HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-02-20, Page 3. ONE-IU1t1NDIU PT1.1 YEAR. N' NTY S FOREIVI9ST WEEKLY GODERWH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEB UA1Y 2Otfr, 1947 Es: H. wEigtialtRE D Llt,i6AL ,F j. K. HUNTER. Barrister, Etc. Royal Bank Bldg. Hamilton Street, Goderich Phone 968. 'CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS DUE , DATES QF KAON COU'ONa • Coul)ons tiow good are butter B35. to - 1342, meat M64 to M73, .preserves S26 to S42. Allowances for sugar and preserves aye on a monthly basis, two coupons beeoniing good each month. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. --Are, valid coupons for meat still being accepted in order Co provide for •f+;urizpe l;n eulmtriesesan�i---t United Kingdom? Why? - A.—Yes, valid coupons are still being accepted. In answering' the second part of your question we will quote the Ikon. Mi Gardiner, chairman oi. , khe eeM-. mittee set up to deal with requests made for food for countries in Europe. Mr. Gardiner said.ltl}e.-oupons "would be utilized to reduce further the con- sumption of meat and other supplies of. the kind in Canada, and these would W. CECIL ®,TT RIDGE. CHARTEREDACCOUNTANT : Orifice 18, Residence . 343. Goderich. ACCOUNTING'AND BOb1rlllhEPLNG A CCOUNTING ' & BOOKKEEPING -•a. - SERVICE . For Small Businesses, Stores, Etc. Bookkeeping Sytatens Installed. Books Balanced Monthly Financial Statements Wage Summaries E isinesa. acid Personal income Tax Returns ALBERT SHORE Oftice:Corner North St. and Square Phone 976. Residence Phone 444. INSURANCE - McKILLOI' MUTUAL FIRE IN- SURANCE CO.--h`arw and iso- lated town property insured.. ' Officers — . President, Frank Mc - x er-43J r n, ` President, `':d" eg , R.li„ .�•; ice .- �. - Manager and Secretary -Treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforthi. Directors—Frank McGregor; McGregor, Clinton; Chris. Leottihardt, Bornholm; Seaforth; S. R. H. Whitmore, R.R. 3, Seafor>nh , Harvey Archibald, R.R. 4, Fuller, R.R. 2, Goderich ; E. J. Tre- wartha,, R.R. 3, Clinton; John 11. Mc - Ewing, R.R. 1, Blyth; •Hugh Alexander, • Bit. 4, Walton; J. L. Malone, R.R. 5, SettfOrth. - Agents—Joh]. +i. Pepper, •Brucefield, R.R...1; George As Watt, Blyth, R.R. 1; ,Ici;n.lay Mcl ea c x. Dublin, R.R. 1; J. F'. Prtieter, Srod3�aige�. Policy -holders • can make all pay- ments and get their cards receipted at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cutt's - -. ge en,..: rests„Goderich, :or J. H. Reid's General Store,13Ay• —. WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS Bus Scliedu%e now in effect' Leaven Goderich daily including Sunday 7.45 a.nr.; 12.25 p:m.; 4.15 p.m. Arrives Goderich daily 11.50 a.m.;, 3.45 0.m.• 9.20 p.m. Leaves Sundays and holidays 8.00 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. The 8.00 p.rn. bus gods di. ect to London only. 0 (.1 74, MEDICAL Connections at Clinton for Loudon, Detroit, Wingham, .'Walkerton, Port Elgin and Owen Sound. • Connections at Stratford for Woodstock Kitchener, Guelph, Hamilton , and Toronto. Connection$ at Mitchell for List oweL For information phone British Ex change phone '691 or 717. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER, EYE, EAR,, NOSE, .THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, assists' ant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, England. EYES TESTED, GLASSES • SUPPLIED • b3 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephone 267. . Next visit Bedford Hotel, Goderich, Wednesday, March 26.1=h, 1947, at 2 pan. till 4.30 p.m. • (Editor's Note: This is the first Of a series of stories which Clark Young, treasurer of the Ontario Plowmen'sssoelii ii7W sthu"-•vis-it;-' of Canada's champion plowmen to Britain.) .1 , Canada's four champion plowmen, 'their team-, manager, and 1 are .ons- our -way 'to Britain. It will be the first time any of us have sewn . the Old 'Land and we hope to bring back a lot of valuable agricultural • inform- ation. ,anurantionnort, CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Goderich, Phone .341 )' OFFICE 1.10tiltS Mon. & Thurs.- 2 to an 11.30 p.m. (only) Tues. & Fri: --9, to 11.30 a.m, . 2to5p.m.and 7to8p.-m. Wed. & Sat. -9 to.11.30 a.in. (only) Mineral fume baths by' appointment ° only. a A. N. ATKINSON 51 South St. Registered under Drugless Practitioners Act for the Province of Ontario. 0111100111m, trAMMINIII 1 A.LfCOLE 1 Optometrist --Optician Eyes Examined, : Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Goderich, Ont. P. J. RYAN. Real Estate_ and :Insurance 011,1e0 and Residence: 11 Trafalgar Street Phone' 603 - FOR •SALE—Houses of all kinds, choice building lots, business pro- ° perty and several good farms. INSURE IN SURE INSURANCE .CONFEDERATION LIFE WIND. CAB, FIRE --•Preferred rates for preferred risks. ACCIDENT & SICKNESS. �. ,Consult.,.;,..,,, ITOAN 'ARRISK one 82-13 Dungannon DONALD, B. 'BLUE EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER Licensed for Counties of . tturon ' and Bruce .R1PLF# , PHONE 49 For information apply to J. N. Kernighan, apivision Court. Clerk. Goderich, Ont. be sent forward to Europe greater quantity." • Q.—At what hour does the meatless day start? I, thought it was at mid- night Alonday and, Thursday.' A.—Meatless days start: at 4 a.m. Tuesday jurdsFriday and continue until 4 a.m. Wejlnesday and Saturday. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Lmmediate arrangements can be made for' Sales pate by calling Phone 203, Clinton.. Charge. moderate.. and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. 19tf HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH For information, etc.. write R.R. 4, Seaforth; or phone (efil- lect) Seaforth, or 867, Goderich. Q.—I used •to pay five cents for two• doughnuts. .What is the highest price my grocer may charge me now that the ceiling -price has been changed? A.—Sts cents for two doughnuts is the highest price, because the increase Permitted •was 10 per cent. Since this increase in.°the case of doughnuts -is este-hag cent _your dealer • May charge you orid ent'MO're 7'r 'te ifiefeh' ' is a fraction an is • one-half 'cent or more the,. dealer may 'go to the next highest whole figure.. '• - Q.—The store near us had red sal, mon the other day- .but 1t would not. s. me- pink es of like. PLOVAIIIS Our trip will tit'ke us into England, Scotland and Ireland, git iiig us a chance to see farms that have been under cultivation for hundreds of years. _ - crw r- adian products°tire being received over there; how 'the British farmers man- aged during the wara, and what the farming conditions are like now that peace is .back again.). • , The four champion plowmen are two teams and they will take part in plowing matches.in Lancashire, Eng- lands ngland,, and County Lown in Northern Ireland. Floyd Steckley and Austin Nairn won the Salada gold and silver medals hi ,the Trans -Atlantic class for horse-drawn jointer plowing at. the International Plowing Match held in Ontario at the Port Albert airport last October. Fred Timbers, and Alex. Black were winners in the Esso open tractor class at the match. As champions they, were awarded this trip and •tt all their ezenses and a • VICTORIA OR S1L REE a W.A. ft The \\'.A. of \-'Per's sif set t izi ,+gl hirc'h met at the . home of. Mrs. R. ('loud on Thursday after -Mon, February 13th, With twenty members and one vicitur present. Mrs. M. AlcKinnon, devotional convener. opened the meet- ing and after the singing of a hymn. Psalm 100 was read, by ,Mrs. 0. Miller and prayer was,iedby Mrs. 1I. PhillipiA. A poem entitled 'The End of the Road" was read by Irs, McKinnon, and one entitled `:Myself" was read by Mas, K. Webster. Mrs. R. Good tend- ered her resignation as ,president, which was accepted, and Mrs. Phillips was asked conduct The -e-i rtron a new president and 1st vice-president in. the absence of the minister: The Lives at ILII.:_'-;..D;ec�•nie toivusliip,,Perth „county, two miles frctin Stratford, 'oh "Athelstane 1i itriu;" Where he • was born forty-eight years ago. His fattier, a hardware Merchant, started a Short- horn. herd in 189.4 and later became i>resideuLof both the Deniii�ion Short- horn Breeders' Association' and. of the --Cattle Breeders' Association. George still is carrying oe the herd and is a director of the Ontario Plownieii's Association. AS fur me, well, I'm treasurer of the lPlowmen'ss Associattownshipon end I farm 200 icres in Markham townshipnear is r p . Unionville, York county. The property rinse of the manager are -being paid was settled by my grandparents in 1841- jointly' by Imperial Oil Limited and and I was born there"fifty-four years the Salada Tea .Cu. of Canada Ltd., ago. We had the first light trio°tor «'bile mine. are being paid by .the On- York' county, acquired in 1915. - My tarn) I'lowmeu's,,Association. first. plowing competition with horseh, George \Valdle •is managing the wins in• 1911, hut I used' the tractor ie teams. LLe's a directur of the Ontario 1920 and was successful"iii some later VloWiuePs Association which sponsors t chaiaiiiionship martches. • the International matches. I'm going The Trip Begins along. as another representative of the -We all 'net on -morning in Toronto. and travel.` Matches in Ontario flowing matches -have . been held by Outtiri° farmers for over a century and the Internationall .matches have been sponsored by the Association since 11913• A trip like -this acro the Atlantic was planned for winners"bf burse plow- ing in 1939 but was caneelied because of the outbreak of Ivan and the iuen visited the United States instead. - In 1942 it .was , decided to ",suspend the International matches .until the end of the war because of travel restrictions,. Victory Match at Port Albert brought �llic:� 0APeti irrrra_-back ngair. and they' were bigger bud better than result waS -that ' Mrs. hl Wlister, be-• E�oiaiQ� airesident.'witla a9 1 t vice" 'resident, Twentiy,tliree calls were reported: A beautiful land been made by . the W.A. and, Sold for $16. A.rrant entents were Made, f(1m making another, also for the quilting., of one 'for a lady, A committee was apPorntedste e1 Ct' 31 i tea tic Fut oat 1 1te,11 Thi trteotiii a^lca ear " keit: prayer. Liaiaelt was ra3&',qui. by. t ... pitistet ses and 'ti V''Ote ofe tl(arrk$ Aftp-4404.1.0.-.1000~01004000,7•04.711.0er WE HAVE BEEN FORTUNATE TO RECEIVE A LARGESAIPMF.NT OF. We had lunch at the Granite Club'as �.a �x x were a fe'w s`ho't` sfeec ehi Tea. There of farewell and we received the good wishes of J. A. Carroll of the Depart, rnent of Agricplture, who is general secretary' -manager of the Ontario Plow- men's Association, "Gordon . McGavin, president of the Association, McIntyre Hood, supervisor of. publicity, 'Depart- ment of Agriculture, 13... K. i3ythell 'caf the Salada Tea Co., and A. G.' DeMont and C. A. Robinson of 'Imperial Oil. In the . afternoon all the necessary papers \e'ere signed, baggage tagged, and tickets and passports distributed. \\-e all received travellers' '•lieques pay- alh1e inn pounds, shiliangs - and pence: some °cirsit.-lTtld_. pirt-txres--tatlterf it .a- studio • we bad a alma diYiher; ami then it was time to say • good-bye to our wives and families at the statin. :ie,1l0a1z,flecl�the train acid the trip ha}1 l - begun. t_ • Our first :step will be a brief one in I New York.;where we aro to board the Queen' Elizabeth. We're all looking forward to our crossing and to visiting! London. the King's farm' at Windsor, ONE NAME r5 REN:EN,BER.., l / R,r read of .to.nich dist Me.. burning. gnawing .towns& Ono • ',ndigeitron bean- buli. or otter. symptoms of I,,ypero t3'• try Piundee. Tablets More ehaat90,n11- non Pfundu'. Tablets .o14 In 10 year. by leading phinnoc1Ks FOR STOMACH DISTRESS 051' TO HYPIRACIDITY v 9+. ittAl ��.r10 KONOMY $ °'� O '�A sussin PFUNDER'S TABLETS If Campbell's Drug Store, Goderich sell 'me any unless I bough salmon, which. my family d Can a' dealer do this? A.—No; this is a conditi conditional sales of- any and all kinds are still banned by the Board. t sale and •0l11111lg..•' AT THEATRE "'" THE APTAL 4i Now—"The Thrill of. Brazil," with Evelyn Keyes and Ann Miller. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday -- Alan Ladd, Geraldine Fitzgerald and Patric Knowles Present an. exciting suspenseful story built around actual ad- ventures in the espionage service 43. "0 -S -S" Thuizsday, Friday s id Saturylay— Janet' Blair; Alfred Drake, and Mare Platt It's sprightly- it's musical and its comedy, crammed with talent And much nautical nonsense "TARS and' SPARS" ,sx 3 .� ('orcin •--Pat O'Brien in "('RAC K.UP " Matinees Wed., Sat. and Uolidayt at 2.30 p.m. T. T.' Arrnstrong OPTICIAN and OPTOMETRIST' ._ .square— Godarl �.� "See Armstrong and See Better" At Lucknow first Friday of each month.. J. W. CRAIGIE 'LNSURANCE - and REAL ,ESTATE PHONE 24 . •GODERICH ENJOY ,PEACE OF MIND and freedom from financial losses by insuring today: ' r TALK IT OVER TODAY WITH GORDON JEWELL R.R. 6, Goderich Phone Carlow 21-R-4. • • • Geo. G. MacEwan Fire, Accident and .Motor Car Insurance duce a OFFICE—,MASONIC TEMPLE . WEST STREET PHONE 230 GODERICH ever. Plowmen- normally "'wet their feet" •at.:.teWnab, l? iced county 'watches and When they. hafe--acqUired—sutlieient, skill and conhdeuee they enter the big International events. • There they meet representatives from practically every county in Ontario' as well as those from- other proViiiceS' and from the United States. theft Yorkshire. 'Edinburgh, I,aincaslere, Le me tell you it little more about the 'Mee who are ...teasing the trip. and Belfast. 13y the . t.irne you' read We're nil from Ontario and you might this we'll be over there.. s2a.iiag•'as much say, we're old friends, because we've if is possible for ns to see in six reel' meeting nue another at various weeks. ,GLISTENING WITH BEAUTY AND DURABLE, EFFI- CIENT AND SANITARY; Items in the shipment just ii include Roasters, Double Boilers,' Convex Kettles, Casseroles, Sauge Pans, Dish Pans, Dutch Ovens, Pudding Dishes, Mixing Bowls, Tea Kettles, Strainers, Mugs, Tea Pots, Apartment •Sets. , GET- READY FOR MAPLE SUGAR TIME ,.... Secure Your.. Sap Buckets nov. Also Sugar Tree Bits. plowing matchestora good many years note. The Whiners When Floyd Steciiley won the Salada gold medal at. fort' Albert it was his teul'th •lntereatioiial championship in° horse-drawrf plowing. Ilk . ryas burn forty, -tour years ago uu a fIarm in Whitchurch township, York county, and now is manager' of the Harvey Schell 210 -acre faro' near Stoutfville. He specializes in 'nixed farming. Fred Timbers, -the Esso tractor gold medalist, is another- fregUent f, inter- national winner: • He was born on his father's farm 11r -Markham township, York county, in 1907 and pew 'owes a 115 -acre farm in Whitchurch township., He •takes au active part in municipal affairs as a member . of Whitchurch Township Council and ' trustee and secretary of Whitchurch school section No. 9, and belongs to the Stouffville Lions .Club. The two silver medalists farm the properties on which they were burn, in 1911. Austin Nairn, who was second Wirt the Salada -event, lives at R.R. 1, Munro, in Fullerton township, Perth county. Alex. Black, Second- in -the Esso class, farms at 13.8.2, Guelph. Alex., who is often. called .Sandy,- was - re -elected presid,tiit of the Wellington County Plowweai's Association for 1947, His father, who taught '`hint to plow, was eotincillor and '. then reeve of Puslinch township. •• The Manager ()ur trip manager, George \\_;ildie, PHONE• 247 or 658 BRADLEY & SON GODERICH 4'. BUILDERS • OF FARM WAGONS AND TRAILERS. • r DISTRIBUTORS FOR AUTOTRACS-The cheapest -to:, operate faim power knoWn. , . Place .your prdel early. Come in and look aronud. Br a41 .eSr 8 0,on • Are you satisfied with the type •of Fuel - you have been burning? We can offer for immediate delivery and recommend as NO. 1 FUEL the following: ' D 8c H Cone -cleaned and Stove' Hard Coal. Also 4 -point Bartley Oil -treated Pocahontas. This fuel: is washed and oil -treated to ensure you of pure coal free from dust. We are _dQing'everythifg possible to make prompt de- livery.under 4ifficult road Conditions. Please ,order early to allow for these 'conditions. We also have Alberta Lump Coal H. O. JERRY (Sueeessor to ,(bas. (`1. 'fee Estate) Phone 22 At Elie Harbor HARDWARDE PLUMBING — -HEATING Goderich PHONE 135 . , ' OUR BIG AIM is ' to do everything we possibly can to PLEASE "yoL>t.. • We 0o the little jobs as carefufly as the big one -,.`We see to it' that your ear ° is ready on time. And we like the bill to be smaller a than you had expected. We -back up this personal touch with special tools, factory. engineered and inspected parts, and trained mechanics. Put these together and you }lave 66tops94 in Reivice for any job. GODERIOH •