and to California. Write, wire or plum e for red udbd f relg t rat es Ebtabllshed-1085, 610 yonge St.. 'reroute,. Kingsdalo 0131 1101/1116, l'ACK0161, 4k1APPlii0 11111 41141111/ ST. HELENS, Feb. 17.—Mr. Mc- Kenzie Wein) was in Toronto last week attending, the aipual convention of ale Fairs Association as a delegate. froin,„ Ute Lucknow Agricultural Society. • Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shopland of Rochester, Alberta, are visitors with their aunt, Mrs. NV. C. Gordon, and other relatives., Women's Institute. Mrs. Lorne Woods was hostess for the February meeting of 'the- Women's Institute, for which Mrs. Elwood presided. The roll ••,Ntlivalt•irespottded;to.,with,a,(Valentin verse. It was decid,ed to ,donate..$5 to Chinese relief. Mrs, W. A. Miller •gave the Red. Cross report .and told the ladkS of the- Red*oss emergency supplies which are available to anyone in the cOmniunity. Mrs, Woods gave, o reading and conducted several' con- tests. Mrs. Barbour read an, article from the Reader's'Digest. Mrs. W. A. Miller read seevral clippings on the history of the Women's Institute. At the conclUsion lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. •G. McPherson. Mrs. E. W.. Rice and Mrs: W. A. Inner. 'illYIBRawarnowNIMenl, for BITTER SLEIP..".• BEITERDIGESTION.. BETTER 11111117/1 Dr.Chase's Nerve Food CONTAINS VITAMIN 1, Viri PAY HIGHEST MARKETPRICES FOIrEGGI AND POULTRY To receiire top grades may- we suggest that you tiring in your Eggs FRESH AND- FREE FROM STAIN. Next Ryan's Feed Mill Your Satisfaction Is Our Success — If You Have An Old Chesterfield YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO BUY A NEW ONE UNTIL YOU CALL US We specialize in:re-up- holstering & .re -designing. Also custom-made furniture. All work guaranteed. • DItK. THE _UPHOLSTERER Feb. 17.—Fire of imknown brigkrynTed-Lt-Ite--plon f . R , workers Ltd., Saturday afternoon, caus- ing ,loss .'estimated ,at $25:000 and throwing eighteen workers ont of em- ployment. . The.firm has Its main plant in Kincardine and the Ripfey building was formerly. a planing mill.. - The .plant had not been in operation since the noon hour and the watchman had not come (in duty. .Ripley firemen' were unable to cheek, the blaze and a call was sent .to Kineardine fel, help. Nothing could be done, to So VP the building' and efforts of -the combined brigades we -re directed to saving ad- joining dwellings. ...Sult.E. I STAiTED IT-T1411S.YEARLI" ° 1111111.1111111111"..."1"..* LL YES, SON, you're now meeting up with formulae ancrie' st tubes, but ' chemistry has been wit-h--you:all your - life. In one forna'or another it hag guarded your health, helped to feed and clothe you and provided many of the things tivt have made your young career so. zestful. Now you are learning hoW this.great service, works.- Your first simple experi- ments are the roots from 'which spratig suel't basic products as chlorine to .. -Purify water, fertilizers 10 stimulate • fo0d.growth, insectieidcS.to kilt pests .and gtiard crops,- and paint to proteet and beautify. You know about nylon - hosiery, for example. The'sanie plastic is inade as a mondfilanient, so strong that it -is used for fishing liste Jeaders and .tinnii-rlWt strings, . ' Chemistry never stands (,..:;11,. constantly searching for 'and_finding new and better Products. For this is 41liernica1 world and the C4-1, Oval' is the symbol of an oriantization devoted to serving Cana4iaits ti!roughCitprnistry. WIN ",,amarammemeefteneeftweeeeiesmormo. AN.Imemoronswimmagenie PHONE 567W XI* 04,4-1,1 "11,7,PidOlittl. 4,7,t4WIZeT*11•40. . • •. 1" IL /1'....CA'?;t1.;.• COLDS For a proMpt 'and efficient way to obtain relief, use this quick acting remedy. . SL 1111E1' filnulief is a White Powder to be Used as a Sniff This amazing remedy works immediately at the Seat of the 'trouble and you will feel the benefit in a .very few minutes. It is also recommended for Sinus trouble. Owing to the rapidly iperelusing detnand for this product and the scarcity of ono of the rare ingredients of the formula, it As necessary to restrict the output to one „bOx to a motto/her every three months. mr PRESENT AVAILABLE ONLY BY MAIL . „SINIILIEF.001 130X 582, LONDON, ONT. Please Find., Enclosed MOO in Payment for 1 Box Sinulief DEP. NAME******* 041•4•001115s..04 1115DRESS :•c• . 1,1t11:4T %.,•;ar; _ *** • ef.• • • IF Von worry about your present future: security, • Phone Carlow 1706 or write fl-.-R.ROBINSON , Monarch Life Assurance repre- sentative, R.B. 4,Goderich. 36ff , • Refrigeration SALES SERVICE ALL MARES Commeleie—Domestie Manning Refrigeration Service Coll tor Free Estimate 50 ELGIN AVE. PHONE 1098 36tf GODERICH MEMORIAL SHOP Ni:EwEsT DESIGNS - BEST Or_AIATHEIALS Guaranteed workmanship, at. pricesthat will please you. SAVI1 ALT., AGENTS PHIOS Call at our office: or drop lis lino to Box 161, Goderich. We wlllabe pleased to tall, and help choose. a suitable meniorial for your family plot. R. A.' SPCITTON • St. Andrew'n St: r at at' a • PLASTIC, WOOto , t t For Instance: • a t "alga, As anotheir rt odact of 1 t Cheiniotry for horacoana;ioduo- .‘, 1 trIca use, tobealhace and cracke (4 in Wood. It lacaaleca like 'petty, • $1.- t hataeua vooa, with vihiela I I I . it tnatee,i?ertect 'colon. &at; . It ' Inauottlee. loiroliea, 'Wad. owe. I Itoi.3.0911008,,,,,a. ...... _ i te • IN- 7.n t,