HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-02-20, Page 1-
Inquiry into Fatal Acciden a
Local Rink on Evening
of January 6th
"We, the cerouer's jury, find Mrs.
Wood met her death While attend-
ing a hockey game in the Goderich
arena on the evening of, January
"iN rs. Wood, while a spectator
on the north side balcony,
fell to the ice surface below, due
to the failure df a protecting cable.
The result of her fall caused her
untimely death."
This was the verdict returned by the
jury' at the inquest, held Wednesday
afternoon at the Court 'louse,. into
the death. of 'Mrs. Frank LI. Wood.
Coroner .Dr. W. F. .Gallow presided.
Nile accident which aused Mrs. Wood's
death occurred 'during the .progress of,
a Junior U.H.A. hockey, genie between'
"Louzon's Flyers" of Goderich and the
team of the Clinton Radar School.
Oroven Attorney D. E, 'lotuses exam-
ined the• witnesses and in atteudauce
also were L. E. Dance', K.C.Sor the
Town of Croderieh; 'Frei* Donnelly,
K.C., for The estate of Mrs. Wood, and
W. A. Sutherland, for Harry Babb,
lessee of the arena. ,
The,, jury was composed of Ss
Prevett (formai"), J. A. Snider, W.
H. Blackstone; iL G. Johnston, W. F.
Saunders, Ben GoldthOrpe and Carlton
Wersell, jr.
Tlie Evidenen
The members of Engineers Meal No.
798, A.F. of L., entertained the ladies
.and friends at a turkey banquet in
the 'assembly hall of the Masonie
Temple on sFriday night. Over 250
were in attendance. The ',long tables
Were gay WithsVatentine "decorations,
and. so great was the gathering that
many were served inthe adjacent
The committee in charge Was com-
Posed of A. T. Kaitting, D. Patterson
and Thomas O'Hara.
The after-dinner program consisted
of vocal solos by Glen Lodge, Mrs.
Gordon Knitting and Ralph Hender-
son; an exhibition -of tap-dancing by
Miss Gretta Arbour, and an exhibition
of interesting moving pictures of local
events by Robert Henry, preceded by
a comic. Thos. O'Hara and Ila Allin
were the piano accompanists.
The Melody Mixers furnished music
for. a merry dance during which paper
caps, horns and rattles were distributed
to add to the fun.
Frank Hamilton, of Ashfield town-
ship, walked into County Treasurer A.
H. Erskine's .office on Wedneeday with
the pelt of a brush Alf. Because the
pelt was not sufficiently dry to send
away, Mr. Hamilton took !Mine again
to dry hefore•returning it to the Treas-
urer's office to receive the first wolf
-Woe- of the - iseffrieseesewere those- -boesn:ters:in Huron county for 1947. Mi.
w.).11 Mrs -Woo on the or
- cable brOke.
N. M. 'MacDonald, brother of Mrs.
- Wood, said. he was with his sister eit
the time of the accident, which occur-
red between 9 and 9.30 o'clock. They
were in the balcony* above the "blue
line.". When the cable snapped, he hit
the ice. Mrs. Wood had been leeneig
on the wire, when it broke. The bal-
cony was eight or ten ieet above the
ice. He saw his sister on the ice, un-
conscious., and blood around her.
Dr. Watters, who conducted the post -
testified . that,...he arrived five
sssm elittftes • affer- th--*---7.ragsIlheree_VreSsstsf"
e mass ef blood en the ice. Mrs. Wood
'had hit on her head and he had 'her
remoyed to hospital. The cause of
„ss, - • ......sleatliewaseeeyete multiple fractures of
- the skull. She Was otherwise healthy.
A much less severe accident would
cause sleath. .. •
-Williara, Wood, son of Mrs. Weed,
said he was with his mother, and his
" uncle on the balcony„ There was a
fracas on the ice and he leaned heavily
:forward on the wire, which broke, and
, he received a shaking up. He saw his,
' mother lying on the ice, and, after her
death; at home. He observed the wires
were fastened with a "U" bolt to the.
John Gardner said he was sitting
on the bench, leaning forward ons the
wire to . watch ethe skirmish • below.
When the cable broke, he was precipi-
tated to the lee He saw Ite. Wood
. lying (m the ice. The top wire was
unbroken and the levier one was broken
at the "V" bolt. •
, • John- F. Stoddart stated he was
ushering people to seats. He grabbed
the iron upright and *leaned on the
- ceble. Ile could not remember which
end of the wire broke. He said he'
was helping Mr. Louzon.
George Buchanan identified pictures
the had taken of the scene of the ff,c-
cident, the -day after it oceulred.
Se H. Blake, Clerk and Treasurer of
Goderich,, testified that the arena was
owned by the Town. It had been
leased to Harry Babb for the season.
He could not say whether a prior lease
to E. R. Weston had -expired. There
was an inspection of the rink by Coun-
cillors Moody and Taylor and Works
Foreman Roy ,Aleriame who gave an.
oral report to the Council and were
empowered to make suggested repairs.
Mr. Blake diad no knowledge of the
condition of the cables.
Wire Partly Rusted •
Harry Babb, present lessee of the
rink, said he had madea general exam-
ination of the rink when he took over
flies leeSe, and tried to repair where
he could and brought other needed re-
pairs to the attention of the Town
Council which were -attended to. He
never. closely examined the cables but
thought they Were quite strong. The
top one was larger and had been there
11 great many years. Ile had a verbal.
agreement with Ivan Lotman,* whtepaid
him a flat rate of po- for the evening,
and he (Babb). supplied light, and
water and cleaned off the iee. Tho
*Reese said he did not see the ac•
• cideht bear. He was standing just
inside of the east end -of the rink, three
or four feet from the ticket office. The
cables Were fastened by a - "TT" bolt.
Gk.!. Vault, Get $255
Proceeds of Recent School Dance
Taken in 'Midnight
lierintSteneesaid he shot the .workeine
litss'Alintsdistriet which he plans togoeount3"s41,1I be launehed -this4'1rings
site Twoother wolves were shot
About 400,000 trees have been ordered
- -
in the same district in 1U 1.a4 of 1.946. from Provincial nurseries. This is the
Police are investigating the theft of
about $255 from the vault in the prin-
cipal's office at Goderich Collegike
Inetitute-, There was $248. in bill* and
pbeeg$7 _In Oyer taken. Left un-
touched was a considerable amount of
.22 ammunition and .22 rifles. The
Money was part of the proceeds of 1
school dance held at the Collegiate
on February 713h. Thet it was being
kept in the school' vault was no secret
amongsthe students.
Wallace Duckworth, school janitor,
was the first to learn of the robbery_
when he wet to the school on Slater -
day morning. It is believed to have
taken place about 1 o'clock that, morn -
Mg, since a girl liVing in a house near
-the school' informed police she heard
loud nolees around that tiute.
Entrance to the school wiis lenined
by means of a. fire eecape on the second
story. An opening was brokenein the
brick wall of the vanit inehe principal's
office and throtigh this the combination
wag' knocked off. '
The person on persons whos'eareied
off the money were apparently ac-
quainted with the school building, since
a number' of things were taken, from
certain places to aid in doing the job.
xtnive Flal of re,:
444- -600411s.•
He examined the cable after the ac-
cident and found some of the strands
of- the broken wire were rust
The benches were placedeei
cony by Mr. Louzon, who
use • Ulmer as reserved seat
were no benches.there beforeet
He did not assist in- placingels
ha 1-
te to
: ere -
is ape.
of the halcdflY to. the other sand :the
spaces. were numbered.
The wire was broken 641
Mr•.-, Babb said, in as
j u n'sssifile-etren:ese
Seats Placed Jugt Befoi
Ivan LouzOu said he was a
but -did not seethe ir4ident , elle. had •
-never examined the 'cable.- flee was
not the manager but the -sec etary of
the Goderich Hockey Club, co posed &f •
himself, -Arnold eDoak, WAR r .West-
brook, Don Paquette surd the members
of the Wane-- They operated
together. - TB'S duties were tet
the tickets and cash. He, Ari
and Walter Westbrook had
beeches. They wete cut ate
mill, ttnd made inetwe hour
Placed two hours before.,
An extra fee of 60 cents vf.
for reserved seats. , Mrs.-
for tickets, for her party i1 the after-
noon: The top wire was.. above° the
heads of the occupants of the benches
and the only wire to coneetSin_ Contact .
with them was the lower one. Witness
told -Mr. Holmes that front'', the door
of the -balcony. to the Ter wire
would measure tjj.ree feet.. T€re *,Ould
be •120 people seated on the 'balcony ;
when standing it would hold 400. He
had never discussedpnitieg•the benches
in with the Town Council. 1,
, Chief .of Police A. Ce ResS, identified
part of the cable put in as an exhibit.
He said the rusted end of the cable
was fastened to the uprighti when he
• examined it. The break Occurred et
-the alright. Two steands_Ofi the cable
had been broken'previouslY; 'And there
were four fresh breaks. Ile.:4timated
the bottom cable.had been -there more
than ten years. He did. not !remember
ever seeing park benches on the bal-
veiny nor seeing people seatee " there.
Ivan Damen, recalled, saj that the
reserved space between t.Wouprights
would seat seven people.
Roy MeriameToWn foreman, told of
going to the rink with's! Councillors
Taylor end Moody- There was noth-
ing, .he said, during the inspectimf to
indicate .anythingSwrong. Ile hadenot
obeerved the wires.. •
Rohert Doak testined . that the
lower cable was, put up by him
when he was the lessee of the rink
in 1933e4 after an eecident hod .oc-
curred to a child. He and his son put
it up when he and ,his son had leased
the rink. He had never tried to be
reimbursed by the town. When the
rink -wits lengthened a runway was
done away with and the baleorfy put up.
Dr.' .Gallow reviewed theAVidence;
the jnr,' retired at 3.4ri and; returned_
at 4.20 with the verdict tr4 iihove.
in one
er to a
the rink,
largest number ever ordered, the num-
ber ebtaided last spring'being80,000.
Afuongst the kinds of trees ordered.
for this spring are: White Spruce,
larch, Scotch. pine, white pine; white
oak, soft maple, white elm, cedar,
walnut, red oak and Norway spruce.
•.The reforestation committee of the
Cointy Council.lemeeting Feitilly after -
noels, when they will deal with the
allocation of territories for the recent-
ly _appointed.. enforeSsenen teeth cers, , They _
Neill. also d Welles' 'problems- - regarding
couney reforestation lands.
klhairmen, of the vabous cominittees
of the Goderich Board of Trade for
19,47 were appointed at an executive
meeting on Wednesday night presided
over by the new president, • John
Committee, chairmen app,ointed areS
Stan Prevett, publicity; F. E. Hibbert,:
retail merchants', J. K. Sully, ie.
dustrial; Leo Walzak, .csvie; Georr
Fire orning ift
Albert Street Rouse
Former,. Warnock Resideitoe, Now
Owned by L. WoStbrook,
Ba y Damaged
The large two-story brick dwelling
on Albert street for umpy years the
ome of Mrs. William WArnock, and
Filsinger, touritst; 11. 1). "Ielstro .1;
uiuw- owned by LeOnard Westbrook, was
membership. Chairmen for rural re,
lations and 'flatioatil afgairs are to be;
appointed later,
badly damaged by fire this (Thursday)
The alarm was *put in shortly before
, 9 o'clock an& the tire brigade WaS
George Ellis and J. M. Goodwin ,
appointed to represent the Board of the spot in a very' short , time. The
Trade at the meeting tonight for thefe fire started in the cellar, supposedly
formation of a Community Recreatione
The meeting decided to advertise f
a secretary -treasurer for th.e Board/SO
Trail, for which pare -time ,posits
there will be remuneration. •
Dramatic Club was held -on .Tnesday.
evening at the home of Mrs. J. C.
Peters, -North street, with the president,
Ken Lemaire, in the chair. The-eeere-
tary, Mrs. Peters, reported pine several
good play's had been selected for the
approval of the club. The president
read an enlightening report of,an inter-
view he had had- with Miss Glass,
secretary of the London Little Theatre
Group, giving helpful advice to th.e
local club. Mrs. -J..31. Graham and the
president were elected •to attend the
organization meeting. of the Com-
niunite Recreation s Council. Mrs.
R. C. Hays, kindly offered the use of
her, home for the. March meeting. A.
short . skit presented by Miss Mildred
Andersen, Miss 'Marjorie Macfle, Mrs.
Fs S.1. Lodge and Mrs. Peters was' en-
joyed- -by --salt Refreshments • were
served by Mrs. Graham and her com-
mittee. e:
the ',club_
ok afteit
Old Doak,
ade , the
nd were
e game.
; charged
Qod paid
Twins Celebrate 89th Birthday
Twill sisters, tiseeste Margarest and
41'3 Elizabeth Vaughan, East street, 'cele-
• brated their eighty-ninth birthday on
Sunday last. •
Although tho slaters had not planned
any special activitie% to • mark the
day, fhey were paid a surprise visit by
group .of friends who brought' pre-
sents and • paid thems- compliments.
' -Amongst the soup of visiting friends
were Judge and Mrs. T. m. Costello,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Graf and family,
. Mrs. Joe Lemaire and Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert Plante.
• "I don't keep track of my birthdays,"
was the smiling comment • of Miss
_ Margaret yaughan when The Signal -
Star eongra tide tedhers'and lief Sister
on being active and Well in their
ninetieth year. Records at St, Peter's
church show the twins were eighty-nine
9p Sunday. AeknOwledging the birth-
.• day but keeping , away from stating
'just what birthday it was, MISO
Margaret Vaughan nib., "My •mother
enever told me how old 1 Wati; When-
ever I would ask her I pould simply
be told that I was old enough to be
good enongli."
Thirn at ,f4t-. Augustine, the tWill
sesters, have lived in GoderiVh' for the
last fifty years. Their parents were
the late Mr. and Mrs. John Vaughan,
who had a family of five dirls. The
twins are the only surviving members.
The hobby of each of the twins is
rending. 116th taught hhool fin* a
while in their younger days. Unusual-
ly active mentally, they hte a ready
and amusing answer for every question.
Humorously discussing • their • past
activities, Miss Margaret Vaughan told
her visitor.% Sunday night, "You know;
Elizabeth was born just twenty min-
utes before I was, but that's the only
time in our lives that she ever got
ahead of me." 49 •
Miss Elizabeth, beenkre of difficulty
in Walking, dem noteget one of the,
house much but enjoys fairly good
health, nevertheless. ?disk Margaret
I s out of the Idolise every day and very
mum dnes she miss attending church
On a single day. During the'stormiest
day of the winter,' a week ago last
• Sunday, she • walked to church as
Mrs: Geo. Ellis opened her hulne
the Evenipg-Auxiliary of North rL'('
Unite,d church for the •February living in the house for some
' wont he, and were having new floors
from asbes which had been taken from
the- furnace, and •made ii.way _up
inside the walls to' the floors above.
Dense smoke added to the lirefighters'
difficulties and: one member of the
• brigade, Ted Bissett, was overcome by
the smoke and was taken to the hos-
Pita'. The interior of the house suf-
• fered extensive damage from fire,
, ernoke and water. An estimate of the
clatuage is not available pending ar-
cfival of the insurance adjuster.
S Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Westbrook
ing, at which fifty young women,e.
Present. A hymn and prayer (
the service on "Christian Felsfose
The treasurer reported the Valeut
tea a success, the proceeds beiug,,stigii6
ly more than last year s. f les
Mrs. C. Baxter gave a short
stewardship, outlining how tife:,
allocation could be met. A re
is to be sent to the presbyterial,
fee' -endorsement- of thesindia
Sss -TIAee--,S9.-9,10-qre'y,,c4v,4 kii-
.eu1i67,.,•-fiii,,t. ... ::.; ,...--_,::, ,..lii_i?.1,c,,_,...
.-Alist- -Yet 4n read the gii4110,
son, which
theme. - AI,
The c1ilI
from `'Inc,)
taken by
that wit
cisco was: levelled at the
missionaries in India. The
eult of Christian institutions.
emancipaelhon ef Indian wenn
tory 'workers in cities have tit: e1
oe mode #..• lcgislatiOn," workmOS
pensAtiO1, nd an
woman cn'i',the farm lives snug
her anc
• The February meeting of the Arthur
Circle of Knox church was held on
Monday evening at the home of: Mrs.
M. J. Spider, St. Patrick's street, and,
was in charge - of Mrs. Snider's group..
The Scripture was read by Mrs. Orr,
followed by brief prayefs by Miss Myra
Mcisievite and Mrs. Pepper, after which
all ,joinecl I,i the Lord's Prayer. Mrs.
Clayton Edward read a meditation on
the Lord's Prayer, and Miss, ,Ethel
Elder read some interesting current
eiients. The topic On the first chapter
of' thee new study book, "Toward a
Christian India," was taken by Mrs.
Wm. Clements, and was most instruc-
tive. The meeting „adjourned after
prayer by Miss E. Wiggins. Tea was
served and a social half-hour spent.
arried out the felt
Gee. Mathieson
er "Woman—The
at the Threshel,,
•J. Saunders. Se
1:11 the criticism
'rnment no advei
put i and other improvements Made.
Kellner $lraughan and •family were
occupying the back part of the house.
The house is- one of the largest and
Most substantial in the east end of
the town and is of solid brick con-
With -a -tine record of war aetivities •
Loaal., mabse
At a meeting held in the Public.
°Library rooms nh Tuesday "'evening,
• February 1.8th, members of the GOde-
rieli brancitof the Red. Cris Society
decided to cease operations and to
return their charter to Toronto„
A11 present felt that, while the
branch had had a satisfactory record
of service during the emergency ef
war, there did -not remain sufficient en-
thusiasxn for the Society's peacetime
program to justify continuing. • It was
unanimenay. agreed that another
emergency eyoUld once More—ha:1g
wholehearted support from both men
and woinen of the town.
A committee Composed of Mrs. J. C.
Cutt, A. M. Robertson and D. E. Camp-
bell was appointed to dispose of the
assets of the branCh. There are' a
number of articlee such as treadle sew-
ing machines, cupboards, work tables,
etc., which were lent to the branch
during the early days of the war. Tjie
committee is very anxious that those
donors who wish their property. re-
turned should get in touSh with one of
the committee in order that the articles
may be sent to- the owners. If they
tire not claimed in the near future it
evill be assumed that they are not
wanted and they will be otherwise dis-
posed of. .1t, will be necessary to gej.
thenront of the Public Library rooms
soon, as the Library Board plans an ex-
tension of its work which will require
the space now tarn up by Red Cross
NO. 6
Miss. 4. Saunder
Maple 1,4eardtetrelitt
Seoretary'S 'Report' ROOMS the '
Aotivitte,s of the
Past Year
The rebruary meeting of the Maple
Leaf Chapter, was held at
the home of Mrs. D. D. Mooney, vitt
an attendance of forty members.
During the course of the meeting
a donation •of S2U) was voted to tbs
Chbiese relief fund a.nd N.ao itpApe
Girl -0-W'des.• ••c2
Mrs, Hdward MeNee, membership'
convener, presented five namps for
Mrs. Mooney was appointed Pro-
vincial and national delegate for tbe
coming year.
• Secretary's Report
The secretary; Mrs. F. Curry, prte
sented a comprehensive, report on the -
work of the past year. .There was
a membership of seventy-five,' and the
sum of $950.93 vas raised during the •
year. The street carnival netted ape
proximately $760 and • other revenue
was from two rummage salee And from
members giving accobamodation lei •
their homes to persons.,attending the
International 'stowing Match. ,.The al-
location of $500. for the second war
memorial was met Donations
were made. to British European relief,
Polish relief. seamen's amenities, -St
Helena Girls' School, Canadian hoss •
pital at Nasik, Coronation bursary,
Lucy Morrison memorial fund, Toronto
Hospital for Sick Children, War Mem-
orial Children's Hospital' at London,
National. shipping fund, Provincial
-representatives- fund, -06riventieri
• • •
and.- soeitilseeeark,.. :the- allitsfurd -Red- - fg-F, :,-audecancer •. .• (1; $49,44'...theClariatinas
Cross rwts, tiiTpetwil4tirde work, under the dinner IcOe-#11.g... seal flY114 '.1144i.the-sCanadianste 'o
The, Soiety-tr,;,,Ltog-lii, —,„ -,114A--,,c,1_0I, - , }1D, las 031ribta;Villi) ik-A-,:tiv - 3.;c411-qat.
Tnam.t_Lt,'salitifPPna-ARVAtr;e111 -;*.h e-IT•&t7 ' '' '
-Governor II. G. ., q‘Watek$,Iti _... ,.: A to..,:t . 4° PI' trfe
elusive of the'- aniannts raiod,404 The speakerof -th
society told .of the growthm ),aftetitly,,wg _ "ge-4C-ft-i-- - - 7-- 'af-.-.eiliiiiiiiidt:-and
Isiii and a a Christmas box. of gifts were sent to
handed to She Goderich Red Cross in
.the ;national campaign. The
the servicies, whi .-Fbeing main- the adopted school at" Dematitt, Al- •
scored high in the number .of quilts • se
tained by the organ?. ,,,,, . Ile pointed berta. Prizes -were given for 'essays
cobtributed, 128. Donations were made writtep by public school students, and •
out- that there ar 7 ' ' tbirty-three
tO Greek and Chinese relief, and
.Lions.Clubs in thi it. • a $25. scholarship was awarded at the
Other activities included the making Music Festival. Gifts Nvere.inade to
chair: The speak !f; introduced by
'S.was in the
the. local hospital and.eight baskets of
of sweaters, sockie pyjamas, night- President J. NV.,,
gowns, pillowslips, dresses, shirts. All food' were sent - out at Christmas to
en_ the boys, numbering tweLion Nelson
ety-eight, re- , he thanks of
the clitb \vet', ext eided; by Lion. Geo.
4 ceived boxes while en active duty, and
Filsinger. Was!, presented to
after returning home each received
'c- the district g lernorh s.,iem Ebb Ross.
a gold signet , ring, and the mothers
the hen
hour, w
J. R,
There was .a splendid attendance, at
the regular meeting or the W.M.S. of
Knox church., held at the, home of
Mrs. IL C. Dunlop on Friday. The
devotional part of the meeting was
taken by Mrs. Con. Bissett, Mee. Neil
McKay and Mrs. Redditt. +After the
business of the meeting, Mrs. Erskine
gave a splendid paper on India, the flret
chapter 'being a study of the map of
India and i•ts people, The social com-
mittee _served refreehments at thseelose
of the meeting. -, 1
A recordnumber of applications for
old -age- pensions and mothers' allow-
• tutees were considered by the Huron
County O.A.P.• and: M.A. Board- last
Thursday. .Twenty-three opplleations •
were for old -age peosion, one for blind
pension rind two for mothers' allosse
datese-All'Islit one, for •old -age perision,
were recommended.
W. It. Archibald, of SenfOrthestleaire
man of the board, presided, and other
members present were Mrs, N. WS Tre-
wartha of Clinton, Mrs. P. R. Redditt
of Goderich, John L. MciSwan • of
Wroxeter, and the secretary, Coenty
Clerk; N. W. Miller.
1 B. Mills, Bayfleld road,•• is the
new caretaker of MacKay Hall, suc-
ceeding Jatties Durnin, Who hes moved
to One of the Warthne houses on Blake
street. The appointthent was in the
hands of the public works conenittee
of the Town ermercil, *lin received
fourteen •applieations for the position.
The new earetaker is already in eharge
Of tbe hall.
111'h loeal Girl Gnides Assoefation
gave a supper party last week for the
s. Sandwiches, choeolgte
tW() ('omply)
In reply to a • question as to vanity milk and Va. crttine mire were enjoyed
best she lilted reading, Miss Margaret by all. Mrs. it. -Lemaire and Mrs. J.
mbesitafingiy stated, "I like a gond m. Graham are • eo-conVeners of the
novel as well as anythin." „ Girl Guide 4ssolti0n.
e.s of two thousan
s, TegegeseclewIth a lik„
ion, followed hy
et* lnnch served by g
_______. ,,.,,,,- •('''
go .
'I'lle ariOal dinner 11ieeti4e ,the
GodericheWii wling ClubVI:I :,, lel('
at the IS'e ,..ferd Hotel on Isii140.4.t yen-
ing laet.SV re president, Georg4SA4thie-
5o11, 1)1'eel4ed and there sVa0S• ,f,iod
111 t en dal Asf members, SS,
.1. R. i'. eler was clioseits'eiS, .si-
dent fbeehe- coining year Iti41 er
Honorary eS 1 ts,
y and 'I'. elcDer• te-
„Geo. SlacEwan ; e ki0
Youn; ereaeurs
Vocal §olos MISS e Marie Hart -
of._ two boys killed Sn action each re-
eeived fife gift Of a Hart -
1)0.! elesert neckom, etheSeislaiteliy
Miss EuniceS Milne,e ere much ap-
C.T.A. CASES ADJOURNED - preciated, t
-Several eharges of violation of the It was . mneunced that e Lions Club
sesesDasesHibisTmperafrees'Sbt-et,veStSSlieekteefsees',seeheing , rnied at _BAYeld-,... • -
srfliTeelTifeseetratess Cotirf lode -Se hut ete.' -slim ilm
eX erieng SOTT-The- GS7Seffeh
al cases --were 'adjourned for a, week. • club will be 1,a Walter Hodge night"
••tin February 28tehehonor of a former
NEILANS--SHARPE president whf'..,'icinS recently moved to
A quiet wedding took place at the Toronto.
B Presbyterian manse, ctlinton; on Feb-
ruaryC.GI .8th, at 3 p.m.„ when Rev. HOSTS
D. J.
Lane emited• in filarriage Ruth Ola, . TO • CHURCH GIRS
daughter of Mr. and eMrs. David ss
Sharpe, Goderich, and Clarence S. - 14 •
eeeemis, son a Mi.:-. mid :m„. John The i•egulaeSeneeting of the .C.G.I.T.
group of Noeth street United church
Neilans. ,The bride wore if inos green
was' held on ridaY evening.. It -took
dress trimmed with 'black Seqiiins,
the form of a Valentine party, to which
matching black accessorfrs and corsage
the C.G.1T. gronp of Knox. Presby -
of red roses.' ' Her oitiyAornament wits
terian chime' were invited. The meet -
the groom's gift of pqrS.• Her brides:
ing Was in charge of the two leaders 6f
maid Fi,4 MISS Verli Wild. who wore
a grey wool dress tel led wtih gold. rithae;t4.ee.I.T., Mies Worthy and Mrs.
black accessories ani rs:ige of pink
officers ri
Lorne 0,
W. J.
- —
Besides the regular program there
ros.cs. The best inA, *as Oscar G.
, . were e‘ eral special nuMbers. Words
i, -ethairman -,for 1o01,ts Ma-•
01. llison, for opentotienineents, 1 nestll 1)- hurae•dia14' t'fit'l*:th' cere- of wOcome were spoken by Reta Wil -
1 er; chairman groundi om- mony the young 0ePle left on a
• ' • t Th -.1 eon The .Scriptre reedine was given
O- Symonds; chailenian: shot t hom 3 moon „, (>3-, NN 1 I re- • •
by 'Marilyn •Turner ; a- al solo by
side ie Clinton.
WednesdaY, oary 124h, at
ION 2.30 Pm., the marriege of Irene E.
Stoddart, daughter.4,r. Stod-
-07 dart of Goderieh tri1. '1 tin, late Mrs.
mittee, Chas. AllpOeS Florence Hudson, aceolnpanied by her
• A4er Grace, and ,a piano solo
LEPHONE CO.1, Margaret Henee. The guests speaker
IsITY COURT of the evening was. Miss MeGowan,
returned missionary from China, who
forclanitiges totallii
i.: le g- Stoddare to Willie e,,S!,. elesketocker,
C.G.I.T. pnrpose. Pictures were shown
NuTntagliVO by Judge T. M. O. in son of the late •Mr,' OW Mrs, S. M
..:_ by Rev. II. H. Titrabull- and Mr. G. IT.
the action of the Bell Telepeess rn- Astocker of CollintO, Od. was quietly1
Payne. •
Pany. vs. S. II. Prevett tinft eld solemnized at the Ns elsytertan mane,
) An hour of games and refreshments
-..1NCailom of Goderich MotO* tiOrd Colborne street, leeieeltschard Stewar
on Seeaford hill on ehi ua 0111i cosg, of '•JoarfaIlielrl roses, a
le which a Bell Teilephon"CA4013necklace, the len(Linit of which 4.4.1)1M her mothers wedding ring, and browinCounty Courtlat Thursda performing th4' 1( Tbbrid
Thactonaroseoutof allident wo•wa poweIer bqwo«
gave au interesting talk on her work
in that country and also epoke on the
-ed the plaintiffs it
truck and trailer were involveSlet
Goderich Motors tow truck. •deX.
MeCallom. A connter-claim. Nylf
missed. •
• A successfnl high tea' .waL„
the Churchwoman's Guild
George's church hist Thursday iget, in
the parish hall. The large ettinISIkese
4r Sind
y • a re
ranged with bowls of doffodde and
valentine faeors. , The convenekkOf the
tea were Mrs. C. V. :VideaeS Mrs.
George Mumby and Sirs. T: G`Legg;
and the tables were in ehargeeof ,Mrs.
C. Staniforih and Mrs. II. Wilt
The Goderich Saddle Club had
very pleasant club ride on February 10,
Some seventeen local horses -rook pdrt
In ,the ride and the boys and girls
looked very sinart in their „new uni-
feigns recently 'perchased by the club.
A committee composed of Reg. McGee,
Ira Oke, .Geo. F\'agan, 310. Cranston
and Dick Shelton .attnded the fairs
convention at Toronto hist Istiday to
make arrangements for some up-to-date
talent to till in at theirrodeo this
year, as the club is trying to make
this the outstanding event of the year.
• Temperatures of the „past week in
Goderich, with those of the correspond-
ing week a year ago, as offieially re-
corded, • were as follows:
1947 1946
Max.' Mi. Max. Mi.
Thurs.., Feb. 13 ....39 22 40 38
Fri., Isjle 14 41 32 iells 20
Sat -e. Vele 15 • 28 22 • 4
Sun., • Feb. 16 31 18 42 8
Moue Feb. 17 29 11 36 18
Tiles„” Feb. 18 ..e29 18 22 10
Wed., Feb: 19 21 11 27' 14 TO BUY PORT ALT3iER1. GAKAGES
The roads eommiksion of Huron
County cormen deemed at n meeting on
Tnesday 1.0 rumba se seventeeri garages
at the Port Albert airport. They will
be used for the Comity road esaip-
of patrons was. received by t
dent of the Guild, Mrs. II. It
borne, aIsisted by Mrs. B. H. ri
Mis*M. E. Salkeld. A deliciou
Was served at tables attractiV,
accessoriee. , HOS Shidesinaid, Mis
Dorothy munitiy, was gowued in pale
rose wool with e,rnesige ef pink roses
and brown_ accessorSeeS Mr. Ted M
Astocker, th#2100Q111'0,i4other. was be$t
man. After the eeremony, dinner W s'
served at the British Exchange Hotel
• to immediate teletives. and later Mr.
, .
• and Mrs. McAetocker left op a weddi
trip eto Hamilton. Grimsby and .
Catharines. The •bridetravelled in
beige wool suit with brOWn accessori
and powder blue top coat with a nee
• lave of pearls, the gift of the groon.
On their return, they Will reside in
Goderich. •
Prior to .her marriage, the bride waS
the guest of honor at a miscellaneon"
'ehower at the home of Miss Doi•oth,
Muinby and was the recipient 4)f MIMI •
11S0f DI gifts. • ,
A very quiet but pretty wedding .took
place at St. Paul's Cathedral. Londote
oti $eturday afternoon at 3 io'clock
when Jean Evelyn, .third "daughter oil..
-William MacMillan and the late Mrs
Mac,Millan of Godericha became tin
bride of David (narence Hogg:. only,
son ofMrs. Frances Hogg and the late
Mr. Hogg of Regina, Sas. Rev. J. N.
Doidge officiated. ,The bride was be-
eMningly attired in a turquoise blue
dress suit, .with a large black picture
hat and black accssories. IIer cor-
sage Was a cluster of violets nesting:
among. Carnations with gypsophelia.
'.‚.As enjoyed by All present ,
needy people and old -age pensioners.
A- grant of $25. was_ made..to.: the Gir1_.
Guides. The Chapter made a gift of ,
-$5 to each first Canadian baby of a
svarshridee -• ..-.-•• -•
• - ffieers- ,,Electe --• • -- .- -
Mrs. Mooney took the chair for the
election of officesrs. The following •
names were presented by Mrs. N. C.
eaeleseeleeseeiefeeseper of theenernSneetions Seeeee .e..„
committee, ;sand these were accepted,
as follows: Regent, Miss • Josie
Saunders.; ..vice-regents, Mrs. N. C.
Jacklsoii and Mrs. It. G. Sanderson;
secretary, Mrs. Frank Curry: treasurer,'
Mrs. H. M. Pord corresponding and
press secretary, Mrs. G. 2. McManu-s4
"Echoes" secretary, Mrs. M. J. Ainslie;
educational secretary Miss A. Wurfele;
eonveners—Empire et udys Mrs. Clayton
Edward; post-war service. Mrs. C. F.
Chapman: councillors. Miss E. Roberts,'
Mrs. Geo. Filsinger, Mrs. D. E. CaMp-
bell, Mrs.. J. M. Graham.
Mrs. J. A. Graham expressed ,her
appreciation of. the excellent support
given her by the members during her
term ,of office and asked that the -sable
co-operation be. given the nw es-
' E
With Mr. 13. H. Farr presiding. the
Womans Auxiliary 5' St. George's
church asSembled • in the Guild room
911 Tuesday. February, llth. Mrs. E.
lirewn gave the. Scripture reading
from a portion of P chapter 8 of the
Gospel •of $t. 'Luke: andthis was fol-
lowed bs. the litany' prayers Ied bS• Mrs.
Needham. Means of securing some of
The necessary articles for • tbe bale
which_ is to 111 sent to St. Pauls Resi-
dential Sliool. Cardston, Alberta, were
diseuseed.- The president • announced
that the 'World Day of Prayer worild
be observed on Friday. Febrnary 21st,
Ili Knox Presbyterian church, and eX-
pressed a desire that as many' members
as 'posible should attend and join in
offering- prayer Mid interceSsion to
Gd. Mrs. Farr closed • the meeting
with prayer. Infrestiments were
served le Mrs. Riley. Miss Salkeld and
Abnt_seveoyt1ve, largest attendance
to date, were "present at the 'Legin
installation of officers last Tinirsday,
thirtsix nee members' iV'F'
inilinted and sixfeen, new applications
Mr. and Mrs. N. Moore, Victoria
street. Goderich; celebratedquietly
their golden wedding anniversary on
Mondase .1sebruar3- 17111. Their daugh-
ters' Mrs. G. W. Lottr1dge of Detroit,
• was here for the oecitsien
"Quite 'satisfactory" was the com—
ment of Cyril Robinson regarding the
new Wartime house he moved into on
Blake street nearly two weeks - ago.
"It is even better than 1 expected it
would be:' he said. "Although it looks
small, eeerythipg is quite compare and
handy and I find the circulating heater
keeps the' house quite warm," he stated..
- •
Miss' K. Whateley of Toronto is a
guest with her parents. Mr, and. Mrs.
It. Whatejey.
Mrs. Alex. Rankin and danghter
Anne have returned to Toronto after.
visiting Mrs. Rankin's parents. Judge
'I'. M. and Mrs. Costello.
Miss 'Mande MaoMnth iteeompartied
hy he' Weft; Sandra "Collier, :spent
several days airs Week with her sister,
Mrs. Don gutherfoed, and Mr. Ruther-
ford, Ingersoll.. •
Miss Elaine Gardiner of Toronto and
her 1181114,, Mr. Gerard G agnon ef
Montreal. slant the weekend ,with the
former's - sister. Mrs_ Cecil :McBride,
and Mr. McBride, Elgin avenne.
- The engagement is announced el
J a net Iielen 31e 3L11 11111 Waterloo. form-
erly of St rat ford, youngest <laughter 414
the late Mr. and Mrs. -Alexander Mc-
Millan, former residents of Shake.;
speare, to Mr. EDMIOTSOD • DeDRMOrc
Willis. son of Mrs. McI) W111Is, Gode-
rich. and the late Mr. Willie, the mar -
Hoge to take pla4"e quietly in Gnderiell
on Month lst.
The Dominion Road, :Machinery Collo-
pany is holding an employees' dance
on Friday evening of this week., There
will be (Inuring from Il) to 1 o'cloek,
with the CKNX dance baud furnishing
the innsie. Refreshments will Ile
served. All DRNICO employees and
their '.OS nrq being invited to attend.
Miss Doris MacMillan, dressed in a Neil •Thompson in Serious Condition
Her only tattendane-kvas her sister, •
from Accidental Shooting
pastel blue gabardine tailored suit with
small black plumed hat and black ae-
ceesories. Mr. Robert Sly, of Calgary,
a Western University classmate, at-
tended the groom. Latet 'n reception
wns held at the home of the bride's
aunt, Miss, Violet. Bogie. oii ,Wharn•
cliffe road, London. where only the • itn-
1110d111 te• family find University (St)1ms
of the groom were received. Miss:
Bogie reeeived her guests '.'.'co ring n
goWn of' midnight blue with' blaek. hat.
A buffet luncheon was eerved. and Mrs.
Hamilton Clinton of Loudon poured
tea. The bride donned a threequarter-
length 1)1(1 ('11 coat, Waving an' embroid
ered 3'0110 14111(1(105 with nail bt'ildR, for
O short motor trip. • The coma will
rteeldeein Londoe.
Neil Thompson, son .of 1r. aiiir Mrs,
Neil Thompson, Qnebec stteet. 1 (lW11, 15
lying in Wodstock hoSpitalin a
evident condition ea the result. of a'
wound received, on Monday evening
when be necidentally :Mot himself- at
his home in Woodstock.
When • Neil returned from tbe war
he brought with itim revolverhe bad
got in Italy and u this Was on 0 table
in his home when the fteehlent Oeenrred.
It is supposed that be was cleaning it
or^ examining it when it aceidentally
disebargki, but he has been in an un-
eonseious emulition Most of Abe time
ADP(' a 11 d 19111:4 1101 beenfable. to explain
what hoppened, f lie really imam.
• The bullet entered just belbw the
heart arid the WOMISIOeksiThetrirS feted
the wound a very' difficult - 'one to.
• handle. A speeinlist from WpStill 11Pti'r
Military Loulpn, . went to
WOodstnek to give hisiiissistance.'
• On being informed of the seeitleist
Neil's -parents *went' to Wetalstoe1i lo
be at .11119 sie in tin! ,hospital.
thompson„ who haR •sinee murned•
hme,' informs The :Oigna1i4ia1
that Neil lo aMewinq imprirOd. Int
stilt in a • vow serious Ohaitin.